The Kind Death God

Chapter 188: Positioning matrix


Xuan Yue shook her head, and said, "None of the ones you mentioned, I want to draw a space teleportation magic circle here."

After hearing Xuanyue's words, Ah-Dai's heart moved, and he seemed to have understood something.

The Elf Queen said: "Space magic? Isn't that already lost? So you know it! Space magic is relatively neutral magic, so it shouldn't have any effect here. What is the main purpose of you drawing this magic circle? Do you need my help?"

Xuan Yue smiled confidently, and said: "It is enough to trouble you to guard this magic circle after we go to the Death Mountain, because it will affect our lives. My magic circle is a long-distance positioning transmission magic circle No matter where we are, as long as we do not exceed a thousand kilometers from this magic circle, we can return directly to the ancient elf tree with space magic. With it, even if we encounter a strong army of undead, we don’t have to be afraid, we can’t beat it If not, it’s a big deal to send it back directly.”

Oliveira said in surprise: "Boss Xuanyue, you still have such good magic, why didn't you say it earlier. With it, let alone the Death Mountain, we can break through even the devil world!"

Xuan Yue said angrily: "Not as powerful as you imagined, Demon Realm? Do you know what the Demon Realm looks like? There should be a different level of space from Tianyuan Continent, and it is impossible to use magic to teleport. As I said just now, You can't leave the magic circle for more than a thousand kilometers, otherwise you will lose the connection with the magic circle. Moreover, this positioning teleportation magic has a certain success rate, that is to say, if the magic fails, you will not be able to be teleported back here. "

Dumb asked: "Then what is the success rate of your magic, can it exceed half?"

Xuan Yue smiled and said: "You underestimate me too much. As long as this positioning magic is successfully drawn, the success rate is over 90%. That is to say, if there are no accidents, we can almost every time. Send it back accurately."

Keanu said in surprise: "Ninety percent? Boss Xuanyue, you are really amazing. In other words, even if the teleportation fails once, we can return here safely again. It seems that my previous worries are gone. It's unnecessary. Yueji, did you hear that, this time your safety is guaranteed, no wonder the last time I asked everyone to persuade you not to come, the elder Xuanyue objected."

Yue Ji tapped Keanu on the head, and said: "What do you mean my safety is guaranteed? Am I good at it? When the time comes, maybe I will be needed to protect you."

Xuanyue said: "Everyone, don't be too optimistic. Although this magic has a great possibility of success, if it fails, the consequences will be serious. Brother Keanu, this positioning magic is not as you said. You can do it again. Once you fail, the magic circle will be completely destroyed and can no longer be used. Therefore, our trip is still dangerous. Everyone must not be careless, and we must be vigilant at any time. As a last resort, we must not use this magic circle lightly."

Dumb said: "I have an idea. Doesn't your magic circle have a 90% success rate? Then you draw two, and if one fails, you can activate the other. Isn't it foolproof? Is it?"

Xuanyue knocked Dumb on the head like Yueji knocked Keanu before, and said angrily: "It's not so easy. This positioning teleportation magic is a seventh-level magic in space magic. During the use, The caster must always maintain a spiritual connection with the magic circle, so that it can be successfully launched. Do you think I am a fairy? I can be schizophrenic and contact two magic circles at the same time. It takes a lot of mana to maintain the connection with a magic circle strength."

Oliveira said: "Boss Xuanyue, then you can give this magic to me and Keanu! We are also magicians, so we should be able to arrange one, so it will be safe."

Xuan Yue shook her head and said: "Don't say that you can't comprehend the characteristics of this magic in a short period of time. Even if you really learn it, it will be difficult to apply it with your current magic cultivation. Consume all your magic power, let alone bring everyone back. Adventure is inevitable, but with this magic circle, our danger will be much reduced. Aunt Queen, can you let me set up a formation here ?”

The elf queen smiled and said, "Of course. You can rest assured to arrange it. I will take turns guarding you with several great elf envoys. I guarantee that there will be no problems."

Xuan Yue said: "Thank you. It's not too late, then I'll start now. Dumb, protect me for me, and give me a space of about five square meters."

Everyone formed a circle, blocked Xuan Yue in the center, and looked at her for a moment. No one, including the Elf Queen, has ever seen high-level space magic, and they are all very interested in it.

Xuan Yue swiped her hands in the air, and slowly floated away from the ground wrapped in golden light. With the help of the aura in the ancient elf tree, the sacred aura greatly increased its power. Xuanyue put her hands together in front of her chest, and sang in a low voice: "O great God of Space Order! I beg you, grant me the energy of space transfer, let me turn into a speck of dust in space, and master the power of space order." Mystery." With the completion of the spell, the golden light on Xuanyue's bodyguard began to change, the original golden light gradually turned white, although the sacred aura disappeared, but at this time her whole body was full of strange mystery feel. With her hands slowly raised above her head, the white light radiating from Xuan Yue's whole body slowly gathered upwards as her palms moved up. After a while, a ball of dazzling white light condensed on her palms.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and the light flashed through Xuan Yue's eyes. The hands raised above her head slowly opened with the wrists as the contact point, her dexterous fingers trembled slightly, and her voice was pure and without any emotion, " The array of spatial order, change as you wish, follow the guidance of God, and appear." Her trembling fingers shot out ten streaks of white light immediately after she finished speaking, and the light shot like lightning on the ground in the Elf Ancient Tree House, one after another. A trace of shining white light appeared.

Ten strands of white light continuously carved on the ground with Xuanyue's ten fingers, dazzled everyone watching. The first thing formed was a white magical hexagram with a diameter of more than two meters. The six vertices of the hexagram formed an arc. . Immediately afterwards, amidst the continuous lasing of white light, countless complex symbols gradually appeared in the hexagram. Xuan Yue's face gradually became solemn, and the speed at which the white light was emitted from her fingers also slowed down, and each ray of light would slide in the gradually formed magic circle for a while before disappearing.

Feeling the energy aura emanating from the magic circle, the Elf Queen's eyes gradually showed horror, because she clearly felt that the magic circle used by Xuanyue consumed so much mana that it exceeded ordinary eighth-level magic. From the looks of it, Xuan Yue didn't seem to be struggling. In a year's time, this girl from the Holy See has made a further step in her cultivation, and it seems that she has gradually reached a level beyond her comprehension.

It took a full hour to draw this space positioning magic circle. When the magic hexagram on the ground was completely covered with various complex symbols, Xuan Yue's hands and fingers finally stopped trembling and slowly returned to calm. The white light on her body gradually turned back to golden, "The gods are ordered, the souls are connected, the formation of space order! Please allow me to be your user." A little golden light flew out from the center of Xuanyue's eyebrows, and the two A golden light wing appeared behind her, and the flying golden light fell into the center of the magic circle, dyeing the magic circle that was originally covered in white light into gold in an instant.

Xuanyue's breathing was a little short, and her originally red face was a little paler, but there was a smug look on her beautiful face, she flew out of the magic circle, and landed on Dumb's body accurately Beside her, Dui hurriedly hugged her delicate body, and asked eagerly: "Why does this magic consume so much mana, how are you?"

Xuan Yue smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'm fine, this is the first time I use this magic circle, and I didn't expect that it would consume so much mana, much more than the consumption of Grand Virtue, but the consumption is worth it, This magic has already taken shape, and it is closely connected with my spirit, so our success rate may increase again."

Oliveira looked envious, and leaned over and said: "Boss Xuanyue, you must teach this magic to my younger brother in the future! This is simply amazing, can we try it and see how it works. "

Duan glared at Oliveira, and said, "Didn't you see that Yueyue's mana was consumed too much? Even if you try, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Feeling Dumb's concern for her, Xuan Yue smiled sweetly, and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as the magic circle is formed, I can summon its spatial positioning when I concentrate, and it doesn't take much magic power. Queen Auntie, let's go outside, I also want to try my own magic and see how it works."

The Elf Queen exclaimed: "Yueyue, your cultivation level is really getting higher and higher. Auntie is so happy to see you and dumb are getting better and better! When I first saw you, your cultivation level was still high. It's very shallow, but today, a few years later, I almost don't know you anymore, the growth power of young people is strong! It seems that Auntie is really old!"

Xuan Yue giggled and said, "How could Auntie be old? You are so young and beautiful. If I didn't know that Sister Xing'er is your daughter, I would have thought you were about my age."

The elf queen chuckled and said, "You, you can make auntie happy, let's go, let's go out." Under the natural magic of the elf queen, everyone flew out of the ancient elf tree and landed by the elf lake. At this time, Audi Elf Envoy had already prepared a tree house for everyone to rest in. Seeing them coming out with the Elf Queen, he rushed to greet them.

Xing'er couldn't wait and said to Audi: "Father, come quickly, we are going to experiment with a magic, it should be very magical."

Audi petted his daughter's head and said, "What kind of magic can make you so excited! Let Dad see."

Xing'er said: "It's not me, it's sister Xuanyue, Dad, have you heard of space magic? Sister Xuanyue wants to use it, come on, come on." While talking, he pulled Audi to the crowd beside.

Dui injected some of his vital energy into Xuanyue's body, which brought back a blush on her face, and said in a low voice: "Yueyue, if it doesn't work, don't force yourself."

Xuan Yue said: "Don't worry, I will do it, you have to have confidence in me. Come on, everyone stand within ten meters of me. Oh, by the way, I have something to remind you, when we enter After arriving at the Death Mountain, everyone must not separate, but gather together as much as possible, so that if something happens, there will be time to send everyone back here with space positioning magic." Looking at the nervousness of the crowd, Xuan Yue smiled and said: "Relax a little, I'm going to start." He took out his angel staff from the space enchantment, and chanted in a low voice: "Break the order of space, use the power of spirit as a guide, and return to the source of positioning." Then With the appearance of the incantation, a white halo emanated from the top of the angel's staff, covering a radius of ten meters in an instant. Everyone felt a burst of whiteness in front of their eyes, and they couldn't help being shocked. When they woke up from the surprise When he came over, he found that he had already appeared on the magic circle in the tree house of the ancient elf tree. After all, the area of the magic circle was only about five square meters, and with so many people gathered, it suddenly seemed a little rushed.

Everyone was silent, and no one could speak. Such a strange experience made everyone stunned.

Duan was the first to react, and excitedly hugged Xuanyue into his arms, "Yueyue, you succeeded, you succeeded!"

Xuan Yue smiled and said: "Yes! It succeeded. I knew it would be successful. When I activated the space transfer earlier, I felt that the spirit is closely connected with the magic circle here. As long as the mental power and the magic circle can maintain a clear Connection, theoretically speaking, this magic will not fail, what I am afraid of is that when we go deep into the death mountain, the spiritual connection will be weakened and there is a possibility of failure."

The Elf Queen smiled and said, "This is already quite good, space magic is really amazing!"

Audie said: "Xuanyue's magic is really getting more and more advanced, I am so ashamed to see it! I am more confident in your expedition to the Death Mountain now. Children, you are also tired, eat something and rest early Alright, tomorrow morning, let's go to Death Mountain."

After leaving the ancient elf tree, everyone came to the tree house that Audi had arranged for them. After eating the fresh and sweet fruits, everyone gathered together, and the rock said: "Tomorrow we will enter the most dangerous place in the mainland. Although there are months Yue’s space magic array is guaranteed, but everyone must not be negligent. We have never come into contact with undead creatures. We would rather spend a little more effort than let them get close to the body. Dumb, let’s set up tomorrow’s formation first. "

Dumb nodded, and said: "I have already thought about it. After entering the Death Mountain tomorrow, I will be at the forefront. I will summon Shengxie and let it guard everyone at the end. The two big brothers Rock and Rock Force will protect you On the two wings, Sister Zhuoyun, Yueyue, Vera and Keanu support everyone with magic in the center. Sister Yueji, use your bow and arrow to pay attention to the undead creatures in the air at all times. As long as you can drive them away, then what happens? Changes, this formation can be adjusted at any time."

Yueji asked suspiciously: "Who is Shengxie? Can he be summoned?"

Dumb glanced at Xuanyue, and said: "Now I have nothing to hide from everyone. Shengxie is the silver dragon I summoned once. He is my best partner. In fact, everyone misunderstood me. There is no summoning magic, Shengxie does not come from another dimension, it is a real dragon. My so-called summoning is to release it from the space of the blood of the dragon, so it is impossible to fail. Always I didn’t tell everyone, because creatures like dragons are too shocking in the world after all, please forgive me.”

Yan Yan lost his voice: "What? The dragon you summoned was, it was..."

Dumb nodded, and said, "Brother, do you still remember the first time we came to the elf forest? At that time, Auntie the elf queen took me to the tree house of the ancient elf tree and gave me something, which was Sheng Xie. The dragon egg. This dragon egg was brought back from the Death Mountain by Audi the Great Elf. It may be the only surviving dragon on the mainland. Later, when I practiced with my master in Tiangang Mountain, the dragon egg hatched , Shengxie has become my friend, it is my best partner, and you all know that it has saved me many times in times of crisis. Without it, I am afraid I would have died a long time ago. To be honest, Shengxie I really suffered a lot after following me, because its image is too terrifying, I can only be in the blood of the dragon, it is really lonely. Starting from tomorrow when we enter the Death Mountain, I decided to completely let Shengxie appear in front of everyone, Don't let it suffer any more."

Yue Ji murmured: "Dragon, that's great, there are dragons here, what kind of undead creatures are we afraid of?"

Duan smiled and said: "Sheng Xie may become our most critical main force tomorrow, because its dragon breath is very corrosive, and ordinary undead creatures may completely disappear in its dragon breath, so that we are not afraid of their resurrection , However, the power of Shengxie is also limited, everyone must not rely too much on it."

Rock patted his thigh, and said excitedly: "Just do as Dumb said, I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's action. It's really exciting to be able to fight with the dragon!"

In the early morning, everyone woke up from meditation and meditation one after another. After a night's rest, Xuan Yue's magic power consumed yesterday has fully recovered. Their eyes are full of determination. For the sake of the peace of the mainland, they are about to embark on the most important journey of exploration.

After they packed up, Audi had also arrived at the tree house, and everyone left the Elf Forest under the personal escort of the Elf Queen, heading towards the Death Mountain in the southwest.

While walking, Audi said to the crowd: "I will send you directly to the entrance of the Death Mountain when I entered it. From there, you will go all the way to the south. If everything goes well, you will be able to reach the center of the Death Mountain. Oh, yes, Yue Moon, show me the map that the Pope gave you, and I will point you to the cave that helped me escape the catastrophe. If you can’t resist the attack of undead creatures, you can go there and adjust temporarily, so that the safety will be greater. Some."

Xuan Yue summoned the colorful light bead from the blood of the phoenix, and under the infusion of holy energy, the map appeared in everyone's sight again. Everyone stopped and focused their attention on Audi. Audi looked at the map carefully, pointed to the upper edge of the map, and said: "I will send you here later, you have been heading south, about twenty kilometers away, and you can climb over many low hills Arrived here, but because of the complex terrain in the Death Mountain, I can only point out the approximate location. You see, it should be here. On this hillside, the cave is still very obvious. The entrance is about one square meter. Except for the most Except for ordinary skeleton soldiers, other large undead creatures are difficult to enter. As long as you seal the entrance with magic or fighting spirit, you will be safe for the time being. The geology there is very hard, so you don’t have to worry about the undead creatures being damaged. It can be used as your transit point .”

Dumb said: "So, the cave that saved your life is in the south?"

Audi nodded and said: "It should be. At the beginning, I was in the dark in the Death Mountain, and finally found that place when I was close to exhaustion. Although the undead creatures are powerful, they also have their own shortcomings. Due to the concentration of various races , so that it is easy to cause confusion among them. Otherwise, I would not be able to go so deep into the Death Mountain. You can use this to quickly advance to the deepest part of the Death Mountain. As long as you are careful, it is still possible to achieve your goal with your strength ground."

Half an hour later, under the leadership of Audi, everyone had walked out of the Tianyuan Clan's big forest, and the atmosphere in the air seemed to gradually become serious. As she got closer to the Death Mountain, Xuanyue, who practiced the sacred light magic, had a strong feeling in her heart. of depression.

Audi stopped in his tracks, pointed to a bare high mountain in front of him and said, "Climb over this mountain, and you will enter the border of the Death Mountain. I will send you here. Be careful on the road, if you can't go deep, go immediately." Back off, don’t force yourself, as long as you live, there is hope. Life is the most important thing.”

Dumb nodded, and said with a smile: "Go back, we will be careful. I will trouble you and Aunt Queen to protect our magic circle."

Audi nodded and said: "Don't worry, as long as the elves and the city of elves are still there, the magic circle will not disappear. Take care." After speaking, he spread his transparent wings and flew up, returning to the elves along the original road. The forest went.

There was a hint of excitement in Dumb's eyes, and he looked around everyone for a week, saying: "We have finally reached the Death Mountain. We failed twice before and did not enter this place full of death. Today, there will be no reason to stop us from moving forward. Let's go Come on, my friends, the target, the center of the Death Mountain."

Everyone's blood seemed to be boiling with Dumb, and they were all full of fighting spirit. They knew that what they were about to face would be the biggest test in their lives. Dumb sang: "Use the blood of the dragon as a guide, open it, the gate of time and space." The blood of the dragon that has recovered its energy shines brightly under his call, and under the blue halo, Sheng Xie's huge body appear in the sight of everyone.

Sheng Xie's figure gradually became clear. He spread his wide wings and shouted loudly. The clear dragon chant echoed continuously, and his voice was full of joy. Everyone's eyes were completely focused on this giant dragon. His huge body more than ten meters long made everyone amazed. It was the first time to observe a dragon at such a close distance, and their hearts were full of excitement.

"Brother, you finally let Xiao Xie out. I'm almost suffocated to death in the blood of the dragon."

"Xiao Xie, this time my brother won't take you back easily. Soon we will enter the most dangerous death mountain in the mainland. There, I don't know what is waiting for us. Are you willing to go on an adventure with us?"

Sheng Xie lowered his big head, his golden eyes shone with soft light, rubbed the slender golden horns on Dumb's body, and said, "Brother, you don't have to ask Xiao Xie, as long as you are where you are, Xiao Xie Xie will be there, no danger can separate us, in this world, you are Xiaoxie's only relative."

Dumb's heart became hot, and he stroked Sheng Xie's huge spiral horn and smiled: "Xiao Xie, my brother will never be separated from you. Don't worry, as long as I am still alive, I will not let any creature hurt you, you He is my most important partner! Come on, let's go up the mountain, over this mountain, we are about to start fighting."

Shengxie let out a long moan, his voice was full of excitement, his golden eyes looked around the crowd, he raised his head high, spread his wings, and the dense scales all over his body stood up completely, showing a fighting look.

Dui said to the crowd: "Brother Yan, Yanli, as well as Keanu and sister Yueji, you don't have the ability to fly, so just sit on Xiaoxie's back and go up the mountain, which can save some energy. Vera, Zhuo Yun Sister, follow me and Yueyue closely."

After Ah-Dai made the arrangements, a group of eight people and one dragon soared into the sky, and headed towards the mountain about 500 meters high in front of them. When they flew up the mountain wall, they all clearly felt an evil aura emanating from the mountain, and Yue Ji, who had the weakest skill, couldn't help frowning. As they got closer to the top of the mountain, the evil aura became more and more intense, and even Brother Rock and Zhuo Yun felt a little uncomfortable. Just when Xuanyue was about to cast God's blessing on everyone, the golden rings on everyone's hands lit up, and clusters of golden light enveloped their bodies, completely isolating them from the evil outside, which was blessed by the Pope The magic weapon has begun to exert its ability to block the evil darkness.

Yue Ji showed a look of relief, and said with lingering fear: "It's so uncomfortable before fighting against undead creatures. I'm afraid it will be more dangerous in the Death Mountain. No wonder the Audi elf has repeatedly told us to be careful."

Keanu looked at Yue Ji worriedly, and said, "I told you not to let you come, but you didn't listen, it's still too late to leave now."

Yue Ji snorted, and said: "I know that the Death Mountain is dangerous, but I'm not afraid. Don't think that we women are worse than you men. I understand the principle of facing difficulties. Just be careful, don't worry about me After finishing speaking, he took off his silver bow from behind, put on a long silver arrow, and looked around vigilantly.

The height of 500 meters is nothing to everyone. In less than ten minutes, they have reached the top of the mountain. This is completely a rocky mountain, not a blade of grass can grow up, and the area of the top of the mountain is very small, only a few hundred square meters. Stepping up to the top of the mountain, everyone found that the originally clear sky suddenly darkened, and the sky was completely shrouded in dark clouds without a ray of sunshine.

The feeling of depression in Xuan Yue's heart was even stronger. In order to ensure everyone's safety, she still put a blessing of God on everyone. Dumb leaned to Xuanyue's side, and said with concern: "Yueyue, your complexion is not very good-looking, is there something uncomfortable? Or is it too expensive to maintain the connection with space magic?"

Xuan Yue shook her head and said, "It's not uncomfortable. Although maintaining a spiritual magic connection will consume a certain amount of mana, I have the energy support contained in the blood of the phoenix, so the impact is not great. However, this place is full of death And the evil breath, it makes people feel very uncomfortable. Don't you feel depressed?"

Duan was stunned for a moment, shook his head, and said, "Evil? Why don't I think so. Except for the sky getting dark, isn't there any change?" Although he was also a little nervous, he really didn't feel what Xuanyue said.

Xuan Yue looked suspiciously at Ah-Dai as if she was thinking about something, "Ah, so that's what happened." She seemed to have figured out something, and a sudden look appeared in her doubtful eyes, and she took Ah-Dai's big hand and said: " I understand. Although the aura here is evil, it is far worse than your Pluto sword, which is the most evil in the world. You often use the Pluto sword, and you have fought against the evil aura contained in it many times. The vigorous vitality of true qi has long been immune to evil qi, so you will not feel uncomfortable. By the way, there is one thing I must remind you, after we enter the death mountain, no matter what kind of Don't use the Pluto Sword even if it's dangerous."

Duan asked suspiciously: "Why can't I use the Pluto sword? With my current skill, I can basically control the direction of the Pluto sword's evil energy, and it won't hurt everyone."