The Jade Emperor Told Me to Live-stream!

Chapter 170: Why should I tell you this?


Mo Ming has lived for nearly 40 million years now. Compared with these mortals, he doesn't know how many times longer than them!

In 40 million years, he has been able to see through too many things. Although some words may sound ugly, they are just the truth.

Some people say that if you love someone without asking for anything in return, as long as the other person lives well, you will be happy...

Mo Ming thinks this kind of person is particularly stupid!

First of all, the person who said this may not even realize that this is no longer "love", but a simple "expectation" or "blessing", even the level of "love" Not on.

What is "love" and what is "emotion" must be clearly distinguished!

What is "love"? Love means caring and caring!

The most typical is the relationship between parents and children...

Some people may feel that if they have pure love for others, how can it be considered the love of parents for their children

I'm sorry, but Mo Ming can tell you clearly that love is love, and love has no categories. The only category is love!

Secondly, the person who says this must be a very irresponsible or very naive person!

These words sound beautiful and mature, and it feels like someone has awakened and seen the truth. But as Mo Ming said, these words are really irresponsible and childish, and cannot stand the consideration of life!

To be honest, I have seen too many people like this, especially young men and women aged eighteen or nineteen.

Love is not available, and finally I wake up, and then these words come out...

However, Mo Ming can clearly say that within a few years, these words will be thrown out of the window!

this is the truth!

Bragging, who the hell doesn’t know how to brag

On the surface, he says, "As long as the other person is happy, I will be happy," but in reality, I wish that the other person would break up immediately and come to me...

Each one looks as if it were real!

You are happy when others are happy, but you are not happy when others are happy or not

You place your own happiness and joy on the happiness of others, which in itself is irresponsible to yourself!

Then, these words were very noble and fearless, but when I said these words, have you ever thought about how your future partner would feel when hearing them

Who the hell dares to pat his chest and say that he will never marry or remarry after saying this? No one knows that he is a man!

If you pin your happiness on someone you can't get, does that mean you won't be happy for your real girlfriend anymore

Mo Ming just thinks that people should be more realistic, and don’t say some things so nicely. Things on TV are still on TV. They are purely for visual or artistic effect. In reality, they will only look childish...

Relationships are meant to be invested in each other and managed together.

If only one party simply gives and the other party does not reciprocate, this kind of relationship is bound to not last long!

Mo Ming once witnessed with his own eyes that a mother left her child for a long time when the child was between 1 and 3 years old. Then when the mother saw the child again, the mother and child were as embarrassed as strangers...

Mothers don’t understand their children’s psychology, their thoughts and preferences, and they don’t even know how to care for their children. And their children don’t know how to get along with their mothers. They want to get close to their mothers, but are afraid of being hurt...

This is true for a biological mother and her son, let alone the relationship between Yan Qingcheng and "Mo Ming", a brother and sister who have no blood basis

The previous "Mo Ming" didn't understand, but now the Mo Ming knows from which memories he can tell that Yan Qingcheng's feelings for "Mo Ming" are very complicated.

Yan Qingcheng wanted to protect "Mo Ming", but she also wanted Mo Ming to work hard on her own. She wanted to get closer to "Mo Ming", but she was worried that it would make Mo Ming more dependent on her.

She really wants to be nice to "Mo Ming", but she doesn't know how to do it. Instead, she sometimes seems even more unfamiliar...

The same goes for "Mo Ming". He also wanted to get close to Yan Qingcheng, but he didn't know how to do it. Yan Qingcheng's cold temper made him very afraid.

Neither of the two siblings has managed the relationship well. This is the most critical point.

Neither Yan Qingcheng nor "Mo Ming" really opened up and treated each other honestly.

When Yan Qingcheng is good to "Mo Ming", then Yan Qingcheng needs to be rewarded by "Mo Ming", but she won't say it out loud, and Mo Ming doesn't know how to do it.

"Mo Ming" needed Yan Qingcheng's help when he was in trouble, but he didn't know what to say, and Yan Qingcheng couldn't hear his appeal and didn't know what to do...

Yan Qingcheng didn't know how to make "Mo Ming" work harder, and "Mo Ming" didn't know how to get closer to Yan Qingcheng.

Yan Qingcheng sometimes feels that "Mo Ming" is like mud that cannot hold up the wall, and "Mo Ming" sometimes feels that Yan Qingcheng is like a hedgehog that no one dares to approach.

And the most terrifying thing is that the more they think so, the more estranged the relationship between the siblings becomes. The more estranged the siblings become, the more they think so. It's like an endless cycle...

The final result is that sometimes Yan Qingcheng hates iron and can't help but want to beat "Mo Ming".

As for "Mo Ming", she didn't like Yan Qingcheng to begin with, and she never regarded Yan Qingcheng as her sister. But after being treated like this again, she became more and more afraid of Yan Qingcheng.

So much so that "Mo Ming" and Yan Qingcheng became increasingly alienated...

After Mo Ming takes over this body, although he inherits the memories of the past "Mo Ming", his own thoughts will not change. He cannot casually accept someone who appears from nowhere. A sister came...

Moreover, after he came to the mortal world, he was thinking about how to show off, how to run his live broadcast room well, how to build himself into a truly rich and handsome man, and pave the way for his return to the heavenly world in the future. He had no thoughts at all. And energy to develop the relationship between brother and sister.

As a result, although Mo Ming and Yan Qingcheng were siblings, they didn't know much about Yan Qingcheng.

If these Yan family children really asked something, Mo Ming really didn't know how to answer.

As for the third reason...

Haha, why on earth would I want to tell you guys about Yan Qingcheng's life

That's right, in Mo Ming's eyes, these passionate young men who are obsessed with Yan Qingcheng are all stupid!

It's really ridiculous that you still want to compete for beauty!

Mo Ming felt that only someone as rich and handsome as himself could be worthy of Yan Qingcheng, not even Huo Qingyun from the Huo family!

He will beat anyone who dares to steal Yan Qingcheng!

With just these hanging threads, I still want to know everything about Yan Qingcheng. Haha, hurry up and go to sleep. You can have everything in your dreams!