The Jealous CEO Treats Me Hypocritically

Chapter 12


Seeing that Shu Yi'an was about to get angry, Su Kiss hurriedly changed the subject and asked Yan Ruxue: "What's wrong with seeing me in a hurry?"

In two days, it will be Yan Ruxue's birthday, she has already sent out invitations to entertain celebrities from all walks of life, and Su Kiss is naturally among the invited ones.

Anyway, she had to see each other sooner or later. She really couldn't figure out what Yan Ruxue asked her to do.

Shu Yi'an, who was eating vegetables on the side, sneered in her heart when she heard the words, "Just this kind of straight girl, she is destined to be single for the rest of her life."

Although she has never been in a relationship, she also knows that the person she likes will never get tired of looking at it no matter how many times she looks at it.

Yan Ruxue lost a moment in her heart, and when she asked this question, it seemed that Su Kiss didn't want to see her.

Even if she knew this was the situation, but Su kissed her, she could at least deceive herself, but now it's better, she can't even deceive herself.

She chewed the steak in her mouth carefully, put the knife and fork in place, and replied dignifiedly, "I have a friend who accidentally offended Miss Shu on the first day of work today. She doesn't know how to make peace with Shu. Miss explained, so let me help her make amends, I wonder if Miss Shu can forgive her a lot?"

I have to say that Yan Ruxue's words are nice, but they have other meanings.

As long as Shu Yi'an dares to say a word without forgiveness, she will appear to be a small belly.

Shu Yi'an didn't have the habit of speaking with something in his mouth, and was prepared to swallow the food before speaking.

To be honest, if Yan Ruxue directly asked if she could forgive her, she would forgive her. After all, she doesn't like to waste time on someone she doesn't like. But if Yan Ruxue secretly wanted to hurt her, She is not happy.

Anyone with discernment knows that Yan Ruxue is acting as a lobbyist for the woman in the morning. If Shu Yi'an is not happy, she doesn't want to turn the matter over.

But before she could answer, Su Kiss was the first to speak.

"That friend of yours, is Zhang Jiao?"

"That's right, it's her. She has a little attainment in jewelry design. I believe it will be what my sister needs..."

The word "talent" was interrupted by Su Kiss before she could say it.

"This person has bad behavior, don't deal with her less."

Yan Ruxue's face suddenly turned pale, she originally thought that Su Kiss would give her some face for the sake of their friendship, but it turned out to be a bit of a loss to her.

Zhang Jiao has bad behavior, so what does she think of Zhang Jiao as a friend in Su Kiss's heart

She glared fiercely at Shu Yi'an, who was on the sidelines, and blamed all the grievances on her.

Zhang Jiao told her that the reason why Su Kiss would fire her was because this woman, who pretended to be pitiful, was the most provocative.

It was her who provoked her first, but she slapped her back in front of Su Kiss and induced Zhang Jiao to get angry. In the end, she pretended to be innocent, causing Su Kiss to misunderstand.

It's a real green tea.

Shu Yi'an, who was completely uneaten and listless, immediately regained his energy, sat upright, and echoed Su's kiss in a serious tone: "Yes, I heard that people with bad behavior and bad intentions like to gossip, so I'll make a slap in the face. "

She turned her gaze to Yan Ruxue, and if she pointed at something, "I think you should be careful when you are friends with this kind of person. Don't be sold and help people count money."

Su Kiss, who was sitting beside Shu Yi'an, glanced at her faintly, not knowing what she was making a fuss about.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand, just cooperate.

She nodded and said, "Yeah!"

After a pause, I felt that I was talking too little, and then continued: "Xiao An is right!"

It looks like he is talking to Yan Ruxue, but he is actually cooperating with Shu Yi'an.

Yan Ruxue smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly: "Got it."

How absurd and ridiculous.

People like Su Kiss, who have always been businesslike, will fire an excellent employee for Shu Yi'an's favor. People like Su Kiss, who are not good at dealing with people, will hug Shu Yi'an and care about her emotions, even if they are not good at words. , and also worried about whether Shu Yi'an was left out in the cold and tried to talk as much as possible.

It turns out that love never comes first.

Some people just look at it and want to go for a lifetime, while some people, after a lifetime, are still limited to friendship.

It turned out that her persistence over the years was just a waste of time!

She thought that she could cover the ice of Su kiss, and thought that Su kiss would eventually become her lover, but how could she be able to cover it with just one hand

Even if it hurts again, the ice cube will not move at all, but if it encounters the sun, it will automatically melt.

It's a pity that she is not the sun that Su kisses.

Shu Yi'an listened to her voice and wanted to tell her something.

No, all of this is an illusion, Su Kiss has no heart at all, what is there to cover

But she can't.

She finally replaced it with another sentence, "I have seen such a passage before, saying that wishful love is destined to be sad, you boast that in this relationship, you are deeply in love and loyal, but in fact the other party may not need it at all. Your one-sided joy, you moved yourself while causing trouble to others."

"I think this is quite close to life sometimes, what do you think?"

Yan Ruxue knew that she was talking about herself, so she didn't say anything.

Su Kiss, on the other hand, looked at Shu Yi'an with exploratory eyes.

[Bullying me to study less? Why haven't I heard of it?]

[Also, I clearly told her that Yan Ruxue and I were just friends, and I didn't say that Xiaoxue liked me. How did she guess?]

Seeing that Su's kiss didn't cooperate with her this time, Shu Yi'an was a little embarrassed, and then spoke to herself again.

"As far as I'm concerned, I think so. You think that if you are humble enough to be in the dust, you may bloom the flower of hope, but in fact, when you are humble enough to be in the dust, you will only be trampled on by others. If you don't love yourself, how can you expect others to love you?"

Yan Ruxue's heart suddenly moved, and she repeated the words in Shu Yi'an's mouth.

Although I don't want to admit it, it is true that what Shu Yi'an said makes sense.

She has been working hard to get close to Su Kiss, and has been living for Su Kiss. She thought that if she became what Su Kiss liked, Su Kiss would fall in love with her.

But it turns out that paying so much is just adding trouble to others

Is this why Su Kiss has always avoided her all these years

Is this why Su kiss fell in love with Shu Yi'an? Because Shu Yi'an lives transparently

But what about being transparent? She is still of inferior character and double-edged. She was slandering Zhang Jiao in the open and secret just now. Do you really think she can't see it

Yan Ruxue restrained her emotions. Seeing that everyone had almost eaten, she smiled sweetly at Su Kiss and asked, "Sister is busy going to work, right?"

"Miss Shu and I hit it off, otherwise you go first and let me talk to her again?"

"Xiao An is familiar with the company's affairs, so she also needs to go with me." Yan Ruxue looked peaceful on the face, but in fact he had an idea in his heart. In addition, he had a deep love for her, and Su kiss was not allowed to say something. what.

After all, she brought Shu Yi'an. Although she occasionally had a little trouble with Shu Yi'an, she would never allow her to be wronged in front of others because of herself.

Shu Yi'an glanced at her, thinking that this guy has a little conscience, but she really wanted to speak clearly with Yan Ruxue here, so as not to be troubled by others in the future.

So she looked at Su Kiss, pushed her arm and said, "It's okay, you go out and wait for me."

Su Kiss was worried and asked again, "Are you sure?"

Shu Yi'an confidently gave her an OK gesture, and Su Kiss then got up and left.

"I don't like you very much." As soon as the person left, Yan Ruxue went straight to the point, her sweet appearance just now was nothing short of arrogant.

"But I have to admit that some of your words really make sense, so from now on, I will live for myself, strive to become a better me, and then pursue my sister."

"It stands to reason that you are already my sister's fiancee. I shouldn't make this request again, but the first point is that you chased after her by stalking her. I don't know how you made her fall in love with you. , this is not important, the important thing is that I have been in friendship with her for decades, and I don't think I have the capital to compare with you."

"Shu Yi'an, I'm officially declaring war on you at this moment. Let's compete in a fair and honest way. No one should make small moves. Do you dare to accept it?"

"Not accepted!"

Yan Ruxue obviously didn't think she would reject it so directly, and was vaguely unhappy: "You mean, do you still want to make small moves behind your back?"

"No!" Shu Yi'an answered lightly.

Who wants to waste time grabbing Su kiss with you? It's really unnecessary to toss so hard to get a cheap heroine!

She just wanted to say that she was not rare, and let Yan Ruxue take it away, but before she spoke, she was warned by the system.

[Warning warning, please remember the task and pay attention to the words! ]

Shu Yi'an sighed.

Seeing that this bastard Su kissed her so much, she didn't even know what she was going to do.

She endured the nausea slightly, and said in a pretentious tone, "Xiaoxiu and I are in love with each other, why do you have to beat the mandarin ducks? People say that it is better to demolish ten temples than to destroy a marriage, so I think you should no longer Step in, you should bless us, and of course, I will also bless you to find better love."

"Bless me?" Yan Ruxue said in a disdainful tone, "Bless me as sweet as you and your sister?"

[I don't know if this is a blessing or a sarcasm. If you have a better character, I can reluctantly accept the two of you together, but with your character, I will never let you harm my sister.]

Shu Yi'an didn't answer, her face was slightly embarrassed. She really wished Yan Ruxue, but she didn't want to curse her. Now, what is wrong with her? This girl is really, she is determined to be cannon fodder, and she can't stop her rationally. live her.

The relationship for more than 20 years is probably insane...

Shu Yi'an thought about it for a while, and felt that there would be another rival in love in the future. Based on Su Kiss's unfeminine personality, it was estimated that he could solve it by himself. So now, he just needs to solve the big trouble of Yan Ruxue.

Thinking of this, she asked with great certainty, "If you were a kind girl, would you accept her and Su kissing together?"

Yan Ruxue didn't know what medicine she sold in her gourd, but she answered truthfully: "Yes, you are not worthy of her!"

"Okay, I can separate from Su Kiss, but..." Shu Yi'an made a condition to her, "You also have to give up on her, neither of us want her, what do you think?"

After not staying outside for a long time, I was always worried about Shu Yi'an, so when Su Kiss, who returned to the restaurant, heard this sentence: "???"

The author has something to say:

Kisses shed sad tears: She doesn't want me anymore, she doesn't want me anymore [Rage up to the sky, ah! ! !

Thank you for one bottle of Waste Chai's tears, and eight bottles of Crayon Xiaoxin's nutrient solution.

Thanks Crayon Shin-chan for the mine.
