The Journey of Flower

Chapter 79: 80. Trial of the three deities


It is not far from the Heavenly Prison to the Changliu Palace, but Hua Qiangu walked for a long time. Because she is the head disciple and treats others very well, the several disciples who escorted her all recognized her and didn't rush her.

Hua Qiangu walked extremely slowly, thinking that this road would never end. Looking up at the Palace of Unrequited Love floating in mid-air, she really wanted to go back and have a last look, to see that the peach blossom tree she had just transplanted not long ago was blooming well.

Looking around, the cloud-shrouded fairyland between the sea and the sky is her second home. Here, she spent the best seven years of her life. Even though there was a terrible punishment waiting for her, she might die soon, but she was not afraid at all, the only thing she was afraid of was the disappointed look in Master's eyes.

The door of the main hall opened with a creak, Hua Qiangu walked in slowly with her head lowered, the door closed behind her again with a bang, and her heart sank vigorously.

There are not many people around, and those who can participate in the joint trial are immortals with deep seniority, high seniority, or great prestige in the sect and expatriates. Qingshui, Yunyun, Luoshi, Deadwood Qingliu, Huoxi, Wuqingluo, etc. were all there, as well as Yunyin and two Maoshan sect elders, all looking at her worriedly.

Sitting directly above the highest point is Bai Zihua, Mo Yan is on the right, Sheng Xiaomo is on the left, and on both sides are the elders and the masters of the pavilions. There was no sound all around, and the atmosphere was very serious and depressing.

Hua Qiangu never raised his head, took a few steps forward, and then knelt down.

The head of the Discipline Pavilion stood on the Discipline Platform, and said loudly without anger and prestige: "Changliu disciple Hua Qiangu, you steal artifacts, learn forbidden techniques, deceive masters and destroy ancestors, the heaven and the earth will not tolerate it. Make friends with treacherous parties, collude with demons, Having an affair with the evil Shaqianmo is an unforgivable crime. You also killed Wen Fengyu, the head of Changbai, and released the demon god privately, which led to a battle between immortals and demons, causing countless deaths and injuries, and even a hundred deaths. Can you plead guilty?"

The harsh tone of the words made the hearts of those present shocked.

Hua Qiangu wanted to say that I plead guilty, anyway, it's a death anyway, it's better to end it quickly, she doesn't want to kneel in front of the white picture like this again, this is even more unbearable to her than Ling Chi.

But her tongue was completely out of her control, she heard her voice neither humble nor overbearing, neither high nor low said: "I didn't kill Wen Fengyu and Shuofeng, how could I have an affair with Sister Kill!"

Mo Yan sneered, and snorted: "Killing sister? What kind of hobby is this? That evildoer really thinks he is a woman because of his little beauty?"

Hua Qiangu raised her head in surprise, then immediately lowered her head: "Kill... sister, he is a man?" Although it was hard to accept for a while, she knew that she was stupid and misunderstood from the beginning. Sha Qianmo had a big fight with Master for her, and killed so many people, and she never avoided suspicion. No wonder people misunderstood the two of them. But why didn't my sister tell her earlier

Hua Qiangu knew that it was useless to defend herself, no one would believe her, but she still calmly emphasized: "I have nothing to do with him, I didn't kill Wen Fengyu."

"You still dare to quibble? You tried to seize the artifact in vain, but Wen Fengyu refused, so you killed him with the soul-stirring technique, otherwise how would you have obtained the artifact?"

"I only took the artifact and didn't kill anyone. Lan Yulanfeng killed him and blamed me." Hua Qiangu heard her own voice dry, as if someone else was speaking.

"Bold scoundrel! Why don't you recruit even now?" Mo Yan scolded angrily.

Hua Qiangu straightened his back: "Although he died because of me, it was true that I didn't kill him."

Mo Yan frowned and was about to get angry, Sheng Xiaomo stopped him with his eyes, and said in a gentle tone: "You said that you didn't kill people, so you can tell me how you steal artifacts, learn forbidden techniques secretly, and let go of the birth of demon gods." Go through the statement."

Hua Qiangu was startled, gritted her teeth, desperately controlled her words, and said in a trembling voice: "I stole the artifact, and I let go of the demon god. I secretly learned forbidden techniques and deceived masters and ancestors. Plead guilty, there is no need for another trial, and please punish the three. No matter what the result is, this disciple has no objection."

"Master!" Yun Yin frowned tightly, seeing her thin and small body kneeling below, she couldn't help feeling a pain in her heart.

Sheng Xiaomo shook his head lightly: "Hua Qiangu, as a disciple of Changliu, the head of the sect, where do you put your master? What's more about Changliu's face? How does the head of Maoshan, also known as the Maoshan faction, explain to the world? You are ashamed of Changliu, it is disloyalty, ashamed of your master, it is unfilial, ashamed of the entrustment of Taoist Qingxu, it is unrighteous, and even more ashamed It is inhumane to the people of the world. For such an unfaithful, filial, benevolent and unrighteous person, Changliu's sect will not tolerate you anymore. Now you are sentenced to be expelled from the sect, and ninety-nine and eighty-one soul-removing nails will be placed on the pillar of killing immortals. But remember your age Shang Xiao, temporarily keep your soul in a bottle of white dew for three hundred years before re-entering the six realms of reincarnation. Do you accept it or not?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked. I don't know how many immortals were nailed to death on Zhuxianzhu, starting from the hands and feet, but they didn't hurt the vitals. For those with weak mana, it is already very good if they can last more than 20 or 30 breaths. This is one of the cruelest punishments in Changliu Mountain, but how many eighty-one nails have to be nailed to Hua Qiangu's body

But at this moment, Mo Yan still said coldly: "Junior Brother, even if Hua Qiangu's felony is lost, it is hard to escape the blame. Your punishment is probably too light, and it is difficult to convince everyone?"

Qing Shui, Yun Yun and others gasped, all the Changliu disciples who knew Hua Qiangu well all plopped and knelt down in the Changliu Hall. Even including the three disciples of Upshangpiao, Luoshi, Huoxi and Wuqingluo, only Ni Mantian looked down at Hua Qiangu with gloating face.

Mo Yan narrowed his eyes and shouted loudly: "Have you all turned against me?"

On the side Donghua Shangxian, the head of Laoshan Mountain, and the Dragon King of Beihai couldn't bear it when they saw it, and interceded for her one after another.

Mo Yan snorted coldly: "Hua Qiangu is a disciple of Changliu, and she committed such a big mistake that endangered the six realms, so she is forgiven lightly, besides, this is Changliu's private matter, how to deal with it is not in the hands of outsiders .”

Yun Yin said angrily: "Hua Qiangu is also the head of our sect, how can he be easily handed over to Changliu to kill him at will! Even if he fights the entire Maoshan faction today, he will definitely not hand him over to you!"

"Yun Yin!" Hua Qiangu sipped softly, looked at him and shook his head, and said calmly, "Hua Qiangu, the head of Maoshan, is a criminal who has committed a crime, and now he will take over the position of head, and his disciple Yun Yin will take over." Gong Yu, who was the head of the sect, passed a letter from Lin Kong to Yun Yin.

"Master!" Yun Yin looked at her with pleading eyes and could only hesitate to speak.

Hua Qiangu slowly leaned down on the ground, and said word by word: "The long-term disciple Hua Qiangu, the crime will not be punished, the three lords are kind, and the disciple is willing to subdue the law. I only ask the three lords to be merciful, and don't drive me out of the sect. Even if I die , and the disciples have no complaints."

Everyone was shocked again, they couldn't imagine and couldn't understand that she would rather die than leave Changliu Mountain. Only Ni Mantian sneered, unexpectedly Hua Qiangu's obsession with Bai Zihua was so deep.

Everyone looked at Bai Zihua, but he never said anything. After all, Hua Qiangu was his apprentice, and it was up to him to decide how to deal with it in the end.

Bai Zi looked expressionless, took a sip of tea from the teacup, and the surrounding was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop.

Hua Qiangu didn't dare to look up at him, she didn't want anything, she just begged Master not to drive her out of the school. She is Bai Zihua's apprentice, even if she dies!

"Why do you want to steal the artifact and release the demon god?" Bai Zihua's voice echoed coldly in the hall.

Hua Qiangu's heart skipped a beat, it's over.

Her lips and tongue began to vibrate constantly, she clenched her teeth tightly and did not speak, her complexion became more and more livid.


no! no! You can't even say death, you can't even say death! She shook her head desperately, her lip was bitten and bleeding came out.

People around looked at her strangely, not understanding what she was struggling with.

But spells don't just escape without saying a word, Hua Qiangu heard her own voice break through her throat and squeeze out word by word. With a ruthless effort, she bit her own tongue, blood flowed out, and the pain made her almost pass out.

"Get angry... wash... clothes... iron tree... (in order to detoxify Master)" the incomplete words came out of her mouth. The people around were at a loss and had no idea what she was talking about.

Bai Zihua frowned, it looked like she was under the spell of the Immortal Pavilion, but what is it that she would rather bite her tongue out than say anything? She couldn't help but get angry, she didn't say anything, just confessed, how could she have any reason to excuse her? Does she really want to die that much? !

"Follow her wishes and not be expelled from the teacher's school."

"Your Majesty!?" Discipline Pavilion and Mo Yan were shocked, how could Changliu Mountain keep such a disciple, even if they died, it would be a shame.

"My disciple, I won't chase you if I say so." Bai Zihua said coldly, and the people around stopped talking. He seldom makes up his mind, but as long as he speaks out, he is sure. No one dares to refute, and it is not known whether he is enlightened or powerful.

"Then the ecstasy nail on Zhu Xianzhu?" the chief asked cautiously.

Bai Zihua stood up, flicked his long sleeves, and walked towards the back hall: "Immediately."

As soon as the four words came out, the whole hall suddenly became chaotic. Qing Shui, Luo Shiyi and others had always held a glimmer of hope, as long as His Majesty still remembers the relationship between master and apprentice, Qian Gu might be saved. Now everyone panicked, bowed and kowtowed one after another, the voices of pleading one after another.

Mo Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Bai Zihua was indeed the same Bai Zihua he was familiar with.

Hua Qiangu was limp on the ground, her heart felt empty, and she seemed to be unable to hear the surrounding voices. Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, his tongue hurts and his heart hurts even more, but at the same time he is very relieved. Even though he made a big mistake, at least the master still regards her as his disciple, and he can feel at ease as a ghost...

Being escorted towards the Zhu Xianzhu on the high platform of the cliff in the back mountain, she staggered slightly.

Qingshui wiped away tears, and Yu Fengfei flew towards the screen of Changliu Mountain as if flying. You can't let Qian Gu die, absolutely not.

Xuanyuan Lang could only see the chaos in the mountain, but he still couldn't get through the screen. After a while, Sha Qianmo also came, and the two of them were anxiously waiting for the result of the interrogation.

"Qingshui?" Xuanyuan Lang looked at the bright and beautiful woman who was always smiling and looking forward, but now she was full of tears, and the crying Lihua came straight towards her with rain.

"His Majesty Xuanyuan... I beg you to save Qiangu!" She pressed against the screen and told him all the results of the interrogation.

"Eighty-one ecstasy nails?" Xuanyuan Lang's face paled instantly.

Sha Qianmo took two steps back, closed his eyes, the soul nail? Another Soul Nail? Bai Zihua... You are so cruel!

Hua Qiangu walked up the white jade steps step by step, Zhu Xianzhu stood tall in front of her, she raised her head slightly dizzy. The pillars are full of sun-carved patterns, patterns, inscriptions and spells. The pillars are white and transparent, but the hollows and gaps are dark red. Hua Qiangu knows that they are the dried up bones of countless immortals who died on this Zhuxian pillar in front of them. blood.

The head of the Court of Disciplines recounted her crimes again, and then announced the start of execution.

Hua Qiangu was firmly bound to the Zhuxian Pillar by the fairy lock, her face remained calm. It will be very painful, but the pain will not feel until the end.

The three statues were still sitting aloft, when suddenly someone rushed forward to report that the demons and the army of the human world had launched a fierce attack on Changliu Mountain.

"Let all the disciples guard the screen tightly, and not let a single fly in." Bai Zihua had expected it, so he didn't let Xuanyuan Lang enter the mountain. The long-term disciples dare not do anything even if they have objections to the interrogation results, but he and Sha Qianmo are different. He looked at Sheng Xiaomo, Sheng Xiaomo understood, turned and left the table.

Hua Qiangu raised her head and saw dark clouds billowing outside, thunder and lightning, and strong winds.

Dongfang Yuqing still stayed with Nan Wuyue in the dungeon, and did not let Tang Bao go out. He didn't need to come in person, he knew everything that happened outside, but he still couldn't help but be terrified. No one can save people under Bai Zihua's hands. If Bai Zihua wants her to die, she really can't escape.

"Let me ask again, why did you steal the artifact and let the demon god be born?" Bai Zihua frowned.

Hua Qiangu shook her head desperately, but still couldn't speak clearly. Looking at him, the endless words and endless thoughts are only replaced by a wry smile.

Before he was ready, the first soul-elimination nail had already been driven into his left wrist, Hua Qiangu couldn't resist, and couldn't help but let out a miserable scream, which made everyone feel terrified.

Hua Qiangu trembled and closed her eyes, she had never felt such pain in her life, it spread from her hands to her limbs, the pain was so painful that her scalp felt numb and trembling. The blood flowed down the pillar, dipped into the gap, and covered it with a fresh layer.

"Qiangu..." Qingshui cried, struggled forward and was dragged back by Kuanmu Qingliu.

Immediately afterwards, the second nail penetrated into his right wrist, Hua Qiangu no longer cried out in shock, but still bit his lower lip in pain.

Next are the ankles, knees, femurs, arms, collarbones, etc. of both feet. There are twelve nails in a row. After each nail is nailed, the sound of penetrating bone and flesh and blood can be heard, as well as Hua Qiangu's muffled grunt and the following. He took a breath of cold air. Qing Shui passed out, Luo Shi Shi, Kui Mu, Huo Xi, Wu Qing Luo and others all had tears in their eyes.

Ni Mantian has never felt so elated in such a long time. Every time a nail is nailed, a strong joy and excitement surges in her heart. She only hated herself for not being able to expose her secret love for His Majesty, otherwise it would make her death even uglier.

Both the sky and the earth were shaking violently, and Sha Qianmo and Xuanyuan Lang were about to go crazy with a long-term attack and could not get in.

Xuanyuan Lang stood in the sky with a sharp sword in his hand, like a god. There was a raging killing intent burning in the eyes, the hair crown collapsed, and the long hair fluttered and danced in the strong wind. The true qi in his body seemed to be ignited, flowing out along his meridians, turning into a torrent of power and escaping from the sword.

And Sha Qianmo's eyes were already red-eyed, and he was merciless under the sword, and the Changliu disciples who stepped forward to stop him continued to explode under his sword energy. Blood, brains, severed limbs, and intestines were scattered everywhere.

The sky is full of waves and light scattering, the wind roars and thunder roars, spears rain like rain, and sword energy dances furiously. People from several realms fought one after another, causing countless casualties.

Sha Qianmo and Xuanyuan Lang were about to break through, but were suddenly blocked by a blue light. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Confucian Master Sheng Xiaomo.

Sheng Xiaomo raised his flute, and the smile on his face remained unchanged: "I am here to meet you as ordered by my lord. Before the execution is over, I don't want to set foot on Changliu Mountain."

Fourteen soul-removing nails were nailed down, Hua Qiangu was already on the verge of death, half of her fairy body was gone, and a tenth of her soul was gone. He passed out several times due to the pain, and was forcibly awakened again by magic power.

It hurts so much, can I just let her die? Do not suffer like this again? She tried her best to break herself, but found that she seemed to be sealed, and she couldn't use any internal force.

Die soon, die soon... She shouted in her heart over and over again, hoping that everything would end soon.

There was a strong smell of blood floating in the surrounding air, but there was another fragrance in the blood. Bai Zihua smelled the familiar smell of blood, and remembered the scene when she fed him blood again and again.

"Your Majesty..." Luo Shiyi and the others kowtowed to plead for mercy.

Bai Zihua's face was still calm, but he looked down at his hands for some unknown reason, and found that they were shaking slightly.

"Stop—" he said suddenly, the eighteenth nail that was about to be nailed into Hua Qiangu's chest stopped in mid-air.

"Junior brother!" Mo Yan was shocked.

Bai Zihua stood up slowly and walked down step by step. Hua Qiangu lost a lot of blood, his complexion turned pale, and he opened his eyes to look at him with difficulty.

Bai Zihua raised his hand, the celestial cord loosened, seventeen soul-removing nails came out of her body, and Hua Qiangu fell hard to the ground. Seventeen holes were bleeding profusely.

Everyone was puzzled, but they didn't dare to say more. Luo Shiyi and the others were overjoyed, knowing that Hua Qiangu would be saved now.

"Hua Qiangu is a sinner in Changliu and even the world, but after all, he is my apprentice of Bai Zihua. I am the one who is lax in discipline and brings disaster to the common people. The next punishment will be carried out by me personally."

There was an uproar around, and Luo Shiyi and the others were all dumbfounded. Hua Qiangu was so shocked that her face turned pale even more, her trembling lips shook her head repeatedly: "Master, don't..." She doesn't want to! She doesn't want it! She can bear any kind of pain, but how can she bear it if Master does it himself

Hua Qiangu crawled backward desperately, dragging out a long and startling bloodstain on the ground.

But she couldn't escape, how could she escape? He could only watch helplessly as Bai Zihua walked towards her step by step.

"I was wrong, I know I was wrong, Master..." She cried like a child in a panic, still without tears, but she was more scared than ever.

Bai Zihua still had no expression on his face, bent down, and pulled out the Severance Sword from her body.

Hua Qiangu was completely stunned, the master actually... actually wanted to use Breaking Thought. It was given to her by him himself! There are so many beautiful and happy memories of her in it, and she has never left her body for a moment. But, is he actually going to be cruel enough to punish her with the Nian Duan Sword

"Master, please, don' least don't use Duan Nian..." She hugged Bai Zihua's leg in front of her with one hand, and grabbed the hilt of Duan Nian Sword with all her strength with the other hand, begging in a low voice in panic, blood stained His snow-white robe.

Bai Zihua frowned deeply: "Why did I give you the sword in the first place? You are so disappointed as a teacher..."

As he spoke, he wanted to raise the sword, but was surprised to find that the Duan Nian sword was frozen in the air, whining, and refused to move at all. It has followed Hua Qiangu for a long time, although it has not yet achieved the unity of human and sword, complete surrender, but it still has spirituality, how could it be willing to hurt her with a sword.

Bai Zihua shook his head helplessly, he gave up, obviously it was his saber, but it's only been a few years, yet even he can't wield it!

"Today I will use you!" Bai Zihua was furious, he flicked his finger on the sword, and his true energy immediately filled the sword.

"No! Master! I beg you! I beg you!" Hua Qiangu cried, and stretched out her hand vigorously, but only grabbed the string of palace bells hanging as sword tassels from the sword.

Raising the sword in his hand and falling without the slightest hesitation, Hua Qiangu's large and small air passages and blood passages were all pierced, true qi and internal energy flowed out, and not a single meridian in his body was not broken.

Hua Qiangu fell to the ground like a dead body, twitching slightly, his eyes were empty, his face was dull, he couldn't move any more, close to the hole left by the ecstasy nail, the blood was almost drained.

Not only did she lose her fairy body, she also lost all her mana, she was already a useless person, let alone moving, she could no longer straighten her waist or even turn her neck.

Bai Zihua looked down at her from a height, discarded the Duan Nian Sword casually, and threw it on the ground aside. Stained with her blood, Duan Nian is already worse than scrap iron.

Heartbroken, heartbroken, he will never know her feelings for him, let alone understand what the Sword of Heartlessness means to her.

"Drag her to the bottom of the fairy prison. Without my permission, no one is allowed to see her or deliver medicine."

Hua Qiangu seemed to be dead, with big and empty eyes wide open, she was carried down without any reaction, blood was spilled all the way, but she still tightly held the two small bells in her hands.

(Quanben Novel Network)