The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 55: Undercover Yang An is out


Yang An really didn't know this time, but he could estimate that things were definitely not that simple.

But this sentence is very ambiguous!

Rong Feifei covered her mouth, quickly turned sideways and laughed.

Yang An worked as an undercover agent, taking advantage of his familiarity with the rules to play with everyone.

Fortunately, Rong Feifei lived up to her fate and survived until the penultimate round. Three members of the Red Wolf band jointly testified against her and she died unjustly. Huang Xiao and the others didn't even know how they won!

This word is suitable for the occasion. The day when the show is broadcast is November 11, Singles' Day. Everyone is looking forward to it and wants to see how Yang An can turn the tide.

The ones who stayed this time were Yang An, Rong Feifei, and Huang Xiao.

Yang An, who had just won, had wide-eyed eyes and looked around at the guests and the audience. His awkward expression was captured by the camera in close-up, and everyone in the audience was amused by him!

The audience became excited, and other members of Red Wolf on the stage took the lead in making wolf howls, leading the entire audience to boo.

Huang Xiao laughed: "That's right. Actually, I can change my statement. My statement is that I want to send roses to Feifei on this day."

The audience burst into laughter, now forcing Yang An to a dead end!

He is the person who best understands the operating rules of "Who's the Undercover"? The biggest highlight of this segment is how the undercover can survive for a few more rounds tactfully. The more exciting the undercover's performance, the better the show will be.

The laughing brothers hugged him one after another, patted his back encouragingly, and congratulated him on winning the beauty return even though he lost the game.

Yang An took over the host microphone again, asked everyone to take their seats, and said: "Do you understand the rules of the game? If you want to play well, you must control your mouth. Please remember, you will make mistakes if you talk too much, especially It’s Ma Xin, shut up! Come on, let’s start getting the word cards.”

Bystanders know that everyone has to admit that Yang An is the person who best conforms to the rules of the game. As the planner of the game, all his actions are impeccable. Yang An has set a good example for the game "Who is Undercover" and demonstrated it perfectly. How to play an undercover agent.

Before Huang Xiao could react, he pointed at himself and said dazedly: "Ah? I'm an undercover? And I won?"

Huang Xiao felt dizzy: "I don't know who it is..."

Rong Feifei looked at Yang An again and saw his slight hint.

How would he respond


In the second round, the one who drew the undercover card was Rong Feifei. Her word choice was "hot water bottle", and the other six people's words were "warm baby".

"It's so funny! I'm speechless about these irresponsible laughing brothers!"

Everyone is looking forward to his answer!

The audience responded in unison at first, and then there was the sound of "Ou" from the blockbusters. Everyone had to admit that Yang An was really smart and could please the audience. He wished the singles success in holding hands on the upcoming Singles' Day. Are you supported by fans

The audience burst into laughter, but today Yang An was really unlucky. He could even win the undercover title by himself, and the term he got was "Singles' Day", and the other people's was "Valentine's Day".

That's right, in order to get naked on Singles' Day, many singles will take the opportunity to confess their feelings, so Yang An is safe again in the second round.

Applause rang out and applause continued. Yang An's unpretentious and unrestrained style made the audience envious and jealous. Only those who can achieve success in career and gain emotional happiness are called winners in life.

The audience burst into the warmest laughter. Ma Xin wanted to help others on the stage to punish Yang An, but he couldn't because Yang An had already pointed at Mengshan and encouraged Huang Xiao to point at Mengshan. The other brothers and sisters who died unjustly They all squatted aside laughing.

For a moment, Rong Feifei didn't know who to choose. After hesitating for a long time, the audience cheered loudly: "Choose Yang An! Choose Yang An!"

Meng Shan pointed at Huang Xiao and shouted: "Brother Yang, it's not me, the undercover is really not me! The undercover is definitely Teacher Huang, hurry up and point to Teacher Huang!"

Yang An instantly became vigilant and said defensively: "The flowers are selling very well today!"

Ouch ouch~

Everyone was laughing crazy, and Ma Xin could only shout: "Okay, Mengshan died unjustly and was eliminated, and the undercover won!"

Rong Feifei finally chose Yang An, because women pay more attention to feelings, and being able to show affection in front of tens of millions of viewers across the country is more important to Rong Feifei than anything else!

Ma Xin suddenly woke up and stood awkwardly on the stage. Then he slowly knelt down and apologized prostrately to his brothers and sisters who had been accidentally injured by him.

If she chooses Yang An, Yang An will lose the game 2:1, but he will win the beauty's favor.

Mengshan took over and said: "Okay, in the last round, please vote for who is the undercover!"

In the third round, at the request of the audience, Yang An played again, this time Meng Shan came down to host.

The entire audience burst into laughter, and Yang An looked up to the sky and sighed, dumbfounded.

With Yang An hosting the show, the rhythm has become much more steady.

Ha ha ha ha…

The audience laughed. What Yang An said was quite subtle. On Valentine's Day and Singles' Day, I don't know how many girls will become... Well, that's it. Undercover Yang An is safe again and continues to lurk among the people.

This is a little trick to flatter people. The more scenes Rong Feifei gets and the longer she survives, the more the audience will love her. They think she combines beauty and intelligence. This is how the star becomes famous little by little. .

On the other hand, as long as she chooses Huang Xiao, Yang An will win the show, which will strengthen the audience's impression of him as "sharp-minded" and "monster", and will also have a big impact on Yang An's stardom. .

Sure enough, he was not suspected, and he died unjustly in the first round.

In the third round, he said: "On this day, the business of small hotels and health food stores will be very good!"

However, Yang An once again mistakenly applied his way of thinking to Rong Feifei. He is a man and Rong Feifei is a woman.

Yang An looked serious and said with a stern voice: "It's you Meng Shan, don't even think about getting past it! Ma Xin, announce the result!"

Yang An used her eyes to hint that Rong Feifei should choose Huang Xiao, because by doing so, on the one hand, she would continue to remain single in the entertainment industry with no emotional window, which would be of great help to the cohesion of fans.

Ha ha ha ha!

He has watched many episodes of "Who is the Undercover", and the undercovers always win because they are in the right place at the right time, with the right people, or because they are as witty and sharp as Mr. He, otherwise it will be difficult to win in the end.

It took a long time before the stage returned to normal, but many guests couldn't help but laugh when they saw Yang An.

Confused by Yang An's words, Huang Xiao felt that his mind was confused again.

In the second round, he said: "This day is a good day to express your love."

He smiled and asked: "Teacher Huang, are you stating your words?"


Huang Xiao was definitely led into a ditch by Yang An, and he would never be able to get up!

Yang An has several ways to protect Rong Feifei, such as changing the order of statements in each round to give Rong Feifei more time to think. He can also deliberately ask questions, restate the answers, and give Rong Feifei more time when he encounters ambiguities in what the previous person said. Enough tips from Rong Feifei.

Mengshan spoke: "In the last round, let Feifei speak first. Feifei, remember, you only have one last chance. At the end of this round, there must be a result."

The Singles' Day special episode "Joke" took a whole day to record. For dinner in the evening, Huang Xiao specifically called for a visit to Gate Tower Street.

Rong Feifei nodded solemnly, looked at Huang Xiao beside her and Yang An who was smiling at her, and said shyly: "I look forward to someone giving me flowers on this day~"

If she chooses Huang Xiao, Huang Xiao will die unjustly and Yang An will win the game, but the outside world will say that Yang An's charm is lost to the old man Huang Xiao.

Oh oh oh!

"It is a profession" is absolutely correct. Both ducks and chickens have their own implied professions. Every word Yang An says is related to "duck".

Yang An greeted in advance: "Don't play tricks during the lottery, everyone should play seriously!"

In the second round, Yang An felt more at ease. He guessed Valentine's Day and Singles' Day, so he said many surprising things to cover himself up.

A pun, Rong Feifei didn't expect the ball to be kicked at her feet. She probably guessed that Yang An was an undercover agent.

Yang An actually won!

In this way, Yang An was safe again in the fourth round, entering the final round, choosing one of three for the ultimate PK.


Yang An smiled softly, without any hesitation, and said confidently: "I can do this too! This is also my title!"

"Hahahaha! Teacher Huang, haven't you understood the situation yet? In fact, you and the others are all 'chickens', and only Yang An is a 'duck'!" Ma Xin exclaimed in excitement.

"Oh, let me go, Ma Xin said that Yang An is a duck..."

Yang An was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that this was the quality a good host should have, being able to control the scene at any time!

Therefore, the audience's mentality gradually changed from opposing Yang An to hoping to see Yang An, the undercover, win the final victory.

It's Singles' Day for Yang An, and both Rong Feifei and Huang Xiao are Valentine's Day. Because Yang An knows that he is an undercover agent, he has a huge advantage. As long as he doesn't make mistakes, he can sow discord and cover up himself.

The audience cheered. Has the goddess moved her heart and wants to find a boyfriend

Yang An asked Song Xiaomei to reserve a seat in advance. On the way to dinner, Rong Feifei took his car. The others tacitly agreed not to disturb the two of them. Rong Feifei finally found a chance to talk to Yang An alone.

Huang Xiao and Yang An pointed at each other, Huang Xiao smiled, and Yang An said: "It's easy now. Anyway, you and I are going to send flowers to Feifei on this day. It depends on who she chooses, right Feifei?"

In the fourth round, Yang An said: "There are definitely couples in the audience who successfully held hands on this day! Right?"

Yang An was right. "Chicken" is indeed a profession. In addition, the audience was cheering on and off the stage. He forgot that there was such a profession as "duck". When it was his turn to make a statement in the end, he felt dizzy. He followed up and said: "Yang An is right, I would like to add that this kind of profession is illegal..."

Sure enough, the two people in front said: "This is a festival."

Mengshan shouted loudly: "Feifei chose Yang An! Undercover Yang An is out!"

Huang Xiao and others gave Yang An a thumbs up.

Huang Xiao's eyes lit up, and he suddenly wanted to tease Yang An. He smiled and asked Yang An, "Yang An, can I give Feifei a rose?"

The audience laughed until their stomachs ached again!

"Pfft haha... you are all chickens... only Yang An is a duck... I'm going crazy..."

"Every flower shop owner loves this day."

All the brothers who died in the battle stood in front of the stage and watched the three people making jokes.