The Kind Death God

Chapter 170: The phoenix is reborn


Time passed by every minute and every second, and an hour later, Ah-Dai finally recovered his three-success power, and slowly woke up from the samadhi. Under the action of Zhuo Yun's elven magic, the concussion of the meridians in his body has basically healed. Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was Zhuo Yun, whose whole body was wrapped in green light. He smiled slightly and said, "Sister, it's alright."

Seeing Ah-Dai waking up, Zhuo Yun was overjoyed. He flapped his wings and flew to Ah-Dai's side, and asked with concern, "How is it? Are you feeling better?"

Dumb nodded, and said, "I'm fine, sister, what about the Lord? Did you kill him?"

Zhuo Yun shook his head sadly, and said: "The tyrannical master is completely unexpected, and he is a race I have never seen before. Those black wings look really weird!"

As soon as he heard that the master was not dead, Dumb's heart sank immediately. He knew that it would be difficult to find him in the future after being escaped by the master this time, so he sighed and said, "Forget it, as long as the dark forces don't die Give up the encroachment on the mainland, we will meet one day, his sinful soul will end up in my hands sooner or later. What about Miefeng? Ah! I remember she stood in front of me before I fainted, what is she doing now Like?" Thinking of Miefeng's bewildered eyes, Duan's heart trembled violently, although he didn't accept Miefeng's feelings, but he never wanted Miefeng to die like the ice in the past.

Zhuo Yun looked aside, "Teachers Xi Wen and Liao Wen are healing her injuries. The situation is very bad. Mie Feng's injuries are very serious. I have tried to use elven magic to heal her, but her own cultivation skills It is of the dark attribute, and my elven magic can't work at all. Now I can only rely on two teachers. Their vitality can completely suppress the dark energy in Miefeng's body, and then heal her. I hope God can bless her alive come on."

Dumb's heart tightened, and he floated up and landed beside Miefeng. Both Xi Wen and Liao Wen had their eyes closed, with serious expressions on their faces. It was obvious that Miefeng's situation was not optimistic. Just when Ah-Dai was about to help the two masters, Xi Wen and Liao Wen received their kung fu at the same time, a faint white light returned to their bodies, and they opened their eyes at the same time. Mie Feng groaned, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of purple-black congestion. Dumb was taken aback, and hurriedly hugged her delicate body, using his own skills to inquire about the situation in her body.

Xi Wen sighed, and said: "I'm sorry, Dumb, we have tried our best, this girl's injury is too serious, especially the main meridians connecting the heart veins are broken, although we have stabilized it for her. The five internal organs have returned to their positions, but those meridians are too fragile, we dare not do anything. Otherwise, she may not be able to wake up at all. Even now, she may die at any time. What do you say? Just tell her. This child is really stupid. At that time, even if she wasn't standing in front of you, with your giant spirit snake armor and your own protective ability, nothing would happen. In my opinion, this girl may be a successful I want to die."

After hearing Xiwen's words, Ah-Dai couldn't help being shocked. His own vitality had also inquired about the result as Xiwen said, and Miefeng had indeed reached the verge of dying. Sadness rushed straight into his brain like an electric current, his whole body trembled violently, and tears flowed down uncontrollably. A crystal teardrop fell on Miefeng's cheek, her fair skin seemed to be inlaid with a crystal, the crystal flowed slowly and slipped into Miefeng's mouth. The corners of Miefeng's mouth trembled, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, her big black eyes slowly opened, the depths of her pupils were covered with a layer of gray mist, and she stared blankly at Ah-Dai. Another drop of crystal fell on her face, and Miefeng's eyes lit up with a gleam, and he said weakly: "Dumb, you are crying, why are you crying?"

Duan hugged Miefeng's delicate body, his lips trembling slightly, and said, "Why? Why are you so stupid to stand in front of me? Could it be, are you really looking for death by yourself? Why do you want to do this?"

Mie Feng reluctantly raised his right hand, wiped away the tears on Dumb's face, and said softly: "Don't cry, Dumb, don't cry, okay? I don't want to see you sad. Actually, I wanted to die a long time ago, When I promised the president of the Assassins Guild to poison you, I already wanted to die for my own family. You must hate me very much. Afterwards, I thought we could only meet in the underworld, I am sorry for you, I thought, if we can meet again in the underworld, then I will definitely use my whole body to make up for you. So, after you left, I chose to commit suicide , wanted to wait for you below. However, Mie Yi stopped me and took me to the headquarters of the Assassin’s Guild to provoke you. That bastard, my lord, has already killed all the members of our Thieves’ Guild. Kill him. Promise me that after I die, I will kill him to avenge our entire Thieves Guild."

Dui hugged Miefeng tightly, and said with a sob: "Miefeng, I, actually, I never blamed you, even if you really wanted to harm me, I wouldn't blame you. Back then, in Taiang City, if you didn't You, I'm afraid I'm already dead. Your kindness to me far outweighs your hatred, not to mention that you did it for your family. I have an inescapable responsibility for the destruction of the Thieves Guild. You must not die! We are going to kill the Lord together, avenge Uncle Owen and your Thieves Guild, promise me, don't die!"

Mie Feng smiled slightly and said: "You are so stupid, whether I die or not is beyond my control. With my current physical condition, I am afraid that I will soon see my father and the others. In fact, death should be my best destination. , Because of me, hundreds of lives of the Thieves Guild disappeared. Because of my reasons, I failed to allow you to take revenge. I am sorry for both the Thieves Guild and you. Now, I can only repay you with death. Dumb , you have to live strong. Even if Dad and the others are dead, I don’t blame you. After all, our Thieves Union has done too many bad things. This should be God’s punishment for us, but I didn’t expect it. We will be wiped out at the hands of the Killer Guild."

"Don't say it, don't say it, how can you blame you for this? It's all my fault. I was blinded by hatred and led to such consequences. Miefeng, I will never let you be like Bing Die." At this time, Ah-Dai couldn't help but think of Xuan Yue, if she was there, with her magical cultivation, she would definitely be able to save Miefeng's life. Suddenly, Duan's heart moved, and he stretched out his hand to grab the dragon's blood on his chest. After this period of repair, the blood of the dragon has regained some brilliance. Although Miefeng's injury cannot be healed with battle qi, the shattered meridians can be healed by light magic! Without Xuanyue, his own dragon's blood can also be transformed into light magic applications, but he is still not sure how effective his own dragon's blood can produce now.

Mie Feng was taken aback when she saw Ah-Dai took out the blue gemstone she had seen before. As a high-level thief, she certainly knew that it was a treasure, and asked suspiciously: "Your gemstone is a treasure. It seems to be very precious, and you seem to attach great importance to it, is it a gift from your girlfriend named Xuan Yue?" Thinking of Duan's deep love for another woman, Miefeng felt a pain in his heart and coughed out a mouthful With fresh blood, a tinge of blue appeared on the already pale pretty face, and her beautiful eyes became even darker.

Duan kept urging Shengsheng Qi, and finally managed to stabilize Miefeng's injury again, shook his head, and said: "No, it's not, this is a gift from the Prophet Pulin of the Puyan tribe, it is true for me. It is very important, even surpassing the Pluto sword. Miefeng, give me a chance, let me try to treat you again, maybe you can get better?"

Miefeng sadly said: "Okay..., okay... get up... I... still... remember... what you said... before... a... sentence,... now... use me... body and... fit again ...but..., I... have... no... love..., you... don't... waste... effort.... We have... the... previous... agreement... this work... waste,... yourself... live well... live ...well, cherish... cherish... yourself..." At this point, she gasped violently, and the injuries in her body suddenly intensified, and Ah-Dai clearly felt that a meridian in her body had reached the verge of breaking.

When he was about to face the pain of life and death again, a flash of inspiration flashed in Ah-Dai's mind. In order to save Miefeng's life, he no longer hesitated, recalling the spell that Xuanyue taught himself at the beginning, and sang in a low voice: "With the blood of the dragon For the sake of guidance, the eternal divine light of the heavens! I beg you, grant me the ability to heal and save the life in front of you."

In order to stabilize Miefeng's injury, Dui quickly chanted the fourth-level light recovery magic—Light Healing. Although the energy of the dragon's blood has not returned to its normal state, it is more than enough to use this intermediate magic. The blue light suddenly shines, and a looming blue dragon floats up from the surface of the dragon's blood. Under the control of thoughts, the blue light turned into white in mid-air, and shot at Miefeng's heart. In order to prevent the dark energy in Miefeng's body from resisting this sacred healing light, Duan used Shengsheng Zhenqi to completely wrap Miefeng's dark true energy. At this time, Miefeng had become an ordinary person.

Miefeng was surprised to find that the warmth from her chest made her feel a lot more comfortable. The feeling of imminent death suddenly disappeared, and the severe pain in her chest eased a lot. She was surprised by the special ability of the blood of the dragon, which she had already forgotten. He suppressed his desire to die.

Although light therapy is only an intermediate recovery magic, it is perfect for Miefeng at this time. After the accurate control of Dumb's mind, the recovery power of the light element connects the few meridians in her body that are about to be completely broken. The connection is still fragile, but it is much stronger than before, at least temporarily saving Miefeng's life. Seeing the effect of the light therapy, Ah-Dai was overjoyed. The previous sadness was swept away, and he turned to Xi Wen and Liao Wen and said, "Both masters, help me, I have a way to heal her injury."

Xi Wen and Liao Wen flew behind Ah-Dai almost without any hesitation. Although they had exhausted a lot of skills just now, they still input Shengsheng Zhenqi into Ah-Dai's body without hesitation. Dumb didn't directly use fighting energy to treat Miefeng. After he used up the magic power of the light therapy, he stunned Miefeng with a light palm, pulled her delicate body, and made her turn her back to him. True Qi controlled her so that she would not fall down. The reason why Miefeng fell into a coma was because Ah-Dai understood that Miefeng wanted to die now, if she suddenly resisted while he was treating her with all his strength, all previous efforts would be wasted, it would be better to let her faint now.

Ah-Dai took a deep breath, continuously absorbing the pure Qi from Xi Wen and Liao Wen, the golden body in his body suddenly lit up, a faint purple light appeared on the palms of his hands, and Ah-Dai's right hand formed a half-arc in front of him , flutteringly imprinted on Miefeng's back, with the support of the two teachers, Shengsheng Zhenqi played a huge role, and the solid fighting energy turned into silk threads and rushed into Miefeng's body, completely wrapping her fragile meridians , so that they would not be damaged, when Ah-Dai had done all this, five purple rays of light appeared in his left hand, and he suddenly tapped on the five large acupoints on the back of Miefeng's heart. He wanted to forcibly open up these meridians, and then strengthening its tenacity. Under the action of the all-conquering life-changing energy, the five meridians in Miefeng's heart meridian were completely opened, and she couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of reverse blood when she was unconscious. Ah-Dai was very nervous at this time. Although the meridians were successfully opened, the five meridians could no longer hold on and broke almost at the same time. Now the connection of the five meridians is maintained entirely by Ah-Dai's vindictive thread. Once Ah-Dai withdraws, Miefeng will die suddenly. If it wasn't for the light therapy that strengthened the toughness of the meridians, at this time, the five meridians would not only be broken, but would be completely shattered. While maintaining Miefeng's life, Dumb also imprinted his left hand on her back, maintaining the status quo. At the same time, he continuously extracted the vital qi of Xi Wen and Liao Wen, and used these pure zhen qi to enhance the energy of his golden body. When Ah-Dai felt that the energy in the golden body was enough, he resolutely used his mind to control his golden body to swim up, and quickly floated to the position of his left hand. In order to save Miefeng, he did not hesitate to use the golden body he had cultivated so hard body directly into Miefeng's body. At the same time that the golden body entered Miefeng's body, Ah-Dai had already transferred his thoughts from his brain into the golden body, and the situation of exorcising evil and ferocity reappeared, but now Ah-Dai is in Miefeng's body.

Duan discovered that the meridians in Miefeng's body could not be compared with his own at all, it was simply too fragile, this should be the difference between superior and inferior skills. He didn't have time to hesitate, relying on a trace of connection in his dantian, he quickly drifted to the position of Miefeng's heart meridian, and the five broken meridians were barely maintained in the package of purple energy. Duan, who was in the state of golden body, couldn't help frowning, and chose one of the most broken meridians to slide in. Under his careful repair, the damage in the meridians gradually healed, and Dumb was overjoyed. He knew that his method was correct. The repairing ability of the golden body is far greater than that of generating true qi. Using the same method, he repaired other meridians one by one. When he repaired the last meridian, Ah-Dai suddenly felt that the energy from the dou qi thread connected to Jin's body suddenly weakened a lot, but at this point, he must not stop, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted, risking Jin In order to face the danger of sleeping in Miefeng's body, he quickly repaired the last meridian. Finally, all five damaged important meridians returned to normal under the action of the golden body. At this time, the connection on Jin's body was already very weak, and Dui quickly withdrew in anxiety. When he returned to his body, the connection behind him was finally interrupted, but at this time the crisis was over, and Dui quickly controlled Jin. Return to your own dantian. After adjusting the breath in his body, Ah-Dai opened his eyes. At this time, both Xi Wen and Liao Wen had fallen to the ground due to the excessive consumption of vital energy, and their shirts had been soaked in sweat.

Miefeng's body has recovered more than half of it under Dumb's full recovery. Although he is still in a deep sleep, his life is no longer in danger. A sense of joy rose in Duan's heart. At this time, the vitality in his body was still about 20% of what it was at its best. "Brother Rock." Duan called softly.

Rock hurriedly moved to Ah-Dai's side, and said, "How are you? The two teachers seem to have lost their strength."

Dumb said: "Brother, I have basically cured Miefeng's body, don't touch her, let her recover slowly. Now I have to trouble you to protect the law. I will immediately recover my skills with the two teachers. After our skills recover, we will leave here."

Rock nodded and said, "Don't worry, as long as we don't die, we will never let anyone hurt you."

Dumb smiled slightly, and his smile was full of trust in the rock. He waved his hands lightly, each sucking up one arm of Xi Wen and Liao Wen, and at the same time controlled the semi-comatose two people with grudges to raise the other arm, and the three of them connected with six arms to form horns. Under the action of the remaining energy, Shengsheng Zhenqi slowly flowed out from his right arm, entered into Xiwen's body, circulated in Xiwen's body for a circle, then entered Liao Wen's body, and finally returned to his body. The three were born, and driven by Duan, the golden bodies of Xi Wen and Liao Wen's dantian gradually exuded a faint brilliance, and a circle of white gas enveloped the bodies of the three of them. Duan is the leader of the three, and since the three of them have the same skill, there is no problem of rejection at all. Shengsheng Zhenqi keeps flowing in the bodies of the three, and the golden liquid gradually surges like the Yangtze River. Duan was surprised to find that although Xi Wen and Liao Wen's skills had recovered a little and their consciousness had become clear, the zhenqi in the three of them was still completely controlled by him, and the powerful energy was completely beyond the scope of his cognition . As the true energy gradually strengthened, the golden body at Dumb's dantian had returned to its best condition, and the energy of the second golden body on the chest flowed into the golden body at the dantian at three times the usual speed. This energy was It will not circulate into Xi Wen and Liao Wen's bodies as other vital energy circulates. The golden body of Dantian finally reached six inches in height during the continuous remodeling process, while the golden body on the chest also shrank to less than two inches.

I don't know how long it took, but the skills of Duan and his two masters have fully recovered, and the turbulent liquid energy is about to come out. Duan knows that if he continues to practice, the energy may be too dense because of his eagerness for quick success. Xi Wen and Liao Wen's bodies still couldn't accept such a powerful zhenqi, and they might go crazy. As the leader, he gradually slowed down the speed of zhenqi movement. Finally, when he completely withdrew his true energy, he suddenly cut off the connection between the three of them. The three of them spread their arms at the same time, making a gesture of practicing Shengshengjue, and put all their true energy in the dantian .

During the continuous practice of the three dumb people, Brother Rock's astonishment can no longer be described in words. At the beginning, the three of them were just wrapped in white qi, but as time went on, when the three of them practiced to six When they were young, the strong white battle energy gradually turned into liquid and reintegrated into their bodies. After the three of them practiced for a day and a night, when they received their skills, all of them emitted a faint golden light, especially Dumb's golden light is the strongest, as if a god descended to earth.

Duan exhaled the turbid air in his chest, and slowly opened his eyes. The brand-new feeling lifted his spirits. He clearly felt how powerful he was now, and his golden body had grown to a height of six inches. It has increased by more than one chip than before. The surging energy made him scream, and the sound wave rolled upwards, straight to the sky.

Xi Wen and Liao Wen woke up from the practice one after another. Although they were not the leaders of this practice, they also benefited a lot. Xi Wen, who had always been calm, suddenly jumped up from the ground and shouted in surprise: "I did it! , I finally did it, it’s great, it’s really great.” He jumped up and down like a child. Liao Wen on the side looked at his senior brother with a smile, the joy in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

Brother Rock and Zhuo Yun both looked at Xi Wen in surprise, and asked in unison: "Teacher, what did you do?"

Xiwen suddenly floated in front of Ah-Dai, grabbed his shoulders excitedly, lifted him from the ground, and said tremblingly: "Dai-Dai, thank you, thank you, I finally did it, my life-and-life art finally broke through I passed the bottleneck of the eighth level and reached the ninth level. You know, this is my dream for decades! I never thought it would come true today."

Dumb looked at Xiwen's excited look, and smiled, "Master, congratulations. You don't need to thank me, this is the result of your decades of hard work!"

Liao Wenpiao walked up to Ah-Dai, and said, "Dah-Dai, I didn't expect to have such a good effect in practicing with you, and my skill has also improved a lot. Although I haven't reached the ninth level, it's not far behind. You Look." With a wave of his hand, the light yellow energy of life change floated out, turning into a band of light around his body, because of the improvement of his skill, his life change had entered the second level of realm. Duan looked at the two happy seniors, scratched his head, and said, "I don't know why this happened, it may be because our true energy comes from the same source."

After a while of excitement, Xiwen had calmed down. He shook his head and said, "No, we brothers and sisters often practice together on weekdays, but there is absolutely no such effect. Maybe it won't work if we try again. It seems , This is all a coincidence, I want to complete my Tiangang Sword Sect! Dumb, have your skills improved?"

Duan nodded, he didn't know how strong he was now, with a wave of his right hand, he transformed into a changing solid energy belt like Liao Wen. When the energy belt appeared, Ah-Dai, Xi Wen, and Liao Wen were all stunned, because the energy belt transformed by Ah-Dai turned out to be silver, which symbolized that his life and transformation had entered the realm of the sixth level, and also It was the state when the Sword Saint of Tiangang passed away! Duan looked excitedly at the silver energy in his hand, felt the huge energy fluctuations, and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

In fact, the reason why the three of Ah-Dai can make a major breakthrough in the joint practice is Miefeng who should be most grateful. In order to help Miefeng heal, Xi Wen and Liao Wen selflessly put all their skills into Ah-Dai's body for him to use. Duan controlled the golden body and entered Miefeng's body to heal her injuries. It can be said that the three of them devoted their all. After Ah-Dai retracted his skills into his body, the state of fusion remained unchanged. When he began to heal his wounds with the two masters, Xi Wen and Liao Wen's skills were all exhausted, and there was no possibility of any obstruction or thoughts The influence enables Dui to control the fused golden body to send out information to completely connect the golden bodies in the three people together, and jointly promote the improvement of cultivation. As Xi Wen said, everything happened by chance and coincidence. When the three of them finished their practice, the connection of the three golden bodies was also broken. The same situation would never happen again.

Xi Wen patted Ah-Dai on the shoulder in relief, and said: "My good boy, you finally did not disappoint your master, and reached his original level. Our Tiangang Sword Sect really has successors. By the way, after we are in a coma, you will Is Miefeng girl cured?"

Duan glanced at Miefeng who was still sleeping not far away, nodded happily, and said: "I have successfully connected the meridians in her body. Apart from being weaker, there should be no major problems. The two teachers Uncle, thank you, without your selfless support, I would not have been able to save Miefeng's life."

Liao Wen said with a smile: "It's all my family members, there is nothing to be thankful for, this place is very close to Sunset City, let's leave as soon as possible. Find a quieter place for Miss Miefeng to recuperate."

"Okay, then let's go now." Duan picked up Miefeng's delicate body, and a group of seven people flew towards the north. The improvement of his skills gave Dumb a brand new feeling, as if his body could do whatever he wanted with his mind, and a little release of his skills would produce great effects.

After traveling for half a day, the seven people came to Lamu City in the northwest of Rihan Province. Because Miefeng's injury had not recovered, they found a clean hotel to settle down. On the way, Ah-Dai explained how he reached an agreement with Miefeng this time and how he eliminated the Killer Union. Affected by the crisis he faced in the past two days and the improvement of his skills, his frozen heart opened up a little. After all, whether it is Brother Rock, Zhuo Yun, or Xi Wen and Liao Wen, they can all be said to be his closest people. Rock wanted to tell Dumb about Xuanyue, but was stopped by Xiwen. Now Miefeng has not recovered yet, and the relationship between her and Ah-Dai is very delicate. In order not to hurt Ah-Dai again, Xiwen chose to wait, waiting for a good opportunity.

In the hotel room, Duan urged his strong vitality to continuously strengthen Miefeng's meridians. Since he discovered the fragility of Miefeng himself when he was healing Miefeng that day, he decided that after recovering his skills, he must completely heal his meridians. The meridians of her whole body changed. Under the dual effects of Shengsheng Zhenqi and Dumb's golden body, Miefeng's body has completely changed in three days. Although the strength of the meridians is not as strong as Dumb's, it has also been greatly improved. improvement. The most important thing in cultivating dark fighting qi is to protect her meridians from being eroded by dark energy. After being repaired and consolidated by Dumb, her cultivation will become easier in the future, and it will not take long for her to become the leader of the dark world. A generation of masters.

After consolidating Miefeng's meridians, Duan withdrew the energy that blocked her consciousness back into her body. Miefeng has completely returned to normal, and what Duan needs to do now is to wait for her to wake up and dispel her thoughts of death. However, this wait is five days. Dumb took care of Miefeng who was in a coma as meticulously as Miefeng took care of him back then. Of course, he asked Zhuo Yun to help complete the body wiping. The thieves' union was destroyed, and Dui always felt that he owed Miefeng a lot, but he didn't know how to make up for it.

Finally, at noon on the tenth day after leaving the Grand Duke's Mansion, Mie Feng woke up from her lethargy, feeling the refreshment all over her body. She slowly opened her eyes, and what caught her eyes was Dumb sitting in front of her. A faint golden light shone on Ah-Dai's skin, and it seemed that he was not as ordinary as before, and even handsome. Me, am I dreaming? Shouldn't I be dead already? Mie Feng looked at the layout of the room around her, struggled to sit up, pinched her arm, and the pain immediately stimulated her nerves. Mie Feng exclaimed: "I'm not dead?"

Duan's whole body shook, and he opened his eyes. He was not in the process of cultivation. In order to feel whether Miefeng was awake at any time, he chose to meditate which he hadn't done for a long time. Miefeng's voice lifted him from the meditation. Waking up in thought, looking at Miefeng who was sitting up in front of him, he smiled and said, "You finally woke up, how do you feel? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Mie Feng looked at Ah-Dai's smiling face in disbelief, stroked his Guanghua cheeks with both hands, and murmured: "I, I'm not dreaming, I'm still alive."