The Kind Death God

Chapter 196: Dark Saint Invasion


In the early morning of the next day, after saying goodbye, everyone left the Elf Forest in different directions. Rock Brothers, Zhuo Yun, Keanu and Yue Ji went all the way. Yue Ji had been away from the Moonscar Mercenary Group for a while, so she decided to accompany Keanu before returning to the Tianjin Magician Guild, so she went to the Red Hurricanes first. One is to go back to the mercenary group to have a look, and the other is to pass the news of the Dark Sacred Religion back to the mercenary group. On the other hand, Oliveira, together with Duan and the others, returned along the same route until the Holy See was separated again.

In order to shorten the traveling time, Duan summoned a small bone with super flying ability, and carried himself, Xuan Yue, and Oliveira quickly towards the direction of the Holy See. Leaving Death Mountain for the first time, Little Bones was very excited. While flying, he continued to watch the surrounding scenery. With his flying ability, it took only three days to pass through the vast prairie of the Yalian tribe and came to Near the Holy See. After these three days of flying, the wraiths have completely merged with their current bodies, and gradually mastered the abilities that the black dragon should have. Originally, Duan wanted to summon Shengxie and let him let him out, but Shengxie felt the strength of the small bones, and this time he asked to stay in the blood of the dragon to practice. As the lineage of the Dragon King, if he can't even compare with his younger brother, it is hard for him to accept. At this time, he has completely entered into penance.

"Little Bones, let's land, you're going to the territory of the Holy See soon, you are evil after all, it's not good to be discovered by the priests of the Holy See and the Holy Knights."

"Yes, master." Ever since Ah-Dai successfully subdued the dead demon Xianxian that day, Little Bones has completely put himself in the position of a servant with his admiration.

The little bone found a place where no one was around and landed firmly on the ground. Four huge dragon claws grabbed the ground, and the black scales on its body looked very mighty under the sunlight. Dumb pulled Xuanyue and Oliveira to the ground, and Oliveira said: "Boss Duan, Boss Xuanyue, I will not enter the Holy See with you, and I will quickly report the matter on the Death Mountain to the trade union. It is also sent back to our entire Huasheng Empire, so that everyone is ready. This time, the operation to eliminate the Dark Sacred Cult says that we are stronger than those bastards in the Sunset Empire, and let them see what their real strength is." Duan smiled slightly, and said, "The Sunset Empire probably doesn't have any elites who can participate in this operation except for the wind magister Biinrouge."

Xuan Yue said: "It doesn't matter if there is no one! The scale of our operation this time is unprecedented, and we must need a lot of economic support. The Sunset Empire has made so much black-hearted money, and it will always spit out some this time. This time it is enough Quan Yi's heart hurts, I believe, he will not dare to come out. I really want to see what expression he will have when he receives the order from grandpa." The three of them thought of Quan Yi's blue and white face in unison, haha laugh it out. None of them had the slightest liking for the Sunset Empire.

The laughter subsided, and Oliveira saluted Xuanyue and Ah-Dai slightly, and said, "Bosses, let's leave now. Be careful all the way. See you in the Holy See soon." After finishing speaking, he cast a With the acceleration technique, he quickly left in the direction of the province of light. Seeing Oliveira's blue back gradually disappear, Xuan Yue sighed slightly, and said: "A few days ago, everyone was having a lot of fun together, but now there are only two of us left."

After Dui took back the dragon's blood from the little bones, he put his arms around Xuanyue's fragrant shoulders, and said with a smile: "You still like the excitement so much, after everything is over, we will get together again! At that time, we can meet with our friends Settling down in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, you don’t have to travel around, and live a peaceful and comfortable life. The psychedelic forest and elf forest of Mr. Corris are good places, or the small village where Uncle Harry lives, can be our s Choice."

Xuan Yue gently leaned on Ah-Dai's shoulder, and said softly: "I like to be lively, but it's also good to have you by my side. As long as I can be with you, I am willing to live there."

Duan kissed Xuanyue's fragrant lips lightly, hugged her delicate body tightly, feeling each other's deep affection, and they were completely intoxicated in their longing for the future. A cloud like a cotton ball floated in the sky, covering the glare of the sun, as if the sun was also shy about their lingering. Without the sunlight, the air suddenly felt a little cooler, and under the help of the breeze, they gradually woke up from the lingering, Xuan Yue shyly buried her pretty face in Ah-Dai's arms, shyly daring not to look at him. Duan's heart was full of tenderness, and he said softly: "Let's go." After finishing speaking, he hugged Xuanyue's delicate body and flew up in the white package of fighting spirit, heading towards the Holy See Mountain.

As soon as he entered the territory of Shenshan, Dumb found a large group of holy knights patrolling back and forth not far ahead. Every holy knight was watching the surroundings nervously, holding his knight sword tightly, lest he let go of a possible place, The defense is so strict that it seems to have reached the point where all trees are soldiers. Duan smiled at Xuanyue and said: "Look, how tight the defense of the Holy See is. It seems that Grandpa the Pope is also very nervous now!" Xuanyue frowned, and said: "No, there shouldn't be such a strict defense, After all, this is the fundamental place of our Holy See!"

Dumb was taken aback, and said: "Let's go over and have a look, and we'll know if we ask." After finishing speaking, he took Xuan Yue's little hand, floated up, and headed towards the defensive circle of the holy knights at the foot of the sacred mountain. Just approaching the perimeter of the defense, a loud shout came, "Stop, who dares to trespass on the sacred mountain of the Holy See." Hundreds of holy knights quickly surrounded Duan and Xuanyue after discovering them. The long swords in their hands were all pointing at the vital points of the two of them, as if they would attack immediately if there was even the slightest mistake.

These holy knights belonged to the lowest-level clergy of the Holy See, and they had never seen Xuanyue at all on weekdays, let alone Xuanyue was only wearing an ordinary light blue dress now.

Xuanyue's face lost the tenderness she had when facing Duan, and her pretty face became extremely majestic, and she said in a deep voice, "What happened to the Holy See? I am Xuanyue, the priest in red."

The surrounding holy knights all showed puzzled expressions, although they had also heard that Xuan Yue, the newly appointed priest in red in the Holy See, was a very young girl and the daughter of Priest Xuan Ye. But at this time they did not dare to believe it easily. A holy knight captain at the head tentatively said: "Since you are Xuanyue's red-clothed priest, can you show your identity certificate?"

Xuan Yue's heart tightened. She knew that something must have happened to the Holy See, otherwise the holy knights would not be so nervous. She nodded and said, "Yes." With a wave of her hand, she opened her space barrier and took the red sacrificial robe She pulled it out, and put it on her lightly. Under her deliberate urging, a circle of golden divine light emanated from her body, and instantly condensed into a thick barrier around her body.

Feeling the powerful energy full of sacred aura, the captain immediately believed in Xuan Yue's identity, hurriedly put away the long sword in his hand, knelt down on one knee, and said, "See Lord Cardinal."

Xuan Yue hummed, and said, "Get out of the way, we have to go back to Shenshan to meet the Pope immediately."

The captain stood up, looked at Dumb suspiciously, and said, "Can you ask this adult to show his ID too?"

Xuan Yue frowned slightly, and said: "He is the most honored guest of the Holy See, what kind of identification is needed, can't I be here?"

The captain respectfully said: "I'm sorry, my lord bishop, this is an order issued by my lord the pope, no matter who it is, no one can enter or leave the sacred mountain at will. Those who leave must have the order of the lord pope, and those who enter must have our Holy See's order." Proof of the clergy. This is a new regulation, maybe you don't know it yet."

Xuan Yue asked suspiciously: "Did something happen to the Holy See? Why are the defenses so tight?"

The captain said: "I'm sorry, my lord bishop. The younger one is only in charge of patrolling, and I don't know anything else. Please forgive me. Please also show this lord his identification, otherwise we can't let you pass."

Where does Dumb have any proof of identity! I couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and said to Xuanyue: "What should I do? I don't have any identification."

Xuan Yue rushed to the captain and said in a deep voice: "Which commander of you is on duty today, ask him to come and see me. I am the granddaughter of the Pope. Don't you believe me?"

The captain said indifferently: "I'm sorry, my lord bishop, the Pope's order states that even clergymen with sacred energy must not violate this order. Our commander is now patrolling the other side of the holy mountain, and I'm afraid we won't be able to come here in a short time. Otherwise, please wait for a while."

Xuan Yue's patience was finally worn out, and she shouted angrily: "We are going back to the Holy See to report something important to His Holiness the Pope, and you will stop us from entering. If there is a delay, who will be responsible?"

This holy knight captain can be said to be impenetrable, still with a calm expression, said: "But if I let you in, I will be punished immediately by the higher authorities. It is my duty to guard this place, please forgive me. I think , His Excellency the Pope will not punish a person who is dedicated to his duty."

"You..." Xuanyue's heart was full of anger, and the surging sacred aura came out of her body, and the hundred holy knights around her oppressed her and retreated a few steps involuntarily, but even in the face of Xuanyue's powerful momentum, they still remained He didn't mean to back down in the slightest, and looked at Xuan Yue and Duan firmly.

Dumb held Xuanyue's arm, and said, "Forget it, don't make things difficult for them, they did the right thing, and the Holy See is really proud to have such clergy!"

Under Dumb's comfort, Xuan Yue gradually dissipated the anger in her heart, glanced at the surrounding holy knights, nodded and said: "Okay, you won't let us in, then I can do it too. The great god of heaven Please allow me to borrow your power to sprinkle the holy light on the world." Holding the angel's staff high in his hand, a brilliant golden beam of light descended from the sky, enveloping the bodies of Duan and Xuanyue in an instant. Bathed in the divine light, Ah-Dai felt a moment of tranquility in his mind, smiled slightly, and said, "Yueyue, your sacred energy has become more pure."

Xuanyue said: "This should be the result of this experience. In a place as dangerous as the Death Mountain, spiritual power improvement is inevitable." The angel's staff circled slightly in her hand, and the golden beam of light in the sky fell completely, Xuanyue sang : "Based on the holy light, the gate of time and space! Open it, please send us where we want to go." The golden light suddenly converged, and under the surprised gaze of the holy knights, the figures of Duan and Xuanyue disappeared completely. The captain lost his voice and said: "No, they must have entered the sacred mountain. Quickly, call the police." A holy knight under him immediately took out a small golden tube from his arms, put it near his mouth and blew it, and the sharp whistling sound soared into the sky. In an instant, the entire holy mountain will be transformed.

Under the effect of Xuanyue's space magic, Ah-Dai only felt confused for a while. Before the scene became clear again, he found that he and Xuanyue had arrived in front of the Temple of Light.

Xuan Yue smiled slightly, and said: "Dumb, what do you think of my magic? This is something I researched myself. It combines the location transfer of two kinds of magic, the sacred light system and the space."

Dumb praised: "It's very good! Under the action of the energy condensed by the sacred light magic, the time for you to use space magic has been greatly shortened. Yueyue, you are really getting better and better."

The sharp whistle came to the ears of the two, Xuan Yue frowned and said: "This captain is really serious and responsible, he actually blew the whistle of the enemy's invasion, let's go, let's go into the temple and see what happened."

Before the two of them reached the entrance of the temple, three people had already walked out of the temple. They were the three priests in red, Xuan Ye, Mang Xiu, and Yu Jian. As soon as she saw her father, Xuan Yue was overjoyed, let go of Duan's hand, flew up, and called excitedly: "Dad." The three of Xuan Ye only came out when they heard the siren. His daughter was also overjoyed, he opened his arms and hugged her into his arms, and said with a smile: "My precious daughter is back, and Dad is almost worried to death. Hey, Dad should have a sense when you come back. Why don't I feel it at all?" no?"

Xuan Yue smiled and said: "Is it because your daughter and I are so powerful that you can't feel it! Dad, my magic cultivation has improved again."

Mangxiu and Yujian also surrounded him at this time, and Yuma smiled and said: "Father and daughter, let's talk about the past, Mangxiu and I went out to have a look, the vegetation in the Holy See is full of soldiers recently, I don't know where this police post came from. "

Mangxiu said: "Yueyue, when you came back, was there an enemy chasing you outside, otherwise, how could there be such a warning whistle for the whole mountain?"

Dumb stepped forward with a wry smile, and said, "I think the two priests don't need to go, the siren was sounded because of us."

"Huh? What did you say? Why did the siren sound for you?" Xuan Ye asked suspiciously.

Xuan Yue pursed her lips, and said, "What's going on, Dad, what happened to our Holy See? Why are the defenses so tight! Even I was not allowed in. I used space transfer magic to bring Duan in. So they blew their sirens."

Xuan Ye shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "Recently, the situation within the Holy See is also very tense, and strengthening defense is also a helpless move. Let's go, let's go in and talk. Hurry up and report the results of your trip to your grandfather, his old man Tired of waiting."

Mangxiu said: "You go in first, and I will deal with the outside affairs, so as not to make people panic." After speaking, he floated up and fell towards the periphery of the sacred mountain of the Holy See.

Xuan Ye seemed to be very anxious, and pulled his daughter to walk in quickly. Duan followed behind and looked at Xuan Ye's anxious expression, and asked, "My lord, father-in-law, what's going on?"

After all, he was already engaged to his daughter. Although Xuan Ye didn't have a good impression of Ah-Dai, his tone was not as cold as before. "You may not know many things happened on the mainland after you have been away for a while. The importance of various forces Almost all the characters have been attacked by assassins, and now people on the mainland are panicking, and even our Holy See is a little chaotic."

Xuan Yue was startled, and lost her voice: "Father, could it be that Grandpa also..."

Xuan Ye nodded heavily, and said: "Your grandfather was assassinated twice, the first time the three judges of light were shot. The second time, it turned out to be two magic masters who had just been promoted to priests in white. If it wasn't Your grandfather's cultivation base is profound, even if he reacts and kills the traitor, in that sudden situation, I'm afraid... "

Xuan Yue felt a layer of cold sweat on her back, and murmured: "It's unbelievable that even the priest in white betrayed the god and did such a blasphemous thing. What's going on? Is the world really going to be in chaos?"

Xuan Ye said: "According to your grandfather and I's speculation, it is estimated that the current chaos on the mainland is entirely caused by the Dark Sacred Cult. It must be that they have planted many spies in various forces in the mainland for a long time, just like your Luoshui Auntie. It’s the last moment. They don’t need to let spies hide anymore, so they launched an assassination operation. Their targets are all heads of state or leaders of big forces. Their purpose is very clear, even if they can’t successfully assassinate these big people , but also to create some chaos on the mainland, and try to delay our time to deal with them so that we can use this time to achieve their goals." While talking, they had already reached the center of the main hall of the Temple of Light.

After listening to Xuan Ye's words, Dumb and Xuan Yue were all lost in thought. They never imagined that after finally successfully completing the task in the Death Mountain, something went wrong on the human side.

Xuan Ye took a few steps forward, walked in front of the huge angel statue, and used his spiritual power to transmit a voice in the direction of the statue: "Father, Yueyue and the others are back."

After a while, a circle of golden light shone from the front of the angel statue, and the Pope, who was covered in golden sacrificial robes, appeared in front of everyone. Compared with when Duan and the others left, the Pope looked a little haggard. Duan and Xuanyue woke up from their contemplation. Xuanyue took a few steps forward, walked up to the Pope, and said, "Grandpa, we are back. You, are you okay?"

The Pope sighed softly, looked at Xuanyue and Duan with a smile, and said, "It's good to be back, grandpa is fine, but now the mainland is in chaos, and all forces are in precarious condition. The situation is very bad!"

Dumb said: "Grandpa Pope, in fact, there is nothing wrong with this. Instead of letting those traitors hide in the dark, it is better to let them all be exposed like this. Although it is temporarily chaotic, it will definitely affect our future actions to the Death Mountain." It is beneficial. I don’t know the current situation of the losses of the forces of all parties. Is there any leader of that party who was assassinated... "

The pope said: "The loss is still relatively large. Like the Mainland Magician's Union, two elders betrayed. Although they were eliminated in the end, two elders also died in a hurry. Let the masters of the association Nearly half of the strength is lost. You know, in the action against the dark forces, the master is the most important. Huh? From what you said, it seems that the Dark Sacred Cult is already confirmed to be in the Death Mountain?"

Dumb nodded, and said: "Basically, it's certain, it's like this..." At the moment, he briefly explained the matter of everyone going to the Death Mountain to inquire about the whereabouts of the Dark Sacred Cult's headquarters.

After listening to Dumb's narration, the Pope's eyes flashed brightly, and he finally got the exact news from the enemy. Even with his self-cultivation, he couldn't help showing a look of excitement, "Okay, you have done a good job this time, as long as you have a clear goal, It’s much easier to handle.”

Dumb said: "Grandpa Pope, are the forces of other parties still damaged? How about our Tiangang Sword Sect?"

The Pope said: "The Tiangang Sword Sect accepts disciples very strictly, and many of them are the direct descendants of the disciples of the Gao Dynasty. I have never heard of any traitors. As for the other forces, they have suffered damage to varying degrees. The instructor was injured, but I heard that the injury was not serious. King Quanyi is now afraid of being assassinated, and dispatched a large army to guard around Sunset City, which made the Sunset Empire panic. The king of the Tianjin Empire was assassinated and lost many masters. The assassins are completely wiped out, and now the magister Lardas personally sits in the palace, not daring to relax at all. Those evil obstacles of the dark forces can be said to be pervasive, and almost all forces have been attacked to varying degrees. The rumors on the mainland are very tight Well, I once sent clerics to contact all parties. Not counting the Sunset Empire, even the forces that reached an agreement with us in the Holy See last time almost all responded by waiting for the reply of accurate information, and refused to send elites to the Holy See to gather in advance. Hey, they Such short-sightedness may delay our final decisive battle with the Dark Sacred Cult! You must know that if you give them one more day, the possibility of the Dark Sacred Cult’s success will increase. Once the entrance to the Demon Realm is opened, it will cause immeasurable The loss. Fortunately, you sent back the accurate information in time, it is now January 1999, and we still have time."

Dumb nodded solemnly, and said: "Brother Rock and the others have already returned to their respective forces. I think that the parties who support us this time should not hesitate anymore. After all, they should also know how big the threat of the Dark Sacred Sect is." .”

The Pope turned his head and said to Xuan Ye: "Ye'er, you immediately send my order to send the most capable men to all parties, and invite them to lead the elite to the Holy See immediately. We must gather our forces in the shortest possible time to fight to the death with the Dark Holy Cult. At the same time, all the clergy are ordered to step up their cultivation and be ready for dispatch at any time."

Xuan Ye took the order and went. The Pope turned to Dumb, and said, "Last time you said you would return to the Tiangang Sword Sect, but you haven't gone yet."

Dumb nodded, and said: "Now, there is nothing to hide. The main reason why I want to return to the Tiangang Sword Sect is to participate in the competition of the Four Great Sword Masters held every 20 years."

The Pope was startled, and said, "The competition of the Four Great Juggernauts? What's going on?"

At the moment, Duan recounted the competition rules set by the four great sword masters in the past, "..., Grandpa Pope, in fact, my ancestor Tiangang Sword Saint has passed away. I will return to Tiangang Sword Sect to replace him in this old man The second competition. This is really important to our Tiangang Sword Sect. I have already reported to you the matter of the Dark Sacred Church. Tiangang Mountain is very close to the Holy See. Don’t worry, once the competition is over, I will fight with our Tiangang Sword Sect. The people we sent rushed over to join you immediately, so it shouldn’t delay our journey to Death Mountain.”

A trace of sadness flashed in the pope's eyes, and he murmured: "Sword Master of Tiangang, he, has he passed away? I didn't expect that after saying goodbye many years ago, he became the only one worthy of my admiration on the mainland. Hey—” The Pope has been brooding over the defeat by the Sword Saint of Tiangang many years ago. Although his strength has been rapidly improved after taking over as the Pope, he has never had the opportunity to fight Tiangang again because of the heavy workload of the Holy See. The Juggernaut sparred again. At this time, hearing that the only person whom he regarded as an opponent had passed away, it was inevitable that he would feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

A trace of tears flashed in Ah-Dai's eyes, as if the master's figure had reappeared in front of him, he took a deep breath, and said firmly: "Grandpa Pope, I will definitely not lose in this competition among the four great sword masters. I I will not disappoint the expectations of my ancestors. The other three sword masters are also the top figures in the mainland. I will try my best to win them over and become the most powerful arm for us to go to the Death Mountain. This is up to you , Time is running out, I think the Tiangang Sword Sect will prepare now."

A gleam of light flashed in the pope's eyes, he nodded gently, and said, "My child, you are not only the savior sent by the gods to save the world, but also my grandson-in-law, you must pay attention to your own safety, and you cannot save the mainland from this catastrophe." Although it is important to win over the three Juggernauts, your safety is even more important, you understand what I mean."

Sensing the Pope's concern from the bottom of his heart, Duan smiled slightly and said, "Grandpa, thank you, don't worry, my current cultivation level has almost caught up with that of my master. I will definitely come back safely. Grandpa, the Holy See is temporarily It's okay, I'm afraid Yueyue is worried, so let her go with me. We will definitely come back in two months at most. When we come back, let's discuss how to contend with the creatures in the Undead Mountain Range."

The Pope looked at his granddaughter and said, "Yueyue, you have to listen to Dumb when you go to the Tiangang Mountains, and don't cause him any trouble."

Xuan Yue said coquettishly, "Grandpa, how could I trouble him? Do you still think I'm a child?"

The Pope smiled and said: "In my grandfather's heart, you will always be a child. To be honest, you can come back safely this time and bring back such important news. Grandpa is really happy and relieved. From now on, the mainland will be your young people." Since Duan is in a hurry to go back to the Tiangang Mountains, I won’t keep you guys. Be careful all the way. The defense around the Holy See is very strict. In order to save time, you just fly out. Yuma, make arrangements, don’t let Yueyue and the others encountered obstacles again."

"Yes, His Excellency the Pope." Yuma replied respectfully.

After bidding farewell to the Pope, Dumb and Xuanyue came to the square in front of the Temple of Light under the leadership of Yuma. When they came here, the two of them remembered almost at the same time that Duan arrived in time to prevent Xuanyue's wedding. The two looked at each other, and the deep affection communicated in each other's eyes, and the hands that were held together were tightened by coincidence, and everything was kept silent.

Yuma smiled slightly, and said, "Let's go, I will immediately arrange for the priest in charge of the Holy See's air defense not to make things difficult for you. Come back earlier, the Holy See and the people of the mainland need you."

Dumb saluted Yuma respectfully, and said: "Goodbye, Priestess Yuma, we will definitely be back soon." After finishing speaking, he took Xuanyue's little hand and flew up under the package of zhenqi, toward Go high in the air.

The cultivation bases of Xuanyue and Ah-Dai can be said to have reached the top cultivation bases of warriors and magicians on the mainland. Under the full efforts of the two, their speed increased rapidly, and they headed towards the Tiangang Mountains like lightning, which was no different than that of the small bones at the beginning. What is slow when carrying them.

Death Mountains. central peak.

In front of a huge round altar, a person covered in black is constantly chanting weird spells in a strange language, a low and gloomy feeling permeates his body, the six huge golden statues on the altar The symbol seems to be trembling slightly. The altar is about three meters high and about fifty meters in diameter. The whole is a huge equilateral hexagon. In the center of the altar is a spiral pattern with a diameter of three meters. The pattern continues to extend outward, forming various shapes. A strange symbol. On the six corners of the altar, there is a huge golden symbol full of sacred aura. Although thousands of years have passed, the energy of these six symbols has not diminished in the slightest.

Taking a deep breath, the man in black stopped chanting the spell, and five black figures appeared behind him, one of them said: "Master, how is it? How long will it take to open the exit?"