The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 37: Conquer your peers


Rong Feifei took over the lyrics, and Song Xiaomei looked behind her curiously. The title of the song was "Tell Me". Rong Feifei remembered that she had indeed seen it when she was eating at Tan's Fish Head Restaurant that day.

Yang An was happy, clapped his legs and said, "Look, only Teacher Lu supports me. Teacher Lu, I love you!"

Screaming and roaring, like ocean waves, charging one after another!

The first brother Wang Ming smiled: "I've never seen it before. Sister Yu, have you ever heard of any host in the industry who writes songs?"

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

Yang Andao said: "I can sing the song, but it needs to be re-arranged. I still have half a day to do it, so I should be able to do it in time. Feifei, no matter what, for the sake of the ratings of "Joke Talk", I have to let Teacher Lu appear on my show , Otherwise, where can I hire first-tier stars? I can’t afford any first-tier stars’ appearance fees, the worst ones cost hundreds of thousands, I have no money!”

Lawrence Lu took the initiative to reach out and said, "Feifei, you sing so well!"

After just rehearsing one song, Rong Feifei conquered everyone present, and the artists who were about to perform on the same stage showed their favor to her. Although she is not very famous now, it can be expected that in a few years, she will be the best in China. Among the top female singers, there must be a place for Rong Feifei.

Ten seconds later, Rong Feifei shouted out her long-accumulated emotions with a gradually rising tone.

Yang An was happy, clapped his legs and said, "Look, only Teacher Lu supports me. Teacher Lu, I love you!"

I don’t know who took the lead and clapped along with the drumbeats in unison. Gradually, the entire hall burst into applause and screams. Although it was not loud, it was enough to prove that Rong Feifei conquered the entire studio and all the music present. people!

There were many people watching in the audience. No one had heard of this song, not even the band teachers. The band had rehearsed for several days in advance. Everyone was practicing to their own parts. At most, only the music director Liang Xu followed. I hummed a few lines and composed the score twice, but I never heard the original singer sing it.

Almost all the audience's hearts were trembling at this moment. They were instantly conquered by Rong Feifei's voice. They all heard the huge explosive power contained in Rong Feifei's voice!

Rong Feifei knew the importance of "Joke" to Yang An. Yang An spent 500,000 on his own to set up an independent production company, which almost used up all his family's savings. He really had no working capital to hire big stars.

However, Lu Xun expressed support: "I have listened to "Jianbing Guozi Comes a Set" written by Director Yang. It is also a rap, and it is very well written."

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "There are many hosts who sing, but I have never heard of anyone who writes their own songs."

"Feifei, you are really good at singing. You sang so well that I even cried!" Song Xiaomei hugged Rong Feifei, jumping and crying excitedly, unable to wipe away her tears.

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

Discussions started again on the walkie-talkie. Wang Ming and Chen Yu were also a little surprised. They didn't expect that Yang An would really dare to take the initiative. What song was he going to sing? I also want to ask Lu Xun to arrange the music. Is it a cover of Lu Xun’s song

Yang Andao: "I agree first, and then let Teacher Lu help me arrange the music. Let's take it step by step."

Then Yang An and Rong Feifei stood on the stage, looked at the curious and expectant eyes in the audience, smiled, "Tell Me" debuted for the first time, and officially started!

The sound of the guitar sounded, and Rong Feifei's voice sounded like a low voice.

Everyone present was shocked, even the band teachers were shocked. The drummer almost hit the wrong rhythm, and the guitarist's pick almost flew off. This high note was so shocking!

Lu Xun clenched his fists and waved involuntarily to the melody. He was the most sensitive person to the rhythm. He was driven by the singing, and the blood in his body was boiling. He wanted to wave, jump, and roar along!

Yang An agreed, then rang the artist's walkie-talkie and said, "Teacher Lu, I'll sing! But you have to do me a favor. Come to the studio to help me arrange the music."

Yang Andao said: "I can sing the song, but it needs to be re-arranged. I still have half a day to do it, so I should be able to do it in time. Feifei, no matter what, for the sake of the ratings of "Joke Talk", I have to let Teacher Lu appear on my show , Otherwise, where can I hire first-tier stars? I can’t afford any first-tier stars’ appearance fees, the worst ones cost hundreds of thousands, I have no money!”

Yang Andao: "I agree first, and then let Teacher Lu help me arrange the music. Let's take it step by step."

When the music stopped, Lu Xun was the first to shout loudly. Feeling that it was not enough, he put his fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply.

Lu Xun clenched his fists and waved involuntarily to the melody. He was the most sensitive person to the rhythm. He was driven by the singing, and the blood in his body was boiling. He wanted to wave, jump, and roar along!

Lu Xun's eyes widened and he shouted: "Impossible!"

"Feifei, you are really good at singing. You sang so well that I even cried!" Song Xiaomei hugged Rong Feifei, jumping and crying excitedly, unable to wipe away her tears.

Yang An said humbly: "Yeah, why do you think so of me? Have you never seen a host write a song?"

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

Ten seconds later, Rong Feifei shouted out her long-accumulated emotions with a gradually rising tone.

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

Everyone laughed, and Huang Xiao, the lead singer of the Red Wolf band, came over and said, "Feifei, I didn't expect this! This song is good, and you sing it very well. Why do you still stay in the Heat if I tell you that you're at your level? Go to the capital, I'll give it to you Find someone to form a high-level band again, and we will guarantee that you will become the top band in the country in three years!"

Lu Xun asked: "Feifei is in a band, right? Is she singing her own band's song this time?"

Then Yang An and Rong Feifei stood on the stage, looked at the curious and expectant eyes in the audience, smiled, "Tell Me" debuted for the first time, and officially started!

Yang An saw a group of people coming, five members from the Red Wolf band came, four from the Youthful Girl Group, Olympic champion Wan Qiang also came over, and people came one after another from behind. Yang An could only shake hands one by one and exchange greetings. , invite people to take a seat.

Several members of the Red Wolf band howled and used the band's iconic wolf howl to express their highest respect and praise to Rong Feifei.

Rong Feifei made an OK gesture and the music started again.

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

Yang An agreed, then rang the artist's walkie-talkie and said, "Teacher Lu, I'll sing! But you have to do me a favor. Come to the studio to help me arrange the music."

The first brother Wang Ming smiled: "I've never seen it before. Sister Yu, have you ever heard of any host in the industry who writes songs?"

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "There are many hosts who sing, but I have never heard of anyone who writes their own songs."

Lu Xun's eyes widened and he shouted: "Impossible!"

Is this kid really prepared? Lu Xun said in surprise: "Just wait, I'll come right away."

The artists who were fine at this time were also extremely curious. They all walked out of the lounge and walked towards the studio.

Everyone present was shocked, even the band teachers were shocked. The drummer almost hit the wrong rhythm, and the guitarist's pick almost flew off. This high note was so shocking!

Lu Xun asked: "Feifei is in a band, right? Is she singing her own band's song this time?"

Then Yang An and Rong Feifei stood on the stage, looked at the curious and expectant eyes in the audience, smiled, "Tell Me" debuted for the first time, and officially started!

Lu Xun clenched his fists and waved involuntarily to the melody. He was the most sensitive person to the rhythm. He was driven by the singing, and the blood in his body was boiling. He wanted to wave, jump, and roar along!

Then Yang An and Rong Feifei stood on the stage, looked at the curious and expectant eyes in the audience, smiled, "Tell Me" debuted for the first time, and officially started!

Is this kid really prepared? Lu Xun said in surprise: "Just wait, I'll come right away."

Discussions started again on the walkie-talkie. Wang Ming and Chen Yu were also a little surprised. They didn't expect that Yang An would really dare to take the initiative. What song was he going to sing? I also want to ask Lu Xun to arrange the music. Is it a cover of Lu Xun’s song

Rong Feifei was flattered and said shyly: "Teacher Lu, thank you. I really like your song. I always sang it in KTV..."

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

Yang An nodded, turned to the others and said: "To make everyone laugh, I also wrote a rap song when I was writing "Midsummer Light Years", but I didn't prepare the arrangement carefully. I brought it out temporarily today. Please give me more Forgive me~"

Rong Feifei knew the importance of "Joke" to Yang An. Yang An spent 500,000 on his own to set up an independent production company, which almost used up all his family's savings. He really had no working capital to hire big stars.

Everyone came to see Yang An sing rap. They sat down and chatted together, watching Rong Feifei auditioning on stage.

The sound of the guitar sounded, and Rong Feifei's voice sounded like a low voice.

When the music stopped, Lu Xun was the first to shout loudly. Feeling that it was not enough, he put his fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply.

Immediately afterwards, applause, praise, and cheers came from all directions. Rong Feifei stood on the stage and thanked everyone through the microphone. With a smile on her face, she obediently turned around and bowed in the direction of the band and bowed to the staff area. He handed the microphone to the music director, and then like a little bird, he happily ran off the stage and came to Yang An's side.

The artists who were fine at this time were also extremely curious. They all walked out of the lounge and walked towards the studio.

As soon as the tens of millions of sound effects came out, many people's pores exploded in an instant. The MCs and guests who were sitting in the audience chatting all stopped talking and opened their mouths in surprise!

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

Yang Andao: "No, she sang "Midsummer Light Years", which is a new song written by me."

Each guest had to prepare two sets of programs. Yang An thought for a while and said: "There is no need for "Only I Have Feelings for You", but Director Liang, I have a temporary additional song here. There is no score, so I only use " "Music Master" is a simple arrangement, can the band teachers help me expand the timbre and make it richer?"

The artists who were fine at this time were also extremely curious. They all walked out of the lounge and walked towards the studio.

Yang An said humbly: "Yeah, why do you think so of me? Have you never seen a host write a song?"

Yang An agreed, then rang the artist's walkie-talkie and said, "Teacher Lu, I'll sing! But you have to do me a favor. Come to the studio to help me arrange the music."

Lu Xun saw Yang An and Song Xiaomei in the studio. Yang An hurriedly greeted him, held Lu Xun's hand and said, "Teacher Lu, wait a moment. I'll talk to you after Feifei finishes rehearsing. Oh, what's the matter?" Everyone is here? Are you all here to watch our rehearsal? Please have a seat, please, if you are not well-received, everyone will treat this place as their own home, sit wherever you want..."

Is this kid really prepared? Lu Xun said in surprise: "Just wait, I'll come right away."

Yang An saw a group of people coming, five members from the Red Wolf band came, four from the Youthful Girl Group, Olympic champion Wan Qiang also came over, and people came one after another from behind. Yang An could only shake hands one by one and exchange greetings. , invite people to take a seat.

Yang An was happy, clapped his legs and said, "Look, only Teacher Lu supports me. Teacher Lu, I love you!"

The accompaniment music started. Rong Feifei put on the monitoring headphones and listened for half a minute. Then she gave a few instructions into the microphone to make the guitar feedback sound slightly louder and the drum sound smaller. She quickly completed the final fine-tuning to achieve the best effect. .

When the third high note "I won't turn" was sung, Lu Xun was shocked and stood up suddenly, as if his heart was instantly pierced by a knife, and his whole body was shocked.

The accompaniment music started. Rong Feifei put on the monitoring headphones and listened for half a minute. Then she gave a few instructions into the microphone to make the guitar feedback sound slightly louder and the drum sound smaller. She quickly completed the final fine-tuning to achieve the best effect. .

Yang An said humbly: "Yeah, why do you think so of me? Have you never seen a host write a song?"

Yang An said humbly: "Yeah, why do you think so of me? Have you never seen a host write a song?"

Yang An saw a group of people coming, five members from the Red Wolf band came, four from the Youthful Girl Group, Olympic champion Wan Qiang also came over, and people came one after another from behind. Yang An could only shake hands one by one and exchange greetings. , invite people to take a seat.

When the third high note "I won't turn" was sung, Lu Xun was shocked and stood up suddenly, as if his heart was instantly pierced by a knife, and his whole body was shocked.

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

Yang An nodded, turned to the others and said: "To make everyone laugh, I also wrote a rap song when I was writing "Midsummer Light Years", but I didn't prepare the arrangement carefully. I brought it out temporarily today. Please give me more Forgive me~"

Yang Andao said: "I can sing the song, but it needs to be re-arranged. I still have half a day to do it, so I should be able to do it in time. Feifei, no matter what, for the sake of the ratings of "Joke Talk", I have to let Teacher Lu appear on my show , Otherwise, where can I hire first-tier stars? I can’t afford any first-tier stars’ appearance fees, the worst ones cost hundreds of thousands, I have no money!”

Then Yang An and Rong Feifei stood on the stage, looked at the curious and expectant eyes in the audience, smiled, "Tell Me" debuted for the first time, and officially started!

Then Yang An and Rong Feifei stood on the stage, looked at the curious and expectant eyes in the audience, smiled, "Tell Me" debuted for the first time, and officially started!

Everyone came to see Yang An sing rap. They sat down and chatted together, watching Rong Feifei auditioning on stage.

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

"Well done! Great!"

Everyone laughed, and Huang Xiao, the lead singer of the Red Wolf band, came over and said, "Feifei, I didn't expect this! This song is good, and you sing it very well. Why do you still stay in the Heat if I tell you that you're at your level? Go to the capital, I'll give it to you Find someone to form a high-level band again, and we will guarantee that you will become the top band in the country in three years!"

Then Yang An and Rong Feifei stood on the stage, looked at the curious and expectant eyes in the audience, smiled, "Tell Me" debuted for the first time, and officially started!

Yang Andao: "No, she sang "Midsummer Light Years", which is a new song written by me."

Discussions started again on the walkie-talkie. Wang Ming and Chen Yu were also a little surprised. They didn't expect that Yang An would really dare to take the initiative. What song was he going to sing? I also want to ask Lu Xun to arrange the music. Is it a cover of Lu Xun’s song

Rong Feifei made an OK gesture and the music started again.

Lu Xun asked: "Feifei is in a band, right? Is she singing her own band's song this time?"

Music director Liang Xu highly praised this song and spoke highly of it, so today Rong Feifei rehearsed for the first time and everyone was full of expectations.

However, Lu Xun expressed support: "I have listened to "Jianbing Guozi Comes a Set" written by Director Yang. It is also a rap, and it is very well written."

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "There are many hosts who sing, but I have never heard of anyone who writes their own songs."

Music director Liang Xu highly praised this song and spoke highly of it, so today Rong Feifei rehearsed for the first time and everyone was full of expectations.

Lu Xun said: "Look, you're being hypocritical. You sing pop rock, which obviously doesn't match my style!"

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "There are many hosts who sing, but I have never heard of anyone who writes their own songs."

Rong Feifei was more excited. She was extremely excited at the thought of singing this song to a national audience that night.

Yang Andao: "No, she sang "Midsummer Light Years", which is a new song written by me."

Yang An saw a group of people coming, five members from the Red Wolf band came, four from the Youthful Girl Group, Olympic champion Wan Qiang also came over, and people came one after another from behind. Yang An could only shake hands one by one and exchange greetings. , invite people to take a seat.

Rong Feifei is like a wronged little girl telling her own story. She is ordinary and used to being ignored. But as she grows up, she has the idea of perseverance and decides to live her own way.

Lu Xun saw Yang An and Song Xiaomei in the studio. Yang An hurriedly greeted him, held Lu Xun's hand and said, "Teacher Lu, wait a moment. I'll talk to you after Feifei finishes rehearsing. Oh, what's the matter?" Everyone is here? Are you all here to watch our rehearsal? Please have a seat, please, if you are not well-received, everyone will treat this place as their own home, sit wherever you want..."

Yang An said humbly: "Yeah, why do you think so of me? Have you never seen a host write a song?"

Lu Xun and the people around him didn't believe it and asked, "Did you write the song?"

At this time, music director Liang Xu came over. After seeing Lu Xun, he chatted for a few words and said, "There is another song called "Only I Have Feelings for You". Feifei, Director Yang, do you two still need to audition?"

Then Yang An and Rong Feifei stood on the stage, looked at the curious and expectant eyes in the audience, smiled, "Tell Me" debuted for the first time, and officially started!

Music director Liang Xu highly praised this song and spoke highly of it, so today Rong Feifei rehearsed for the first time and everyone was full of expectations.

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

Rong Feifei was more excited. She was extremely excited at the thought of singing this song to a national audience that night.

Song Xiaomei bit her right hand and grabbed Yang An's arm with her left hand. She stared at Rong Feifei on the stage, her body trembling, and Yang An could feel the excitement in her body.

Yang An said humbly: "Yeah, why do you think so of me? Have you never seen a host write a song?"

The gradually intensifying waves hit everyone's heart soundly, until they reached the biggest peak, involving everyone in the sound waves and shattering them to pieces!

Rong Feifei was very excited: "Teacher Huang, you are too generous. I have just started working for less than a year, but I can't afford to be..."

The first brother Wang Ming smiled: "I've never seen it before. Sister Yu, have you ever heard of any host in the industry who writes songs?"

Yang An was happy, clapped his legs and said, "Look, only Teacher Lu supports me. Teacher Lu, I love you!"

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

Rong Feifei is like a wronged little girl telling her own story. She is ordinary and used to being ignored. But as she grows up, she has the idea of perseverance and decides to live her own way.

Immediately after the fourth "I won't turn" came out, Rong Feifei suddenly brought the emotion she had just burst to the extreme. Compared with the previous sentence, she seemed to have fallen from the clouds instantly.

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "There are many hosts who sing, but I have never heard of anyone who writes their own songs."

When the music stopped, Lu Xun was the first to shout loudly. Feeling that it was not enough, he put his fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply.

Lu Xun asked: "Feifei is in a band, right? Is she singing her own band's song this time?"

Music director Liang Xu highly praised this song and spoke highly of it, so today Rong Feifei rehearsed for the first time and everyone was full of expectations.

Music director Liang Xu highly praised this song and spoke highly of it, so today Rong Feifei rehearsed for the first time and everyone was full of expectations.

Ten seconds later, Rong Feifei shouted out her long-accumulated emotions with a gradually rising tone.

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

Yang An nodded, turned to the others and said: "To make everyone laugh, I also wrote a rap song when I was writing "Midsummer Light Years", but I didn't prepare the arrangement carefully. I brought it out temporarily today. Please give me more Forgive me~"

However, Lu Xun expressed support: "I have listened to "Jianbing Guozi Comes a Set" written by Director Yang. It is also a rap, and it is very well written."

Each guest had to prepare two sets of programs. Yang An thought for a while and said: "There is no need for "Only I Have Feelings for You", but Director Liang, I have a temporary additional song here. There is no score, so I only use " "Music Master" is a simple arrangement, can the band teachers help me expand the timbre and make it richer?"

Several members of the oldest band Red Wolf also stood up. They are the top band in the country. They know best what kind of song it is, what kind of singing skills Rong Feifei uses on stage, and what this song is. What's the difficulty and the beauty of it!

Yang An said humbly: "Yeah, why do you think so of me? Have you never seen a host write a song?"

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

The stunning touch of the high notes seemed to be the deliberate display of amorous feelings by a beauty, which aroused every listener's heart. They all concentrated on watching Rong Feifei's movements and listening to the heavenly sound, and were mesmerized.

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

Yang An was happy, clapped his legs and said, "Look, only Teacher Lu supports me. Teacher Lu, I love you!"

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

Liang Xu took the phone and laughed while listening: "Director Yang, what are you doing?"

Lu Xun asked from the side: "Is this the RAP song you mentioned?"

Everyone present was shocked, even the band teachers were shocked. The drummer almost hit the wrong rhythm, and the guitarist's pick almost flew off. This high note was so shocking!

Several members of the Red Wolf band howled and used the band's iconic wolf howl to express their highest respect and praise to Rong Feifei.

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "There are many hosts who sing, but I have never heard of anyone who writes their own songs."

Several members of the oldest band Red Wolf also stood up. They are the top band in the country. They know best what kind of song it is, what kind of singing skills Rong Feifei uses on stage, and what this song is. What's the difficulty and the beauty of it!

The accompaniment music started. Rong Feifei put on the monitoring headphones and listened for half a minute. Then she gave a few instructions into the microphone to make the guitar feedback sound slightly louder and the drum sound smaller. She quickly completed the final fine-tuning to achieve the best effect. .

Rong Feifei was more excited. She was extremely excited at the thought of singing this song to a national audience that night.

At this time, music director Liang Xu came over. After seeing Lu Xun, he chatted for a few words and said, "There is another song called "Only I Have Feelings for You". Feifei, Director Yang, do you two still need to audition?"

Several members of the oldest band Red Wolf also stood up. They are the top band in the country. They know best what kind of song it is, what kind of singing skills Rong Feifei uses on stage, and what this song is. What's the difficulty and the beauty of it!

"Well done! Great!"

Song Xiaomei bit her right hand and grabbed Yang An's arm with her left hand. She stared at Rong Feifei on the stage, her body trembling, and Yang An could feel the excitement in her body.

Everyone came to see Yang An sing rap. They sat down and chatted together, watching Rong Feifei auditioning on stage.

Everyone came to see Yang An sing rap. They sat down and chatted together, watching Rong Feifei auditioning on stage.

Rong Feifei was more excited. She was extremely excited at the thought of singing this song to a national audience that night.

There were many people watching in the audience. No one had heard of this song, not even the band teachers. The band had rehearsed for several days in advance. Everyone was practicing to their own parts. At most, only the music director Liang Xu followed. I hummed a few lines and composed the score twice, but I never heard the original singer sing it.

Everyone present was shocked, even the band teachers were shocked. The drummer almost hit the wrong rhythm, and the guitarist's pick almost flew off. This high note was so shocking!

Lu Xun's eyes widened and he shouted: "Impossible!"

When the music stopped, Lu Xun was the first to shout loudly. Feeling that it was not enough, he put his fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply.

Yang An was extremely satisfied. As expected, the effects of the recording studio and the studio were different. He could guarantee that this song would shine at today's party and be sung all over the world!

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "There are many hosts who sing, but I have never heard of anyone who writes their own songs."

Music director Liang Xu highly praised this song and spoke highly of it, so today Rong Feifei rehearsed for the first time and everyone was full of expectations.

Lu Xun's eyes widened and he shouted: "Impossible!"

Lu Xun and the people around him didn't believe it and asked, "Did you write the song?"

Rong Feifei made an OK gesture and the music started again.

Immediately after the fourth "I won't turn" came out, Rong Feifei suddenly brought the emotion she had just burst to the extreme. Compared with the previous sentence, she seemed to have fallen from the clouds instantly.

Yang An was happy, clapped his legs and said, "Look, only Teacher Lu supports me. Teacher Lu, I love you!"

Several members of the Red Wolf band howled and used the band's iconic wolf howl to express their highest respect and praise to Rong Feifei.

The sound of the guitar sounded, and Rong Feifei's voice sounded like a low voice.

Screaming and roaring, like ocean waves, charging one after another!

Lu Xun saw Yang An and Song Xiaomei in the studio. Yang An hurriedly greeted him, held Lu Xun's hand and said, "Teacher Lu, wait a moment. I'll talk to you after Feifei finishes rehearsing. Oh, what's the matter?" Everyone is here? Are you all here to watch our rehearsal? Please have a seat, please, if you are not well-received, everyone will treat this place as their own home, sit wherever you want..."

"Well done! Great!"

Rong Feifei was flattered and said shyly: "Teacher Lu, thank you. I really like your song. I always sang it in KTV..."

Lawrence Lu took the initiative to reach out and said, "Feifei, you sing so well!"

The first brother Wang Ming smiled: "I've never seen it before. Sister Yu, have you ever heard of any host in the industry who writes songs?"

As soon as the tens of millions of sound effects came out, many people's pores exploded in an instant. The MCs and guests who were sitting in the audience chatting all stopped talking and opened their mouths in surprise!

There were many people watching in the audience. No one had heard of this song, not even the band teachers. The band had rehearsed for several days in advance. Everyone was practicing to their own parts. At most, only the music director Liang Xu followed. I hummed a few lines and composed the score twice, but I never heard the original singer sing it.

Liang Xu took the phone and laughed while listening: "Director Yang, what are you doing?"

Lu Xun asked: "Feifei is in a band, right? Is she singing her own band's song this time?"

After just rehearsing one song, Rong Feifei conquered everyone present, and the artists who were about to perform on the same stage showed their favor to her. Although she is not very famous now, it can be expected that in a few years, she will be the best in China. Among the top female singers, there must be a place for Rong Feifei.

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "There are many hosts who sing, but I have never heard of anyone who writes their own songs."

When the third high note "I won't turn" was sung, Lu Xun was shocked and stood up suddenly, as if his heart was instantly pierced by a knife, and his whole body was shocked.

The sound of the guitar sounded, and Rong Feifei's voice sounded like a low voice.

The sound of the guitar sounded, and Rong Feifei's voice sounded like a low voice.

Rong Feifei is like a wronged little girl telling her own story. She is ordinary and used to being ignored. But as she grows up, she has the idea of perseverance and decides to live her own way.

Yang An said humbly: "Yeah, why do you think so of me? Have you never seen a host write a song?"

Yang Andao said: "I can sing the song, but it needs to be re-arranged. I still have half a day to do it, so I should be able to do it in time. Feifei, no matter what, for the sake of the ratings of "Joke Talk", I have to let Teacher Lu appear on my show , Otherwise, where can I hire first-tier stars? I can’t afford any first-tier stars’ appearance fees, the worst ones cost hundreds of thousands, I have no money!”

The gradually intensifying waves hit everyone's heart soundly, until they reached the biggest peak, involving everyone in the sound waves and shattering them to pieces!

Everyone came to see Yang An sing rap. They sat down and chatted together, watching Rong Feifei auditioning on stage.

Yang An took Rong Feifei aside again and taught her for a minute, and Rong Feifei learned it. Her female voice part only had a few sentences, and it was repeated throughout, which was completely childish.

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

Yang An said humbly: "Yeah, why do you think so of me? Have you never seen a host write a song?"

Ten seconds later, Rong Feifei shouted out her long-accumulated emotions with a gradually rising tone.

When the third high note "I won't turn" was sung, Lu Xun was shocked and stood up suddenly, as if his heart was instantly pierced by a knife, and his whole body was shocked.

Yang Andao: "No, she sang "Midsummer Light Years", which is a new song written by me."

Almost all the audience's hearts were trembling at this moment. They were instantly conquered by Rong Feifei's voice. They all heard the huge explosive power contained in Rong Feifei's voice!

Everyone present was shocked, even the band teachers were shocked. The drummer almost hit the wrong rhythm, and the guitarist's pick almost flew off. This high note was so shocking!

Rong Feifei was flattered and said shyly: "Teacher Lu, thank you. I really like your song. I always sang it in KTV..."

Rong Feifei was more excited. She was extremely excited at the thought of singing this song to a national audience that night.

Is this kid really prepared? Lu Xun said in surprise: "Just wait, I'll come right away."

Several members of the Red Wolf band howled and used the band's iconic wolf howl to express their highest respect and praise to Rong Feifei.

Lu Xun saw Yang An and Song Xiaomei in the studio. Yang An hurriedly greeted him, held Lu Xun's hand and said, "Teacher Lu, wait a moment. I'll talk to you after Feifei finishes rehearsing. Oh, what's the matter?" Everyone is here? Are you all here to watch our rehearsal? Please have a seat, please, if you are not well-received, everyone will treat this place as their own home, sit wherever you want..."

Immediately after the fourth "I won't turn" came out, Rong Feifei suddenly brought the emotion she had just burst to the extreme. Compared with the previous sentence, she seemed to have fallen from the clouds instantly.

Yang An agreed, then rang the artist's walkie-talkie and said, "Teacher Lu, I'll sing! But you have to do me a favor. Come to the studio to help me arrange the music."

Ten seconds later, Rong Feifei shouted out her long-accumulated emotions with a gradually rising tone.

As soon as the tens of millions of sound effects came out, many people's pores exploded in an instant. The MCs and guests who were sitting in the audience chatting all stopped talking and opened their mouths in surprise!

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

Yang Andao: "I agree first, and then let Teacher Lu help me arrange the music. Let's take it step by step."

Lu Xun and the people around him didn't believe it and asked, "Did you write the song?"

The accompaniment music started. Rong Feifei put on the monitoring headphones and listened for half a minute. Then she gave a few instructions into the microphone to make the guitar feedback sound slightly louder and the drum sound smaller. She quickly completed the final fine-tuning to achieve the best effect. .

The stunning touch of the high notes seemed to be the deliberate display of amorous feelings by a beauty, which aroused every listener's heart. They all concentrated on watching Rong Feifei's movements and listening to the heavenly sound, and were mesmerized.

Song Xiaomei bit her right hand and grabbed Yang An's arm with her left hand. She stared at Rong Feifei on the stage, her body trembling, and Yang An could feel the excitement in her body.

Rong Feifei took over the lyrics, and Song Xiaomei looked behind her curiously. The title of the song was "Tell Me". Rong Feifei remembered that she had indeed seen it when she was eating at Tan's Fish Head Restaurant that day.

Ten seconds later, Rong Feifei shouted out her long-accumulated emotions with a gradually rising tone.

I don’t know who took the lead and clapped along with the drumbeats in unison. Gradually, the entire hall burst into applause and screams. Although it was not loud, it was enough to prove that Rong Feifei conquered the entire studio and all the music present. people!

Ten seconds later, Rong Feifei shouted out her long-accumulated emotions with a gradually rising tone.

Almost all the audience's hearts were trembling at this moment. They were instantly conquered by Rong Feifei's voice. They all heard the huge explosive power contained in Rong Feifei's voice!

Immediately after the fourth "I won't turn" came out, Rong Feifei suddenly brought the emotion she had just burst to the extreme. Compared with the previous sentence, she seemed to have fallen from the clouds instantly.

Lu Xun's eyes widened and he shouted: "Impossible!"

Lu Xun's eyes widened and he shouted: "Impossible!"

When the music stopped, Lu Xun was the first to shout loudly. Feeling that it was not enough, he put his fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply.

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

Several members of the Red Wolf band howled and used the band's iconic wolf howl to express their highest respect and praise to Rong Feifei.

Lu Xun clenched his fists and waved involuntarily to the melody. He was the most sensitive person to the rhythm. He was driven by the singing, and the blood in his body was boiling. He wanted to wave, jump, and roar along!

The music director heard the shouting and exclaimed: "Oh my God!"

Rong Feifei is like a wronged little girl telling her own story. She is ordinary and used to being ignored. But as she grows up, she has the idea of perseverance and decides to live her own way.

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

When the third high note "I won't turn" was sung, Lu Xun was shocked and stood up suddenly, as if his heart was instantly pierced by a knife, and his whole body was shocked.

Almost all the audience's hearts were trembling at this moment. They were instantly conquered by Rong Feifei's voice. They all heard the huge explosive power contained in Rong Feifei's voice!

Immediately after the fourth "I won't turn" came out, Rong Feifei suddenly brought the emotion she had just burst to the extreme. Compared with the previous sentence, she seemed to have fallen from the clouds instantly.

The girls in the beautiful girl group all let out a sound of surprise, covered their mouths in surprise, were dumbstruck, and had various expressions.

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

Several members of the oldest band Red Wolf also stood up. They are the top band in the country. They know best what kind of song it is, what kind of singing skills Rong Feifei uses on stage, and what this song is. What's the difficulty and the beauty of it!

There were many people watching in the audience. No one had heard of this song, not even the band teachers. The band had rehearsed for several days in advance. Everyone was practicing to their own parts. At most, only the music director Liang Xu followed. I hummed a few lines and composed the score twice, but I never heard the original singer sing it.

The sound of the guitar sounded, and Rong Feifei's voice sounded like a low voice.

Lu Xun asked from the side: "Is this the RAP song you mentioned?"

Almost all the audience's hearts were trembling at this moment. They were instantly conquered by Rong Feifei's voice. They all heard the huge explosive power contained in Rong Feifei's voice!

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

Screaming and roaring, like ocean waves, charging one after another!

Music director Liang Xu highly praised this song and spoke highly of it, so today Rong Feifei rehearsed for the first time and everyone was full of expectations.

Lu Xun and the people around him didn't believe it and asked, "Did you write the song?"

The gradually intensifying waves hit everyone's heart soundly, until they reached the biggest peak, involving everyone in the sound waves and shattering them to pieces!

The music director heard the shouting and exclaimed: "Oh my God!"

Almost all the audience's hearts were trembling at this moment. They were instantly conquered by Rong Feifei's voice. They all heard the huge explosive power contained in Rong Feifei's voice!

Almost all the audience's hearts were trembling at this moment. They were instantly conquered by Rong Feifei's voice. They all heard the huge explosive power contained in Rong Feifei's voice!

Rong Feifei made an OK gesture and the music started again.

Everyone present was shocked, even the band teachers were shocked. The drummer almost hit the wrong rhythm, and the guitarist's pick almost flew off. This high note was so shocking!

The accompaniment music started. Rong Feifei put on the monitoring headphones and listened for half a minute. Then she gave a few instructions into the microphone to make the guitar feedback sound slightly louder and the drum sound smaller. She quickly completed the final fine-tuning to achieve the best effect. .

Lu Xun and the people around him didn't believe it and asked, "Did you write the song?"

Song Xiaomei bit her right hand and grabbed Yang An's arm with her left hand. She stared at Rong Feifei on the stage, her body trembling, and Yang An could feel the excitement in her body.

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "There are many hosts who sing, but I have never heard of anyone who writes their own songs."

Everyone came to see Yang An sing rap. They sat down and chatted together, watching Rong Feifei auditioning on stage.

The gradually intensifying waves hit everyone's heart soundly, until they reached the biggest peak, involving everyone in the sound waves and shattering them to pieces!

Lu Xun and the people around him didn't believe it and asked, "Did you write the song?"

Lu Xun clenched his fists and waved involuntarily to the melody. He was the most sensitive person to the rhythm. He was driven by the singing, and the blood in his body was boiling. He wanted to wave, jump, and roar along!

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

Several members of the Red Wolf band howled and used the band's iconic wolf howl to express their highest respect and praise to Rong Feifei.

"Feifei, you are really good at singing. You sang so well that I even cried!" Song Xiaomei hugged Rong Feifei, jumping and crying excitedly, unable to wipe away her tears.

Discussions started again on the walkie-talkie. Wang Ming and Chen Yu were also a little surprised. They didn't expect that Yang An would really dare to take the initiative. What song was he going to sing? I also want to ask Lu Xun to arrange the music. Is it a cover of Lu Xun’s song

Ten seconds later, Rong Feifei shouted out her long-accumulated emotions with a gradually rising tone.

Rong Feifei took over the lyrics, and Song Xiaomei looked behind her curiously. The title of the song was "Tell Me". Rong Feifei remembered that she had indeed seen it when she was eating at Tan's Fish Head Restaurant that day.

Song Xiaomei bit her right hand and grabbed Yang An's arm with her left hand. She stared at Rong Feifei on the stage, her body trembling, and Yang An could feel the excitement in her body.

I don’t know who took the lead and clapped along with the drumbeats in unison. Gradually, the entire hall burst into applause and screams. Although it was not loud, it was enough to prove that Rong Feifei conquered the entire studio and all the music present. people!

Almost all the audience's hearts were trembling at this moment. They were instantly conquered by Rong Feifei's voice. They all heard the huge explosive power contained in Rong Feifei's voice!

Yang Andao: "No, she sang "Midsummer Light Years", which is a new song written by me."

I don’t know who took the lead and clapped along with the drumbeats in unison. Gradually, the entire hall burst into applause and screams. Although it was not loud, it was enough to prove that Rong Feifei conquered the entire studio and all the music present. people!

Yang An was happy, clapped his legs and said, "Look, only Teacher Lu supports me. Teacher Lu, I love you!"

Immediately afterwards, applause, praise, and cheers came from all directions. Rong Feifei stood on the stage and thanked everyone through the microphone. With a smile on her face, she obediently turned around and bowed in the direction of the band and bowed to the staff area. He handed the microphone to the music director, and then like a little bird, he happily ran off the stage and came to Yang An's side.

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

"Well done! Great!"

After just rehearsing one song, Rong Feifei conquered everyone present, and the artists who were about to perform on the same stage showed their favor to her. Although she is not very famous now, it can be expected that in a few years, she will be the best in China. Among the top female singers, there must be a place for Rong Feifei.

Rong Feifei was flattered and said shyly: "Teacher Lu, thank you. I really like your song. I always sang it in KTV..."

Each guest had to prepare two sets of programs. Yang An thought for a while and said: "There is no need for "Only I Have Feelings for You", but Director Liang, I have a temporary additional song here. There is no score, so I only use " "Music Master" is a simple arrangement, can the band teachers help me expand the timbre and make it richer?"

When the music stopped, Lu Xun was the first to shout loudly. Feeling that it was not enough, he put his fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply.

Yang An was extremely satisfied. As expected, the effects of the recording studio and the studio were different. He could guarantee that this song would shine at today's party and be sung all over the world!

Is this kid really prepared? Lu Xun said in surprise: "Just wait, I'll come right away."

Several members of the Red Wolf band howled and used the band's iconic wolf howl to express their highest respect and praise to Rong Feifei.

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "There are many hosts who sing, but I have never heard of anyone who writes their own songs."

Screaming and roaring, like ocean waves, charging one after another!

The music director heard the shouting and exclaimed: "Oh my God!"

Lu Xun asked: "Feifei is in a band, right? Is she singing her own band's song this time?"

Several members of the oldest band Red Wolf also stood up. They are the top band in the country. They know best what kind of song it is, what kind of singing skills Rong Feifei uses on stage, and what this song is. What's the difficulty and the beauty of it!

Lu Xun asked: "Feifei is in a band, right? Is she singing her own band's song this time?"

Several members of the oldest band Red Wolf also stood up. They are the top band in the country. They know best what kind of song it is, what kind of singing skills Rong Feifei uses on stage, and what this song is. What's the difficulty and the beauty of it!

Immediately afterwards, applause, praise, and cheers came from all directions. Rong Feifei stood on the stage and thanked everyone through the microphone. With a smile on her face, she obediently turned around and bowed in the direction of the band and bowed to the staff area. He handed the microphone to the music director, and then like a little bird, he happily ran off the stage and came to Yang An's side.

Everyone present was shocked, even the band teachers were shocked. The drummer almost hit the wrong rhythm, and the guitarist's pick almost flew off. This high note was so shocking!

Each guest had to prepare two sets of programs. Yang An thought for a while and said: "There is no need for "Only I Have Feelings for You", but Director Liang, I have a temporary additional song here. There is no score, so I only use " "Music Master" is a simple arrangement, can the band teachers help me expand the timbre and make it richer?"

Everyone came to see Yang An sing rap. They sat down and chatted together, watching Rong Feifei auditioning on stage.

Song Xiaomei bit her right hand and grabbed Yang An's arm with her left hand. She stared at Rong Feifei on the stage, her body trembling, and Yang An could feel the excitement in her body.

The first brother Wang Ming smiled: "I've never seen it before. Sister Yu, have you ever heard of any host in the industry who writes songs?"

Yang Andao: "No, she sang "Midsummer Light Years", which is a new song written by me."

Yang An was extremely satisfied. As expected, the effects of the recording studio and the studio were different. He could guarantee that this song would shine at today's party and be sung all over the world!

There were many people watching in the audience. No one had heard of this song, not even the band teachers. The band had rehearsed for several days in advance. Everyone was practicing to their own parts. At most, only the music director Liang Xu followed. I hummed a few lines and composed the score twice, but I never heard the original singer sing it.

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

The sound of the guitar sounded, and Rong Feifei's voice sounded like a low voice.

"Feifei, you are really good at singing. You sang so well that I even cried!" Song Xiaomei hugged Rong Feifei, jumping and crying excitedly, unable to wipe away her tears.

The sound of the guitar sounded, and Rong Feifei's voice sounded like a low voice.

The sound of the guitar sounded, and Rong Feifei's voice sounded like a low voice.

"Well done! Great!"

The gradually intensifying waves hit everyone's heart soundly, until they reached the biggest peak, involving everyone in the sound waves and shattering them to pieces!

Rong Feifei was more excited. She was extremely excited at the thought of singing this song to a national audience that night.

The first brother Wang Ming smiled: "I've never seen it before. Sister Yu, have you ever heard of any host in the industry who writes songs?"

The first brother Wang Ming smiled: "I've never seen it before. Sister Yu, have you ever heard of any host in the industry who writes songs?"

After just rehearsing one song, Rong Feifei conquered everyone present, and the artists who were about to perform on the same stage showed their favor to her. Although she is not very famous now, it can be expected that in a few years, she will be the best in China. Among the top female singers, there must be a place for Rong Feifei.

Lawrence Lu took the initiative to reach out and said, "Feifei, you sing so well!"

Yang An said humbly: "Yeah, why do you think so of me? Have you never seen a host write a song?"

Rong Feifei knew the importance of "Joke" to Yang An. Yang An spent 500,000 on his own to set up an independent production company, which almost used up all his family's savings. He really had no working capital to hire big stars.

Several members of the oldest band Red Wolf also stood up. They are the top band in the country. They know best what kind of song it is, what kind of singing skills Rong Feifei uses on stage, and what this song is. What's the difficulty and the beauty of it!

As soon as the tens of millions of sound effects came out, many people's pores exploded in an instant. The MCs and guests who were sitting in the audience chatting all stopped talking and opened their mouths in surprise!

The accompaniment music started. Rong Feifei put on the monitoring headphones and listened for half a minute. Then she gave a few instructions into the microphone to make the guitar feedback sound slightly louder and the drum sound smaller. She quickly completed the final fine-tuning to achieve the best effect. .

I don’t know who took the lead and clapped along with the drumbeats in unison. Gradually, the entire hall burst into applause and screams. Although it was not loud, it was enough to prove that Rong Feifei conquered the entire studio and all the music present. people!

Yang Andao: "No, she sang "Midsummer Light Years", which is a new song written by me."

Rong Feifei was flattered and said shyly: "Teacher Lu, thank you. I really like your song. I always sang it in KTV..."

Lu Xun asked: "Feifei is in a band, right? Is she singing her own band's song this time?"

As soon as the tens of millions of sound effects came out, many people's pores exploded in an instant. The MCs and guests who were sitting in the audience chatting all stopped talking and opened their mouths in surprise!

Yang An was happy, clapped his legs and said, "Look, only Teacher Lu supports me. Teacher Lu, I love you!"

Rong Feifei was flattered and said shyly: "Teacher Lu, thank you. I really like your song. I always sang it in KTV..."

Lu Xun asked from the side: "Is this the RAP song you mentioned?"

Lu Xun said: "Look, you're being hypocritical. You sing pop rock, which obviously doesn't match my style!"

Ten seconds later, Rong Feifei shouted out her long-accumulated emotions with a gradually rising tone.

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

Lu Xun clenched his fists and waved involuntarily to the melody. He was the most sensitive person to the rhythm. He was driven by the singing, and the blood in his body was boiling. He wanted to wave, jump, and roar along!

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

The first brother Wang Ming smiled: "I've never seen it before. Sister Yu, have you ever heard of any host in the industry who writes songs?"

Yang Andao: "I agree first, and then let Teacher Lu help me arrange the music. Let's take it step by step."

Rong Feifei took over the lyrics, and Song Xiaomei looked behind her curiously. The title of the song was "Tell Me". Rong Feifei remembered that she had indeed seen it when she was eating at Tan's Fish Head Restaurant that day.

Everyone laughed, and Huang Xiao, the lead singer of the Red Wolf band, came over and said, "Feifei, I didn't expect this! This song is good, and you sing it very well. Why do you still stay in the Heat if I tell you that you're at your level? Go to the capital, I'll give it to you Find someone to form a high-level band again, and we will guarantee that you will become the top band in the country in three years!"

Lu Xun's eyes widened and he shouted: "Impossible!"

Yang An agreed, then rang the artist's walkie-talkie and said, "Teacher Lu, I'll sing! But you have to do me a favor. Come to the studio to help me arrange the music."

Rong Feifei made an OK gesture and the music started again.

The stunning touch of the high notes seemed to be the deliberate display of amorous feelings by a beauty, which aroused every listener's heart. They all concentrated on watching Rong Feifei's movements and listening to the heavenly sound, and were mesmerized.

The stunning touch of the high notes seemed to be the deliberate display of amorous feelings by a beauty, which aroused every listener's heart. They all concentrated on watching Rong Feifei's movements and listening to the heavenly sound, and were mesmerized.

Rong Feifei was very excited: "Teacher Huang, you are too generous. I have just started working for less than a year, but I can't afford to be..."

Immediately after the fourth "I won't turn" came out, Rong Feifei suddenly brought the emotion she had just burst to the extreme. Compared with the previous sentence, she seemed to have fallen from the clouds instantly.

Lawrence Lu took the initiative to reach out and said, "Feifei, you sing so well!"

Lu Xun's eyes widened and he shouted: "Impossible!"

Chen Yu pursed her lips and smiled: "There are many hosts who sing, but I have never heard of anyone who writes their own songs."

Yang An nodded, turned to the others and said: "To make everyone laugh, I also wrote a rap song when I was writing "Midsummer Light Years", but I didn't prepare the arrangement carefully. I brought it out temporarily today. Please give me more Forgive me~"

Song Xiaomei bit her right hand and grabbed Yang An's arm with her left hand. She stared at Rong Feifei on the stage, her body trembling, and Yang An could feel the excitement in her body.

Yang Andao: "No, she sang "Midsummer Light Years", which is a new song written by me."

Then Yang An and Rong Feifei stood on the stage, looked at the curious and expectant eyes in the audience, smiled, "Tell Me" debuted for the first time, and officially started!

After just rehearsing one song, Rong Feifei conquered everyone present, and the artists who were about to perform on the same stage showed their favor to her. Although she is not very famous now, it can be expected that in a few years, she will be the best in China. Among the top female singers, there must be a place for Rong Feifei.

Rong Feifei was very excited: "Teacher Huang, you are too generous. I have just started working for less than a year, but I can't afford to be..."

Rong Feifei was flattered and said shyly: "Teacher Lu, thank you. I really like your song. I always sang it in KTV..."

At this time, music director Liang Xu came over. After seeing Lu Xun, he chatted for a few words and said, "There is another song called "Only I Have Feelings for You". Feifei, Director Yang, do you two still need to audition?"

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

Yang An said humbly: "Yeah, why do you think so of me? Have you never seen a host write a song?"

Rong Feifei was flattered and said shyly: "Teacher Lu, thank you. I really like your song. I always sang it in KTV..."

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

Each guest had to prepare two sets of programs. Yang An thought for a while and said: "There is no need for "Only I Have Feelings for You", but Director Liang, I have a temporary additional song here. There is no score, so I only use " "Music Master" is a simple arrangement, can the band teachers help me expand the timbre and make it richer?"

Lu Xun clenched his fists and waved involuntarily to the melody. He was the most sensitive person to the rhythm. He was driven by the singing, and the blood in his body was boiling. He wanted to wave, jump, and roar along!

Lu Xun asked: "Feifei is in a band, right? Is she singing her own band's song this time?"

Rong Feifei was very excited: "Teacher Huang, you are too generous. I have just started working for less than a year, but I can't afford to be..."

Several members of the Red Wolf band howled and used the band's iconic wolf howl to express their highest respect and praise to Rong Feifei.

Ten seconds later, Rong Feifei shouted out her long-accumulated emotions with a gradually rising tone.

Song Xiaomei bit her right hand and grabbed Yang An's arm with her left hand. She stared at Rong Feifei on the stage, her body trembling, and Yang An could feel the excitement in her body.

Liang Xu took the phone and laughed while listening: "Director Yang, what are you doing?"

Rong Feifei was flattered and said shyly: "Teacher Lu, thank you. I really like your song. I always sang it in KTV..."

Yang Andao: "I agree first, and then let Teacher Lu help me arrange the music. Let's take it step by step."

Lu Xun asked from the side: "Is this the RAP song you mentioned?"

"Well done! Great!"

The girls in the beautiful girl group all let out a sound of surprise, covered their mouths in surprise, were dumbstruck, and had various expressions.

There were many people watching in the audience. No one had heard of this song, not even the band teachers. The band had rehearsed for several days in advance. Everyone was practicing to their own parts. At most, only the music director Liang Xu followed. I hummed a few lines and composed the score twice, but I never heard the original singer sing it.

The girls in the beautiful girl group all let out a sound of surprise, covered their mouths in surprise, were dumbstruck, and had various expressions.

The stunning touch of the high notes seemed to be the deliberate display of amorous feelings by a beauty, which aroused every listener's heart. They all concentrated on watching Rong Feifei's movements and listening to the heavenly sound, and were mesmerized.

The sound of the guitar sounded, and Rong Feifei's voice sounded like a low voice.

Yang An nodded, turned to the others and said: "To make everyone laugh, I also wrote a rap song when I was writing "Midsummer Light Years", but I didn't prepare the arrangement carefully. I brought it out temporarily today. Please give me more Forgive me~"

Yang An saw a group of people coming, five members from the Red Wolf band came, four from the Youthful Girl Group, Olympic champion Wan Qiang also came over, and people came one after another from behind. Yang An could only shake hands one by one and exchange greetings. , invite people to take a seat.

The stunning touch of the high notes seemed to be the deliberate display of amorous feelings by a beauty, which aroused every listener's heart. They all concentrated on watching Rong Feifei's movements and listening to the heavenly sound, and were mesmerized.

Song Xiaomei bit her right hand and grabbed Yang An's arm with her left hand. She stared at Rong Feifei on the stage, her body trembling, and Yang An could feel the excitement in her body.

Rong Feifei was flattered and said shyly: "Teacher Lu, thank you. I really like your song. I always sang it in KTV..."

The stunning touch of the high notes seemed to be the deliberate display of amorous feelings by a beauty, which aroused every listener's heart. They all concentrated on watching Rong Feifei's movements and listening to the heavenly sound, and were mesmerized.

Rong Feifei took over the lyrics, and Song Xiaomei looked behind her curiously. The title of the song was "Tell Me". Rong Feifei remembered that she had indeed seen it when she was eating at Tan's Fish Head Restaurant that day.

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

Liang Xu listened to the whole accompaniment, nodded that it was okay, and went on stage to discuss with the band.

Almost all the audience's hearts were trembling at this moment. They were instantly conquered by Rong Feifei's voice. They all heard the huge explosive power contained in Rong Feifei's voice!

Lawrence Lu took the initiative to reach out and said, "Feifei, you sing so well!"

Yang An took Rong Feifei aside again and taught her for a minute, and Rong Feifei learned it. Her female voice part only had a few sentences, and it was repeated throughout, which was completely childish.

At this time, a voice came from the staff walkie-talkie: "Yang An, is Yang An here? Now take your people to the studio for audition rehearsal."

Rong Feifei was more excited. She was extremely excited at the thought of singing this song to a national audience that night.

Rong Feifei was more excited. She was extremely excited at the thought of singing this song to a national audience that night.

Lu Xun said: "Look, you're being hypocritical. You sing pop rock, which obviously doesn't match my style!"

Lawrence Lu took the initiative to reach out and said, "Feifei, you sing so well!"

Rong Feifei was very excited: "Teacher Huang, you are too generous. I have just started working for less than a year, but I can't afford to be..."

The accompaniment music started. Rong Feifei put on the monitoring headphones and listened for half a minute. Then she gave a few instructions into the microphone to make the guitar feedback sound slightly louder and the drum sound smaller. She quickly completed the final fine-tuning to achieve the best effect. .

Ten seconds later, Rong Feifei shouted out her long-accumulated emotions with a gradually rising tone.

Then Yang An and Rong Feifei stood on the stage, looked at the curious and expectant eyes in the audience, smiled, "Tell Me" debuted for the first time, and officially started!

Yang An saw a group of people coming, five members from the Red Wolf band came, four from the Youthful Girl Group, Olympic champion Wan Qiang also came over, and people came one after another from behind. Yang An could only shake hands one by one and exchange greetings. , invite people to take a seat.

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

Almost all the audience's hearts were trembling at this moment. They were instantly conquered by Rong Feifei's voice. They all heard the huge explosive power contained in Rong Feifei's voice!

As a very good friend, Rong Feifei gritted her teeth and decided to go crazy with Yang An. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

Lu Xun and the people around him didn't believe it and asked, "Did you write the song?"

Everyone present was shocked, even the band teachers were shocked. The drummer almost hit the wrong rhythm, and the guitarist's pick almost flew off. This high note was so shocking!