The Journey Of The Peasant Mother-in-Law

Chapter 118: son


Li was so worried that she forgot about the excitement at Wang Laosi's house. When her mother asked her about it, she remembered that she had forgotten something important. "Sun was dragged down by Wang Ru, and her seven-month-old baby was born prematurely."

Zhu Lan didn't believe Wang Ru was so stupid as to do it herself, "Why did the mother and daughter quarrel?"

Li had been there for a while yesterday and had inquired a lot. "Sun's sisters-in-law are not good people. When Sun's mother passed away, the beautiful eldest Sun was sold as a maid. The youngest Sun was ugly and looked like she would have trouble giving birth, so she married Wang Laosi. Wang Laosi's family became rich and came to ask for money. Wang Ru would not let Wang Zhang take advantage of her, let alone the Sun family. She said bad things about Wang Ru in front of Sun every time she failed to take advantage of her."

Li paused and said mysteriously, "Sun's sisters-in-law are mean enough. They knew that Sun wanted a son, and they kept talking about how Sun almost had a miscarriage the first time because of Wang Ru's collision. After so many times, Sun believed it a little. Not only did she not stay close to Wang Ru, she also stole Wang Ru's jewelry when she was not at home. This time when Wang Ru came back and saw Sun stealing her money, she pulled Sun and wouldn't let her leave. Sun tried to run away but fell down."

Li curled her lips and said, "Sun didn't treat Sanya as her own daughter. Sanya made a lot of money, but Sun fell to the ground and scolded her harshly!"

She also gave birth to a daughter who was extremely precious to her. Not only did she never even raise her hand when she was scolded, she was also unwilling to imitate Sun's scolding.

Zhulan thought to herself that Sun was the child's biological mother and knew her child well. The mother and daughter were connected by heart. Sun did not only have a grudge against Wang Ru because of what the Sun family said, but also because she knew in her heart that Wang Ru was not San Ya.

Zhao continued, "Sun is no longer the timid Sun she used to be. She changes so much when she becomes rich that I dare not recognize her anymore."

Zhulan asked, "Do you know whether Sun gave birth to a son or a daughter?"

Li really knew that the head of the family came to her just in time for the birth, and Wang Laosi was laughing like crazy. If she stayed a little longer, she could get some money. "The son is almost eight months old, and he should be able to survive."

Zhulan thought that Wang Ru's survival mode had become more difficult, and it was indirectly caused by her and Zhou Shuren. Wang Laosi's daughter, who had a son, had become a complete money-loser. It was just a pity for the two older girls. Because of Sun's bragging, no one had ever heard from them since they had been inquiring about them.

However, it seems that Wang Ru also disagrees with her two older sisters marrying to the countryside. Wang Ru has always looked at things from a modern perspective and has no idea how good it is to marry without any background. Wang Laosi's two daughters are not good-looking, and Wang Ru's outstanding appearance is a miracle of modern makeup. Her foundation is not that good even without makeup.

Zhulan knew about the situation of Wang Laosi's family, so she didn't ask any more questions. Li and Zhao talked about other topics.

In the evening, the dumplings were not made of pure white flour. I added some cornmeal but didn't dare to add more, for fear that the viscosity would not be enough and they would break when cooked. Fortunately, Li's control was good and the dumplings did not break. The dumplings with meat filling went into the stomach. Several children surrounded Zhulan, and Mingteng said coquettishly, "Grandma, you can stay at home and not go anywhere in the future, okay?"

Zhulan pinched Mingteng's nose and said, "You are thinking about the delicious food that grandma has at home!"

Ming Teng felt embarrassed because he was hit on the spot. He blinked his big eyes and quickly said, "I was missing my grandma."

Zhulan smiled, "But grandma can bring gifts to Mingteng when she goes out. Can you bring Xiaogong back next time?"

Ming Teng was confused, his eyes widened, "Why can't I have my cake and eat it too?"

Zhulan was happy, "You know you can't have your cake and eat it too, not bad, not bad."

Ming Teng was proud. "I learned it just by listening to my brother reciting. My brother said that I am lucky to be like him and not have the stupid brains of my parents."

Mingyun: “… … ..”

Hey, little brother, you’ve screwed me over, and now you can feel the sharp look in dad’s eyes!

Boss Zhou, “… … ..”

He is not smart, but it hurts his heart to be called stupid by his son!