The Journey of Flower

Chapter 2: 2. Carrots line up


After bumping on the road for more than two months, I finally came to the foot of Maoshan Mountain, rested for one night, and then set off for the mountain. No matter how you go, you can't get to the main peak, Damao Peak. It was clearly in front of my eyes, but I went up and down and returned to the same place.

Could it be that the ghost hit the wall again? She is a road idiot, no matter how detailed the guide tells her, even if she is given a map, she will always get lost. In addition, I can't drive at night at night, and I often encounter ghosts hitting the wall during the day, so I walked for so long to reach Maoshan.

But after wandering around the mountain for several days, from Ermao Peak to Sanmao Peak, from one peak to that cave, she couldn't go up even though the peak was right in front of her.

Hua Qiangu raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and the mountains and mountains were all green and uninhabited. The towering top of Maoshan looks like the head of a green dragon, floating in the vast sea of clouds.

Alas, gods, where are you all hiding? Hua Qiangu raised her head to look at the sky that was sunny just now but suddenly turned dark, stretched out her hand, and found that it was actually drizzle. There were trees and trees all around, and suddenly I couldn't tell which side was north.

Hua Qiangu was wearing her father's blue robe that had been changed to a smaller size, her hair was tied high and she was dressed like a boy, she was also wearing a bamboo hat, she was holding a bundle in her left hand, and a cane cut from a tree branch in her right hand. The inseparable dog fur coat. There is also an old sickle pinned to his waist.

The rain gradually became heavier, and the mud on the ground wrapped my feet, making it more difficult to walk. No, I'm so tired, Hua Qiangu just sat under a big tree to shelter from the rain and rest. She usually travels during the day and tries to find temples, farmhouses or stables in hotels at night. If you come across the wilderness, you have to find some ruined temples, or climb trees to sleep.

Although I have seen ghosts and ghosts press the bed several times, but fortunately there are prayer beads and talismans prayed for in the temple. Nothing happened. And she knew that her father's soul must be silently guarding her. It's just that the ghosts I encountered recently have become more and more powerful, and they are indeed incomparable in my small mountain village. Fortunately, Maoshan is a place of spiritual energy. Although she has been wandering here for several days, no matter whether it is day or night, she has not encountered any trouble.

He took out the steamed buns and ate them with big mouthfuls. He always heard the rumors from the audience that Maoshan Taoist priests catch ghosts and subdue demons. I don't know if it really exists, and it is really as powerful as in the legend. I don't have much money on me, and I can't afford much tuition. I don't know if those Taoist priests will accept a girl as an apprentice

The rain stopped slowly, Hua Qiangu continued to walk forward. It has just rained, and there is a smell of green leaves and grass mixed with soil in the forest. The sky began to clear up, and the dewdrops on the flowers on the roadside were shining brightly. Hua Qiangu stopped feeling refreshed, squatted down and looked at it with wide eyes, trying to remember the name of this flower. She has been infatuated with flowers since she was a child, and the flowers that she had no choice but to pass her hands withered instantly and turned into fly ashes. So she can only watch but not touch, very depressed.

Every time I see a flower, my heart is always soft. I want to poke the white petals with my hands, pout my mouth and kiss the stamens a few times! He lowered his head and sniffed with his nose, only to feel the fragrance of flowers between his lips and teeth, and he felt good for a while.

Standing up abruptly, the ground was slippery due to the rain, and accidentally fell down the slope by the roadside. Reflexively stretching out his hand to grab the plants on the ground, the sharp saw-toothed grass edge cut a hole in his hand, blood dripped into the soil, and a large area of flower fields around him was instantly scorched black. Hua Qiangu was heartbroken looking at the bad things she did.

Although it is not very high below, if you fall into the bushes, you will definitely get hurt all over your body. She tried her best to climb up the branches and grass. When her foot slipped, the already soft soil collapsed, and Hua Qiangu frantically stepped on something that seemed to protrude from the slope. Then kicked hard and climbed up.

Patting the mud off his body, he turned around and saw that the one he was stepping on was not a stone, and it was clearly a white thigh tibia. Some of the bones were scattered into the bushes along with the fallen soil.

"Amitabha, Amitabha..." Hua Qiangu's heart whizzed coldly. Maybe this corpse was killed by thieves in this barren mountain and thrown away at will, and then eaten by wild animals. Although a bit timid, he slid down the slope slowly and wrapped the bones in a collection cage with a piece of clothing. Then I dug a pit that was not too deep and buried it, and then chopped wood and stuck it on the grave.

"What's your name? Just write it as Anonymous. Uh... I have limited abilities, and I don't have a thin coffin, so I can barely bury you in my clothes. At least there is a tomb and you don't have to be a lonely ghost. You are in heaven." Ling, don't blame the younger generation for stepping on your bones today, I was careless. Slightly, this steamed bun is for you to eat, if you are full, go to reincarnation as soon as possible... "

Hua Qiangu carved a few words crookedly on the wood with a small knife, then bowed, turned around and continued to look for the way up the mountain.

It's just that until it was almost dark, she still couldn't find it, so she had to go back to the cave where she rested two days ago. Burning a fire, eating hard dry food. I couldn't help but feel discouraged for a while. Are there really Taoist priests and gods on this mountain? Why can't I find it myself! Even the first peak can't go up! well…

I blocked the opening of the hole with branches and shrubs, but I still couldn't sleep well at night. I woke up again with a little trouble. Until the middle of the night, I was really sleepy. In a daze, he saw someone coming in, standing beside his bed, but it was a young man with a high crown dressed as a Taoist priest.

"Ah, I finally found it! Please accept me as an apprentice!" Hua Qiangu quickly knelt down on the ground.

The young man shook his head: "Get up quickly, I came here today to thank you specially. If it weren't for you, I don't know how long I would be wandering on this mountain."

Hua Qiangu realized with a pale face: " are the one in the daytime, that one..."

The boy smiled and nodded: "Don't be afraid, I'm here to thank you, and I also want to ask you to do me a favor."

"Help, what can I help you with?"

"I want you to give a sentence to my master Futu."

"Is he a Taoist priest on Mount Mao?"

"No, I'm not a disciple of Maoshan, I'm a disciple of Laoshan sect. My name is Lin Shunxuan. Originally, my master asked me to deliver something to Taoist Qingxu of Maoshan a month ago, but I was stopped by the big devil Chunqiu Bubai on the way. I walked away and destroyed my spiritual body with magic power. I hope that if you can see Daoist Qingxu, tell him about this, and ask him to tell my master. He must be anxiously waiting for me to go back now. Woolen cloth!"

"Oh, oh..." Hua Qiangu nodded again and again, "Yes, but how can I meet Daoist Qingxu? I have been here for many days, and I can't find the way up the mountain."

"Did you come to Maoshan to study as a teacher?"


"Do you, a girl, also want to slay demons and eliminate demons? I have never heard of Maoshan accepting female disciples."

"I don't want to kill demons, as long as those things stay away from me and don't come to pester me, I will be Amitabha."

"Your smell is indeed strange, but my mana is still weak, and I can't see anything wrong."

"Can you tell me how to get up the mountain?"

"It's really troublesome. You don't have any mana on you, and you can't open the secret path. But for some reason recently, all sects look like they are facing a big enemy. Maoshan Huangguang illuminates the top, is heavily guarded, and there are spells everywhere, so I I've been wandering around here for almost a month and can't get close at all. I don't know what happened. I guess the things the master asked me to bring may be related, but he didn't tell me anything. I can't help you up the mountain now. "

"Did no one come down from the mountain?"

"Usually there will be, but I haven't seen any of them recently. I don't know what happened to the Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace. Maybe the Taoist priests all flew with shields, and Tengyun Yujian walked directly from the mountain."

"then what do I do?"

"I don't know, why don't you go to Laoshan and tell my master directly, or you can ask him to accept you as his apprentice. He is very soft-hearted and likes to eat stinky tofu. You just have to keep begging him to eat more. Bribe him with wine and stinky tofu, I'm not afraid that he won't agree."

"Wow, you are so strong!"

"Hehe, I like to be lazy, and I always get punished. I get by like this every time, so I don't learn much. If I had known that I would work harder, maybe I wouldn't have to die so badly under Chunqiu Bubai..."

"You, don't be sad, I will try my best to help you. But I still want to go to Maoshan. This is what my father told me before he died. Is there any other way?"

"Yes, I heard that in Yaoge City not far from here, there is a place called Yixiu Pavilion. It is said that every Yixiu Jun is proficient in secret arts, as long as you can pay a certain price, you can know Anything you want to know. If you go to Lord Yixuan, he must know how to get up the mountain. It's not a solution for you to wander around like a headless chicken."

"Really? Well, I'll go down the mountain to find him tomorrow."

"Okay, then please..."

"Well, you can go at ease..." Hua Qiangu waved to him while wiping off his sweat.

The boy disappeared for a moment, Hua Qiangu took a deep breath, fell down and continued to sleep with his head covered.

Two days later, Hua Qiangu stood on the main street in the center of Yaoge City, staring dumbfounded at the zigzag line that filled the entire long street. There are all kinds of people, from high officials and dignitaries to beggars and pawns, everyone has a basket of radishes in their hands.

Speechless and curious, Hua Qiangu grabbed an old man with a crooked mouth and asked how to get to the Immortal Pavilion. The uncle with a crooked mouth squinted at her.

"It looks like you're here to find Lord Yixuan to solve the problem, right? You go straight along the line, turn a corner at the front, and you'll find the pavilion at the end of the line."

Hua Qiangu's jaw almost dropped: "Are all these people here to ask the Immortal King?"

"Of course, how many people in this world will be in trouble and need help! Do you think you are the only one?"

"Then why does everyone get a basket of radishes?"

"Mr. Yixuan, do you think that anyone can see each other? Wouldn't it be too busy to die? Not only do you need to pay for asking him questions, but you also need to pay for seeing him. And this basket of radishes is it! Let me tell you Ah! Every time I want to see him, the things I need are different. Last time it was Chinese cabbage. Recently, the Immortal Lord has become obsessed with eating radishes. As a result, the radishes within a radius of a hundred miles around here are almost sold out! There are very few radishes that the Immortal King is satisfied with, and even fewer people see him! Those rich people came from all over the world with the best radishes, but they had no choice but to go back in despair when they didn’t see them.”

"Did no one tie him up or sneak in to meet him?"

"You silly boy, do you think this Immortal Pavilion is so easy to break into? Even if the emperor came, he could only obediently stand in line here with radishes! I don't know why, anyway, the whole world doesn't care about all sects. All factions, all people seem to be very afraid of the Immortal Pavilion."

"Oh, then I have to find radishes and come to line up now, right?" Hua Qiangu turned around and found that there were already a lot of people lined up behind them, and the line was moving quite fast.

"Yes, but the good radishes around here are basically sold out. The ones grown by the common people's homes should also be purchased. Go to Yihetang, the largest fruit and vegetable seller in the city, to see if there are still some for sale. But the rest should not be very good and the price is very expensive, and you bought it for nothing.”

"Well, are there any wild radishes on any nearby mountain?"

"You want to dig it yourself? You are so young, don't run up the mountain all the time. There are a lot of wild animals in the mountains around here."

"It's okay, I have three bones and two ounces of meat. If a tiger sees it, it won't necessarily eat me!"

"Go west of the city, there may be some on the mountain over there."

"Oh, okay, thank you uncle." Hua Qiangu walked two steps and then turned his head and couldn't help asking, "Uncle, what question do you want to ask Yixuan Jun?"

"Me? I just want to ask who killed Qiandao who stole the only cow in my family! I found out, I want him to look good!!"

Uh, Hua Qiangu wiped off his sweat and gave a few dry laughs, then turned and left. It seems that this person should go to the official, right? This Immortal Lord is really pitiful, he is so busy every day. People are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong, this is really true!

Turning west and east in the west, I finally found a few radishes. Hua Qiangu dug them out carefully. Because they were wild, they were small in size, but they were white and tender. He casually wiped the dirt on his trousers and put it in his mouth. , crispy and sweet. The most ridiculous thing is that she also dug up a small plant of ginseng. I took a bite and thought it was a radish, bah bah bah, it didn't taste good at all, so I threw it away.

After washing in the creek, without a basket, I wrapped it with clothes and ran to line up. At this time, it was getting late and there were few people.

Hua Qiangu saw a woman in green sitting at the door checking one by one, flipping through the radishes in everyone's baskets. Then he waved his hand impatiently, indicating that he was unqualified, and come back next time.

When it was Hua Qiangu's turn, she was so nervous that her palms were sweating. Carefully holding the radish in his pocket by the corner of his clothes, he showed it to the man.

The woman didn't look at the radish, she stared at Hua Qiangu for a long time, then whispered something to the woman in red beside her, and the woman ran in hastily.

"Is this radish okay?" Hua Qiangu asked timidly, the woman in green was tall and thick, she was taller than the average man, and her big feet were almost twice as long as hers. It's not ugly, but it looks a bit fierce.

"Why is it so small? Is it a radish or a head of garlic?"

Hua Qiangu quickly defended: "But it's very sweet!"

The woman in green took one and tasted it: "Did you dig it yourself?"

"That's right, it's on the mountain to the west."

"You are really good. You went to the mass grave to dig radishes, but the radishes grown from the flesh and blood of the dead are really delicious. Go in!"

ah? Hua Qiangu was so frightened that he almost dropped all the carrots on the ground. Suddenly there is a feeling of wanting to vomit.

He walked forward in a daze, not caring about the stares behind him who wanted to kill her. She originally thought that such a mysterious Immortal Pavilion should be born in tatters by a certain mountain forest lake, towering high in the depths of Taoyuan.

Unexpectedly, not only is it in the middle of the busy city, but it is also so magnificently built. Screens, courtyards, rocks, promenades are all beautiful and elegant, carved railings, colorful lotus ponds, Hua Qiangu has never been to such a beautiful place, so she can't help but slow down and keep looking around. The woman leading the way looked hurried and didn't pay attention to whether she was following. By the time Hua Qiangu realized it, she had already lost her way.

It's over, why is it so big, where did I go? Hua Qiangu anxiously searched for the person who just led her way in the Jiuqu Corridor. It was found that there was no one in such a big house. It was pitch black in all the rooms.

She started to get scared. Going around and around to a crooked tower-like attic, I found that only the door on the second floor was half-closed, and there was a faint light inside.

"Is anyone there? Is anyone here?" She shouted loudly, but there was no response at all.

He walked slowly towards the attic, and suddenly his whole body was paralyzed as if struck by lightning, and he almost couldn't stand still. He lowered his head and saw the fluorescent lights on the ground around him, which turned out to be a huge pattern of five elements and eight trigrams. And he seemed to have accidentally stepped in. He hesitated for a moment with one foot outside and one foot inside, and found that there was no discomfort in his body. Continue to go inside.

Could it be that Immortal Lord is upstairs

Bite the bullet and arrived at the attic, she carefully started to go up the stairs, the attic was in disrepair, every step she took made a creaking sound as if it was about to collapse, Hua Qiangu's heart was pounding.

Finally, in front of the door. Hua Qiangu coughed and asked softly, "Is anyone there?"

Still no one answered. Relentless, he pushed open the door and walked in. Then there was a piercing scream that pierced the night sky, scarier than a ghost.

She found that the room was full of human tongues hanging by red silk threads.

(Quanben Novel Network)