The Journey of Flower

Chapter 89: 90. Barbaric unification


"Was this seal drawn by Bai Zi?"

Dou Langan looked at the mark on Hua Qiangu's armpit in disbelief. Hua Qiangu's acupuncture points were dotted by Zhuran in his sleep, and he still slept soundly.

"Yes, it is this seal that seals the power of the demon god. If it can be broken, not to mention leaving the wilderness, even if it destroys the whole wilderness, it will be like a flick of a finger."

"Why don't you let the ugly girl know about the seal? What the hell are you planning?"

"Senior misunderstood me, and I was also thinking of Qiangu. Do you know who the person she admired so much that she was tortured by the unfeeling water?"

"How would I know." He has been away from the wild for a hundred years, and this girl is only so old.

"It's Bai Zihua."

"What?" Dou Langan suddenly raised his voice, "Aren't they master and apprentice?"

"It's master and apprentice. What happened during this period is too complicated. Maybe we can only know it when we go out. But your lord has always acted prudently. This time he sealed the power of the demon god and exiled his disciple, but he has been To hide it from Hua Qiangu, I don't really want to understand it. At the beginning, Hua Qiangu didn't even know that she had the power of a demon god in her body, and I discovered it later."

Dou Langan frowned, what did Bai Zihua mean by doing this

"Hua Qiangu also said that he would rush out to save a child named Nan Wuyue, saying that Bai Zihua mistakenly thought that child was a demon god, and he would be executed when the seven stars shine in a few months. But the power of the demon god is Bai Zihua sealed it himself, how could he not be able to tell who is the demon god?"

"You mean that Bai Zihua had an affair with her and wanted to cover her up? Find someone to take the knife for his apprentice? It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!" Dou Langan shook his head repeatedly, anyone could do such a thing , but he dared to guarantee with his head that Bai Zihua would never do it.

There was a hint of sarcasm on Zhuran's face, but he still nodded and said: "Based on the junior's understanding of the lord in Changliu Mountain for so many years, I naturally believe that he will not. She was dispatched to the wilderness. We have been away from the Six Realms for too long, and this matter is too complicated, and there may be many inside stories that we don't know. But since His Majesty did this, there must be his reasons. In order not to affect his reputation, It is better not to announce this matter to the public for the time being. And since he doesn’t even mention Hua Qiangu, we’d better not let her know for the time being.”

Dou Langan smiled coldly: "You hate your master so much, but you are quite considerate of your uncle."

"Where there is, my lord is a man who is not admired and admired by everyone in the entire fairy world. Back then, he loved me very much. If it weren't for him, I would have been executed by my master long ago. My lord is so merciful, it was when Senior God of War was on trial, wasn't he I also tried my best to protect it several times."

"Hmph, you know all those old things clearly." Dou Langan and Bai Zihua were just nodding acquaintances, but they were more familiar with Mo Yan. But thinking about it, there is no one in the entire fairy world who has a deep friendship with Bai Zihua, his distant temperament, even if you want to be hot, you can't get hot.

"I don't have any mana right now, and I can't break the seal he set."

"It doesn't matter, it's a little bit that can be solved. When she was in danger before, the power of the demon god barely broke through and used it once, saving her life. It can be seen that the power of the demon god is not bound in the wilderness. If it can be restored A small percentage, and the greater our hope of going back."

"I'll try." Dou Langan nodded.

So in the next few days, even though the sky was full of wind and snow, the poor Hua Qiangu was still driven outside by Dou Langan sitting on the shoulders of the snowman to accept the baptism of the blizzard. Either picking mushrooms in the ice forest, or digging ice cores in the ground. When she found food, she was not allowed to eat it.

The others and the humming beast were eating happily, she could only watch from the side drooling. The Humming Beast was not allowed to secretly deliver food to her, and kicked her politely at night to sleep at the entrance of the cave. On the second day with an empty stomach, I had to go to the top of the far mountain to dig out the black ice and come back. I chopped the ice with my hands and practiced Qi condensation.

So hungry to the limit, cold to the limit, tired to the limit, plus Dou Langan giving her acupuncture points every day, trying to break through the seal that bound her little by little. Dou Langan's personality has always been cold on the outside and hot on the inside, not as good as Zhuran's failure to achieve his goal, regardless of means and sacrifices, and seeing Hua Qiangu collapse and faint again and again, he will still feel a little soft-hearted after all.

Half a month passed, and they stayed for another half a month. Dou Langan specially chose some swordsmanship that is good for channeling and promoting qi to teach her. No matter how hard or tired Hua Qiangu was, he always gritted his teeth and insisted on not saying a word. I couldn't help liking it more and more, and began to regret that I didn't accept a disciple in my life. Persuading Hua Qiangu to join his sect, Hua Qiangu shook his head repeatedly seeing his serious expression. Although Master hated her, he still didn't deny her.

Time and time again, Hua Qiangu found that his speed was getting faster and faster, and his sensitivity became more and more sensitive. The most important thing is that you can use part of the mana, and you can also fly slowly at low altitude with Yujian.

Dou Langan nodded in satisfaction: "It's almost enough, we'll go to the beach tomorrow."

Meeting Ming Fanxian and convincing him was a thousand times easier than Hua Qiangu expected.

A man with long hair like snow stood in the bamboo forest, his face was like a crescent moon, but his eyes were like dead water. There is a crimson fallen heaven mark between the eyebrows, and ordinary fallen immortals will not have such a mark, unless they have done something intolerable. Hua Qiangu has only been seen on Zixun Qianxia and his forehead.

Searching carefully in his mind, Zhuran said that he used to be the Supreme Immortal, why he had never heard of this person's name, not even mentioned in the Complete Book of Six Realms.

"He has been exiled in the Wilderness for at least five hundred years. At that time, Taoist Master Qingxu was not even born. He is a disgrace to the fairy world. After the exile, everything about him was wiped out. Naturally, there will be no records left. If it weren't for the fact that he came to the wilderness too early, many people followed him one after another, and his influence was deep, with his disregard and inaction character, how could he be able to compete with the rotten wood ghost who went all over the place to conquer and recruit troops."

- Does he care about nothing

"Basically, it doesn't matter. The affairs are handed over to four loyal subordinates who have followed him for many years. None of his four subordinates are fuel-efficient, but if he agrees, then there will be no problem."

—What crime did he commit to be deported here

Zhuran frowned tightly, and said in a sad tone: "He fell in love with a man."

Hua Qiangu was dumbfounded.

—Is it such a heinous thing to fall in love with a man, and to be exiled to the wilderness

"The fairy world at that time was not as bad as it is now, and the fairy rules were stricter. Immortals were not allowed to be emotional... What's more, he fell in love with his own brother."

Hua Qiangu's eyes widened even wider.

Zhuran smiled wryly and shook his head: "It is said that although his elder brother's cultivation base is not as high as his, he is just a little fairy, but he is devoted to Taoism and refuses to love him, so he becomes angry and kills him and eats him, bit by bit, even a hair None stay."

Hua Qiangu swayed, feeling like she was about to vomit.

"So it is reasonable to exile him in the wild. The mark of falling into the sky is the shameful mark of his violation of the law of heaven and immorality, just like the indelible scars left by the water of the Sansheng Pond It is both a punishment and a warning. Just like now, I always witness my ambition and greed, as well as your wishful thinking, hahahaha."

Zhuran looked up to the sky and laughed, not knowing whether he was laughing at Ming Fanxian, Hua Qiangu, or himself.

—It is against the way of heaven and morality.

The eight words struck Hua Qiangu's eardrums fiercely, and she stretched out her hand to touch her face, which she almost never dared to touch, her heart ached so badly that she could hardly breathe. The mark of shame, this is her punishment for disrespecting her master.

Doulangan gave Zhuran a hard look, leaning on a cane, took Hua Qiangu's hand covering his face, and walked into the bamboo forest.

He told Ming Fanxian about the matter of joining together to create a wilderness, but his eyes were always wandering, and he listened a little absent-minded.

Suddenly reached out and touched Hua Qiangu's face: "Are you the demon god?"

Hua Qiangu took a step back hastily, looking at his otherworldly yet sad face, remembering what Zhuran said just now, she felt both sympathy and a little bit of fear in her heart.

"The demon gods appear, the heavens and the earth are ruined, the barren lands fall, and the six realms collapse. Is it finally time..." He lowered his head and muttered to himself.

Dou Langan was startled, could this prophecy from thousands of years ago come true

Hua Qiangu looked into Ming Fanxian's eyes ignorantly, her heart was immersed in misery and couldn't extricate herself, what kind of him could withstand this eternal sadness and loneliness, and would have such bleak and desperate lonely eyes.

"Take your time to find a way. The people in the Mercury Room are at your disposal. If anyone refuses to accept it, come and tell me."

He walked away lightly, and raised his hand to push aside the lowered emerald green bamboo branches.

Since Immortal Mingfan has agreed, the balance is out of balance, and the rotten wood ghost is weak, so it is not difficult to persuade him. But he has a cunning personality, and he talked with Zhuran about the conditions for a long time. But because both Dou Langan and Ming Fanxian worshiped the demon gods, and seeing the ugly Hua Qiangu surrendering to all beasts, and being able to control the sword in the wilderness, I was not sure, and didn't dare to fight rashly. I can give in temporarily, thinking that if I can really go out, I can talk about other things later.

After a grand enthronement ceremony of the demon god, the barbaric people finally unified. Hua Qiangu rode the Yazi Beast onto the stage, and walked around the field with his sword for three times. Thousands of people in the audience cheered and bowed down, but he also knew that everyone had a ulterior motive. She is nothing more than a cover, a tool and a puppet. But as long as she can go out and leave this place, she doesn't care, and neither does the person kneeling under her.

Looking at Zhuran standing aside, he smiled confidently, looking like he was planning a strategy. She knew that he was very sure about leaving the wilderness. Although he still doesn't know what kind of medicine Zhu Ran sells in his bones, he is not worried that these people will subvert the Six Realms if they go out. Because once these people go out, they must completely break away from themselves, that is, the control of the so-called demon gods, and turn into a mess of loose sand, enjoying their hard-won freedom to the fullest. He would not obey to complete the great cause of the unification of the six realms that Zhuran said. But after all, returning with the grievances and resentment of being exiled, he will definitely wreak havoc and revenge in the Six Realms. The tragedies and evil consequences caused are also beyond one's control.

But she herself has deeply experienced the horror of the wilderness, and if she can leave, she can't bear to keep others here anymore. In this kind of hell on earth, no matter how high-minded and self-reliant a fairy is, he will be forced to look like a human being and a ghost.

As she approached to go out, she became more and more worried. But she didn't expect Zhuran to surprise her in the end.

(Quanben Novel Network)