The Journey Of The Peasant Mother-in-Law

Chapter 128: Reduce age


The four elders of the clan frowned and gave out ten taels of silver at a time. Wang Laosi's family really became rich.

The clan leader looked at Zhou Shuren and said, "Today is Changzhi's matter. This silver should be given to your family."

Zhou Shuren curled his lips, "Don't your words make me feel uneasy? Today, we were able to solve the problem so well thanks to our clan. This money should be used to honor uncle and the elders."

Zhulan glanced at the clan leader. The clan leader was very smart. He said that he would give the money to their family, which meant that they knew that they would not accept it. Zhou Shuren's reply made people feel at ease after taking the money. They were all smart people.

The clan leader did not refuse. If he did, it would be too much of a show, which would not be pretty. “Okay, we will present the kindness of our nephew.”

Zhulan's family didn't want it. Ten taels of silver were just right for five families, with two taels per person. There was no scholar in the family, so two taels of silver was enough for half a year if they lived frugally. It was a considerable amount of unexpected money, and everyone was happy.

Zhulan and Zhou Shuren also said goodbye and went back.

In ancient times, the night without the moon was really dark and one could not see the road clearly. Zhulan and Zhou Shuren walked back slowly with lanterns. Zhulan could not help but hold Zhou Shuren's hand tightly. They came back late. At this time, all the candles in the houses were out and even the dogs in the village stopped barking. It was quite scary.

Zhou Shuren didn't intend to scare Zhulan, because scaring people can be fatal. He held Zhulan's hand tightly and walked quickly towards home.

When we got home, the hall was still lighted. Zhou Laoda was guarding the hall. When he saw his parents coming back, he knew the problem was solved, so he stood up and said, "Dad, I'm going to go back to sleep first."

Zhou Shuren nodded, "Yes."

Zhulan glanced at the stove, which was still burning. She added more firewood before going into the house and changing her clothes. Zhou Shuren came in with some hot water, "We walked a long way, so you can soak your feet."

Zhulan watched Zhou Shuren busying around. She was really used to Zhou Shuren bringing her hot water. Sometimes habits are really scary. She watched Zhou Shuren change clothes while soaking her feet. After half a year, because Zhulan adjusted the meals, Zhou Shuren was no longer as skinny as when he first got married. After half a year of exercise, she saw abdominal muscles!

Zhulan looked down at her hands. Since she came to the ancient times, she has been taking care of herself. She drinks a cup of honey water every morning. When the honey is gone, she drinks jujube and brown sugar. She has never stopped. She also puts some egg white on her face as a mask every now and then. Her complexion and skin have improved. Sometimes she also follows Zhou Shuren to exercise indoors, and her flesh has become firmer. Even her hands have become whiter after she stops cooking and soaks them in hot water every day. If you don’t tell her age, no one would believe that they are the hands of a grandmother.

Although she can't use all kinds of skin care products like modern ones, she has been well maintained. She looks a lot younger than when she first arrived in ancient times, and she is three times fairer and more beautiful. She didn't go out much during the winter, so her already good-looking face has become even more gentle. She can't restore her appearance to that of a modern twenties, but she can maintain her appearance at around thirty.

When summer comes and cucumbers are ripe and honey becomes cheaper, if she takes better care of herself, she will definitely look a few years younger.

Zhulan glanced at Zhou Shuren, who had a beard. She couldn't help but curl her lips. It was also good to have a beard, at least it covered Zhou Shuren's face. As long as she was beautiful, that was enough.

Zhou Shuren finished washing first. He didn’t know what Zhulan was thinking, but he had a smile on his face. He was happy if Zhulan was happy, too.

The next morning, Zhulan got up early and packed the things Zhou Shuren was going to take. The exam was tomorrow, and Zhou Shuren was going to stay in the county today. On the day of the county exam, the county magistrate would call the roll before dawn, so if he stayed at home he would not be able to make it in time and would not be able to rest well, it would be more convenient to stay in the county.

The advantage of having a family is that Zhou Shuren and other candidates in the clan do not have to find a place by themselves. For those clan members who have moved to the county, their accommodation has been prepared long ago. They just need to pay for food and accommodation. It is not only safe but also brings some income to the clan members, killing two birds with one stone.