The Journey of Flower

Chapter 83: 84. Bamboo forests are all dyed


Seeing Hua Qiangu fainted and motionless on the ground, Humming Beast couldn't help becoming a little anxious, snorting, and walked around Hua Qiangu's body in circles, as if trying to find a way.

Hua Qiangu's old wounds have not healed, and new wounds have been added. She bumps and stumbles everywhere, has bruises and broken skin, and is pierced on her shoulder. Not stopped.

The Humming Beast hesitated for a moment and then buried its head in licking her wound, although its saliva had some effect of stopping bleeding. But it doesn't have much confidence in its ability to restrain itself. Every time it smells the scent of blood on her body, it will become restless, fearing that one day its bestiality will devour her flesh and blood in exchange for being promoted from a monster to a real beast.

After thinking for a long time, he lowered his head and held her in his mouth, and walked a few steps into the forest, but stopped suddenly, hesitated for a long time, and returned to the wooden house again, and slapped the door open with one paw.

The man drank tea at the table without raising his head, even though he was in the wilderness, his elegant aura still remained. His old blue cloth clothes were slightly whitish, and his hair was loose, but not messy at all. On the face, neck, and hands, as long as the skin leaked out, a thin layer of blue scars can be seen. Although it is not as severe as the burn on Hua Qiangu's face, it still looks very scary. But what makes Humming Beast feel most uncomfortable is the evil spirit in his eyebrows.

The Humming Beast roared at him, and the hot wind made his long hair and robe fly up, but he still didn't lift his head.

As if threatening, he raised his paw slightly and smashed the table in front of him into pieces instantly. The man caught the iron teacup calmly, and snorted coldly: "Is there anyone who asks someone to do something like this?"

The Humphing Beast didn't care so much, grabbed him out of the room with one claw, pressed him to the ground, and exerted a little force.

The man looked at it, frowned, and drew a dagger from his waist. One person and one beast stared at each other for a long time, and finally the humming beast moved its claws and took two steps back.

The dagger is an ancient divine object, and it was stained with the blood of many divine beasts. I don't know where he found it. No wonder he dared to live in this forest alone.

The man got up from the ground, turned around to repair the door of his cabin, still didn't even look at Hua Qiangu lying beside him dying, and then went into the house.

Humming Beast found some medicinal herbs nearby, chewed them up and applied them on Hua Qiangu's wound. But after all, his ability is limited, that man seems to have some ability, if he is willing to help, Hua Qiangu will definitely recover quickly.

Hard ones won't work, only soft ones.

The humming beast used its huge tail to make a fluffy bed for Hua Qiangu, and squatted down at the door of his house, refusing to leave. The man seemed to know how to use the Qimen Formation. Ordinary beasts and demons would not be able to get close to this place, but he didn't know how it accidentally hit the right path and broke in.

Although it is a majestic humming beast that wants to live under the eaves of others, relying on the protection of a human being is really demeaning. But for the sake of Hua Qiangu, it could only be like this temporarily, her body was so weak that she couldn't stand the bumps any longer. Regardless of whether that man is good or bad, staying here is better than hiding with Hua Qiangu every day, running around, fighting countless demons and monsters that greedy her flesh and blood, and fighting to the death.

So the humming beast decided to live outside the wooden house.

Hua Qiangu spends most of the time in a drowsy, half-asleep state, but even if she is awake, she can't move, see, or speak, it's not much different from being dead. But she never felt that the current situation caused her any pain. The most painful thing was recalling the past when she was awake, and dreaming about the past when she was asleep.

Master's smile, Master's hair, Master's fluttering white clothes; Master's words, Master's kiss, Master's hand holding a broken heart...

The past was like a flame, warming her and burning her severely. She was powerless to explain, unable to justify, let alone forget, unable to escape, and could only linger in her thoughts of him.

The man ignored them and didn't drive them away, as if ignoring them completely. The Humphing Beast was worried at first, and would bring Hua Qiangu with it every time it went for food, but then it slowly let go of its guard, laid out hay, put her under the eaves, and went out by itself.

Once it was far away and it happened to be raining heavily, Hua Qiangu soaked in the rain for an entire hour. The man still sat in the house without asking any questions, as if he was the only one in the whole world.

When the humming beast rushed back, Hua Qiangu started to have a high fever again, and his sanity became even more blurred, and the wounds that had finally begun to heal began to inflame again. Humming Beast ran around anxiously, knocked open the door of the wooden house, put Hua Qiangu on the ground and begged the man to save her, but he coldly stepped over her body and went out the door.

The house was too small for the Hearing Beast to get in, but it was cold and damp outside, and it would be better if there was a fire inside. These days, Hua Qiangu followed him, eating either wild fruits or bloody raw meat. The whimpers always chewed up and fed them to her mouth one by one, and she swallowed numbly, whatever it was.

She used to be able to cook good dishes, but now she can't even lift a spatula. She used to be the most gluttonous, her tongue and throat were all burnt out, she can't speak, and she has no sense of taste. It doesn't matter what she eats, as long as she can survive.

When the man came back, he saw that the humming beast was still sleeping at the door. The wooden house was not big, and when it stood up, it was almost the same size as the wooden house. And Hua Qiangu was placed on his bed in the house by it. He walked in, snorted unhappily, raised his hand and pushed her off the bed, then lay down and fell asleep by himself.

The Humming Beast glared at him, and the fur on its body stood up like steel needles again. After calming down, it still stretched its tail into the wooden house, rolled up the Huaqiangu to cover it, and blocked the wind with its body at the door, then lay down and fell asleep.

The next day the man woke up, looked at Hua Qiangu and then at the humming beast at the door, feeling depressed and irritable for no reason. Walking to the table to take a sip of tea, he took out the dagger in his arms and wiped it carefully. He suddenly opened his sleeves, revealing the scars on his arm. As if he didn't know the pain, he slowly cut another knife. The harsh red of the blood made him lose his mind for a moment, yes, he was still alive.

If you are alive, you cannot give up hope.

Suddenly, there was an expression on his blue-faced beast-like scarred face. Not the usual numbness and deadness, but a smile between gentle and weird.

Walking up to Hua Qiangu, he looked at her carefully.

From the first glance, it was known that she was exiled from Changliu Mountain. Because that face was scarred by the Sanshengchi water just like him.

It looks so small, but it turns out that it is still a kind of love—

He raised the corner of his mouth contemptuously, trying to take the palace bell out of her hand, never expecting that she would hold it so firmly even in a coma.

After finally getting it in his hand, he looked at it carefully, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

What kind of big mistake did a low-ranking fairy make to have Changliu nailed to the soul-elimination nail? It's still not enough to abolish the fairy body, but why should he be expelled to the wilderness

And how can a little girl at the level of Gongling actually integrate several sexual systems to such an extent, without the slightest bias, and refine Gongling to a pure and transparent level, without any variegation? Broad and profound, absorbing the strengths of hundreds of schools in the fairy world, if this is intentional, how powerful the person who taught her behind the scenes is, this grand and planned plan is a bit like a conspiracy.

The five elements inherently generate and restrain each other, and everyone has their own weaknesses. Cultivators pay attention to complementing each other, the stronger one is, the weaker the other. Just like striking out with one palm, there will be a gap behind, no matter how fast the speed is, it is impossible to strike out from all sides at the same time. The smaller the force point, the greater the force, and the less powerful it is when it is scattered. But the person who taught her clearly subverted all the ways of cultivating immortals and practicing martial arts, and did not follow common sense at all, trying to make her a person with no flaws, weaknesses or even shortcomings.

Who is Changliushan, who has such courage and ability

What's more worth investigating is that, although only a dozen or so sword strikes are enough to make her a complete cripple, she has suffered hundreds of sword strikes, and almost none of her acupoints and tendons have been spared.

Is it a feud that cannot be shared? Or what kind of serious trouble? How could he be so resolute and vicious that he would leave no room for it

Is he gone too long? Or is the outside world changing too fast? Changliu Mountain, which has always been conservative, when did this kind of young disciple come out? And what kind of mistake did she make that was so many times more severe than the punishment she received

Interesting, very interesting...

The man narrowed his eyes and became more energetic. He has actually paid attention to her these days. At first he thought that she was a young disciple exiled from Changliu Mountain. Anyway, she is already a dying cripple, and it is useless to keep her. It is fine if she dies. He has no such care to save people. Not to mention that he has been expelled from the school, even if he is still a long-term disciple, so what, what is he doing

But what he didn't expect was that with her mere mortal body, she was so wounded that she still didn't die. Although it was slow, the wounds and tendons showed signs of self-healing, and the tenacity of her vitality was unimaginable.

— This girl seems to be a bit famous.

The Chirping Beast woke up suddenly, seeing the man take Hua Qiangu off its tail and put it on the bed. Watching his movements nervously on guard, if there is any conspiracy, immediately pounce on him and bite him to death.

The man changed her dirty and damp clothes, wiped her body briefly, then applied herbal medicine to the inflamed and festered area, and cooked something for her to drink.

Hench Beast didn't understand why he was suddenly willing to save people again, and paced back and forth at the door worriedly, guarding every inch of it.

Hua Qiangu is still half-drowsy, but the recovery from her injuries is obviously faster than before. Knowing that someone saved her, but because she couldn't see and the other person didn't speak, she didn't know her situation and the surrounding situation very well. I just intuitively knew that that person was a man. I couldn't say how gentle he was, but he took care of him very carefully.

Another month later, almost all her injuries were healed, and her tendons and veins were gradually recovering. She could even use a spoon to eat with her hands, but she seemed very clumsy.

She seemed very confused about her condition, she had never heard of anyone whose broken tendons could be reconnected by themselves. She didn't know that it was the effect of the divine body and the power of the demon god, but she was grateful that it was the rare and precious medicine that the man used to connect her bones and tendons, heal her injuries and prolong her life.

"Can you write?" the man asked her one day. His voice is nice, but too cold. As if being alone for too long and forgetting the language, he spit out each word stiffly.

Hua Qiangu nodded.


Hua Qiangu wrote on the quilt stroke by stroke with her finger: Hua Qiangu.

The man was silent for a moment, and searched his memory, but he had never heard of this name.

"From Changliu Mountain?"

Hua Qiangu nodded, the person in front of him must have been a fairy in the past.

"Who is your master?"

Hua Qiangu remained silent for a long time, although she hadn't expelled herself from the sect, but now that she was in this state, wouldn't it be embarrassing for him to speak out? In his heart, maybe he no longer considers himself his apprentice.

— Changliu Shangxian. She still wrote honestly, he saved her life, she didn't want to and didn't need to lie to him.

The man nodded, he guessed right, he was His Majesty's apprentice. It's not that he doesn't know the way Mo Yan and Sheng Xiaomo teach students. Only Your Majesty always does things unexpectedly. Those one hundred and one swords were impartial, the depth of the sword was accurately grasped, and the moves were fast and ruthless, it must have been done by His Majesty himself. But he didn't know what typo this apprentice made, which would provoke such a fury from the always indifferent him.

"My name is Zhuran, you remember."

The man got up and went out, and went back to his own business. A round and chubby thing suddenly got into the bed, arching and arching.

— hum.

Hua Qiangu laughed, reached out and grabbed it into her arms and hugged it.

The humming beast poked its head out from under the quilt, stretched out its fleshy paws to scratch her face, and made a happy humming sound.

It is different from the appearance of turning into a monster. It has shrunk and is as fat as a piglet, with short legs and an arched nose, and it eats everything it sees. Like kittens and puppies, they are covered with warm white fur, mixed with beautiful fire-colored patterns. The eyes are black and big, full of aura, looking at you watery, with a pitiful innocent look, telling you to feed it all the delicious food you can find.

He dispelled his guard against Zhuran, knowing that he was treating Hua Qiangu with all his heart, and there was no danger around him, so he changed back into a piggy and guarded her by the bed every day, sharing the quilt with her. Takeran built another bed next to it.

Sometimes Zhuran would ask her about the Six Realms. It seemed that she had been expelled to the Wilderness for a long time, and she didn't know many things. She randomly scratched the quilt and table with her fingers, no matter how fast, he could always see clearly.

"Do you want to see it?" Takeran asked her one day.

She froze for a moment and nodded.

"You're not really blind, it's just that the water in the unfeeling pool has corroded your flesh and blood. Your eyes should have been closed at the time, and the eyelids were not damaged much. If you want to see, I'll cut your upper and lower eyelids with a knife." Cut it open, but it will be very painful, you think clearly."

Hua Qiangu nodded without thinking.

Zhuran took out his dagger, simmered it on the fire, and cut it alive. He was a little surprised at Hua Qiangu's calmness, as if he didn't feel any pain. In fact, she just suffered from too much pain, and had experienced anything more painful than this, and her pain-sensing nerves were almost numb.

Hua Qiangu saw that he struck quickly and accurately, he wanted to cut all eyes open without hurting her eyeballs at all. Knowing that he must have been a master in the past, and the dagger in his hand was actually stained with his own blood without damage, which is indeed a divine weapon.

On the day when the gauze was removed, Hua Qiangu was finally able to see, but the eyes formed by the hard incision were like two black holes suddenly pierced in a piece of paper, which looked very scary.

There seemed to be a layer of white film in front of her eyes, and she couldn't see clearly because of the fog, but when she saw the same blue scar on Zhuran's face, she couldn't help but smile wryly.

—Thank you brother. She writes on the table.

Zhuran smiled coldly: "You are smart. But I have already been expelled, so I am not your senior brother." After a pause, he continued, "Mo Yan, he has taken in a lot of apprentices since then, right?"

Hua Qiangu nodded and wrote: Three.

Seeing the accumulated hatred and resentment between Zhuran's brows, Hua Qiangu shivered slightly.

She was hurt by the unfeeling pool water, but he was hurt by the greedy pool water. This person must be guarded against.

(Quanben Novel Network)