The Kind Death God

Chapter 200: Go to the Holy See


"Boy, why don't you ask me if I'm going. Don't you look down on my old man?" Fulhu suddenly got out from between Harry and Yunyi. Although he suffered a little shock when he fought Dumb just now, but because Dumb was merciful, he was not injured.

Dumb was taken aback, and smiled wryly, "How could I look down on you? I'm just afraid that you won't want to."

The falcon suddenly said angrily: "Do you really think I'm an old fool? As I said just now, the matter between you and Tilo is over. This is a major matter related to the safety of the mainland. How can I go without me. I will go with you What about the death mountain, let's see if those undead creatures are powerful, or my old bones are tough."

Duan never thought that he could so easily talk to the three sword masters, his excitement was beyond words, and he saluted the three sword masters again, saying: "Then thank you three seniors."

Xi Wen led the crowd to surround him, Xuan Yue hooked Ah-Dai's arm, and smiled at the three sword masters: "On behalf of the Holy See, I welcome the three seniors to join."

Hutu looked at Duan, then at Xuanyue, snorted, and said, "You little girl, can you represent the Holy See?"

Xuan Yue said: "Of course I can? I am the priest in red from the Holy See. Have you forgotten the introduction by Teacher Xi Wen?"

Hutu is much older than the pope, and he is very unfamiliar with the name of the priest in red, "It's one thing for us to participate in the suppression of the dark forces, and it has nothing to do with your Holy See. Don't let us listen to the pope command."

Xuan Yue grinned and said, "No one will command you? No one is worthy of commanding you due to your status on the mainland!"

Xuanyue put on a tall hat for Hutu, and a smile finally appeared on his stiff face, "Well, the little girl can talk quite well. I said, that dumb, when are we going to leave! Oh, yes, little girl, you Does the Holy See have wine? My precious wine gourd has been with me for decades, if this kid broke it today, your Holy See will pay me."

Xuan Yue glanced at Ah-Dai, and said: "Obviously he broke it, what does it have to do with our Holy See?"

The falcon glared at Dumb suddenly, and said in a low voice: "How can he compensate me as a poor boy? Your Holy See has plenty of money, so it is definitely possible to compensate me with a good gourd, but it seems that your priests don't drink alcohol, right?" ?”

Xuan Yue smiled and said: "Don't worry. Although we don't drink alcohol, we always have some wine for entertaining distinguished guests! It seems that they are all century-old wines, and you are satisfied."

Harry laughed and said, "You old falcon, you're actually not confused at all!"

As if he didn't hear Harry's sarcasm, Hutu smiled happily and said to Xuanyue: "As long as there is good wine, everything is easy to talk about."

Duan smiled helplessly, the arrogant and murderous Hutu had disappeared. In his eyes, this is like a drunken urchin, "Three seniors, please stay on the mountain for one night, and tomorrow we will leave for the Holy See together."

Yunyi nodded and said, "You guys will arrange these. We just want to contribute to the mainland."

Lian Dan walked up to Yunyi, and said respectfully: "Master, I heard what Brother Duan said, and I have an idea. I want to go back to the Red Hurricanes immediately to summon the masters of the mercenary world to participate in this operation. We are also part of the mainland." Members, naturally should make some efforts."

Yunyi nodded and said: "This idea is very good, then you go now. Just bring people to the Holy See to meet us. Hurry up."

"Yes, master." After bidding farewell to everyone, Lian Dan and Zhu Yuan left Tiangang Mountain.

Blood Skull smiled and said: "Master, we also want to participate in this operation, you see?"

Because the wine gourd was gone, Hutu seemed restless, and said a little irritably: "You guys should have learned a lot. I really don't know when you will reach the cultivation level of this stupid boy."

Iron Skull whispered a little unconvinced: "He's just playing tricks."

Falcon snorted coldly, and the Iron Skull trembled, "Tricks? What is tricks? Facts are the most important thing. If you have the skills, you can take tricks! Could it be that my old man can pass on all his skills to you?"

Seeing that the master was angry, Iron Skull quickly lowered his head and stepped aside, not daring to say anything more.

Xi Wen laughed, and said: "Three seniors, please go to our school to rest. We also have fruit wine brewed by ourselves here, which can be tasted by the three seniors."

As soon as he heard the wine, Hu Tu immediately regained his energy, and he didn't bother to reprimand his apprentice, and said repeatedly: "Hurry up, take me there. I can't live without this treasure of wine!"

Xi Wen didn't expect the competition of the Four Great Juggernauts to end so soon, so he didn't prepare anything. He returned to the faction and hurriedly ordered the disciples of the lower generation to prepare a banquet. Of course, he couldn't forget to get a jar of fine wine for Hutu first. The delicacies on Tiangang Mountain made these foreign guests eat with gusto, and the banquet gradually came to an end in a cheerful atmosphere.

Yunyi said to Dumb: "Dai, when you fought Hutu today, did you use the Sumeru Sword developed by your ancestor?"

Duan was taken aback, nodded, and said, "It seems, that is the most basic form of the Sumeru Sword."

Xi Wen asked with some doubts: "Sword of Sumeru? What is that?" Even he, the head of the sect, didn't know that there was such a martial skill in the sect.

Duan said: "Sword of Sumeru is one of the three great tricks passed down to me by my ancestors, and it is also the last move. It can be said to be the strongest martial art of my ancestors. The ancestors said that only after the sixth transformation can be achieved. Cultivation, I used it for the first time today, but I successfully condensed the form of the Sumeru Sword."

Yunyi smiled and said: "Your ancestor didn't succeed back then, but you did. If I'm right, you haven't displayed the true power of the Sumeru Sword today."

Duan glanced at Falcon, scratched his head, and said, "I don't know how powerful the Sumeru Sword is."

Falcon's drunken eyes said: "Boy, you don't need to look at me, can't I afford to lose? Just aiming at your big energy sword, I'm afraid it's enough to open mountains."

Yunyi said: "Old fool, you can be said to be very lucky today. Didn't you find that the energy sword used by Duan is solid? This is the solid-state grudge developed by Brother Dis in the past ten years. With Duan's current The solid fighting energy that has reached the highest level is absolutely invincible. The Sumi Sword is the real number one sword in the world."

Xuan Yue smiled and said: "Senior, don't praise him, he won't be able to find Bei later."

Harry said: "Brother Yun is not praising him, these are all facts! With Duan's current cultivation, I am afraid that even the Pope of your Holy See cannot fight him. Under the sword of Sumeru, let alone magic, even No fighting spirit can compete with it. Perhaps, only if the three of us join forces with all our strength, can we be able to stop his power."

Yun Yi said: "Xi Wen! Now the four of us plus you can be said to be the top five sword masters in the world. I thought about it just now, even Dumb would feel horror in the Death Mountain Range, so what is contained in it must be beyond our ability The power of imagination, I think this is good, after entering the Death Mountain, the five of us will always be together, once we encounter a powerful undead creature, we will destroy it together."

Xi Wen smiled and said: "This method is good, but how can the cultivation base of the younger generation compare with those of the seniors?"

Harry said: "You don't have to be too modest, you are not much younger than me, and your cultivation has already entered the same level as mine. Even if you fight, I am not sure that I will win against you. Just do as Brother Yunyi said. .Okay, I'm going to bed." Yunyi pulled Hutu to stand up, and Xi Wen and the second-generation disciples hurriedly took these big shots to the residences that had been arranged for them.

In the meeting hall, only the younger generation is left. Seeing that the master had left, the blood skull immediately relaxed a lot. He picked up his wine glass and walked to Dumb's side, and said with a smile: "Brother, we haven't had time to reminisce about the old days. Come on, brother toast you." Brother Skeleton, you also know that I can’t drink enough, let me drink less.” After finishing speaking, he took a sip of the wine and smiled, “Brother, how are you doing these days? How did you arrange for the Skeleton Mercenary Group.”

Bloody Skull smiled and said, "How else can we arrange it so that those boys can find a quiet place to practice hard. If you want to become a first-class mercenary, how can you do it without a solid foundation. Hey, today I saw Lian Dan and Zhu Yuan. Brothers, my heart is cold. Don't say that our mercenary group is far inferior to the strength of the Red Hurricane Mercenary Group. Even the four of us are far from being opponents of Lian Dan. It seems that he has already obtained The true biography of the Eastern Juggernaut, I believe that within ten years, he will also be able to step into the field of Juggernaut. As far as I see, there is only one mercenary group that can compare with them."

Duan was taken aback, and said: "Brother, you are talking about the Moonscar Mercenary Group, right? They have joined the Overlord Mercenary Group, and they are indeed very powerful now."

Blood Skull shook his head and said: "I'm not talking about the Moonscar Mercenary Group. Although their strength is not weak, they are far from being able to threaten the Red Hurricane Mercenary Group. What I'm talking about is you and this mercenary group. The Heavenly Evil Mercenary Corps formed by the 'Xuan Ri' brothers! With your Sumeru sword and the powerful magic of the 'Xuan Ri' brothers, who can stand against the enemy? By the way, you haven't officially introduced it to us yet. Where's Brother 'Xuan Ri'?" At this time, the other three skeletons had already surrounded, and everyone looked at Dumb with almost different eyes, Iron Skull with a hint of disdain, Wind Skull with a bit of admiration, and Ice Skull There is still a trace of regret and sadness in the depths of the eyes.

Dumb smiled awkwardly, and said: "Brother Blood Skull, don't make fun of us, there are only two of us in the evil mercenary group today. Let me introduce you." He put his arms around Xuanyue and said: "You have all seen Yes, at that time, for some reason, she disguised herself as a man, but her real name was Xuan Yue, and she was my fiancée."

Hearing the word fiancee, a sweet smile appeared on Xuan Yue's pretty face, while Bingkuu's whole body shook, and her beautiful eyes dimmed even more. Xuan Yue smiled and said: "I was so sorry before, brothers and sisters, Xuan Yue made an apology to you here." With a slight smile, she bowed to the four of them. Looking at Xuanyue's beautiful face, the three Blood Skull brothers couldn't help but lose their minds. Feng Skull praised: "Brother Dumb, you are so lucky! To be honest, I'm a little jealous of you. Hahahaha."

Bloody Skull said with a smile: "I'm afraid whoever sees Duan marrying Xuan Yue will be jealous. By the way, Duan, I thought about it just now, and I think that our skeleton mercenary group will be joined by the four of us to go to the Death Mountain Let's act. Now that I think of those Dark Demons back then, I still have lingering fears, I don't want my brothers to die in vain."

Dumb nodded, and said: "Four people are enough to join. Hey, those undead creatures are indeed powerful, and ordinary martial artists really can't fight them!"

The Ice Skull suddenly raised his wine glass, stepped forward and walked up to Ah-Dai, looked into his eyes, and said, "Dai-Dai, congratulations, I hope you can grow old together forever." After finishing speaking, she drank the spirits in the glass in one gulp , turned around and walked out. Duan looked at the back of the ice skull and couldn't help being a little dazed, not knowing how to deal with the situation in front of him.

Bloody Skull sighed and shook his head, and said: "Brother, don't worry about her, she will recover naturally after a while. Well, we are going to rest too. See you tomorrow." After finishing speaking, he brought a Iron Skull with angry face and Wind Skull with somewhat sad face walked out of the meeting hall.

Xuan Yue looked at Ah-Dai with a half-smile, and said, "You are still so popular! It seems that Sister Bingkull has a deep affection for you!"

Duan smiled wryly and said: "Yueyue, don't talk nonsense, how could it be possible for me and her? I said a long time ago that I only have you in my heart. Don't you believe me?"

Xuan Yue giggled and said: "Even if you believe it, you have to watch it closely, otherwise, what can I do if you are abducted by others. Let's go, let's go to rest too."

Hearing the ambiguity in Xuanyue's words, Ah-Dai smiled and said: "Okay! Let's go to rest together." He has been practicing for so many days, but he has not been able to accompany Xuanyue, and he feels a little guilty. This is a good opportunity to make up for it . Xuan Yue blushed pretty, and said: "I hate it, don't talk nonsense, it would be bad for others to hear, after all, we haven't officially married yet."

Duan smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? Who will gossip about us? I don't care, you have to stay with me even if you say anything tonight."

Feeling the affection contained in Ah-Dai's domineering words, Xuan Yue lowered her head and stopped talking, and the two came to Ah-Dai's room just embracing each other. Opening the door, amidst Xuanyue's low exclamation, Ah-Dai hugged her and floated directly onto the bed. He unceremoniously kissed her lips, sucking greedily. Xuanyue still resisted a little at first, but turned around. In an instant, he was completely immersed in the lingering. The hearts of the two are colliding with each other, and their souls are blending with each other, as if there is nothing else in the world. This kiss lasted for a long, long time, and it didn't stop until both of them were a little out of breath. Duan was surprised to find that his hand had slipped into Xuanyue's skirt at some point, and was stroking the smooth and elastic skin on her back. Xuan Yue's starry eyes were half-opened, still in a state of intoxication. Looking at her bright red lips, Ah-Dai couldn't help another burst of painful kisses.

Embracing Xuanyue's soft and delicate body, Duan murmured: "Yueyue, I am so happy! As long as I am by your side, I will be the happiest person in the world."

Xuanyue's shyness has not faded, and although she was relieved that Ah-Dai stopped at the last moment, she also felt a sense of loss. She knew that if Ah-Dai really wanted to ask her for something, she would definitely not be able to refuse him. Feeling the temperature from Dumb's skin, Xuanyue murmured: "I feel so happy too."

Ah-Dai tightened his arms to feel the amazing elasticity of Xuanyue's tender body, bit her pretty nose lightly, and said in a low voice: "You little fairy, you are really harmful! I really want to do it now! I missed you." Feeling Xuanyue's trembling delicate body, Ah-Dai smiled lowly and said: "Silly girl, I won't do it. Before I officially get married, I definitely won't. Don't worry. This is my respect for you. When we officially get married, I will make you the happiest bride, and I will love you forever and ever."

In the early morning, under the leadership of Xi Wen, seventy-four third-generation disciples and seven second-generation disciples of the Tiangang Sword Sect, plus three sword masters, four skulls and Xuanyue, a group of eighty-nine people set off in the direction of the Holy See . On Tiangang Mountain, Xiwen left behind five steady three-generation disciples in charge. Everyone is a master of martial arts. The steep terrain of Tiangang Mountain is no different from the flat ground under their feet. Ice Skull's expression is much better today, as if nothing happened. This also made Duan's heart calm a lot . The pace of everyone's progress was very fast, and two days later, they had already entered the territory of the Holy See.

The defense of the Holy See was still tight, and when everyone came to the cordon guarded by the holy knights, they were stopped. Since the Pope had explained earlier and Xuan Yue was there, this time he entered the holy mountain of the Holy See without any twists and turns. Upon receiving the news that the Tiangang Sword Sect was coming in a big way, the Pope personally greeted them with three priests in red, Xuan Ye, Mang Xiu, and Yuma, as well as a large number of senior officials of the Holy See.

As soon as the Pope saw Xiwen, his face immediately showed a gleam of joy, and he quickly walked up to him, "Master Xiwen, you are here."

Xi Wen smiled and said: "I brought all the masters of the Sword Sect to be dispatched by the Pope to protect the mainland. This is what we should do. Oh, yes, the Pope, I will introduce you to some seniors." The Pope was startled at the words "senior", but he understood in an instant that there were only those few people who could be called "senior" by Xi Wen. The elegant Yunyi, the drunken-eyed Futu, and the gentle Harry stepped out of the crowd. As the three of them were on the mainland, they naturally wouldn't salute the Pope. The Pope's heart trembled. Judging from the aura exuded by the three people in front of him, he knew that his guess was correct, so he asked Xiwen knowingly, "Who are these three?"

Xi Wen smiled and said, "This is Senior Yunyi, the Eastern Sword Master, one of the Four Great Sword Masters in the world. This is Senior Fultu, the Northern Sword Master. This is Senior Harry, the Western Sword Master." , it can be said that it has been unfailing for sixty years on the mainland, and the appearance of three people at the same time immediately made everyone who came with the Pope look surprised. Facing these martial arts masters who were equal to him, the Pope said solemnly: "Welcome the three sword masters, what a neglect."

The three of Yunyi were also looking at the Pope, feeling his unfathomable cultivation, the three of them could not help but secretly nodded, Yunyi said: "Your Pope, you are welcome, we are here just to do our best for the mainland. I hope you I can accept it." Hutu added: "You must have enough wine, otherwise I won't have the strength to kill any undead."

Anyone could see the joy in the pope's eyes. He walked up to the three sword masters, bowed and said, "It's a blessing for the people of the world that the three sword masters are so powerful. Xuandi thanked you."

Including Hutu, the bodies of the three sword masters shook at the same time. Although their eyes were always above the top, how could they not know the Pope's status on the mainland? They never imagined that the leading figure on this continent would actually salute the three of them, and the three of them immediately became more fond of the Holy See. Harry stepped forward to support the Pope's shoulders, and said with a smile, "My lord, please don't be too polite." , This can kill some of us old men, speaking of it, we are not much different in age, and we can be regarded as peers, and we will treat you and the entire Holy See as friends."

The Pope nodded in relief, and said: "It is our Holy See's luck to have three such friends! Come on, please come to the three sword masters and head Xi Wen." After finishing speaking, he personally led everyone to the Temple of Light go. Yunyi met the Pope, and smiled as he walked, "I heard Brother Diss say that the current Pope of the Holy See is definitely a wonderful talent, and seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation! It's a pity that Brother Diss has gone. , otherwise the four of us will assist His Excellency the Pope together, and this mountain of death may not be a big deal."

The Pope sighed softly, and said: "Speaking of which, the Sword Master of Tiangang can be regarded as the person I admire the most. Since the success of sacred magic, fighting against him is my only defeat. I really want to compete with him again! Hutu said: "That's not easy, isn't there him?" He said, pointing to Duan behind him, "This kid's cultivation has surpassed that of Diss back then. If you want to learn from him, you can find him." Well, I’ll make you satisfied.” Hearing that Hutu praised Dui so much, the Pope’s heart moved, and he thought to himself, these three sword masters might have suffered from Dui in the competition! It seems that the savior really lived up to his reputation, "He is my grandson-in-law, how can we do it? Fultu Sword Master, I have long heard that your only hobby is wine. We still have a lot of old wine in the Holy See. Among them, His Majesty Shenyu collected The ten altars of fine wine in the cellar are the most famous. Over the years, some of them have been used up, and now there are three altars left. If you don’t mind, I will give it to you. Fine wine also needs a rich drinker like you to match Got it." In order to allow the three great Juggernauts to cooperate closely with the Holy See, the Pope can be said to have spared no effort to win them over.

Falcon was shocked. Although he had never heard of the name Immortal Zui, since it was collected by the first pope of the Holy See, Shen Yu, regardless of the quality of the wine itself, the age of the collection alone was enough to surprise him. up. "Okay, okay, brother Pope, you really know what I'm thinking! As long as I have this fairy drunk, you can ask me to do anything."

Dumb smiled secretly in his heart, this Hutu is really a simple-minded person, and the pope bought three jars of fine wine. He and Xuan Yue looked at each other and smiled, and followed everyone into the Temple of Light.

Before the Pope went to greet the crowd, someone had already set up the chairs, and the crowd divided the guests into seats, with the Pope, the three Juggernauts, and Xiwen sitting at the top. In order to solve Hutu's addiction to alcohol, the Pope first ordered someone to bring a jar of fine wine. The wine jar looked very ordinary, with a lot of dust on it. Hutu's distilled nose twitched, and he said with emotion: "Good wine, even if it's unopened, I can still feel the mellow aroma, Brother Pope, is this what you call a thousand-year-old immortal drunk?"

The Pope shook his head and said: "We often have guests from the Holy See. Only our Holy See can produce Immortal Drunk. It is brewed in secret and specially used to entertain guests. This is a new year's Immortal Drunk. You Taste it first, then I will order someone to bring out the fine wine that has been stored for thousands of years at the dinner party."

"Okay, as long as you have wine, it's good wine anyway." After finishing speaking, he patted open the mud seal, opened his mouth to inhale, and sucked in a mouthful of sweet wine like a long whale diverting water. When it comes to drinking, his four apprentices can be regarded as the true biography of Falcon, smelling the mellow alcohol, including the ice skull, the four of them gulped at the same time.

Xi Wen glanced at Falcon who was full of satisfaction, shook his head helplessly, and said to the Pope, "My lord Pope, are everyone here now? When are we going to set off for the Death Mountain?"

The Pope sighed softly, and said: "Don't mention it, your Tiangang Sword Sect is the first batch to arrive, and there is no news from other parties. It seems that the dark forces use their rebels who have penetrated into various forces to Assassination, the goal has been achieved. In my opinion, even half of the expected elites may not be able to arrive in the end."

After hearing what the Pope said, Xiwen frowned involuntarily, and said: "Then what should we do? Do we have to wait forever? The Dark Sacred Church will not wait! There are only less than ten months before the millennium of the Holy Calendar." It's time. We have to hurry up and act."

A cold light flashed in the pope's eyes, and he said lightly: "Only at this critical moment can we see the attributes of the various forces! One month, another month, no matter how many people gather at that time, we will set off immediately , with the force of thunder, crush the conspiracy of the Dark Sacred Cult."

Xiwen could see that the pope had murderous intentions in his heart because the forces of all parties did not come to meet up as soon as possible, he sighed secretly, and said, "That's the only way."

A judge of light suddenly came in from outside the hall, stood respectfully at the door and saluted the Pope, and said: "My lord, Yan Fei, the patriarch of the Puyan tribe, and Pu Lin, the prophet, have arrived with more than two hundred people. On the outskirts of Shenshan, they said they came to the Holy See to meet up, you see..."

A gleam of joy flashed in the pope's eyes, he patted the armrest of the chair, and said with a smile: "Okay, I will go to greet you in person. The three sword masters and Master Xiwen, please wait here."

Hearing the words of the judge who ordered the light, Dumb was overjoyed, and whispered to Xuanyue: "Brother Rock and the others are here, let's go out to greet them together."

"Okay! Let's go with Grandpa." After speaking, the two said to the three Juggernauts and Xiwen, and quickly followed the Pope's pace. When they came to the outskirts of the holy mountain together with the pope, the large group of Puyan people had already entered the holy mountain under the escort of the holy knights. The leaders are the patriarch Yanfei, the prophet Prin and the rock brothers. Sisi, Prophet Purin's apprentice, didn't come. Those who followed them were all Tiru warriors in black armor. These Tilu fighters can be said to be the most elite strength of the Puyan tribe. They can be said to have come out in force this time, which shows that the Puyan tribe attaches great importance to this operation to wipe out the dark holy religion.

The Pope greeted Yan Fei and Pulin with a smile, and Yan Fei said: "My lord Pope, we Puyan people are not late. After getting accurate information from Yan and them, we immediately organized our people to rush over day and night." The Pope Said: "No one will forget what the Puyan people have done for the mainland. For thousands of years, the Puyan people have suffered too much. Speaking of which, our Holy See also has a certain responsibility. This time the patriarch and prophet can make such a statement , really made Xuan Di feel ashamed!"

Prince sighed, and said: "Thousands of years have passed, His Excellency, don't mention it anymore. No matter what you say, we Puyan people will never watch the dark forces wreak havoc."

The Pope nodded, looked at the quiet Tiru fighters behind them, and smiled, "This is the Puyan heroes that the prophet said last time."

Pu Lin showed reverence on his face, nodded and said: "Yes, these are the heroes of our Puyan tribe. If they hadn't abandoned themselves, the Puyan tribe would not be where they are today. Although their souls are gone, their The spirit is immortal, and will always be respected by our Puyan people. I also ask the Pope to arrange a quieter place for them."

The pope said: "It's no problem, patriarch and prophet, please come inside. The members of the Tiangang Sword Sect have just arrived, and you can just get close." With the help of Prophet Purin, Tilu fighters were arranged to go to the back mountain of the Holy See After resting in the Abode, everyone returned to the Temple of Light. Dumb leaned next to Prophet Purin, and whispered: "Prophet, you brought all the elites of the Puyan tribe this time, will it not affect the defense of the temple? How do you feel recently?"