The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 30: Is songwriting a hobby?


Everyone almost fainted, and Ateng screamed: "What? Are you a TV host?"

Rong Feifei stood next to Yang An and covered her mouth with a smile. If she hadn't recorded a show with Yang An, she wouldn't have believed that Yang An was an amateur. Such mature song arrangements can only be done by experienced senior teams. come out.

She is not a cold-blooded woman, and her cold resistance to the outside world is just a means of self-defense. Her heart is actually the same as the lyrics of "Midsummer Light Years", she longs for madness and love.

Yang An asked: "Don't you have a song you are recording? What is your name called Mistress?"

Have you forgotten the love I once gave you

"Yes! You, an amateur, will never be able to write such a good song or compose this kind of music!" Zhang Hanbing blurted out as if grabbing a life-saving straw, without even thinking about it.

Zhang Hanbing was confused. Is this scolding him? Why didn't he hear a single curse word, yet he felt so sick and panicked all over

Aten regained his energy and immediately called out: "Brothers, let's practice with the guys and start playing "Other People's Mistress"!"

Li Ming slapped his forehead and shouted, "Writing songs is your hobby?"

The melody is catchy, the lyrics don’t require overthinking at all, and the song is so straightforward that it’s so tragic!

From now on I am no longer your harbor,

Brother Qing quickly smoothed things over: "Everyone, please stop talking. Shut up, Han Bing. If Brother Yang dares to say such things, he won't lie. Which one of you has heard this song before? Brother Yang, don't do it either Are you in a hurry to leave..."

When you nestle in his chest,

This call from Teacher Yang made Zhang Hanbing and others feel a chill in their chests.

Yang An said: "Yeah, if you have time, go watch my show, "Joke", which was revised half a month ago. It's really good! We'll see you there every Sunday from 3 to 4 pm! "

Zhang Hanbing vomited blood depressedly and complained in his heart: "Everyone can tell that this song is good and has the potential to become a hit. This is not called a hobby. If you get serious about writing songs, what will happen to you?" What's the level? You said that you are a TV show host and you just have to do your show well. What kind of songs do you write? You play cross-border and you are at such a high level as soon as you start. Do you want professional singers like us to survive? !”

Recalling that he knew that her waist was very thin, he didn't wait for more than 5 seconds to answer her call. After Rong Feifei laughed, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she felt so embarrassed that she felt an indescribable feeling of happiness and joy gradually arise. Getting up, her pride was crushed bit by bit, and her cold resistance faded bit by bit.

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

Rong Feifei stood next to Yang An and covered her mouth with a smile. If she hadn't recorded a show with Yang An, she wouldn't have believed that Yang An was an amateur. Such mature song arrangements can only be done by experienced senior teams. come out.

See you there or leave, my sister. Zhang Hanbing's face was full of lifelessness, as if he was mourning for his heir, and he was so ashamed that he had no place to put it. He just taught Yang An how to write songs, how can he teach him now? How to teach this? At this level, who can teach whom

So Yang An's actions deeply moved her. With tears in her eyes, she stood behind him and watched quietly.

A Teng blushed: ""Other People's Mistress", don't mention it. It's not even worthy of carrying shoes for "Midsummer Light Years". Brother, you don't know, it's not easy to get into the industry of online singers now. When you release a new song, it needs to be popular and widely circulated, otherwise it will be eliminated. I'm anxious..."

Brother Qing quickly smoothed things over: "Everyone, please stop talking. Shut up, Han Bing. If Brother Yang dares to say such things, he won't lie. Which one of you has heard this song before? Brother Yang, don't do it either Are you in a hurry to leave..."

Zhang Hanbing vomited blood depressedly and complained in his heart: "Everyone can tell that this song is good and has the potential to become a hit. This is not called a hobby. If you get serious about writing songs, what will happen to you?" What's the level? You said that you are a TV show host and you just have to do your show well. What kind of songs do you write? You play cross-border and you are at such a high level as soon as you start. Do you want professional singers like us to survive? !”

When you nestle in his chest,

The city's night is so brilliant,

In her heart, Yang An is like an ordinary suitor who is paying attention to her silently. He is familiar with every detail of her life, knows what size clothes she wears, what snacks she likes to eat, and what kind of singing she is good at. Song, he never expressed his feelings, but did many things for her through various small details and in obscurity, without asking for anything in return.

Rong Feifei stood next to Yang An and covered her mouth with a smile. If she hadn't recorded a show with Yang An, she wouldn't have believed that Yang An was an amateur. Such mature song arrangements can only be done by experienced senior teams. come out.

So Yang An's actions deeply moved her. With tears in her eyes, she stood behind him and watched quietly.

A Teng found his ex-girlfriend many times and tried to get back together, but in the end he was unable to save the relationship. He could only watch his girlfriend get in a luxury car and leave. There was no news from him. He was depressed for a long time, and he didn’t know. What is happiness, I don’t know what laughter is.

Aten regained his energy and immediately called out: "Brothers, let's practice with the guys and start playing "Other People's Mistress"!"

This is my biggest frustration now.

"Although I didn't say it out loud,

Everyone in the room took a breath. The price was several times higher than the average price in the industry. A song cost 150,000 yuan. Basically only the top producers in the country were worth this price, but Yang An was an amateur!

When you nestle in his chest,

The most important thing is that this arrangement style and lyrics are completely consistent with her temperament, stage style, and singing voice. Only then did she realize that Yang An did not want to sell this song to her at all, but deliberately This song was written for her!

Everyone in the room took a breath. The price was several times higher than the average price in the industry. A song cost 150,000 yuan. Basically only the top producers in the country were worth this price, but Yang An was an amateur!

Seeing that there was no one in the Frozen Band to talk to, Yang An would not let this opportunity go easily. Wasn't Zhang Hanbing very aggressive, silly, and yin-yang just now? He specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction!

Yang An said to Zhang Hanbing: "Brother, thank you for giving me and Feifei the opportunity to record. Thank you for your gentlemanly demeanor. You allowed me to taste a feast of music and hear sounds that shocked my soul."

A Teng found his ex-girlfriend many times and tried to get back together, but in the end he was unable to save the relationship. He could only watch his girlfriend get in a luxury car and leave. There was no news from him. He was depressed for a long time, and he didn’t know. What is happiness, I don’t know what laughter is.

A Teng blushed: ""Other People's Mistress", don't mention it. It's not even worthy of carrying shoes for "Midsummer Light Years". Brother, you don't know, it's not easy to get into the industry of online singers now. When you release a new song, it needs to be popular and widely circulated, otherwise it will be eliminated. I'm anxious..."

In fact, I already had a premonition,

When Rong Feifei realized this, she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

Recalling that he knew that her waist was very thin, he didn't wait for more than 5 seconds to answer her call. After Rong Feifei laughed, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she felt so embarrassed that she felt an indescribable feeling of happiness and joy gradually arise. Getting up, her pride was crushed bit by bit, and her cold resistance faded bit by bit.


150,000 yuan for an online song is worth it no matter how you calculate it. Anyway, Yang An has no plans to become an online singer in the future. Now is the time when he needs the most money, so it is best to realize it as soon as possible.

Yang An asked: "Don't you have a song you are recording? What is your name called Mistress?"

In her heart, Yang An is like an ordinary suitor who is paying attention to her silently. He is familiar with every detail of her life, knows what size clothes she wears, what snacks she likes to eat, and what kind of singing she is good at. Song, he never expressed his feelings, but did many things for her through various small details and in obscurity, without asking for anything in return.

Everyone still didn't know what happened. Ateng held Yang An and refused to let him go. He said with excitement: "So you are the creator of "Pancakes and Fruits". I have been looking for you for a long time! I heard Your pancake fruit feels so good. Do you have any new works? I can buy them! Do you want to sell "Midsummer Light Year"? I'll pay you 100,000, no, 150,000 to buy your song, how about it?"

Aten regained his energy and immediately called out: "Brothers, let's practice with the guys and start playing "Other People's Mistress"!"

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

Since Da Kaizi was willing to pay, Yang An stopped being polite and said, "Brother Teng, can you let me listen to your song first? I don't know your style yet."

All the happiness I had was gone

After his girlfriend left, the poor boy Ateng worked hard, singing at nightclubs, serving dishes, sleeping on the street, writing songs and selling them to make money. He struggled like all grassroots people. In the end, he became popular through online live broadcasts with his song "Let Me" "Love at Once" made him a lot of money, but looking at the unimaginable amount of money in his bank account, he didn't feel the slightest happiness. He could only sigh. He could never get back everything he had lost. The most sincere feelings ever.

Suddenly, Ateng held his cell phone and shouted in surprise: "It turns out it's really you! Brother Yang, don't leave, I finally found you!"


When Rong Feifei realized this, she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

Zhang Hanbing was confused. Is this scolding him? Why didn't he hear a single curse word, yet he felt so sick and panicked all over

Have you forgotten the love I once gave you

So Yang An's actions deeply moved her. With tears in her eyes, she stood behind him and watched quietly.

Everyone almost fainted, and Ateng screamed: "What? Are you a TV host?"

She is not a cold-blooded woman, and her cold resistance to the outside world is just a means of self-defense. Her heart is actually the same as the lyrics of "Midsummer Light Years", she longs for madness and love.

A Teng was so anxious that he urged Zhang Hanbing and others to rehearse quickly. He plunged into the glass room and sang over and over again, with tears in his eyes and a lot of emotion.

The city's night is so brilliant,

So Yang An's actions deeply moved her. With tears in her eyes, she stood behind him and watched quietly.

Yang An laughed, clapped a few times against his will, and said, "It's not bad. Brother Teng's voice is very nice."

You left me with tears and chose to nestle in his arms.

Recalling that he knew that her waist was very thin, he didn't wait for more than 5 seconds to answer her call. After Rong Feifei laughed, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she felt so embarrassed that she felt an indescribable feeling of happiness and joy gradually arise. Getting up, her pride was crushed bit by bit, and her cold resistance faded bit by bit.

Yang An glanced at Rong Feifei and noticed that she was a little nervous. He couldn't help but smile, "Xiao Nizi, this song was originally written for you. I won't sell it no matter how much money others pay."

Seeing that there was no one in the Frozen Band to talk to, Yang An would not let this opportunity go easily. Wasn't Zhang Hanbing very aggressive, silly, and yin-yang just now? He specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction!

I also know it's not because of love.

Zhang Hanbing vomited blood depressedly and complained in his heart: "Everyone can tell that this song is good and has the potential to become a hit. This is not called a hobby. If you get serious about writing songs, what will happen to you?" What's the level? You said that you are a TV show host and you just have to do your show well. What kind of songs do you write? You play cross-border and you are at such a high level as soon as you start. Do you want professional singers like us to survive? !”

Seeing that there was no one in the Frozen Band to talk to, Yang An would not let this opportunity go easily. Wasn't Zhang Hanbing very aggressive, silly, and yin-yang just now? He specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction!


Suddenly, Ateng held his cell phone and shouted in surprise: "It turns out it's really you! Brother Yang, don't leave, I finally found you!"

In her heart, Yang An is like an ordinary suitor who is paying attention to her silently. He is familiar with every detail of her life, knows what size clothes she wears, what snacks she likes to eat, and what kind of singing she is good at. Song, he never expressed his feelings, but did many things for her through various small details and in obscurity, without asking for anything in return.

Have you forgotten the love I once gave you

Let a layman instruct us professionals? He also arranged music and conducted music. Zhang Hanbing was so angry that he almost turned over the table and fell out!

Yang An said to Zhang Hanbing: "Brother, thank you for giving me and Feifei the opportunity to record. Thank you for your gentlemanly demeanor. You allowed me to taste a feast of music and hear sounds that shocked my soul."

Yang An glanced at Rong Feifei and noticed that she was a little nervous. He couldn't help but smile, "Xiao Nizi, this song was originally written for you. I won't sell it no matter how much money others pay."

A Teng remembered that five years ago, he brought his girlfriend to Red Maple City to make a living. One year later, his girlfriend could not see his future, could not bear his poverty, and broke up with him. She turned around and joined a local in Red Maple City. The embrace of the elderly.

Yang An was no longer sure: "Okay, just follow what Brother Teng said, but the details of the arrangement are up to you. I can't do everything by myself."

Everyone almost fainted, and Ateng screamed: "What? Are you a TV host?"

Zhang Hanbing's face turned red and he couldn't say a word. A boy next to him shouted as if he was having a trance: "This is definitely not your song, you plagiarized it!"

So Yang An's actions deeply moved her. With tears in her eyes, she stood behind him and watched quietly.

150,000 yuan for an online song is worth it no matter how you calculate it. Anyway, Yang An has no plans to become an online singer in the future. Now is the time when he needs the most money, so it is best to realize it as soon as possible.


"Yes! You, an amateur, will never be able to write such a good song or compose this kind of music!" Zhang Hanbing blurted out as if grabbing a life-saving straw, without even thinking about it.


Aten regained his energy and immediately called out: "Brothers, let's practice with the guys and start playing "Other People's Mistress"!"

Yang An sneered and said: "Yes, I plagiarized it. You can search it in the music library of the China Music Association. The song is called "Midsummer Light Years". You can go and see if the copyright owner is named Yang An. Fortunately, I registered in advance. Copyright, otherwise I will die here unjustly today! Brother Qing, please process the sound source and send it to Feifei. I feel uncomfortable staying here. I don’t talk much. Some people are illiterate and think it is glorious. There is nothing to sing about. He's capable, but he's just messing around with his bad tricks of spreading rumors and spewing blood! Let's go!"


After his girlfriend left, the poor boy Ateng worked hard, singing at nightclubs, serving dishes, sleeping on the street, writing songs and selling them to make money. He struggled like all grassroots people. In the end, he became popular through online live broadcasts with his song "Let Me" "Love at Once" made him a lot of money, but looking at the unimaginable amount of money in his bank account, he didn't feel the slightest happiness. He could only sigh. He could never get back everything he had lost. The most sincere feelings ever.

From now on I am no longer your harbor,

"Although I didn't say it out loud,

Zhang Hanbing was confused. Is this scolding him? Why didn't he hear a single curse word, yet he felt so sick and panicked all over

A Teng said happily: "Of course, Zhang Hanbing, wait a minute and you will listen to Teacher Yang's instructions!"

I can’t give you a happy present,

Within half a minute, Yang An received a text message on his mobile phone, indicating that he had received 200,000 yuan, which was 50,000 yuan more than the previous agreement. It was paid by A Teng.

You want more than just my love,

Brother Qing quickly smoothed things over: "Everyone, please stop talking. Shut up, Han Bing. If Brother Yang dares to say such things, he won't lie. Which one of you has heard this song before? Brother Yang, don't do it either Are you in a hurry to leave..."

I can’t give you a happy present,

A Teng was overjoyed, hugged Yang An and shouted excitedly: "This is it! This is it! This is the feeling I have been looking for for a long time, and this is it! This song is a perfect match for me!"

Li Ming slapped his forehead and shouted, "Writing songs is your hobby?"

I face your confession with silence,

Walking out of the glass room, Ateng wiped his tears and nodded to Yang An.

Suddenly, Ateng held his cell phone and shouted in surprise: "It turns out it's really you! Brother Yang, don't leave, I finally found you!"

Seeing that there was no one in the Frozen Band to talk to, Yang An would not let this opportunity go easily. Wasn't Zhang Hanbing very aggressive, silly, and yin-yang just now? He specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction!

The melody is catchy, the lyrics don’t require overthinking at all, and the song is so straightforward that it’s so tragic!

After his girlfriend left, the poor boy Ateng worked hard, singing at nightclubs, serving dishes, sleeping on the street, writing songs and selling them to make money. He struggled like all grassroots people. In the end, he became popular through online live broadcasts with his song "Let Me" "Love at Once" made him a lot of money, but looking at the unimaginable amount of money in his bank account, he didn't feel the slightest happiness. He could only sigh. He could never get back everything he had lost. The most sincere feelings ever.





A Teng found his ex-girlfriend many times and tried to get back together, but in the end he was unable to save the relationship. He could only watch his girlfriend get in a luxury car and leave. There was no news from him. He was depressed for a long time, and he didn’t know. What is happiness, I don’t know what laughter is.

Everyone still didn't know what happened. Ateng held Yang An and refused to let him go. He said with excitement: "So you are the creator of "Pancakes and Fruits". I have been looking for you for a long time! I heard Your pancake fruit feels so good. Do you have any new works? I can buy them! Do you want to sell "Midsummer Light Year"? I'll pay you 100,000, no, 150,000 to buy your song, how about it?"

You left me with tears and chose to nestle in his arms.

I can’t give you a happy present,

Aten laughed and said, "I also know female singers!"

See you there or leave, my sister. Zhang Hanbing's face was full of lifelessness, as if he was mourning for his heir, and he was so ashamed that he had no place to put it. He just taught Yang An how to write songs, how can he teach him now? How to teach this? At this level, who can teach whom

Aten laughed and said, "I also know female singers!"

A Teng was overjoyed, hugged Yang An and shouted excitedly: "This is it! This is it! This is the feeling I have been looking for for a long time, and this is it! This song is a perfect match for me!"

Since Da Kaizi was willing to pay, Yang An stopped being polite and said, "Brother Teng, can you let me listen to your song first? I don't know your style yet."

Everyone in the room took a breath. The price was several times higher than the average price in the industry. A song cost 150,000 yuan. Basically only the top producers in the country were worth this price, but Yang An was an amateur!

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

"Although I didn't say it out loud,

Zhang Hanbing was confused. Is this scolding him? Why didn't he hear a single curse word, yet he felt so sick and panicked all over


This call from Teacher Yang made Zhang Hanbing and others feel a chill in their chests.

To be honest, Ateng's voice is not bad, but his thin body like a bamboo pole looks very twisted, and his leather pants and V-neck outfit are too avant-garde. Maybe the audience in the online live broadcast room just likes this.

Rong Feifei stood next to Yang An and covered her mouth with a smile. If she hadn't recorded a show with Yang An, she wouldn't have believed that Yang An was an amateur. Such mature song arrangements can only be done by experienced senior teams. come out.

Yang An glanced at Rong Feifei and noticed that she was a little nervous. He couldn't help but smile, "Xiao Nizi, this song was originally written for you. I won't sell it no matter how much money others pay."

Have you forgotten the love I once gave you

When Rong Feifei realized this, she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

He is so considerate, but I don't understand your style.

Yang Changfang pretended to think for a moment and said awkwardly: "Brother Teng, this is a girl's song..."

After his girlfriend left, the poor boy Ateng worked hard, singing at nightclubs, serving dishes, sleeping on the street, writing songs and selling them to make money. He struggled like all grassroots people. In the end, he became popular through online live broadcasts with his song "Let Me" "Love at Once" made him a lot of money, but looking at the unimaginable amount of money in his bank account, he didn't feel the slightest happiness. He could only sigh. He could never get back everything he had lost. The most sincere feelings ever.

This song is almost a reflection of Ateng's own personal experience. No wonder he burst into tears and cried himself while singing!

A Teng was so anxious that he urged Zhang Hanbing and others to rehearse quickly. He plunged into the glass room and sang over and over again, with tears in his eyes and a lot of emotion.

Yang An said: "Yeah, if you have time, go watch my show, "Joke", which was revised half a month ago. It's really good! We'll see you there every Sunday from 3 to 4 pm! "

Yang An smiled and waved his hands and said, "Forget it, don't mention this again."

Aten laughed and said, "I also know female singers!"

Just without you by my side.

A Teng found his ex-girlfriend many times and tried to get back together, but in the end he was unable to save the relationship. He could only watch his girlfriend get in a luxury car and leave. There was no news from him. He was depressed for a long time, and he didn’t know. What is happiness, I don’t know what laughter is.

Yang An smiled and waved his hands and said, "Forget it, don't mention this again."

Rong Feifei stood next to Yang An and covered her mouth with a smile. If she hadn't recorded a show with Yang An, she wouldn't have believed that Yang An was an amateur. Such mature song arrangements can only be done by experienced senior teams. come out.

Within half a minute, Yang An received a text message on his mobile phone, indicating that he had received 200,000 yuan, which was 50,000 yuan more than the previous agreement. It was paid by A Teng.

"Yes! You, an amateur, will never be able to write such a good song or compose this kind of music!" Zhang Hanbing blurted out as if grabbing a life-saving straw, without even thinking about it.

Zhang Hanbing was confused. Is this scolding him? Why didn't he hear a single curse word, yet he felt so sick and panicked all over

Aten sang affectionately, with a slightly crying voice that spread throughout the recording room. The straightforward lyrics, sad melody, and the image of a miserable and miserable man were deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

"Although I didn't say it out loud,

Seeing that Yang An still disagreed, and Rong Feifei, who was standing beside him, looked unhappy, Ateng finally came to his senses, suddenly realized, and quickly apologized with a smile: "Sorry, sorry, it was my lack of consideration, hahaha, just take it as my own. I never said that! Brother Yang, do you have any songs suitable for me to sing? As long as the songs are good, money is definitely not an issue!"

A Teng blushed: ""Other People's Mistress", don't mention it. It's not even worthy of carrying shoes for "Midsummer Light Years". Brother, you don't know, it's not easy to get into the industry of online singers now. When you release a new song, it needs to be popular and widely circulated, otherwise it will be eliminated. I'm anxious..."

Rong Feifei quietly showed a sad expression to Yang An. It was not that she was sad inside, but that she felt goosebumps all over her body. Yang An blinked and gave her an "I know what you mean" look, and smiled helplessly.

I also know it's not because of love.

Zhang Hanbing's face turned red and he couldn't say a word. A boy next to him shouted as if he was having a trance: "This is definitely not your song, you plagiarized it!"

Zhang Hanbing was confused. Is this scolding him? Why didn't he hear a single curse word, yet he felt so sick and panicked all over

Yang An asked: "Don't you have a song you are recording? What is your name called Mistress?"

Yang An glanced at Rong Feifei and noticed that she was a little nervous. He couldn't help but smile, "Xiao Nizi, this song was originally written for you. I won't sell it no matter how much money others pay."

Yang An glanced at Rong Feifei and noticed that she was a little nervous. He couldn't help but smile, "Xiao Nizi, this song was originally written for you. I won't sell it no matter how much money others pay."

Aten laughed and said, "I also know female singers!"

A Teng was overjoyed, rubbed his hands and said: "Then has Teacher Yang created a song suitable for me? Money is not an issue! As long as it is similar to the song "Midsummer Light Years" just now, I will pay 150,000!"

Rong Feifei stood next to Yang An and covered her mouth with a smile. If she hadn't recorded a show with Yang An, she wouldn't have believed that Yang An was an amateur. Such mature song arrangements can only be done by experienced senior teams. come out.

Brother Qing quickly smoothed things over: "Everyone, please stop talking. Shut up, Han Bing. If Brother Yang dares to say such things, he won't lie. Which one of you has heard this song before? Brother Yang, don't do it either Are you in a hurry to leave..."

This call from Teacher Yang made Zhang Hanbing and others feel a chill in their chests.

A Teng blushed: ""Other People's Mistress", don't mention it. It's not even worthy of carrying shoes for "Midsummer Light Years". Brother, you don't know, it's not easy to get into the industry of online singers now. When you release a new song, it needs to be popular and widely circulated, otherwise it will be eliminated. I'm anxious..."

Let a layman instruct us professionals? He also arranged music and conducted music. Zhang Hanbing was so angry that he almost turned over the table and fell out!

A Teng remembered that five years ago, he brought his girlfriend to Red Maple City to make a living. One year later, his girlfriend could not see his future, could not bear his poverty, and broke up with him. She turned around and joined a local in Red Maple City. The embrace of the elderly.

You want more than just my love,

Yang An smiled and waved his hands and said, "Forget it, don't mention this again."

You want more than just my love,

Since Da Kaizi was willing to pay, Yang An stopped being polite and said, "Brother Teng, can you let me listen to your song first? I don't know your style yet."

You finally became his mistress, and I can only cry in the wind.

A Teng found his ex-girlfriend many times and tried to get back together, but in the end he was unable to save the relationship. He could only watch his girlfriend get in a luxury car and leave. There was no news from him. He was depressed for a long time, and he didn’t know. What is happiness, I don’t know what laughter is.

Suddenly, Ateng held his cell phone and shouted in surprise: "It turns out it's really you! Brother Yang, don't leave, I finally found you!"

After his girlfriend left, the poor boy Ateng worked hard, singing at nightclubs, serving dishes, sleeping on the street, writing songs and selling them to make money. He struggled like all grassroots people. In the end, he became popular through online live broadcasts with his song "Let Me" "Love at Once" made him a lot of money, but looking at the unimaginable amount of money in his bank account, he didn't feel the slightest happiness. He could only sigh. He could never get back everything he had lost. The most sincere feelings ever.


Aten regained his energy and immediately called out: "Brothers, let's practice with the guys and start playing "Other People's Mistress"!"

Aten sings out his inner sadness with a crying voice.

A Teng was so anxious that he urged Zhang Hanbing and others to rehearse quickly. He plunged into the glass room and sang over and over again, with tears in his eyes and a lot of emotion.

Seeing that there was no one in the Frozen Band to talk to, Yang An would not let this opportunity go easily. Wasn't Zhang Hanbing very aggressive, silly, and yin-yang just now? He specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction!

To be honest, Ateng's voice is not bad, but his thin body like a bamboo pole looks very twisted, and his leather pants and V-neck outfit are too avant-garde. Maybe the audience in the online live broadcast room just likes this.

Suddenly, Ateng held his cell phone and shouted in surprise: "It turns out it's really you! Brother Yang, don't leave, I finally found you!"

Yang An glanced at Rong Feifei and noticed that she was a little nervous. He couldn't help but smile, "Xiao Nizi, this song was originally written for you. I won't sell it no matter how much money others pay."

Aten sang affectionately, with a slightly crying voice that spread throughout the recording room. The straightforward lyrics, sad melody, and the image of a miserable and miserable man were deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Aten laughed and said, "I also know female singers!"


This song is almost a reflection of Ateng's own personal experience. No wonder he burst into tears and cried himself while singing!

A Teng found his ex-girlfriend many times and tried to get back together, but in the end he was unable to save the relationship. He could only watch his girlfriend get in a luxury car and leave. There was no news from him. He was depressed for a long time, and he didn’t know. What is happiness, I don’t know what laughter is.

A Teng found his ex-girlfriend many times and tried to get back together, but in the end he was unable to save the relationship. He could only watch his girlfriend get in a luxury car and leave. There was no news from him. He was depressed for a long time, and he didn’t know. What is happiness, I don’t know what laughter is.

Yang An quickly finished writing the lyrics and hummed it again, and the whole recording studio was boiling.

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

Aten sang affectionately, with a slightly crying voice that spread throughout the recording room. The straightforward lyrics, sad melody, and the image of a miserable and miserable man were deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Yang An quickly finished writing the lyrics and hummed it again, and the whole recording studio was boiling.

Everyone almost fainted, and Ateng screamed: "What? Are you a TV host?"

You have a soft and understanding heart, but you love to look for love outside.

Since Da Kaizi was willing to pay, Yang An stopped being polite and said, "Brother Teng, can you let me listen to your song first? I don't know your style yet."

Walking out of the glass room, Ateng wiped his tears and nodded to Yang An.

Everyone almost fainted, and Ateng screamed: "What? Are you a TV host?"


In fact, I already had a premonition,

He is so considerate, but I don't understand your style.

This call from Teacher Yang made Zhang Hanbing and others feel a chill in their chests.

Yang An said: "Yeah, if you have time, go watch my show, "Joke", which was revised half a month ago. It's really good! We'll see you there every Sunday from 3 to 4 pm! "

Aten laughed and said, "I also know female singers!"

Yang Changfang pretended to think for a moment and said awkwardly: "Brother Teng, this is a girl's song..."

This song is almost a reflection of Ateng's own personal experience. No wonder he burst into tears and cried himself while singing!

I face your confession with silence,

You left me with tears and chose to nestle in his arms.

A Teng remembered that five years ago, he brought his girlfriend to Red Maple City to make a living. One year later, his girlfriend could not see his future, could not bear his poverty, and broke up with him. She turned around and joined a local in Red Maple City. The embrace of the elderly.

You want more than just my love,

You finally became his mistress, and I can only cry in the wind.

A Teng said happily: "Of course, Zhang Hanbing, wait a minute and you will listen to Teacher Yang's instructions!"

When you nestle in his chest,

Rong Feifei stood next to Yang An and covered her mouth with a smile. If she hadn't recorded a show with Yang An, she wouldn't have believed that Yang An was an amateur. Such mature song arrangements can only be done by experienced senior teams. come out.

Yang An smiled and waved his hands and said, "Forget it, don't mention this again."

This is my biggest frustration now.


Aten sings out his inner sadness with a crying voice.

Waiting for you to tell me,

This is my biggest frustration now.

Aten sang affectionately, with a slightly crying voice that spread throughout the recording room. The straightforward lyrics, sad melody, and the image of a miserable and miserable man were deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

Recalling that he knew that her waist was very thin, he didn't wait for more than 5 seconds to answer her call. After Rong Feifei laughed, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she felt so embarrassed that she felt an indescribable feeling of happiness and joy gradually arise. Getting up, her pride was crushed bit by bit, and her cold resistance faded bit by bit.

Rong Feifei quietly showed a sad expression to Yang An. It was not that she was sad inside, but that she felt goosebumps all over her body. Yang An blinked and gave her an "I know what you mean" look, and smiled helplessly.

He is so considerate, but I don't understand your style.

Zhang Hanbing's face turned red and he couldn't say a word. A boy next to him shouted as if he was having a trance: "This is definitely not your song, you plagiarized it!"

"Yes! You, an amateur, will never be able to write such a good song or compose this kind of music!" Zhang Hanbing blurted out as if grabbing a life-saving straw, without even thinking about it.


When Rong Feifei realized this, she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

Yang An sneered and said: "Yes, I plagiarized it. You can search it in the music library of the China Music Association. The song is called "Midsummer Light Years". You can go and see if the copyright owner is named Yang An. Fortunately, I registered in advance. Copyright, otherwise I will die here unjustly today! Brother Qing, please process the sound source and send it to Feifei. I feel uncomfortable staying here. I don’t talk much. Some people are illiterate and think it is glorious. There is nothing to sing about. He's capable, but he's just messing around with his bad tricks of spreading rumors and spewing blood! Let's go!"

In fact, I already had a premonition,

Since Da Kaizi was willing to pay, Yang An stopped being polite and said, "Brother Teng, can you let me listen to your song first? I don't know your style yet."

After singing, Ateng ran out quickly and asked anxiously: "How was it?"

Aten laughed and said, "I also know female singers!"

Aten sings out his inner sadness with a crying voice.

Yang An said to Zhang Hanbing: "Brother, thank you for giving me and Feifei the opportunity to record. Thank you for your gentlemanly demeanor. You allowed me to taste a feast of music and hear sounds that shocked my soul."

Zhang Hanbing was confused. Is this scolding him? Why didn't he hear a single curse word, yet he felt so sick and panicked all over

Zhang Hanbing was confused. Is this scolding him? Why didn't he hear a single curse word, yet he felt so sick and panicked all over

When Rong Feifei realized this, she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

Yang An laughed, clapped a few times against his will, and said, "It's not bad. Brother Teng's voice is very nice."

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

"Although I didn't say it out loud,

After his girlfriend left, the poor boy Ateng worked hard, singing at nightclubs, serving dishes, sleeping on the street, writing songs and selling them to make money. He struggled like all grassroots people. In the end, he became popular through online live broadcasts with his song "Let Me" "Love at Once" made him a lot of money, but looking at the unimaginable amount of money in his bank account, he didn't feel the slightest happiness. He could only sigh. He could never get back everything he had lost. The most sincere feelings ever.

From now on I am no longer your harbor,

A Teng said happily: "Of course, Zhang Hanbing, wait a minute and you will listen to Teacher Yang's instructions!"

150,000 yuan for an online song is worth it no matter how you calculate it. Anyway, Yang An has no plans to become an online singer in the future. Now is the time when he needs the most money, so it is best to realize it as soon as possible.


A Teng was overjoyed, rubbed his hands and said: "Then has Teacher Yang created a song suitable for me? Money is not an issue! As long as it is similar to the song "Midsummer Light Years" just now, I will pay 150,000!"

Seeing that Yang An still disagreed, and Rong Feifei, who was standing beside him, looked unhappy, Ateng finally came to his senses, suddenly realized, and quickly apologized with a smile: "Sorry, sorry, it was my lack of consideration, hahaha, just take it as my own. I never said that! Brother Yang, do you have any songs suitable for me to sing? As long as the songs are good, money is definitely not an issue!"

The melody is catchy, the lyrics don’t require overthinking at all, and the song is so straightforward that it’s so tragic!

Seeing that there was no one in the Frozen Band to talk to, Yang An would not let this opportunity go easily. Wasn't Zhang Hanbing very aggressive, silly, and yin-yang just now? He specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction!

Since Da Kaizi was willing to pay, Yang An stopped being polite and said, "Brother Teng, can you let me listen to your song first? I don't know your style yet."

She is not a cold-blooded woman, and her cold resistance to the outside world is just a means of self-defense. Her heart is actually the same as the lyrics of "Midsummer Light Years", she longs for madness and love.

This call from Teacher Yang made Zhang Hanbing and others feel a chill in their chests.

I face your confession with silence,

A Teng was overjoyed, rubbed his hands and said: "Then has Teacher Yang created a song suitable for me? Money is not an issue! As long as it is similar to the song "Midsummer Light Years" just now, I will pay 150,000!"

150,000 yuan for an online song is worth it no matter how you calculate it. Anyway, Yang An has no plans to become an online singer in the future. Now is the time when he needs the most money, so it is best to realize it as soon as possible.

You finally became his mistress, and I can only cry in the wind.

Zhang Hanbing vomited blood depressedly and complained in his heart: "Everyone can tell that this song is good and has the potential to become a hit. This is not called a hobby. If you get serious about writing songs, what will happen to you?" What's the level? You said that you are a TV show host and you just have to do your show well. What kind of songs do you write? You play cross-border and you are at such a high level as soon as you start. Do you want professional singers like us to survive? !”

This is my biggest frustration now.

See you there or leave, my sister. Zhang Hanbing's face was full of lifelessness, as if he was mourning for his heir, and he was so ashamed that he had no place to put it. He just taught Yang An how to write songs, how can he teach him now? How to teach this? At this level, who can teach whom

Yang An laughed, clapped a few times against his will, and said, "It's not bad. Brother Teng's voice is very nice."

Seeing that there was no one in the Frozen Band to talk to, Yang An would not let this opportunity go easily. Wasn't Zhang Hanbing very aggressive, silly, and yin-yang just now? He specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction!

Yang An was no longer sure: "Okay, just follow what Brother Teng said, but the details of the arrangement are up to you. I can't do everything by myself."

A Teng was so anxious that he urged Zhang Hanbing and others to rehearse quickly. He plunged into the glass room and sang over and over again, with tears in his eyes and a lot of emotion.

"Although I didn't say it out loud,



Rong Feifei stood next to Yang An and covered her mouth with a smile. If she hadn't recorded a show with Yang An, she wouldn't have believed that Yang An was an amateur. Such mature song arrangements can only be done by experienced senior teams. come out.

A Teng said happily: "Of course, Zhang Hanbing, wait a minute and you will listen to Teacher Yang's instructions!"

Aten sang affectionately, with a slightly crying voice that spread throughout the recording room. The straightforward lyrics, sad melody, and the image of a miserable and miserable man were deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

A Teng said happily: "Of course, Zhang Hanbing, wait a minute and you will listen to Teacher Yang's instructions!"

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

He is so considerate, but I don't understand your style.


Yang An said to Zhang Hanbing: "Brother, thank you for giving me and Feifei the opportunity to record. Thank you for your gentlemanly demeanor. You allowed me to taste a feast of music and hear sounds that shocked my soul."

This call from Teacher Yang made Zhang Hanbing and others feel a chill in their chests.

The city's night is so brilliant,

In her heart, Yang An is like an ordinary suitor who is paying attention to her silently. He is familiar with every detail of her life, knows what size clothes she wears, what snacks she likes to eat, and what kind of singing she is good at. Song, he never expressed his feelings, but did many things for her through various small details and in obscurity, without asking for anything in return.

This call from Teacher Yang made Zhang Hanbing and others feel a chill in their chests.

Let a layman instruct us professionals? He also arranged music and conducted music. Zhang Hanbing was so angry that he almost turned over the table and fell out!

To be honest, Ateng's voice is not bad, but his thin body like a bamboo pole looks very twisted, and his leather pants and V-neck outfit are too avant-garde. Maybe the audience in the online live broadcast room just likes this.

A Teng blushed: ""Other People's Mistress", don't mention it. It's not even worthy of carrying shoes for "Midsummer Light Years". Brother, you don't know, it's not easy to get into the industry of online singers now. When you release a new song, it needs to be popular and widely circulated, otherwise it will be eliminated. I'm anxious..."

Yang An quickly finished writing the lyrics and hummed it again, and the whole recording studio was boiling.

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

Have you forgotten the love I once gave you

The melody is catchy, the lyrics don’t require overthinking at all, and the song is so straightforward that it’s so tragic!

Waiting for you to tell me,

Yang An said: "Yeah, if you have time, go watch my show, "Joke", which was revised half a month ago. It's really good! We'll see you there every Sunday from 3 to 4 pm! "

Zhang Hanbing was confused. Is this scolding him? Why didn't he hear a single curse word, yet he felt so sick and panicked all over

A Teng was overjoyed, hugged Yang An and shouted excitedly: "This is it! This is it! This is the feeling I have been looking for for a long time, and this is it! This song is a perfect match for me!"

A Teng remembered that five years ago, he brought his girlfriend to Red Maple City to make a living. One year later, his girlfriend could not see his future, could not bear his poverty, and broke up with him. She turned around and joined a local in Red Maple City. The embrace of the elderly.

A Teng was so anxious that he urged Zhang Hanbing and others to rehearse quickly. He plunged into the glass room and sang over and over again, with tears in his eyes and a lot of emotion.

You have a soft and understanding heart, but you love to look for love outside.



Yang An said to Zhang Hanbing: "Brother, thank you for giving me and Feifei the opportunity to record. Thank you for your gentlemanly demeanor. You allowed me to taste a feast of music and hear sounds that shocked my soul."

In fact, I already had a premonition,

A Teng was so anxious that he urged Zhang Hanbing and others to rehearse quickly. He plunged into the glass room and sang over and over again, with tears in his eyes and a lot of emotion.

Walking out of the glass room, Ateng wiped his tears and nodded to Yang An.

The most important thing is that this arrangement style and lyrics are completely consistent with her temperament, stage style, and singing voice. Only then did she realize that Yang An did not want to sell this song to her at all, but deliberately This song was written for her!

"Although I didn't say it out loud,

Just without you by my side.


I can’t give you a happy present,

Yang An was no longer sure: "Okay, just follow what Brother Teng said, but the details of the arrangement are up to you. I can't do everything by myself."

Rong Feifei stood next to Yang An and covered her mouth with a smile. If she hadn't recorded a show with Yang An, she wouldn't have believed that Yang An was an amateur. Such mature song arrangements can only be done by experienced senior teams. come out.

He is so considerate, but I don't understand your style.

The melody is catchy, the lyrics don’t require overthinking at all, and the song is so straightforward that it’s so tragic!

A Teng was overjoyed, rubbed his hands and said: "Then has Teacher Yang created a song suitable for me? Money is not an issue! As long as it is similar to the song "Midsummer Light Years" just now, I will pay 150,000!"

In fact, I already had a premonition,

Li Ming slapped his forehead and shouted, "Writing songs is your hobby?"

I face your confession with silence,

Yang An said to Zhang Hanbing: "Brother, thank you for giving me and Feifei the opportunity to record. Thank you for your gentlemanly demeanor. You allowed me to taste a feast of music and hear sounds that shocked my soul."

To be honest, Ateng's voice is not bad, but his thin body like a bamboo pole looks very twisted, and his leather pants and V-neck outfit are too avant-garde. Maybe the audience in the online live broadcast room just likes this.

Yang An sneered and said: "Yes, I plagiarized it. You can search it in the music library of the China Music Association. The song is called "Midsummer Light Years". You can go and see if the copyright owner is named Yang An. Fortunately, I registered in advance. Copyright, otherwise I will die here unjustly today! Brother Qing, please process the sound source and send it to Feifei. I feel uncomfortable staying here. I don’t talk much. Some people are illiterate and think it is glorious. There is nothing to sing about. He's capable, but he's just messing around with his bad tricks of spreading rumors and spewing blood! Let's go!"

Everyone almost fainted, and Ateng screamed: "What? Are you a TV host?"


So Yang An's actions deeply moved her. With tears in her eyes, she stood behind him and watched quietly.

I can’t give you a happy present,

Waiting for you to tell me,

I face your confession with silence,


This is my biggest frustration now.


Yang An smiled and waved his hands and said, "Forget it, don't mention this again."

Walking out of the glass room, Ateng wiped his tears and nodded to Yang An.

I also know it's not because of love.

This call from Teacher Yang made Zhang Hanbing and others feel a chill in their chests.

Aten sang affectionately, with a slightly crying voice that spread throughout the recording room. The straightforward lyrics, sad melody, and the image of a miserable and miserable man were deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Yang An quickly finished writing the lyrics and hummed it again, and the whole recording studio was boiling.

Waiting for you to tell me,

"Although I didn't say it out loud,

Yang An sneered and said: "Yes, I plagiarized it. You can search it in the music library of the China Music Association. The song is called "Midsummer Light Years". You can go and see if the copyright owner is named Yang An. Fortunately, I registered in advance. Copyright, otherwise I will die here unjustly today! Brother Qing, please process the sound source and send it to Feifei. I feel uncomfortable staying here. I don’t talk much. Some people are illiterate and think it is glorious. There is nothing to sing about. He's capable, but he's just messing around with his bad tricks of spreading rumors and spewing blood! Let's go!"

Yang An asked: "Don't you have a song you are recording? What is your name called Mistress?"

I face your confession with silence,

Li Ming slapped his forehead and shouted, "Writing songs is your hobby?"

He is so considerate, but I don't understand your style.

You want more than just my love,

This is my biggest frustration now.

Yang An sneered and said: "Yes, I plagiarized it. You can search it in the music library of the China Music Association. The song is called "Midsummer Light Years". You can go and see if the copyright owner is named Yang An. Fortunately, I registered in advance. Copyright, otherwise I will die here unjustly today! Brother Qing, please process the sound source and send it to Feifei. I feel uncomfortable staying here. I don’t talk much. Some people are illiterate and think it is glorious. There is nothing to sing about. He's capable, but he's just messing around with his bad tricks of spreading rumors and spewing blood! Let's go!"


A Teng said happily: "Of course, Zhang Hanbing, wait a minute and you will listen to Teacher Yang's instructions!"

After singing, Ateng ran out quickly and asked anxiously: "How was it?"

When Rong Feifei realized this, she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

A Teng said happily: "Of course, Zhang Hanbing, wait a minute and you will listen to Teacher Yang's instructions!"

After singing, Ateng ran out quickly and asked anxiously: "How was it?"

I face your confession with silence,

Li Ming slapped his forehead and shouted, "Writing songs is your hobby?"

Within half a minute, Yang An received a text message on his mobile phone, indicating that he had received 200,000 yuan, which was 50,000 yuan more than the previous agreement. It was paid by A Teng.

Yang Changfang pretended to think for a moment and said awkwardly: "Brother Teng, this is a girl's song..."

Yang An smiled and waved his hands and said, "Forget it, don't mention this again."

So Yang An's actions deeply moved her. With tears in her eyes, she stood behind him and watched quietly.

Since Da Kaizi was willing to pay, Yang An stopped being polite and said, "Brother Teng, can you let me listen to your song first? I don't know your style yet."

All the happiness I had was gone

So Yang An's actions deeply moved her. With tears in her eyes, she stood behind him and watched quietly.

Everyone still didn't know what happened. Ateng held Yang An and refused to let him go. He said with excitement: "So you are the creator of "Pancakes and Fruits". I have been looking for you for a long time! I heard Your pancake fruit feels so good. Do you have any new works? I can buy them! Do you want to sell "Midsummer Light Year"? I'll pay you 100,000, no, 150,000 to buy your song, how about it?"

She is not a cold-blooded woman, and her cold resistance to the outside world is just a means of self-defense. Her heart is actually the same as the lyrics of "Midsummer Light Years", she longs for madness and love.

The city's night is so brilliant,


Suddenly, Ateng held his cell phone and shouted in surprise: "It turns out it's really you! Brother Yang, don't leave, I finally found you!"

Walking out of the glass room, Ateng wiped his tears and nodded to Yang An.

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

A Teng remembered that five years ago, he brought his girlfriend to Red Maple City to make a living. One year later, his girlfriend could not see his future, could not bear his poverty, and broke up with him. She turned around and joined a local in Red Maple City. The embrace of the elderly.

Aten sings out his inner sadness with a crying voice.

When Rong Feifei realized this, she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

Rong Feifei quietly showed a sad expression to Yang An. It was not that she was sad inside, but that she felt goosebumps all over her body. Yang An blinked and gave her an "I know what you mean" look, and smiled helplessly.

Waiting for you to tell me,

Li Ming slapped his forehead and shouted, "Writing songs is your hobby?"

Zhang Hanbing was confused. Is this scolding him? Why didn't he hear a single curse word, yet he felt so sick and panicked all over

Everyone in the room took a breath. The price was several times higher than the average price in the industry. A song cost 150,000 yuan. Basically only the top producers in the country were worth this price, but Yang An was an amateur!

So Yang An's actions deeply moved her. With tears in her eyes, she stood behind him and watched quietly.

A Teng found his ex-girlfriend many times and tried to get back together, but in the end he was unable to save the relationship. He could only watch his girlfriend get in a luxury car and leave. There was no news from him. He was depressed for a long time, and he didn’t know. What is happiness, I don’t know what laughter is.

Yang An quickly finished writing the lyrics and hummed it again, and the whole recording studio was boiling.

Rong Feifei quietly showed a sad expression to Yang An. It was not that she was sad inside, but that she felt goosebumps all over her body. Yang An blinked and gave her an "I know what you mean" look, and smiled helplessly.

A Teng was so anxious that he urged Zhang Hanbing and others to rehearse quickly. He plunged into the glass room and sang over and over again, with tears in his eyes and a lot of emotion.

Yang Changfang pretended to think for a moment and said awkwardly: "Brother Teng, this is a girl's song..."

Suddenly, Ateng held his cell phone and shouted in surprise: "It turns out it's really you! Brother Yang, don't leave, I finally found you!"

Walking out of the glass room, Ateng wiped his tears and nodded to Yang An.


A Teng was overjoyed, hugged Yang An and shouted excitedly: "This is it! This is it! This is the feeling I have been looking for for a long time, and this is it! This song is a perfect match for me!"

Yang An asked: "Don't you have a song you are recording? What is your name called Mistress?"

Walking out of the glass room, Ateng wiped his tears and nodded to Yang An.

150,000 yuan for an online song is worth it no matter how you calculate it. Anyway, Yang An has no plans to become an online singer in the future. Now is the time when he needs the most money, so it is best to realize it as soon as possible.

Rong Feifei quietly showed a sad expression to Yang An. It was not that she was sad inside, but that she felt goosebumps all over her body. Yang An blinked and gave her an "I know what you mean" look, and smiled helplessly.


The melody is catchy, the lyrics don’t require overthinking at all, and the song is so straightforward that it’s so tragic!

The city's night is so brilliant,

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

When you nestle in his chest,

I also know it's not because of love.

"Yes! You, an amateur, will never be able to write such a good song or compose this kind of music!" Zhang Hanbing blurted out as if grabbing a life-saving straw, without even thinking about it.

Walking out of the glass room, Ateng wiped his tears and nodded to Yang An.

"Yes! You, an amateur, will never be able to write such a good song or compose this kind of music!" Zhang Hanbing blurted out as if grabbing a life-saving straw, without even thinking about it.

Yang An asked: "Don't you have a song you are recording? What is your name called Mistress?"

Yang An said to Zhang Hanbing: "Brother, thank you for giving me and Feifei the opportunity to record. Thank you for your gentlemanly demeanor. You allowed me to taste a feast of music and hear sounds that shocked my soul."

I also know it's not because of love.

Just without you by my side.

Yang Changfang pretended to think for a moment and said awkwardly: "Brother Teng, this is a girl's song..."

Yang An sneered and said: "Yes, I plagiarized it. You can search it in the music library of the China Music Association. The song is called "Midsummer Light Years". You can go and see if the copyright owner is named Yang An. Fortunately, I registered in advance. Copyright, otherwise I will die here unjustly today! Brother Qing, please process the sound source and send it to Feifei. I feel uncomfortable staying here. I don’t talk much. Some people are illiterate and think it is glorious. There is nothing to sing about. He's capable, but he's just messing around with his bad tricks of spreading rumors and spewing blood! Let's go!"

A Teng remembered that five years ago, he brought his girlfriend to Red Maple City to make a living. One year later, his girlfriend could not see his future, could not bear his poverty, and broke up with him. She turned around and joined a local in Red Maple City. The embrace of the elderly.

Seeing that there was no one in the Frozen Band to talk to, Yang An would not let this opportunity go easily. Wasn't Zhang Hanbing very aggressive, silly, and yin-yang just now? He specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction!

After his girlfriend left, the poor boy Ateng worked hard, singing at nightclubs, serving dishes, sleeping on the street, writing songs and selling them to make money. He struggled like all grassroots people. In the end, he became popular through online live broadcasts with his song "Let Me" "Love at Once" made him a lot of money, but looking at the unimaginable amount of money in his bank account, he didn't feel the slightest happiness. He could only sigh. He could never get back everything he had lost. The most sincere feelings ever.

Yang An asked: "Don't you have a song you are recording? What is your name called Mistress?"

Zhang Hanbing vomited blood depressedly and complained in his heart: "Everyone can tell that this song is good and has the potential to become a hit. This is not called a hobby. If you get serious about writing songs, what will happen to you?" What's the level? You said that you are a TV show host and you just have to do your show well. What kind of songs do you write? You play cross-border and you are at such a high level as soon as you start. Do you want professional singers like us to survive? !”

The city's night is so brilliant,

You have a soft and understanding heart, but you love to look for love outside.

From now on I am no longer your harbor,

Yang An glanced at Rong Feifei and noticed that she was a little nervous. He couldn't help but smile, "Xiao Nizi, this song was originally written for you. I won't sell it no matter how much money others pay."

This call from Teacher Yang made Zhang Hanbing and others feel a chill in their chests.

Li Ming slapped his forehead and shouted, "Writing songs is your hobby?"

After his girlfriend left, the poor boy Ateng worked hard, singing at nightclubs, serving dishes, sleeping on the street, writing songs and selling them to make money. He struggled like all grassroots people. In the end, he became popular through online live broadcasts with his song "Let Me" "Love at Once" made him a lot of money, but looking at the unimaginable amount of money in his bank account, he didn't feel the slightest happiness. He could only sigh. He could never get back everything he had lost. The most sincere feelings ever.

I face your confession with silence,

Just without you by my side.

Zhang Hanbing was confused. Is this scolding him? Why didn't he hear a single curse word, yet he felt so sick and panicked all over

To be honest, Ateng's voice is not bad, but his thin body like a bamboo pole looks very twisted, and his leather pants and V-neck outfit are too avant-garde. Maybe the audience in the online live broadcast room just likes this.

He is so considerate, but I don't understand your style.

Seeing that there was no one in the Frozen Band to talk to, Yang An would not let this opportunity go easily. Wasn't Zhang Hanbing very aggressive, silly, and yin-yang just now? He specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction!

Finally you became someone else's mistress,

This call from Teacher Yang made Zhang Hanbing and others feel a chill in their chests.


Finally you became someone else's mistress,

To be honest, Ateng's voice is not bad, but his thin body like a bamboo pole looks very twisted, and his leather pants and V-neck outfit are too avant-garde. Maybe the audience in the online live broadcast room just likes this.

This is my biggest frustration now.

I also know it's not because of love.


From now on I am no longer your harbor,

A Teng was overjoyed, rubbed his hands and said: "Then has Teacher Yang created a song suitable for me? Money is not an issue! As long as it is similar to the song "Midsummer Light Years" just now, I will pay 150,000!"

A Teng was overjoyed, hugged Yang An and shouted excitedly: "This is it! This is it! This is the feeling I have been looking for for a long time, and this is it! This song is a perfect match for me!"

Walking out of the glass room, Ateng wiped his tears and nodded to Yang An.

Yang An sneered and said: "Yes, I plagiarized it. You can search it in the music library of the China Music Association. The song is called "Midsummer Light Years". You can go and see if the copyright owner is named Yang An. Fortunately, I registered in advance. Copyright, otherwise I will die here unjustly today! Brother Qing, please process the sound source and send it to Feifei. I feel uncomfortable staying here. I don’t talk much. Some people are illiterate and think it is glorious. There is nothing to sing about. He's capable, but he's just messing around with his bad tricks of spreading rumors and spewing blood! Let's go!"

Brother Qing quickly smoothed things over: "Everyone, please stop talking. Shut up, Han Bing. If Brother Yang dares to say such things, he won't lie. Which one of you has heard this song before? Brother Yang, don't do it either Are you in a hurry to leave..."

Yang Changfang pretended to think for a moment and said awkwardly: "Brother Teng, this is a girl's song..."

See you there or leave, my sister. Zhang Hanbing's face was full of lifelessness, as if he was mourning for his heir, and he was so ashamed that he had no place to put it. He just taught Yang An how to write songs, how can he teach him now? How to teach this? At this level, who can teach whom

When you nestle in his chest,

This song is almost a reflection of Ateng's own personal experience. No wonder he burst into tears and cried himself while singing!

Everyone in the room took a breath. The price was several times higher than the average price in the industry. A song cost 150,000 yuan. Basically only the top producers in the country were worth this price, but Yang An was an amateur!

You have a soft and understanding heart, but you love to look for love outside.

A Teng was overjoyed, hugged Yang An and shouted excitedly: "This is it! This is it! This is the feeling I have been looking for for a long time, and this is it! This song is a perfect match for me!"

Just without you by my side.

After his girlfriend left, the poor boy Ateng worked hard, singing at nightclubs, serving dishes, sleeping on the street, writing songs and selling them to make money. He struggled like all grassroots people. In the end, he became popular through online live broadcasts with his song "Let Me" "Love at Once" made him a lot of money, but looking at the unimaginable amount of money in his bank account, he didn't feel the slightest happiness. He could only sigh. He could never get back everything he had lost. The most sincere feelings ever.

Have you forgotten the love I once gave you


Recalling that he knew that her waist was very thin, he didn't wait for more than 5 seconds to answer her call. After Rong Feifei laughed, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she felt so embarrassed that she felt an indescribable feeling of happiness and joy gradually arise. Getting up, her pride was crushed bit by bit, and her cold resistance faded bit by bit.

Everyone still didn't know what happened. Ateng held Yang An and refused to let him go. He said with excitement: "So you are the creator of "Pancakes and Fruits". I have been looking for you for a long time! I heard Your pancake fruit feels so good. Do you have any new works? I can buy them! Do you want to sell "Midsummer Light Year"? I'll pay you 100,000, no, 150,000 to buy your song, how about it?"

Yang An asked: "Don't you have a song you are recording? What is your name called Mistress?"

Aten sang affectionately, with a slightly crying voice that spread throughout the recording room. The straightforward lyrics, sad melody, and the image of a miserable and miserable man were deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

A Teng was so anxious that he urged Zhang Hanbing and others to rehearse quickly. He plunged into the glass room and sang over and over again, with tears in his eyes and a lot of emotion.


A Teng said happily: "Of course, Zhang Hanbing, wait a minute and you will listen to Teacher Yang's instructions!"


In fact, I already had a premonition,

Yang An said to Zhang Hanbing: "Brother, thank you for giving me and Feifei the opportunity to record. Thank you for your gentlemanly demeanor. You allowed me to taste a feast of music and hear sounds that shocked my soul."

Have you forgotten the love I once gave you

Seeing that Yang An still disagreed, and Rong Feifei, who was standing beside him, looked unhappy, Ateng finally came to his senses, suddenly realized, and quickly apologized with a smile: "Sorry, sorry, it was my lack of consideration, hahaha, just take it as my own. I never said that! Brother Yang, do you have any songs suitable for me to sing? As long as the songs are good, money is definitely not an issue!"

Aten sings out his inner sadness with a crying voice.

Walking out of the glass room, Ateng wiped his tears and nodded to Yang An.

A Teng found his ex-girlfriend many times and tried to get back together, but in the end he was unable to save the relationship. He could only watch his girlfriend get in a luxury car and leave. There was no news from him. He was depressed for a long time, and he didn’t know. What is happiness, I don’t know what laughter is.

150,000 yuan for an online song is worth it no matter how you calculate it. Anyway, Yang An has no plans to become an online singer in the future. Now is the time when he needs the most money, so it is best to realize it as soon as possible.

In fact, I already had a premonition,

Everyone almost fainted, and Ateng screamed: "What? Are you a TV host?"

Recalling that he knew that her waist was very thin, he didn't wait for more than 5 seconds to answer her call. After Rong Feifei laughed, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she felt so embarrassed that she felt an indescribable feeling of happiness and joy gradually arise. Getting up, her pride was crushed bit by bit, and her cold resistance faded bit by bit.

After his girlfriend left, the poor boy Ateng worked hard, singing at nightclubs, serving dishes, sleeping on the street, writing songs and selling them to make money. He struggled like all grassroots people. In the end, he became popular through online live broadcasts with his song "Let Me" "Love at Once" made him a lot of money, but looking at the unimaginable amount of money in his bank account, he didn't feel the slightest happiness. He could only sigh. He could never get back everything he had lost. The most sincere feelings ever.


Within half a minute, Yang An received a text message on his mobile phone, indicating that he had received 200,000 yuan, which was 50,000 yuan more than the previous agreement. It was paid by A Teng.

He is so considerate, but I don't understand your style.

You left me with tears and chose to nestle in his arms.

This song is almost a reflection of Ateng's own personal experience. No wonder he burst into tears and cried himself while singing!

When you nestle in his chest,

Yang An asked: "Don't you have a song you are recording? What is your name called Mistress?"

She is not a cold-blooded woman, and her cold resistance to the outside world is just a means of self-defense. Her heart is actually the same as the lyrics of "Midsummer Light Years", she longs for madness and love.

Walking out of the glass room, Ateng wiped his tears and nodded to Yang An.

Everyone almost fainted, and Ateng screamed: "What? Are you a TV host?"

Yang Changfang pretended to think for a moment and said awkwardly: "Brother Teng, this is a girl's song..."

The most important thing is that this arrangement style and lyrics are completely consistent with her temperament, stage style, and singing voice. Only then did she realize that Yang An did not want to sell this song to her at all, but deliberately This song was written for her!

Within half a minute, Yang An received a text message on his mobile phone, indicating that he had received 200,000 yuan, which was 50,000 yuan more than the previous agreement. It was paid by A Teng.

Yang An quickly finished writing the lyrics and hummed it again, and the whole recording studio was boiling.

From now on I am no longer your harbor,