The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 17: Big reversal


Yang An gritted his teeth and said: "Director Duan, you are right, I have to calm down, I must calm down. I must not just admit defeat this time, otherwise I will never be able to get ahead in the future!"

Yang An patted his thigh and said excitedly: "Lucky, I'm really lucky this time! Fortunately, I arranged a camera to look over there. This time I caught him and saw how he could quibble! Director Duan, I'll leave it to you, Hurry up and show it to Director Peng and the others, maybe you can use this as a breakthrough to force Hu Jun to testify!"

He said angrily: "You just told me a few days ago that there are people in Taiwan who like to fight for fame and wealth. I thought about it and be careful in the future. No one thought that it would happen so quickly! Hey, there are really people in this world. In order to pursue profit at any cost, in order to make a small profit, the evil hands, the dirty hands, the evil hands and the bad hands will do anything. These behaviors are so despicable, dirty and shameless that I can't even describe them. It's amazing, it's really amazing!"

The two colleagues washed their hands and left. Wen Xiujuan was in the middle of her convenience and had no time to catch them. She could only go back to the office area, log in to the chat software, and ask other colleagues and friends one by one to find out what happened in the "Joke" program group. thing.

"You young people!"

As soon as he left the small conference room, he saw Duan Haishan walking quickly.

Looking at the scene on the monitor, Duan Haishan was overjoyed: "I really have you, Xiao Yang!"

The words woke up the dreamer, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly appeared on Yang An's back vest.

"Did you know that "Joke" has been suspended!"

Duan Haishan was delighted: "I'll call the camera crew and ask them to make a copy of the master tape!"

Yang An snorted: "You didn't see that situation at that time. Any man will be angry and impulsive! What's more, Song Xiaomei is my subordinate. That bastard Li Yang didn't come to me, but he slandered this little girl. I really regret that I just pushed him, I should just kick him! Let me tell you, if I encounter this kind of thing again next time, I will do it again, I can’t stand it!"

Wen Xiujuan pouted, her face full of despair, and pointed at the computer and said: "You don't know? The news came out in the afternoon, and Director Peng stopped it on the spot! I'm really miserable now, how should I deal with it? The customer explained... It would be strange if the customer didn’t scold me to death!”

After going down a few floors and arriving at Duan Haishan's office, Yang An sat on the sofa, stretched out his hand to wipe a few times on his face, and let out a tired sigh.

In addition, there are also producers and directors who covet the show. Like sharks smelling blood, they come over to find out what happened and see if they have a chance to take a bite of meat.

Wen Xiujuan's hands went deep into her long hair, messing it up. She lay on the table and wailed in a low voice: "No way... I'm so unlucky... Sister Wang, what should I do? I have a client who wants to sponsor us. "Joke" program, I just made an appointment with the client to come over for an interview tomorrow morning, but who knew that the program was suspended... "

Before getting off work, everyone at Red Maple Satellite TV was buzzing about this matter. Even the two sister units, the local station and the news station, had heard a little bit about it, and people who were interested in it called to inquire about the inside story.

"Let's go and talk to me." Duan Haishan pulled Yang An away. The investigation team arranged for several security guards to guard the conference room. It was really inconvenient to speak in public.

Yang An was not in the mood to eat, so he pushed away the lunch box and only drank a few sips of water.

Duan Haishan unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, pushed the lunch box in front of Yang An, sat next to him, and handed over the chopsticks: "The rice is still hot, you eat first, and take your time to calm down. Tell me the whole process from beginning to end." !”

After hanging up the phone, Wen Xiujuan looked happy, secretly encouraged herself, and made a few notes on the memo. At this time, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach, so she picked up her small bag and went to the bathroom.

"I heard that during the recording of the program on the set, there was a fight among them. The impact was so bad that the station director personally ordered the broadcast to be stopped!"

Yang An and Duan Haishan came to the photography team's equipment and checked the master tapes of several key camera positions separately. In less than ten minutes, they made a big discovery.

Too poisonous, too insidious!

Duan Haishan shook his head helplessly and said: "It's good for young people to be bloody, but they can easily get bruises and serious injuries! TV stations are also a micro society. If you want to be at the top, it's not enough to have good programs and good ideas. Yes, you need to have a good mind, you can’t just do whatever you want!”

After a fight broke out backstage in Studio 3 and Director Peng called to stop the program, the show had already dispersed in Studio 3. The audience was guided by the staff to leave one by one. The Heat guests were sent back directly from the dressing room. The program I don’t know whether to record it or not.

Soon, Wen Xiujuan saw a message from a colleague of the security team and was immediately stunned.

"It seems to be an internal struggle for power within the program team. There are two directors on the same show, and they are not convinced by each other. One of them stabbed the other in the back and undermined the other's show! According to me, the show should be stopped and simply withdrawn. Pull it down! Don’t let our Red Maple TV become a mess. Some people stick their tails up as soon as they get some results. This trend cannot last long!"

"There's a way! Wen Xiujuan, come on!"

Yang An couldn't sit still anymore and immediately stood up and walked out: "No, I want to go to the investigation team to explain the situation!"

"Okay, I'll go right away. You must keep the master tapes!"

After get off work in the afternoon, he was not allowed to be released until 6:30 after Yang An finished questioning him.

"It's such a pity, it's such a pity that such a good program is ruined!"

No, we must not let these grandsons succeed!

"Who says it's not? Well, I've seen their revised program. It's really good. It's really a pity!"

"Why are they fighting? Didn't they just come up with a new show that came back to life and the ratings skyrocketed? What a great opportunity for a turnaround, why can't they just put on a good show and cause trouble?"

"This kid really did it! What he was holding was the stolen prop box!" Yang An's sharp eyes saw it at a glance!

"It's that "Joke" that fell below the 0.3% red line last week, and then suddenly jumped to 0.355% last week? Why did it suddenly stop broadcasting? I didn't hear any signs!"

Looking back carefully, this matter was definitely premeditated. Hu Jun was definitely an accomplice with Li Yang. Hu Jun would rather take responsibility and even risk being fired. He definitely received enough benefits behind the scenes. Li Yang and Zhang Mingde These people in Huangshan are the instigators behind the scenes!

During the fight backstage, Zhang Mingde was not seen. Only Li Yang came out to taunt everyone. Li Yang and Gu Yunfeng first slapped each other to increase their anger, and then fired the map cannon randomly, successfully detonating him, Gu Yunfeng and others. Out of anger, these people deliberately made things worse in front of Director Peng, in order to stop the show completely!

The female employee's name is Wen Xiujuan. She is a newcomer to the advertising department. She has just worked for half a year. There is a client on the other end of the phone. She called a few days ago to talk about sponsored advertising. She has just confirmed the next meeting with the client. time, the client agreed to come to Taiwan to discuss it in detail tomorrow morning. She felt that the client was more sincere and the signing would be a success!

The female colleague was surprised: "Stop the broadcast? Never heard of it! Who said "Joke" is going to stop broadcasting?"

The female colleague hurriedly came over and was shocked after reading the chat history, and immediately asked for more detailed information.

The female colleague next to her was leaning on the partition board to ask her to borrow a piece of paper. She happened to see this scene and asked with a smile: "Xiaojuanjuan, hey! Hey! Why are you so stupid? Are you missing me?"

Duan Haishan immediately took the evidence video to find the leader. Half an hour later, with a smile on his face, he chatted and laughed with Li Song and returned to the office area of the "Joke Talk" program team.

Duan Haishan said: "You know you've been fooled? People are just waiting for you to make a big fuss and ruin the show. As long as they get rid of you, they will take advantage of it! If you think about it carefully, it's nonsense. Jun did it. As long as he doesn't tell the people behind him, who can find trouble for Li Yang? As soon as the program team was disbanded, Li Yang went to "Happy Saturday" to continue working as a screenwriter. People will happily accept your program. Where were you then?"

Duan Haishan shouted: "Come back! You can't go anywhere! You are now the subject of investigation. What conclusive evidence do you have?"

After a while, two girls from other departments came into the bathroom. What they were talking about was actually related to Wen Xiujuan's client just now!

Duan Haishan looked like he hated iron and steel: "What did you say you did! No matter what Li Yang did wrong, wasn't Director Peng present? You did it rashly in front of the Taiwan leader. What do you want the leader to think?" If you don't take action, the matter will be investigated and come to light, but if you start a fight on impulse, the show will be stopped immediately!"

In the Advertising Department of Red Maple TV, a pretty female employee was talking to the phone, smiling happily, with a cheerful tone and a very good attitude. When she heard this, she knew that something good was coming.

Yang An admitted his mistake and was blaming himself. He suddenly remembered something and immediately rekindled his fighting spirit. He pulled Duan Haishan to stand up and said, "Follow me! I remember that No. 5 is specifically for scanning the auditorium." It's moving, maybe we can shine a light on the entrance and exit of the backstage. If we have evidence to prove that Hu Jun is behind it, we will definitely be able to turn the tables!"

Duan Haishan pulled him back, pressed him on the sofa, and sighed: "Yang An, this is life. Many things are beyond your control. What you need now is to calm down. After Director Li Song comes out, the three of us will No matter how we think about it, how can we save the program and minimize the negative impact? We will definitely not let those bastards succeed!"

More than ten people from the security team of the Broadcasting and Television Building came up and sealed off the scene in Studio 3. All members of the "Joke" program team were taken to several different conference rooms for questioning. The station quickly formed an investigation team to carefully check for any clues.