The Kind Death God

Chapter 202: before the decisive battle


Xuan Yue smiled and said: "He was talking to Aunt Elf Queen about our elimination of the Dark Sacred Church this time. I saw that you hadn't come here for a long time, and I was a little anxious, so I came out to meet you. You are really slow to go! We've been here for over two hours."

Tiya and Oliveira looked at each other, and they said in unison, "Has it been that long?" After finishing speaking, the two blushed at the same time and lowered their heads.

Xuanyue knew that they already had a good impression of each other, so she couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, and said with a smile: "Is there anything I should ask yourselves. Well, Brother Vera, take Sister Tiya around, I'm going to the ancient elf tree to find Dumb." In order to avoid embarrassment again, Tiya hurriedly said: "Sister Xuanyue, I will go with you, take me!"

Xuan Yue floated in the air, and said, "Let Big Brother Vera take you, he can do it too." After speaking, she took a golden light and headed towards the ancient elf tree.

Tiya turned her head to look at Oliveira, and said in surprise, "Can you fly too? I thought Duan and Xuanyue were the only ones who had this ability."

Oliveira smiled confidently, and said: "Tiya, don't forget, I am a wind magician! Controlling the energy of the wind is my strong point. Free wind element! Please bestow your flowing energy Let me fly." The breeze blew, and Oliveira's body slowly floated up, blowing the blue magic robe on his body, giving people a feeling of being in the air. With a slight smile, he stretched out his hand to Tiya, bowed slightly, and said to Tiya with the most standard gentlemanly courtesy: "Can I hold your hand, Miss Tiya."

Seeing the sunny smile on Oliveira's face, Tiya subconsciously passed her hand over. Oliveira held her slender, soft little hand, and suddenly her heart fluttered. , The soft wind immediately took Tia off the ground. The feeling of being wrapped in wind magic is completely different from being wrapped in Xuanyue's sacred energy. In the divine energy, there is no difference from being on the flat ground. If you don't know that you are in the air, you won't have any special feelings at all. However, Oliveira's wind magic is different. Tiya can clearly feel that she is rising under the influence of the airflow, and that novel feeling makes her feel a little strange. Driven by Oliveira, their bodies floated up slowly, and the breeze moved slightly. Although the airflow fluctuated from time to time, they flew extremely smoothly. Before they knew it, the scenery under their feet flowed, and they had come to the ancient elf tree in the middle of the elf lake. The passage leading to the tree house inside was not closed, Oliveira smiled and said: "Tiya, this is the fundamental place of the elves, and their queen lives here."

Tiya nodded and said: "Vera, your wind magic is really superb! I have seen wind magicians before, but you are the first one with the ability to fly."

Oliveira could clearly feel that Tiya's affection for her was gradually warming up, and she was overjoyed, and flew her directly to the platform in front of the tree house. A soft voice sounded, "Welcome Miss Tiya, the patriarch of the Yajin clan." The door opened, and the beautiful figure of the Elf Queen appeared in front of Tiya. Feeling the gentle energy of the other party, Tiya saluted and said: "You are the elf queen. Tiya is polite." The elf queen smiled and said: "You are welcome, patriarch, please come inside."

In the tree house, Duan and Xuan Yue looked at Oliveira and Tiya with deep eyes, which made them blush again. The elf queen asked the two to sit down, turned around, and said, "Dumb, I will gather the elves above elf envoys today, and we will go there whenever the Holy See army is ready to move."

Dumb nodded, and said: "I discussed it with the Pope on the road. After all, the Death Mountain is the most dangerous place on the mainland. Steady and steady is the best strategy. We must first establish a place on the periphery of the mountain that can be attacked and retreated." The base is guarded, and then rushes to the mountains, gradually encroaching on the territory of the undead creatures, and finally achieves the goal of destroying the Dark Sacred Cult. The operation should start tomorrow, and build the base while resting the team."

The Elf Queen said: "Then tomorrow morning, I will take people directly to the entrance where you entered the Death Mountain last time. Let's meet there and build a simple base. We can still help. You are in our Rest here, or go back?"

Dumb said: "The matter is of great importance, we have to go back as soon as possible to report to the Pope, and leave now."

The elf queen smiled and said, "Okay then, I won't keep you guys. Say hello to the Pope for me. See you tomorrow."

Dumb took Xuanyue's little hand, and said to Oliveira: "Vera, Yueyue and I will take a step first, and go back to report the matter here to the Pope. You can take Patriarch Dia with you. How about it?"

Oliveira wished she could be alone with Tiya. She glanced at Tiya and saw that she didn't object, so she quickly agreed. The Elf Queen sent them to the Elf Lake in person, and Ah-Dai mobilized the vitality in her body, took Xuan Yue to fly high, and headed towards the direction of the Holy See army. Oliveira and Tiya glanced at each other, because they had to fly for a long distance, just to be on the safe side, he took out his Fengshen staff, took Tiya into the air, and followed in the direction where Dumb and Xuanyue disappeared. past.

Duan took Xuanyue as he flew, and said: "Yueyue, do you think there is hope for the patriarchs of Vera and Dia? It seems that they have a good impression of each other!"

Xuan Yue said: "There is no rush for feelings. Anyway, we have already done what we should do. Let everything go with the flow. After a period of development, I will watch it. If they are destined, they will always come together. I I think the two of them are very suitable, their status, appearance and temperament are good. Now we don’t have to worry about them anymore, you can just focus on how to fight against the dark holy religion. Dumb, when you fight against undead creatures, you must Be careful, for yourself and for me, you must be fine."

Dumb smiled and said: "Don't worry, my good wife, I have absolute confidence in myself. Now that I have practiced the Sumeru Sword, I can just try the sword with those high-level undead creatures and the dark holy religion. Evil is Justice will never be defeated, I firmly believe in this." Hugging Xuanyue's delicate body tightly, Ah-Dai was full of protection in his heart, and said softly: "Yueyue, when you enter the Death Mountain, don't follow me, I want Charge ahead with a few senior sword masters. You stay behind and support us with magic with your priestly army of the Holy See."

Xuan Yue shook her whole body, and said firmly: "No, this is absolutely not possible, I want to be by your side all the time. Aren't you very confident in yourself? Besides, with my current magic cultivation, I don't need you to protect anything, I There is also the blood of the phoenix, and the ring of protection, more than enough to protect yourself. I don't care, I don't worry about you being alone in the front."

Duan shook his head helplessly, and said: "The advance of the army this time is different from when we came to investigate. We must remove or influence the undead creatures in the Death Mountain step by step. Otherwise, the army will never be able to advance. Moreover, the Death Mountain is full of evil and death, which may have an impact on people's xinxing."

Xuanyue thought for a while, and said: "Don't worry about this. The senior priests of our Holy See can be said to have come out in full force this time. Although there are hundreds of thousands of troops, as long as a large area of God's blessing is given, there is no need to be afraid of being killed." It is affected by the evil spirit. In fact, more people may not be useful, the most important thing is masters and magicians. Ordinary soldiers can't fight against those undead creatures even if they have been trained for a long time!"

Dumb nodded, and said: "I have thought about this question too. When we march into the Death Mountain, it is best to use all heavy armored infantry. Although the speed of advancement will be much slower, at least it is more safe for the lives of the soldiers. Guaranteed, the remaining troops will serve as reinforcements in the rear." At this time, the two had already returned to the camp of the joint army. Floating to the ground, Ah-Dai dissipated his bodyguard and became angry, and took Xuan Yue's hand directly to the main tent of the Chinese Army.

"Grandpa, we're back." As soon as she entered the main tent, Xuan Yue happily ran to the Pope's side. The Pope was looking at the map of the Death Mountain. Seeing Xuanyue and Ah-Dai coming back, he smiled slightly and said, "You girl, you are almost married and you are so crazy. You must let Ah-Dai take good care of you in the future."

Xuan Yue pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Aren't I not good enough now? There is no problem with the elves. Aunt Queen said that tomorrow morning I will take the masters of the clan to the entrance of the Death Mountain."

The pope sighed softly, and said: "The elves have really helped us a lot, and this time we will trouble them again. Dumb! Come on, tell me in detail about the various undead creatures of the Twelve Calamities of the Undead." , we are about to launch an attack soon, so it is better to think about the exact countermeasures first."

Dumb nodded, walked to the Pope, first glanced at the map of the Death Mountain, pointed to the outermost mountains and said: "Grandpa, look, there are no enemies at the outermost periphery of the Death Mountain. Last time we A large number of bone birds appeared in the sky here. Those bone birds are about one meter long and are completely composed of bones. Their attack power is very weak, but they are fearless and have the ability to regenerate. As long as the body is not completely destroyed They will really die. But these bone birds are very easy to deal with. I said last time that the root of these bone birds is the gray mist that wraps their bodies. As long as the sacred light magic is used to wipe out their gray mist, These bone birds will destroy themselves, and they are the best type of undead creatures to deal with. After we enter the Death Mountain, we only need to let Yueyue or any red priest pay attention to the air at all times. Further inside is the skeleton guard In the second level, those skeletons are much stronger than the bone birds, and they have a certain amount of wisdom. Some of the high-level skeletons have the ability to fly. It is more troublesome to deal with them. Their bodies must be completely destroyed. I think , Fire magic is more lethal to them, so Magister Lardas led his fire magicians as the main attack, directly burning their bones completely. Our army is behind the cover, among those skeletons The masters will be dealt with by myself and a few senior Juggernauts. The third level is the zombies. We tried to avoid fighting with them when we came back here last time. We didn’t really conflict with them. These zombies are quite annoying. They have Strong corrosive poisonous gas. This requires the priests of the Holy See to deal with it with the light of purification. I heard from the subdued wraiths that the first three undead creatures are not intelligent, and they all attack instinctively, so we We must not be lenient and wipe them out directly. By the way, Grandpa, do you have a way to completely neutralize the evil spirit in the Death Mountain? If not, it is not a way to always support the army with light magic!"

The pope shook his head and said: "There is no way. Those evil spirits were bred for thousands of years, and in the middle of the death mountain there are evil spirits coming from the entrance of the sealed demon world. I am afraid it will be difficult to eradicate them. I think so Tomorrow let soldiers from all sides build a temporary base on the outskirts of the Death Mountain. We will bring some experts to wipe out all the undead creatures in the first three levels. Clear the obstacles to progress. Then I will think of a way to see how I can Clear away the evil spirit in the Death Mountain."

Dumb nodded, and said: "That's the only way. I'm worried about the last five stages of the Twelve Calamities of the Undead. I don't know what kind of creatures are there."

The pope said indifferently: "There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. It's useless to worry now. Let's take a step. If we still can't win the final victory with such a strong lineup, it means that the heavens want to destroy human beings, and it's not what we want. It can be changed. You and Yueyue go to rest. Tomorrow's battle, you are the key."

Dui nodded, and after bidding farewell to the Pope, he and Xuan Yue withdrew. The tents of the two were next to each other, and after eating something casually, they came to Ah-Dai's tent, Xuan Yue's pretty face looked a little pale, and she leaned on Ah-Dai's shoulder without saying a word. Dumb stroked her soft long hair, and whispered: "Yueyue, what's wrong with you? You don't look very well!"

Xuanyue sighed softly, and said, "When you told Grandpa about the Twelve Calamities of the Undead just now, I suddenly had an ominous premonition. Grandpa was right. The Dark Sacred Cult in the Death Mountain Range is too quiet. Our army arrived Therefore, they didn't even react at all, and seemed to be very disdainful of our arrival. I'm really afraid... "

Duan kissed Xuanyue lightly on the forehead, tightly hugged her big hands around her waist, and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, we are the saviors! God will not let human beings perish. We will definitely lead the human army to conquer the darkness." The forces have been completely wiped out. After a long day of driving, you went to the Elf Forest just now, so you must be a little tired. Let me send you back to rest, okay?"

Xuan Yue shook her head gently, then raised her head suddenly, with a determined look in her beautiful eyes, she said, "Dumb, I'll give it to you, okay?"

Dumb was stunned, "Give it to me? Give me what?" Xuan Yue's pretty face blushed, like a ripe apple, she lowered her head and muttered: "I, I want to be your real wife."

Duan's whole body was shocked, and then he understood what she meant. Love surged in his heart, and he suppressed the impulse in his heart, and said softly: "Yueyue, what's wrong with you? Didn't we agree, when we have After the title, then..." Before he could finish speaking, Xuan Yue slammed her arms around Ah-Dai's neck, choked up and said, "But, I, I'm really scared. I really have some doubts about our battle against the Death Mountain Range. It's a very ominous premonition, as if something will happen to you. Dumb, I love you, I don't want to have any regrets! Just take me, okay?"

Dumb kissed Xuanyue's tender cheek lightly, and said with a smile: "Yueyue, don't think too much about it. From what you said, it's as if we are going to die. Come on, I'll take you back to sleep." Xuan Yue's soft and delicate body floated out, and went directly back to Xuan Yue's own tent. Gently put her on her bed, gently covered her with the quilt, and said softly: "Go to sleep, I will stay with you here, and I will leave when you fall asleep." Xuan Yue shook her head, Said: "No, you can go back now. You are also tired all day, go to bed early, there are important things waiting for you to do tomorrow." Xuan Yue seemed to have recovered her badge, and a flash of light flashed in her beautiful eyes. Faint tears.

Dumb nodded, and said: "Then I'm leaving, you have a good rest." He kissed Xuan Yue's forehead and sweet lips respectively, and then turned and went back to his room. After Xuanyue's teasing, Ah-Dai's heart was so hot that he couldn't calm down, and he sat quietly for half an hour before gradually getting rid of distracting thoughts and entering the state of cultivation.

After Ah-Dai left, Xuan Yue sat up from the bed, the feeling of depression in her heart did not disappear, and her mind was filled with Ah-Dai's concerned eyes and simple and honest face. Xuanyue said to herself: "Dumb, you'll be fine, I won't let you be at any time." Calming down the turmoil in her heart, Xuanyue seemed to have made up her mind, her pretty face softened a lot , sighed softly, sat cross-legged, and began to meditate. In recent days, she has clearly felt that the speed of her magic cultivation is much slower than before, obviously because she has reached a certain height. It is much more difficult to make progress. Reining in his mind, his mental power slowly radiated out of his body, quietly absorbing the pure light element in the air.

Early the next morning, the United Army moved forward slowly under the leadership of the Pope and the leaders of the various forces. After about two hours, it finally reached the periphery of the Death Mountain.

Looking at the beautiful figure with wings behind his back in front of him, the Pope smiled slightly and said, "Hello, Your Highness the Elf Queen."

The elf queen has been waiting here with her people for a while, seeing the mighty combined army behind the pope, she smiled and said, "Hello, my lord pope."

The Pope smiled kindly and said: "In terms of age, you are much older than me. Last time the Holy See sent people to the Tianyuan clan. Thanks to your help, we will always remember the friendship of the elves."

The Elf Queen said: "My lord Pope, you are welcome. This is what we should do. After all, we are all creatures on the mainland. Although we are not human beings, we will still help human beings when they are in danger. Although human beings once let us We are very disappointed, but the mainland is the common homeland of human beings and other races, and we do not want it to fall into the hands of dark forces. Sincere cooperation is our best choice, isn't it? I also hope to be forever with the Holy See Friends. We elves just want our beautiful homeland to be peaceful forever."

The Pope nodded, turned his head and said to Feng Wen beside him: "Marshal, please order your supply troops to start building simple fortifications, and then stay where they are and wait for dispatch."

"Wait a minute." The Elf Queen stopped the Pope, and said with a smile, "Leave us to establish the base. Great Elf Audi, start to act." Audi nodded and flew away with flapping wings. Seeing the pope's surprised expression, the elf queen said: "In the vibrant forest, it is the best place to display the natural magic of our elves. Let us build the base, which will not only save your time, but also make the forest uninterrupted." destroyed." The reason why she asked her people to help the coalition forces build a temporary base was to help the coalition forces, but more importantly, the Elf Queen thought that if a temporary base was established here, the surrounding trees would inevitably be cut down. She proposed this proposal to avoid the destruction of the ecology of the Tianyuan clan.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the edge of the forest outside the Death Mountain began to change. Dozens of elf ambassadors, led by Audi and other four great elf ambassadors, continued to chant complex elf natural magic spells. A green halo floated out and spread to the surroundings. The Pope, Ah-Dai and others clearly felt that the vitality in the forest was more intense, and with a move in their hearts, Ah-Dai seemed to have understood what the Elf Queen was going to do. Under the light of the green halo, the ground began to change, the branches and leaves of the big trees in the forest became lush, and countless tangled vines emerged from the soil, quickly condensed together, and continued to grow. After a while, a natural barrier has appeared on the outskirts of the forest, forming a thick wall as high as five feet. Sharp thorns appeared beyond the tree wall, and a lavender light shone on the thorns. The elf queen smiled and said: "Master Pope, in the Death Mountains, our elves can't do much because we can't connect with nature, so we should be responsible for the protection of the coalition forces here. I believe that as long as we are here to guard, it will be regarded as a secret. The Holy Cult has come out in full force, and they will not be able to break through the defense in a short time. Please order the coalition troops to station within the tree wall. In about two days, we will be able to let the tree wall spread to the periphery of this forest. The thorns contain a strong anesthetic liquid, no matter what kind of creature touches it, it will be paralyzed for more than two hours. When necessary, I can also activate the forbidden spell of natural magic."

Duan nodded and said: "Aunt Queen's elf magic is very powerful. When we rescued Princess Xing'er in the palace of Sunset City in the Sunset Empire, Auntie's melody of growth paralyzed the defense of the entire palace. , the defense of the coalition forces is not a problem."

Feng Wen said: "I also believe in Her Majesty's defensive ability, but, such a strong tree wall is here, what should we do when our army wants to go out?"

The elf queen smiled slightly and said: "Marshal, please rest assured that as long as I am here, I will never let these defenses affect the speed of the army's attack. I am here to help you build a headquarters first. Let all important personnel gather here, It would be much more convenient to discuss anything. In the name of the elf kings of all ages, I call you, soul of the elves!" A faint green light revolved around the elf queen, highlighting her beautiful delicate body , the elf queen closed her eyes, made a weird gesture with her hands on her chest, and said softly: "Using the elf blood as a guide, wake up, my elf heart." The green light around her body suddenly became stronger, and she Constantly chanting unknown spells in the language of the elves, the green light became more and more intense, illuminating every detail within ten meters around the body. Under the elf spell that the elf queen kept chanting, a green elf flew out from between her brows. It looked almost exactly like herself. It was transparent and lightly landed on her shoulders. The elf is the center and continues to spread.

Dumb's eyes widened. He was too familiar with this scene. This spell was used by the Elf Queen in Sunset City back then. This is clearly the prelude to the forbidden spell of Elf Magic—the melody of growth!

The Elf Queen slowly opened her eyes, and two turquoise rays shot out. She took a deep breath, bit the middle finger of her right hand, and a drop of turquoise blood flowed out. She quickly used green energy around the drop of blood. After drawing a trajectory, the blood was wrapped in complex elf symbols in an instant. The elf queen sang: "Inheriting the blood of the elf kings for generations! Please arouse the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth, the great god of the earth! Please Use your compassionate heart to pity the life that grows on your body, the melody of the growth of the awakening of forbidden elves." With the completion of the spell, all the green light crazily directed towards the elf wrapped in the elf symbol The blood is condensed. After a while, it turned into a light green light ball. The elf on the Elf Queen's shoulder lifted up the green ball of light. Unlike last time, she seemed very relaxed. The elf queen smiled slightly, and said softly: "Grow with the melody." The small light green light ball fell from the hands of the elf heart, and disappeared into the ground in an instant. The Elf Queen closed her eyes again, and drew two graceful arcs with her hands in the air. The pleasant voice continued to ring out, and the ground under everyone's feet began to tremble slightly. The surrounding big trees continued to grow thick vines like the tree walls before, but these vines gradually formed solid tree houses. After a while, hundreds of tree houses appeared in the forest. In the center, a tree house made of vines grown from ten big trees is more than 200 square meters wide.

The melodious singing stopped, and the Elf Queen slowly opened her beautiful eyes, showing a trace of tiredness. Dui hurried forward to support her delicate body, and asked with concern: "Auntie, are you alright?"

The elf queen smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, Auntie is fine. Although I also used the melody of growth, the one I used just now consumes much less mana than the original one. The vines that promote the growth are not aggressive. .And here is very close to the source of our elves—the ancient tree of elves, and it is in the woods, the spiritual power replenishes quickly, and I will recover in a while." Turning to the Pope, he said: "My lord Pope, this place is considered to be Let's deal with the headquarters of the dark forces this time, what do you think?"

The Pope praised: "Natural magic is really amazing. This is the first time I have experienced it. Thank you, Your Majesty. Marshal Fengwen, I will teach you here. You have the most experience in commanding troops."

Feng Wen was also not humble, nodded and said: "Okay, don't worry, I will definitely arrange the troops of all parties."

The pope nodded and said: "Dumb, let's go now. The red-clothed priests Xuan Ye and Xuan Yue will go with us. At the same time, we will dispatch all the holy judges, bright judges, and senior priests of the Holy See, as well as the Tianjin Magician Union and the mainland. There are 200 fire magicians from the Magician's Guild. We will set off in half an hour to clean up the low-level undead creatures on the periphery. Three sword masters, I will trouble you to go with us. We want to clear the way for the coalition forces to advance."

Yunyi smiled and said, "Your Highness, you don't have to be polite. Since we are here, we will be at your command."

Half an hour later, under the leadership of Duan and Xuan Yue, everyone left the forest and stepped into the territory of the Death Mountain. Although the priests' magic cultivation was advanced, their physical fitness was poor after all. With the help of the judges, they climbed to the outermost mountain of the Death Mountain Range. Almost all of them were priests of the Holy See on this trip, and their sacred energy naturally has the ability to resist evil spirits.

Looking into the distance, the pope said to Dumb: "Let's act according to the plan. You take Yueyue and Xuan Ye to wipe out the bone birds on the periphery first, and we will support you later."

Dumb nodded, and sang: "Use the blood of the dragon as a guide, open it, the gate of time and space." Two clusters of energy, one silver and one black, floated out of the blood of the dragon in a blue light package. The energy gradually increased, and under the surprised gazes of the people in the Holy See and the three sword masters, the huge figures of Little Bones and Sheng Xie appeared in front of the priests. Two dragon chants sounded, one clear and one thick, and the sound of dragon chant wafted in the mountains of Death Mountain and spread far away.

The Pope glanced at Dumb, and said, "Are these your two dragons? They are much stronger than I imagined. Creatures like dragons have finally come to the world again since His Majesty Shenyu wiped out the Dark Demon Race back then. You guys Go. If there is special danger, come back as soon as possible, and don't force it."