The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 58: A huge comeback


Duan Haishan was shocked: "What! Did these bastards force you out of the show?"

Huang Shan was blushing. He knew very well that without Yang An, the attractiveness of the show would be greatly reduced: "I just took over and it will take some time to get used to it."

No one knew that Yang An had invited Mu Jianmin and his gang to dinner at night, and called all the energetic friends he knew to find connections with the radio and television system.

"The ratings of this Singles' Day special episode of "Joke Talk" soared to 1.36%?"

Qin Ming sneered: "Yang An is not suitable to be a producer, then who are you going to let him be? Director Huang?"

Huang Shan was blushing. He knew very well that without Yang An, the attractiveness of the show would be greatly reduced: "I just took over and it will take some time to get used to it."

Qin Ming sarcastically said: "Hey, Director Huang, you can do it. Without the ratings of the episode hosted by Yang An, do you dare to guarantee that the ratings will continue to be second?"

Hong Dajun was able to take the position of director because, firstly, there were powerful people above him, and secondly, he was very good at winning people's hearts. He promoted Ma Wanqiao as deputy director, the finance department was also from his department, and Huangshan, the production department, was his Confidant, half of the four major ratings programs are dependent on him.

Song Xiaomei looked at Yang An with tears in her eyes and almost cried: "Director Yang, can we not continue this show?"

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

Seeing that Yang An had decided to leave, everyone could only sigh and be angry, thinking that Yang An had really given up.

Hong Dajun said: "Yang An violated the ban on radio and television and is not suitable to be a producer. Moreover, he asked to resign on his own initiative. We did not drive him away."

Yang An said: "Old Duan, I can't stay here forever. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to escape."

"Leader, I did something wrong. I discredited the leader... I beg the leader to have mercy... "

Yang An didn't want to reveal his trump card right away, so he comforted him by saying, "It's not like the program team has been disbanded. Those of you who remain will continue to do it! Lao Duan, during this time I formed the Laughter Brothers and attracted many sketch comedians in the industry. " I have also written down the future development plans for "Joke", but actually there is not much difference now with or without me."

Half of the people were snickering, and the other half were furious. Hong Dajun slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Old Qin, what are you yelling for? Where are you mourning? Is Lao Peng dead or something?"

He said: ""Jiaotan" will not be destroyed in one day. Brothers Aixiao are the backbone of the show. With or without me, you must treat this place as your home, treat it as your own show and do it with all your heart, and make it funny with all your heart. "Joke" is a very good platform, and I believe that in less than two years, a group of well-known comedians in China will emerge from the Laughter Brothers!"

"Director Yang, can you please stop walking? I just love doing shows with you... The station is so bullying... wu wu..."

Qin Ming sneered: "Yang An is not suitable to be a producer, then who are you going to let him be? Director Huang?"

Qin Ming sarcastically said: "Hey, Director Huang, you can do it. Without the ratings of the episode hosted by Yang An, do you dare to guarantee that the ratings will continue to be second?"

"The data is definitely not wrong. They are all calculated by CCTV's software. Haha, this is interesting. "Joke" just won the second place, but the producer was driven away! How can I give you an explanation in the stands? !”

Duan Haishan earnestly advised: "But if "Joke" was not hosted by you, would it still be the same as before? Would the 50 million TV viewers across the country recognize it? You'd better stay!"

"The ratings of this Singles' Day special episode of "Joke Talk" soared to 1.36%?"

"That's right! It's useless for anyone to come!"

Seeing that Yang An had decided to leave, everyone could only sigh and be angry, thinking that Yang An had really given up.

Duan Haishan was shocked: "What! Did these bastards force you out of the show?"

"Hong Dajun, how much effort and price have I spent to put you in the position? You just became the director of the station and you want to dominate the world with one hand? The nature of the word 'leadership' has been corrupted by people like you! You guys Our banner is used outside to bully men and women, and do all kinds of evil. Is there such a stupid leader as you? You were even caught! Idiot!"

The director echoed: "Director, not only did Mu Hei Ya send an official letter, reporters from Metropolis Daily and Morning News also called and wanted to interview you..."

Yang An said: "Old Duan, I can't stay here forever. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to escape."

Yang An comforted several little girls with red eyes and signaled the agitated brothers to calm down.

Hong Dajun had just returned from the meeting, and the office director came over again, saying that the legal department of Muheiya Company had sent an official letter, hoping that Taili could explain why Taili drove Yang An away just after Muheiya signed a contract with Taili.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, Qin Ming will of course take the opportunity to attack and attack Hong Dajun's prestige.

Yang An didn't want to reveal his trump card right away, so he comforted him by saying, "It's not like the program team has been disbanded. Those of you who remain will continue to do it! Lao Duan, during this time I formed the Laughter Brothers and attracted many sketch comedians in the industry. " I have also written down the future development plans for "Joke", but actually there is not much difference now with or without me."

"Joke" will continue to develop. After Yang An has established the big framework, the correct way should be to cultivate a large number of outstanding comedy talents, but this will take up to several years. He cannot wait so long. He cannot Like Teacher He, he stayed at Happy Camp for 20 years.

Yang An said: "Old Duan, I can't stay here forever. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to escape."

Qin Ming sneered: "Yang An is not suitable to be a producer, then who are you going to let him be? Director Huang?"

No one knew that Yang An had invited Mu Jianmin and his gang to dinner at night, and called all the energetic friends he knew to find connections with the radio and television system.

The director echoed: "Director, not only did Mu Hei Ya send an official letter, reporters from Metropolis Daily and Morning News also called and wanted to interview you..."

Yang An said: "Old Duan, I can't stay here forever. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to escape."

The conference room was buzzing with everyone nodding and talking. What a pity!

No one knew that Yang An had invited Mu Jianmin and his gang to dinner at night, and called all the energetic friends he knew to find connections with the radio and television system.

Huang Shan nodded: "Yes, I will take the lead."

Moreover, he alone owns the equity of Enron Film and Television Entertainment. His mother is the general manager, and he has the power of personnel and finance. Brother Aixiao is his confidant who he personally recruited, and the screenwriters were carefully selected by him. He lost the position of a host in exchange for He feels the peace of mind coming to the show is worth it.

"Director Yang! I promise you, no matter who the station sends to be the host, our brothers who love laughter will never cooperate with him!"

"Joke" will continue to develop. After Yang An has established the big framework, the correct way should be to cultivate a large number of outstanding comedy talents, but this will take up to several years. He cannot wait so long. He cannot Like Teacher He, he stayed at Happy Camp for 20 years.

Hong Dajun was really frightened. For him, the most terrifying thing was losing the trust of his leader.

Huang Shan nodded: "Yes, I will take the lead."

Qin Ming sighed loudly and cried in a tearful tone: "It's good now. Yang An is gone. We Hongfeng don't want him. He just goes to Lanhai, to Zisong, to any place that is willing to accept him, and to start the program again." . Master Peng, I feel unworthy of the unjust blow you received on your forehead!"

Yang An said: "Old Duan, I can't stay here forever. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to escape."

But no one saw them. Yang An and Duan Haishan quietly left together without knowing their whereabouts.

What's more, it's unclear whether Huangshan and the others can take advantage of him. The recording in Yang An's hands contains too much information. He is prepared to put it into the hands of the right people at the right time to fight back against these bastards. !

"The data is definitely not wrong. They are all calculated by CCTV's software. Haha, this is interesting. "Joke" just won the second place, but the producer was driven away! How can I give you an explanation in the stands? !”

Song Xiaomei looked at Yang An with tears in her eyes and almost cried: "Director Yang, can we not continue this show?"

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

Yang An comforted several little girls with red eyes and signaled the agitated brothers to calm down.

"That's right! It's useless for anyone to come!"

Being busy with all these things, Hong Dajun was not in a good mood all morning.

It's not Yang An's style to let others take control of him. He will never surrender and suffer this loss!

I thought that the fourth-ranked "Joke of Jianghu" was also in the bag, but Yang Anning could be broken into pieces rather than destroyed.

Yang An returned to the company, and many employees came after hearing the news.

"Fortunately, Yang An knows how to be a good person! He asked someone to send this recording and promised not to release it to the outside world. Do you know what to do? I'm warning you Hong Dajun for the last time, wipe the shit you poop yourself! If you can't wipe it clean, , just get out of here!"

Moreover, he alone owns the equity of Enron Film and Television Entertainment. His mother is the general manager, and he has the power of personnel and finance. Brother Aixiao is his confidant who he personally recruited, and the screenwriters were carefully selected by him. He lost the position of a host in exchange for He feels the peace of mind coming to the show is worth it.

Qin Ming chased after him: "So you can't guarantee it? But as Yang An is a producer, the ratings have been rising and never dropped. He can surpass our "A Date with Chen Yu" today, and it won't take long More than "Spin of Fortune"! The national ratings are 1.5%. Director Hong, are you too rash to drive Yang An away?"

Duan Haishan was shocked: "What! Did these bastards force you out of the show?"

Being busy with all these things, Hong Dajun was not in a good mood all morning.

"That's right! It's useless for anyone to come!"

"Director Yang! I promise you, no matter who the station sends to be the host, our brothers who love laughter will never cooperate with him!"

"What's going on with Director Huang? He leads with his mouth open and leads with his mouth shut. Who is he?"

The director felt aggrieved: "I guess they received money from Mu Hei Ya, and their attitude is very tough. They said that if you don't accept the interview, they will interview Yang An. They can't guarantee the accuracy of the comments online... "

Song Xiaomei looked at Yang An with tears in her eyes and almost cried: "Director Yang, can we not continue this show?"

Seeing that Yang An had decided to leave, everyone could only sigh and be angry, thinking that Yang An had really given up.

Hong Dajun's head hurt, and he said angrily: "How did you become the director? TV stations and newspapers are both broadcasting and television systems, and you let them interview me? What kind of reporters are they? Do they still follow principles? Or are they not one of our own? I see them I don’t want to do it anymore!”

"That's right! It's useless for anyone to come!"

Hong Dajun was being scolded like a primary school boy, and he didn't dare to talk back at all, but his heart felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he was actually afraid of Yang An. This bastard secretly recorded the video. He was going to kill him!

Qin Ming sarcastically said: "Hey, Director Huang, you can do it. Without the ratings of the episode hosted by Yang An, do you dare to guarantee that the ratings will continue to be second?"

"We are an independent company. It is too easy to exclude an outsider!"

Hong Dajun secretly cursed: "Why is this shepherd duck joining in the fun! Are investors so great? I have already said that there is a problem with the separation of production and broadcasting! There is no control at all in the station, and investors dare to jump up and down. This makes Where can I put my face?"

Yang An returned to the company, and many employees came after hearing the news.

"Director Yang, can you please stop walking? I just love doing shows with you... The station is so bullying... wu wu..."

When he was about to get off work, a phone call came. After hearing it, Hong Dajun hurriedly went to the province and came to a certain leader's office.

"The ratings of this Singles' Day special episode of "Joke Talk" soared to 1.36%?"

The next day, a piece of news suddenly spread in the TV circle. Dongshan Satellite TV announced with a high profile that it was in contact with Yang An to introduce a new variety show!

A group of employees surrounded Yang An, filled with indignation, scolding the station's decision and expressing their firm resistance to the new host.

A group of employees surrounded Yang An, filled with indignation, scolding the station's decision and expressing their firm resistance to the new host.

Duan Haishan earnestly advised: "But if "Joke" was not hosted by you, would it still be the same as before? Would the 50 million TV viewers across the country recognize it? You'd better stay!"

Hong Dajun's head hurt, and he said angrily: "How did you become the director? TV stations and newspapers are both broadcasting and television systems, and you let them interview me? What kind of reporters are they? Do they still follow principles? Or are they not one of our own? I see them I don’t want to do it anymore!”

No one knew that Yang An had invited Mu Jianmin and his gang to dinner at night, and called all the energetic friends he knew to find connections with the radio and television system.

After finally driving Yang An away, yesterday's ratings slapped him hard again. Everyone in the conference room was discussing Yang An and "Joke".

Hong Dajun can be the director of the station, but it does not mean that he can cover the sky with one hand.

Yang An comforted several little girls with red eyes and signaled the agitated brothers to calm down.

Yang An said: "Old Duan, I can't stay here forever. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to escape."

Qin Ming sarcastically said: "Director Hong, we all heard that Yang An was kicked out. This is the second most watched program. You, a new official, have been a little too hot for the first time since you took office."

"Director of Production Department..."

Qin Ming chased after him: "So you can't guarantee it? But as Yang An is a producer, the ratings have been rising and never dropped. He can surpass our "A Date with Chen Yu" today, and it won't take long More than "Spin of Fortune"! The national ratings are 1.5%. Director Hong, are you too rash to drive Yang An away?"

He said: ""Jiaotan" will not be destroyed in one day. Brothers Aixiao are the backbone of the show. With or without me, you must treat this place as your home, treat it as your own show and do it with all your heart, and make it funny with all your heart. "Joke" is a very good platform, and I believe that in less than two years, a group of well-known comedians in China will emerge from the Laughter Brothers!"

"Director of Production Department..."

Half of the people were snickering, and the other half were furious. Hong Dajun slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Old Qin, what are you yelling for? Where are you mourning? Is Lao Peng dead or something?"

When he was about to get off work, a phone call came. After hearing it, Hong Dajun hurriedly went to the province and came to a certain leader's office.

Seeing that Yang An had decided to leave, everyone could only sigh and be angry, thinking that Yang An had really given up.

Half of the people were snickering, and the other half were furious. Hong Dajun slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Old Qin, what are you yelling for? Where are you mourning? Is Lao Peng dead or something?"

The conference room was filled with silence. These words made many people feel cold on their backs. The guilty people like Hong Dajun and Huang Shan were even more secretly afraid!

But no one saw them. Yang An and Duan Haishan quietly left together without knowing their whereabouts.

Seeing that Yang An had decided to leave, everyone could only sigh and be angry, thinking that Yang An had really given up.

"The data is definitely not wrong. They are all calculated by CCTV's software. Haha, this is interesting. "Joke" just won the second place, but the producer was driven away! How can I give you an explanation in the stands? !”

Now that there is such a good opportunity, Qin Ming will of course take the opportunity to attack and attack Hong Dajun's prestige.

"That's right! It's useless for anyone to come!"

"Tell him to get out! The bad thing will happen to him, whatever!"

Seeing that Yang An had decided to leave, everyone could only sigh and be angry, thinking that Yang An had really given up.

"We are an independent company. It is too easy to exclude an outsider!"

No one knew that Yang An had invited Mu Jianmin and his gang to dinner at night, and called all the energetic friends he knew to find connections with the radio and television system.

"Director of Production Department..."

Hong Dajun didn't know how he got back to Taiwan. He held a meeting in a daze and made up an excuse to transfer Huangshan to the data room. Li Song naturally became the director of the production department. Huangshan was completely confused and kept talking. He cried out that he was wronged. The reference room was the retirement home for the exiled cadres, but he was still young and he still had a future to pursue!

"yes… "

The director felt aggrieved: "I guess they received money from Mu Hei Ya, and their attitude is very tough. They said that if you don't accept the interview, they will interview Yang An. They can't guarantee the accuracy of the comments online... "

It's not Yang An's style to let others take control of him. He will never surrender and suffer this loss!

Hong Dajun can be the director of the station, but it does not mean that he can cover the sky with one hand.

Qin Ming laughed loudly: "What am I talking about? You were not here the day Director Peng was beaten. Many people saw how cruel Yang An was. As long as he goes out, he dares to make our station stink! Director Huang, smash Director Peng's Come on, you threw it away, right? Have you forgotten it? Driving Yang An away now is equivalent to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Just wait for your retribution! Hmph! "

Hong Dajun had just returned from the meeting, and the office director came over again, saying that the legal department of Muheiya Company had sent an official letter, hoping that Taili could explain why Taili drove Yang An away just after Muheiya signed a contract with Taili.

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

After finally driving Yang An away, yesterday's ratings slapped him hard again. Everyone in the conference room was discussing Yang An and "Joke".

"What's going on with Director Huang? He leads with his mouth open and leads with his mouth shut. Who is he?"

Yang An said: "Old Duan, I can't stay here forever. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to escape."

"Leader, I did something wrong. I discredited the leader... I beg the leader to have mercy... "

Song Xiaomei looked at Yang An with tears in her eyes and almost cried: "Director Yang, can we not continue this show?"

Hong Dajun almost hit someone. These reporters were really ruthless and unscrupulous. If Yang An said anything random, he would be quite passive!

On Monday, Hong Maple TV director Hong Dajun held a working meeting for the first time, and he almost burst out of anger!

When he was about to get off work, a phone call came. After hearing it, Hong Dajun hurriedly went to the province and came to a certain leader's office.

Hong Dajun was able to take the position of director because, firstly, there were powerful people above him, and secondly, he was very good at winning people's hearts. He promoted Ma Wanqiao as deputy director, the finance department was also from his department, and Huangshan, the production department, was his Confidant, half of the four major ratings programs are dependent on him.

What's more, it's unclear whether Huangshan and the others can take advantage of him. The recording in Yang An's hands contains too much information. He is prepared to put it into the hands of the right people at the right time to fight back against these bastards. !

Within two days, Ma Wanqiao received an administrative order from above and was transferred to the Langshang Stage next door as deputy director, responsible for liaison and service with veteran cadres. Deputy director Qin Ming naturally took over the power of reviewing films, and Ma Wanqiao was transferred from his grasp. When he was in power, he had to deal with old men and old ladies all day long, dealing with trivial matters such as Zhang San stealing chickens and Li Si touching dogs, and he felt like crying without tears.

I thought that the fourth-ranked "Joke of Jianghu" was also in the bag, but Yang Anning could be broken into pieces rather than destroyed.

Hong Dajun secretly cursed: "Why is this shepherd duck joining in the fun! Are investors so great? I have already said that there is a problem with the separation of production and broadcasting! There is no control at all in the station, and investors dare to jump up and down. This makes Where can I put my face?"

Qin Ming laughed loudly: "What am I talking about? You were not here the day Director Peng was beaten. Many people saw how cruel Yang An was. As long as he goes out, he dares to make our station stink! Director Huang, smash Director Peng's Come on, you threw it away, right? Have you forgotten it? Driving Yang An away now is equivalent to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Just wait for your retribution! Hmph! "

Qin Ming chased after him: "So you can't guarantee it? But as Yang An is a producer, the ratings have been rising and never dropped. He can surpass our "A Date with Chen Yu" today, and it won't take long More than "Spin of Fortune"! The national ratings are 1.5%. Director Hong, are you too rash to drive Yang An away?"

Hong Dajun had just returned from the meeting, and the office director came over again, saying that the legal department of Muheiya Company had sent an official letter, hoping that Taili could explain why Taili drove Yang An away just after Muheiya signed a contract with Taili.

"And Ma Wanqiao! I agreed to let him take over your position and be responsible for reviewing the films because I wanted him to be obedient! But is he a pig? Oh, he can do what he says, and he can suppress whoever he wants to. , he makes things difficult for whomever he wants, and the TV station is owned by his family? Hong Dajun, let me warn you, if this recording is spread, all of you will have to step down! Hong Dajun, I am so disappointed in you!"

Hong Dajun's head hurt, and he said angrily: "How did you become the director? TV stations and newspapers are both broadcasting and television systems, and you let them interview me? What kind of reporters are they? Do they still follow principles? Or are they not one of our own? I see them I don’t want to do it anymore!”

Moreover, he alone owns the equity of Enron Film and Television Entertainment. His mother is the general manager, and he has the power of personnel and finance. Brother Aixiao is his confidant who he personally recruited, and the screenwriters were carefully selected by him. He lost the position of a host in exchange for He feels the peace of mind coming to the show is worth it.

After finally driving Yang An away, yesterday's ratings slapped him hard again. Everyone in the conference room was discussing Yang An and "Joke".

"Is the projection department mistaken? It actually surpassed "Happy Saturday" and "A Date with Chen Yu" and reached second place?"

Qin Ming laughed loudly: "What am I talking about? You were not here the day Director Peng was beaten. Many people saw how cruel Yang An was. As long as he goes out, he dares to make our station stink! Director Huang, smash Director Peng's Come on, you threw it away, right? Have you forgotten it? Driving Yang An away now is equivalent to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Just wait for your retribution! Hmph! "

"The ratings of this Singles' Day special episode of "Joke Talk" soared to 1.36%?"

Hong Dajun didn't know how he got back to Taiwan. He held a meeting in a daze and made up an excuse to transfer Huangshan to the data room. Li Song naturally became the director of the production department. Huangshan was completely confused and kept talking. He cried out that he was wronged. The reference room was the retirement home for the exiled cadres, but he was still young and he still had a future to pursue!

Half of the people were snickering, and the other half were furious. Hong Dajun slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Old Qin, what are you yelling for? Where are you mourning? Is Lao Peng dead or something?"

"Director of Production Department..."

Yang An didn't want to reveal his trump card right away, so he comforted him by saying, "It's not like the program team has been disbanded. Those of you who remain will continue to do it! Lao Duan, during this time I formed the Laughter Brothers and attracted many sketch comedians in the industry. " I have also written down the future development plans for "Joke", but actually there is not much difference now with or without me."

Seeing that Yang An had decided to leave, everyone could only sigh and be angry, thinking that Yang An had really given up.

"Is the projection department mistaken? It actually surpassed "Happy Saturday" and "A Date with Chen Yu" and reached second place?"

When he was about to get off work, a phone call came. After hearing it, Hong Dajun hurriedly went to the province and came to a certain leader's office.

The next day, a piece of news suddenly spread in the TV circle. Dongshan Satellite TV announced with a high profile that it was in contact with Yang An to introduce a new variety show!

Hong Dajun can be the director of the station, but it does not mean that he can cover the sky with one hand.

The next day, a piece of news suddenly spread in the TV circle. Dongshan Satellite TV announced with a high profile that it was in contact with Yang An to introduce a new variety show!

I thought that the fourth-ranked "Joke of Jianghu" was also in the bag, but Yang Anning could be broken into pieces rather than destroyed.

The director felt aggrieved: "I guess they received money from Mu Hei Ya, and their attitude is very tough. They said that if you don't accept the interview, they will interview Yang An. They can't guarantee the accuracy of the comments online... "

The director felt aggrieved: "I guess they received money from Mu Hei Ya, and their attitude is very tough. They said that if you don't accept the interview, they will interview Yang An. They can't guarantee the accuracy of the comments online... "

After finally driving Yang An away, yesterday's ratings slapped him hard again. Everyone in the conference room was discussing Yang An and "Joke".

"The data is definitely not wrong. They are all calculated by CCTV's software. Haha, this is interesting. "Joke" just won the second place, but the producer was driven away! How can I give you an explanation in the stands? !”

Hong Dajun's head hurt, and he said angrily: "How did you become the director? TV stations and newspapers are both broadcasting and television systems, and you let them interview me? What kind of reporters are they? Do they still follow principles? Or are they not one of our own? I see them I don’t want to do it anymore!”

After finally driving Yang An away, yesterday's ratings slapped him hard again. Everyone in the conference room was discussing Yang An and "Joke".

"The data is definitely not wrong. They are all calculated by CCTV's software. Haha, this is interesting. "Joke" just won the second place, but the producer was driven away! How can I give you an explanation in the stands? !”

"Now let's watch it for fun! If "Joke" was only ranked fourth, no one would say anything to Director Hong about how he manipulated Yang An. But now it is ranked second, haha. Director Hong is not a soft persimmon. , but a spiked ball!"

Yang An comforted several little girls with red eyes and signaled the agitated brothers to calm down.

On Monday, Hong Maple TV director Hong Dajun held a working meeting for the first time, and he almost burst out of anger!

Yang An comforted several little girls with red eyes and signaled the agitated brothers to calm down.

Hong Dajun didn't know how he got back to Taiwan. He held a meeting in a daze and made up an excuse to transfer Huangshan to the data room. Li Song naturally became the director of the production department. Huangshan was completely confused and kept talking. He cried out that he was wronged. The reference room was the retirement home for the exiled cadres, but he was still young and he still had a future to pursue!

Hong Dajun can be the director of the station, but it does not mean that he can cover the sky with one hand.

After finally driving Yang An away, yesterday's ratings slapped him hard again. Everyone in the conference room was discussing Yang An and "Joke".

The next day, a piece of news suddenly spread in the TV circle. Dongshan Satellite TV announced with a high profile that it was in contact with Yang An to introduce a new variety show!

"What's going on with Director Huang? He leads with his mouth open and leads with his mouth shut. Who is he?"

The director echoed: "Director, not only did Mu Hei Ya send an official letter, reporters from Metropolis Daily and Morning News also called and wanted to interview you..."

He said: ""Jiaotan" will not be destroyed in one day. Brothers Aixiao are the backbone of the show. With or without me, you must treat this place as your home, treat it as your own show and do it with all your heart, and make it funny with all your heart. "Joke" is a very good platform, and I believe that in less than two years, a group of well-known comedians in China will emerge from the Laughter Brothers!"

Deputy director Qin Ming was his opponent. He had long held a grudge because of his failure in the competition. But last night, Duan Haishan personally visited him and chatted for an hour, and he understood everything.

Deputy director Qin Ming was his opponent. He had long held a grudge because of his failure in the competition. But last night, Duan Haishan personally visited him and chatted for an hour, and he understood everything.

What's more, it's unclear whether Huangshan and the others can take advantage of him. The recording in Yang An's hands contains too much information. He is prepared to put it into the hands of the right people at the right time to fight back against these bastards. !

Hong Dajun was really frightened. For him, the most terrifying thing was losing the trust of his leader.

"Tell him to get out! The bad thing will happen to him, whatever!"

Huang Shan nodded: "Yes, I will take the lead."

Qin Ming laughed loudly: "What am I talking about? You were not here the day Director Peng was beaten. Many people saw how cruel Yang An was. As long as he goes out, he dares to make our station stink! Director Huang, smash Director Peng's Come on, you threw it away, right? Have you forgotten it? Driving Yang An away now is equivalent to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Just wait for your retribution! Hmph! "

Now that there is such a good opportunity, Qin Ming will of course take the opportunity to attack and attack Hong Dajun's prestige.

Qin Ming sneered: "Yang An is not suitable to be a producer, then who are you going to let him be? Director Huang?"

"Director Yang! I promise you, no matter who the station sends to be the host, our brothers who love laughter will never cooperate with him!"

Qin Ming sneered: "Yang An is not suitable to be a producer, then who are you going to let him be? Director Huang?"

"Director Yang! I promise you, no matter who the station sends to be the host, our brothers who love laughter will never cooperate with him!"

Huang Shan nodded: "Yes, I will take the lead."

Qin Ming sarcastically said: "Director Hong, we all heard that Yang An was kicked out. This is the second most watched program. You, a new official, have been a little too hot for the first time since you took office."

Yang An comforted several little girls with red eyes and signaled the agitated brothers to calm down.

"Leader, I did something wrong. I discredited the leader... I beg the leader to have mercy... "

Duan Haishan was shocked: "What! Did these bastards force you out of the show?"

Yang An said: "Old Duan, I can't stay here forever. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to escape."

Yang An comforted several little girls with red eyes and signaled the agitated brothers to calm down.

The conference room was buzzing with everyone nodding and talking. What a pity!

Hong Dajun secretly cursed: "Why is this shepherd duck joining in the fun! Are investors so great? I have already said that there is a problem with the separation of production and broadcasting! There is no control at all in the station, and investors dare to jump up and down. This makes Where can I put my face?"

Hong Dajun said: "Yang An violated the ban on radio and television and is not suitable to be a producer. Moreover, he asked to resign on his own initiative. We did not drive him away."

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

Qin Ming laughed loudly: "What am I talking about? You were not here the day Director Peng was beaten. Many people saw how cruel Yang An was. As long as he goes out, he dares to make our station stink! Director Huang, smash Director Peng's Come on, you threw it away, right? Have you forgotten it? Driving Yang An away now is equivalent to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Just wait for your retribution! Hmph! "

Qin Ming sneered: "Yang An is not suitable to be a producer, then who are you going to let him be? Director Huang?"

Duan Haishan earnestly advised: "But if "Joke" was not hosted by you, would it still be the same as before? Would the 50 million TV viewers across the country recognize it? You'd better stay!"

No one knew that Yang An had invited Mu Jianmin and his gang to dinner at night, and called all the energetic friends he knew to find connections with the radio and television system.

Yang An didn't want to reveal his trump card right away, so he comforted him by saying, "It's not like the program team has been disbanded. Those of you who remain will continue to do it! Lao Duan, during this time I formed the Laughter Brothers and attracted many sketch comedians in the industry. " I have also written down the future development plans for "Joke", but actually there is not much difference now with or without me."

Hong Dajun was really frightened. For him, the most terrifying thing was losing the trust of his leader.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, Qin Ming will of course take the opportunity to attack and attack Hong Dajun's prestige.

Huang Shan nodded: "Yes, I will take the lead."

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

Qin Ming sighed loudly and cried in a tearful tone: "It's good now. Yang An is gone. We Hongfeng don't want him. He just goes to Lanhai, to Zisong, to any place that is willing to accept him, and to start the program again." . Master Peng, I feel unworthy of the unjust blow you received on your forehead!"

Moreover, he alone owns the equity of Enron Film and Television Entertainment. His mother is the general manager, and he has the power of personnel and finance. Brother Aixiao is his confidant who he personally recruited, and the screenwriters were carefully selected by him. He lost the position of a host in exchange for He feels the peace of mind coming to the show is worth it.

On Monday, Hong Maple TV director Hong Dajun held a working meeting for the first time, and he almost burst out of anger!

The conference room was buzzing with everyone nodding and talking. What a pity!

Qin Ming sarcastically said: "Hey, Director Huang, you can do it. Without the ratings of the episode hosted by Yang An, do you dare to guarantee that the ratings will continue to be second?"

A group of employees surrounded Yang An, filled with indignation, scolding the station's decision and expressing their firm resistance to the new host.

Hong Dajun almost hit someone. These reporters were really ruthless and unscrupulous. If Yang An said anything random, he would be quite passive!

Huang Shan was blushing. He knew very well that without Yang An, the attractiveness of the show would be greatly reduced: "I just took over and it will take some time to get used to it."

"Joke" will continue to develop. After Yang An has established the big framework, the correct way should be to cultivate a large number of outstanding comedy talents, but this will take up to several years. He cannot wait so long. He cannot Like Teacher He, he stayed at Happy Camp for 20 years.

Yang An didn't want to reveal his trump card right away, so he comforted him by saying, "It's not like the program team has been disbanded. Those of you who remain will continue to do it! Lao Duan, during this time I formed the Laughter Brothers and attracted many sketch comedians in the industry. " I have also written down the future development plans for "Joke", but actually there is not much difference now with or without me."

Hong Dajun's head hurt, and he said angrily: "How did you become the director? TV stations and newspapers are both broadcasting and television systems, and you let them interview me? What kind of reporters are they? Do they still follow principles? Or are they not one of our own? I see them I don’t want to do it anymore!”

Hong Dajun almost hit someone. These reporters were really ruthless and unscrupulous. If Yang An said anything random, he would be quite passive!

Qin Ming chased after him: "So you can't guarantee it? But as Yang An is a producer, the ratings have been rising and never dropped. He can surpass our "A Date with Chen Yu" today, and it won't take long More than "Spin of Fortune"! The national ratings are 1.5%. Director Hong, are you too rash to drive Yang An away?"

Qin Ming chased after him: "So you can't guarantee it? But as Yang An is a producer, the ratings have been rising and never dropped. He can surpass our "A Date with Chen Yu" today, and it won't take long More than "Spin of Fortune"! The national ratings are 1.5%. Director Hong, are you too rash to drive Yang An away?"

"yes… "

"Tell him to get out! The bad thing will happen to him, whatever!"

Yang An didn't want to reveal his trump card right away, so he comforted him by saying, "It's not like the program team has been disbanded. Those of you who remain will continue to do it! Lao Duan, during this time I formed the Laughter Brothers and attracted many sketch comedians in the industry. " I have also written down the future development plans for "Joke", but actually there is not much difference now with or without me."

"The data is definitely not wrong. They are all calculated by CCTV's software. Haha, this is interesting. "Joke" just won the second place, but the producer was driven away! How can I give you an explanation in the stands? !”

The director echoed: "Director, not only did Mu Hei Ya send an official letter, reporters from Metropolis Daily and Morning News also called and wanted to interview you..."

"Is the projection department mistaken? It actually surpassed "Happy Saturday" and "A Date with Chen Yu" and reached second place?"

The conference room was buzzing with everyone nodding and talking. What a pity!

Hong Dajun was prepared. He asked Huangshan to pretend to be a scapegoat and scare Yang An, with the intention of using Huangshan as a scapegoat and cannon fodder.

"That's right! It's useless for anyone to come!"

Qin Ming sighed loudly and cried in a tearful tone: "It's good now. Yang An is gone. We Hongfeng don't want him. He just goes to Lanhai, to Zisong, to any place that is willing to accept him, and to start the program again." . Master Peng, I feel unworthy of the unjust blow you received on your forehead!"

"Tell him to get out! The bad thing will happen to him, whatever!"

"Joke" will continue to develop. After Yang An has established the big framework, the correct way should be to cultivate a large number of outstanding comedy talents, but this will take up to several years. He cannot wait so long. He cannot Like Teacher He, he stayed at Happy Camp for 20 years.

"The ratings of this Singles' Day special episode of "Joke Talk" soared to 1.36%?"

"The data is definitely not wrong. They are all calculated by CCTV's software. Haha, this is interesting. "Joke" just won the second place, but the producer was driven away! How can I give you an explanation in the stands? !”

Seeing that Yang An had decided to leave, everyone could only sigh and be angry, thinking that Yang An had really given up.

Half of the people were snickering, and the other half were furious. Hong Dajun slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Old Qin, what are you yelling for? Where are you mourning? Is Lao Peng dead or something?"

"Tell him to get out! The bad thing will happen to him, whatever!"

"We are an independent company. It is too easy to exclude an outsider!"

"Director Yang, can you please stop walking? I just love doing shows with you... The station is so bullying... wu wu..."

Qin Ming laughed loudly: "What am I talking about? You were not here the day Director Peng was beaten. Many people saw how cruel Yang An was. As long as he goes out, he dares to make our station stink! Director Huang, smash Director Peng's Come on, you threw it away, right? Have you forgotten it? Driving Yang An away now is equivalent to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Just wait for your retribution! Hmph! "

On Monday, Hong Maple TV director Hong Dajun held a working meeting for the first time, and he almost burst out of anger!

Half of the people were snickering, and the other half were furious. Hong Dajun slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Old Qin, what are you yelling for? Where are you mourning? Is Lao Peng dead or something?"

Half of the people were snickering, and the other half were furious. Hong Dajun slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Old Qin, what are you yelling for? Where are you mourning? Is Lao Peng dead or something?"

Hong Dajun was able to take the position of director because, firstly, there were powerful people above him, and secondly, he was very good at winning people's hearts. He promoted Ma Wanqiao as deputy director, the finance department was also from his department, and Huangshan, the production department, was his Confidant, half of the four major ratings programs are dependent on him.

Within two days, Ma Wanqiao received an administrative order from above and was transferred to the Langshang Stage next door as deputy director, responsible for liaison and service with veteran cadres. Deputy director Qin Ming naturally took over the power of reviewing films, and Ma Wanqiao was transferred from his grasp. When he was in power, he had to deal with old men and old ladies all day long, dealing with trivial matters such as Zhang San stealing chickens and Li Si touching dogs, and he felt like crying without tears.

What's more, it's unclear whether Huangshan and the others can take advantage of him. The recording in Yang An's hands contains too much information. He is prepared to put it into the hands of the right people at the right time to fight back against these bastards. !

A group of employees surrounded Yang An, filled with indignation, scolding the station's decision and expressing their firm resistance to the new host.

Being busy with all these things, Hong Dajun was not in a good mood all morning.

The conference room was filled with silence. These words made many people feel cold on their backs. The guilty people like Hong Dajun and Huang Shan were even more secretly afraid!

Hong Dajun was being scolded like a primary school boy, and he didn't dare to talk back at all, but his heart felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he was actually afraid of Yang An. This bastard secretly recorded the video. He was going to kill him!

Being busy with all these things, Hong Dajun was not in a good mood all morning.

Hong Dajun had just returned from the meeting, and the office director came over again, saying that the legal department of Muheiya Company had sent an official letter, hoping that Taili could explain why Taili drove Yang An away just after Muheiya signed a contract with Taili.

"That's right! It's useless for anyone to come!"

"yes… "

Hong Dajun's head hurt, and he said angrily: "How did you become the director? TV stations and newspapers are both broadcasting and television systems, and you let them interview me? What kind of reporters are they? Do they still follow principles? Or are they not one of our own? I see them I don’t want to do it anymore!”

Duan Haishan earnestly advised: "But if "Joke" was not hosted by you, would it still be the same as before? Would the 50 million TV viewers across the country recognize it? You'd better stay!"

Huang Shan was blushing. He knew very well that without Yang An, the attractiveness of the show would be greatly reduced: "I just took over and it will take some time to get used to it."

Huang Shan was blushing. He knew very well that without Yang An, the attractiveness of the show would be greatly reduced: "I just took over and it will take some time to get used to it."

Qin Ming sarcastically said: "Director Hong, we all heard that Yang An was kicked out. This is the second most watched program. You, a new official, have been a little too hot for the first time since you took office."

Hong Dajun didn't know how he got back to Taiwan. He held a meeting in a daze and made up an excuse to transfer Huangshan to the data room. Li Song naturally became the director of the production department. Huangshan was completely confused and kept talking. He cried out that he was wronged. The reference room was the retirement home for the exiled cadres, but he was still young and he still had a future to pursue!

Hong Dajun secretly cursed: "Why is this shepherd duck joining in the fun! Are investors so great? I have already said that there is a problem with the separation of production and broadcasting! There is no control at all in the station, and investors dare to jump up and down. This makes Where can I put my face?"

"Director of Production Department..."

I thought that the fourth-ranked "Joke of Jianghu" was also in the bag, but Yang Anning could be broken into pieces rather than destroyed.

The director echoed: "Director, not only did Mu Hei Ya send an official letter, reporters from Metropolis Daily and Morning News also called and wanted to interview you..."

No one knew that Yang An had invited Mu Jianmin and his gang to dinner at night, and called all the energetic friends he knew to find connections with the radio and television system.

Qin Ming laughed loudly: "What am I talking about? You were not here the day Director Peng was beaten. Many people saw how cruel Yang An was. As long as he goes out, he dares to make our station stink! Director Huang, smash Director Peng's Come on, you threw it away, right? Have you forgotten it? Driving Yang An away now is equivalent to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Just wait for your retribution! Hmph! "

Qin Ming sarcastically said: "Hey, Director Huang, you can do it. Without the ratings of the episode hosted by Yang An, do you dare to guarantee that the ratings will continue to be second?"

Yang An said: "Old Duan, I can't stay here forever. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to escape."

Deputy director Qin Ming was his opponent. He had long held a grudge because of his failure in the competition. But last night, Duan Haishan personally visited him and chatted for an hour, and he understood everything.

Hong Dajun's head hurt, and he said angrily: "How did you become the director? TV stations and newspapers are both broadcasting and television systems, and you let them interview me? What kind of reporters are they? Do they still follow principles? Or are they not one of our own? I see them I don’t want to do it anymore!”

"Director Yang! I promise you, no matter who the station sends to be the host, our brothers who love laughter will never cooperate with him!"

"The ratings of this Singles' Day special episode of "Joke Talk" soared to 1.36%?"

Deputy director Qin Ming was his opponent. He had long held a grudge because of his failure in the competition. But last night, Duan Haishan personally visited him and chatted for an hour, and he understood everything.

Hong Dajun was prepared. He asked Huangshan to pretend to be a scapegoat and scare Yang An, with the intention of using Huangshan as a scapegoat and cannon fodder.

The director felt aggrieved: "I guess they received money from Mu Hei Ya, and their attitude is very tough. They said that if you don't accept the interview, they will interview Yang An. They can't guarantee the accuracy of the comments online... "

Within two days, Ma Wanqiao received an administrative order from above and was transferred to the Langshang Stage next door as deputy director, responsible for liaison and service with veteran cadres. Deputy director Qin Ming naturally took over the power of reviewing films, and Ma Wanqiao was transferred from his grasp. When he was in power, he had to deal with old men and old ladies all day long, dealing with trivial matters such as Zhang San stealing chickens and Li Si touching dogs, and he felt like crying without tears.

Yang An returned to the company, and many employees came after hearing the news.

Hong Dajun was prepared. He asked Huangshan to pretend to be a scapegoat and scare Yang An, with the intention of using Huangshan as a scapegoat and cannon fodder.

"What's going on with Director Huang? He leads with his mouth open and leads with his mouth shut. Who is he?"

"Director Yang, can you please stop walking? I just love doing shows with you... The station is so bullying... wu wu..."

On Monday, Hong Maple TV director Hong Dajun held a working meeting for the first time, and he almost burst out of anger!

Hong Dajun almost hit someone. These reporters were really ruthless and unscrupulous. If Yang An said anything random, he would be quite passive!

It's not Yang An's style to let others take control of him. He will never surrender and suffer this loss!

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

Within two days, Ma Wanqiao received an administrative order from above and was transferred to the Langshang Stage next door as deputy director, responsible for liaison and service with veteran cadres. Deputy director Qin Ming naturally took over the power of reviewing films, and Ma Wanqiao was transferred from his grasp. When he was in power, he had to deal with old men and old ladies all day long, dealing with trivial matters such as Zhang San stealing chickens and Li Si touching dogs, and he felt like crying without tears.

Deputy director Qin Ming was his opponent. He had long held a grudge because of his failure in the competition. But last night, Duan Haishan personally visited him and chatted for an hour, and he understood everything.

When he was about to get off work, a phone call came. After hearing it, Hong Dajun hurriedly went to the province and came to a certain leader's office.

Being busy with all these things, Hong Dajun was not in a good mood all morning.

The conference room was buzzing with everyone nodding and talking. What a pity!

On Monday, Hong Maple TV director Hong Dajun held a working meeting for the first time, and he almost burst out of anger!

The director echoed: "Director, not only did Mu Hei Ya send an official letter, reporters from Metropolis Daily and Morning News also called and wanted to interview you..."

"Joke" will continue to develop. After Yang An has established the big framework, the correct way should be to cultivate a large number of outstanding comedy talents, but this will take up to several years. He cannot wait so long. He cannot Like Teacher He, he stayed at Happy Camp for 20 years.

Song Xiaomei looked at Yang An with tears in her eyes and almost cried: "Director Yang, can we not continue this show?"

A group of employees surrounded Yang An, filled with indignation, scolding the station's decision and expressing their firm resistance to the new host.

When he was about to get off work, a phone call came. After hearing it, Hong Dajun hurriedly went to the province and came to a certain leader's office.

After finally driving Yang An away, yesterday's ratings slapped him hard again. Everyone in the conference room was discussing Yang An and "Joke".

The conference room was filled with silence. These words made many people feel cold on their backs. The guilty people like Hong Dajun and Huang Shan were even more secretly afraid!

Qin Ming sneered: "Yang An is not suitable to be a producer, then who are you going to let him be? Director Huang?"

Moreover, he alone owns the equity of Enron Film and Television Entertainment. His mother is the general manager, and he has the power of personnel and finance. Brother Aixiao is his confidant who he personally recruited, and the screenwriters were carefully selected by him. He lost the position of a host in exchange for He feels the peace of mind coming to the show is worth it.

Hong Dajun was prepared. He asked Huangshan to pretend to be a scapegoat and scare Yang An, with the intention of using Huangshan as a scapegoat and cannon fodder.

After finally driving Yang An away, yesterday's ratings slapped him hard again. Everyone in the conference room was discussing Yang An and "Joke".

"Hong Dajun, how much effort and price have I spent to put you in the position? You just became the director of the station and you want to dominate the world with one hand? The nature of the word 'leadership' has been corrupted by people like you! You guys Our banner is used outside to bully men and women, and do all kinds of evil. Is there such a stupid leader as you? You were even caught! Idiot!"

"And Ma Wanqiao! I agreed to let him take over your position and be responsible for reviewing the films because I wanted him to be obedient! But is he a pig? Oh, he can do what he says, and he can suppress whoever he wants to. , he makes things difficult for whomever he wants, and the TV station is owned by his family? Hong Dajun, let me warn you, if this recording is spread, all of you will have to step down! Hong Dajun, I am so disappointed in you!"

"That's right! It's useless for anyone to come!"

"Now let's watch it for fun! If "Joke" was only ranked fourth, no one would say anything to Director Hong about how he manipulated Yang An. But now it is ranked second, haha. Director Hong is not a soft persimmon. , but a spiked ball!"

The director echoed: "Director, not only did Mu Hei Ya send an official letter, reporters from Metropolis Daily and Morning News also called and wanted to interview you..."

Within two days, Ma Wanqiao received an administrative order from above and was transferred to the Langshang Stage next door as deputy director, responsible for liaison and service with veteran cadres. Deputy director Qin Ming naturally took over the power of reviewing films, and Ma Wanqiao was transferred from his grasp. When he was in power, he had to deal with old men and old ladies all day long, dealing with trivial matters such as Zhang San stealing chickens and Li Si touching dogs, and he felt like crying without tears.

Moreover, he alone owns the equity of Enron Film and Television Entertainment. His mother is the general manager, and he has the power of personnel and finance. Brother Aixiao is his confidant who he personally recruited, and the screenwriters were carefully selected by him. He lost the position of a host in exchange for He feels the peace of mind coming to the show is worth it.

Duan Haishan earnestly advised: "But if "Joke" was not hosted by you, would it still be the same as before? Would the 50 million TV viewers across the country recognize it? You'd better stay!"

Moreover, he alone owns the equity of Enron Film and Television Entertainment. His mother is the general manager, and he has the power of personnel and finance. Brother Aixiao is his confidant who he personally recruited, and the screenwriters were carefully selected by him. He lost the position of a host in exchange for He feels the peace of mind coming to the show is worth it.

Hong Dajun was being scolded like a primary school boy, and he didn't dare to talk back at all, but his heart felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he was actually afraid of Yang An. This bastard secretly recorded the video. He was going to kill him!

Song Xiaomei looked at Yang An with tears in her eyes and almost cried: "Director Yang, can we not continue this show?"

After finally driving Yang An away, yesterday's ratings slapped him hard again. Everyone in the conference room was discussing Yang An and "Joke".

The conference room was buzzing with everyone nodding and talking. What a pity!

Half of the people were snickering, and the other half were furious. Hong Dajun slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Old Qin, what are you yelling for? Where are you mourning? Is Lao Peng dead or something?"

Hong Dajun was prepared. He asked Huangshan to pretend to be a scapegoat and scare Yang An, with the intention of using Huangshan as a scapegoat and cannon fodder.

Hong Dajun said: "Yang An violated the ban on radio and television and is not suitable to be a producer. Moreover, he asked to resign on his own initiative. We did not drive him away."

The next day, a piece of news suddenly spread in the TV circle. Dongshan Satellite TV announced with a high profile that it was in contact with Yang An to introduce a new variety show!

Half of the people were snickering, and the other half were furious. Hong Dajun slammed the table and shouted angrily: "Old Qin, what are you yelling for? Where are you mourning? Is Lao Peng dead or something?"

"What's going on with Director Huang? He leads with his mouth open and leads with his mouth shut. Who is he?"

"Director of Production Department..."

"The data is definitely not wrong. They are all calculated by CCTV's software. Haha, this is interesting. "Joke" just won the second place, but the producer was driven away! How can I give you an explanation in the stands? !”

When he was about to get off work, a phone call came. After hearing it, Hong Dajun hurriedly went to the province and came to a certain leader's office.

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

Yang An said: "Old Duan, I can't stay here forever. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to escape."

Duan Haishan earnestly advised: "But if "Joke" was not hosted by you, would it still be the same as before? Would the 50 million TV viewers across the country recognize it? You'd better stay!"

What's more, it's unclear whether Huangshan and the others can take advantage of him. The recording in Yang An's hands contains too much information. He is prepared to put it into the hands of the right people at the right time to fight back against these bastards. !

Hong Dajun's head hurt, and he said angrily: "How did you become the director? TV stations and newspapers are both broadcasting and television systems, and you let them interview me? What kind of reporters are they? Do they still follow principles? Or are they not one of our own? I see them I don’t want to do it anymore!”

"Director of Production Department..."

Qin Ming sneered: "Yang An is not suitable to be a producer, then who are you going to let him be? Director Huang?"

"Director Yang! I promise you, no matter who the station sends to be the host, our brothers who love laughter will never cooperate with him!"

Hong Dajun was able to take the position of director because, firstly, there were powerful people above him, and secondly, he was very good at winning people's hearts. He promoted Ma Wanqiao as deputy director, the finance department was also from his department, and Huangshan, the production department, was his Confidant, half of the four major ratings programs are dependent on him.

Within two days, Ma Wanqiao received an administrative order from above and was transferred to the Langshang Stage next door as deputy director, responsible for liaison and service with veteran cadres. Deputy director Qin Ming naturally took over the power of reviewing films, and Ma Wanqiao was transferred from his grasp. When he was in power, he had to deal with old men and old ladies all day long, dealing with trivial matters such as Zhang San stealing chickens and Li Si touching dogs, and he felt like crying without tears.

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

"Tell him to get out! The bad thing will happen to him, whatever!"

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

Deputy director Qin Ming was his opponent. He had long held a grudge because of his failure in the competition. But last night, Duan Haishan personally visited him and chatted for an hour, and he understood everything.

"yes… "

"The ratings of this Singles' Day special episode of "Joke Talk" soared to 1.36%?"

"Fortunately, Yang An knows how to be a good person! He asked someone to send this recording and promised not to release it to the outside world. Do you know what to do? I'm warning you Hong Dajun for the last time, wipe the shit you poop yourself! If you can't wipe it clean, , just get out of here!"

Hong Dajun was prepared. He asked Huangshan to pretend to be a scapegoat and scare Yang An, with the intention of using Huangshan as a scapegoat and cannon fodder.

The director echoed: "Director, not only did Mu Hei Ya send an official letter, reporters from Metropolis Daily and Morning News also called and wanted to interview you..."

Duan Haishan earnestly advised: "But if "Joke" was not hosted by you, would it still be the same as before? Would the 50 million TV viewers across the country recognize it? You'd better stay!"

What's more, it's unclear whether Huangshan and the others can take advantage of him. The recording in Yang An's hands contains too much information. He is prepared to put it into the hands of the right people at the right time to fight back against these bastards. !

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

Seeing that Yang An had decided to leave, everyone could only sigh and be angry, thinking that Yang An had really given up.

"And Ma Wanqiao! I agreed to let him take over your position and be responsible for reviewing the films because I wanted him to be obedient! But is he a pig? Oh, he can do what he says, and he can suppress whoever he wants to. , he makes things difficult for whomever he wants, and the TV station is owned by his family? Hong Dajun, let me warn you, if this recording is spread, all of you will have to step down! Hong Dajun, I am so disappointed in you!"

The conference room was filled with silence. These words made many people feel cold on their backs. The guilty people like Hong Dajun and Huang Shan were even more secretly afraid!

Qin Ming laughed loudly: "What am I talking about? You were not here the day Director Peng was beaten. Many people saw how cruel Yang An was. As long as he goes out, he dares to make our station stink! Director Huang, smash Director Peng's Come on, you threw it away, right? Have you forgotten it? Driving Yang An away now is equivalent to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Just wait for your retribution! Hmph! "

The director felt aggrieved: "I guess they received money from Mu Hei Ya, and their attitude is very tough. They said that if you don't accept the interview, they will interview Yang An. They can't guarantee the accuracy of the comments online... "

Qin Ming chased after him: "So you can't guarantee it? But as Yang An is a producer, the ratings have been rising and never dropped. He can surpass our "A Date with Chen Yu" today, and it won't take long More than "Spin of Fortune"! The national ratings are 1.5%. Director Hong, are you too rash to drive Yang An away?"

"Leader, I did something wrong. I discredited the leader... I beg the leader to have mercy... "

Hong Dajun was prepared. He asked Huangshan to pretend to be a scapegoat and scare Yang An, with the intention of using Huangshan as a scapegoat and cannon fodder.

"Director Yang, can you please stop walking? I just love doing shows with you... The station is so bullying... wu wu..."

Hong Dajun was really frightened. For him, the most terrifying thing was losing the trust of his leader.

Qin Ming sighed loudly and cried in a tearful tone: "It's good now. Yang An is gone. We Hongfeng don't want him. He just goes to Lanhai, to Zisong, to any place that is willing to accept him, and to start the program again." . Master Peng, I feel unworthy of the unjust blow you received on your forehead!"

Hong Dajun didn't know how he got back to Taiwan. He held a meeting in a daze and made up an excuse to transfer Huangshan to the data room. Li Song naturally became the director of the production department. Huangshan was completely confused and kept talking. He cried out that he was wronged. The reference room was the retirement home for the exiled cadres, but he was still young and he still had a future to pursue!

A group of employees surrounded Yang An, filled with indignation, scolding the station's decision and expressing their firm resistance to the new host.

"The data is definitely not wrong. They are all calculated by CCTV's software. Haha, this is interesting. "Joke" just won the second place, but the producer was driven away! How can I give you an explanation in the stands? !”

The conference room was buzzing with everyone nodding and talking. What a pity!

"Fortunately, Yang An knows how to be a good person! He asked someone to send this recording and promised not to release it to the outside world. Do you know what to do? I'm warning you Hong Dajun for the last time, wipe the shit you poop yourself! If you can't wipe it clean, , just get out of here!"

When he was about to get off work, a phone call came. After hearing it, Hong Dajun hurriedly went to the province and came to a certain leader's office.

Yang An comforted several little girls with red eyes and signaled the agitated brothers to calm down.

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

Hong Dajun didn't know how he got back to Taiwan. He held a meeting in a daze and made up an excuse to transfer Huangshan to the data room. Li Song naturally became the director of the production department. Huangshan was completely confused and kept talking. He cried out that he was wronged. The reference room was the retirement home for the exiled cadres, but he was still young and he still had a future to pursue!

It's not Yang An's style to let others take control of him. He will never surrender and suffer this loss!

"Is the projection department mistaken? It actually surpassed "Happy Saturday" and "A Date with Chen Yu" and reached second place?"

Now that there is such a good opportunity, Qin Ming will of course take the opportunity to attack and attack Hong Dajun's prestige.

The director felt aggrieved: "I guess they received money from Mu Hei Ya, and their attitude is very tough. They said that if you don't accept the interview, they will interview Yang An. They can't guarantee the accuracy of the comments online... "

Within two days, Ma Wanqiao received an administrative order from above and was transferred to the Langshang Stage next door as deputy director, responsible for liaison and service with veteran cadres. Deputy director Qin Ming naturally took over the power of reviewing films, and Ma Wanqiao was transferred from his grasp. When he was in power, he had to deal with old men and old ladies all day long, dealing with trivial matters such as Zhang San stealing chickens and Li Si touching dogs, and he felt like crying without tears.

It's not Yang An's style to let others take control of him. He will never surrender and suffer this loss!

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

The conference room was buzzing with everyone nodding and talking. What a pity!

"What's going on with Director Huang? He leads with his mouth open and leads with his mouth shut. Who is he?"

Hong Dajun can be the director of the station, but it does not mean that he can cover the sky with one hand.

The next day, a piece of news suddenly spread in the TV circle. Dongshan Satellite TV announced with a high profile that it was in contact with Yang An to introduce a new variety show!

Yang An said: "Old Duan, I can't stay here forever. It would be a good idea to take this opportunity to escape."

But no one saw them. Yang An and Duan Haishan quietly left together without knowing their whereabouts.

Moreover, he alone owns the equity of Enron Film and Television Entertainment. His mother is the general manager, and he has the power of personnel and finance. Brother Aixiao is his confidant who he personally recruited, and the screenwriters were carefully selected by him. He lost the position of a host in exchange for He feels the peace of mind coming to the show is worth it.

Huang Shan was blushing. He knew very well that without Yang An, the attractiveness of the show would be greatly reduced: "I just took over and it will take some time to get used to it."

Hong Dajun said: "Yang An violated the ban on radio and television and is not suitable to be a producer. Moreover, he asked to resign on his own initiative. We did not drive him away."

Only then did Hong Dajun realize that this was all a combination of Yang An's counterattacks. Qin Ming's words, "Just wait for retribution," became Hong Dajun's nightmare that would never go away in the past few years!

The director echoed: "Director, not only did Mu Hei Ya send an official letter, reporters from Metropolis Daily and Morning News also called and wanted to interview you..."

"And Ma Wanqiao! I agreed to let him take over your position and be responsible for reviewing the films because I wanted him to be obedient! But is he a pig? Oh, he can do what he says, and he can suppress whoever he wants to. , he makes things difficult for whomever he wants, and the TV station is owned by his family? Hong Dajun, let me warn you, if this recording is spread, all of you will have to step down! Hong Dajun, I am so disappointed in you!"

Duan Haishan was shocked: "What! Did these bastards force you out of the show?"

Hong Dajun's head hurt, and he said angrily: "How did you become the director? TV stations and newspapers are both broadcasting and television systems, and you let them interview me? What kind of reporters are they? Do they still follow principles? Or are they not one of our own? I see them I don’t want to do it anymore!”

"Hong Dajun, how much effort and price have I spent to put you in the position? You just became the director of the station and you want to dominate the world with one hand? The nature of the word 'leadership' has been corrupted by people like you! You guys Our banner is used outside to bully men and women, and do all kinds of evil. Is there such a stupid leader as you? You were even caught! Idiot!"

Qin Ming sarcastically said: "Hey, Director Huang, you can do it. Without the ratings of the episode hosted by Yang An, do you dare to guarantee that the ratings will continue to be second?"