The Kind Death God

Chapter 218: Battle of father and son


Siya was suddenly surprised to find that a golden light flashed from the lower abdomen of Ah-Dai, the light was nine inches high, and it was completely composed of pure energy. The light gradually became clear, and it was the golden body of Ah-Dai. Duan still closed his eyes, and he sang in a deep voice: "Come back, my armor of death, I command in the name of death to fuse." The black light appeared again, and quickly spun around Dumb's body, that The golden light coming out of the body suddenly flashed, and the golden light was instantly swallowed by the black light. There was a look of pain in Dumb's brows, as if he was struggling for something. Finally, after nearly ten minutes, his brows Unfolding again, a thick breastplate appeared on Ah-Dai's chest with a soft ding, and immediately after that, countless tiny armors were assembled in the air, one by one embedded in Ah-Dai's perfect body, this is the armor of the god of death , Dumb’s original armor, no, it should be said to be the original armor of the god of death, Mandoun. This is a set of full-body armor, with a crescent-like helmet on the head. The helmet is the most important part of the whole set of armor, which is the scar of time in the previous spell of the god king. It's called Yaotian Armor. The armor is made up of small pieces of energy. These energies were built bit by bit by Dumb with his own mental strength when he was in the God Realm. The whole set of armor is full of the power of the god of death. The huge shoulder armor extends 30 centimeters to both sides, and there are three layers in total. When the armor is fully put on, two huge wings rush out from the back of Duan. Somewhat similar, but much larger, the wings are folded behind, almost covering Dumb's entire body, and the most peculiar thing is that these two wide wings are black. Seeing the appearance of the Wing of Death, Siya knew that it was too late to say anything now, and Dumb had become the God of Death Mandoun again. Although he is her own son, Siya always feels that there is a deep gap between him and herself, and this gap comes from his life experience.

After the armor was completely put on, Ah-Dai let out a loud shout, and all the surrounding black light was completely absorbed into his body by him. God King Siya, who was sucked by the huge divine power, couldn't help but leaned forward a few steps before standing still. She clearly felt, Dumb's supernatural power has reached unprecedented heights. The black glow completely disappeared, and Siya found that on Duan's originally dark armor of death, the edges of each piece of armor turned golden, which was different from before.

Duan slowly opened his star-like eyes, and said lightly: "I, Mandorn, the god of death, has been resurrected again. Come, my baby." With a move from the void, a huge crack appeared in the center of the colorful auspicious cloud, and from the crack A long weapon fell down and slowly fell into Duan's hands. It was a sickle, the sickle of death. This dark weapon does not look special on the surface, it is about three meters long, and at the front is a huge scythe with a length of one and a half meters. On the body of this death sickle, there are inlaid everywhere the same as the gods at the center of Dumb's eyebrows. symbol.

Holding his weapon, Ah-Dai felt stronger than ever. He finally fully recovered and returned to the best state he had when he fought against Pluto. Due to the energy from the hard training in the human world, his cultivation base has been further improved, and It's not the improvement of one plus one equals two, it's the power of fusion, which combines the huge energy of the three worlds of gods, demons, and humans.

"Mom, I'm going, you can meditate here. I believe that even if I face Vincent, the king of the underworld, I may not fail. I am the god of death, and I am the strongest god of death." The black light suddenly flashed, Duan disappeared into the realm of God King Siya out of thin air. Siya's whole body trembled slightly, and golden tears flowed down again, "My child, you have to take care! I, I really don't know what to do. This is all a sin, and I caused it."

Pluto Vincent has been trapped in the field for half a day. After the initial anger, he gradually discovered the mystery of this enchantment. This is an absolute enchantment, just like the absolute defense of the guardian ring, it is absolutely impossible breached. This not only means that it cannot be attacked from the inside, but even from the outside, it cannot be attacked from the inside. Such a powerful barrier cannot be formed by any artifact. From the perspective of energy induction, this absolute defensive barrier should come from the divine power of God King Siya. The amount of energy needed to support such an absolute barrier is almost inconceivable. Even Siya must have consumed a lot of mana. Wen Sen was a little puzzled. Isn't she drinking poison to quench her thirst? This barrier will definitely not last too long Time, once the enchantment disappears, I am afraid that the already weaker Protoss will not be able to compete with him. Thinking of this, Wen Sen stopped the demon masters who were still attacking the barrier, and waited calmly, watching the changes. His judgment was correct. As time went by, the energy of the barrier became weaker and weaker. The protoss outside the seven-color barrier all showed anxious expressions and were constantly concentrating their divine power. It seemed that as soon as the barrier disappeared, they would immediately activate Attack like.

Pluto Vincent said coldly: "Attention everyone, once the enchantment disappears, immediately kill the protoss with all your strength, leaving no one behind."

"Yes, Lord Pluto." These demon lords have been waiting for this day for a long time. They have long coveted the wonderful homeland of human beings. As long as these gods who are weaker than their own are eliminated, the Three Realms will completely become their territory. . The demons were completely excited, each gathering their own magic power, ready to strike the gods with a thunderous blow.

Finally, the energy of the absolute defensive barrier could no longer support it, and the light suddenly dimmed. Vincent touched the armor on his chest, and his deep eyes shone coldly. As long as the last defensive energy disappeared, it would be them and the Protoss. When the decisive battle. At this moment, a huge black vortex suddenly lit up in the center of the gods and demons, and the incomparably surging force pushed the gods including the four archangels back ten steps away before stopping.

The sudden appearance of the black vortex, Vincent first felt that it was his own people, but when he felt the huge energy, he couldn't help but tremble. Although the black light was somewhat similar to the dark energy of the demon world, such a powerful energy In the demon world, no one can possess it except him, and although this huge energy is black, it contains a sacred aura. There was a flash of shock in his eyes, Vincent's face changed slightly, and he lost his composure and said, "Mandoun, the god of death."

Sen Leng's voice sounded from the vortex, "That's right, it's me. I didn't expect Mr. Pluto to remember me as an insignificant little god." The black vortex-like energy suddenly weakened, and Dui, wearing a Yaotian armor and holding a death sickle, appeared Between gods and demons. He exuded an extremely strong black light all over his body, and that huge aura made Hades Vincent's heart tremble. He has always been deeply afraid of this formidable enemy. In the God Realm, apart from God King Siya, Mandorn, God of Death, deserves his attention.

Seeing Duan's appearance, Pluto Vincent's eyes showed horror, and he understood everything in an instant, "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it! It turns out that you are the reincarnation of Mandoun. It seems that I was really wrong. If I had killed you first, even God King Siya would not be able to restore your god position. Mandorn, your life is great! You haven’t died yet. It seems that my attack was much lighter back then. I I heard before that you didn't have a very happy life in the God Realm. As a powerful life that is different from ordinary gods, why should you wrong yourself? Well, as long as you switch to my Demon Realm, I will let you be one person under ten thousand A throne above people, how about it?" Facing a strong enemy, Vincent's brain has regained his composure, and he clearly felt the threat Mandorn, the god of death, was posing to him. Adding the words of God King Siya, I'm afraid it may not be able to please today. For the final victory, he had to speak out to win over Dumb.

The four archangels behind Dumb heard Vincent's words, and exclaimed at the same time: "No." Among the gods, only they know the arrangement of the god king, and they naturally understand the importance of the god of death to the gods.

Dumb didn't look back, and said coldly to Wensen: "The hatred between us cannot be washed away easily. The shame on me was brought by you, and Yueyue's soul was ingested by you. Apart from fighting , there will be no more existence, come on, see if your Pluto sword can still kill me today. My sickle really misses you! You have to be careful, if I cut your chest with the sickle, Even if you are the master of the demon world, it is impossible to survive."

Wen Sen's complexion changed, he understood that today can't be good, and said coldly: "Okay, since that's the case, let's fight to the death in front of all the high-level protoss and demons. No one is allowed to make a move until there is a winner between Mandone." He issued such an order for a purpose, and once the battle with Duan can't gain any advantage, at least it can make the demons die completely. If you retreat, you will not be wiped out by the gods.

The absolute defensive barrier has completely disappeared, and the gods and demons retreated to the rear of the field at the same time. They all know that once Dumb and Pluto fight, it will inevitably produce huge destructive power, and unite the power of all the demons and gods. Set up a huge barrier defense respectively. The outcome of Duan and Pluto is related to the outcome between the entire God Race and the Demon Race, which represents the battle of the most powerful forces in the Three Realms, making all the gods and demons nervous.

Duan and Pluto floated in mid-air, staring at each other a hundred meters apart. Pluto patted the horn of the evil dragon Halbaink, and said, "You also back off. This is not something you can bear."

Halbaink couldn't wait for Pluto to say so, and quickly flapped his wings and flew back, entering the enchantment of all the demons in the demon world. Pluto Vincent looked at Dumb lightly, and said: "Actually, I really don't understand why the God Realm can produce a god as powerful as you. When I first saw you, I realized that you would It is the biggest enemy in my life besides Siya. It seems that my judgment is correct. Today will be the time for us to fight to the death. You also had my Pluto sword when you were in the human world. The Pluto sword is my power The most powerful unique technique, besides the battle against Siya, you are another protoss worthy of my use of this unique technique, come on, I invite you to taste it again today. Pluto flashes, and the sky-earth-moves-" The dreamlike blue light suddenly flickered, and Pluto flashed past Dumb under the acceleration of the black wings. The two changed positions in the air. Due to their high speed, when they were completely still, there was a ding sound in the air, and a huge shock wave suddenly exploded from the position where they fought just now, and instantly permeated every area in the field. In the corner, the barriers of gods and demons were agitated to a certain extent. When Pluto launched the attack just now, Duan had already raised his sickle, and used the blade of the sickle to defuse Pluto's attack. In this first fight, neither of them took advantage. Dumb's mind moved, and he couldn't help but think of the sheepskin with strange words written in the sword pouch of the Pluto sword. After recovering his memory, he has recalled the words on the sheepskin. The words were there in the first place, and they are the explanation of the origin of the Pluto sword. The reason why the Pluto sword is so powerful is that it condenses nearly half of the power of the Pluto, and it was forged by the Pluto with his own painstaking efforts and the bones on the wings on the back. It contains the evil blood of Pluto, so it can be full of evil. The Pluto sword is indeed powerful! It is an artifact one level higher than his death sickle. It seems that if he wants to defeat Pluto today, he must fight recklessly without hesitating his life. Thinking of this, Ah-Dai unfolded the black wings on his back and slowly turned around, facing Pluto. At this time, Pluto also turned around.

"Okay, Mandone, you are indeed much stronger, enough to be my opponent. Boy, no matter who we win today, it will be the strongest confrontation between the gods and demons since the beginning of the world. Pluto Then flash ghost-god-shock—" The evil spirit has obviously increased, and the Pluto sword exerted great power in the hands of Hades, and the huge evil spirit enveloped Dumb's body in an instant, and several faint blue rays of light carried A huge amount of energy stabbed at Dui. Dumb's eyes were full of coldness, and he held the death sickle with both hands, and with the strength of his back, he swung the sickle up and drew a huge arc of light in the air, and then flashed towards Ming. The huge black light blade enveloped all the faint blue light brought by Ming Zaishan. Amidst the loud noise, the bodies of Dumb and Hades were shaken back at the same time, and their armors lit up , almost the same black light is shining, but there is a layer of dark gold in the black light of Dumb's bodyguard.

"Pluto Transformation Blade Slash—Stand—Extreme—" The huge blue light blade suddenly slashed at Ah-Dai. Duan didn't flinch, he did the opposite, still holding the death scythe with both hands and drawing a black arc of light from bottom to top to meet Ming Zhan. Under the shining light, the armors on Duan and Pluto’s body continuously circulated intense energy. With a cultivation level that surpassed that of the main god, Duan clearly saw the shining symbols on the sword of Pluto, as if it was one with Vincent the Pluto. As if, bang, the two of them flew away again, but this time Pluto did not give Ah-Dai another chance to breathe, "Pluto's silhouette—endless—" Pluto's sudden avatars rushed towards Ah-Dai from all directions. Yaotian Divine Armor, but Ah-Dai can still feel the huge energy on Pluto's sword that is enough to kill him. At this time, it was time for him to unleash all his energy. His star-like eyes became as deep as Hades, the death scythe was retracted, and Dumb's body spun quickly, "Death-God-harvest-harvest!" —Soul—spirit—scatter—" The spinning Dumb was like a monster covered with black sharp blades, constantly smashing the clones of Pluto's attack one by one, and bursts of surging energy continued to burst out in the air. Huge shock waves continuously invaded the barriers set up by the gods and demons, so they had to deal with it with all their strength, lest they be penetrated by this extremely powerful shock wave. People are divided, Dumb and Pluto appear on both sides of the center of the field, their breathing seems a little short, there are several deep marks on Dumb's right shoulder armor, and there is an extra line on the waist armor of Pluto Vincent The cross marks, the two of them were deadlocked in the air, both promoting their own cultivation and dissolving the energy of the other party's invasion into the body. Judging from this blow, Dumb hit two more attacks from the opponent than Pluto, but Duan digested the evil spirit of Pluto's sword obviously faster than Pluto Wensen digested his divine power, so although he was slightly injured, the two were almost at the same time Back to normal.

Pluto's evil face was covered with a layer of frost, and he stretched out his thumb and forefinger to pinch the hilt and tip of Pluto's sword with both hands. He knew clearly that Mandorn, the god of death in front of him, had completely reached the same level as himself. The level of realm, even if you want to beat him today, I am afraid you will have to pay a heavy price.

There was no emotion in Dumb's eyes, and his essence, energy, and spirit seemed to be completely placed on the death scythe in his hand. The huge black divine power was constantly rising under his concentration, and the surging killing intent contained in his eyes was full of domineering.

"It seems that the scene from that year is going to repeat itself again, boy, if I don't destroy the Protoss today, I will destroy you here. I will definitely not make the same mistake as last time."

Dui didn't give in at all because of Pluto's cold murderous intent, and said lightly: "Then come and see if you have the ability to bury me here." Almost at the same time, the aura of the two suddenly increased, after The previous temptation between each other, the real struggle is about to start.

With the improvement of momentum, the blue light on the Pluto sword exploded. On the short blue blade, the lines like spells seemed to be the heads of demons. Pluto held the Pluto sword in front of his eyes, and the body of the sword The blue light became stronger, enveloping his body in an instant. As the real power of the Pluto sword was aroused, Pluto Vincent's eyes had turned dark red, and the red light in his eyes was shining brightly. He stared at the blade in front of him, and whispered like a dream: "Pluto Returns to the Homeland - the beginning —Now—" A monstrous resentment shot out from Pluto's dark red eyes, and shone fiercely on the blue blade of Pluto's sword. The strange patterns on the blade seemed to be alive , there were shrill roars looming, and the field under the joint action of the gods and the demons suddenly darkened, gusts of wind continued to blow, and a large dark blue light enveloped Duan and Pluto at the same time. They were still demons, and they all felt extremely strong fear. The ghosts contained in the Pluto sword seemed to be beckoning to them. The prelude to the decisive battle, the fifth form of the Pluto swordsmanship, came to the underworld.

Of course, Duan knew that the underworld was the foundation of the last five moves of the Nine Jurisprudence of Mingzi. When Hades began to unleash the huge evil power of the Hades sword, he also moved, and the death scythe was constantly floating like a dream under his urging , There were streaks of dark green rays of light in the air, and the rays of light enveloped his body like blooming flowers. The black divine power began to change, and the dark green rays of light reflected Dumb's face, making him look so weird.

The most evil aura produced by the Pluto Sword kept hitting Ah-Dai's defense from all directions, but when it encountered the dark green light, it melted like ice and snow, and could not cause any harm to Ah-Dai. Dui is still waving the huge sickle in his hand, and the dark green light is always within five meters around his body. This is exactly the unique skill he created in the God Realm - the dance of the death sickle, which has an instant improvement Its own ability and the effect of blocking all evil invasions are similar to those of the underworld. Seeing Ah-Dai easily resisting his evil spirit, Pluto Vincent couldn't help feeling a strange feeling. From the calmness of Ah-Dai's body, he seemed to see himself when he was just born. At that time, he also missed him. , with a calm mind and peerless divine power, by virtue of his calmness and strength, he gathers the entire demon race by his side, and anyone can only obey his orders. Yes, the protoss boy in front of him also has such leader-like qualities!

Duan suddenly noticed Pluto's distraction due to the traction of Qi, and the waving sickle stopped abruptly, and it was raised high above his head. His body rushed towards Pluto like an illusion, and said coldly: "You also take my trick , The God of Death’s Absolute Trial—Judge—the sickle—knife.” Under the dark green energy, the death sickle expanded infinitely, and as if it was about to open up the world, it took a huge light blade and slashed towards Wen Sen, the king of the underworld. Relying on this trick back then, I don't know how many masters in the devil world died under Dumb's hands. Eight hundred years later, the scythe of judgment reappeared.

At the moment Dumb's body rushed forward, Vincent had already woken up from the memory, and cursed himself in his heart, how could he be distracted at such a moment? In particular, the opponent is a powerful enemy whose strength is close to his own. But the advantage of the main attack has been lost, and I don't care about regrets. The Pluto Sword in my hand came out and floated in front of him. His hands made a gesture like an illusion, and the Pluto Sword trembled violently, one into two, two into four, Four transformations and eight, in an instant it turned into countless blue shadows floating in front of him, the evil spirit in the underworld suddenly flourished, and the countless Pluto swords suddenly shot at Dumb with a strange screaming sound, Vincent still maintained The gesture transformed into a cold voice: "Pluto's lore Wan-sword-cut-." It is the sixth move of Hades swordsmanship, and it is also the starting move of the last four moves of Hades' lore-Ming Wan Zhan.

As if Dui didn't see the countless blue sword shadows slashing towards him, he still held the long handle of the death scythe tightly with both hands, and the scythe of judgment descended in an indomitable momentum. The huge dark green energy seemed to have a vortex-like suction force. When the countless Pluto swords were still three meters away from Dumb's body, they rushed towards the dark green light blade like a sea of rivers. Brilliant lights lit up one after another, and Duan and Pluto couldn't help frowning due to the violent bang. Every time the scythe of judgment shattered a Pluto sword, it slowed down, and dark green and blue colors formed in the air. a stark contrast.

Dumb's eyes shone coldly, "Ah—" he shouted angrily, and the countless symbols of gods of death on the death scythe suddenly shone with dazzling golden light, dyeing the dark green light blade with a layer of golden brilliance , The sickle of judgment was so powerful that it broke through the sword screen of Ming Wan Zhan in one fell swoop and slashed towards Wen Sen, the king of the underworld.

Wensen, the king of the underworld, was shocked. Back then, he used the shattered judgment scythe by virtue of the sword of the underworld! And at that time, Duan was lightly injured, but today's Duan broke through the Ming Wanzhan with the scythe of judgment, which is simply incredible. In the midst of the crisis, the Vallar armor on Vincent's body suddenly lit up, and a mass of deep purple light completely enveloped his body, and the black wings on Vincent's back suddenly retracted forward, completely enveloping his whole body Inside, it disappeared into the underworld like a lightly fluttering leaf.

Dumb's death scythe was not retracted because of Vincent's disappearance, and he continued to cut it down without hesitation. There was a thunderous bang in the air, and Duan's body fell to the other side of the underworld with the swipe of the sickle. From extreme speed to stillness, everything is so natural, without any abruptness.

Pluto's figure appeared, his face became even paler, the pair of black wings were completely broken, and there was a shocking huge scar from the right shoulder to the left side of the Vala Armor, but the Vala Armor is top-notch after all. Although the artifact was damaged, it still barely defended against the power of the death scythe, its wings were broken, and Pluto had already suffered serious injuries, all of which were caused by his carelessness and underestimation of the enemy. The Pluto sword has returned to his hands, but he no longer has the powerful aura as before.

"Why, I have used magic trace to hide, but you can still cut my body?" Vincent couldn't help asking.

Duan turned around slowly, and said lightly: "Your magic trace hiding is just a joke. In front of my death scythe, there is no teleportation that can surpass its light blade."

Wen Sen's face became a little distorted, and he said bitterly: "Okay, okay, okay. I didn't expect that I would be hurt by your hands first. Boy, even if you die here today, you can be proud! The power of the demon world! Let’s boil.” Under Dumb’s amazed gaze, the scars on Vincent’s Vala magic armor quickly disappeared, and even the pair of wings on his back lifted up instantly, and Pluto’s aura regained, even surpassing Earlier, the dark red light in his eyes burst out suddenly, and the evil spirit on Pluto's sword was extremely strong. All of this happened in an instant, and Dumb couldn't react at all. The upper hand that had been gained with great difficulty disappeared just like that.

"Don't forget, after all, I am the master of a world. Do you think you can defeat me like this? You are wrong. With the energy gathered from the demon world I rule, unless you destroy my spiritual brand with one blow, otherwise, I will It will never be truly injured. Go to hell, Pluto kills thousands—waves—strikes—” Pluto’s body disappeared again, and a large blue ocean suddenly appeared in the dark underworld. The waves rose high, rushing towards Dumb one after another.

Eight hundred years ago, Ah-Dai was severely injured by this trick, and when he encountered Minglang again, he couldn't help feeling a little panic in his heart. Suddenly, the depths of his mind lit up, and a scene he would never forget clearly appeared before his eyes.

"Dumb, there is a special place in this reef, which is naturally formed. After the waves pass through other reefs, for some reason, they will form a huge impact. I set up a big wooden pile there. In a moment, I will tie you to a wooden stake, and I will not tie your arms. You have to follow the luck method I taught you, turn the true energy in your body into battle energy, and constantly fight against the impact of the sea water. Don't let it hit you, understand? This can not only exercise your body, but also practice life and death."

"Your performance today disappointed uncle, do you know that? With your skill, you should be able to hold on for two hours. You shouldn't be in such a mess. Have you forgotten what I taught you? Where did the mental state of discoloration go? Just being washed by the waves, you forget everything. You wasted too much skill at the beginning. Moreover, you thought that with your current level, you could fight against the waves and crush them. Going down? The grudge you send out is so scattered, how can you resist the impact of the waves, what if it is a one-point blow? At least you can block the waves rushing towards you, and you can save your skills. Think about it yourself. Get here today."

"Remember, the power should be divided into three parts and seven points should be distributed, so that before the first blow is over, the power of the second blow has been fully stored, so that you can achieve the degree of endless life and cycle."

Owen's kind voice kept ringing in Ah-Dai's ears, thinking of Owen's kindness, Ah-Dai's heart warmed slightly. One click, three points and seven points? These two sentences completely awakened the extremely intelligent dumb who had recovered his intelligence. The huge energy of Minglang was about to hit in front of him, Dumb flew back, his eyes blazed coldly, the scythe of death turned into a huge light blade again, and 70% of the divine power was concentrated on the scythe of death, Under deliberate urging, the dark green energy suddenly shrank on the blade of the death sickle, and the black wings on the back spread out. Duan shook his hands, and the compressed light blade suddenly cut out, immediately smashing the first layer of The shock dissipated. Because it was a penetrating attack, Duan didn't bear all the energy of the wave. Outside the gap he cut, other blue waves passed by his body. Although it looked mighty, it was Can't cause any harm to dumb.

The second wave rushed up again, and what this dark wave relied on was to destroy the opponent with successive waves of impact. But Duan used the principle of fighting spirit, and at this time he had used the reserved 30% of the divine power as a medium to recover, and swung the sickle with a bit of death power in his hand again, and the dark wave was still broken down.