The Journey of Flower

Chapter 119: Bingxin is still there


When Bai Zihua opened his eyes again, he was still tied up, but this time he was locked on the wall.

The empty bedroom is big and cold, with a simple table, chair and couch.

Hua Qiangu was lying on the couch facing him, with her head tilted, her eyes were open, but she didn't seem to be looking at him, she didn't move or blink for a long time, Bai Zihua was worthy of her falling asleep, but her eyes were still open.

He no longer hesitated to look at the unfamiliar faces of the familiar people in front of him. She grew up and became taller. Although she had the best appearance and figure in the world, he liked her even more when she was a child. He even liked her face ruined by the heartless water, which was not as cruel and ruthless as it is today.

His thin body was almost numb when pressed against the cold wall, and he had long forgotten the feeling of hunger, thirst and cold. It turns out that the body of a mortal is so fragile and vulnerable. He looked at Hua Qiangu motionlessly, as if in the blink of an eye, she would disappear from his life again.

I don't know how much time has passed, Hua Qiangu has not yet woken up, he has fallen into a coma again. As in the usual dream, Xiao Gu hugged his leg and begged him, while he held the sword, one sword after another, and he stabbed countless times. Then Xiaogu's figure suddenly turned into himself, but no matter how painful it was, he still refused to stop, blood was covering the sky, he was soaked in blood, and his whole body was covered with thick adhesions.

There was a sharp pain in his chest, and then a stream of clear water slowly flowed in, and he opened his eyes profusely with sweat. Hua Qiangu stood in front of him, yes, although his appearance was different, at least Xiaogu stood in front of him alive.

"Xiaogu..." Breathing out lightly, Bai Zihua's voice trembled slightly.

"Don't call me Xiaogu." Hua Qiangu looked at him coldly, and fed him some kind of elixir, and he swallowed it without hesitation, and the chill in his body disappeared a lot.

Although it was said before that Bai Zihua could always be by her side, waiting for an opportunity to kill her, Hua Qiangu didn't seem to have any intention of releasing him.

"I've changed my mind. I don't want to see you. It's best if you're willing to leave. If you don't, I'll ask someone to throw you out. If you want to kill me, you can find a way by yourself. I don't have the leisure to play games with you."

He wanted to kill himself, and he had no obligation to provide him with a chance. It's not a matter of being afraid or not, it's just that I don't think it's worth following him. What do you want to do to keep him, to prove that he has no influence on him

Bai Zihua couldn't understand her capriciousness now, and Hua Qiangu, who knew everything in the past, suddenly became indifferent and eccentric, he no longer understood her at all.

"Xiaogu, what did you do to Nimantian? It's the wrong place. After all, she is your fellow disciple and the apprentice of your eleventh senior brother. You have already killed the eleventh. Don't you feel relieved? Don't make the same mistakes again and again."

"I have already left Changliu, don't mention this to me again. How could I be willing to kill her, I will only make her life worse than death."

Seeing the hatred in her eyes, Bai Zihua couldn't help being startled, "I'm sorry for you. If you hate me, kill me and don't blame others. Even if Ni Mantian deserved what he deserved for killing Tangbao, the creatures of the six worlds are all You are innocent, you can't let Zhuran like this, just watch him kill and ignore it, what's the difference from killing him with your own hands?"

Hua Qiangu sneered bitterly in his heart, at this time, how could he still teach her earnestly like in the past

"Those people were all killed by me. I was too lazy to do it. Zhuran took care of it for me. Hate? You and I don't owe each other, why should I hate you?"

Hate, but it shows that she cares.

But now, everything about Bai Zihua has nothing to do with her, and she doesn't want to care about anything.

Sometimes she doesn't understand why she still can't complain to him when she got to this point for him and indirectly killed all the people she loves and cares about. It would be great if he could hate him like he hated Ni Mantian, simple and direct, direct revenge. But in the final analysis, everything that happened was her responsibility, she was to blame, and she would not blame others.

No one knows better than her the power of hatred and the heaviness of the sins to be borne because of hatred. If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't even find a reason to live or an excuse to die, she would not choose to hate anyone, including Ni Mantian. The only one she should hate is herself.

"Are you regretting it? You didn't take Ni Mantian as your apprentice back then, but you took a wolf-hearted person like me as your apprentice?"

Bai Zihua twisted his heart, moved his lips, but he didn't say anything.

"You go, while I don't change my mind, I don't want to kill you." While something is warm, she still remembers it.

Bai Zihua shook his head, rather than stand by and watch her kill, he would rather die by her hands, if this could repay even a ten thousandth of her pain.

"Do you really think I dare not kill you? Or...reluctant to kill you?" Hua Qiangu grabbed the hem of his shirt, the deep purple in her eyes seemed to drip out.

Bai Zihua couldn't help smiling wryly, now that she has despised Jiutian's power again, there's nothing she dared to do. The reason why I am here is because I always believe that no matter how much she becomes, she will still be the kind and simple child back then. He would rather lie to himself about everything that happened now. She was just angry with him and was losing her temper with him. After he coaxed her, her anger subsided, and everything could go back to the beginning.

"The country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. You obviously hate bloody killings the most, and forcing yourself will only make you more painful. Even if you have the right to choose everything, why not let go of everything in the past."

Hua Qiangu sneered from the bottom of her heart, "Who kept telling me that no matter what the reason is, a mistake is a mistake? Could it be that the deaths of Tangbao Dongfang Xiaoyue and the others can be regarded as never happened? Could it be that one sentence of letting go can put everything away?" Have you forgotten? Bai Zihua, are you here to atone for your sins? Or to influence me? If you are here to atone for your sins, no need. It's ridiculous, do you think I can turn back now. But..."

Hua Qiangu suddenly took a step forward, slamming close to Bai Zihua, his face almost touching, his deep purple eyes seemed to look into the depths of his soul. Bai Zihua had no choice but to retreat, he was almost suffocated by the alluring fragrance of flowers. Then he heard Hua Qiangu's whispered voice like countless ants biting his ears.

"But if you want to stay and let me play with you, I don't mind at all."

Bai Zihua stared at her without any fear in his still calm eyes, and slowly uttered three words: "You don't know how."

Hua Qiangu's dead heart suddenly became angry, where did he get the confidence that he would neither kill him nor humiliate him

Raising his hand, he tore open his front placket without hesitation, the cracking sound was extremely ear-piercing in the empty room. Bai Zihua didn't move at all, but his skin suddenly exposed to the cold air still caused a slight shudder.

"Bai Zihua, you know what I think about you, don't challenge my limits, I don't have any patience with you now, don't force me." Don't force her to hurt him, while she still has at least a little respect for him, While she still has at least a sliver of conscience towards him.

Bai Zihua remained silent, Hua Qiangu was extremely disgusted by his compassionate expression, and grabbed his chin with her hand.

Is he really sure he can bear his hatred and anger

The cold hands passed through the torn skirt, gently covered it, and slowly moved down along the perfect collarbone, leaving a trail of coldness immersed in the bones.

Bai Zihua didn't move, but he finally couldn't help closing his eyes when those familiar yet unfamiliar hands slowly covered his chest, not wanting to reveal any emotion in his eyes, but he just let out a long sigh.

"You still haven't grown up."

Seeing her so angry, Bai Zihua felt a little relieved, the coldness like death is the most terrible thing, her anger can only prove that she still cares about herself, that's enough.

Hua Qiangu raised his eyebrows, and slowly withdrew his hands, understanding that even though he lost his immortal body, his ice heart remained the same, and the appearance of the corpse was nothing to him.

Turn around and leave, leaving Bai Zihua in the empty room.

(Quanben Novel Network)