The Kind Death God

Chapter 189: Undead creatures


Xuan Yue shook her head and said: "It's not for this reason. The evil spirit is too strong here, and the Hades sword is the most evil thing in the world. I'm afraid that once you use the Hades sword here, it will kill the evil spirit in the Death Mountain. At that time, I am afraid that you will not be able to control it, and you will even be counter-controlled by it, resulting in a greater crisis. Moreover, the Pluto sword will not return when it is out of its sheath. Every time it attacks, it must absorb at least one creature's blood. Soul, but, do you think those undead creatures in the Death Mountain have soul and flesh for them to absorb? I'm afraid not. If that's the case, the target of the Pluto sword may be changed to our own people. That's why I say no You use it. Your current skill is already very high, and you can still exert great strength without it. This is the first time we have entered the Death Mountain, and there is still plenty of time. Don’t rush to complete the task. If you are besieged by undead creatures, You can try to bombard the Heavenly Thunder to see if you can successfully summon the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. Even if it is unsuccessful, we can use the space to locate the magic circle to exit here. Safety is the most important thing."

Dumb nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Let's go over there and have a look. Maybe there are a lot of undead creatures behind the mountain." Everyone walked towards the south of the mountain with nervousness. When they came to the side of the mountain, they were all stunned. In front of them, there were no undead creatures like the tidal sea as they imagined, but a large empty and undulating mountain range.

"Is this the Death Mountain? There is nothing but an evil and gloomy aura!" Oliveira was the one who spoke, looking at the empty mountain in front of him, he couldn't help but wonder. The mountains in front of them stretched as far as the eye could see, and the khaki hills stood up in disorder. All the hills were the same as the mountains under their feet, with no grass growing, and the dust blown by the breeze gave people a feeling of depression.

Rock said: "Don't be careless. Didn't the Great Elf Audi say that he didn't encounter any obstacles when he entered the Death Mountain? He didn't encounter the siege of undead creatures until he entered the mountain. Since there are no undead appearing now, We simply hurry up, maybe we can go directly to the depths of the mountains."

Duan nodded, and said, "Brother is right, let's go." Because there were no undead creatures, they did not form a pre-designed formation, but still flew up as they did when they went up the mountain just now, and descended to the ground It was moving forward rapidly at a distance of about 100 meters.

After all, this is known as the most dangerous place on the mainland. Duan pushed his pure vitality to the limit, watched the movement around nervously, and was ready to deal with possible changes at any time. Xuan Yuefei was behind Ah-Dai, and a golden light cluster condensed on the angel's staff as a backup to support Ah-Dai.

Everything went extremely smoothly. They climbed over a dozen hills and still didn't encounter any undead creatures. Although everyone did not relax, they were not as nervous as before.

Xuan Yue rushed to Duan and said: "We have entered the mountain range for about ten kilometers, is it true that there are no enemies?"

Dumb said: "There is no best, so that we can enter the deepest part of the mountains. I hope the dark forces controlled by the Dark Sacred Cult are really here, otherwise they will always hide in the dark and it will be more difficult to deal with."

While he was talking, Ah-Dai suddenly felt something rushing towards everyone in front of him, his heart trembled, and he shouted: "Be careful, everyone, the enemy may be coming." After finishing speaking, he immediately sang the ultimate defense magic of Dragon's Blood The spell in the body, the huge blue dragon-shaped energy flew out, the clear shape was like a real giant dragon, the huge sacred aura immediately wrapped the whole body of Ah-Dai, and the blue dragon-shaped energy uttered a loud chant At the same time, Xuan Yue also activated her phoenix cover, and the scorching red energy transformed into a huge phoenix form to wrap her delicate body. Everyone on Shengxie's back took out their weapons and was ready to respond at any time.

When Dui saw the rapid object he had foreseen, he was taken aback, but he was not surprised by the strength of the opponent. The flying creature looked too weak. It was a bird shrouded in gray gas. It was less than one meter long and had only a skeleton like a bone dragon. It didn't look as big as a goshawk. Although it was fast, it didn't exude any power. breath.

Dumb sent an attack message to Shengxie. Although this was the first undead creature they saw, they already realized that the crisis from the Death Mountain was about to begin.

Sheng Xie's eyes shone with excitement, and he flapped his huge wings to welcome the bone bird. The bone bird itself didn't seem to be conscious. Seeing such a powerful creature as Shengxie, it didn't have the slightest intention of dodging, but rushed towards it at a faster speed. A golden light flashed in Sheng Xie's eyes, he opened his mouth wide, and a large cloud of gray dragon's breath with golden light spots burst out, covering the bone bird that had already flew close.

The bone bird didn't dodge, the gray air on its body suddenly flew out, condensing into a defensive shield in front of itself, but how could it be such a weak creature against the holy evil, as if there was no barrier , its body and the gray gas were completely swallowed by the holy and evil dragon's breath.

Everything was quiet again, Duan looked at everyone suspiciously, and said, "Why is there only one? Is this the so-called army of undead?"

A look of fear suddenly appeared in Keanu's eyes, "Quick, look, what is that?"

Duan was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look in the direction he pointed out, only to see a large piece of gray mist in the distance slowly drifting towards the direction of everyone, and there seemed to be a subtle buzzing sound coming from the gray mist. Duan Gong gathered his eyes and looked towards the gray mist. When he saw it clearly, he couldn't help but gasp and get cold. Where is the gray fog! It turned out to be composed of countless bone birds, and its shape was exactly the same as that of the previous single bone bird. Since their bodies exuded gray mist, they suddenly looked like a mass of gray dark clouds.

"It's a large group of gray bone birds, everyone be careful."

Xuanyue saw the innumerable bone birds and said in a deep voice: "Let's land on the ground, otherwise we will be surrounded by bone birds, and we will be attacked up, down, left, and right."

Dumb nodded, and said, "Okay, wait until it falls to the ground. Brother Rock and Yanli, pay attention to the movement on the ground, and the others will attack the bone bird in the sky with me." In the face of a crisis, Dui appeared extremely calm , not at all flustered by the sudden change.

Under the leadership of Dumb, everyone quickly fell to the ground. When they landed on the ground, the dark clouds made up of bone birds in the sky were approaching. Duan's heart moved, and he turned to Xuanyue and said: "Yueyue, you and Oliveira are the main defense, and I, Shengxie and Keanu are the main attack!" Others adapt accordingly." After speaking, a huge silver sword with a length of five feet and a width of half a foot was conjured up with both hands, staring intently at the bone bird in the sky.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xuanyue immediately chanted a spell to defend against magic, "Great god! Please grant me the sacred light, and use endless divine light to defend your majesty." The golden light suddenly shone, and Xuanyue's hands Holding it high, the angel's staff on the right hand shone with dazzling light. A golden beam of light broke through the dark clouds in the sky and landed accurately on the transparent gem on the head of the angel's staff. Let it go, completely enveloping everyone.

Oliveira didn't dare to neglect, and when Xuanyue used the sacred light to defend, he also chanted the sixth-level defensive spell of the wind system, Whirlwind Barrier. Under the boost of the Wind God's Wand, a large group of whirlwinds stirred violently around the crowd, forming a turbulent gust of wind outside the sacred light that had just appeared, flying sand and rocks outside the defensive barrier for a while, making the entire defense net even stronger. It's solid.

At this time, the bone birds in the air had already swooped down, and the countless undead bone birds with a length of nearly one meter rushed up one after another as if they didn't feel the strong defensive barrier. In order to relieve Xuanyue and Oliveira's pressure, Duan flew out of the defensive barrier, and rushed up to the bone birds without the slightest hesitation. He wanted to see what happened to the undead in the mouth of the Great Elf Audi.

The silver light suddenly flourished, wrapping Ah-Dai like a silver meteor, and with a loud bang, he slammed into it from the front abruptly. The hundreds of bone birds flying in the front were suddenly smashed to pieces by Ah-Dai's solid fighting spirit, and the bone birds rushing up from behind also became a mess. There are hundreds of them.

Dumb doesn't need to take the initiative to attack at all, he just needs to spread the energy that becomes solid around his body, and those bone birds will rush to die like moths to a flame. Since Ah-Dai attacked the group of bone birds head-on, these low-level creatures without much intelligence were completely attracted. These bone birds ignored Xuan Yue and the others, and most of them rushed towards Ah-Dai.

Although the bone bird's impact was fierce, Duan felt that this impact was enough to handle by himself, and the bone bird would definitely not be able to break through his defense in a short period of time based on the endless cycle of qi. Duan told Shengxie through mental power to let him not participate in the battle for the time being. Since he came into contact with undead creatures for the first time, Duan decided to observe the characteristics of undead creatures before meeting a strong opponent.

Half an hour passed, and the impact of the bone bird showed no signs of weakening. After half an hour, Duan discovered that this group of bone birds must be the lowest undead creature in the Death Mountain, because the most important thing is, It's because they don't have wisdom, and the reason why they attack themselves and others is probably because they were attracted by the anger of everyone. The body of the bony bird is smaller than that of the goshawk, and there is a thin layer of meat on the skeleton, and it is these meat membranes that allow them to fly. Nearly 10,000 bone birds have been smashed to pieces on the energy cover that has become solid. The bone birds that were first chopped into pieces by Dumb with the energy sword did not come back to life. Those fragmented bone birds that just hit each other changed, their broken bones still shrouded the original black mist on the ground, under the cover of the mist, they would change back into the form of bone birds and fly to the back of the team to start again. shock.

What is strange is that the original gray mist on the bone birds that are completely broken and cannot be revived will rise into the air, but they do not dissipate, but are absorbed by other bone birds. Some bone birds have absorbed a large amount of gray mist, and the fog around their bodies has gradually turned black, and the color of their gray-white bones has gradually deepened, and their attack power seems to be much stronger than ordinary bone birds. If dozens of mutated bone birds hit Dumb's defensive shield one after another, his fighting spirit would be shaken.

Dumb thought to himself, if this continues, as the remaining bone birds become fewer and fewer, they will become stronger and stronger, and in essence, it will not play a role in eliminating them. And those gray mist are the driving force behind the attack of these bone birds. If you guessed right, as long as all the gray mist is wiped out, the bone birds will disappear and will no longer be aggressive. Thinking of this, he insisted on changing the defensive cover, and chanted in a low voice: "Use the blood of the dragon as a guide, endless holy light! Drive away evil." A white light gushed out from the blood of the dragon on his chest , flew out under the control of Ah-Dai's mental power, turning into a ball of white light, the light gradually became stronger, and the sacred breath floated out. The gray fog surrounding the flock of skeleton birds in the sky.

Under Dumb's expectant gaze, the holy white light collided with the gray fog surrounding the bone birds, as if ice and snow met a raging fire, the holy light and gray fog melted quickly at the same time, and the bone birds in the sky suddenly became irritable When he got up, the speed of the impact became faster. After using the Holy Light, Ah-Dai almost lost his chance to breathe. His eyes were completely blocked by the crazy bone bird figure. The crazy impact increased his pressure greatly, and the vitality in his body was consumed The speed is obviously much faster.

While resisting the impact of the bone bird, Ah-Dai said to Xuanyue through voice transmission: "Quick, use a stronger light magic to directly hit the gray mist of the bone bird flock, that will deal a big blow to them."

After receiving the sound transmission from Ah-Dai, Xuan Yue immediately handed over all the defense tasks to Oliveira, and most of the bone birds went to attack Ah-Dai, and the remaining ones were temporarily destroyed by Oliveira's magical cultivation. can resist. Under the wrap of the whirlwind barrier, Xuan Yue stood up the angel's staff in front of her chest, and kept chanting spells in a low voice.

The golden wings slowly appeared behind Xuan Yue, wrapped in the golden divine light, she was like a fairy descending to the earth, her slender and delicate body was inviolable, her eyes lit up, Xuan Yue raised her staff, pointed forward, A golden shock flew out, and the golden light was constantly changing in the air. When it hit the front of the bone birds, it had already turned into a huge beam of light with a diameter of three meters.

The bone birds seemed to have discovered the crisis, and a large part of the bone birds that hit Duan suddenly rushed towards Xuan Yue and others frantically. However, their reaction was still a bit slow after all. The powerful light magic released by Xuanyue when they were divided into two groups just now had already impacted the root of the bone bird flock.

"Hey—" the gray mist violently surged under the impact of the golden light, and the bone birds in the air suddenly became a mess, slamming around like headless flies, no longer caring about attacking everyone, a large number of bone birds kept coming from Falling from the sky, these fallen bone birds were no longer supported by the gray mist. When they fell to the ground one by one and were smashed into pieces, they no longer had the ability to revive.

Xuan Yue's magic was so powerful that it almost melted nearly half of the gray fog. Without the impact of the bone bird, Ah-Dai flew back to the crowd, and said to Xuanyue: "Let's take advantage of the victory to pursue and completely wipe out these bone birds."

Xuan Yue was also overjoyed at the effect her magic had just produced, she nodded and continued to chant the next spell. At this time, the mutation happened. Undulations gradually appeared on the originally calm ground, and the surrounding khaki-colored mountains gradually turned gray. Waves of icy evil energy spread out from the ground and the mountains. To everyone's surprise, a wave appeared on the ground. One crack after another.

Countless white claws protruded from the cracks one after another, and skeletons crawled out of the cracks one after another. The skeletons looked different, and some even had four arms and three heads. , apparently pieced together. And their colors are also different, white is the most, followed by gray. There are fewer blue and black skulls, and the least is tan. The originally peaceful Bald Mountain was covered with all kinds of skeletons in a short time. Although the number of skeletons was not as dense as those of the bone birds in the sky, everyone was shocked and didn't know how to deal with this sudden attack. scene.

Although the movement of the skeletons was very slow, the skeletons coming from all directions gave everyone a strong sense of oppression, especially the dozens of skeletons around them, they were already very close, and these skeletons were not like the bone birds. The gray mist is thicker than the bone bird, but the dangerous breath is much stronger than the bone bird. It is obviously a more powerful undead creature than the bone bird. This sudden change made Dumb confused, not knowing how to deal with it. Xuan Yue smiled wryly and said, "If those members of the Skeleton Mercenary Group come, I'm afraid they will know what the real Skeleton Army is. Let's form an formation." According to the pre-design, everyone formed a circle, consisting of Dumb, Rock Brothers and Shengxie guarded the outermost part, while others began to chant spells inside. Oliveira and Keanu attacked, while Xuan Yue and Zhuo Yun applied defensive magic one after another to the surrounding people. Zhuo Yun suddenly discovered that since there was no vegetation here, her elf magic could not be brought out to a true level, and now she was the weakest among the crowd.

A buzzing sound suddenly came from the crowd of skeletons, and the only three brown skeletons gathered together, raised the bone knife in their hands and pointed at Dumb and the others suddenly, all the skeletons stopped for a moment, and their speed increased suddenly , the white skeletons, led by the gray skeletons, quickly rushed towards the crowd. Some of them held weapons made of bones, and some simply used their own bodies as weapons, rushing up with claws and teeth. And the blue and black skeletons spread out a pair of wings from behind and soared high, rushing towards everyone from above.

Dumb's heart trembled, and the sword of birth and transformation with both hands swept out suddenly, and the half-moon-shaped silver fighting spirit was drawn out like lightning. The dozens of skeletons that rushed forward were cut in two, and a huge tornado followed. , three tornadoes raged in three directions respectively. With the increase of the wind god's staff, Oliveira used this six-level wind-type magic dragon with three scrolls handy, and a large number of skeletons were immediately thrown into the air by the tornado into the air. Those white skeletons looked very fragile, they had no ability to resist in the whirlwind, and were twisted into white bones in an instant. A large sea of flames appeared after the whirlwind. Taking advantage of the wind, the fire spread to hundreds of meters around everyone in an instant. In the scorching flames, the white skeletons turned into ashes one after another. Stepping back, in terms of feeling, these skeletons are smarter than the bone birds in the air, at least they will not be crazy about the consequences.

At this time, dozens of blue and black skeletons had already jumped down from the sky. Shengxie let out a long moan, and a mouthful of gray light shining with Venus rose into the sky to meet the falling skeletons. In the breath of the dragon, seven or eight skeletons were instantly reduced to ashes, but most of the skeletons turned and dodged in the air.

The bone birds in the air have gradually recovered from the chaos. I don't know if they flew away in the direction they came from because of fear, and did not cooperate with the skeletons on the ground to attack everyone.

Keanu's sea of fire lasted for a quarter of an hour before it gradually disappeared. Under the joint attack of everyone, thousands of skeletons had already disappeared. The skeletons corroded by the evil dragon's breath and burned by the flames have not recovered, and seem to have completely disappeared. The rock whispered to Dumb: "Brother, it's not okay to go on like this. Look, the skeletons are still crawling out of the cracks in the ground. When we are always exhausted, let's rush in. If it doesn't work, we can still find the Audi elf Make the said cave take shelter for a while."

Duan nodded, and with a long roar, he called everyone to get on Shengxie's back, and then sent out several bursts of fighting energy to scatter the skeletons in the air, leading everyone to rush towards the depths of the Death Mountain. Oliveira and Keanu continued to support Shengxie with magic, and finally drove the approaching skeletons back completely. Shengxie flew up by flapping its huge dragon wings. The white skeletons below suddenly jumped up one by one, attacking Sheng Xie with the bone weapons in their hands, but how could their attack power penetrate Sheng Xie's thick scales, they hardly suffered any damage, Sheng Xie was already high Flying into the air, he also used his own huge body to smash many ordinary skeleton soldiers into pieces. The only ones who can attack everyone are blue and black skeletons, but they are not many in number after all, and it is useless to have dumb to escort Shengxie. Under the action of the energy that became solid, one flying skeleton after another fell down. Although they have the ability to resurrect, it always takes a certain amount of time to fly again. Shengxie stretched his speed to the limit, and the huge dragon wings brought strong winds in the air, and quickly headed south.

Originally, Xuan Yue planned to use a larger sacred light magic to deal with the skeletons below, but seeing that everyone had already rushed out of the skeleton soldiers, in order to preserve their strength, they couldn't help but give up this idea. While everyone was relaxing, three screams sounded, and three khaki-yellow rays of light rushed towards Shengxie like lightning, and the speed was so fast that even Ah-Dai couldn't help being surprised. He hurriedly flew to the back of Shengxie, and the sword of life and change swept out, slashing at the three skeletons who rushed up. These three earth-yellow skeletons are the kings of skeletons. Although their bodies are not very tall, their attack power is far beyond that of other skeletons. Facing Dumb's attack, they didn't take it hard, and their fast forward momentum suddenly stopped, flying in three directions respectively, and immediately avoided Dumb's attack.

A silver arrow pierced through the air, aiming at the landing point of a Skeleton King, it turned into a ray of silver light and rushed away. It was Yueji who showed her power. From the beginning of the battle to the present, she had been unable to intervene, and she had been holding her breath for a long time. Seeing the attack of the Skeleton King, she immediately launched an attack with the arrow skills she had practiced for many years. The silver arrow hit the Skeleton King accurately, but Yue Ji's anger happened. Even the Skeleton King is still a skeleton. Although the silver long arrow hit his body, it didn't hit his bones. Instead, it passed through the gap between his sternum, causing no damage at all.

The three skeleton kings seemed to be angry, and the bone knife in their hands turned into three streamers of light and suddenly slashed at Ah-Dai. Although the Skeleton King is very strong, how can they compare with Dumb who has reached the realm of Juggernaut? When the bone knife hit Ah-Dai's life-changing defense cover, it was immediately shattered to pieces. Taking this opportunity, Ah-Dai released a big canopy of silver battle energy threads, and immediately tied up the three skeleton kings. Dumb was overjoyed, and just when he was about to urge his fighting spirit to completely crush the three skeleton kings, something happened. The bodies of the three Skeleton Kings suddenly dispersed, falling into pieces of tiny bones. In dumb's astonishment, their falling bones reconstituted their previous form in the air, and rushed up again.

A red fire dragon appeared from behind Ah-Dai, blocked the attacks of the Skeleton Kings with its huge body, and rushed into the fire dragon's body. Under the scorching energy, even with the strength of the Skeleton King, he couldn't help but panic, and burst into panic. Amidst the squeaking screams, their bodies had been burned red. In order to keep their bodies, they no longer cared about attacking. The bodies of the three Skeleton Kings suddenly sank and fell downwards.

Duan turned his head to look at Keanu on Shengxie's back, and Keanu made a proud gesture to him. Dumb gave him a thumbs up.

Just after dealing with the skeleton's attack, Dumb didn't dare to neglect, and quickly flew to Shengxie's side, and rushed forward with it. In the short time they fought with the Skeleton King, they had already flown over three hills, and the ground There are already a lot fewer skeletons, and it is obvious that they cannot catch up with their speed.

Yue Ji curled her lips and said, "This undead creature is not very good. We have rushed in almost twenty kilometers now, so we can go straight to the center of the Death Mountain in one go."

Duan said solemnly: "Don't be careless, if the Death Mountain is really that simple, it won't be called the most dangerous place on the mainland." While talking, they had already crossed another seven to eight hundred meters mountain bag. As soon as they passed the mountain, they were startled by the scene in front of them. The ground below was no longer the bare ground, and there were no skeleton soldiers. Instead, it was filled with green mist. It's very weird, it's condensed and doesn't disperse, blocking everyone's sight, so that they can't see what exists below.

Xuan Yuexiu frowned slightly, and said: "Everyone, be careful, this may be poison." While speaking, she hurriedly cast an auxiliary magic of purifying light on everyone. The dense green mist floated up slowly as if they had discovered their existence, and soon touched the white protective layer of the purifying light. When the light of purification came into contact with these green gases, there was a puffing sound, and the surrounding defensive barriers shrank slowly. Xuanyue was taken aback, and lost her voice: "What a powerful corrosive poisonous mist."

Duan pushed out a few palms outside the barrier one after another, and under the surging energy of fighting spirit, the poisonous mist immediately drifted away, but they soon floated back. In an instant, all directions were completely covered by poisonous fog, making it difficult for everyone to distinguish directions. Rock anxiously said: "What should I do now, which direction should I go, advance or retreat?"

Dumb gritted his teeth, and said to Xuanyue: "You guys support here first, I'll go down and have a look, maybe the source of the poisonous mist is in the valley."

Rock grabbed Ah-Dai, and said, "No, the poisonous fog is so thick, even if you are not afraid of fighting spirit, but after you leave us, it may be difficult to get back."

Dui patted the rock on the shoulder and said: "Brother, don't worry, my dragon blood and Yueyue's phoenix blood have a spiritual connection. No matter how far apart, I can find you. Don't move in the air. Go and come." As he said that, regardless of everyone's obstruction, he pushed the vitality contained in the golden body to the limit, and it turned into a ball of silver light and suddenly fell downward.

"Dai, be careful, come back quickly if you can't do it." Xuan Yue shouted anxiously behind Dui.