The Jealous CEO Treats Me Hypocritically

Chapter 57


Shu Yi'an didn't quite understand whether they acted as presidents so resolutely. Anyway, she realized what it means to act quickly in Su Kiss.

As soon as she finished talking about the travel issue, Su Kiss directly pulled her out.

Shu Yi'an kindly reminded her, "I didn't pack my luggage and I didn't buy a plane ticket."

As a result, Su Kiss gave full play to the willfulness of a rich man, "I have a private jet, isn't my luggage just decorating clothes? I'm going to buy new ones."

When she thought that Shu Yi'an was a pauper, she finally added, "I'll buy it for you."

Shu Yi'an: "Just be happy."

Seeing her expression of hesitating to speak, Su Kiss was a little unsure of her mind.

This time, she seemed to be a little impatient, but this was not her original intention. She clearly wanted to refuse, but probably because she had been at home for a long time recently, she subconsciously wanted to go out to relax. As soon as he opened his mouth, he obeyed Shu Yi'an's mind.

Shu Yi'an doesn't know how to speculate about her in her heart now. Su Kiss feels that she needs to explain it well, so that some people don't think about her there and really think that she is interested in her.

"Shu Yi'an, although I promised to accompany you out, I'm just for myself, do you understand?"

[So, don't take my mind off of me!]

Shu Yi'an: "I never thought you were for me."

Isn't it all just some people thinking about it themselves

[Oh, it's really a lie and not a draft!]

[You didn't think about it, what was the thing you didn't say just now?]

[No, I'm too dangerous, there is a beast in clothes sitting next to me, obviously he is tempted by me and wants to fool me.]

"Shu Yi'an, one room per person at night."

[I will never live with you again.]

[I want to protect my innocence!]

Shu Yi'an glared at her, you are a beast in clothes, full of yellow waste, and it's like who wants to live with you.

Seeing her like this, Su kiss moved her seat silently, far away from Shu Yi'an, weak, pitiful, and helpless.

[She glared at me, and she glared at me.]

[Her fox tail is exposed, she is not happy.]

Shu Yi'an showed disgust in his eyes, and suddenly remembered that when he first met Su Kiss, although it was a funny comparison, he would always pretend to be a boss on the bright side.

But now...

Sorry, Su kiss looks like a mental retard in her eyes.

In order to no longer be tortured by Su Kiss's chattering, Shu Yi'an chose to put on headphones and close his eyes to rest.

Time passed by minute by minute. During this period, she didn't know what Su Kiss did or said, but she just met that girl again.

This time the man was sitting above the clouds, time seemed to stop, and Shu Yi'an looked at her through the porthole.

They are two people, but the souls are both ethereal, so they have the same sadness.

Sometimes it's like a person again.

"You're here." Knowing that she couldn't speak, Shu Yi'an still took the initiative to greet her.

The girl nodded, raised her hand, her index finger was stained with blood on her forehead, and she wrote bright red handwriting on the small, round window.

[You have to be careful]

"What do you mean?" Shu Yi'an felt her scalp tingle instantly. She always knew that there were many mysteries in this world, but she never thought that there would be a day when her life would be endangered.

That window could no longer be written, and the girl changed to another window.

[Someone is lying]

"Who is that person?"

The girl shook her head silently.

"Then where are you now?" Shu Yi'an asked in a panic, she was worried about the girl, just as the girl would kindly remind her that although she had never met, she had lived as her for half a year after all.

The girl stared at her deeply, froze for a long time, and then pointed at Shu Yi'an.

A terrifying thought suddenly occurred, and Shu Yi'an remembered her previous two actions, that person would always point at herself first, then at her, using a gesture to compare a "1".

"So, you're in my body?"

[I am in the deepest part of your soul.]

[I 1] The word was not finished, only one stroke was written, and the person disappeared before her eyes.

Shu Yi'an finally solved a riddle, but now there are more questions.

Which words start with the radical "one"? What else is there to say behind her

Shu Yi'an doesn't have time to wait for the next meeting with her. The time when the girl appears is uncertain, and even the duration is very short. If, as she said, there are really liars in this world, then it is possible that the system is also lying to her.

She remembered that the system had said that the last host's ability was a lie, and when she asked questions about that person, the system's reaction was very aggressive at the time.

So it is very likely that that person is still there, or even smarter, at least he knows how to put away his publicity.

But Shu Yi'an couldn't figure it out, why did the system protect that person

Since that person's soul is also in the depths of her own soul, then she should know that she has a system, and she has not told herself the answer directly before, is it because it is not time

Although the system can't read her dream, once it returns to reality, it will definitely know her thoughts. The person who told him the answer at this time should have made a plan to let himself and the system showdown, right


Anyway, whether it is or not, this card must be spread out.

Shu Yi'an just took a nap for a while, but it didn't take too long. After waking up, Su Kiss on the side was probably too bored, so he was sleeping soundly.

[system.]Shu Yi'an doesn't want to waste any more time, she is more anxious than Su kiss just now.

[doing what? ] The system responded impatiently, looking like it was still angry about the last time Shu Yi'an suspected it.

If it wasn't for the girl who told her the answer, maybe Shu Yi'an would feel a little guilty about it at this moment. She couldn't help but feel a little funny, how could the acting skills of the current robot be so good

[The last host didn't leave this world, right? You lied to me from the beginning? ] She doesn't have the patience to play with it here, she has to figure out who that person is as soon as possible, she doesn't like the feeling that someone secretly can stab her at any time.

[The battery is exhausted, entering the sleep charging time, if you have any questions, please ask next time! ] The system also knew that it couldn't hide it, and began to pretend to be stupid.

[Wait a minute!] Shu Yi'an called to stop it.

[I suddenly remembered something, do you want to hear it?]

[What's up? ]

[I remember you said before that the reason why you chose this identity as the body of the tasker is because her own soul no longer exists, so...]

The system began to get anxious with her, [What do you want to express? ]

[Then what are you panicking about?]Shu Yi'an was not very sure at first, just wanted to make a cliché, but judging from this reaction, she knew that she had made the right bet.

[Now my soul has returned to my own body, so it will no longer be occupied by outsiders. Except for me, you can't do Su kiss's task at all, and no one can serve as your future task. the husk of the person.]

[You don't have to tell me the answer, but on the other hand, I will definitely not help anymore. How about everyone getting into a dead end together?]

[Take it. ] The system can't tell her, and can only compromise.

[I don’t mean to lie to you, but once this matter is revealed, I will also be punished by the system control bureau. Last host, I did send her back, but the lie chip I gave her did not . ]

[What's the meaning?]

[Meaning, she went back, but the ability was not returned to me. Although we are robots, it is still humanized management. No matter whether the task person completes the task or not, we will give you 24 hours of free time when leaving this world. , so that you can say goodbye to those you are reluctant to bear. ]

[We will not interfere with you during this time, and of course we will not know who you have seen and what you have done. ]

[So you don't know who she gave her power to?]

The system was rather aggrieved and said: [If I knew, I would recycle it without knowing it, why should I hide it and avoid future punishment? ]

The clue was broken again at this moment, Shu Yi'an rubbed his temples, and only felt exhausted at this moment.

She could feel that the system really didn't lie to her this time, but who was that liar

After Su kiss woke up, she saw Shu Yi'an distracted. She didn't disturb her, but took the book and started to read it.

Until the plane arrived at the destination, Su Kiss looked at the blue sky and white clouds, and the beautiful sun, and began to fall into contemplation.

She forgot that they went abroad.

What a time difference! ! !

Forget it, her mood is a little complicated now, and she can only tell herself to be at ease when she comes.

Su Kiss patted Shu Yi'an on the shoulder and reminded her, "It's here."

"Oh." Shu Yi'an came back to his senses, the weather is good now, and it is suitable for going to sea.

Su Kiss had already called a car in advance and asked her, "Where are you going now?"

When Shu Yi'an reported the address, Su Kiss instantly felt that something was wrong.

Because she was curious why Shu Yi'an cared so much about Gu Liyuan's affairs, she took a few glances at the investigation report. The address that Shu Yi'an said was the place where Gu rented the yacht.

So dating is fake, and pulling her to investigate other women is the truth

Isn't their relationship so good

The only one who has a good relationship with the surnamed Gu is the one surnamed Lin, right

Could it be that Shu Yian is now investigating to please Lin Ge

So the date is fake, and pulling her to find a good friend for her sweetheart is the truth of the matter

Su Kiss instantly felt that there was a grassland growing on her head. Not only that, but Shu Yi'an also poured a pot of water on her to make the grass grow stronger.

She shook off Shu Yi'an's hand and said angrily, "No, go by yourself!"

Once the seeds of doubt are planted in some people's hearts, it is difficult to eradicate them. Shu Yi'an is not in the mood to explain anything to her. Su Kiss doesn't believe her, almost doesn't believe her. She has known this from a long time ago.

"Okay!" In this unfamiliar place, she took a taxi by herself, no longer begged Su to kiss anything, rented a yacht and went directly to the island.

There will be some disappointment, but she is not qualified to make her trust herself.

The lush forests on the island blocked the sun. Shu Yi'an stood up in a gloomy area. There were no people here, only birds and beasts, and a poisonous snake might emerge from the grass at some point.

It would be a lie to say that she is not afraid, but she is more afraid of people's hearts than these.

Shu Yi'an walked in courageously, the island was full of weeds, blocking the road, unable to tell the direction, so he could only walk forward aimlessly.

She regretted a little, and regretted that she should not have come here without preparation. In order to identify the direction, Shu Yi'an could only walk a short distance, so she pulled a handful of weeds and tied them together, and then threw them aside.

It was probably because she had been tense all the time, she didn't walk long, but she felt that the road was extraordinarily long, until she heard footsteps behind her.

Shu Yi'an breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, no matter how the person complained about him or didn't trust him, but it seemed that when she was afraid, Su Kiss would always be by her side.

She turned her head happily, wanted to run to Su Kiss's side, wanted to make fun of her as before, but the moment she turned around, the hard object hit her head.

"Su kiss..."

Consciousness gradually blurred.

The name of the sweetheart is on the lips, and the figure of the sweetheart is in the distance.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-05-02 23:00:23~2020-05-03 23:08:59~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Tang Yubing;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of feathers;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!