The Jade Emperor Told Me to Live-stream!

Chapter 165: You finish giving away the gifts first


In fact, at this time, everyone began to feel a little unsure about Mo Ming's pulse. Under normal circumstances, people would do whatever they wanted to the end. How could there be an exception that intervened halfway

For example, everyone is here to give gifts, how can this guy be able to call you brother and sister, and we will be beaten to death by you

Everyone feels very unbalanced. After all, they are giving away their family wealth to others, and who doesn't want to get something beneficial to themselves in exchange.

Whose money does not come from the flood...

So at this time, they unconsciously stopped what they were doing. They didn't want to give gifts blindly without knowing the situation.

Each of them was waiting for the next person to take the initiative to give a gift to see how Mo Ming would react.

But they thought well, but the result is: no one goes up...

This time it was embarrassing.

Mo Ming waited there for a long time but didn't see any action from them, and he was not happy at that time. Why, he didn't want to give gifts? Do you regret it or something

Haha, it’s too late to regret now!

In fact, Mo Ming can also understand them.

After all, they are all here to give gifts and ask for favors...

If it were Mo Ming, Mo Ming wouldn't rush up to give gifts with his eyes open right now. This would be like walking around blindly in the dark when you can't see anything, and you might end up in a pit. Got it!

Mo Ming felt that he should properly light a guiding light for these people...

So, he put his hand on the fourth boy's shoulder and said, "Look, this is my buddy."

"I tell you, don't be envious, each of you can be my brother, as long as you have money! If you have money, you will be my brother, do you understand?"

Mo Ming thought it was better not to say this, but when he said it, various sounds of vomiting blood could be heard in the team behind...




I'm really convinced. You said you want money and you want money, but can you be more tactful? Do you need to say it so directly

How does it feel like you want to rush into the street and shout "Give me money" with everyone

Can you be more naked

These people are still wondering, why are there such naive people in this world

We are all teenagers, and we all belong to a family like the Yan family. We are all children of the family. We have seen some people with various mentalities and outlooks.

It’s not that we have never seen people who are greedy for money, but people who are greedy for money still know how to restrain themselves. They all appear to be benevolent and righteous on the outside, but they are greedy for money on the inside. There is no one like this. They just say "if you have money, you are my brother"...

Damn it, can you still accept the gift properly

If you don't make it clear, you are saying, "Those who have more money are my brothers, and those who have less money, your money will be wasted"...

I'm just speechless, right

The result is: some people breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed, while others looked slumped and felt depressed.

After all, no matter in which era, which world, which circle, there are fewer rich people and more poor people. It's like a pyramid. The rich are always the handful at the top, and the poor are always the bottom. That big chunk…

Although everyone is a descendant of the same family, the influence, status, wealth, etc. of each family within the family are still very different.

At first, everyone was not sure about Mo Ming's pulse and didn't know how to get closer to Mo Ming. However, after Mo Ming said this, everyone finally understood that it turned out to be a matter of "money". ah!

Some of these people here are not short of money!

But most of them are still short of money!

Originally, Mo Ming just wanted to teach these little brats a lesson. One was to tell these brats to stop playing tricks on him and pay them honestly, without even thinking about hiding them.

The second one is to give these little brats a clear path and let them know what to do.

However, now I look at how come most of these little brats are so wilted

This makes Mo Ming feel unhappy. Why, I’m kindly giving you some advice, why aren’t you happy yet

In fact, Mo Ming has no sympathy for these people at all. It doesn't matter whether they have money or not, but what does it have to do with him

Although this is said very ruthlessly, it is actually the truth.

As the saying goes: There is no love for no reason in the world, and there is no hate for no reason.

It is impossible to love them for no reason, and it is even more impossible to hate them for no reason.

Naturally, these people will not be forced to pay money for no reason.

And now, since he is forcing these people so much, there is naturally a reason.

These people have no money and are forced to pay by Mo Ming. Do they deserve sympathy

Then "Mo Ming" clearly didn't provoke these people before, but for the sake of their own face and to get along better with others, they would abuse and bully "Mo Ming" at will. What does this mean

Those who have never seen "Mo Ming" but laugh and ridicule Mo Ming behind his back, who are they

What are those people who Mo Ming has never provoked and who always take a detour when they meet, but who take the initiative to block Mo Ming's path? What do they count

Who the hell are those people who even take the initiative to find trouble with Mo Ming outside the family

These people, these people in front of you!

If Mo Ming didn't take the initiative to come to the door and look for it one by one, they should have burned incense. They are not qualified to bargain with Mo Ming!

But, how should I put it...

After all, this person is here to give me a gift. As people are so sophisticated, I still have to show some kindness and not hit the smiling person with my hand.

It's impossible to say that while others are smiling and apologizing to themselves, I'm still trying to suppress their enthusiasm, right

If that's the case, then it's not that you have trouble with others, but that you have trouble with yourself!

Is there anyone in this world who dislikes having too much money

Mo Ming is not a person who dislikes having too much money!

He thought, since everyone here is a group of poor people, he still has to find a way to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm.

So, he thought for a long time and said:

"You guys hurry up and fix it, and I'll tell you a secret after you finish it!"

I have to say that Mo Ming’s words were really attractive and made many people’s eyes light up at that time.

Many people couldn't help it and asked:

"I wonder what the secret Brother Moming is talking about?"

"Brother Moming has made rapid progress in his cultivation power in recent months. Are you trying to tell us the secret of cultivation?"

"Maybe it's something else, or a family secret?"

As a result, Mo Ming raised the corner of his mouth and said with an enigmatic look:

"Hurry up and give away all the gifts first. I will tell you after the gifts are given!"