The Kind Death God

Chapter 208: Fire demon attack


The body of the fire demon that was suspended in mid-air twisted slightly, and with a loud bang, it disappeared into nothingness amidst the red light. An undead fire demon was wiped out under the powerful strength of Dumb.

Dui flew up with the Sumeru sword in his hand, and shouted: "Fire demon, come out, let us fight to the death." It seemed that Duan's strength had shocked the soul, and there was no sound in the entire basin, nor did the fire demon appear , everything seemed so silent. Duan frowned slightly, stretched his spiritual sense to the limit, and searched for the whereabouts of the fire demon.

The pope commanded everyone to maintain their formation and search for the depths of the valley, but the fire demon disappeared like a flash in the pan. At this moment, a voice sounded in Ah-Dai's ears, "No, Ah-Dai, go back quickly, the fire demons are probably going to attack your base." After hearing her words, Dumb's heart sank into the valley immediately, and he shouted loudly: "No, Grandpa, let's go, I'm afraid the fire demon is going to attack the base." More than half of the coalition's masters are concentrated here. Except for the leaders of Wen and various clans, they were all soldiers, holy knights, and priests of the Holy See. Although there were a large number of people, they definitely could not pose a threat to the fire demon.

The pope's face changed drastically, and he said, "How do you know?"

Dumb anxiously said: "There is no time to explain to you, I will go back first, you hurry up. Use the blood of the dragon as a guide, open it, the gate of time and space." The blue light lit up, and the figures of Little Bones and Shengxie appeared in the In front of everyone, after a few days of rest, they have completely returned to normal. "Little Bones, Xiao Xie, you can carry as many people as you can, and immediately return to the territory of the rotten dragon." After finishing speaking, he expanded his speed to the limit, and took the Sumeru Sword into a ray of golden light, like lightning. Fly back along the way you came.

The territory of the rotten dragon, the temporary base of the coalition forces.

After everyone left, cautious Feng Wen immediately ordered his soldiers to start strengthening the base's defenses. However, the hard geology of the Death Mountain made it difficult for them to dig out rocks, so they just adjusted their formation and made the defense more stringent. Oliveira accompanied Tiya to inspect the fighters of the Yajin tribe. Ever since Dumb and Xuanyue built a bridge for the two, Oliveira was very proactive and often went to Tiya. The relationship between the two is more complicated now. Tiya I have some concerns in my heart. Although I also have a good impression of Oliveira, I dare not accept her easily. The two are just ordinary friends now.

Looking at the heavily armored and high-spirited soldiers in front of him, Oliveira said: "Tiya, your Yajin warriors are no worse equipped than Marshal Fengwen's Holy Light Legion!"

Tiya smiled slightly and said: "After all, the home of our Yajin tribe is mining and smelting. We produce too many weapons and armor. Of course, we must equip our army with the best."

Oliveira said: "It's a pity that I'm not a warrior, otherwise I would definitely ask you to customize a set of armor for me. Tiya, you look so beautiful in the armor!" Indeed, today Tiya is wearing a dark gold suit. The armor is extremely exquisitely made. This is a set of armor with triple magic defense. It is extremely precious, and its market value must exceed 10,000 diamond coins. Against the background of the armor, Tiya's originally beautiful appearance added a bit of heroism, and Oliveira's eyes never left her face.

Tiya smiled and said, "You, don't be dissatisfied. There are not many magicians like you on the mainland. I don't know how many warriors envy you."

Seeing that smile like a spring flower, Oliveira was completely fascinated, and said a little uncontrollably: "Tiya, in fact, I..." Just now, a sudden change happened right in front of them. In the distance, a scorching temperature suddenly came from the solid ground, a huge roar sounded, and countless broken stones shot in all directions. Without any preparation, both of them were taken aback. Tiya grabbed him, and the Qingfengmingyue vindictiveness learned from teacher Yunyi burst out suddenly, and Oliveira flew ten feet away, and at the same time Set up a fighting spirit barrier on the back to resist the chasing gravel. The sound of jingling continued, and many Yajin warriors were hit by these gravels, but their armor was indeed hard, and only a few suffered minor injuries. A black figure three meters tall appeared among the crowd. The red light suddenly lit up, rolling towards the heavily armored soldiers around. There was no time to react, and the ten-foot-long red glow had already struck dozens of people. As soon as the red glow was withdrawn, the soldiers who were touched slowly fell to the ground, puffs of green smoke came out from their heavy armor, and the scorched smell made people want to vomit.

Oliveira looked at the tall creature in front of him in shock, recalled Duan's description before, and couldn't help saying: "This is the undead fire demon."

A cold light flashed in Tiya's eyes, she stretched out her hand and drew out her long sword, staring intently at the evil creature in front of her. Oliveira took out the staff of Fengshen and kept chanting spells. The undead fire demon had just appeared, and it was a little uncomfortable with the surrounding situation. Its huge head looked around, roared, and swung the fire whip in its hand again, attacking the surrounding soldiers. At this time, in the entire camp of the coalition forces, one after another, fire demons kept appearing. Their great whip of fire brought disaster to the allies. The holy knights can still resist a little bit with the sacred light equipment on their bodies, but the ordinary soldiers of all races have nothing to do with the fire demons, no one can rush to them, and even throwing spears can't penetrate their thick In just a few minutes after hundreds of fire demons appeared, thousands of coalition soldiers had already died in their hands, and armors that were emitting green smoke could be seen collapsing to the ground everywhere.

Tiya watched the undead fire demon in front of her kill a hundred of her soldiers, and couldn't bear it any longer. Qingfengmingyue's fighting spirit suddenly burst out, and her whole body was wrapped in light blue light and rushed towards the fire demon. There was a red light in the fire demon's eyes, and the fire whip in his hand formed circles like a snake coming out of a hole, and pulled it towards Tiya. In Tiya's hand was a treasured sword, which dinged and dinged continuously, and kept flying the fire whip towards her. However, her cultivation level was far inferior to that of her master Dongfang Sword Master Yunyi. , has been shaken back by the powerful momentum, the fire demon is so unreasonable, the fire whip chases Tiya's delicate body and flies over, once touched by the fire whip, the human body will swell from the inside out Burn up until death. At this moment, a cyan round shield flew out from behind Tiya, accurately resisting the attack of the fire whip for her. With a loud bang, the fire whip flew back, and the cyan shield had disappeared. , It was Oliveira's nine-fold plus wind shield that played a role.

Oliveira supported Tiya who staggered to the ground, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Tiya shook her head and said, "Talk to him first. Be careful." Pulling Oliveira, the two moved three meters, and a scorched black gap appeared on the ground beside them, which was the bombardment of the fire whip . In order to protect their patriarch, a large number of heavily armored soldiers of the Yajin tribe rushed towards the fire demon. Under the rage of the fire whip, they died one by one. Oliveira was furious in her heart, and stopped Tiya, who was about to rush up, a cyan light came out of her body, and the speed of spell chanting suddenly doubled. A strong halo emanated from the Fengshen's Staff. From the resistance of the wind shield just now, Oliveira found that although the fire demon has the ability to be immune to magic other than water, what he is immune to is the special effect of magic, and the impact of magic energy still has an effect on them. Floating up, he took the initiative to rush towards the fire demon. Naturally, the fire demon would not give up on the enemy who came to his door. He swiped the fire whip towards Oliveira in a circle. Oliveira's body was suddenly divided into nine parts in mid-air, and countless cyan light spots gathered towards him quickly. The flame whip of the fire demon passed through one of his shadows and hit the empty space. At this time, Olivia Rivera's spell was finally done. Nine five-level wind magic tornadoes flew out, rushing towards the fire demon from all directions. The fire demon was stunned for a moment, then retracted the fire whip, trying to use his characteristic of not being afraid of magic to dissolve the nine seemingly not very strong tornadoes. However, it was wrong. Oliveira himself already possessed the cultivation level of a mage, and coupled with the increase of the Fengshen's staff, he is now very close to the realm of a mage. The nine tornadoes changed directions simultaneously in the air, bypassing the attack of the fire whip, and quickly gathered together. A terrible thing happened. A huge blue-black tornado appeared in front of the fire demon. Its rapid movement surprised the fire demon. It kept waving the fire whip in its hand and arranged a layer of fire wave-like barrier in front of itself. How can the five-level superposition magic used by Oliveira leapfrog so easily to resist? Although the power of the fire whip is huge, it seems so small in front of the wind magic that is close to the forbidden spell. The undead fire demon was sucked into the blue-black tornado together with his fire whip, and the strong wind formed wind blades to continuously attack his body. Cracks gradually appeared on the fire demon's armor. His fire whip was twisted to pieces, and under the berserk tornado, his powerful body was finally dismembered. Oliveira's blood spurted wildly, and Jun's face was full of fatigue. Even he himself could not have imagined that he could use such a powerful magic. All the Yajin warriors cheered, Oliveira's powerful magic attack won everyone's respect.

Although Oliveira successfully killed one fire demon, it was only one. The rest of the fire demons were raging everywhere, and the casualties of the human coalition forces skyrocketed. There are not many masters in the coalition army, even Fengwen can barely withstand the attack of a fire demon, under the fire whip that can directly burn the soul, he resists extremely awkwardly, and has no spare energy to command the army. Even if he can command, it is only in vain, no matter how orderly the army is, it cannot resist this kind of creature that cannot be resisted at all.

The cheers of the Yajin soldiers just remembered that another black figure appeared, probably because he discovered the death of his companion, he became extremely violent, swiping his fire whip repeatedly, and took away hundreds of lives. Tiya let out a mournful cry, let go of Oliveira's hands, urged her Qingfengmingyue fighting spirit with all her strength, and suddenly slammed into the undead fire demon. However, her strength was too small, and with a bang, she had been bounced back and fell beside Oliveira. The fire demon chased after them in anger, and with just one step, they were already not far in front of them. The fire whip was drawn from top to bottom like a bolt from the blue sky towards Tiya's delicate body, against the background of the fiery red light , Tiya's face turned pale, she knew that there was no way she could dodge this attack. At this critical moment, Oliveira beside her suddenly turned over and threw herself on Tiya, using her exhausted body to resist the fire demon's attack. There was a faint smile on his handsome face, and he whispered: "Tiya, I love you." He hugged Tiya's delicate body suddenly, urged his last wind energy, and waited for the death. advent. For Tiya, he is willing to give his life.

Tiya's whole body trembled violently, and Oliveira's affection made her eyes moist. The fire whip was less than two meters away from Oliveira's back, and the scorching energy had already dispelled all of Oliveira's wind energy, and when he was about to die on the fierce whip, The golden light suddenly shone, the fire whip in the air was twisted to pieces, and a miserable howl sounded, the fire demon was suddenly pierced by the golden giant sword full of huge energy, and with a loud bang, it followed in the footsteps of its companion . The owner of this golden giant sword is Dumb. He finally made it back in time to save Oliveira and Tiya's lives. The Sumeru sword returned to his hand, Dui landed beside Oliveira and Tiya, and asked anxiously, "How are you doing?"

Two lines of tears flowed from Tiya's eyes. She put her arms around Oliveira's body and choked up, "I, we're fine."

Oliveira was conceited and would die, but he didn't feel the pain coming for a long time, and heard the voice of Dumb again, and couldn't help raising his head, and Tiya's pretty face with pear blossoms and rain appeared in front of him. At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten Everything, said softly: "Tiya, why are you crying?"

Tiya threw her arms around Oliveira's neck and murmured, "Thank you, Vera. I, I love you too."

Although he didn't know what was going on, Duan was still happy for the two of them. After telling the surrounding soldiers to protect them, he flew up and flew towards a nearby fire demon. Perhaps it was because the Sumeru Sword was born with the effect of restraining the fire demon. Although Duan attacked with all his strength in every sword, under his unique skill of controlling the sword with qi, six fire demons died in his hands one after another. At this time, the Pope and others also rushed back, Prophet Prin first commanded the Tiru fighters to rush towards the fire demon, and the remaining 90 fire demons fought with the Tiru fighters. A large amount of auxiliary magic was scattered on all the coalition soldiers, and they were no longer as fragile as before. Under the command of the Pope and the four priests in red, the chaotic situation has been somewhat brought under control. Xi Wen and Feng Wen led the Tiangang Sword Sect to assist the Tilu fighters to temporarily resist the fire demon's attack. The strength of the Tilu fighters amazed everyone. Even if they were hit by the fire whip of the fire demon, they slashed each other heavily as if they were not affected. Once the Tilu fighters died, their bodies would turn into A cloud of black smoke entangled the fire demons, temporarily immobilizing their bodies, and they could only be slaughtered by human masters. The previous advantage of the fire demons had been gradually lost, and under the siege of all the masters of the coalition army, they died one by one. Although the undead fire demons are cunning, they did one thing wrong, that is, they should not enter the enchantment arranged by the priests of the Holy See. Here, without the support of evil energy, they lost the ability to resurrect after death. Even if they didn't blow up the fire demon to pieces like Dumb, they could still take their lives. The Tilu warriors also suffered a lot of damage. They used their bodies to neutralize the power of the fire whip in the hands of the fire demon. When there were more than 30 fire demons left, they also dropped to about 60 people, an average of two The death of the Tiru warrior can help everyone eliminate a fire demon. Prophet Purin kept chanting spells that everyone couldn't understand, and black rays of light continued to radiate from his body and float into Tiru fighters' bodies. All Tiru fighters who were shot by the black light would be shocked.

The light of the Sumeru Sword in Dumb's hand has dimmed a lot, and at least one-third of the more than one hundred undead fire demons died in his hands. The overdraft of true qi made him unable to hold on any longer. After bringing back the coalition masters who had gone to attack the fire demon's territory again, Little Bones and Shengxie also joined the battle. Their powerful attacks gave Ah-Dai a chance to breathe, and he floated to the ground, breathing the scorched air quickly. The golden body in his body was running fast, constantly recovering his skills.

Finally, after the final hard struggle, all the fire demons were completely wiped out, and their dead bodies were completely purified by light magic under the command of the Pope. Even if evil spirits appear here, they will not be able to be resurrected. At this time, there were only a dozen Tilu fighters of the Puyan tribe left. The loss can be described as heavy.

With a sound of wow, Prin spat out a mouthful of blood, his whole body went limp, and he collapsed to the ground. He seemed to have aged ten years in an instant, and there was a sad look in his lifeless eyes. Duan was taken aback when he saw Prophet Prin's appearance, and hurriedly flew to his side, and transferred his pure vitality into Prin's body. With the circulation of the zhenqi, he clearly felt that the vitality in Prin's body weakened He looked very weak and asked anxiously, "Prophet, what's wrong with you?"

Pu Lin said sadly: "It's nothing. Improving the strength of the Tilu fighters in a short period of time requires paying a price. This is the harm of witchcraft. After this battle, the Puyan tribe almost lost the Tilu fighters. We have done our best. It's gone." The leaders of various ethnic groups gathered around, the pope's face sank, although the fire demon was successfully eliminated, the coalition forces also paid a huge price.

"Xuan Ye, Mang Xiu, go and count the number of casualties. Prophet, thank you. If it weren't for the heroic and tenacious Tiru fighters of the nobles, our losses would have doubled. Don't worry, what I promised will definitely be done. of."

Prin sighed, and said, "My lord, our Puyan tribe can no longer play any role in the coalition forces. Please allow us to return to the rear base. We have already done what we can do. Whether we can win in the end depends on It depends on you. I believe that justice will surely defeat evil."

The Pope sighed softly and said, "Okay, I'll send someone to take you back."

Prin shook his head and said, "It is enough to have Rock, Rock Power, and the remaining dozen or so Tiru fighters. Rock, you brothers, please help me go back."

Brother Rock walked to the Prophet Prin, supported his weak body, and left with the remaining Tiru fighters. Their backs look so lonely and vicissitudes.

After a while, Xuan Ye and Mang Xiu had returned, their faces were very gloomy, the Pope closed his eyes, and sighed softly: "Speak."

Xuan Ye and Mang Xiu looked at each other, and Xuan Ye said: "We have roughly counted, and the fire demon's sneak attack has brought huge losses to our side. Among the leaders of all parties, the Red Hurricane Mercenary Group Lian Dan and Zhu Yuan were seriously injured. , the Overlord of the Moonscar Mercenary Corps was killed in battle, and the head of the Daiya Patriarch of the Yalian tribe was killed in battle. Among the fighters from all sides of the coalition, the Holy Knight Legion was killed in battle, and none were seriously injured. More than 200 judges at all levels were killed in battle. More than 26,000 heavy armored soldiers died in battle, and a total of about 34,000 people died, which is equivalent to one-third of our strength."

The Pope slowly opened his eyes, with tears glistening in his deep eyes, sighed, and said, "It's all my fault for my improper command. If I had listened to Dumb and withdrew all the heavily armored soldiers, I wouldn't have suffered such a heavy loss. Marshal Fengwen, I think it's better to withdraw the allied forces here."

Just as Feng Wen was about to agree, Duan hurriedly said: "I don't think so, just leave these heavily armored soldiers here to rest in place. The four levels we have to face later are the bone dragon army and the three masters of the undead. , They should not come to attack our rear."

The Pope looked very tired, nodded and said: "According to your words, you are the savior of the mainland. In this situation, everyone can only win the final victory by following in your footsteps. From now on, I Announce that the command of the coalition forces will be handed over to Dumb, and no one will violate his orders."

Duan was stunned for a moment, and said, "Grandpa, how can this be done? How can I take over your command when I am young?"

The Pope shook his head and said, "Your strength is obvious to all. Is there anyone who opposes my decision?"

The leaders of all parties were silent, and all their eyes were on Dumb. Dumb said with some embarrassment: "Grandpa Pope, you should lead. I will definitely assist."

The pope said: "Children, sometimes people have to be brave enough to take on their own responsibilities. We all believe that you have this ability, so don't shirk it anymore."

Duan looked at the Pope's resolute expression, nodded helplessly, and said: "Okay then. The coalition forces suffered heavy losses today. In addition to leaving enough manpower for reconnaissance and security, please return to your respective posts and send your own Let the soldiers take stock. Take a rest for a day, and tomorrow we will discuss the following actions."

Under the first order issued by Dui after he became the commander of the coalition forces, the leaders of all parties dispersed and returned to their own camps.

Xuan Yue accompanied Ah-Dai back to his tent, looked at his somewhat pale face, and asked, "How are you? You've consumed so much today, hurry up and practice."

Dui stopped her in his arms, and only by hugging his beloved could he calm down completely, "I'm fine, don't worry. I'm really worried about our future actions now. Today's Undead Fire The monster is already much stronger than the rotten dragon. If we hadn't rushed back in time, I'm afraid the coalition army here might be completely annihilated. The next level is the bone dragon army. It may be very difficult to deal with the fire demon. And there are three masters of the undead behind. Even if we can pass all these four levels, I am afraid that the damage will be very large. It is still unknown whether we can stop the Dark Sacred Cult! Therefore, the main reason for asking Grandpa to keep the heavy armored soldiers is to use them to deal with the last dark alien race. Compared with the high-level undead creatures here, the Dark Holy Cult is still far behind."

Xuan Yue said softly: "After all, the time is still far away, and you don't need to be too anxious. We can rest for a few days every time we pass the level of the twelve robbing souls, and then continue to move forward after regrouping. The three major tasks of the last three levels Although the Overlords are powerful, there is only one of them after all, and we will definitely wipe them out with all our strength. Can they resist the joint efforts of your four great Juggernauts?"

Dumb nodded, and said, "I hope everything will go as smoothly as you said."

After two days of rest, the coalition forces regrouped, and under the leadership of Ah-Dai, they moved towards the ninth level of the Twelve Calamities of the Undead. After passing through the fire demon's territory, Ah-Dai suddenly felt a strong pressure coming from the opposite mountain, his heart moved, and he hurriedly ordered the coalition forces to stop advancing. Bone dragons have the ability to be immune to magic. Randomly, the four priests in red and the pope brought by Dui this time are all masters of martial arts. The pope also found out that something was wrong, and immediately used the blessing of God together with the four priests in red. Apply a lot of auxiliary magic to dumb and others.

Dumb said in a deep voice: "The bone dragon may be on the mountain in front, everyone be careful, don't disperse, let's concentrate our efforts and be ready to respond at any time. I'll go and see first." After finishing speaking, before Xuanyue objected, he floated away He got up and rushed towards the opposite mountain. To be cautious, he immediately condensed his Sumeru Sword after flying up. The closer he was to the mountain, the stronger the sense of oppression from the other party. Duan pushed his aura to the limit, and rushed up domineeringly. The gray mountain peak was getting closer and closer, even though Dumb used his eyesight enough, he couldn't see anything strange from the mountain peak.

A deep and deep voice suddenly sounded, "You are really strong, no wonder you came here. Let me see how strong you are." A dark green light suddenly burst out from the mountain peak, and rushed towards Duan like lightning Chest hit. Dumb snorted coldly, and the Sumi Sword slashed forward, meeting the energy of the attack. With a puff, the dark green light disappeared, and Dumb's forward body stopped abruptly, his heart filled with horror. For the first time since using the Sumeru Sword, he felt the appearance of a creature with abilities equal to his own. Although the dark green energy was successfully dissipated, the counter-shock force made him stop. The most terrifying thing is that there is a kind of cold evil force in the dark green energy, just like he was almost killed by him at the beginning. The evil power of Pluto's sword was like when it was controlled, through the sword of Sumeru, it directly eroded his body, so he had to urge the golden body in his body to get rid of the evil power.

"Using the blood of the dragon as a guide, the dragon soaring in the sky! Please grant me your powerful divine power, and defend the dignity of the dragon in the shape of the dragon. - The dragon's body." As the spell was chanted, the dragon on Dumb's chest The blue light of the blood burst forth, and a clear dragon chant sounded, and the blue dragon-shaped energy came out through the body, and immediately circled around Duan's body, becoming his solid barrier.

"Well, it's really good. It's the first time I've seen a human being who can block my blow without getting hurt." The dark green figure suddenly descended from the high mountain, and Dumb couldn't see his body clearly in the energy package. Form, can only raise one's skill to the extreme, urging the Sumeru Sword to emit a strong light. He knew that the other party's cultivation level was by no means inferior to his own, even higher than his own, and he must not let the other party grab the initiative, otherwise it would be very difficult for him to win back. Gritting his teeth, he rushed up to meet the opponent.

When Ah-Dai collided with the dark green energy, the divine dragon that protected the body shone brightly, and amidst the clear dragon chant, it continuously dispelled the huge evil energy brought by the dark green energy. The Sumeru Sword cut into the opponent's energy abruptly. "Boom—" Duan's body and the dark green figure flew upside down at the same time. With the help of the dragon cover, Duan regained the disadvantage in the first fight, and fought the opponent evenly. The dark green energy dissipated, and Ah-Dai saw the opponent's form. It was a monster with a height of two meters away. He had the shape of a human being, but he had six arms. There was only one single eye on his huge head. The most eye-catching ones were his two three-meter-wide eyes. The huge wings, the dark green iron feathers on them gleamed, containing huge energy.

Duan lost his voice and said: "You, you are the giant-winged ghost king Hadosfin, why are you in the territory of the bone dragon?"

Halsfin looked a little surprised, and asked suspiciously, "Human, do you know me?"