The Kind Death God

Chapter 193: Triple Detective Death


While washing the towel, Xuanyue felt dejected. It had been forty-nine days, but Ah-Dai was still in a coma, her body hadn't changed at all, and her body was full of vitality, but she just refused to wake up. With a soft sigh, he wrung out the towel in his hand and turned around slowly, ready to continue wiping his beloved man. However, when she turned around, she saw a pair of clear eyes containing various complex emotions, most of those clear eyes were filled with affection, and also contained a bit of surprise, happiness and shyness . With a slap, the towel in Xuan Yue's hand fell to the ground, and tears flowed uncontrollably. After waiting for forty days, all kinds of emotions of worry, fear, and expectation completely broke out at this moment, and she rushed to Dumb's side , crying: "You, you still know how to wake up! I'm so anxious. Woohoo."

Duan hugged Xuanyue's soft and tender body, his heart was extremely full, sniffing the fragrance of her hair, and said softly: "Yueyue, don't cry, don't cry, am I awake?"

Under Ah-Dai's comfort, the excitement in Xuan Yue's heart gradually calmed down, sobbing and trembling gently in Ah-Dai's arms. Hugging Xuanyue's soft and elastic body, Dumb, who had just woken up, gradually had a physiological reaction... Xuanyue subconsciously got up and looked down, "Ah, you, you are so bad." Pretty face suddenly flushed with shame . Dumb was embarrassed, and hurriedly pulled the quilt aside to cover his body, and said embarrassingly: "I, how could I be naked."

Xuan Yue's shy breath was uneven, and she was reluctant to leave Duan, so she could only sit on the side of the bed with her back, and said in a low voice: "You have been in a coma for so many days, and your body has to be cleaned up. Naturally, it is most suitable for me to do these things I'll wipe your whole body for you every other day." Dui covered his lower body, stretched his ape arms lightly to embrace Xuanyue's willow waist from behind, and put her in his arms. He didn't speak, but felt Xuanyue quietly. The temperature contained in the moon. Xuan Yue closed her eyes, Duan woke up, and to her, everything else was not important.

After a long time, Ah-Dai whispered: "Yueyue, where are my clothes? I want to get up and move around, and accompany me for a walk outside, okay?"

"En." Xuan Yue agreed softly, leaving Ah-Dai's warm embrace with some reluctance, and took Ah-Dai's clothes from the wooden chair beside her. Turning around, said: "You wear it."

Dumb smiled slightly, and said: "You've already seen it all, so why be ashamed. Yueyue, I think, I think..."

Xuan Yue lowered her head, the blush on her pretty face had spread to her ears, "No, no, wait until we get married, okay? I, I'm a little scared."

Dumb was taken aback, and said, "What are you afraid of? I just want to eat some fruit!"

Xuan Yue turned her head abruptly, thumped Dumb's shoulder forcefully, and said angrily, "You are so annoying! You can't speak clearly. You, woo..."

Seeing Xuanyue's shy and pretty face, Ah-Dai couldn't bear the agitation in his heart anymore, he hugged her fiercely, and kissed her soft lips. Xuan Yue struggled a little, then softened into Dumb's arms. Dumb hugged her tightly, lingering for a long time and was not willing to let go. It wasn't until both of them were out of breath that they parted. Xuanyue glanced at Dumb with her beautiful eyes, and said in a low voice: "I, I'll get you some fruit. Get dressed quickly." After finishing speaking, she turned her head and ran out of the tree house.

Looking at Xuanyue's disappearing back, Ah-Dai suddenly felt a lot more empty, and a little lost. He hasn't recovered from the lingering aftertaste of being intimate just now. He is so happy to be with the person he loves the most. I really want to be with him now. Yueyue lives such a peaceful day! While thinking, he put on the Giant Spirit Snake Armor, Pluto Sword and coat. Feeling the toughness on the Giant Spirit Snake Armor, Duan moved his somewhat stiff body, and the circulation of blood immediately made him feel much more comfortable. After a while, Xuanyue came back, and Yan Yan and others came with her. Xuanyue ran into everyone when she was picking up the fruit. When everyone heard that Ah-Dai had woken up, they all rushed to come with Xuanyue tree house.

"Dumb, you're awake, everyone is dying of anxiety." Yan Li yelled in his loud voice as soon as he entered the door.

Duan smiled and said, "I'm sorry for making everyone anxious. I'm fine now."

Everyone walked to Dumb's side, Rock said: "Listen to Yueyue, Shenlong helped you change your spiritual nature, your spiritual power should be stronger now."

Dumb scratched his head, and said: "I don't have any special feelings, but the connection with the blood of the dragon seems to have strengthened a lot, and the others are nothing special. However, after this second trip to the Death Mountain, I It can already be concluded that the Dark Sacred Cult formed by the dark forces is in the middle of this death mountain. His lord Pope's guess at the beginning was completely correct." At that moment, he repeated the news he had received from the small bones in his consciousness.

After listening to Ah-Dai's narration, Xuan Yue was overjoyed, handed a whole plate of fruit into Ah-Dai's hands, and said with a smile: "Since the task is completed, we can go back. Let Grandpa quickly dispatch the army to completely wipe out the dark forces " Duan held the fruit plate in one hand, picked up a red fruit with the other hand, brought it to his mouth, took a bite, shook his head and said, "No, we can't rush back just yet."

Xuan Yue froze for a moment, and said, "Don't go back? Are you staying here to observe the movement of the Death Mountain? Since the resentful spirit said that we can't deal with the advanced undead creatures inside, it's better to go back and move the rescuers."

Duan said seriously: "Although what the Wraith said is credible, I don't think it really understands our strength. The greatest strength of the Dark Sacred Church now is the undead creatures that have been undead for twelve kalpas. If we just go back like this Even if the army is transferred, I am afraid the loss will be great. I want to enter the Death Mountain again, and try to find out more about the situation of some undead creatures. It is best to see several high-level undead creatures and send their If we have a clear understanding of our habits and abilities, we will be much more certain when we come back. Now we have been out of the Holy See for almost two months, and there is still one month before the original agreed time limit, and we can go in again. It will not affect the return date."

Xuan Yue said with some concern: "But, is it really good to go in again? You also know the danger of the Death Mountain. What should we do when we encounter a powerful undead that we can't deal with?"

A cold light flashed in Dumb's eyes, and he said: "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch tiger cubs. In order to reduce human casualties, I must go this trip. How about this, you all stay in the elf forest and wait for me. I will bring Shengxie Let’s go with Little Bones, I’m alone, it’s easier to escape, there shouldn’t be any danger.”

"No." Xuan Yue flatly rejected Dumb's proposal. She stared at him and said, "You can go, but at least you have to take me with you. Without my space positioning teleportation magic, how can your safety be guaranteed? I must go." Her words were extremely firm , there is no room for Dumb to refuse.

Duan looked at everyone for help, and Keanu smiled and said: "Boss, don't look at us, I will definitely go, how can you take this opportunity to become a human hero alone, haha. Vera, you Do you want to go too!" Surprisingly, Oliveira did not argue with Keanu, nodded firmly, and said: "I must go too, this is a big challenge for my life! Boss, I and Keanu Keanu found that after the previous two expeditions to the Death Mountain, our comprehension of magic was much easier than usual. In a short period of time, our cultivation level has slightly improved. You can take us with you , everyone together, it’s good to have a support, if the outsider can’t do it, with the magic of Boss Xuanyue, there is no problem for us to return.”

Seeing everyone's firm eyes, Ah-Dai nodded helplessly, and said, "Okay, but this time, it's no different than before. With the help of Little Bones, we will definitely be able to enter the last six levels. How powerful are the undead behind?" We don't know anything about creatures, so you must follow my command and be ready to retreat at all times."

To be on the safe side, Duan rested in the Elven Forest for another three days. After he and everyone had fully adjusted their bodies to their best condition, they were ready to go to the Death Mountain for the third time.

Brother Rock, Zhuo Yun, and Yue Ji sent them all the way to the outskirts of the Tianyuan Clan's great forest.

"Dumb, be careful, come back early, anyway, our mission has been completed, don't be too forceful. When you come back, we will return to the Holy See together." Rock said to Dumb.

Dumb smiled slightly, and said, "Brother, don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. Even if I don't care about my own life, I still care about Yueyue, Keanu, and Vera!"

Yue Ji was surprisingly gentle today, she moved to Keanu's side, and said softly: "I will definitely come back alive, you still have to protect me for the rest of my life!"

Regardless of everyone's surprised eyes, Keanu hugged Yue Ji into his arms, kissed her sweet lips heavily, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, my good wife, how can I be willing to abandon you?"

Oliveira said angrily: "Okay, don't be lingering, let's go."

After Yiyi said goodbye, the four of them embarked on the road into the Death Mountain. They still used the method last time, and with the help of Sheng Xie, they successfully crossed the first three levels. When they came to the field of the two-pole undead spider, Dui had already seen the large blue figure of the cold yin undead spider from a distance.

Xuan Yue smiled and said, "It's these annoying spiders again, let me do it."

Dumb nodded, and said: "Don't use too much magic, just scare them away. Now we have to preserve our strength."

The cold yin undead spider has also spotted them, and in the high sky, like a big blue net, it quickly rushed towards everyone.

Duan told Shengxie to stabilize his body, and winked at Xuanyue, Xuanyue sang in a low voice: "Use the blood of the phoenix as a guide, wake up, immortal phoenix." As the spell chanted, Xuanyue's chest was red The awn glowed brightly, the scorching air surrounded her delicate body, the clear sound of the phoenix's cry resounded high in the sky, and a red light came out from her chest, spinning around her body in an instant. The fire phoenix appeared again, and the flames full of sacred aura floated above Shengxie, and the sound of the phoenix's cry resounded clearly through the sky.

The cold yin undead spider that was originally pounced forward stopped abruptly after Xuanyue summoned the fire phoenix. Looking in horror at the sacred phoenix energy in front of him that had killed many of their clansmen, he no longer dared to charge forward.

Xuan Yue smiled slightly, pointing forward with the angel staff in her hand, and the fire phoenix on top of her head rushed towards the cold yin undead spider in front with a brilliant tail flame. Feeling the threat of death, the Cold Yin Undead Spiders almost all made the same movement, folded their wings, and let the mopan-sized body fall down quickly like a free fall, as if they were afraid that they would not be able to dodge in time.

The fire phoenix circled in the air and flew back above Xuanyue, where she took back her phoenix blood. Smiling, Xuanyue said: "These blue spiders are really afraid of death! They all ran away after being frightened." Duan had already learned the characteristics of the cold yin undead spider from the small bones, sighed softly, and said: "They It is also for the survival of the race. If there is no threat from the fire undead spider, I am afraid they will not be so easy to deal with. Even your fire phoenix can only destroy a small half of their power at most. Eliminate the rest , I’m afraid it will take us a lot of trouble! Don’t forget, the ice silk they spit out back then was very powerful.”

Xuan Yue was in a good mood to repel the cold yin undead spider again, and said with a smile: "Forget about it, let's speed up Shengxie. After passing through the territory of the resentful spirit, we can see new enemies."

Sheng Xie spread his wings and flew forward quickly. Duan stared at his feet intently. He was about to meet the dead demon that Little Bones said, and he couldn't help feeling nervous. At this moment, Ah-Dai suddenly discovered that there was a large black creature below, and he didn't know what it was. Startled in my heart, I thought to myself, isn't this the territory of the original resentful spirit? How could other undead creatures appear? Fortunately, because of the long distance, those creatures didn't seem to notice them. He quickly sang softly: "Use the blood of the dragon as a guide, open the gate of time and space." The blue light lit up, and under his call, a large area of blue Green halos continuously emerged from the chest, the blue light gradually disappeared, and a creature that no one had ever seen before appeared in front of them. This creature has dense black scales all over its body. It is more than 30 meters long. It has a pair of huge wings on its back. There are bony spurs about half a meter long from head to tail. There are two groups of purple burning in its black eyes. The flames exude a strong and dangerous atmosphere all over its body, which is an attribute of absolute evil. The four huge dragon claws under its belly are gently waving, and the wings on its back are flapping, bringing a large wind. It seems that it is still a little uncomfortable. Like flying.

Of course Duan knew what he was summoning from the blood of the dragon, and he lost his voice: "Little bone, why did you become like this." This is obviously a black dragon full of evil aura! This sudden change really surprised Ah-Dai.

The black dragon has gradually controlled its body, floated beside Shengxie, opened its mouth wide, and said, "Master, I'm just a little bone! The collective energy of our tens of thousands of resentful spirits is very powerful , After merging with this bone dragon, its body has been changed. Now it not only has a skeleton, but also has a flesh body. So when I communicated with you last time, I said that I am very satisfied with the current body. With this body, I feel I realize how powerful I am! Master, ah, isn't this our original territory?"

Duan turned his head and glanced at the surprised Xuanyue and the others, a gleam of joy rose in his heart, Little Bones is very loyal to him now, having such a strong arm can only benefit him. Concentrating his agitated mind, he pointed down and said, "Little Bones, since this is the territory of your wraiths, what do you see below? Could it be that other undead creatures took your place?" The black dragon was startled when he heard Dumb's words, and lowered his head to look down. When he saw the large black creature, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Master, don't worry, it's not some powerful undead creature. It's just the Winged Human Race in the Dark Sacred Cult. It may be because of our disappearance that it attracted the attention of the Dark Sacred Cult and sent them here to guard. But you can rest assured that with the ability of those Winged Humans, they cannot fly over It's a thousand meters high, and Yiren has a characteristic, that is, it rarely looks up, so we can't be found even more."

Dumb frowned, and said: "Since the Dark Sacred Cult has discovered that we have come to the Death Mountain, they must be vigilant. I am afraid that they will vent their anger on the nearby elves."

Little Bones shook his head and said, "Don't worry about this, it will never implicate the elves. Now the Dark Sacred Cult is focused on opening the entrance to the Demon Realm. It doesn't care too much about the others. Death Mountain has Our undead creatures are guarding, so they won't worry. Master, what should we do now?"

Dumb hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go to the territory of the rotten dragon and the dead demon. Do you have any way to deal with the poisonous fog above the rotten dragon? With our speed, can we rush over directly?" The first He still has lingering fears of the corrosive attack he suffered through the zombie poisonous fog when he first entered the Death Mountain, and he was naturally cautious when he had to face another kind of poisonous fog.

Little Bone said: "The venom of the rotten dragon is very viscous. If you rush into it, it will be like being trapped in a large group of glue. It will be very difficult to move forward. Once it touches a little bit of the red poisonous gas, it will die in the shortest possible time." It turns out that we vengeful spirits are not afraid of this kind of poisonous gas, but now that we have this huge body, it is hard to say. I am not very familiar with the power of this body. The best way is to start from the They rushed over the poisonous mist. The red poisonous mist emitted by the rotten dragon usually floats at an altitude of about 2,000 meters. Their sensitivity is very high, much more agile than zombies. Even with camouflage, they may not be able to pass through What we can do now is to increase the speed to the limit and move forward as much as possible before the red mist rises. Once surrounded by the red mist, we should protect the periphery with an energy barrier and get out of the poisonous mist as soon as possible. "

Dumb nodded, and said: "Okay, little bone, are you going outside or going back to the blood of the dragon."

The black dragon patted his wings, hesitated for a moment, and said: "My speed should be faster than the Dragon King now, I think so, you take back the dragon's blood from the Dragon King, and I will carry you forward, but you But don't put your energy into my body, because your attributes are more sacred, and I am dark and evil, so I will repel you."

Dui nodded, and said: "That's how it is. If the red mist rises, I will try my best to suppress them with fighting spirit. You don't need to worry about the rest, you just need to fly forward at full speed. Shengxie, you Bring back the blood of the dragon."

Shengxie glared at the black dragon with its big golden eyes, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his expression, but he also knew that with his current ability, he was far inferior to the black dragon. Returned to the blood of the dragon. Dumb pulled Xuanyue and Keanu to fly onto the black dragon's back, which was much wider than Shengxie, and Oliveira also fell over with the help of the wind. Keanu lay flat on the scales of the black dragon's small bones, stretched his arms comfortably, and said, "It's really wide! It's like flat ground."

Oliveira said angrily: "Be careful, you don't have the ability to fly here. If you fall from a height of three thousand meters, you will be crushed to pieces."

Keanu looked up at the sky, and said, "No way, why would Boss Dumb let me fall to my death?"

Duan smiled and said: "It's not that I don't want to part with it, it's that Miss Yueji doesn't part with it. I'm afraid of her. If there's something wrong with you, I can't explain it to her when I go back! Everyone is ready, we are probably coming to the rotten dragon's territory soon gone."

The flying speed of the small bones of the black dragon is indeed much faster than that of Shengxie. When its huge dragon wings stretched nearly 40 meters are slapped vigorously, although it is not as fast as the forward speed of Dumb's full force, it is almost the same . Like a black cloud, it quickly moved towards the depths of the Death Mountain.

In the distance, Ah-Dai could already see the dense red mist below, and the voice of Little Bones came, "Master, sit still, I'm going to speed up." The huge dragon wings flapped quickly, and the speed increased sharply , the oncoming wind suddenly became stronger. Duan turned his head and said to Xuanyue: "If the poisonous mist rushes up, you will use the barrier to protect the little bones. Then I will open the way ahead."

The speed of the small bone is really fast, although it has been spotted by the red mist below, it has already flown into the position nearly halfway. The red mist surged upwards from all directions, even though Little Bones had tried his best, he was still overtaken by the red mist when he rushed to nearly three-quarters of the distance. As Xuan Yue chanted loudly, a layer of golden enchantment wrapped the small bones inside, completely isolating the red mist. Rushing into the red mist, the speed of the little bone suddenly decreased greatly, as it said before, it was like stepping into a quagmire.

Dumb's eyes were full of energy, he flew up and landed on the big head of the small bone, and said in a deep voice: "I will help you open the way, you just fly forward." Taking a deep breath, the golden body in the dantian suddenly shone, and Dumb slowly He slowly floated up, his whole body was covered with a layer of thick white light, his hands were put together in front of his chest, and the surging white vigor of body protection gradually transformed into silver solid energy. With a flash of figure, he suddenly rushed out of the enchantment laid by Xuan Yue, and flew directly in front of the little bone.

Really caught in this red mist, Duan felt how viscous it was. Although it was only gas, it was more difficult to deal with than glue. Follow your own actions. Ah-Dai fully activated the energy of the golden body, and forcibly expanded the range of life-changing energy. The body was spun rapidly under the wrapping of the silver energy, and the mist around the body was also slightly rotated by him, and Ah-Dai kept moving The strands of battle energy radiated out and were directly inserted into the red poisonous mist. With the addition of the strands of battle energy, the surrounding red mist was gradually driven up and spun rapidly. The energy that turns into a solid state can be said to be the most powerful grudge in the world. With the support of endless energy, Dumb rushed forward like a spinning cone. The red mist with a diameter of tens of meters around his body was completely driven by him. With such a rotation, Dumb can be said to have exerted all his strength, and his body disappeared into the sight of Xuan Yue and others like lightning with a mass of red tornado. Xuanyue was surprised to find that at the place where Ah-Dai disappeared, a tunnel with a diameter of tens of meters was formed, just enough for the small bones to pass through. The wisdom of tens of thousands of resentful spirits is gathered in the brain of the little bone, so naturally without the slightest hesitation, he quickly flies forward along the tunnel made by Dumb, almost only flapping his wings a dozen times, and he can already see the light of day up. Dumb was flying in mid-air with the cloud of red mist, and he quickly flicked around his body as the axis, injecting the cloud of red tornado back into its original place. The silver figure floated gently on the back of Little Bone, and Ah-Dai's panting was already a little short. The reason why he was able to succeed just now was because he took advantage of the characteristics of the red poisonous mist itself. This poisonous mist is extremely viscous, and although the overall action is fast, if a tunnel is opened in the center of it, it will definitely not be able to close it in a short time. That's why Dumb came up with the method just now, but it also consumed a lot of his fighting spirit.

Xuan Yue took Ah-Dai's big hand and asked with concern: "How are you? You weren't hurt by the poisonous mist, right?"

Duan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I'm not that fragile, but this red poisonous mist is indeed more difficult to deal with than the green corrosive poisonous mist. Fortunately, the little bone is fast enough."

Little Bones said nervously: "Master, you have to be careful, we have entered the territory of the dead demon. Later, you must not be fooled by her illusion!" As soon as the words fell, a wisp of black gas suddenly Coming up from below. Shocked, Little Bones quickly spread his wings, controlled his forward body to stop, and looked ahead with a pair of big eyes flickering with purple flames in amazement.

The black gas rose up to 30 meters in front of the little bone like lightning, forming a black-gray cloud floating, and a seductive voice sounded, "It's been a long time since I met a human being. Well, there is a dragon, really It’s rare! If you can break through the six levels ahead, you must have strong strength.” After hearing this, Duan couldn’t help being shocked, this was the first time they met someone who could talk after they came to Death Mountain. Undead creatures. Quickly mobilized his fighting spirit and turned into a white mask to protect everyone in it.

The scales on Xiaoguo's body stood up slightly, and the huge dragon's head was covered with a layer of black air, and Dui could clearly feel his fear. His voice was a little trembling, and he said to the black mist: "Dead Demon, do you still recognize me?"

The black mist fluctuated slightly, "Huh? Why do you have the breath of those low-level resentful spirits on your body? Could it be that you are related to them."

Little Bones said angrily: "What is a low-level wraith, you just have a mutation, your resentment is slightly bigger than our wraith, don't be too complacent."

Hei Wu seemed surprised, and said: "Ah! It turns out that you wraiths have found a host. Well, this black dragon's body is not bad! I'm a little bit moved by seeing it. Let me do it. With this body, I don’t have to be afraid of those guys inside.”

Xiaogu's whole body shook, and he said softly, "No, no, we finally got this body, you can't take it away."

A strange laugh came from the black mist, and said: "I'm afraid you can't help it, even if you have tens of thousands of resentful spirits, you are still far behind me, do you think you can stop me from devouring your souls? In the past, I thought that everyone belonged to the category of resentful spirits, so I didn’t bother you. If you are sensible, immediately withdraw from this body and give it to me. Otherwise, I will assimilate you all. Well, this is a good idea Oh, if you get the energy of these low-level wraiths, I guess I can compare with the guy in the innermost."

Duan floated up, suspended between the small bones and the black mist, and said in a deep voice: "Dead monster, don't be too complacent. If what I said is right, you should be human too. Why bother with us? If If you are willing to abandon the darkness and turn to the light, I will help you reincarnate after all the dark forces are wiped out."

The black mist trembled violently, and a stern laugh came from it, "Haha, hahahaha, do you think it's possible to want me to surrender? Human, I don't think of myself as human anymore, and I'm not human, human It is the most despicable creature in the world, I hope you are all destroyed, all of you are destroyed." The dead demon seemed to be a little crazy, and a circle of colored mist rose around the black mist.

Little Bones shouted: "Be careful, it's an illusion." As soon as he finished speaking, the colored light suddenly spread within a radius of a kilometer. In the dark, a strange feeling filled everyone's chest. Dumb's heart trembled, and he stretched out his hand to hug Xuanyue into his arms, and his fighting spirit became solid, forming a thick silver barrier to envelop them. Dumb raised his spiritual sense to the limit, and watched his surroundings vigilantly. Little Bones emitted a layer of black gas all over his body, enveloping his body in an instant. It seemed to be the ability of his original wraith, and shrill roars surrounded the surroundings, as if he was calling for something.