The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 14: Slippery is back again


Yang An knocked on the door and came in. He smiled and greeted everyone: "Hello everyone! I am Yang An, the afternoon director. Let's chat first."

Yang Andao: "Feifei, your image and temperament are very good. I position you as a sports-loving white-bones man."

Li Yang sneered: "Now that we're at this point, who would still hide it? If he can't watch the show..."

They know that "Laughing Talk Slippery" is Yang An's trump card program, and its production level is much higher than other parts of "Jeering Talk". The "Joking Talk Guests" and "Joking Talk Duel" they are responsible for can't keep up with them no matter how much they film.

Yang An smiled: "Just be yourself, the audience will like you. And I also want to emphasize that for the sake of the program's effect, we may arrange for you to have some more intimate interactions with Li Lei. When it comes to performance, I hope you can be more open-minded. After all, we are a comedy show and we have certain requirements for the guests' sense of talent."

Everyone shook hands with Yang An and exchanged a few words. Captain Li Lei asked: "Director Yang, why do you have two directors?"

Li Yang sneered: "Now that we're at this point, who would still hide it? If he can't watch the show..."

Li Lei continued to accuse mercilessly: "Although our band is not a big name, we should at least be given enough respect, right? Feifei and I were better, but Simon said a few words, and Ajie and Feng except when introducing themselves After saying one thing, that host Luo didn't even ask the three of them a question. Is this called respect?"

The stage is an indoor gym, with several cabinets nailed to the back wall. Basketballs, trophies, badminton rackets, hula hoops and other small items are placed in the partitions. The Heat's new album poster is posted on the wall, and three yoga poses are placed on the ground. pad.

Yang An smiled, the first title song was just like that, how could the second one be any better

Li Lei was elated. He looked at Yang An. He didn't know how happy he was. He wanted to rush forward and kiss Yang An hard. Yang An was really his lucky star!

Li Lei was secretly happy, thinking that his oppression was successful. He took advantage of the victory and said: "Also, the theme of the program, we are here to promote the new album, not to use the human body as a background. That morning, host Luo didn't even talk about our new album. How can this be so? How to promote it?”

Yang An explained: "The program is being gradually revised. I am solely responsible for the production of the new segments, and Director Li Yang is responsible for the two original ace segments. Although it is more troublesome to do so, the professionalism in the art ensures the integrity and interest of the program. Sex is still guaranteed.”

"Let's talk about it during the recording..." Rong Feifei instinctively resisted, but Yang An's attitude was very good, so she reluctantly agreed.

Li Lei felt very good: "No, I watched your last show and I know what's going on. My leather shoes are specially made, and the heels are padded with rubber to prevent slipping."

Yang Andao: "In the last episode of "Slippery Talk," our requirement for the female guests was to be as eye-catching as possible. Of course, our theme this time is different and we won't ask you to dress up like that."

No matter how much he hates Li Yang, Yang An will not mention the conflicts within the program team to the guests.

Yang An nodded repeatedly: "OK, I will arrange a session in the afternoon where you will present records to me. If you want more, I can also arrange for fans to come on stage to interact with you, sign autographs on the spot, give records to fans, etc."

The stage is an indoor gym, with several cabinets nailed to the back wall. Basketballs, trophies, badminton rackets, hula hoops and other small items are placed in the partitions. The Heat's new album poster is posted on the wall, and three yoga poses are placed on the ground. pad.

Rong Feifei's wrinkled eyebrows relaxed. She had watched the previous program in advance, and she would definitely not be able to do it if she was asked to wear such revealing clothes.

Li Lei was a little unhappy. He leaned back on the sofa, crossed his legs, and said, "Director Yang, I'm a straight talker. That's not what you said before going on the show. Look at the recording this morning. It’s all these hosts making trouble, what’s wrong with us? Our band just performed one song, and there were more than ten minutes of footage in the whole morning?”

Rong Feifei came over. She was wearing a yoga training suit. She was slim and fit, showing off her good figure. The black chest could be seen under the V-shaped neckline, which was in sharp contrast with the white neck. Her career line was looming. She raised her hand to The ends of her hair hanging in front of her face were tucked behind her ears, and she stood in front of Yang An with her hands tied, quietly waiting for his order.

Yang An is really convinced by this extremely egoistic person. If you wear a pair of non-slip shoes when playing slippery, why are you still kidding? He was going to let Li Lei change his clothes.

Yang An remained calm and nodded: "What else?"

The stage is an indoor gym, with several cabinets nailed to the back wall. Basketballs, trophies, badminton rackets, hula hoops and other small items are placed in the partitions. The Heat's new album poster is posted on the wall, and three yoga poses are placed on the ground. pad.

He suddenly felt that Li Lei's slutty outfit was in sharp contrast to Rong Feifei's clean and delicate appearance. The combination of their different styles might produce a good recording effect.

"Brother Yang, you are the best! Come on!" Song Xiaomei quietly came up behind Yang An, shouted and then left with a blushing face.

Li Lei actually looked down on Yang An in his heart, because Yang An looked too young and couldn't control the situation. He boasts that he has been mixed up in society for many years and thinks this is a good opportunity. He can take the opportunity to force the other party to make greater concessions so that he can get more.

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "OK, that's it. Simon, Ajie, Afeng, you will follow my instructions when the time comes. Everyone will play. Is everyone ready?"

They know that "Laughing Talk Slippery" is Yang An's trump card program, and its production level is much higher than other parts of "Jeering Talk". The "Joking Talk Guests" and "Joking Talk Duel" they are responsible for can't keep up with them no matter how much they film.

Li Lei continued to accuse mercilessly: "Although our band is not a big name, we should at least be given enough respect, right? Feifei and I were better, but Simon said a few words, and Ajie and Feng except when introducing themselves After saying one thing, that host Luo didn't even ask the three of them a question. Is this called respect?"

They know that "Laughing Talk Slippery" is Yang An's trump card program, and its production level is much higher than other parts of "Jeering Talk". The "Joking Talk Guests" and "Joking Talk Duel" they are responsible for can't keep up with them no matter how much they film.

After the band members changed their costumes, "Laughing Slippery" was set up.

Li Lei continued to accuse mercilessly: "Although our band is not a big name, we should at least be given enough respect, right? Feifei and I were better, but Simon said a few words, and Ajie and Feng except when introducing themselves After saying one thing, that host Luo didn't even ask the three of them a question. Is this called respect?"

They know that "Laughing Talk Slippery" is Yang An's trump card program, and its production level is much higher than other parts of "Jeering Talk". The "Joking Talk Guests" and "Joking Talk Duel" they are responsible for can't keep up with them no matter how much they film.

Rong Feifei was stunned: "White Bone Demon?"

Everyone laughed: "The white-bone demon that Sun Wukong defeated three times?"

Yang Andao: "Rong Feifei has been busy in the recording studio all day, and finally got off work. She came to the gym to relax."

Yang An explained: "The program is being gradually revised. I am solely responsible for the production of the new segments, and Director Li Yang is responsible for the two original ace segments. Although it is more troublesome to do so, the professionalism in the art ensures the integrity and interest of the program. Sex is still guaranteed.”

These are the benefits he has won for everyone. This is his contribution. He thinks it is not enough. He wants more. He added: "I also want to increase the performance time of one song, which is our second title song. ,very nice to hear… "

Yang An smiled: "Host Luo will not be on stage this afternoon. I promise to give you more shots and lines."

Yang An smiled and waved her away, her tension relieved a lot: "Attention all units, recording countdown, five, four, three, two, one!"

Li Lei was a little unhappy. He leaned back on the sofa, crossed his legs, and said, "Director Yang, I'm a straight talker. That's not what you said before going on the show. Look at the recording this morning. It’s all these hosts making trouble, what’s wrong with us? Our band just performed one song, and there were more than ten minutes of footage in the whole morning?”

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "OK, that's it. Simon, Ajie, Afeng, you will follow my instructions when the time comes. Everyone will play. Is everyone ready?"

Yang Andao: "In the last episode of "Slippery Talk," our requirement for the female guests was to be as eye-catching as possible. Of course, our theme this time is different and we won't ask you to dress up like that."

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "OK, that's it. Simon, Ajie, Afeng, you will follow my instructions when the time comes. Everyone will play. Is everyone ready?"

Yang An was a little surprised. Hair tying was not something written in the script. Rong Feifei felt great performing on the spot. She really integrated into the performance.

Yang An explained: "The program is being gradually revised. I am solely responsible for the production of the new segments, and Director Li Yang is responsible for the two original ace segments. Although it is more troublesome to do so, the professionalism in the art ensures the integrity and interest of the program. Sex is still guaranteed.”

Yang Andao: "In the last episode of "Slippery Talk," our requirement for the female guests was to be as eye-catching as possible. Of course, our theme this time is different and we won't ask you to dress up like that."

Li Lei was secretly happy, thinking that his oppression was successful. He took advantage of the victory and said: "Also, the theme of the program, we are here to promote the new album, not to use the human body as a background. That morning, host Luo didn't even talk about our new album. How can this be so? How to promote it?”

Li Yang smiled sinisterly: "It's nothing. You can just watch the fun next time."

Everyone said: "Ready!"

Cheerful music plays, the rotating camera slides across the audience, the lights flash, the applause in the studio continues, and the most popular game of "Joke" begins.

Yang An knocked on the door and came in. He smiled and greeted everyone: "Hello everyone! I am Yang An, the afternoon director. Let's chat first."

Yang An nodded repeatedly: "OK, I will arrange a session in the afternoon where you will present records to me. If you want more, I can also arrange for fans to come on stage to interact with you, sign autographs on the spot, give records to fans, etc."

"Let's talk about it during the recording..." Rong Feifei instinctively resisted, but Yang An's attitude was very good, so she reluctantly agreed.

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "OK, that's it. Simon, Ajie, Afeng, you will follow my instructions when the time comes. Everyone will play. Is everyone ready?"

Everyone shook hands with Yang An and exchanged a few words. Captain Li Lei asked: "Director Yang, why do you have two directors?"

Li Lei looked at his companions proudly, feeling very proud.

It was the first time that Yang An took charge of the overall directorship. If he said he was not nervous, he would be lying. He had been troublesome to Duan Haishan in the past few days and asked for advice on many details.

Li Lei looked at his companions proudly, feeling very proud.

Zhang Mingde rubbed his eyes hard and said tiredly: "I also gave you a few jokes that I originally planned to use in "Happy Saturday". Brother Cao also promoted you in the show. Yangzi, we have no way out. If you still have some tricks that you haven’t used yet, don’t hide them!”

Everyone looked at each other and everyone looked happy. They didn't expect this director to be so easy to talk to.

Everyone looked at each other and everyone looked happy. They didn't expect this director to be so easy to talk to.

Yang An is really convinced by this extremely egoistic person. If you wear a pair of non-slip shoes when playing slippery, why are you still kidding? He was going to let Li Lei change his clothes.

Li Lei continued to accuse mercilessly: "Although our band is not a big name, we should at least be given enough respect, right? Feifei and I were better, but Simon said a few words, and Ajie and Feng except when introducing themselves After saying one thing, that host Luo didn't even ask the three of them a question. Is this called respect?"

Li Lei looked at his companions proudly, feeling very proud.

Li Lei was a little unhappy. He leaned back on the sofa, crossed his legs, and said, "Director Yang, I'm a straight talker. That's not what you said before going on the show. Look at the recording this morning. It’s all these hosts making trouble, what’s wrong with us? Our band just performed one song, and there were more than ten minutes of footage in the whole morning?”

Yang An took the script, sat on a high stool, and said to the walkie-talkie: "Attention all units, the recording of "Joking Talk Slippery" has a one-minute countdown."

These are the benefits he has won for everyone. This is his contribution. He thinks it is not enough. He wants more. He added: "I also want to increase the performance time of one song, which is our second title song. ,very nice to hear… "

Li Yang smiled sinisterly: "It's nothing. You can just watch the fun next time."

Yang An took the script, sat on a high stool, and said to the walkie-talkie: "Attention all units, the recording of "Joking Talk Slippery" has a one-minute countdown."

Li Lei was elated. He looked at Yang An. He didn't know how happy he was. He wanted to rush forward and kiss Yang An hard. Yang An was really his lucky star!

He suddenly felt that Li Lei's slutty outfit was in sharp contrast to Rong Feifei's clean and delicate appearance. The combination of their different styles might produce a good recording effect.

Yang An remained calm and nodded: "What else?"

Yang An smiled, the first title song was just like that, how could the second one be any better

Li Lei was secretly happy, thinking that his oppression was successful. He took advantage of the victory and said: "Also, the theme of the program, we are here to promote the new album, not to use the human body as a background. That morning, host Luo didn't even talk about our new album. How can this be so? How to promote it?”

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "OK, that's it. Simon, Ajie, Afeng, you will follow my instructions when the time comes. Everyone will play. Is everyone ready?"

Yang An smiled: "Host Luo will not be on stage this afternoon. I promise to give you more shots and lines."

Through close observation, Yang An found that Rong Feifei's skin was very white, her appearance was exquisite, there were no traces of long-term corrosion by inferior cosmetics, and there was no mental damage caused by bad habits such as staying up late, smoking and drinking, and the light makeup at this time made her full of femininity. But she exuded an indescribable coldness. If I had to describe it, it was as if she had a resistance aura, and there was a message on her forehead: Keep away from strangers.

At this moment, Yang An was shocked and shocked, secretly sighing that the beauty could not hide her radiant face no matter what time or occasion.

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "I have written down all your requests. I promise that as long as you cooperate with me in recording the show, I will agree to all reasonable requests. I will vaccinate everyone here first, and there will be two sessions in the afternoon. , "Laughing Slippery" is a very physically demanding program, and when we are funny, the scale may be quite large, so I hope you are mentally prepared in advance."

No matter how much he hates Li Yang, Yang An will not mention the conflicts within the program team to the guests.

Seeing that Yang An had taken care of Li Lei, he then looked at Rong Feifei: "Miss Rong, can I call you Feifei?"

It was the first time that Yang An took charge of the overall directorship. If he said he was not nervous, he would be lying. He had been troublesome to Duan Haishan in the past few days and asked for advice on many details.

Li Lei waved his hand: "Of course, we all understand the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation!"

Everyone looked at each other and everyone looked happy. They didn't expect this director to be so easy to talk to.

Li Lei walked up to Yang An and thanked him: "Thank you, Director Yang. With such a big band promotional photo posted on the wall, it's hard for everyone not to notice it!"

At this moment, Yang An was shocked and shocked, secretly sighing that the beauty could not hide her radiant face no matter what time or occasion.

Seeing that Yang An had taken care of Li Lei, he then looked at Rong Feifei: "Miss Rong, can I call you Feifei?"

It was the first time that Yang An took charge of the overall directorship. If he said he was not nervous, he would be lying. He had been troublesome to Duan Haishan in the past few days and asked for advice on many details.

Zhang Mingde was agitated, sat up and asked in a low voice: "Can't record? What do you mean?"

When Yang An saw his outfit, he felt speechless. It was too coquettish: "Would you like to change your clothes?"

Li Lei walked up to Yang An and thanked him: "Thank you, Director Yang. With such a big band promotional photo posted on the wall, it's hard for everyone not to notice it!"

They know that "Laughing Talk Slippery" is Yang An's trump card program, and its production level is much higher than other parts of "Jeering Talk". The "Joking Talk Guests" and "Joking Talk Duel" they are responsible for can't keep up with them no matter how much they film.

Yang Andao: "White-collar workers, backbones, elites, referred to as Baigujing, Baigujing is a strong woman in the modern city, a new era woman who is very independent in all aspects, and a representative of feminist thought. Many of our female viewers are this type, they will It resonates with you, and all you have to do is capture their heart.”

Rong Feifei smiled lukewarmly: "You're welcome, Director Yang, everyone calls me Feifei."

They know that "Laughing Talk Slippery" is Yang An's trump card program, and its production level is much higher than other parts of "Jeering Talk". The "Joking Talk Guests" and "Joking Talk Duel" they are responsible for can't keep up with them no matter how much they film.

Yang An smiled: "Host Luo will not be on stage this afternoon. I promise to give you more shots and lines."

Everyone laughed: "The white-bone demon that Sun Wukong defeated three times?"

Li Lei actually looked down on Yang An in his heart, because Yang An looked too young and couldn't control the situation. He boasts that he has been mixed up in society for many years and thinks this is a good opportunity. He can take the opportunity to force the other party to make greater concessions so that he can get more.

The highest point of the 22.5-degree slope is the iron frame of the uneven bars, and the lowest point is a basketball hoop stuck on the wall, with a row of foam buffer cabinets below.

These are the benefits he has won for everyone. This is his contribution. He thinks it is not enough. He wants more. He added: "I also want to increase the performance time of one song, which is our second title song. ,very nice to hear… "

Li Lei was elated. He looked at Yang An. He didn't know how happy he was. He wanted to rush forward and kiss Yang An hard. Yang An was really his lucky star!

Yang An knocked on the door and came in. He smiled and greeted everyone: "Hello everyone! I am Yang An, the afternoon director. Let's chat first."

Yang Andao: "In the last episode of "Slippery Talk," our requirement for the female guests was to be as eye-catching as possible. Of course, our theme this time is different and we won't ask you to dress up like that."

Li Lei continued to accuse mercilessly: "Although our band is not a big name, we should at least be given enough respect, right? Feifei and I were better, but Simon said a few words, and Ajie and Feng except when introducing themselves After saying one thing, that host Luo didn't even ask the three of them a question. Is this called respect?"

Yang An remained calm and nodded: "What else?"

Rong Feifei's wrinkled eyebrows relaxed. She had watched the previous program in advance, and she would definitely not be able to do it if she was asked to wear such revealing clothes.

Yang An explained: "The program is being gradually revised. I am solely responsible for the production of the new segments, and Director Li Yang is responsible for the two original ace segments. Although it is more troublesome to do so, the professionalism in the art ensures the integrity and interest of the program. Sex is still guaranteed.”

Li Yang smiled sinisterly: "It's nothing. You can just watch the fun next time."

Rong Feifei was stunned: "White Bone Demon?"

Li Lei was elated. He looked at Yang An. He didn't know how happy he was. He wanted to rush forward and kiss Yang An hard. Yang An was really his lucky star!

Yang An is really convinced by this extremely egoistic person. If you wear a pair of non-slip shoes when playing slippery, why are you still kidding? He was going to let Li Lei change his clothes.

Rong Feifei's wrinkled eyebrows relaxed. She had watched the previous program in advance, and she would definitely not be able to do it if she was asked to wear such revealing clothes.

Yang An smiled and waved her away, her tension relieved a lot: "Attention all units, recording countdown, five, four, three, two, one!"

Yang An smiled, the first title song was just like that, how could the second one be any better

Cheerful music plays, the rotating camera slides across the audience, the lights flash, the applause in the studio continues, and the most popular game of "Joke" begins.

Yang An probably guessed Rong Feifei's worries and became more interested in this woman. He really didn't expect Rong Feifei to be so conservative. She turned out to be a conservative girl who plays rock and roll, which is as rare as giant pandas!

Rong Feifei stood in front of the cushion, and suddenly took out a black rubber band like a magic trick, and tied her long shawl hair into a ponytail with a few clicks. She instantly transformed into a sports goddess, and her whole body was filled with sports vitality.

The audience burst into applause and cheered spontaneously. Such a beautiful and unpretentious girl is rare and a joy to watch. A simple action made the audience fall in love with her instantly.

Li Yang and Zhang Mingde were sitting in the staff area, thinking deeply.

Li Lei was secretly happy, thinking that his oppression was successful. He took advantage of the victory and said: "Also, the theme of the program, we are here to promote the new album, not to use the human body as a background. That morning, host Luo didn't even talk about our new album. How can this be so? How to promote it?”

Li Lei actually looked down on Yang An in his heart, because Yang An looked too young and couldn't control the situation. He boasts that he has been mixed up in society for many years and thinks this is a good opportunity. He can take the opportunity to force the other party to make greater concessions so that he can get more.

Yang An smiled, the first title song was just like that, how could the second one be any better

Through close observation, Yang An found that Rong Feifei's skin was very white, her appearance was exquisite, there were no traces of long-term corrosion by inferior cosmetics, and there was no mental damage caused by bad habits such as staying up late, smoking and drinking, and the light makeup at this time made her full of femininity. But she exuded an indescribable coldness. If I had to describe it, it was as if she had a resistance aura, and there was a message on her forehead: Keep away from strangers.

Li Lei looked at his companions proudly, feeling very proud.

Rong Feifei's wrinkled eyebrows relaxed. She had watched the previous program in advance, and she would definitely not be able to do it if she was asked to wear such revealing clothes.

Yang An took the script, sat on a high stool, and said to the walkie-talkie: "Attention all units, the recording of "Joking Talk Slippery" has a one-minute countdown."

Seeing that Yang An had taken care of Li Lei, he then looked at Rong Feifei: "Miss Rong, can I call you Feifei?"

Yang An is really convinced by this extremely egoistic person. If you wear a pair of non-slip shoes when playing slippery, why are you still kidding? He was going to let Li Lei change his clothes.

When Yang An saw his outfit, he felt speechless. It was too coquettish: "Would you like to change your clothes?"

Yang An smiled, the first title song was just like that, how could the second one be any better

The highest point of the 22.5-degree slope is the iron frame of the uneven bars, and the lowest point is a basketball hoop stuck on the wall, with a row of foam buffer cabinets below.

Yang Andao: "Feifei, your image and temperament are very good. I position you as a sports-loving white-bones man."

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "I have written down all your requests. I promise that as long as you cooperate with me in recording the show, I will agree to all reasonable requests. I will vaccinate everyone here first, and there will be two sessions in the afternoon. , "Laughing Slippery" is a very physically demanding program, and when we are funny, the scale may be quite large, so I hope you are mentally prepared in advance."

Yang An probably guessed Rong Feifei's worries and became more interested in this woman. He really didn't expect Rong Feifei to be so conservative. She turned out to be a conservative girl who plays rock and roll, which is as rare as giant pandas!

Li Lei waved his hand: "Of course, we all understand the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation!"

When Yang An saw his outfit, he felt speechless. It was too coquettish: "Would you like to change your clothes?"

Rong Feifei was a little embarrassed: "Director Yang, I don't know how to act. I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

Rong Feifei was stunned: "White Bone Demon?"

No matter how much he hates Li Yang, Yang An will not mention the conflicts within the program team to the guests.

Zhang Mingde was agitated, sat up and asked in a low voice: "Can't record? What do you mean?"

Everyone looked at each other and everyone looked happy. They didn't expect this director to be so easy to talk to.

Rong Feifei opened the door from the bottom and walked in with a smile. Her refreshing fitness attire immediately aroused everyone's applause, which proved that being beautiful has advantages.

Everyone said: "Ready!"

Everyone laughed: "The white-bone demon that Sun Wukong defeated three times?"

The highest point of the 22.5-degree slope is the iron frame of the uneven bars, and the lowest point is a basketball hoop stuck on the wall, with a row of foam buffer cabinets below.

Yang An was a little surprised. Hair tying was not something written in the script. Rong Feifei felt great performing on the spot. She really integrated into the performance.

It was the first time that Yang An took charge of the overall directorship. If he said he was not nervous, he would be lying. He had been troublesome to Duan Haishan in the past few days and asked for advice on many details.

Rong Feifei was a little embarrassed: "Director Yang, I don't know how to act. I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

Rong Feifei laughed out loud: "Director Yang, do you want me to play a monster?"

Li Lei looked at his companions proudly, feeling very proud.

Li Lei was the first to come over. He was wearing a purple-red shirt with the hem tucked into jeans, pointed leather shoes, and long flowing hair. He looked really cool and artistic.

Everyone said: "Ready!"

Yang An nodded repeatedly: "OK, I will arrange a session in the afternoon where you will present records to me. If you want more, I can also arrange for fans to come on stage to interact with you, sign autographs on the spot, give records to fans, etc."

Li Lei actually looked down on Yang An in his heart, because Yang An looked too young and couldn't control the situation. He boasts that he has been mixed up in society for many years and thinks this is a good opportunity. He can take the opportunity to force the other party to make greater concessions so that he can get more.

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "I have written down all your requests. I promise that as long as you cooperate with me in recording the show, I will agree to all reasonable requests. I will vaccinate everyone here first, and there will be two sessions in the afternoon. , "Laughing Slippery" is a very physically demanding program, and when we are funny, the scale may be quite large, so I hope you are mentally prepared in advance."

Yang Andao: "White-collar workers, backbones, elites, referred to as Baigujing, Baigujing is a strong woman in the modern city, a new era woman who is very independent in all aspects, and a representative of feminist thought. Many of our female viewers are this type, they will It resonates with you, and all you have to do is capture their heart.”

Yang An smiled: "Host Luo will not be on stage this afternoon. I promise to give you more shots and lines."

Zhang Mingde rubbed his eyes hard and said tiredly: "I also gave you a few jokes that I originally planned to use in "Happy Saturday". Brother Cao also promoted you in the show. Yangzi, we have no way out. If you still have some tricks that you haven’t used yet, don’t hide them!”

Rong Feifei stood in front of the cushion, and suddenly took out a black rubber band like a magic trick, and tied her long shawl hair into a ponytail with a few clicks. She instantly transformed into a sports goddess, and her whole body was filled with sports vitality.

Li Lei was the first to come over. He was wearing a purple-red shirt with the hem tucked into jeans, pointed leather shoes, and long flowing hair. He looked really cool and artistic.

They know that "Laughing Talk Slippery" is Yang An's trump card program, and its production level is much higher than other parts of "Jeering Talk". The "Joking Talk Guests" and "Joking Talk Duel" they are responsible for can't keep up with them no matter how much they film.

Rong Feifei was a little embarrassed: "Director Yang, I don't know how to act. I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

Rong Feifei was stunned: "White Bone Demon?"

The highest point of the 22.5-degree slope is the iron frame of the uneven bars, and the lowest point is a basketball hoop stuck on the wall, with a row of foam buffer cabinets below.

Yang An took the script, sat on a high stool, and said to the walkie-talkie: "Attention all units, the recording of "Joking Talk Slippery" has a one-minute countdown."

Yang An smiled: "Just be yourself, the audience will like you. And I also want to emphasize that for the sake of the program's effect, we may arrange for you to have some more intimate interactions with Li Lei. When it comes to performance, I hope you can be more open-minded. After all, we are a comedy show and we have certain requirements for the guests' sense of talent."

"Brother Yang, you are the best! Come on!" Song Xiaomei quietly came up behind Yang An, shouted and then left with a blushing face.

"Brother Yang, you are the best! Come on!" Song Xiaomei quietly came up behind Yang An, shouted and then left with a blushing face.

Yang An knocked on the door and came in. He smiled and greeted everyone: "Hello everyone! I am Yang An, the afternoon director. Let's chat first."

"Let's talk about it during the recording..." Rong Feifei instinctively resisted, but Yang An's attitude was very good, so she reluctantly agreed.

These are the benefits he has won for everyone. This is his contribution. He thinks it is not enough. He wants more. He added: "I also want to increase the performance time of one song, which is our second title song. ,very nice to hear… "

Yang An smiled and waved her away, her tension relieved a lot: "Attention all units, recording countdown, five, four, three, two, one!"

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "I have written down all your requests. I promise that as long as you cooperate with me in recording the show, I will agree to all reasonable requests. I will vaccinate everyone here first, and there will be two sessions in the afternoon. , "Laughing Slippery" is a very physically demanding program, and when we are funny, the scale may be quite large, so I hope you are mentally prepared in advance."

Li Yang sneered: "Now that we're at this point, who would still hide it? If he can't watch the show..."

Li Lei was elated. He looked at Yang An. He didn't know how happy he was. He wanted to rush forward and kiss Yang An hard. Yang An was really his lucky star!

Li Lei was elated. He looked at Yang An. He didn't know how happy he was. He wanted to rush forward and kiss Yang An hard. Yang An was really his lucky star!

Yang An was a little surprised. Hair tying was not something written in the script. Rong Feifei felt great performing on the spot. She really integrated into the performance.

Li Lei was elated. He looked at Yang An. He didn't know how happy he was. He wanted to rush forward and kiss Yang An hard. Yang An was really his lucky star!

After the band members changed their costumes, "Laughing Slippery" was set up.

The stage is an indoor gym, with several cabinets nailed to the back wall. Basketballs, trophies, badminton rackets, hula hoops and other small items are placed in the partitions. The Heat's new album poster is posted on the wall, and three yoga poses are placed on the ground. pad.

Li Lei felt very good: "No, I watched your last show and I know what's going on. My leather shoes are specially made, and the heels are padded with rubber to prevent slipping."

"Let's talk about it during the recording..." Rong Feifei instinctively resisted, but Yang An's attitude was very good, so she reluctantly agreed.

Rong Feifei laughed out loud: "Director Yang, do you want me to play a monster?"

Yang An probably guessed Rong Feifei's worries and became more interested in this woman. He really didn't expect Rong Feifei to be so conservative. She turned out to be a conservative girl who plays rock and roll, which is as rare as giant pandas!

Rong Feifei's wrinkled eyebrows relaxed. She had watched the previous program in advance, and she would definitely not be able to do it if she was asked to wear such revealing clothes.

Li Lei felt very good: "No, I watched your last show and I know what's going on. My leather shoes are specially made, and the heels are padded with rubber to prevent slipping."

Rong Feifei came over. She was wearing a yoga training suit. She was slim and fit, showing off her good figure. The black chest could be seen under the V-shaped neckline, which was in sharp contrast with the white neck. Her career line was looming. She raised her hand to The ends of her hair hanging in front of her face were tucked behind her ears, and she stood in front of Yang An with her hands tied, quietly waiting for his order.

The stage is an indoor gym, with several cabinets nailed to the back wall. Basketballs, trophies, badminton rackets, hula hoops and other small items are placed in the partitions. The Heat's new album poster is posted on the wall, and three yoga poses are placed on the ground. pad.

It was the first time that Yang An took charge of the overall directorship. If he said he was not nervous, he would be lying. He had been troublesome to Duan Haishan in the past few days and asked for advice on many details.

Yang An is really convinced by this extremely egoistic person. If you wear a pair of non-slip shoes when playing slippery, why are you still kidding? He was going to let Li Lei change his clothes.

The highest point of the 22.5-degree slope is the iron frame of the uneven bars, and the lowest point is a basketball hoop stuck on the wall, with a row of foam buffer cabinets below.

Yang Andao: "In the last episode of "Slippery Talk," our requirement for the female guests was to be as eye-catching as possible. Of course, our theme this time is different and we won't ask you to dress up like that."

Everyone said: "Ready!"

Everyone said: "Ready!"

Li Lei was secretly happy, thinking that his oppression was successful. He took advantage of the victory and said: "Also, the theme of the program, we are here to promote the new album, not to use the human body as a background. That morning, host Luo didn't even talk about our new album. How can this be so? How to promote it?”

The highest point of the 22.5-degree slope is the iron frame of the uneven bars, and the lowest point is a basketball hoop stuck on the wall, with a row of foam buffer cabinets below.

Yang An probably guessed Rong Feifei's worries and became more interested in this woman. He really didn't expect Rong Feifei to be so conservative. She turned out to be a conservative girl who plays rock and roll, which is as rare as giant pandas!

Li Lei was the first to come over. He was wearing a purple-red shirt with the hem tucked into jeans, pointed leather shoes, and long flowing hair. He looked really cool and artistic.

Rong Feifei's wrinkled eyebrows relaxed. She had watched the previous program in advance, and she would definitely not be able to do it if she was asked to wear such revealing clothes.

Everyone said: "Ready!"

Rong Feifei came over. She was wearing a yoga training suit. She was slim and fit, showing off her good figure. The black chest could be seen under the V-shaped neckline, which was in sharp contrast with the white neck. Her career line was looming. She raised her hand to The ends of her hair hanging in front of her face were tucked behind her ears, and she stood in front of Yang An with her hands tied, quietly waiting for his order.

Li Lei walked up to Yang An and thanked him: "Thank you, Director Yang. With such a big band promotional photo posted on the wall, it's hard for everyone not to notice it!"

Everyone laughed: "The white-bone demon that Sun Wukong defeated three times?"

Yang An nodded repeatedly: "OK, I will arrange a session in the afternoon where you will present records to me. If you want more, I can also arrange for fans to come on stage to interact with you, sign autographs on the spot, give records to fans, etc."

No matter how much he hates Li Yang, Yang An will not mention the conflicts within the program team to the guests.

Rong Feifei was a little embarrassed: "Director Yang, I don't know how to act. I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

When Yang An saw his outfit, he felt speechless. It was too coquettish: "Would you like to change your clothes?"

Li Lei walked up to Yang An and thanked him: "Thank you, Director Yang. With such a big band promotional photo posted on the wall, it's hard for everyone not to notice it!"

At this moment, Yang An was shocked and shocked, secretly sighing that the beauty could not hide her radiant face no matter what time or occasion.

Zhang Mingde rubbed his eyes hard and said tiredly: "I also gave you a few jokes that I originally planned to use in "Happy Saturday". Brother Cao also promoted you in the show. Yangzi, we have no way out. If you still have some tricks that you haven’t used yet, don’t hide them!”

Yang Andao: "White-collar workers, backbones, elites, referred to as Baigujing, Baigujing is a strong woman in the modern city, a new era woman who is very independent in all aspects, and a representative of feminist thought. Many of our female viewers are this type, they will It resonates with you, and all you have to do is capture their heart.”

Yang Andao: "Feifei, your image and temperament are very good. I position you as a sports-loving white-bones man."

Cheerful music plays, the rotating camera slides across the audience, the lights flash, the applause in the studio continues, and the most popular game of "Joke" begins.

Li Lei was elated. He looked at Yang An. He didn't know how happy he was. He wanted to rush forward and kiss Yang An hard. Yang An was really his lucky star!

Li Lei felt very good: "No, I watched your last show and I know what's going on. My leather shoes are specially made, and the heels are padded with rubber to prevent slipping."

Yang An smiled: "Just be yourself, the audience will like you. And I also want to emphasize that for the sake of the program's effect, we may arrange for you to have some more intimate interactions with Li Lei. When it comes to performance, I hope you can be more open-minded. After all, we are a comedy show and we have certain requirements for the guests' sense of talent."

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "OK, that's it. Simon, Ajie, Afeng, you will follow my instructions when the time comes. Everyone will play. Is everyone ready?"

Yang An smiled: "Host Luo will not be on stage this afternoon. I promise to give you more shots and lines."

Zhang Mingde was agitated, sat up and asked in a low voice: "Can't record? What do you mean?"

Li Lei continued to accuse mercilessly: "Although our band is not a big name, we should at least be given enough respect, right? Feifei and I were better, but Simon said a few words, and Ajie and Feng except when introducing themselves After saying one thing, that host Luo didn't even ask the three of them a question. Is this called respect?"

Yang An is really convinced by this extremely egoistic person. If you wear a pair of non-slip shoes when playing slippery, why are you still kidding? He was going to let Li Lei change his clothes.

Zhang Mingde rubbed his eyes hard and said tiredly: "I also gave you a few jokes that I originally planned to use in "Happy Saturday". Brother Cao also promoted you in the show. Yangzi, we have no way out. If you still have some tricks that you haven’t used yet, don’t hide them!”

Yang An smiled, the first title song was just like that, how could the second one be any better

Rong Feifei came over. She was wearing a yoga training suit. She was slim and fit, showing off her good figure. The black chest could be seen under the V-shaped neckline, which was in sharp contrast with the white neck. Her career line was looming. She raised her hand to The ends of her hair hanging in front of her face were tucked behind her ears, and she stood in front of Yang An with her hands tied, quietly waiting for his order.

Zhang Mingde rubbed his eyes hard and said tiredly: "I also gave you a few jokes that I originally planned to use in "Happy Saturday". Brother Cao also promoted you in the show. Yangzi, we have no way out. If you still have some tricks that you haven’t used yet, don’t hide them!”

Li Lei continued to accuse mercilessly: "Although our band is not a big name, we should at least be given enough respect, right? Feifei and I were better, but Simon said a few words, and Ajie and Feng except when introducing themselves After saying one thing, that host Luo didn't even ask the three of them a question. Is this called respect?"

Yang An knocked on the door and came in. He smiled and greeted everyone: "Hello everyone! I am Yang An, the afternoon director. Let's chat first."

Yang An knocked on the door and came in. He smiled and greeted everyone: "Hello everyone! I am Yang An, the afternoon director. Let's chat first."

Rong Feifei came over. She was wearing a yoga training suit. She was slim and fit, showing off her good figure. The black chest could be seen under the V-shaped neckline, which was in sharp contrast with the white neck. Her career line was looming. She raised her hand to The ends of her hair hanging in front of her face were tucked behind her ears, and she stood in front of Yang An with her hands tied, quietly waiting for his order.

Zhang Mingde rubbed his eyes hard and said tiredly: "I also gave you a few jokes that I originally planned to use in "Happy Saturday". Brother Cao also promoted you in the show. Yangzi, we have no way out. If you still have some tricks that you haven’t used yet, don’t hide them!”

Li Lei was secretly happy, thinking that his oppression was successful. He took advantage of the victory and said: "Also, the theme of the program, we are here to promote the new album, not to use the human body as a background. That morning, host Luo didn't even talk about our new album. How can this be so? How to promote it?”

At this moment, Yang An was shocked and shocked, secretly sighing that the beauty could not hide her radiant face no matter what time or occasion.

Everyone looked at each other and everyone looked happy. They didn't expect this director to be so easy to talk to.

Yang An smiled, the first title song was just like that, how could the second one be any better

Everyone laughed: "The white-bone demon that Sun Wukong defeated three times?"

He suddenly felt that Li Lei's slutty outfit was in sharp contrast to Rong Feifei's clean and delicate appearance. The combination of their different styles might produce a good recording effect.

Li Yang sneered: "Now that we're at this point, who would still hide it? If he can't watch the show..."

Yang An smiled: "Host Luo will not be on stage this afternoon. I promise to give you more shots and lines."

"Let's talk about it during the recording..." Rong Feifei instinctively resisted, but Yang An's attitude was very good, so she reluctantly agreed.

They know that "Laughing Talk Slippery" is Yang An's trump card program, and its production level is much higher than other parts of "Jeering Talk". The "Joking Talk Guests" and "Joking Talk Duel" they are responsible for can't keep up with them no matter how much they film.

Yang An explained: "The program is being gradually revised. I am solely responsible for the production of the new segments, and Director Li Yang is responsible for the two original ace segments. Although it is more troublesome to do so, the professionalism in the art ensures the integrity and interest of the program. Sex is still guaranteed.”

Yang Andao: "Rong Feifei has been busy in the recording studio all day, and finally got off work. She came to the gym to relax."

"Brother Yang, you are the best! Come on!" Song Xiaomei quietly came up behind Yang An, shouted and then left with a blushing face.

Yang An smiled: "Host Luo will not be on stage this afternoon. I promise to give you more shots and lines."

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "OK, that's it. Simon, Ajie, Afeng, you will follow my instructions when the time comes. Everyone will play. Is everyone ready?"

Li Lei continued to accuse mercilessly: "Although our band is not a big name, we should at least be given enough respect, right? Feifei and I were better, but Simon said a few words, and Ajie and Feng except when introducing themselves After saying one thing, that host Luo didn't even ask the three of them a question. Is this called respect?"

Li Lei actually looked down on Yang An in his heart, because Yang An looked too young and couldn't control the situation. He boasts that he has been mixed up in society for many years and thinks this is a good opportunity. He can take the opportunity to force the other party to make greater concessions so that he can get more.

Yang An remained calm and nodded: "What else?"

Li Lei was a little unhappy. He leaned back on the sofa, crossed his legs, and said, "Director Yang, I'm a straight talker. That's not what you said before going on the show. Look at the recording this morning. It’s all these hosts making trouble, what’s wrong with us? Our band just performed one song, and there were more than ten minutes of footage in the whole morning?”

Yang An remained calm and nodded: "What else?"

"Brother Yang, you are the best! Come on!" Song Xiaomei quietly came up behind Yang An, shouted and then left with a blushing face.

Li Lei felt very good: "No, I watched your last show and I know what's going on. My leather shoes are specially made, and the heels are padded with rubber to prevent slipping."

Everyone said: "Ready!"

Everyone said: "Ready!"

When Yang An saw his outfit, he felt speechless. It was too coquettish: "Would you like to change your clothes?"

Yang An took the script, sat on a high stool, and said to the walkie-talkie: "Attention all units, the recording of "Joking Talk Slippery" has a one-minute countdown."

Li Lei continued to accuse mercilessly: "Although our band is not a big name, we should at least be given enough respect, right? Feifei and I were better, but Simon said a few words, and Ajie and Feng except when introducing themselves After saying one thing, that host Luo didn't even ask the three of them a question. Is this called respect?"

Cheerful music plays, the rotating camera slides across the audience, the lights flash, the applause in the studio continues, and the most popular game of "Joke" begins.

Yang An smiled: "Host Luo will not be on stage this afternoon. I promise to give you more shots and lines."

Li Yang and Zhang Mingde were sitting in the staff area, thinking deeply.

Everyone laughed: "The white-bone demon that Sun Wukong defeated three times?"

Li Lei was secretly happy, thinking that his oppression was successful. He took advantage of the victory and said: "Also, the theme of the program, we are here to promote the new album, not to use the human body as a background. That morning, host Luo didn't even talk about our new album. How can this be so? How to promote it?”

They know that "Laughing Talk Slippery" is Yang An's trump card program, and its production level is much higher than other parts of "Jeering Talk". The "Joking Talk Guests" and "Joking Talk Duel" they are responsible for can't keep up with them no matter how much they film.

At this moment, Yang An was shocked and shocked, secretly sighing that the beauty could not hide her radiant face no matter what time or occasion.

Li Yang sneered: "Now that we're at this point, who would still hide it? If he can't watch the show..."

Yang Andao: "In the last episode of "Slippery Talk," our requirement for the female guests was to be as eye-catching as possible. Of course, our theme this time is different and we won't ask you to dress up like that."

Rong Feifei smiled lukewarmly: "You're welcome, Director Yang, everyone calls me Feifei."

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "OK, that's it. Simon, Ajie, Afeng, you will follow my instructions when the time comes. Everyone will play. Is everyone ready?"

Rong Feifei laughed out loud: "Director Yang, do you want me to play a monster?"

Zhang Mingde rubbed his eyes hard and said tiredly: "I also gave you a few jokes that I originally planned to use in "Happy Saturday". Brother Cao also promoted you in the show. Yangzi, we have no way out. If you still have some tricks that you haven’t used yet, don’t hide them!”

Zhang Mingde was agitated, sat up and asked in a low voice: "Can't record? What do you mean?"

He suddenly felt that Li Lei's slutty outfit was in sharp contrast to Rong Feifei's clean and delicate appearance. The combination of their different styles might produce a good recording effect.

Li Lei was elated. He looked at Yang An. He didn't know how happy he was. He wanted to rush forward and kiss Yang An hard. Yang An was really his lucky star!

Rong Feifei smiled lukewarmly: "You're welcome, Director Yang, everyone calls me Feifei."

Everyone shook hands with Yang An and exchanged a few words. Captain Li Lei asked: "Director Yang, why do you have two directors?"

Rong Feifei laughed out loud: "Director Yang, do you want me to play a monster?"

Li Yang sneered: "Now that we're at this point, who would still hide it? If he can't watch the show..."

After the band members changed their costumes, "Laughing Slippery" was set up.

Rong Feifei laughed out loud: "Director Yang, do you want me to play a monster?"

Zhang Mingde was agitated, sat up and asked in a low voice: "Can't record? What do you mean?"

He suddenly felt that Li Lei's slutty outfit was in sharp contrast to Rong Feifei's clean and delicate appearance. The combination of their different styles might produce a good recording effect.

Rong Feifei opened the door from the bottom and walked in with a smile. Her refreshing fitness attire immediately aroused everyone's applause, which proved that being beautiful has advantages.

Everyone shook hands with Yang An and exchanged a few words. Captain Li Lei asked: "Director Yang, why do you have two directors?"

Yang Andao: "White-collar workers, backbones, elites, referred to as Baigujing, Baigujing is a strong woman in the modern city, a new era woman who is very independent in all aspects, and a representative of feminist thought. Many of our female viewers are this type, they will It resonates with you, and all you have to do is capture their heart.”

Li Yang and Zhang Mingde were sitting in the staff area, thinking deeply.

Zhang Mingde was agitated, sat up and asked in a low voice: "Can't record? What do you mean?"

Yang An took the script, sat on a high stool, and said to the walkie-talkie: "Attention all units, the recording of "Joking Talk Slippery" has a one-minute countdown."

Yang An remained calm and nodded: "What else?"

Rong Feifei came over. She was wearing a yoga training suit. She was slim and fit, showing off her good figure. The black chest could be seen under the V-shaped neckline, which was in sharp contrast with the white neck. Her career line was looming. She raised her hand to The ends of her hair hanging in front of her face were tucked behind her ears, and she stood in front of Yang An with her hands tied, quietly waiting for his order.

At this moment, Yang An was shocked and shocked, secretly sighing that the beauty could not hide her radiant face no matter what time or occasion.

Rong Feifei stood in front of the cushion, and suddenly took out a black rubber band like a magic trick, and tied her long shawl hair into a ponytail with a few clicks. She instantly transformed into a sports goddess, and her whole body was filled with sports vitality.

Li Lei felt very good: "No, I watched your last show and I know what's going on. My leather shoes are specially made, and the heels are padded with rubber to prevent slipping."

Li Yang smiled sinisterly: "It's nothing. You can just watch the fun next time."

Yang An nodded repeatedly: "OK, I will arrange a session in the afternoon where you will present records to me. If you want more, I can also arrange for fans to come on stage to interact with you, sign autographs on the spot, give records to fans, etc."

Rong Feifei came over. She was wearing a yoga training suit. She was slim and fit, showing off her good figure. The black chest could be seen under the V-shaped neckline, which was in sharp contrast with the white neck. Her career line was looming. She raised her hand to The ends of her hair hanging in front of her face were tucked behind her ears, and she stood in front of Yang An with her hands tied, quietly waiting for his order.

Zhang Mingde rubbed his eyes hard and said tiredly: "I also gave you a few jokes that I originally planned to use in "Happy Saturday". Brother Cao also promoted you in the show. Yangzi, we have no way out. If you still have some tricks that you haven’t used yet, don’t hide them!”

At this moment, Yang An was shocked and shocked, secretly sighing that the beauty could not hide her radiant face no matter what time or occasion.

Rong Feifei smiled lukewarmly: "You're welcome, Director Yang, everyone calls me Feifei."

Yang An took the script, sat on a high stool, and said to the walkie-talkie: "Attention all units, the recording of "Joking Talk Slippery" has a one-minute countdown."

Everyone laughed: "The white-bone demon that Sun Wukong defeated three times?"

Li Lei continued to accuse mercilessly: "Although our band is not a big name, we should at least be given enough respect, right? Feifei and I were better, but Simon said a few words, and Ajie and Feng except when introducing themselves After saying one thing, that host Luo didn't even ask the three of them a question. Is this called respect?"

It was the first time that Yang An took charge of the overall directorship. If he said he was not nervous, he would be lying. He had been troublesome to Duan Haishan in the past few days and asked for advice on many details.

Yang An probably guessed Rong Feifei's worries and became more interested in this woman. He really didn't expect Rong Feifei to be so conservative. She turned out to be a conservative girl who plays rock and roll, which is as rare as giant pandas!

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "I have written down all your requests. I promise that as long as you cooperate with me in recording the show, I will agree to all reasonable requests. I will vaccinate everyone here first, and there will be two sessions in the afternoon. , "Laughing Slippery" is a very physically demanding program, and when we are funny, the scale may be quite large, so I hope you are mentally prepared in advance."

Seeing that Yang An had taken care of Li Lei, he then looked at Rong Feifei: "Miss Rong, can I call you Feifei?"

"Brother Yang, you are the best! Come on!" Song Xiaomei quietly came up behind Yang An, shouted and then left with a blushing face.

Rong Feifei laughed out loud: "Director Yang, do you want me to play a monster?"

Li Yang smiled sinisterly: "It's nothing. You can just watch the fun next time."

Li Lei looked at his companions proudly, feeling very proud.

Rong Feifei was stunned: "White Bone Demon?"

Li Lei waved his hand: "Of course, we all understand the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation!"

Li Lei was a little unhappy. He leaned back on the sofa, crossed his legs, and said, "Director Yang, I'm a straight talker. That's not what you said before going on the show. Look at the recording this morning. It’s all these hosts making trouble, what’s wrong with us? Our band just performed one song, and there were more than ten minutes of footage in the whole morning?”

Yang An smiled: "Just be yourself, the audience will like you. And I also want to emphasize that for the sake of the program's effect, we may arrange for you to have some more intimate interactions with Li Lei. When it comes to performance, I hope you can be more open-minded. After all, we are a comedy show and we have certain requirements for the guests' sense of talent."

Yang An smiled and waved her away, her tension relieved a lot: "Attention all units, recording countdown, five, four, three, two, one!"

They know that "Laughing Talk Slippery" is Yang An's trump card program, and its production level is much higher than other parts of "Jeering Talk". The "Joking Talk Guests" and "Joking Talk Duel" they are responsible for can't keep up with them no matter how much they film.

Rong Feifei stood in front of the cushion, and suddenly took out a black rubber band like a magic trick, and tied her long shawl hair into a ponytail with a few clicks. She instantly transformed into a sports goddess, and her whole body was filled with sports vitality.

Yang Andao: "White-collar workers, backbones, elites, referred to as Baigujing, Baigujing is a strong woman in the modern city, a new era woman who is very independent in all aspects, and a representative of feminist thought. Many of our female viewers are this type, they will It resonates with you, and all you have to do is capture their heart.”

Yang An remained calm and nodded: "What else?"

It was the first time that Yang An took charge of the overall directorship. If he said he was not nervous, he would be lying. He had been troublesome to Duan Haishan in the past few days and asked for advice on many details.

Rong Feifei was stunned: "White Bone Demon?"

Cheerful music plays, the rotating camera slides across the audience, the lights flash, the applause in the studio continues, and the most popular game of "Joke" begins.

Cheerful music plays, the rotating camera slides across the audience, the lights flash, the applause in the studio continues, and the most popular game of "Joke" begins.

Li Yang sneered: "Now that we're at this point, who would still hide it? If he can't watch the show..."

Yang An took the script, sat on a high stool, and said to the walkie-talkie: "Attention all units, the recording of "Joking Talk Slippery" has a one-minute countdown."

Yang An knocked on the door and came in. He smiled and greeted everyone: "Hello everyone! I am Yang An, the afternoon director. Let's chat first."

Cheerful music plays, the rotating camera slides across the audience, the lights flash, the applause in the studio continues, and the most popular game of "Joke" begins.

Li Lei felt very good: "No, I watched your last show and I know what's going on. My leather shoes are specially made, and the heels are padded with rubber to prevent slipping."

It was the first time that Yang An took charge of the overall directorship. If he said he was not nervous, he would be lying. He had been troublesome to Duan Haishan in the past few days and asked for advice on many details.

Yang Andao: "Rong Feifei has been busy in the recording studio all day, and finally got off work. She came to the gym to relax."

Li Lei continued to accuse mercilessly: "Although our band is not a big name, we should at least be given enough respect, right? Feifei and I were better, but Simon said a few words, and Ajie and Feng except when introducing themselves After saying one thing, that host Luo didn't even ask the three of them a question. Is this called respect?"

Zhang Mingde rubbed his eyes hard and said tiredly: "I also gave you a few jokes that I originally planned to use in "Happy Saturday". Brother Cao also promoted you in the show. Yangzi, we have no way out. If you still have some tricks that you haven’t used yet, don’t hide them!”

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "OK, that's it. Simon, Ajie, Afeng, you will follow my instructions when the time comes. Everyone will play. Is everyone ready?"

These are the benefits he has won for everyone. This is his contribution. He thinks it is not enough. He wants more. He added: "I also want to increase the performance time of one song, which is our second title song. ,very nice to hear… "

Li Lei waved his hand: "Of course, we all understand the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation!"

Rong Feifei opened the door from the bottom and walked in with a smile. Her refreshing fitness attire immediately aroused everyone's applause, which proved that being beautiful has advantages.

Li Lei waved his hand: "Of course, we all understand the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation!"

Li Yang smiled sinisterly: "It's nothing. You can just watch the fun next time."

Everyone laughed: "The white-bone demon that Sun Wukong defeated three times?"

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "OK, that's it. Simon, Ajie, Afeng, you will follow my instructions when the time comes. Everyone will play. Is everyone ready?"

Rong Feifei's wrinkled eyebrows relaxed. She had watched the previous program in advance, and she would definitely not be able to do it if she was asked to wear such revealing clothes.

Rong Feifei stood in front of the cushion, and suddenly took out a black rubber band like a magic trick, and tied her long shawl hair into a ponytail with a few clicks. She instantly transformed into a sports goddess, and her whole body was filled with sports vitality.

Rong Feifei's wrinkled eyebrows relaxed. She had watched the previous program in advance, and she would definitely not be able to do it if she was asked to wear such revealing clothes.

Li Lei was elated. He looked at Yang An. He didn't know how happy he was. He wanted to rush forward and kiss Yang An hard. Yang An was really his lucky star!

Yang An clapped his hands and said: "I have written down all your requests. I promise that as long as you cooperate with me in recording the show, I will agree to all reasonable requests. I will vaccinate everyone here first, and there will be two sessions in the afternoon. , "Laughing Slippery" is a very physically demanding program, and when we are funny, the scale may be quite large, so I hope you are mentally prepared in advance."

The audience burst into applause and cheered spontaneously. Such a beautiful and unpretentious girl is rare and a joy to watch. A simple action made the audience fall in love with her instantly.

Li Lei looked at his companions proudly, feeling very proud.

Yang An probably guessed Rong Feifei's worries and became more interested in this woman. He really didn't expect Rong Feifei to be so conservative. She turned out to be a conservative girl who plays rock and roll, which is as rare as giant pandas!

Li Lei actually looked down on Yang An in his heart, because Yang An looked too young and couldn't control the situation. He boasts that he has been mixed up in society for many years and thinks this is a good opportunity. He can take the opportunity to force the other party to make greater concessions so that he can get more.

Zhang Mingde rubbed his eyes hard and said tiredly: "I also gave you a few jokes that I originally planned to use in "Happy Saturday". Brother Cao also promoted you in the show. Yangzi, we have no way out. If you still have some tricks that you haven’t used yet, don’t hide them!”

Rong Feifei was stunned: "White Bone Demon?"

Yang An was a little surprised. Hair tying was not something written in the script. Rong Feifei felt great performing on the spot. She really integrated into the performance.

No matter how much he hates Li Yang, Yang An will not mention the conflicts within the program team to the guests.

Li Yang smiled sinisterly: "It's nothing. You can just watch the fun next time."

Rong Feifei was stunned: "White Bone Demon?"

When Yang An saw his outfit, he felt speechless. It was too coquettish: "Would you like to change your clothes?"