The Journey of Flower

Chapter 94: 95. Peach blossoms are secluded


Ever since he left the wilderness, Hua Qiangu could always feel the inexplicable and powerful force in his body, like a brewing volcano that couldn't wait to erupt. But it was firmly suppressed by something. The two are fighting like fierce tigers and are deadlocked. When she was in the wilderness, the power had to dormant quietly, but as soon as she returned to the six realms, her whole body began to boil and roar, as if it wanted to swallow her up.

Back then most of the injuries to his body were permanent and fatal, but now they have all healed miraculously, and his body shape is even faster and more sensitive than before. If it wasn't for the scars, she would think that the pain she had had was fake. Too many things happened this year, and she was exhausted physically and mentally all the time, but the news of Bai Zihua's re-acceptance finally broke the string in her heart completely.

Even though she still squeezed out a smiling face and pretended to be meaningless, the pain and grievances in her heart piled up again and again, mixed with the powerful power of the demon god, burning her fiercely in her heart all the time, as if to incinerate her. Although it is not enough to be possessed by demons, it is also a serious internal injury. After venting for a while, he finally calmed down, and was finally willing to face the matter rationally and seriously.

Ten thousand voices in my heart were shouting, wanting to see him, wanting to find out what happened during the year she was not around. It doesn't matter if you say she is stubborn, or you say she is stubborn. After so many years, she has understood and absolutely believed in Master's character. Since he said in front of the world that he only accepts one apprentice in this life, he will not accept another one as an apprentice unless he is expelled from the teacher's school. There must be something wrong with this matter.

Hui Changliu's heart is like an arrow, too many words, too many thoughts, stuffed in her chest, making her breathless. She wanted to see her master, she wanted to see him like crazy, but she knew that she must never let him see her.

It was very cold, and the sea wind was biting, mixed with tiny hailstones, hitting her face directly, flying as low as possible, and the true energy formed a wall around her body. The sky is cloudy and gloomy, and there is a fear that there will be a big snowstorm soon. Now that she has no sword, she can only control the wind, but her speed is much faster than that of Yujian, and she reached the sky above Changliu Mountain not long after.

It was pitch black all around, only Changliu floated in the sea, faintly emitting a silver shimmer, like a huge gem. The waves are higher and higher, and the vortex wants to involve Chang Liu in it.

Hua Qiangu took out the human skin mask imitated from "Seven Jue Pu" just before leaving Maoshan and put it on her face. Due to the rush of time, the work was not very delicate, but it should be enough for a while, as long as it is not seen by the three elders and those sharp-eyed elders.

Flying around Changliu, I found that several secret paths were all sealed, and the air was densely covered with seals, and I couldn't even get close. Hua Qiangu felt a little strange, Changliu is a great sect in the fairy world, he has always boasted that he is very high, and no monsters dare to invade, usually there is only a simple wall covering, why is it so troublesome now, with a face like a big What does the enemy look like

Fortunately, she was much stronger than before. Although it took some twists and turns, she finally opened a secret path into the mountain. Returning to the place where thousands of thoughts are expected, one can imagine the excitement in my heart. She thought that there would be layers of barriers outside, and the inside of the mountain would also strictly guard against it, but what she didn't expect was that there was no need to sneak around and hide. The front of the hall, the promenade, the practice field, the woods... there was no one there, and the silence was eerie.

Although there is usually a curfew at night in Changliu, how come there are not even half of the patrolling disciples? She couldn't help feeling a chill in her heart, and since she went to Maoshan that year and saw the massacre, whenever there was such an empty scene, she would habitually feel nervous and scared. Gently closing her eyes, she was slightly relieved when she found out that there were people in several familiar dorms.

Looking at the Palace of Unrequited Love above, the place she missed so much that she dreamed back countless times in the middle of the night. Holding back the tingling pain in her heart, she told herself that she must not go up, if the master found out that she had returned, it would be difficult to save Xiaoyue.

Xiaoyue has a special status, she can be said to be the most important prisoner in the entire Six Realms, and the place of detention must be extremely secretive. It is impossible to just be locked in the long-term prison full of enchantments and seals in a hurry like before. She didn't have any plans in advance when she came this time, so she naturally understood that even with her current strength, it was not enough to rescue Xiaoyue unscathed. She was just worried, just missing, and just wanted to find out the truth. Even if there is no way to save him, if you can see him, talk to him through secret words or something.

Sneaking into the dungeon secretly, there were still no guards, but after a careful inspection, no one was imprisoned inside, no wonder there was no need for guards. Sure enough, Xiaoyue is no longer here...

Slightly frowned and blamed himself for being too reckless, he should discuss it with Dongfang first and ask clearly. Maybe Xiaoyue has already been transferred, and maybe she won't stay here for a long time.

He closed his eyes and started looking for Tang Bao again, only to find that not only Tang Bao, but also Luo Shiyi and Qing Shui were not in the mountains. what happened? Isn't there a Changliu feast for the immortals tomorrow? They shouldn't be going out at this juncture.

At first she thought, even if she didn't know anything about what happened this year, as long as she saw Tang Bao, everything would be clear, and it wouldn't be too difficult to find Xiaoyue. unwise.

Slightly frustrated and discouraged, leaning against the pillar, staring at the Palace of Unrequited Love in a daze. She originally thought that she would be able to see everyone this time. How long had she been waiting for this day, but she didn't expect that everyone was not here.

Looking around, it was still the Changliu Mountain she was familiar with, but she felt that something was different, and the air was full of chills.

Master, it was at the place where she could see it when she looked up.

No, we must focus on the overall situation. She gritted her teeth and was about to fly away from Changliu, but suddenly she saw a flash of red light not far away.

who? !

Hua Qiangu frowned slightly, but after thinking about it, she followed. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, with red lips and white teeth, pink and jade carvings. Judging from the clothes and figure, she should be a long-term disciple, but she has never seen it before, and her face is very strange.

She walked quietly among the pavilions, and then sneaked into the kitchen in a sneaky way.

Seeing her being so sneaky, Hua Qiangu couldn't tell whether she was a spy who sneaked in from outside, or a gluttonous disciple who sneaked into the kitchen to find something to eat despite the curfew. But seeing her wearing two round buns, her appearance is pure and lovely, so she probably won't be a bad person.

I didn't want to cause trouble, and was about to leave when I heard the sound of collapsing and shattering coming from the kitchen.

Thinking that something happened, she hurriedly dodged inside, but saw the child opening his mouth in bewilderment, looking at the mess on the ground, and at Hua Qiangu.

He bowed and apologized repeatedly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't do it on purpose..." I wondered for a while, I immediately put on the protective cover, how could I still be heard and found, and I still rushed away so quickly Come.

Hua Qiangu was stunned, and it took him a long time to realize that she must have mistook herself for a disciple who was doing odd jobs in the kitchen.

Seeing her obediently lowering her head and admitting her mistake as if she was caught doing something wrong, Hua Qiangu couldn't help but smiled softly, shook her head lightly, then knelt down to help her clean up the mess on the ground.

"The little broom is gone, are you newly appointed to replace him?" The pink girl suddenly looked heartbroken, and looked at her with teary eyes.

Hua Qiangu was stunned, and could only nod slightly.

But she didn't expect the person in front of her to rush over all of a sudden, she was squatting and her center of gravity was unstable, and she was suddenly crushed to the ground.

Before she realized what was going on, the girl buried her head in her arms, hugged her tightly and burst into tears.

Although he looks about the same age as her on the outside, he is much older than her after all. Being pressed on the ground by her like this, it is inevitable that there is some embarrassment. Helpless, she was crying sadly, her body was trembling like a little rabbit in the cold wind. Hua Qiangu could only reflexively pat her on the back to comfort her silently.

The child cried for a while, his eyes were red like a bunny, and he wiped his nose on her clothes unceremoniously. Then he got up clumsily and helped her up embarrassingly.

"It's so hard to see people who are about my age on the mountain. The World Honored One sent all those with lower morals and younger ages away from the mountain. What's your name?"

Hua Qiangu looked at her innocently looking into her eyes, and couldn't help frowning, thinking about the whole thing, could something have happened to Changliu Mountain? Master is fine!

Feeling flustered for no reason, she casually replied, "My name is Xiaoqi."

Bamboo dyeing, falling eleven, fox green hills, floating up and down, fire evening, dancing green radish. In terms of seniority, I am indeed the youngest of the three disciples, ranking seventh.

"Ah! How can you speak without opening your mouth! Where did the voice come from!"

The child in front of him danced in surprise, walked around Hua Qiangu, and carefully looked at it excitedly.

"I... am dumb, I can only speak with internal force."

Hua Qiangu looked at her, eyes wide open curiously, chattering and bouncing around, just like herself when she first entered Changliu, her heart felt unspeakably sour.

"Ah..." The girl's face turned dark and sad in an instant, and she looked at her apologetically.

He suddenly stretched out his small hand and caressed Hua Qiangu's neck. Hua Qiangu's body trembled, almost thinking that she had seen through her disguised fake face. Unexpectedly, she just stroked it lightly, as if seeing a wound in her throat, with distressed and unbearable eyes.

"It seems to be seriously injured, and I can't recover." At first, she was a little suspicious and wary of Xiaoqi in front of her, but when she touched her hand, she knew that she was really unable to speak, and she felt sympathy. Dispelling all suspicions, she threw all the warnings up and down by her.

"Can you heal wounds?" Hua Qiangu gently pulled her hand away unnaturally, suddenly she was not used to the intimacy shown by strangers, not because of disgust, but just because of her subconscious inferiority complex, knowing what was hidden under her skin How ugly and scary the face is.

"Well, don't you know? I'm very powerful. I didn't need spells since I was a child. If a bird's wings are injured, I can fly again. I like helping people save people, so the spells I mainly practice these years It's also a healing technique, and I don't like the five elements technique, but my father always forces me to practice, saying that if I don't fight others in the battle, I will be beaten and bullied. I don't listen to him, I don't like fighting with others. Later, when I came to Changliu Mountain, His Majesty told me that it is not enough just to have the ability to heal others. It is not enough to treat the symptoms, but not the root cause. I have to be strong enough and learn to protect myself and the people around me from getting hurt. I think it makes sense , I just started to learn other spells, although I have only been here for more than half a year, but I am already very powerful! You... you don't know me?"

Hua Qiangu was stunned, should she know her? She is famous

"I just entered the mountain..."

"I think you can speak with your inner strength. The spells should be very powerful. You can stay in Changliu Mountain without being sent away. I thought you have been practicing for a long time!"

"I... I used to practice in Shushan for a while."

"Oh, that's it, no wonder you don't know, and you come to the kitchen so late! Didn't the World-Honored One tell you that it's very dangerous at night in Changliu Mountain, and you are absolutely not allowed to go out."


"Because the demons will come to Changliu Mountain to arrest people at night. They catch one every night, and many people have already died. No matter how they guard against it..." The child in front of him lowered his head and began to sob, "The little broom was captured by the demon last night. Yes, and he was directly taken away from the heavily guarded bedroom. Everyone said he was dead... "

Hua Qiangu was stunned, seeing the child in front of her start to cry sadly again, she suddenly envied her that she could cry wantonly and vent her emotions like this.

It's just, what the hell is going on, what happened while she was away. Is this related to Sister Qianmo? Too many things happened, but she was so stupid that she didn't know anything.

He touched her head, and selflessly offered his sleeves to help dry her tears again: "But why did you run out alone at night again? Are you hungry? Come to find something to eat?"

"No..." She lowered her head and muttered, "I tell you, don't tell anyone else. Your Majesty has been coughing up blood today, whether it's because of an illness or a relapse of an old injury. I can't cure it, but he doesn't Allow me to tell Shizun and Ruzun that I am so anxious that I don’t know what to do. He woke up in a daze for a while at night, and suddenly said that he wanted to eat peach blossom soup, but there was nothing to eat in the Palace of Unrequited Love, so how could I? How to make peach soup. I can only sneak down and try to make it. Usually, when I come to the kitchen to eat secretly, there is a little broom that will make it for me. Now that the little broom is gone, I didn’t expect it to be so difficult to cook by myself ... Xiaoqi, what's wrong with you..."

Hua Qiangu staggered back two steps, leaned against the wall weakly, and reached out to stop her support.

"May I have your name?"

"My name is You Ruo. I just won the Immortal Sword Conference today, and it's amazing! I thought you would recognize me! Hehe..."

Hua Qiangu slowly closed her eyes with trembling lips. So... it was her, no wonder...

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay." Hua Qiangu smiled bitterly and sighed. The world was so absurd, what else could she say

"You... ran out at the risk just to make a bowl of peach blossom soup for Your Majesty?"

96. Things Are Different

"En..." You Ruo lowered her head and poked her finger, "It's a pity that I'm too stupid to do it. Xiao Qi, can you help me!"

Hua Qiangu resisted the soreness in her heart, gritted her teeth and nodded: "I'll teach you, but you have to do it yourself."

"Great!" You Ruo cheered and threw herself into her arms. Although she hadn't known Xiao Qi for long, she liked the fragrant smell on her body, which gave her a very familiar and friendly feeling. I feel, have I met her before

Hua Qiangu pushed her away calmly, unable to tell what it was like facing her.

Is this the one who is about to replace her? She used to be very unwilling to fantasize that she, who had a special status, was a delicate and rude young lady like Ni Mantian. When I saw it now, I realized that it was not what she had imagined. No wonder Master likes her, even I can't help liking her...

Peach Blossom Soup—

Why did Master suddenly want to eat peach blossom soup? Is he sick or hurt? Is it serious? The lingering poison from the beginning should be cleared away. What happened this year? Who hurt him? Impossible, in this world, how could anyone beat Master

She really wanted to make a bowl of peach blossom soup for him with her own hands like before. Although it was simple, Master always liked it the most.

But she can't, if she does it, the master will be completely exposed when he eats the peach blossom soup that tastes exactly the same as before.

Seeing You Ruo busy under his command, although the movements are a little clumsy, but not losing order, the round little face is flushed with excitement, and there is a little sweat on the forehead, it is hard to tell what is going on in his heart. Envy or pain.

Not long after, the peach blossom soup was ready, You Ruo took a sip, and happily yelled: "Xiaoqi, you are amazing, you cook so deliciously, I can't believe it was made by me, hehe!"

Hua Qiangu nodded lightly: "You live in the Palace of Heartlessness?"

"Well, don't worry, daddy, I've been living in the Palace of Unrequited Love with my lord since I came to Changliu."

"My does he treat you well?"

"Your Majesty is great, treat me well! I have always wanted to worship under him, and today I finally won the Immortal Sword Conference. I immediately ran to beg Your Majesty and the World Honored One, but I didn't expect him to nod in agreement!"

"He promised himself?"

"Of course, Xiao Qi, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell, go back and rest early!"

"I'm fine..." Hua Qiangu smiled vainly, and gently held You Ruo's hand, "Please... take good care of him. If he still wants to eat peach blossom soup, just do as I taught you today."

"En, good, thank you!" You Ruo hugged her suddenly with a smile, and kissed her on the cheek, "Give you a beautiful kiss, I have to go back quickly, Your Majesty must be waiting impatiently, if you wake up If he finds me slipping down the palace alone, it will be a big deal. I will come to play with you tomorrow when I am free."

Hua Qiangu nodded, waved her hand, and watched You Ruo happily flying towards the Palace of Unrequited Love, her pink back was so bright that she wanted to cry.

Did you just go back like this? Although he has accepted his new apprenticeship, how can he rest assured of his injury

Don't be noticed by him, just get closer and listen to his voice, okay

She clutched her throbbing chest, and looked at the Palace of Unfeeling Reluctantly. She has no complaints after seeing You Ruo, but she wants to see him even more.

Maybe that's the only way to really let go

Struggling hard, she couldn't bear it any longer, and finally stepped on the waterfall to the Palace of Heartlessness.

His body floated like a light smoke, and it fell faintly on a peach blossom in full bloom on the top of a tree in the courtyard, as light as a feather.

Carefully hide all the breath, look around, the plants and trees in the Palace of Unrequited Love are still exactly the same as when they left. The peach blossom trees in the courtyard are as fragrant as rain, and they are still blooming colorfully in the cold wind. A pink and tender peach blossom essence woke up from sleep, and saw her buzzing in surprise. Hua Qiangu shushed with his index finger, and blinked at her. As if recognizing who she was, he immediately flapped his thin wings and threw himself into her arms.

Hua Qiangu sat on a peach blossom tree not far away, quietly looking at Bai Zihua's door in a daze. Close your eyes, feel the familiar breath, know that he is in the room at this moment. My heart was tangled up like a twist, and I was almost out of breath. It's been a year, and I've been thinking about him all the time, has he ever thought about himself

Master, Xiao Gu is back...

Resisting the urge to see him, he bit his lower lip hard and told himself not to get any closer, otherwise he would definitely find out. It is even more impossible to spy on him with a microscopic view and let him be aware of it.

It was only a few feet away, why did she still feel that it was separated by thousands of rivers and mountains

Miss you so much, do you know

Suddenly there was a cough in the room, Hua Qiangu gasped, her mind went blank, she quickly covered her mouth to stop the shouting and sobbing that she was about to blurt out.

Why is Master so weak

My heart suddenly clenched, and then I heard You Ruo's voice.

"My lord, the peach blossom soup is ready, eat it while it's hot!"

After a long pause, she finally heard the voice of Wannian.

"Peach blossom soup? Why do you make peach blossom soup?"

"His Majesty said he wanted to eat."

"I said I want to eat?"

"Well, Your Majesty said it when he woke up halfway, so I did it right away."

There was a long silence in the room.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty fell asleep just now. There are no ingredients here, so you went down to the palace alone?"

You Ruo didn't speak, only Bai Zihua's sigh could be heard.

"Don't be careless, you must never go down to the Palace of Unrequited Love alone at night, you know?"

"I know my lord, those bad guys want to arrest me the most, but I'm already very powerful. Didn't I win the Fairy Sword Conference? I won't be captured casually. Don't worry, my lord. .You eat it quickly, it will be cold in a while."

"I don't want to eat, you take it out and pour it out."

"Ah? Why? Didn't Your Majesty really want to eat it just now? I tasted it, and it tastes good!" You Ruo was slightly puzzled and excited.

There was another burst of strong coughing in the room, each of which hit Hua Qiangu's heart hard, the pain made her want to cry.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?" You Ruo said nervously and anxiously, her voice seemed to be about to cry: "A few days ago, you were fine, why did your body suddenly become so bad today? Did it change today? It's going to snow soon, so the old injury has recurred? Is there any soreness and discomfort, can I help you beat it?"

"No need, you are tired from the competition today, go back and rest early."

Hua Qiangu had never heard her master speak in such a gentle and loving tone, even to herself. His voice is always faint, and even his caring words carry a sense of alienation and teaching. Just like the first snow falling quietly on the eaves, deserted and lonely.

This kid is different to him. Master never does anything against his own heart. This child named You Ruo who is about to become his apprentice, he really loves and likes him...

She quickly tapped the two acupuncture points on her chest, swallowed the salty smell welling up in her throat, leaned her head lightly on the tree, and slowly closed her eyes.

The last ray of hope I had been holding was shattered...

The matter of foolishly persuading himself to accept disciples was only arranged by the World Honored One Moyan. Now it seems that it is really the decision of the master from the heart, and no one or external force forced him.

I couldn't help laughing wryly, how could I not know that although Master put the overall situation first, he was never threatened or persecuted by anyone or anything.

She heard the sound of her heart breaking, she didn't want to stay here any longer, she wanted to leave, but she couldn't bear it. After going through untold hardships and trekking across mountains and rivers, and returning to the original place, I just want to get closer to him, listen to him more and feel his real existence. But what I saw was just such a scene.

Pieces of snowflakes the size of goose feathers fluttered down in the sky, the cold wind blew, and the hands, feet and heart slowly condensed into ice.

"Your Majesty, let's eat something before going to sleep. I made it with great difficulty, but I can't bear to throw it away."

She watched You Ruo open the door and come out, turned her back to someone and stuck out her tongue mischievously. The moment the door opened, she vaguely saw the corner of the master's white clothes sitting by the table like lightning.

I couldn't help but reach out, but only grasped the infinite void.

She watched You Ruo bouncing back to sleep, but she entered her own room.

There are so many rooms in the Palace of Unrequited Love, but why did she choose to live in that one? Did Master throw away all her things? Because she will never come back

A snowflake fell on her palm, it was icy cold, it was bone-chilling cold.

Withdrawing his hand, he turned to hold the bell in his arms tightly, holding the certificate of their master-student relationship, like grabbing a life-saving straw. Now, should she also give this bell to You Ruo? Looking up, watching the snowflakes flying all over the sky, I wanted to cry but couldn't.

Sitting on the tree facing the door all night, the snow fell more and more. Her head and shoulders were covered with snow, and she remained motionless, as if she had turned into a snowman and merged with the peach blossoms all over the branches.

Listening to the coughing sound from time to time in the room, what kept flashing in my mind was the bit by bit of getting along with him in front of the court. His hands and feet gradually became cold and numb, and his heart was so cold that he couldn't even feel the pain.

It's almost dawn, time to go.

She stood up stiffly, shaking the snow on her body, and staggered in vain. Suddenly a bell rang softly, and he looked down dully, and saw the bell in his hand slipped from his stiff fingertips to the ground accidentally. …

Sandalwood curls up, and light smoke fills the air.

In the room, Bai Zihua sat in front of a bowl of peach blossom soup all night, although he knew that the thing was for eating, not for looking at. But I don't want to eat it, and I don't want to throw it away with my own hands. It's like a bowl full of memories, unwilling to touch or forget.

Wan Laizhong suddenly heard a soft sound, as if it came from another time and space. He opened the door in a few steps in a hurry, but only saw the empty yard covered in silver and covered with snow.

Do you have auditory hallucinations again, why are there always bells ringing in your ears

Bai Zihua leaned weakly against the door, his fingers sunk into the pillar. Still cold and arrogant, lonely and above the dust, but his complexion is pale and crystal clear, and his eyes are exhausted that cannot be concealed in the paleness.

(Quanben Novel Network)