The Kind Death God

Chapter 173: The death of a girl


The maidservant in pink rushed to Tifuya's side, crying: "Miss, miss, you have to hold on! You can't die, you can't leave Xiaohuan alone!"

There was a faint smile on Tiffya's pale and pretty face, and she said softly: "Little, little... Huan, sister... I'm going... to go... I can't... take care of... you... I... already... very full ...enough..., before...death...can,, you know...know...? ya... head... straight... Never... have... forget... remember you... always... always... remember... at the beginning... the promise between... between us... I,... I am... your... fiancée... ah!... hug... I,...hug...I am okay...?"

Dumb wiped away the tears that kept flowing from his eyes, and held Tivya tightly in his arms, "Girl, girl, you will always be my fiancée, you will get better, you will. I won't let you Die, I won't let you die! As long as you recover, I will marry you as my wife immediately, girl, you must hold on!"

The girl sighed quietly, the look in her eyes gradually dimmed, "Look... Chengxian... in this... appearance,... I don't... blame... only me... myself,... sorry... sorry... ,... Dumb brother..., ya... no... Blessed... angry... your... wife..., ya... head,... ba ... , but ... yes, ... but ... Uncle Li ... told me ... , he ... said ... that you ... have been ... dead ... you know ... when ... I know ... know the ... news ... there will be ... how... sad... huh?... I really... really want... really want to chase... follow you... ah!... oh... my head is so... sad... sad,... really... really... so sad... how can I... Nothing... I didn't expect... I didn't expect that Uncle Li... lied to... me... you... didn't... die... but... ,... everything... it's... too late... the girl is... already... Unclean... body..., how... how to match... my... a... stupid brother... eh..., a... dumb... brother, please forgive me... sorry.. it’s a... sorry... ... You! Girl... I'm leaving... Hello... take care of... yourself,... don't... be sad..., don't be... sad, in the next life..., girl... must... re... reincarnate... rebirth, reunion ... You are... once... together, even... after... a thousand... worlds, the girl will..., and... be your... wife." The whole body softened, and the last breath of the girl died , yes, broken. With a smile on her face, she was full of remorse and poured herself into Dumb's arms, and she just went away silently, unwillingly.

Ah-Dai still hugged Yatou tightly, and in the extreme grief, his face became as pale as Yatou. He gently stroked Yatou's gradually cold face, and murmured: "I'm so stupid, I'm really so stupid , why didn't I recognize the girl's identity earlier? If I had recognized her earlier, she would definitely not have died. Girl, girl, it's all my fault, and it's all your fault for not taking good care of you, Dumb brother. Ya-tou-" Dumb Pressing his face tightly against the girl's, weeping bitterly, constantly venting the grief in his heart. The maid Xiaohuan on the side also accompanied him and wept unceasingly. For a moment, the whole room was filled with endless sadness, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

However, no matter how sad Duan and Xiaohuan are, the girl will not come back to life, she is already dead, this is an unchangeable fact. After a long time, the sadness in Ah-Dai's eyes gradually turned into intense hatred, and the bloodshot eyes were filled with murderous intent. He carefully put the girl's body back on the bed, and covered her with a quilt. She turned around sharply, and tightly grasped Xiaohuan's shoulders with both hands, "Tell me, tell me why this happened? Why did the girl become like this? Who killed her, who? Who is it?" In the excitement, His voice rose involuntarily.

Severe pain came from the shoulder, and Xiaohuan looked at the berserk dumb in horror, with sweat streaming down his face, and said painfully: "My shoulder, my shoulder."

Dumb slowly let go of Xiaohuan's hands, and kept telling himself that he must calm down, and only when he calmed down could he avenge the girl. The voice of hatred sang: "Using the blood of the dragon as a guide, the light of peace that cleanses the soul! Let it go." The blue halo floated out, turning into soft white light and wrapping the bodies of Duan and Xiaohuan Inside, under the shining light, the sadness and excitement in Duan and Xiaohuan's hearts were constantly calmed down. Finally, under the influence of light magic energy, they gradually calmed down. Dumb tenderly glanced at the girl who was lying flat on the bed as if she was asleep, and said coldly to Xiaohuan: "The girl will not die in vain. I will never let anyone who has hurt her go away. Tell me, What is going on, including everything the girl experienced in the Governor's Mansion, I want to know."

The fear in Xiaohuan's eyes gradually disappeared, and she looked at the dead Tiffya sadly, and murmured: "Miss, miss, she is really pitiful! When I was eight years old, my poor parents gave me 20 I sold it to the governor at the price of gold coins and went to work as a maid in the mansion. At that time, the young lady had just been brought back by the mistress. The mistress liked the young lady very much, so she sent me to serve her by her side. The young lady was really kind, and Very smart. She learned everything very quickly, and she was really nice and nice to me, like a sister. Those years were the happiest years I ever lived. As time went by, I Both Miss and Miss have grown up gradually, and Miss has become more and more beautiful. Whenever I see her beautiful face, I feel ashamed. In fact, in the mansion, Miss is the Governor and the Governor’s wife in name. Granddaughter, in fact, her status is only a little stronger than our servants. As she grows up, the mistress who took him in, that is, the governor's wife, has long forgotten her. Even some senior servants They all look down on her, and often say behind her back that she came from a humble background. But Miss never cared about it, and we lived happily together all the time. Miss once told me about you, and she secretly told me that she used to be in Nino When I was in the city, I had a fiancé, that was you. At that time, the lady would tell me your story almost every once in a while, and I could see that she really cared about you. That's it , we have always lived a peaceful life. Until, until the appearance of the young master, this life changed."

Dumb's eyes flashed coldly, and he said lightly: "The young master you are talking about is called Tilo, and he usually likes to wear gorgeous white clothes."

Xiaohuan was stunned, nodded, and said: "Yes, it is Master Tilo, he is the governor's favorite grandson, and I heard that he is also the apprentice of a master in the mainland, and his martial arts skills are incredible."

Dumb nodded, and said: "Go on, I want to finish listening to all the girl's stories. How did you feel after meeting Tilo?"

My sister's fate became more and more tragic. "

Dumb frowned, and said coldly: "What happened later? Did your Master Tilo change his mind?"

Xiaohuan looked at Ah-Dai in surprise, the sadness in her eyes deepened, she nodded, and said: "Two years ago, Miss and Master Tilo went out to do errands. After returning, Master Tilo gradually became indifferent to Miss, and Miss also It seems that there is something on her mind, she doesn't have the happy smile she used to, and she often sits there alone in a daze. Whenever I ask her why she is like this, she will cry sadly, and keep saying sorry, sorry and so on. .Master Tilo's attitude towards the lady is getting worse and worse. At the beginning, he often came to see the lady and be with her, but as time went by, the indifference turned into a violent temper. He, he often beat and scolded the lady, even , and even abused the lady in various ways. The lady was originally healthy, but since then, her health has deteriorated. Every time she was beaten or insulted by Master Tilo, she would be sick for a few days. About half a year ago, the lady found herself She was pregnant with Master Tilo's child. She thought that the young master would always treat her better with the young master's flesh and blood. However, the young master still did not change his attitude towards the young lady. On the contrary, it became even worse. Knowing that two months ago, Master Tilo actually brought back a girl, saying that he came to play in the mansion. The girl seemed to be a descendant of a famous nobleman, and the lady seemed to have seen her before. I asked the lady, but the lady still refused to tell. Master Tilo was as attentive to that girl as he was to the young lady, but he ignored the young lady. However, this is also good, at least the young lady will not be abused by him, and she can raise her baby with peace of mind. The young lady's The mood is always in a state of depression. She seems to be thinking about many things every day, and she doesn't seem to care how Master Tilo treats her. In this way, the days passed day by day. Ten days ago, Master Tilo suddenly brought the The noble girl came to look for Miss, at that time, Miss was already six months pregnant, and Miss was murdered by them at that time." Speaking of this, Xiaohuan was already sobbing.

Duan clenched his fists tightly, and the voice leaking from between his teeth was as cold as winter, "Tell me, how did they harm the girl."

Xiaohuan choked with sobs and said, "I will never forget the scene that day. The originally handsome Master Tilo looked so ferocious. As soon as he entered the door, he asked Miss whether she was pregnant with his child. Apart from talking to Tilo, Miss Except for the young master, she has never been in contact with other men! She got angry at the time and scolded Master Tilo. Master Tilo said, who knows whose bastard you are pregnant with. The noble girl who was with him also contributed to the flames, Sneering at the young lady. The young lady was trembling with anger and almost fainted. Master Tilo's eyes flashed with a strange fierce light. He suddenly grabbed the young lady's hair, hit the young lady's face hard, and kicked the young lady. The noble girl was right there Cheering for him from the side, they, they are beasts! Miss was knocked to the ground by Master Tilo, and kept rolling, she begged Master Tilo bitterly, let Master Tilo see it for the sake of the child in her stomach Let her go. However, Master Tilo beat him even more fiercely. The poor lady was pregnant and sickly, and finally passed out under his constant torture, and blood continued to flow from her lower body. Until then, Master Tilo Only then did he stop beating the young lady, and left with the noble girl. I ran and ran desperately, knelt on the ground and begged the doctor in the mansion to let her save the young lady. The doctor was quite reasonable, come with me Yes. When we came back, the young lady’s face was paler than paper. The doctor told me after treating the young lady that she might die, and the child in her stomach could not be kept. The child can be said to be Miss's only hope, and her body is extremely weak, so she became the same as when you came. The doctor was moved with compassion, and used his own money to buy medicine for Miss to take care of her, but, but pregnant After the six-month-old child miscarried, how did the lady get better? The doctor said a few days ago that she was going to die, but the lady always supported her and kept her breath. Now that I think about it, what I should do is to wait You! Miss, she is so pitiful, she died so badly!" Xiaohuan threw herself on the girl, crying hoarsely, her whole body convulsing continuously.

There was no expression on Ah-Dai's face, the nails on his hands had been deeply pierced into the flesh, and he stood up slowly, he took a deep look at the girl, and said softly: "Girl, my wife, You can go at ease. I will get back all the torture you have suffered, and I will make Tiro pay the price he should pay." After finishing speaking, he strode out the door.

Xiaohuan was taken aback. The cold murderous intent emanating from Ah-Dai made her tremble all over. She said to Ah-Dai: "Sir, where are you going?"

Duan turned his back to Xiaohuan, and said calmly: "To avenge the girl, that's what I should do, the girl will not die in vain."

Xiaohuan left the girl's body, quickly rushed to Duan's back, grabbed his arm, and begged bitterly: "Sir, sir, you can't go! You are the most important person for Miss. Miss is dead, she I absolutely don't want to see you in danger, Master Tilo is good at martial arts, you, you can't beat him. Go away, if someone finds you in the mansion, it will be bad for you. "

Dumb laughed, laughing wildly, Fang Liang trembled with laughter, "Xiaohuan, look at the girl's body carefully here, I will come whenever I go, as I said, anyone who has hurt the girl, I will be alone I will not let it go. Including the governor and his wife who indulged their grandson, they are all vicious nobles. Just wait for me, I will be back soon." A white light flashed, shaking off Xiaohuan's hand, and Duan tore off his body The coat, revealing the giant snake armor inside, floated out of the girl's room. The dew was heavy in the middle of the night, constantly attacking Ah-Dai's body, but no matter how cold the dew was, it couldn't compare to his frozen heart. Duan didn't hide, and just walked towards the room where Tilo and Rongrong were in such strides step by step. The hatred in his heart now is no less than when Owen was killed.

There were many soldiers patrolling the Governor's Mansion, and Dumb's figure was spotted by the guards within a short distance. "Whoever you are, stop, and if you don't stop, you will be killed."

As if he didn't hear the guard's yelling, Dui continued to walk forward, the bones of his arms cracked continuously, and white fighting spirit came out through his body.

A team of ten guards quickly caught up with Ah-Dai and surrounded him in the center, pointing the tip of the spear in his hand at Ah-Dai's chest, and the leader said in a deep voice: "Trespassing the Governor's Palace is a capital crime, and now I will arrest him without a fight, maybe the Governor-General will Please forgive your life, if you dare to resist, you will be killed."

Dumb slowly raised his head, his black eyes were bloodshot, and a vigorous and huge domineering aura suddenly burst out, spreading like lightning around himself with a strong murderous intent.

Although the ten guards had been trained for a long time, they had no ability to resist at all when they encountered a peerless master like Duan. Under the irresistible domineering, they all showed a look of horror, and fell to the ground one after another. Bleed to death. Duan's powerful aura that combines domineering and murderous aura has become an invisible killer, which shocked these guards.

Dui didn't care about the life and death of these soldiers at all, and still walked step by step to Tilo and Rongrong's room. The changes here immediately attracted a large number of guards, and Ah-Dai was surrounded by hundreds of guards within a few tens of meters away, but under Ah-Dai's indomitable momentum, these guards did not dare to approach him within ten meters. Inside, as Duan stepped forward and kept retreating, no one dared to make a move. However, this is the residence of the governor of the Mica Province after all. As important ministers of the empire, there are a large number of masters in the governor's residence. Just when the ordinary soldiers didn't know what to do, dozens of figures came from all directions, feeling the threat from the surroundings, the dumb who had been advancing finally stopped.

Dozens of figures stood still. These people were all wearing ordinary clothes, each of them was imposing, with various fighting spirits shining on their bodies, staring at Dumb vigilantly. One of the old men with a short stature and arms above his knees said in a deep voice: "Who are you? How dare you break into the governor's mansion at night and kill someone. In Landa, the governor's mansion, give me a name and tell me why you came here. "Landa is the commander of the Imperial Guards in the Governor's Mansion, and all the five hundred guards in the mansion are under his jurisdiction. Even when Tilo saw him, he had to call Mr. Lan. Since he took over the defense of the Governor's Mansion, he has never made a single mistake, and he is highly valued by Governor Tillhouse. Just now, when he heard that someone dared to break into the governor's mansion at night and there was only one person, he couldn't help being startled. Although the governor's mansion could not be said to be a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, no one dared to come, so he hurried over with his masters. Seeing Duan's appearance, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. In his opinion, although Duan's superficial aura is very strong, he is still only a young man in his twenties. Woolen cloth

Hearing Landa's question, Ah-Dai smiled happily, and that evil smile made everyone around him feel chills, "My purpose of coming here is very simple, I'm here to kill people, are you satisfied? ? If you leave here now, I can let you live. As for my name, you may have heard of it before, I am Death-God-A-Dai-."

These people have never heard of the name Duan, but the word "Reaper" greatly shocked the hearts of these guards. Landa was shocked all over, and lost his voice: "Reaper, you are Reaper." The two empires of Sunset and Tianjin have already spread the word. A few years ago, he killed countless people in the Sunset Empire, and recently killed a large number of members of the Assassin's Guild. Landa couldn't believe it. Young people in their twenties are known as the God of Death in mainland China. His heart couldn't help but tense up.

Dumb glanced at him, the cold gaze made Landa feel chills, and subconsciously took half a step back. Duan moved, and still walked forward, the white anger suddenly subsided, and he became no different from an ordinary person, pressing towards Landa step by step. Although frightened by the reputation of the god of death, how could Landa retreat as the number one expert in the governor's mansion. Blue grudges flashed all over his body, and his arms that were different from ordinary people suddenly stretched out, grabbing at Dumb, the sharp grudge surged out, flapping in the air, grabbing Dumb's face with both hands, and grabbing his chest down. , His arms stretched half a foot in the air strangely, and he caught Dumb in front of him almost as soon as he raised his hand.

Duan's heart was full of murderous intent at this time, and Landa's provocation made his chest surge with murderous intent, and the evil smile on the corner of his mouth became wider, and he snorted coldly. The icy voice pierced into Landa's heart like a sharp sword, and he couldn't help but slow down his grasping hands. At this moment, Landa suddenly discovered that Dui, who was originally empty-handed, suddenly had two more hands in front of him. , two big hands shining with silver light.

With a sound of "poof", Landa's full-strength attacking blue fighting energy hit Duan's big hand, and he was surprised to find that his usually invincible fighting energy couldn't form any impact on the silver light. At the same time, Ah-Dai's hands had already twisted Landa's skinny fingers, and a cold voice sounded, "You are looking for death." The clear sound of bone shattering sounded, and Landa's proud arms were broken inch by inch, surging His vindictiveness directly broke his heart. With unwillingness and despair, Landa slowly collapsed in front of Dumb.

The surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet, and no one dared to rush forward to attack Ah-Dai. The number one expert in the Governor's Mansion was unable to make a move in the hands of the opponent. Ah-Dai's domineering spirit had completely frightened the hearts of these guards. Duan glanced coldly at the soldiers in front of him who were advancing and retreating, and said flatly: "I'll say it one last time, get out of the way, otherwise, die."

All the guards were terrified, and some timid ones had already started to retreat to the sides. At this moment, someone shouted: "Everyone, go up together and kill him to avenge Commander Lan." After yelling, the masters who came with Landa immediately rushed up. For a while, all kinds of grudges flickered in the air, and they had only one target, which was Duan surrounded in the center. The gorgeous dou qi rays of light against Ah-Dai's body look very strange, and Ah-Dai's eyes are full of coldness. Although the guards of the Governor's Mansion are not weak in skill, they are barely comparable to the ninja killers of the Killer Union. He has never been afraid of ten killers and above killers besieging Dumb, so why would he care about these people? The white fighting energy suddenly exploded, and the silver net energy centered on him, scattered in all directions like lightning. The big net formed by the solid changing fighting energy was extremely sharp. When all the fighting energy touched it, They all melted away. Ah-Dai shouted loudly, retracting his hands violently, and the net in the sky suddenly transformed into a huge light blade with a length of three meters. Ah-Dai swung the light blade with his right hand and swept it out. Suddenly, more than ten people were chopped into two pieces. As soon as the murderous intent started, Ah-Dai could no longer restrain the grief and indignation in his heart. Holding the light blade with both hands, he transformed into a surging curtain of fighting spirit blades around his body like lightning, rolling towards the guards like a meat grinder.

Only when they really fought against Duan did these guards realize how powerful the enemy in front of them was, and the silver whirlwind was so terrifying. Blood and minced meat were constantly thrown out by the whirlpool. In an instant, half of the guards had died in the hands of Dumb. No one dared to rush up anymore, the remaining guards were completely petrified, and fled with a little sense of consciousness, while those who were completely sluggish could only wait for the arrival of the silver whirlwind. With a sound of "噗嗤", a guard in front of him turned into a rain of blood. Seeing the bloody appearance, Ah-Dai became more sober, the silver whirlwind disappeared, and Ah-Dai stopped killing, but the murderous intent in his eyes was even more intense , and strode towards Tilo and Rongrong's room. At this time, no one dared to stop him.

There was such a big commotion in the mansion, the Governor of Mica Province Tierhaus naturally got the news, put on his gorgeous robes, and looked at the hundreds of nervous guards outside the door, the old noble who was nearly seventy years old immediately He was furious, since he took over as the Governor of Mica Province, he had never encountered such a thing. Someone dared to come to his house to kill someone, and his subordinates couldn't stop him. Although the man did not come to him, the anger in his heart could not be described in words at this time, he picked up his command arrow from the desk, and said in a deep voice: "Come here."

"Now, Mr. Governor, what are your orders." A guard captain knelt down in front of Tillhouse.

Tierhaus gasped heavily, and said in a deep voice: "Take my command arrow, and immediately go to the barracks outside the city to transfer the army into the city, block the entire city, and catch this arrogant killer for me! Live or die." His slightly fat body convulsed slightly, and the wrinkles on his face were tangled together, making him look extremely hideous.