The Journey Of The Peasant Mother-in-Law

Chapter 6: The tiring ancient transportation


Zhulan shouted, "The eldest daughter-in-law, the eldest daughter-in-law."

Li was lazing around in the house. She was startled when she heard her mother-in-law shouting. She almost fell off the kang. She hurriedly held the child and said, "Mom, what's the matter?"

Zhulan helped her husband lie down on the kang and said to Li: "Go and call the eldest and second sons back, and ask them to borrow a bullock cart from the head of the village to take your father to the town for medical treatment."

Only then did Li notice her father-in-law's pain and ran away in a hurry.

Zhulan got up to fetch some water and wrung out a handkerchief to wipe her husband's forehead to cool him down. The second son's wife, Zhao, came late with a bulging belly. She stood at the door and started crying, as if she was mourning. Zhulan was so angry that she yelled, "If you can't help, go back to your room. Why are you crying? You're so depressed."

Zhulan yelled without controlling the volume and Zhao went out wiping her tears. Zhulan was too lazy to roll her eyes. The reputation of the evil mother-in-law must have become more famous.

Zhulan's whole mind was on her original husband. Her feelings were extremely complicated. She felt relieved that her original husband could not make it, but she could not get over the psychological barrier of saving a living life.

After changing the handkerchief several times, the husband's forehead was no longer so hot, and he kept muttering, "Water, water."

Zhulan hurriedly changed her handkerchief and got up to go to the living room to get some water. Fortunately, it was the beginning of autumn and there was no hot water like in the summer. The hot water that had been boiled in the teapot that morning was almost cool now. She carefully fed him a bowl of water and only breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that her husband was feeling better.

He hurriedly got on the kang, took out the key and opened the money box. He had no time to care about his property now. He took out a few taels of silver and counted out dozens of copper coins, then quickly locked the box again.

She had experience in taking care of patients. Her grandparents were in the hospital and her father was busy, so she was the one who took care of them. She took out the quilts she brought with her, and when everything was almost ready, the eldest and second oldest came back driving the ox cart.

The ox cart was covered with grass and then a quilt. Zhulan directed the officers to stand the grass on both sides higher to block the wind. After making sure that nothing was left behind, she took out the food for lunch and dinner and gave it to Li, then locked the door before getting on the cart and leaving.

It was painful to take a car in ancient times. The country roads were bumpy and the wheels had no shock absorption, so the ride was bumpy. Even Zhulan, who was not prone to motion sickness, felt nauseous due to the bumps. It took her nearly half an hour to reach the town.

Zhoujia Village is considered to be close to the town. Zhulan didn’t dare to imagine how long it would take if it were far away.

Zhulan observed her surroundings curiously. What she remembered was different from what she saw with her own eyes. According to the geographical location, Zhulan was actually closer to the capital. Even if it was closer, it would take nearly half a month to get there by car. The ancient transportation was so tiring.

The town is quite prosperous. This is not the ancient city you see when traveling, this is the real ancient city.

The book revolves around the counterattack of the heroine. To facilitate the heroine, the background is set so that women can set up a female household, divorce, and go out.

Along the way, Zhulan saw many women on the street, including young ladies, ladies, and vendors. Zhulan was happy because she did not like the low status of women.

There are two clinics in the town. Zhulan didn't save money and went to the best one. Probably because of the change of seasons, there were a lot of people coming to see the doctor. Zhulan looked at her husband and her eldest son while they waited in line.

Because her grandfather owned a herbal medicine restaurant and knew some Chinese medicine, she admired Chinese medicine from what she heard and saw. Unfortunately, she had no talent for it. After more than 20 years, she could only remember a few herbal medicine recipes for nourishing the body, which she learned for her grandparents.

The second child ran over and said, "Mom, it's Dad's turn."

Zhulan helped to lift her husband up. She touched his head and found it was not so hot anymore. She breathed a sigh of relief and sent him to lie down inside. Zhulan became nervous again. The doctor stroked his beard for a long time without saying a word, which made her very anxious.

The doctor loosened his hand and said, "You are overthinking and have caught a cold, so the symptoms are a bit severe. It's not a big deal. I'll prescribe three days of medicine for you. Go home and boil it and drink it. Come back for a follow-up visit in three days."

Zhulan, "... ..."

Overthinking? The original body didn't remember anything to worry about at home.