The Kind Death God

Chapter 178: The wedding begins


Nasha sighed softly, and said, "That's just me and your father's opinion, not what you mean. You are my only daughter, how can mother not understand what you are thinking? Don't think too much, Sometimes, marrying someone who loves you is much happier than marrying someone you love. Mom knows that you can't forget Dumb, but now things are a foregone conclusion, and it is impossible to change. You are the agent of the Holy See, Hong Yi Sacrifice symbolizes the holiness of the Holy See, since you have decided to marry Buyi, after you get married, you must be a good wife, understand?"

Xuan Yue's face suddenly became extremely pale. She never thought about how she would be a wife when she married Ba Buyi. Listening to her mother's words, her heart throbbed constantly.

Seeing that her daughter didn't answer, Nasha knew that Yueyue was not feeling well, so she helped her comb her long blue hair, and said, "Okay, kid, you can be quiet for a while, when the wedding starts, mom will personally Come to pick you up, send my daughter to her husband, forget everything before, and accept disbelief with your heart, he will definitely become a good husband, just like your father. By the way, you have This jade ring is about to be put away, and you who are about to become a bride can only wear the wedding ring given to you by Buyi." After speaking, Nasha turned and walked out of her daughter's room, tidying up her white sacrificial robe, Walk out of the house and go to make arrangements for the wedding. In the room, there was only Xuan Yue with a sad face and dull eyes.

The sun gradually rose and flew towards the center of the sky. A low-pitched horn sounded suddenly from the holy mountain of the Holy See, "Woo-, woo-, woo-"

In front of the Temple of Light, 20 judges on both sides held up huge horns and blew the prelude to the beginning of the wedding. Thousands of judges were neatly arranged in a huge semi-arc shape under the leadership of the two deputy chief judges. Behind them were high-level priests who came from all over the place. The priests chanted loudly at the same time according to the prior arrangement The incantation of the gods and the sacred voice kept ringing on the sacred mountain of the Holy See. These priests, at least as chief priests of the temple in charge of the affairs of a city, numbered thousands of people, led by the red-clothed priests Mangxiu, Yuma, and Xuan Ye and Nasha The six priests in white clothes. Amidst the sacred chants, layers of pale golden air flowed from the entire holy mountain of the Holy See, and that sacred aura made everyone feel solemn.

Outside the holy mountain of the Holy See, the ordinary priests spontaneously chanted the same incantations as the high-level priests. They led the faithful believers who were kept out of the holy mountain by the holy knights to sing loudly, and they were all performing holy prayers. They not only congratulated the red-clothed priest and the judge of light who were about to get married, but also begged for the blessing of the gods for themselves. When the golden air flow from the holy mountain flew out and enveloped the believers, they all clearly felt that their hearts seemed to be calmer, their bodies seemed to be full of strength, and they felt like a miracle blessed by the gods. The chants of the believers became more pious.

As honored guests of the Holy See, people from the three empires and the Suoyu Federation gathered in front of the Temple of Light early on. Watching this huge ceremony that the Holy See has not seen for decades, and listening to the loud and deep singing, they couldn't help but feel Create a sense of reverence.

Mangxiu and Yuma raised their hands at the same time after singing the third incantation. The senior priests of the Holy See stopped singing. Mangxiu stepped forward a few steps, walked to the center of the Temple of Light, and put one hand on his left chest On the top, the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger of the other hand lightly pressed the center of the eyebrows, "God prays, God bless the world." The golden light suddenly shone around him, and Mangxiu opened his arms. The ground began to tremble violently. None of the judges and priests showed surprise, they all looked at Mangxiu who was wrapped in golden light devoutly.

Lardas stood beside Xiwen, and the two seemed to be friends for many years, "Brother Xiwen, look, this Priest Mangxiu definitely has the skills of a magister, and his magic level will definitely not be inferior to mine. The Holy See is really a place where dragons and tigers are hidden! There are thousands of high-level priests here, even if the magicians of our two guilds are combined, they will not be able to fight against them."

Xi Wen smiled slightly and said: "After all, the Holy See is the supreme ruler of the mainland. If they don't have strong strength, how can they make the three empires and the Suoyu Federation surrender with peace of mind? You see, the Mangxiu priest is now using What kind of magic? What's the purpose? This golden light is really holy!"

Lardas said: "I don't know exactly what it is for. It doesn't seem to be magic. It's just releasing my own magic power. It should be to trigger some mechanism. Let's wait and see. Such a grand wedding, I still Seeing you for the first time."

Zhou Wendao on the side: "The pope of this Holy See is quite powerful. We have so many people here, but he hasn't even shown his face until now. He even said that he wants to join forces with our Tiangang Sword Sect. He has no sincerity at all."

Xi Wen glared at him, and said in a deep voice, "Say less, no one will treat you as dumb."

Zhou Wen stuck out his tongue, and muttered: "I'm telling the truth, boss, you are also the head of our Tiangang Sword Sect, so they should pay more attention to it!"

Xi Wen stopped Zhou Wen from continuing with his stern eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Which of the non-clergy standing here does not have a certain status on the mainland, you still don't know the Holy See too well. For thousands of years, the Holy See has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. , They have an incomparable status on the mainland, and the pope is known as the person closest to the gods. Although I don't know if there are gods, the pope is definitely the most powerful magician on the mainland. The teacher once said that if the pope is kept a thousand meters away from him, it may be difficult for him to protect himself, which shows the strength of the pope. Normally, even ordinary clergy cannot easily see him. Among these people, in terms of status, Quan Yi of the Sunset Empire should be the highest, but, do you think the Pope received him?"

During Xi Wen's scolding, Zhou Wen lowered his head and stepped aside, not daring to speak anymore. Lardas beside Xiwen smiled and said: "Look, the magic of Mangxiu's sacrifice is about to change."

Xiwen once again focused his attention on the empty field in front of the Temple of Light. Sure enough, as Lardas said, the golden light released by the red-clothed priest Manxiu turned into thousands of rays of light, which was still so clear even under the sunlight , wrapped in the golden light, Busy Xiu slowly floated away from the ground, and he sang loudly: "Blessed by the gods, the miracle first appeared." He put his hands together, and a golden beam of light shot down, suddenly blasting into the continuous On the vibrating ground, the vibrating ground suddenly stopped, and the judges on both sides in front of the gate of the Great Hall of Light blew the horns in their hands again, and there was a whining sound. A little golden light was lit up, and the golden light spread rapidly. In an instant, a huge golden magic hexagram had appeared under Mangxiu's feet. Amidst Mangxiu's continuous singing, the golden hexagram under his feet gradually brightened up. Filled with a sacred aura, suddenly, the golden hexagram started from the six vertices, releasing a ray of golden light respectively, and the golden light rotated in a clockwise direction, and soon, the six golden lights connected in a circle, forming a A perfect circle.

"Rise up, Altar of God." Amidst Mangxiu's loud shout, the ground that had been calm for a while made another roar. The vibration of the ground was much stronger than before. Hexagram trembled slightly. All the guests were surprised to find that the six-pointed star pulled the ground up slowly, and a huge platform with a diameter of ten meters and a height of three meters appeared in the sight of everyone. Against the backdrop of the golden six-pointed star, it shone brightly. This is the sacred platform. One of the three altars of the Holy See praying to the gods, the sacred altar of light.

The trumpet sounded continuously, and all the clergy were devoutly watching the altar of light in front of the temple of light. Mangxiu slowly floated down in the center of the altar, and the golden light wrapped around his body gradually disappeared. With a faint smile on his face, Mangxiu said in a loud voice: "Today, the Holy See is the agent of the Holy See in red to sacrifice to Goddess Xuanyue. On the occasion of the wedding ceremony of Babuyi, the outstanding young judge of light, I, Mangxiu, the priest in red, represent the Holy See, and extend my sincere thanks to the distinguished guests who came to watch the ceremony." Said, slightly turned to the countries on Xiwen's side The messenger bowed down to salute. The envoys from all over the world hurriedly returned the salute, and everyone was very comfortable listening to Mangxiu's words. Even Zhou Wen, who was previously dissatisfied with the neglect of the Holy See, was speechless. As a red-clothed priest, Mangxiu's status on the mainland, no matter in terms of age, prestige or cultivation level, is comparable to anyone present, and his gift has given all countries face.

With a swipe in the air, Mangxiu took out a red scroll from his own spatial barrier, "Next, I will announce the life of the bride and groom." As he spoke, he slowly unfolded the scroll and said in a loud voice: "Groom, Babuyi, male , twenty-six years old, father Babulun, the deputy presiding judge of the Holy See Tribunal, and mother Luoshui. Babuyi was born in the Holy See, young and promising, through his own continuous efforts, finally passed the test four years ago. The test of the judge of light, becoming an excellent senior priest, is the most loyal believer of the gods. Bride, Xuan Yue, female, nineteen years old, grandfather, Xuan Di, the current Pope, father, Xuan Ye, before the Holy See Priest in red, mother, Luoshui, Priest in white, Xuanyue was born in the Holy See, talented and intelligent, a generation of wizards once in a century in the Holy See, with his many years of hard work, at the age of nineteen, he reached the In the realm of the sacred light magister, due to the unfortunate death of the former red-clothed priest Nayan, after the strict assessment of the Holy See, Xuanyue Goddess took over the position of Nayan Priest, becoming the Holy See's agent red-clothed priest, and also the youngest red-clothed priest in the Holy See She is the most loyal believer of the gods. The bridegroom and the bride meet the requirements for a priest's marriage. After the approval of the Pope, the marriage is specially approved. The Pope approved it on October 23, the autumn of ninety-eight years in the sacred calendar."

After listening to Mangxiu's introduction to Xuan Yue, not only the VIPs who came to the wedding opened their mouths, but even the thousand clergymen's eyes widened in surprise. Everyone never expected that Xuan Yue would have such a prominent status, that she was actually the granddaughter of the pope. This sudden surprise made the atmosphere in front of the Guangming Temple heated up. The clergy and the distinguished guests who came to watch the ceremony all chatted with each other at the same time.

Manxiu retracted the scroll and said lightly: "Quiet." Although his voice was not loud, the huge energy full of spiritual fluctuations still shocked the hearts of everyone present. The clergy here are all high-level people in the Holy See, and they stopped talking immediately under the order of Mangxiu. The guests were also awed by the majesty of the Holy See, and fell silent.

After scanning around, Mangxiu said loudly: "I announce that the wedding has officially begun, please ask His Excellency the Pope."

"Woo—" the horn made a huge sound, all the priests bowed their heads respectfully, and the guests widened their eyes, seeing the Pope of the Holy See is definitely a treat for the believers of the gods. The most exciting thing.

The gate of the Temple of Light opened, and six priests in white came out in a file. Xuan Ye was among them. Nasha did not appear here because she wanted to be the elder who sent off her relatives. The bodies of the six priests in white were shrouded in a layer of sacred white light. Their pace was not fast, and they walked slowly to the altar of light, separating on both sides.

Xuan Ye's eyes flashed, and he slowly raised his hands, the other priests in white were doing the same thing as him. A low chant sounded, and white rays of light appeared in the hands of the six white-clothed priests. A total of twelve to white energies formed an energy ladder between the altar of light and the ground, which was entirely composed of light elements. , the guests were all on the side of the Altar of Light, and they could clearly see this splendid and sacred scene.

Lardas whispered: "It's so strong, any one of these priests in white clothes is stronger than the ordinary elders of our magician's union. From the looks of it, his cultivation should not be inferior to that of Mangxiu on the stage."

Xiwen nodded, and said: "The person you mentioned is the bride's father, the former red-clothed priest Xuan Ye, he seems to have been demoted to the white-clothed priest because of the poor command of the Holy See in the confrontation with the dark forces last time." , His magic cultivation is very advanced, and he once confronted my teacher. Although he lost, he also showed a strong magic cultivation, which should not be underestimated."

While Siven and Lardas were talking, an unprecedented feeling appeared in everyone's heart in front of the Temple of Light. It was a huge energy that was calm, peaceful, and full of sacred aura. In an instant, the entire square fell silent, and Lardas's eyes showed a look of horror. He clearly felt that this was a wave of magic, the magic of the sacred light system He had never imagined that a person's magic cultivation could be so powerful. Compared with this person with his magister's cultivation, it was simply a fantasy. The huge and surging sacred aura suppressed him Not even the slightest thought of resistance. This, is this the strength of the emperor of the Holy See

All the guests, including Xi Wen, who had successfully broken through the ninth stage of Life and Death, lowered their heads involuntarily, surrendering to the huge energy. A golden figure slowly appeared at the gate of the Temple of Light. The figure gradually changed from blurred to clear. The tall body was covered with a layer of colorful halo. The golden sacrificial robe showed his noble status, without any The expressive face looks so divine, the long white hair hangs loosely behind, and the golden crown on the head shimmers in the sunlight. Under the shroud of the golden sacrificial robe, people could not see the movement of his feet, as if he was slowly floating out of the temple.

The Pope walked up to the six white-clothed priests, gently raised his priest's robes with both hands, and slowly stepped up the ladder composed of white light energy. The six white-clothed priests did not show any effort, and looked at the Pope's tall and tall piously. Holy figure.

The priest in red, Mangxiu, came to the entrance of the ladder formed by the sacred energy. When the pope finally stepped on the altar of light, all the clergy cheered unanimously. The loud shout from the heart shocked everyone's heart .

After Mangxiu saluted the Pope, he took him to the front of the altar. The Pope glanced at the surrounding crowd lightly, and slowly raised his hands. The cheers stopped suddenly, and the piety in the eyes of the clergy had become In addition to fanaticism, in their hearts, the status of the pope is no less than that of the gods.

The Pope looked in the direction of the guests, and nodded slightly at Sivin. Although Quanyi was the most important guest among the guests, it was Xiwen, the second-generation master of the Tiangang Sword Sect, the direct disciple of the Tiangang Sword Master, who attracted the Pope's attention the most. Compared with Xiwen, although Quanyi has a much higher status in name, but it is much inferior in strength. Let alone the relationship between the Tiangang Sword Sect and the Huasheng Empire, the Tiangang Sword Sect itself is There are many masters, and as the savior, Duan is a direct disciple of the Tiangang Sword Sect. If the Holy See wants to win the final victory in the confrontation with the dark forces, the relationship with the Tiangang Sword Sect plays a vital role. Combining these reasons, the pope just showed up, just like Xi Wen's gesture of goodwill, to express the determination of the Holy See and the Tiangang Sword Sect to unite.

Seeing the look in the pope's eyes, Xi Wen couldn't help but feel flattered in his heart. Anyway, the Holy See is also the top figure in the world today, with strength similar to that of his teacher Tiangang Sword Saint. With a huge force that calls the wind and shakes the rain, it is very difficult to treat myself who was incompatible with the Holy See in this way. It can be seen that the Holy See attaches great importance to the dark forces. Xiwen bowed slightly in return to the Pope, and also responded with a faint smile.

The pope's eyes were full of power, and he said calmly: "The priest Mangxiu has said just now that Xuanyue is my granddaughter, and today is her wedding. I am very happy. Buyi is a good boy. If they can combine, they will definitely be of great importance to the Holy See. Make greater contributions to the sacred cause, believers of God, let us bless them." With a smile, the Pope slowly raised his hands, and a round of golden light rose from behind him, and the golden light gradually Condensed into shape, just like the angel statue in the Hall of Light, the six huge wings of light fluttered slightly, and the light containing the huge sacred energy made all the priests kneel down involuntarily, and chanted the incantation loudly . Amid the pious prayers, the golden angel behind the pope gradually disappeared. In fact, the golden angel used by the Pope is completely different from what Xuan Yue used at the beginning. The angel Xuan Yue used was completely unintentional, a natural reaction when improving her skills. But what the pope used at this time was deliberately condensed with light elements, just to shock people's hearts.

Mang Xiulang said: "The groom is invited to the altar." His voice was heard far away amidst the blare of horns. All the judges present pulled out their long swords. Thousands of long swords gleamed with sacred light and pointed towards the sky.

Two figures lit up in the direction of the Holy See Holy Mountain Judgment Office, and they flew towards the Altar of Light wrapped in golden light. One of them was wearing a light golden warrior uniform, with a golden cloak on his back, and his long white hair was neatly combed behind his head. There was a hint of a smile in his sharp eyes, and his enormous aura shocked the hearts of all present. He is the head of the judges of the Holy See, Xuan Yuan who was demoted to the deputy presiding judge. Beside him was a tall and handsome young man. The young man's body looked more handsome against the background of the white gold-edged dress, and the unconcealable excitement continued to flow out of his eyes, holding his arms. Holding Xuan Yuan's arm, it just came out of nowhere. He is today's hero, Babuyi, the youngest judge of light in the Holy See. As a judge of light, Babuyi belongs to Xuanyuan's direct jurisdiction and is also the highest leader of the judges. Therefore, he, as the man's elder, brought Babuyi to the wedding today.

Soon, these two figures, one golden and one white, floated over. They passed by the light net woven by the long swords in the hands of the judges, and landed lightly beside the pope. "The presiding judge Xuan Yuan brought Babuyi, the judge of light, to meet the Pope." Xuanyuan and Babuyi saluted the Pope at the same time.

A golden light flashed in the pope's hand, passing over the heads of the two, and smiled: "God bless you."

Priest Mangxiu greeted Xuanyuan and Babuyi slightly, took a step forward, and said in a loud voice: "His lord Pope has ordered that on today's day of great joy, His lordship has decided to pardon the world and restore Xuanyuan to the position of presiding judge. As the holy judge, Xuan Ye was restored to the position of the red-clothed priest, and Xuan Yue, the acting red-clothed priest, was converted into an official red-clothed priest. This order will be officially implemented after the wedding."

Babuyi didn't expect that he would be promoted to the ranks of the Holy Judge so soon, and hurriedly bowed to the Pope and said, "Thank you for the grace of God, thank you for the grace of the Pope, Babuyi will definitely do his best to fight for the holy cause of the Holy See."

The Pope nodded slightly, and said calmly: "Remember what you said. Priest Mangxiu, you can continue."

Mangxiu nodded, and said loudly: "I invite the bride, and the red dress will sacrifice to Xuanyue." As soon as he finished speaking, all the clergy, including the judges, chanted the incantation with an unusually loud voice, Huge waves of sound intertwined in the air into the strangest and most sacred wedding march.

The resounding phoenix cry sounded from the end of the holy mountain, the clear voice pierced through the chanting of the incantation, and an unusually bright red light shot up into the sky. from the direction of the altar.

Everyone's eyes widened. Some of them were guests who had never seen Xuan Yue. They all wanted to see what the youngest priest in red in the Vatican and the granddaughter of the Pope looked like. The red light suddenly became larger, and the huge figure gradually became clear. Everyone opened their mouths wide in surprise, because the red light was a huge phoenix made of flames. The fire phoenix was lifelike, flapping its wings and flying towards the altar. There were two people standing proudly on the back of the phoenix. They were two beautiful white figures. One was a middle-aged woman in a white sacrificial robe. There was a gentle smile on his face, and a sense of relief in his pure eyes. Beside her is a girl in a long white dress. The girl's face is covered with a layer of white veil. Although she is flying, the oncoming breeze cannot blow the veil on her head in the slightest. . Although she couldn't see her face clearly, from her graceful figure, no one doubted that her appearance would be inferior to that of the middle-aged beautiful woman beside her.

The fire phoenix quickly flew above the altar of light, and the melodious singing sounded. The fire phoenix circled the altar for a circle, and the gorgeous red figure suddenly rushed to the chest of the girl in white skirt like a sea of rivers, and a little red light lit up. The scorching flame energy disappeared, and only then did everyone see clearly that there was a red diamond-shaped gemstone on the girl's chest.

Although there was no support from the fire phoenix, the two girls did not fall. The girl held the beautiful woman's hand and slowly floated down under the golden light. Ba Buyi's eyes never left the girl's tender body, and the light in his eyes became even hotter. He clenched his hands tightly, unaware that sweat had soaked his palms.

"White clothes worship Nasha, and red clothes worship Xuan Yue to meet the Pope." Almost the same pleasant voice sounded. All the clergy who were chanting the incantation couldn't help but stop, and there was joy in their eyes.

The Pope looked at his granddaughter in a white dress, nodded, and said, "There is no need to be polite."

After Nasha and Xuanyue stood still, Mangxiu said loudly: "The new couple has arrived, please come to the stage to watch the ceremony."

Xuan Ye floated onto the stage from behind the Altar of Light, and after saluting the Pope, he stood beside Nasha. His daughter was about to get married, and he couldn't help feeling a little sad in his heart. He turned his head to look at his wife, and Nasha gently held her little hand. Pass it into his palm, they also got married here more than 20 years ago! This situation made them seem to have returned to the moment of the year.

At this time, Babulun also brought his wife Luoshui to the stage, saluted the Pope, and stood beside his son. Their faces were full of joy that could not be concealed. The son was finally getting married, and his partner was The pope's granddaughter, how could they be unhappy? Baburon patted his son on the shoulder, signaling him not to get too excited.

Mangxiu smiled and said, "The couple and their elders have arrived. Next, please ask the Pope to personally preside over the sacred wedding ceremony for the two couples, and ask the elders of both parties to bring the couple forward."

Without the guidance of his parents, Babuyi couldn't wait to walk in front of the Pope. Babulun shook his head helplessly. How could his son be more impatient than when he married Luoshui back then. Standing three meters behind him with his wife in his arms, looking at the tall and straight figure of his son, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

Xuan Ye motioned for his daughter to come forward, but he found that Xuan Yue stood motionless on the spot, her delicate body trembling slightly.

Nasha also noticed her daughter's abnormality. She knew that her daughter must have thought of that dumb again, but at this moment, under the spotlight of everyone, how could she retreat? Hurry up and whisper: "Yueyue, I'm going to step forward."

Xuanyue's delicate body was still trembling, and she walked to the Pope almost with the support of Xuanye and Nasha. At this time, her heart was blank, except for holding back her tears, she had already I don't know what to do.

Nasha and Xuan Ye stepped back, feeling their daughter's complicated mood, and both of them showed a hint of worry on their faces. Naturally, Babulun and Luoshui also noticed what was wrong with Xuanyue, and frowned at the same time, feeling a little dissatisfied with their daughter-in-law. But Ba Buyi didn't feel anything, he was about to marry his beloved, and he couldn't hold anything in his heart except excitement and deep love.

Everyone in Xiwen in the audience also became nervous. They knew that once Xuanyue and Babuyi were married under the auspices of the Pope, they would become a legal couple. All opportunities, really lost Xuan Yue. The most urgent thing is Xiwen. Although everyone has discussed the countermeasures last night, the premise of those countermeasures can only be carried out when Ah-Dai shows up in time to organize the wedding. However, at this time, Ah-Dai is still nowhere to be seen. Could it be that he really wants to watch Xuan Yue marry Ba Buyi? That's something they absolutely don't want to see.

The Pope looked at the couple in front of him, with complicated emotions in his eyes. From all aspects, he didn't want his granddaughter to marry Babuyi, but the matter had come to this point, and even he couldn't stop it. After all, today's wedding was held in front of so many people, and it was time for the arrow to be fired. He sighed secretly, and looked at Babuyi and Xuanyue who were standing together with only one shoulder apart. A golden symbol floated above the head of the second body, and said in a low voice: "Under the witness of the gods, I, Pope Xuandi, will preside over the wedding ceremony for you. God bless you." Turning to look at Babuyi, the pope asked: " Buyi, as a judge of light, are you willing to dedicate your life to the holy cause?"