The Kind Death God

Chapter 215: The devil invades


The fierce battle on the mountainside has reached the point of intensification. Under the full attack of the human coalition forces, the dark alien race is retreating steadily. Among the twelve heavenly kings, except for the moon king, the winged king and the dwarf king whose skills have been abolished, all of them have died. The number of alien races has also been reduced to half of what it was at the beginning. At this time, the human heavy armored soldiers had already rushed up. They already surpassed their opponents in strength and had an advantage in numbers. The human coalition forces immediately continued to advance with an overwhelming momentum. In order to preserve the immortality of the race, in desperation, the Winged King and the Dwarf King surrendered one after another, while the Moon King was killed by Xi Wen and Xuan Yuan jointly, and the dark alien race was completely shattered. Xiwen left behind a few juniors and led the human coalition to restrain the surrendered dark alien race, while he rushed towards the top of the mountain with the pope who caught up, the three priests in red, the three sword masters, and the leaders of all human parties. . At this moment, it was the time when Ah-Dai and Xuan Yue repelled Nazgul and climbed to the top of the mountain.

At the foot of the main peak, Shengxie and Halbaink are constantly attacking each other. These two tyrannical dragons have already suffered serious injuries, and the scales on their bodies are constantly falling off. They stare at each other panting, Preparing for the next round of attacks, between them, they have reached an endless situation. With the passage of time, Shengxie has gradually mastered his new body, gradually gaining a slight upper hand, but it is only a trace, and it cannot destroy the evil dragon Halbaink in a short time. Driven by strong hatred, Shengxie's aura became more and more powerful, but Halbaink was already a little discouraged. At this moment, a huge bloody light shot out from the main peak of Death Mountain, and the light shot straight into the sky. The target seemed to be the Blood Sun, and dark clouds rose over the entire Death Mountain Range. For a while, the sound of thunder continued to ring out, and the atmosphere of chilling and evil permeated the air.

The evil dragon Halbaink shook his body and laughed loudly, "Okay, okay, it's finally successful, boy, you and humans will have only one ending, and that is to perish. The entrance to the demon world has been opened, and you are just waiting to die." Let's go." After speaking, he rushed forward and attacked Shengxie again. Although Shengxie was astonished, he didn't allow him to think too much about the attack of the evil dragon Halbaink. He cheered up and threw himself into the battle. The two giant dragons rolled in the air again. None of them noticed that on the ground not far from them, the small bones that had been beaten by Halbaink had slowly climbed up, and their bodies were constantly recovering. His eyes looking at Halbaink were constantly shining with hatred.

Halbaink was right, Dumb and the others were finally one step too late. Stepping up to the top of the main peak of the Death Mountain, Dui suddenly found the huge altar in the center of the peak, surrounded by four people covered in black, just like the one who was dressed when the Lord attacked him. On the top of the altar is another man in black, who is constantly chanting spells quickly. There are six blood-red symbols on the hexagons of the altar, and there is a faint golden glow in the center of the six symbols. Just when Ah-Dai was about to make a move, the man in black on the altar suddenly yelled, and a red mist of blood surrounded the entire altar in an instant. Flying into the air, he shouted: "Open it, the gate to the Demon Realm."

Dumb panicked, let go of Xuan Yue's little hand, and rushed towards the altar at full speed. Seeing that he was about to rush to the altar, a strong blood light suddenly erupted from the altar, and the evil spirit that even surpassed the Pluto sword suddenly burst out and rushed towards his face. Dumb desperately waved the Sumeru sword in his hand He slashed at the opponent's blood-red beam of light, and at the moment when the golden glow and the blood beam collided, an irresistible force came from him, and his body was immediately thrown upside down, and the evil spirit searched for the meridian. As if he wanted to occupy his body, he tried his best to stimulate the true qi in his body, and Dumb forced this evil energy out of his body. His heart was extremely heavy. He knew that he was still one step too late after all, and the door to the demon world had already been opened. The man in black who chanted the spell on the altar before laughed loudly, "It's finally succeeded, after thousands of years of hard work, it's finally succeeded, the great God of the Underworld! Please come to the world quickly, bring darkness to this world, and let ignorance Let the ignorant human beings perish completely."

Xuan Yue supported Ah-Dai's body, and shouted angrily: "Are you the leader of the Dark Saint Sect?"

The man in black sneered, and said, "That's right, I am the leader of the Dark Sacred Sect. The entrance to the Demon Realm has been opened. No one can stop the Lord Underworld from coming. You just wait and die."

Duan took a deep look at Xuanyue, and resolutely said: "Yueyue, help me protect the law. The entrance to the devil world has just opened, and we may still have a chance." After finishing speaking, he floated up, holding the Sumi sword in his hand Slashing swords at the leader of the Dark Saint Sect and the four elders respectively, the surging golden light suddenly flourished, and the solid fighting spirit that condensed the peak state of Duan was so powerful.

The leader of the Dark Sacred Cult was startled. He knew that the human being in front of him could pass the two tests of his master and the evil dragon Halbaink. He twisted, as if he had no bones, and floated up with the sword light from the Sumeru Sword. Under the powerful attack power of the sword light, the black robe on his body was completely reduced to ashes, and the clothes wrapped in the black robe turned into ashes. It was a puff of black smoke that was very similar to Nazgul. The black smoke was floating in the air, and after receiving Dumb's blow, it was obviously much thinner. Although the leader of the Dark Sacred Cult escaped to death, the four elders under him were not so lucky. Caught off guard, their aura was firmly locked by Dumb, and the light flashed without even screaming. They had already been buried under the full-scale attack of Ah-Dai's anger, and they were all turned into fly ash. After killing the four elders of the Dark Sacred Sect and seriously injuring its leader, Duan didn't stop at all. He quickly floated into the air, waved his left hand lightly, and a piece of golden energy flew out. A semicircle was slowly pushed out, and the golden light suddenly burst out, releasing dazzling light, and bursts of thunderous bangs, a golden light ball that condensed all the energy of Dumb's solidification slowly flew away. When the flakes and the ball of light came into contact and rubbed violently, there was a loud thunder in the sky, and the blood-red sun in the sky seemed to have been shaken, and the blood-red light dimmed a bit. The huge bang attracted the attention of the pope and others who were rushing upwards. There was a flash of shock in the pope's eyes, and he murmured: "It's dumb, he must want to use the power of the nine gods of thunder to reseal the entrance to the demon world that just opened .”

Xuan Ye asked anxiously: "Father, do you think the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder can re-seal the entrance to the Demon Realm?"

The Pope shook his head and said: "I don't know, I hope so. Otherwise, the catastrophe of mankind will come, dumb! You are the hope of mankind, and you must succeed this time."

The cold light in Ah-Dai's eyes was like two dazzling cold stars, so clear in the sky, the incomparable arrogance burst out suddenly, and Xuan Yue's heart swayed below her. Under the action of all the energy of Ah-Dai, the deafening roar continuously invaded the hearing of everyone on the main peak of the Death Mountain. Ah-Dai raised his head violently, opened his hands, his long black hair fluttered in the wind, and sang loudly: "Life —Birth-change-of-sky-thunder-cross-boom—" Ah-Dai's whole body is wrapped in a huge layer of golden energy, constantly absorbing the free energy in the air. At this time, Ah-Dai's heart is full of persistent belief. He has already decided that even if it costs him his life, he must stop this hero of mankind. Under the violent friction of the ever-changing flakes and silver balls, the due celestial phenomena were not attracted, and bursts of thunderous loud noises continued to emanate from Dumb as the center, his eyes lit up, and the black eyes streamed There was a hint of joy. Slowly closing his eyes, at this moment, he was neither sad nor happy, completely immersed in his monstrous sea of energy, the light energy and the thick energy in front of him were still rubbing violently, the original The golden color gradually turned into a dark golden color, and it gradually floated upward without the need for Dumb to deliberately push it. Dumb clearly felt that his essence, energy, and spirit had been raised to the highest level like never before, which was the same as the time when the Nine Heavens God Thunder was drawn out last time. This time, he felt that his fusion with the heaven and the earth seemed to be more rounded, and he had completely reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

The bloody sun and bloody rain in the sky seemed less terrifying, the rays of light softened a lot, and even the blood-red beam of light shot from the altar became smaller. Colorful light spots appeared above Ah-Dai, those light spots appeared very suddenly, and condensed extremely quickly. In an instant, they condensed into a large cloud of colorful light. Xuanyue below was overjoyed. She knew that Ah-Dai had succeeded. , he really succeeded in attracting the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. The colorful light clouds are constantly merging with the energy in the air, and the colorful clouds look so gorgeous. Dui in mid-air suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils exuded a deep light like black gemstones, the light did not contain a trace of emotion, the tall and blurry figure appeared behind him, it was still the black figure, holding He was still holding the long weapon. Against it, Duan's long black hair floated slowly in the air, as if a god had descended into the world.

At this time, the pope and the human masters had already arrived at the peak. They also saw the colorful clouds in the sky, held their breath in unison, and looked nervously at Dumb in the air. They were all silently praying for Dumb, looking forward to his success. Dumb’s eyes shone coldly, and he floated in front of the beam of light from the altar as if teleporting. He slowly raised his right hand, and the shadow behind him did the same thing, except that he raised the long weapon . A deep and icy voice sounded: "Invoke the power of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and destroy all evil." With the downward swings of the right hands of Duan and Heiying, the colorful halo in the sky lit up, and a colorful lightning suddenly struck It turned out that due to the reason of the unreliable cause, there was no thunder, and everything in the air became so silent. Wherever the colorful light passed, it seemed to absorb everything including the sound.

At the same time as the colorful lightning appeared, a huge black shadow appeared at the entrance of the originally sealed demon world. The black shadow rushed out from the deep cave that had just been opened by the altar. The black shadow was three meters tall, and he rose from the altar under the nourishment of red blood. His whole body was covered in dark green scales, his head had two horns, and his whole body exuded a powerful evil aura. Xuanyue could clearly I can feel that the giant that suddenly appeared is extremely powerful, even surpassing the giant-winged ghost king Halsfin who died in the hands of Dumb before. Judging from the energy he radiates, even Nazgul can hardly believe it. Compare. Seeing the black figure, the Pope couldn't help but turn pale in shock, and lost his voice and said, "It's the Dark Demon God." The Pope was right, the sudden black figure was exactly the Dark Demon God. His body sealed the entire altar, and when the seal was released, he was the first one to appear, who had been suppressed for a thousand years. As soon as the Dark Demon God broke away from the seal of the altar, he roared angrily, exuding an extremely strong aura all over his body . At this time, the colorful lightning had appeared, and the Dark Demon God felt a strong crisis, so he couldn't help but look up. While roaring, he raised his arms high, and the entire blood-colored beam of light boiled completely, and the huge energy greeted the colorful beam of light. The power of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder is unparalleled, and it is also considered unlucky for the Dark Demon God to encounter such a powerful attack after finally breaking away from the barrier. The raging huge energy made a huge bang, and the energy of the blood-colored beam of light was not enough to compete with the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. The colorful lightning passed through the beam of light and hit the Dark Demon God accurately, and the mournful roar resounded throughout the Death Mountain.

"Boom—" Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, the energy from the God Realm, forcibly blew this powerful creature, the Dark Demon God, into pieces. After thousands of years of sealing, he still died in the hands of the second generation of saviors. Although the Dark Demon God is dead, he also had a great influence on Ah-Dai. Due to his appearance, Ah-Dai was taken aback. The state of the unity of man and man suddenly showed a flaw that day. After sending out a blow, the black shadow behind him disappeared. Now, the colorful auspicious clouds in the sky dispersed, and everything returned to normal. The blood-colored beam of light disappeared with the death of the Dark Demon God, but the blood sun in the sky still existed, and the rain of blood continued to splatter and slide down from the defensive shields of the leaders of the human coalition forces.

At the same time that the Nine Heavens God Thunder wiped out the Dark Demon God, at the outskirts of the Death Mountain Range, in the temporary base of the Tianyuan people, Prophet Prin, who was resting on the bed, sat up suddenly, as if he felt something, his forehead was constantly Big drops of sweat were dripping down, and he murmured: "No, everything has gone beyond what I perceived back then, and the millennium catastrophe is over. I'm afraid even the power of the savior can't bring it back! It's over, it's over, he's here , He actually came. Dumb, you, you..." Wow spit out a mouthful of blood, and Prin passed out on the bed. This great prophet seemed to have foreseen something, but with his physical condition, it was already impossible to spread the news, even if it was passed immediately, it would be too late.

Dumb landed lightly beside the Pope. He didn't know whether his blow just now was successful, but he clearly felt that the true energy in his body had been consumed a lot, and he could no longer achieve the unity of man and man just now. Boundary. "Grandpa, have I sealed the entrance to the Demon Realm?" He asked the Pope anxiously.

The pope sighed, and said, "God, what a god! With the strength of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder you just had, you had great hope to seal the entrance to the Demon Realm, but the sudden appearance of the Dark Demon God blocked most of your bombardment energy. There is a flaw in your mind, the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder did not exert its full power, it just slowed down the opening speed of the entrance. Come on, let us work together, even if we die here, we must completely seal the entrance."

Dumb's heart sank, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll try again. If we can attract the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, we are very likely to succeed."

The Pope shook his head and said, "Don't try again, your skills are not at their best now, so it's useless to try, ahem." The Pope, who was already severely injured, coughed a few times in succession. Slowly raising his staff of the gods, he began to chant the spell. However, he and the red-clothed priests except Xuanyue have already consumed too much mana, so how can they emit powerful holy Guangxi magic at this time? What's more, even if he could successfully cast the forbidden spell, he might not be able to reseal the entrance to the demon world.

At this moment, the blood-red beam of light at the entrance of the demon world reappeared, and several black shadows rushed out of the beam of light. Everyone was startled, and when they looked closely, they saw that the black shadow that suddenly appeared was a monster they had never seen before. But judging from the evil and dark aura emanating from them, they must be creatures from the devil world. Xi Wen shouted: "Everyone, you must not let them leave here." These demon creatures are no more than undead creatures. Undead creatures cannot leave this mountain range because of the restrictions of the Death Mountain, but demon creatures do not have this restriction. Once a monster rushes out of here, it will bring a devastating blow to the humans on the mainland. The people of the Tiangang Sword Sect rushed out first, criss-crossing in the air for a while, interweaving into a big net to cover these monsters that just appeared. These monsters are relatively weak, except that the dark demons are a little bit stronger, and they were completely annihilated without even a chance to fight back under the pounce of many masters.

Human masters surrounded the entrance of the demon world. The blood-colored beam of light contained huge energy. They could only stay within ten meters. Everyone held their weapons tightly. Once a monster appeared, they would attack it with a thunderbolt. its killing. The Pope's spell was finally completed, but due to the heavy load, he didn't emit any powerful magic at all, and the holy light he shot only dimmed the bloody beam of light a little, and then lost its effect. Duan supported the Pope's crumbling body, frowned and said, "Grandpa, is there really no other way?"

The Pope lowered his head sadly, constantly recalling the records in the Holy See classics. The monsters appearing in the bloody beam of light are getting stronger and stronger, not only are they getting bigger and bigger, their attack power is getting stronger and stronger, and their numbers are also increasing. The 3,000 priests on the top of the mountain supported them, but the impact of the monsters had gradually expanded the defense line of the crowd. Everyone knew that when the high-level monsters appeared, they might no longer be able to resist.

While the Pope was thinking about it, a large black mist suddenly spewed out from the blood-colored beam of light. The mist filled the air, and countless mournful howls sounded. The priests rushed to attack the black mist with holy light magic, but the black mist Powerful beyond everyone's expectations, the sacred light magic was unable to destroy them. Seven or eight third-generation disciples of the Tiangang Sword Sect with weak skills were immediately sucked in by the raging black mist. Amidst a burst of miserable screams, their bodies disappeared, and they were swallowed up by the black mist.

The slender figure appeared again, and his expression changed: "No, it's the evil witch army in the demon world. Nazgul was one of their commanders back then. Dumb, you have to find a way quickly, I'm afraid the people here can't stand it at all. The impact of the witch army." Dumb and the Pope looked at each other, and both of them saw the tragic look in the depths of each other's eyes. Duan was about to use his Sumeru Sword to fight against the witches, when Xuanyue beside him suddenly spoke, "Dai, let's sing together with the dragon and phoenix. Both the dragon and the phoenix are creatures from the God Realm. It might be possible to wipe out these evil witches, or even seal the entrance to this demon world."

Hearing Xuanyue's words, the pope's eyes lit up, and he said, "Yes, there is only one way now. Didn't Prophet Prin say that the combination of good and evil, the unity of light and darkness, with the blood of the phoenix as a guide, crosses With the blood of the dragon as the knot, love is eternal. Perhaps the combination of the blood of the dragon and the blood of the phoenix is the way to fight against the demon world. Hurry up, Dumb, Yueyue, the fate of mankind depends on you." The pope was excited yelled. Infected by his excitement and excitement, Duan and Xuan Yue glanced at each other, and flew up from the ground at the same time.

Duan and Xuanyue stared at each other, holding hands, and chanted a spell at the same time, "Using the blood of the dragon as a guide, the sacred energy that contains infinite vitality! Please allow me, as the owner of the blood of the dragon, to borrow your power Let’s reincarnate the divine dragon that roams the nine heavens with its bloodline as a medium, and endow it with infinite power.” The blue light floated out following the completion of Duan’s spell, and quickly spun around his body. Under the background of the energy full of sacred aura, Dumb's whole body and mind were completely fused with the blood of the dragon on his chest, and he had already entered the spiritual level of the same domain as the blood of the dragon. The warm and pure energy from the dragon's blood continued to nourish his body. A blue magic hexagram appeared at Dumb's feet. The divine blue light of Peiran completely enveloped Ah-Dai's body in an instant.

"Using the blood of the phoenix as a guide, the sacred energy that contains infinite vitality! Please allow me, as the owner of the blood of the phoenix, to borrow your power to make the immortal phoenix with infinite fire power reincarnate through its blood, and Give it infinite power." The red light floated out following the completion of Xuanyue's spell, and quickly spun around her body, under the background of the energy full of sacred aura, Xuanyue's whole body and mind were completely connected to her chest The blood of the phoenix was fused with the only one, and a red magic hexagram appeared at Xuanyue's feet. The divine red light of Pei Ran completely enveloped Xuan Yue's body in an instant, and the four golden wings of light behind her reappeared, constantly condensing the power of the fire element in the air.

The red and blue rays of light instantly expanded in the air, and the thick rays of light completely covered the bodies of Dumb and Xuanyue. A huge roar and a clear and long chant sounded at the same time. There were two voices, one thick and deep, and the other sharp and clear , one yin and one yang complement each other, reaching directly into the sky. The red and blue figures gradually became clear, and it was the dragon and the phoenix. They appeared at the same time under the pull of the blood of the dragon and the blood of the phoenix. Since Dumb and Xuanyue are jointly summoning this time, the energy of Shenlong and Phoenix is completely controlled by them. Feeling the huge energy contained in themselves, Duan and Xuanyue screamed again at the same time, the bodies of the dragon and the phoenix were constantly entangled in the air, exuding a strong love for each other. On the foreheads of the dragon and the phoenix, there are two artifacts, the blood of the dragon and the blood of the phoenix, respectively. Amidst the howling sound, the two artifacts released powerful energy respectively, and two rays of light, one red and one blue, shot straight into the sky. The voices of Duan and Xuanyue sounded at the same time: "Use the blood of the dragon as a guide, and protect the power of the phoenix forever! Release it."

"Using the blood of the phoenix as a guide, the energy that will always accompany the dragon! Awaken."

The blue dragon and the red phoenix began to intertwine with each other in the air, and as they continued to twist, they formed an indistinguishable red and blue beam of light. Shenlong and Phoenix opened their eyes at the same time, and their eyes were full of deep affection. "Using the blood of the phoenix as a guide, we have crossed many barriers. With the blood of the dragon as the knot, love will live forever.—The dragon and the phoenix sing together." The bodies of the dragon and the phoenix spun violently, and the red and blue rays of light suddenly lifted into the sky. A beautiful parabola was drawn in the air, and it rushed directly into the bloody beam of light towards the entrance of the demon world on the ground.

The raging evil witch army has claimed more than a dozen lives, including two second-generation disciples of the Tiangang Sword Sect. The blue and red rays of light fell with extremely mellow and peaceful divine power. The black mist of the evil witch army was clearly aware of the crisis. With the support of the mist-like energy constantly spewing out at the entrance, they formed a black mist-like whirlwind towards Dumb The dragon and phoenix formed with Xuan Yue attack together.

There was a gratified smile in the eyes of the Pope, because he already felt that the attack jointly launched by Dumb and Xuanyue had surpassed the power of the forbidden curse Eternal Light, and reached an unprecedented level Nine Heavens Divine Thunder is not inferior in comparison.

The energy of the evil witch legion, which even the sacred light magic could not dissolve, disappeared quickly as soon as it came into contact with the dragon and phoenix. As soon as they passed through the black mist, the black mist transformed by the evil witch army completely disappeared amidst the screams. Boom, amidst the loud noise, the dragon and phoenix bombarded the entrance of the demon world from the front, all the black mist was wiped out, and even the blood-red beam of light disappeared because the entrance was blocked. The blue and red beams of light completely blocked the entrance to the demon world, and the huge energy enveloped the entire altar. Under the action of divine power, the golden symbols that had disappeared on the altar gradually emerged. As the energy of the dragon and the phoenix's unison continues to strengthen, the golden symbols become clearer and clearer. The pope clenched his fists tightly and stared nervously at the altar. As the pope, he certainly knew that those six golden symbols represented the powerful enchantment under the divine feather cloth back then. As long as the six golden symbols returned to normal, All that will be a thing of the past, and the peace of the continent will come again.

A huge black shadow suddenly flew up from under the main peak of the Death Mountain Range, and while roaring and roaring, rushed towards the energy of the dragon and phoenix singing together. The pope was taken aback, because the huge black shadow that suddenly appeared was the evil dragon Halbaink. Halbaink looked extremely embarrassed, at least 60% of the scales on his body were damaged, especially there were two huge wounds on his lower abdomen, dripping dark blue blood continuously. Halbaink's strength was unstoppable by anyone present. Seeing that he was about to collide with the energy formed by Duan and Xuanyue, two figures, one big and one small, suddenly bumped into each other from the side. up. Amidst the loud noise, Halbaink's huge body was knocked into the air, and he rolled several times in the air before stabilizing his body. Large pieces of dark blue blood dripped down, obviously he had been severely injured. It turned out that just when Ah-Dai and Xuan Yue blocked the entrance of the demon world with the sound of dragon and phoenix, Halbaink had already discovered the coming of the crisis. He was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Shengxie, so he fought Shengxie hard He flew towards the peak desperately, just when he got rid of Shengxie, the little bone rushed up suddenly, and hit his wound hard again. Halbaink couldn't care less about entanglement with them anymore. In order to open the entrance to the demon world and allow the demons to occupy the world, he has tried his best. But how could Shengxie let him succeed? Although it was a step behind Halbaink, it still prevented him from destroying Duan and Xuanyue's dragon and phoenix singing in time.