The Kind Death God

Chapter 54: Tiangang Sword Saint


The grotto is not far from the Sword Sect, and soon, eight people came outside the grotto. Xi Wen said loudly: "Master, disciple Xi Wen is asking to see you. There is news about the Ninth Junior Brother." His voice, wrapped in genuine energy, spread into the deep grotto.

After a while, there was an echo from the grotto, "Well. I heard the Tianxuan bell just now. Have you found Owen's disciple? Come in, all of you." It was the clear voice of the Sword Master of Tiangang.

"Yes, master." Xi Wen agreed, and walked into the grotto with Dumb and his several juniors.

Duan looked around, this grotto was completely formed naturally, without a trace of man-made traces, the grotto was very deep, and after walking a full 100 meters and turning a corner, it suddenly became clear. This is a not too big cave, and there is a person sitting cross-legged on a big rock in the center of the cave, because the light is very dark, Dumb can't see the person's appearance clearly.

The seven Xiwen knelt down on the ground at the same time, and respectfully said: "Greetings, Master."

Duan was taken aback for a moment, and fell to his knees under Xi Wen's pull, and said falteringly: "Ah, Duan pays homage to your old man, the Sword Saint of Tiangang."

"You all get up. Xi Wen, you stand aside." There was a hint of excitement in the originally calm voice of the Tiangang Sword Master.

Xi Wen and the others agreed and retreated to the sides. Dumb was the last one to stand up, and just as he stood up, two cold lightning bolts shot at him suddenly. He was startled, and couldn't help but take a step back. The cold electricity was emitted from the opened eyes of the Sword Master of Tiangang. Those were a pair of clear eyes, although they didn't contain any emotion, they were full of vitality. My whole body seemed to be blocked, I couldn't move at all, the vitality in my body was constantly circulating, and the surging energy seemed to be in an abnormal state of excitement.

"Are you Owen's disciple Dumb?"

Duan was almost out of breath under the overwhelming aura of the Sword Master of Tiangang, "Yes, yes, Uncle Owen taught me martial arts."

The Tiangang Sword Master sighed softly, closed his eyes, and the pressure on Ah-Dai disappeared immediately. "Tell me how you met Owen, everything you got along with, and how he died later."

Duan couldn't think of a resistance at all, and replied honestly: "I was practicing magic with Mr. Gris in the psychedelic forest. During that time, Mr. Gris went out to find something. Ah! By the way, Mr. Gris He is a great alchemist. After the teacher left, one day, I suddenly found that the magic circle arranged by Mr. Gliss was touched. I thought it was the teacher who came back, so I ran out to meet him. Who knows, I met a group of A man in black besieged a man in white. The man in white was Uncle Owen, and the men in black wanted to kill Uncle Owen, but they were no match. I heard them say that Uncle Owen has been poisoned by the holy water of Wuer."

Hearing this, the seven Xiwen exclaimed at the same time. The name of Wuer Holy Water is well known on the mainland, and its unstoppable poison is the most feared by everyone in the world.

The Tiangang Sword Master didn't seem to care, "Go ahead."

Dumb said: "Uncle Owen was about to be killed by those men in black, and then he used the Pluto sword and killed two men in black."

This time, even the Sword Master of Tiangang couldn't keep calm. He opened his eyes again, and the cold light shot out, his expression moved slightly: "You said that Owen used the Pluto sword. In that case, the first man who has been rampant on the mainland for many years He is the first killer 'Pluto'. Unexpectedly, I really did not expect! My disciple actually became a killer. Child, you continue to talk."

Dumb nodded, and explained in detail how Owen scared off the man in black, how he fainted, and what happened between himself and Owen. "Uncle Owen said before he died that the most sorry thing in his life is his little junior sister and you old man. He said, let me come to Jianpai when I have time. After my uncle died, I cremated his body , the ashes are on the body. Use the blood of the dragon as a guide, open it, the gate of time and space." Duan took out the blue blood of the dragon from his collar, and in the flickering light, Owen gave Dumb the Tiangang epee And the jar containing Owen's ashes flew out, and under the control of Dumb, it landed on the ground smoothly.

The seven Tiangang Sword Master and Xi Wen were all silent. With a flash of the breeze, the Sword Master of Tiangang had already landed in front of Ah-Dai, and it was getting closer. Duan was surprised to find that the Sword Master of Tiangang looked like a middle-aged man in his forties, without a few wrinkles on his face, but His beard and hair are all white, and he is not very handsome, with a clear face, a high nose, and a pair of red phoenix eyes that are flickering between opening and closing. Looking carefully, Duan found that the Sword Saint of Tiangang had a strange charm that made him unconsciously arouse a heart of reverence, which was a feeling that even the cardinal Xuan Ye had never brought to him. The Tiangang Sword Saint exudes a strong sense of righteousness all over his body. At this moment, his whole body was trembling slightly, looking at the two things on the ground, his eyes gleamed.

The Tiangang Sword Master stretched out his right hand, and the Tiangang epee and the ashes urn weighing more than 70 kilograms floated up and landed on his palm. Although many years of practice have already brought him to the realm of desire and desire, but the sudden news of the death of his beloved disciple and the cause of his daughter's death also made this world-famous sword master feel a surge of emotion. Holding the blade of the sword, he murmured: "Lao Jiu, you have lived a very hard life. Hey, it was all the master's fault at the beginning. I shouldn't have neglected you because of your junior sister's death. I can't blame you for that." ah!"

The relationship between Xi Wenqi and Owen was very deep, and they were already in tears, surrounded by the Sword Saint of Tiangang, weeping. Feeling the sad atmosphere, Owen's face seemed to reappear in Dumb's heart, and he choked up and said, "Uncle Owen, I will definitely avenge you."

The Tiangang Sword Master suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed coldly, and he said to Dumb: "Show me the Pluto sword."

Dumb was startled, and hurriedly said: "The evil spirit on Pluto's sword is too strong, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of you..."

The Sword Master of Tiangang snorted coldly, his whole body's aura soared, and the whole grotto trembled slightly, "Bring it, I don't believe that any evil can hurt me."

Only then did Ah-Dai remember that Tiangang Sword Master's Shengshengjue had been cultivated to the highest ninth level, nodded, and unbuttoned his coat to reveal the skin inside. The hilt of the Pluto sword inlaid with black gemstones exuded a faint cold light, and Duan warned: "Sword Master, you old man, don't take it out! The Pluto sword is to take away the soul when it is unsheathed." The sword and skin were untied together, and they were respectfully handed over to the Tiangang Sword Master.

The Tiangang Sword Master handed the Tiangang Sword and Owen's ashes to Xiwen who was beside him, and his whole body was full of vitality. Dumb found that the Pluto sword in his hand seemed to be wrapped in an unknown energy, and he couldn't feel the slightest bit of evil, as if it was just an ordinary short sword. The Pluto sword with its leather pouch floated into the hands of Tiangang Sword Master. He grabbed the hilt and pulled out the Pluto sword with its sheath. The Pluto sword that left the skin suddenly became evil, but the monstrous evil still couldn't break through the fighting energy released by the Sword Master of Tiangang, and the white light lit up, and Duan could clearly see that the Pluto sword wrapped in the fighting energy was constantly A faint gray gas is released.

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Tiangang Sword Saint, and he frowned and said, "This is the Pluto sword that ruined Owen's life! This kid is so obsessed. He has committed so many murders, and it's no wonder he will not end well. The world The Zhixie Pluto Sword is indeed quite powerful. I don’t know how many moves I can resist from the Nine Skills of the Underworld.”

Dumb said: "Uncle Owen said that if I can practice the ninth level of Shengshengjue in the future, I can use the first five moves of Pluto swordsmanship. He also said that the next few moves are not the power that should appear in the world. Juggernaut, You old man, be careful."

The Tiangang Sword Master put the Pluto sword in his bag, and said to Dumb: "If I tell you now that I want to keep this Pluto sword by my side, would you be willing? After all, Owen gave it to you."

Hearing the words of the Sword Master of Tiangang, Ah-Dai felt a sense of relief in his heart. Although the Pluto Sword has powerful power, it also caused great trouble to Ah-Dai. Nodding repeatedly, he said, "It would be great for you to keep the Pluto sword. If Uncle Owen hadn't insisted on giving it to me, I wouldn't want it. The evil power is really terrifying."

The Sword Master of Tiangang looked at the relief in Ah-Dai's eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "It's a pity! It's useless to me. Owen is right, such an evil weapon like this can benefit people when used in a righteous place. You I am very satisfied with your character, so you will be the guardian of the Pluto sword." After speaking, he threw the Pluto sword to Dumb again.

Duan was taken aback, and murmured while holding the Pluto sword: "Don't you think about it again? You can only control it if you have such a high skill and keep it by your side! I'm afraid, I..."

The Tiangang Sword Master's face darkened, and he said: "As a disciple of my Tiangang Sword Sect, you must have a firm mind and face difficulties. What do you look like? Don't you understand the principle that man can conquer nature?"

Seeing the anger of the Tiangang Sword Master, Dumb couldn't help but feel fear in his heart, and hurriedly put away the Pluto sword, hung it on his body, and didn't dare to say a word.

The Sword Master of Tiangang glanced at his seven disciples and said, "What do you think of Owen's death?"

Xi Wen said: "Master, this assassin's guild has done too well. They clearly know that Junior Brother Owen is your disciple, yet they dare to kill Junior Sister and force Junior Brother to join them. I think it's time for us to take the initiative. I believe that with our brother's skill, we should be able to wipe out the Assassin's Guild and avenge the Ninth Brother."

Zhou Wen said bitterly: "Eldest brother is right, the Assassin's Guild is simply too hateful, it doesn't take our Tiangang Sword Sect seriously at all, the Ninth Brother's revenge must be avenged!"

Tiangang Sword Master closed his eyes, sighed softly, and said: "So what if you take revenge, so what if you don't take revenge? No matter what, your juniors and sisters are already dead. My own disciple and daughter, hey, what's the use of just having the name of a sword master?" Thinking of Duan just saying that Owen was still thinking about himself when he was dying, his eyes couldn't help but get moist.

Lu Wen tentatively asked, "Master, is this the only way to forget it?"

The Tiangang Sword Master shook his head slightly, and said: "I'm tired, you guys take Dumb back. Let me think about it. Dumb will officially become the third-generation disciple of my Tiangang Sword Sect from today on."

Xiwen blocked the juniors who were still talking with his eyes, and pulled Dumb out of the grotto with them.

Walking out of the grotto, Ah-Dai suddenly burst into tears. Telling everyone about the encounter between himself and Owen just now is equivalent to allowing him to completely recall everything that happened between himself and Owen, and think of Owen’s various things to him, and the years. He couldn't help feeling sad for the friendship they got along with.

Xi Wen patted Ah-Dai on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Son, don't cry, don't worry, Junior Brother Owen will never die in vain. Master has always been the most protective, and he will never let the members of the Killer Guild go unpunished. You I’m tired from the journey, so let’s take a good rest first. The master has already assigned a title for you, from now on you don’t want to call us uncle, you should call him uncle, understand? Call the master Shizu.”

Dumb wiped away his tears, nodded and said, "Yes, Master."

Back in the Sword Sect, Dumb was arranged in an ordinary hut. Brother Rock and Xuanyue's room was next to him, and Brother Rock had already gone to sleep. Xuan Yue has been waiting for him to come back.

"Dai, what's wrong with you? Why are your eyes red? Did something happen?" Seeing Dui's sad expression, Xuan Yue asked with concern.

Duan took Xuanyue's little hand and said: "Yueyue, the master said that he wanted to accept me as the third generation disciple of the Tiangang Sword Sect. I'm fine, I just feel sad when I think of Uncle Owen's death."

Xuan Yue was stunned, and said: "Master? You say Tiangang Sword Saint. But, if you join the Tiangang Sword Sect, you should not be able to travel the mainland with me. How can I do that? You are his follower, but you can Stay with me."

Duan lowered his head and said, "I, I don't know, my heart is very messed up."

Seeing Ah-Dai's appearance, Xuan Yue couldn't bear to force him any longer, and said softly, "You're tired after driving all night, go rest first, and we'll talk about everything when you wake up." After she finished speaking, she forced Ah-Dai Pushed him to the bed, and covered him with a quilt himself. Just as he was about to go out, Duan took her hand and said, "Yueyue, can you stay with me for a while, I'm so lonely in my heart."

Xuan Yue nodded slightly, pulled a stool and sat beside Ah-Dai, let him hold her little hand, and whispered: "Go to sleep, everything will be over when you wake up."

Holding Xuanyue's soft little hand, Duan's excited mood gradually calmed down, and he was indeed a little tired, and fell asleep after a while.

It wasn't until the evening that Ah-Dai woke up from his sleep, Xuan Yue had disappeared, and the room was empty. Duan lay flat on the bed, gently stroking the Pluto sword on his chest, recalling the scene of seeing the Sword Saint of Tiangang in the morning, his heart fluctuated like waves. The powerful aura emanating from Tiangang Sword Master, Xi Wen and others made him feel so small. He clearly knew that even if he used Ming Shan, he would never be able to do anything to them. With my current skills, it is impossible to avenge Uncle Owen. It seems that only continuous practice will do!

At this moment, the door opened suddenly, and Xuan Yue came in. She thought that Ah-Dai was still asleep, so she tiptoed to Ah-Dai's side. When she saw Ah-Dai's eyes open, she was startled, "Hey, when will you wake up?" What? Why didn't I talk when I came in, and scared me. Really."

Duan forced a smile, sat up, and said, "I just woke up too, Yueyue, didn't you take a rest?"

Xuan Yue said: "Slept for a while. Let's go, those old men asked us to have dinner together, the rock and the rock force have already gone."

Dumb frowned and said: "Yueyue, you can't be unreasonable to the uncle, they are all respectable elders."

Xuan Yue stuck out her cute little tongue, and said, "I know, let's go."

Dui got up from the bed, tidied up his appearance briefly, and under Xuanyue's leadership, he came to the lobby of the Tiangang Sword Sect again. There was an extra table in the lobby. Xi Wen and other second-generation disciples of the Tiangang Sword Sect were there, and the two brothers Yan Yan and Yan Li sat down respectfully. On the table, there were several large pots of vegetables, and bursts of aroma could not help but aroused the hunger in Ah-Dai's stomach.

Xi Wen smiled slightly, and said: "Dai, come quickly, I'll wait for you." Duan and Xuan Yue sat next to Rock and Yanli.

Xi Wen said: "When you first came to the mountain, there is nothing good to entertain you. They are all special products of the mountain, so let's just eat them. Everyone in the Sword Sect eats these. Although you are originally guests, you are no exception."

The four of them were already hungry, and they didn't want to be picky at all. These delicious meals made them eat a lot, even Xuan Yue ate a lot. On the contrary, the seven Xiwen ate very little. Since they learned what happened to Owen today, their mood has been difficult to calm down.

"Dumb, how did you meet Rock and the others. I heard from Feng Ping that when he saw you, you seemed to be alone. It didn't take long, how did you get together with Rock and the others. And this A little girl from the Holy See, whose child are you, why would the Holy See let you walk around the mainland casually? You seem to be under the age of experience."

Duan took a look at Xuanyue, and told how he met Xuanyue, how he later accepted the mission of the Death Mountain, and what happened to the Puyan tribe and the elves. It just didn't say that Xuan Yue's father was one of the cardinals of the Holy See.

After listening to his narration, Lu Wen laughed and said: "You young people! I really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, can you go to the Death Mountain? Fortunately, the kind-hearted elves stopped you, otherwise, we will really arrive There, I’m afraid I’ll never come out again.”

Xi Wen looked at the rock with gentle eyes, and said: "I never thought that your wife would let Yan Ju get killed. Alas, Yan Ju was originally a good boy, but his desire for power was too great, which made him fall into the devil's way. It’s just a pain for you! People can’t be resurrected after death, sorry. Rock, if you’re willing to stay, I can formally accept you as a disciple of the Tiangang Sword Sect.” Rock’s mind is well understood, and he has now become a Tiangang Sword Sect. As the head of the Sword Sect, that's why he can easily call the shots.

If Shi Wen wanted to take Rock as his apprentice when he was young, he would definitely agree without hesitation. But now, he couldn't, shook his head, and said earnestly: "Thank you, Teacher Xiwen. But since we promised the Elf Queen to help her find her clansmen, we can't miss the appointment. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely invite you Advise."

Xiwen nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, I won't force you. Dumb, are you going to help the elves find their clansmen?"

Dumb looked at Xuan Yue, who was showing anxious eyes. "Uncle, I was the one who promised the Elf Queen first, so I think it's better to help her find her tribe first."

Xi Wen smiled slightly, how could he not understand Xuanyue's expression, "You are all kind and good children. It is very right to help the elves. You are doing the right thing. If you offend any nobles of the Sunset Empire in the future, you all You can come back here, no one will trouble you here. However, dumb, I hope you stay for a few more days, the old master is very confused because of the ninth brother. I think, after the old man decides how to deal with the killer union, You guys go on."

Hearing that Xi Wen did not stop Dumb and herself from looking for the elves, Xuan Yue was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "No problem, the scenery of Tiangang Mountain is so beautiful! Especially the sunrise that day, and we are planning to stay for a few days. "However, what Xuanyue didn't expect was that it was because of the decision to stay here that she and Dumb were separated for three years.

Somewhere in the Sunset Empire, the headquarters of the Thieves Union.

"What, the fourth child was killed by a Pluto disciple of the Assassin's Guild?" The president of the Thieves' Guild shot up, and his chest was filled with anger. Takers have always been the middle force of the Thieves Guild. Every loss of one person is the heaviest blow to the Thieves Union. If it weren't for the extremely high commission paid by the employer this time, all the gainers in the labor union would not be dispatched together. The temptation of ten thousand diamond coins is too great. With this amount of money, it is enough for the Thieves Guild to live a prosperous life for ten years.

Mie Feng took a step forward, bowed his head and said, "President, it's all my fault. If the fourth uncle didn't want to save me, he wouldn't have died under the Pluto sword. Punish me."

The president glanced at his daughter, this is his only daughter, and also the greatest pride in his life. Not only is Mie Feng extremely talented, but she has also worked harder than she did when she was young. She reached the level of a master at only nineteen years old, which was achieved entirely through her own efforts. The other six acquirers can be said to be his old brothers. They love Miefeng more than himself sometimes. He understands why the fourth child will replace Miefeng to receive the sword of Hades. He sighed, shook his head and said, "You tell the whole story first."

Mie Feng lowered his head and said: "The thing is like this. After we accepted the employer's deposit, under your order, we led ten high-level thieves and a hundred ordinary thieves to the Tianyuan clan elf forest. Just now At the beginning, everything went very smoothly. We set up many traps, spent half a month, and captured sixteen ordinary elves, including six male elves and ten female elves, which were ten times short of the employer's requirements. Just a few people. But later, those elves became more vigilant and frequently dispatched experts to patrol the forest. Our high-level thieves and ordinary thieves suffered a lot, and we had to withdraw from the elf forest temporarily. Later, some A few strangers appeared. There were six men and two women, a total of eight people. Their skills were not very advanced. When they just entered the elf forest, they were stopped by a small group of elves. The elves may have captured them because of us. I didn't believe those outsiders, and insisted on restraining them. Those outsiders also agreed, and were tied up by the elf magician with natural magic. I calculated at the time and found that the number of these elves, plus the number of elves we had caught Yes, it was just enough for the 30 people needed by the employer, so we discussed it and decided to use all our strength to capture this group of elves. So we quietly followed the group of elves into the elf forest. After checking, there were no other elves around. Under the circumstances, we sneaked up on them and captured their magicians as soon as they came up. Soon, the situation has turned to our side. But at this moment, those strangers suddenly broke free and quickly killed many of us Ordinary thieves, we had no choice but to go out. In order to avoid more casualties, we decided to challenge these strangers head-on. Their skills are not high. The first person who came up even took my move. Can’t come down. The second person to appear is a tall young man with a dull expression on his face. He uses a large long sword, and his skill is much deeper than that of the previous one. But he is not my opponent yet. After fighting for a few strokes, when he was about to lose to me, he suddenly showed that he had the Pluto sword. The fourth uncle was afraid that I would get hurt, so he tried it himself. Who knew that the young man was indeed the descendant of Pluto, and in the Pluto sword Under the circumstances, with the power of the fourth uncle, he didn't even walk out even a face-to-face, and it was already..." Speaking of this, Mie Feng's eyes turned red, and he couldn't continue speaking with choked up sobs. When she thought of fourth uncle's death, a monstrous hatred rose in her heart. She hated the person who killed fourth uncle, and wished to tear him into pieces.

The acquirer who became the uncle of Miefeng walked up to Miefeng and said respectfully: "President, the failure of this mission was caused by my mistake. If I didn't let the fourth child go to test whether the young man is Pluto Heir, he will not die, you punish me."

The president of the Thieves Guild stood up, his whole body was covered in black clothes, with a green veil hanging over his head, so that no one could see his face. "Brother Li, I can't blame you for what happened this time. If I were on the scene, I would also test the depth of that young man. You don't have to argue whose mistake was made. I am also very sad about the death of the fourth child, but you guys The mission this time did not fail. On the contrary, it was very successful. The employer not only paid us the original promised commission, but also paid an additional 5,000 diamond coins, and the 5,000 diamond coins should be considered as your reward for this trip."

Mie Feng was taken aback, and said, "Father, what are you talking about? We completed the task? But, we only captured sixteen elves! The number did not meet the requirements of the employer."

The president of the Thieves Guild softened his voice, and said, "No, you have already completed the task. Do you know? Among the sixteen elves you captured, one of them has the blood of an elf king, that is to say, she She is the daughter of the Elf King. With her alone, it is enough to surpass a hundred ordinary elves. Although we lost a lot of manpower this time, you have also brought a lot of benefits to the organization. Over the years, you have made great achievements for the organization. I have made countless contributions, and they are all my good brothers. Without you, the Thieves Union would not be where it is today. How about this, I will give you a year off, so you can have a full rest. As for recruiting new members, I will find someone to do it of."

Mie Feng said anxiously: "Father, what about the murderer who killed the fourth uncle? Could he just let him go like this?" The acquirer with the surname Li next to her pulled her back and said, "Feng'er, don't talk about it. Mr. Although everyone is very sad about Si's death, the person who killed him has a close relationship with the Assassin's Union after all, and the Assassins' Union is something we can't afford to mess with."

Mie Feng said excitedly: "Even if the Assassin's Guild is strong, they can't kill our people for no reason! Haven't we provided them with little information over the years?"

The president raised his hand to stop Miefeng from continuing, and said calmly: "The fourth child will not die in vain, I will seek justice from the Killer Guild. Although they are stronger than us, they are both dark forces. It will also give me a little face. I just feel very strange why Pluto gave his disciple the Pluto Sword, the most precious body protection treasure. Go and rest. I will deal with this matter."

Hearing that the president wanted to seek justice for the dead acquirers, the eyes of the five older acquirers showed gratitude. Without saying anything else, he quietly backed out. Only the president and Mie Feng were left in the room. Mie Feng removed the veil from his face, and said: "Father, Fourth Uncle must not die in vain. You let me go. As long as I find the murderer, I will definitely kill him."

The president said angrily: "Have you caused me too little trouble? Don't you understand the truth that there are people outside the people? The first rule of our thieves' union is that no murder is allowed. As my daughter, do you want to break this rule? He sighed, and continued: "I know you have a deep relationship with the fourth child, but some things can't be handled with a whim. You are my only daughter. If something happens to you, what will you tell Dad to do?" Do it. Alright, don’t meddle in this matter anymore, I’ll ask the Assassin’s Guild for clarification. If there’s any news, I’ll let you know. Go on.”