The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 59: The Workers' Stadium was buzzing with excitement


On Friday afternoon, Mu Jianmin was drinking tea with a few friends. One of his friends' uncle is the leader of the provincial radio and television system. They laughed when they talked about the scolding of Hong Dajun a few days ago.

who can know,

So let it be at this moment,

From the moment the audience officially entered the venue, the big screen on the stage was playing a promotional video for the Red Wolf band, as well as passionate singing clips by Huang Xiao and others, telling fans that the concert was about to begin.

Rong Feifei laughed at herself, then raised her phone and took a few pictures of the surroundings. She even zoomed in on the camera to take a picture of Yang An and Huang Xiao gesturing and chatting, and then sent it to Yang An's space, along with Text: "At 7:30 pm on November 16th at Zhongjing Workers Stadium, I will sing on the stage. Thank you Red Wolf Band for giving me this opportunity! I wish Red Wolf a great national tour!"

Yang An is indeed playing. He is currently at the Zhongjing Workers Stadium, waiting to rehearse the show with Huang Xiao and the others.

Let’s rock together!

Mu Jianmin showed his hands to his friend: "He will play for two days before coming back!"

The lights suddenly hit Huang Xiao in the middle of the stage. His right hand moved down fiercely, and the most intense notes came out from the box piano. The drums followed, and the rhythmic sound resounded throughout the Workers' Stadium.

Mu Jianmin said: "Mr. Niu, let me first thank you for your help on behalf of Director Yang. When he comes back next week, we will meet for a drink together."

So let it be at this moment,

Rong Feifei looked up and saw that Yang An and the others were still chatting. She was very worried: "If he knew that I peeked into his mailbox, would he be angry..."

The friend laughed and said, "Yang An is quite interesting. The show is funny on the one hand, but he can turn a blind eye to so many things that happened to him and go out to relax. He really has a big heart." !”

Yang Andao: "Singing is fine, but I don't want to sing "Wolf". Can I change the song?"

Huang Xiao was reluctant: "I can't sleep when I hear a good song, so just follow me!"

Mu Jianmin sighed: "Without a big heart, you can't produce such a good program. I heard that Dongshan Satellite TV is going to sign his new program. Does your winery want to be the sponsor? You have helped so much this time." Busy, he owes you a favor and will definitely give in on the price."

Mu Jianmin sighed: "Without a big heart, you can't produce such a good program. I heard that Dongshan Satellite TV is going to sign his new program. Does your winery want to be the sponsor? You have helped so much this time." Busy, he owes you a favor and will definitely give in on the price."

Let’s rock together!

Rong Feifei looked at the people chatting enthusiastically and felt envious in her heart. The Workers Stadium is a huge venue with 60,000 people. Only superstar singers are qualified to hold a concert here. It is the first national tour of the Red Wolf Band's 20th anniversary. Right here, just tonight, Huang Xiao actually invited Yang An to sing the opening song together. This is really crazy!

Yang An took a deep breath and expressed that he was fine and that he was ready.

However, when logging into the space software, it defaulted to Yang An's account. Rong Feifei bit her lower lip and logged in directly without changing her account.

Yang An is indeed playing. He is currently at the Zhongjing Workers Stadium, waiting to rehearse the show with Huang Xiao and the others.

The friend said proudly: "Our liquor seller still lacks the money he gave in? As long as his program is good, has wide coverage, and has great influence, I can pay him as much as he said without bargaining. If the radio wave matches, I can even give more!”

Let’s rock together!


So let it be at this moment,

Rong Feifei was so excited that she secretly took a photo of Yang An with her eyes closed and took a deep breath, and quickly uploaded it: "In 5 minutes, I want to sing with Red Wolf!"

Huang Xiao laughed and scolded: "You still want to sing two more songs? You're so thoughtful, this is Red Wolf's 20th anniversary concert! Come on, come on, hum a few lines of these two songs, you're just talking without practicing, It’s so alluring, you’re trying to keep me awake, right?”

what will happen tomorrow,

Mu Jianmin gave a thumbs up: "Mr. Niu is rich and domineering. I'll call and ask when he will come back."

The two of them went to the recording studio and worked hard for several hours. Yang An was so sleepy that he even fell asleep in the studio even with the sound-isolating headphones on. After another whole day of working on Thursday, Yang An was conquered by these music and rock lunatics. They are quite old, the youngest Huang Xiao is almost 40 years old, and he is still so energetic!

Yang An was dumbfounded: "Brother, it's almost 1 a.m., why don't you sleep? I'm almost exhausted!"

The grand symphony orchestra played impassioned music, the background drumbeats became more and more intense, and the sound became louder and louder. The curtain was removed, and the light on the stage became clearer and clearer. Suddenly, all sounds stopped.

Mu Jianmin gave a thumbs up: "Mr. Niu is rich and domineering. I'll call and ask when he will come back."

Two days ago, on Wednesday afternoon, Yang An and Rong Feifei arrived in Beijing. Huang Xiao asked people to take them to a hotel. In the evening, Yang An had dinner with a group of friends from the music industry in the Red Wolf band, and they didn't break up until early in the morning.

Huang Xiao asked: ""Tell Me"?"

Yang An was dumbfounded: "Brother, it's almost 1 a.m., why don't you sleep? I'm almost exhausted!"

As he spoke, Mu Jianmin took out his phone and dialed Yang An: "Director Yang, where are you now? When will you come back? Of course we will have a drink to celebrate, and we will reward you based on your merits!"

Ignore the unfulfilled promises.

To hold a concert, you need to hire a professional company to organize it. The stage management, stage lighting, and costume styling must all be excellent without any mistakes.

At this time, Rong Feifei felt a sense of guilt in her heart. She hesitated for a long time, but finally did not open Yang An's space private mailbox. She only saw 24 unread messages outside, which showed that Yang An usually didn't care much.

The friend laughed loudly: "I like people like this, who know how to play, know how to live, and know how to enjoy!"

At this time, Rong Feifei felt a sense of guilt in her heart. She hesitated for a long time, but finally did not open Yang An's space private mailbox. She only saw 24 unread messages outside, which showed that Yang An usually didn't care much.

The phone was very noisy, and Yang An's voice was intermittent: "I'm in Zhongjing... Mr. Mu, it's very noisy here... Workers' Stadium with 60,000 people... I'll be back in two more days... If you have anything else, wait till I get back on Monday... "

The lights suddenly hit Huang Xiao in the middle of the stage. His right hand moved down fiercely, and the most intense notes came out from the box piano. The drums followed, and the rhythmic sound resounded throughout the Workers' Stadium.

At this time, Rong Feifei felt a sense of guilt in her heart. She hesitated for a long time, but finally did not open Yang An's space private mailbox. She only saw 24 unread messages outside, which showed that Yang An usually didn't care much.

Behind the big screen that the audience can see is the preparation area, which is temporarily covered by the curtain. All the sound equipment was adjusted in the afternoon. Everyone in the Red Wolf band has already taken their seats, and more music is being mixed. The divisions are all in place, the chief director is issuing dispatching orders on the monitor, and all units and types of work are well prepared.

Yang An shook his head: "There are rumors that I have gone to Dongshan TV. In fact, they just called me. I didn't agree or refuse. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I want to rest for a few more days and maybe I can still fish." Go to a better TV station! Dongshan TV is about the same level as Red Maple TV, and it’s not a first-tier domestic TV station. Brother, to be honest, I still don’t like it.”

Yang An took a deep breath and expressed that he was fine and that he was ready.

Mu Jianmin showed his hands to his friend: "He will play for two days before coming back!"

Forget all the pain,

"Yang An, don't be nervous, follow the plan." Huang Xiao, carrying the piano on his back, gave Yang An a thumbs up and nodded encouragingly.

Yang An quickly refused: "How can this work! There are 60,000 spectators at the Workers' Stadium. I have never seen such a big scene. What if I mess up?"

Yang An could only hum a few lines of both songs. Unexpectedly, Huang Xiao's eyes almost dropped when he heard it: "Is there an arrangement? Wait a minute! Don't bring out your broken mobile phone and return "Music Master" "Well, it's so amateurish! I don't want to listen to your arrangement, don't ruin these two songs! Come on, why are you still sleeping? Follow me and arrange the music."

Let’s rock together!

The friend laughed loudly: "I like people like this, who know how to play, know how to live, and know how to enjoy!"

At this time, Rong Feifei felt a sense of guilt in her heart. She hesitated for a long time, but finally did not open Yang An's space private mailbox. She only saw 24 unread messages outside, which showed that Yang An usually didn't care much.

Mu Jianmin said: "Mr. Niu, let me first thank you for your help on behalf of Director Yang. When he comes back next week, we will meet for a drink together."

"You are already going to be a star, and you don't even know how to manage fans! Well, I'll just do it and help you manage it!"

Don't worry about yesterday's sad moments,


At 7:20, the lights of the workers' stadium array were turned on, and a brilliant light array shone brightly, with mottled light and shadow, and was dazzling. There were already bursts of cheers outside.

Don't worry about yesterday's sad moments,

Yang An is indeed playing. He is currently at the Zhongjing Workers Stadium, waiting to rehearse the show with Huang Xiao and the others.

As night fell, the audience began to enter the venue one after another. Yang An and Huang Xiao took the time to eat and put on makeup backstage. The three-hour concert was definitely a test of physical strength.

The friend laughed and said, "Yang An is quite interesting. The show is funny on the one hand, but he can turn a blind eye to so many things that happened to him and go out to relax. He really has a big heart." !”

Rong Feifei was holding Yang An's bag and mobile phone at the side, while Yang An and Huang Xiao listened to the chief director's arrangements, such as the opening moves, the order of appearances, and when it was Yang An's turn to appear. Every step was explained clearly.

As a singer, who doesn’t want to give concerts

Rong Feifei envied Yang An very much. If she wasn't so famous and she was a girl, she would actually want to stand on this stage and sing.

We enjoy ourselves,

Mu Jianmin sighed: "Without a big heart, you can't produce such a good program. I heard that Dongshan Satellite TV is going to sign his new program. Does your winery want to be the sponsor? You have helped so much this time." Busy, he owes you a favor and will definitely give in on the price."

Give me your hands and your waist,

Rong Feifei looked at the people chatting enthusiastically and felt envious in her heart. The Workers Stadium is a huge venue with 60,000 people. Only superstar singers are qualified to hold a concert here. It is the first national tour of the Red Wolf Band's 20th anniversary. Right here, just tonight, Huang Xiao actually invited Yang An to sing the opening song together. This is really crazy!

Yang An took a deep breath and expressed that he was fine and that he was ready.

Rong Feifei picked up Yang An's phone and took a photo of herself, intending to upload it to her own space.

Behind the big screen that the audience can see is the preparation area, which is temporarily covered by the curtain. All the sound equipment was adjusted in the afternoon. Everyone in the Red Wolf band has already taken their seats, and more music is being mixed. The divisions are all in place, the chief director is issuing dispatching orders on the monitor, and all units and types of work are well prepared.

Two days ago, on Wednesday afternoon, Yang An and Rong Feifei arrived in Beijing. Huang Xiao asked people to take them to a hotel. In the evening, Yang An had dinner with a group of friends from the music industry in the Red Wolf band, and they didn't break up until early in the morning.

Behind the big screen that the audience can see is the preparation area, which is temporarily covered by the curtain. All the sound equipment was adjusted in the afternoon. Everyone in the Red Wolf band has already taken their seats, and more music is being mixed. The divisions are all in place, the chief director is issuing dispatching orders on the monitor, and all units and types of work are well prepared.

Let’s rock together!

Huang Xiao sent Yang An and Rong Feifei back to the hotel, and then took Yang An back to the room to chat. He always kept Yang An's matter in mind and asked: "Has the matter of "Joke of Jianghu" been dealt with?"


Mu Jianmin showed his hands to his friend: "He will play for two days before coming back!"

Two days ago, on Wednesday afternoon, Yang An and Rong Feifei arrived in Beijing. Huang Xiao asked people to take them to a hotel. In the evening, Yang An had dinner with a group of friends from the music industry in the Red Wolf band, and they didn't break up until early in the morning.

Yang An said: "I will go back next week to clean up the details, thank those friends who helped me, explain a few things in the company, and that's almost it."

Huang Xiao screamed and let out the most classic wolf howl of the Red Wolf Band, and all the members of the Red Wolf Band howled together.

Behind the big screen that the audience can see is the preparation area, which is temporarily covered by the curtain. All the sound equipment was adjusted in the afternoon. Everyone in the Red Wolf band has already taken their seats, and more music is being mixed. The divisions are all in place, the chief director is issuing dispatching orders on the monitor, and all units and types of work are well prepared.

The lights suddenly hit Huang Xiao in the middle of the stage. His right hand moved down fiercely, and the most intense notes came out from the box piano. The drums followed, and the rhythmic sound resounded throughout the Workers' Stadium.

To hold a concert, you need to hire a professional company to organize it. The stage management, stage lighting, and costume styling must all be excellent without any mistakes.

Huang Xiao slapped Yang An on the shoulder: "I just appreciate your optimism and the deep confidence radiating from the root of your tail! If you are not in a hurry to do the show, then have fun, you and me on Friday night How about singing on the same stage? Just sing "Wolf"!"

As he spoke, Mu Jianmin took out his phone and dialed Yang An: "Director Yang, where are you now? When will you come back? Of course we will have a drink to celebrate, and we will reward you based on your merits!"

Rong Feifei looked up and saw that Yang An and the others were still chatting. She was very worried: "If he knew that I peeked into his mailbox, would he be angry..."

what will happen tomorrow,

Huang Xiao asked: "Are you really planning to go to Dongshan TV to do a new show? Then you won't move to Dongshan, right?"

So let it be at this moment,

We enjoy ourselves,

Rong Feifei laughed at herself, then raised her phone and took a few pictures of the surroundings. She even zoomed in on the camera to take a picture of Yang An and Huang Xiao gesturing and chatting, and then sent it to Yang An's space, along with Text: "At 7:30 pm on November 16th at Zhongjing Workers Stadium, I will sing on the stage. Thank you Red Wolf Band for giving me this opportunity! I wish Red Wolf a great national tour!"

Yang An was dumbfounded: "Brother, it's almost 1 a.m., why don't you sleep? I'm almost exhausted!"

Let’s rock together!


Let’s rock together!

Let’s rock together!

Yang An shook his head: "There are rumors that I have gone to Dongshan TV. In fact, they just called me. I didn't agree or refuse. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I want to rest for a few more days and maybe I can still fish." Go to a better TV station! Dongshan TV is about the same level as Red Maple TV, and it’s not a first-tier domestic TV station. Brother, to be honest, I still don’t like it.”

"You are already going to be a star, and you don't even know how to manage fans! Well, I'll just do it and help you manage it!"

Let’s rock together!


As a singer, who doesn’t want to give concerts

The friend laughed loudly: "I like people like this, who know how to play, know how to live, and know how to enjoy!"


Huang Xiao slapped Yang An on the shoulder: "I just appreciate your optimism and the deep confidence radiating from the root of your tail! If you are not in a hurry to do the show, then have fun, you and me on Friday night How about singing on the same stage? Just sing "Wolf"!"

Singing to 60,000 fans is probably the happiest thing in a singer's life!

Forget all the pain,

The opening song of "Swing Together" made the audience of 60,000 people excited!

At 7:25, all the lights of the Workers' Stadium were turned off, and the opening credits were shown on the big screen.

Rong Feifei looked at the people chatting enthusiastically and felt envious in her heart. The Workers Stadium is a huge venue with 60,000 people. Only superstar singers are qualified to hold a concert here. It is the first national tour of the Red Wolf Band's 20th anniversary. Right here, just tonight, Huang Xiao actually invited Yang An to sing the opening song together. This is really crazy!

The opening song of "Swing Together" made the audience of 60,000 people excited!

Yang An quickly refused: "How can this work! There are 60,000 spectators at the Workers' Stadium. I have never seen such a big scene. What if I mess up?"

Rong Feifei was so excited that she secretly took a photo of Yang An with her eyes closed and took a deep breath, and quickly uploaded it: "In 5 minutes, I want to sing with Red Wolf!"

Mu Jianmin showed his hands to his friend: "He will play for two days before coming back!"

To hold a concert, you need to hire a professional company to organize it. The stage management, stage lighting, and costume styling must all be excellent without any mistakes.

As he spoke, Mu Jianmin took out his phone and dialed Yang An: "Director Yang, where are you now? When will you come back? Of course we will have a drink to celebrate, and we will reward you based on your merits!"

Rong Feifei envied Yang An very much. If she wasn't so famous and she was a girl, she would actually want to stand on this stage and sing.

Yang Andao: "Singing is fine, but I don't want to sing "Wolf". Can I change the song?"

The friend laughed loudly: "I like people like this, who know how to play, know how to live, and know how to enjoy!"

Give me your hands and your waist,

Huang Xiaodao: "How could it be possible? With me controlling the venue and singing with you, how could it possibly be messed up! Really not? You should think about it carefully. If you miss this opportunity, you may never have the opportunity to perform in front of 60,000 people in your life." meeting."

In the middle of the stage is a row of microphone stands. Later Huang Xiao will stand in the middle, with the bassist, guitarist and Yang An standing next to him.

Huang Xiao slapped Yang An on the shoulder: "I just appreciate your optimism and the deep confidence radiating from the root of your tail! If you are not in a hurry to do the show, then have fun, you and me on Friday night How about singing on the same stage? Just sing "Wolf"!"

Yang An thought, yes, he plans to pursue variety shows all the time. Singing is just a side job. It may take many years to hold a concert, and it may not be possible in his lifetime. This is a concert with an audience of 60,000 people. Thinking about it makes him excited. !

Ignore the unfulfilled promises.

Ignore the unfulfilled promises.

Let's rock together!

Don't worry about yesterday's sad moments,


The opening song of "Swing Together" made the audience of 60,000 people excited!

Huang Xiaodao: "How could it be possible? With me controlling the venue and singing with you, how could it possibly be messed up! Really not? You should think about it carefully. If you miss this opportunity, you may never have the opportunity to perform in front of 60,000 people in your life." meeting."

Yang An quickly refused: "How can this work! There are 60,000 spectators at the Workers' Stadium. I have never seen such a big scene. What if I mess up?"

Yang Andao: "Singing is fine, but I don't want to sing "Wolf". Can I change the song?"


Huang Xiao slapped Yang An on the shoulder: "I just appreciate your optimism and the deep confidence radiating from the root of your tail! If you are not in a hurry to do the show, then have fun, you and me on Friday night How about singing on the same stage? Just sing "Wolf"!"

Let’s rock together!

Mu Jianmin sighed: "Without a big heart, you can't produce such a good program. I heard that Dongshan Satellite TV is going to sign his new program. Does your winery want to be the sponsor? You have helped so much this time." Busy, he owes you a favor and will definitely give in on the price."

As he spoke, Mu Jianmin took out his phone and dialed Yang An: "Director Yang, where are you now? When will you come back? Of course we will have a drink to celebrate, and we will reward you based on your merits!"

Huang Xiao asked: ""Tell Me"?"

The lights suddenly hit Huang Xiao in the middle of the stage. His right hand moved down fiercely, and the most intense notes came out from the box piano. The drums followed, and the rhythmic sound resounded throughout the Workers' Stadium.

Let’s rock together!

Ignore the unfulfilled promises.

Rong Feifei was holding Yang An's bag and mobile phone at the side, while Yang An and Huang Xiao listened to the chief director's arrangements, such as the opening moves, the order of appearances, and when it was Yang An's turn to appear. Every step was explained clearly.

Rong Feifei envied Yang An very much. If she wasn't so famous and she was a girl, she would actually want to stand on this stage and sing.

Two days ago, on Wednesday afternoon, Yang An and Rong Feifei arrived in Beijing. Huang Xiao asked people to take them to a hotel. In the evening, Yang An had dinner with a group of friends from the music industry in the Red Wolf band, and they didn't break up until early in the morning.

Yang Andao: "A new rock song should suit your concert style. In fact, I have written two songs recently, but I am not greedy. You can just let me sing one of them, haha!"

At 7:20, the lights of the workers' stadium array were turned on, and a brilliant light array shone brightly, with mottled light and shadow, and was dazzling. There were already bursts of cheers outside.

So let it be at this moment,

Yang Andao: "A new rock song should suit your concert style. In fact, I have written two songs recently, but I am not greedy. You can just let me sing one of them, haha!"

Yang Andao: "Singing is fine, but I don't want to sing "Wolf". Can I change the song?"

Huang Xiao laughed and scolded: "You still want to sing two more songs? You're so thoughtful, this is Red Wolf's 20th anniversary concert! Come on, come on, hum a few lines of these two songs, you're just talking without practicing, It’s so alluring, you’re trying to keep me awake, right?”


Rong Feifei picked up Yang An's phone and took a photo of herself, intending to upload it to her own space.

The lights suddenly hit Huang Xiao in the middle of the stage. His right hand moved down fiercely, and the most intense notes came out from the box piano. The drums followed, and the rhythmic sound resounded throughout the Workers' Stadium.

Yang An does not deliberately manage his own space. There are only twenty or thirty statuses in total. Most of them were posted two years ago. They are all about college life, his first time working, how happy he is to join the crew, and who he met. Celebrities, etc., are no different from ordinary people. Rong Feifei has seen these contents many times.

Yang An could only hum a few lines of both songs. Unexpectedly, Huang Xiao's eyes almost dropped when he heard it: "Is there an arrangement? Wait a minute! Don't bring out your broken mobile phone and return "Music Master" "Well, it's so amateurish! I don't want to listen to your arrangement, don't ruin these two songs! Come on, why are you still sleeping? Follow me and arrange the music."

Rong Feifei was so excited that she secretly took a photo of Yang An with her eyes closed and took a deep breath, and quickly uploaded it: "In 5 minutes, I want to sing with Red Wolf!"

Huang Xiao was reluctant: "I can't sleep when I hear a good song, so just follow me!"

Rong Feifei looked up and saw that Yang An and the others were still chatting. She was very worried: "If he knew that I peeked into his mailbox, would he be angry..."

At this time, Rong Feifei felt a sense of guilt in her heart. She hesitated for a long time, but finally did not open Yang An's space private mailbox. She only saw 24 unread messages outside, which showed that Yang An usually didn't care much.

To hold a concert, you need to hire a professional company to organize it. The stage management, stage lighting, and costume styling must all be excellent without any mistakes.

Yang An was dumbfounded: "Brother, it's almost 1 a.m., why don't you sleep? I'm almost exhausted!"

Rong Feifei was so excited that she secretly took a photo of Yang An with her eyes closed and took a deep breath, and quickly uploaded it: "In 5 minutes, I want to sing with Red Wolf!"

Mu Jianmin sighed: "Without a big heart, you can't produce such a good program. I heard that Dongshan Satellite TV is going to sign his new program. Does your winery want to be the sponsor? You have helped so much this time." Busy, he owes you a favor and will definitely give in on the price."

Yang Andao: "Singing is fine, but I don't want to sing "Wolf". Can I change the song?"

Huang Xiao slapped Yang An on the shoulder: "I just appreciate your optimism and the deep confidence radiating from the root of your tail! If you are not in a hurry to do the show, then have fun, you and me on Friday night How about singing on the same stage? Just sing "Wolf"!"

Huang Xiao was reluctant: "I can't sleep when I hear a good song, so just follow me!"

We enjoy ourselves,

As night fell, the audience began to enter the venue one after another. Yang An and Huang Xiao took the time to eat and put on makeup backstage. The three-hour concert was definitely a test of physical strength.

Faced with this situation, a young director of Yang An's level can only be obedient.

The friend said proudly: "Our liquor seller still lacks the money he gave in? As long as his program is good, has wide coverage, and has great influence, I can pay him as much as he said without bargaining. If the radio wave matches, I can even give more!”

Rong Feifei looked up and saw that Yang An and the others were still chatting. She was very worried: "If he knew that I peeked into his mailbox, would he be angry..."

Let’s rock together!

The two of them went to the recording studio and worked hard for several hours. Yang An was so sleepy that he even fell asleep in the studio even with the sound-isolating headphones on. After another whole day of working on Thursday, Yang An was conquered by these music and rock lunatics. They are quite old, the youngest Huang Xiao is almost 40 years old, and he is still so energetic!

Huang Xiaodao: "How could it be possible? With me controlling the venue and singing with you, how could it possibly be messed up! Really not? You should think about it carefully. If you miss this opportunity, you may never have the opportunity to perform in front of 60,000 people in your life." meeting."


The friend said proudly: "Our liquor seller still lacks the money he gave in? As long as his program is good, has wide coverage, and has great influence, I can pay him as much as he said without bargaining. If the radio wave matches, I can even give more!”

Just like that, I don’t know how Huang Xiao convinced the director team. On Friday, they rearranged the two songs, added them to the program list, and forced Yang An to rehearse.

As night fell, the audience began to enter the venue one after another. Yang An and Huang Xiao took the time to eat and put on makeup backstage. The three-hour concert was definitely a test of physical strength.

Rong Feifei looked up and saw that Yang An and the others were still chatting. She was very worried: "If he knew that I peeked into his mailbox, would he be angry..."

Behind the big screen that the audience can see is the preparation area, which is temporarily covered by the curtain. All the sound equipment was adjusted in the afternoon. Everyone in the Red Wolf band has already taken their seats, and more music is being mixed. The divisions are all in place, the chief director is issuing dispatching orders on the monitor, and all units and types of work are well prepared.

At 7:20, the lights of the workers' stadium array were turned on, and a brilliant light array shone brightly, with mottled light and shadow, and was dazzling. There were already bursts of cheers outside.

Huang Xiao sent Yang An and Rong Feifei back to the hotel, and then took Yang An back to the room to chat. He always kept Yang An's matter in mind and asked: "Has the matter of "Joke of Jianghu" been dealt with?"

Rong Feifei picked up Yang An's phone and took a photo of herself, intending to upload it to her own space.

Rong Feifei envied Yang An very much. If she wasn't so famous and she was a girl, she would actually want to stand on this stage and sing.

Mu Jianmin sighed: "Without a big heart, you can't produce such a good program. I heard that Dongshan Satellite TV is going to sign his new program. Does your winery want to be the sponsor? You have helped so much this time." Busy, he owes you a favor and will definitely give in on the price."

The friend laughed loudly: "I like people like this, who know how to play, know how to live, and know how to enjoy!"

The phone was very noisy, and Yang An's voice was intermittent: "I'm in Zhongjing... Mr. Mu, it's very noisy here... Workers' Stadium with 60,000 people... I'll be back in two more days... If you have anything else, wait till I get back on Monday... "

Let’s rock together!

From the moment the audience officially entered the venue, the big screen on the stage was playing a promotional video for the Red Wolf band, as well as passionate singing clips by Huang Xiao and others, telling fans that the concert was about to begin.

Huang Xiao asked: "Are you really planning to go to Dongshan TV to do a new show? Then you won't move to Dongshan, right?"

Mu Jianmin said: "Mr. Niu, let me first thank you for your help on behalf of Director Yang. When he comes back next week, we will meet for a drink together."

Mu Jianmin gave a thumbs up: "Mr. Niu is rich and domineering. I'll call and ask when he will come back."

As a singer, who doesn’t want to give concerts

So let it be at this moment,

The friend laughed loudly: "I like people like this, who know how to play, know how to live, and know how to enjoy!"

Rong Feifei laughed at herself, then raised her phone and took a few pictures of the surroundings. She even zoomed in on the camera to take a picture of Yang An and Huang Xiao gesturing and chatting, and then sent it to Yang An's space, along with Text: "At 7:30 pm on November 16th at Zhongjing Workers Stadium, I will sing on the stage. Thank you Red Wolf Band for giving me this opportunity! I wish Red Wolf a great national tour!"

In the middle of the stage is a row of microphone stands. Later Huang Xiao will stand in the middle, with the bassist, guitarist and Yang An standing next to him.

Yang An quickly refused: "How can this work! There are 60,000 spectators at the Workers' Stadium. I have never seen such a big scene. What if I mess up?"

Behind the big screen that the audience can see is the preparation area, which is temporarily covered by the curtain. All the sound equipment was adjusted in the afternoon. Everyone in the Red Wolf band has already taken their seats, and more music is being mixed. The divisions are all in place, the chief director is issuing dispatching orders on the monitor, and all units and types of work are well prepared.

Yang An took a deep breath and expressed that he was fine and that he was ready.

Singing to 60,000 fans is probably the happiest thing in a singer's life!

We enjoy ourselves,

As a singer, who doesn’t want to give concerts

Yang An shook his head: "There are rumors that I have gone to Dongshan TV. In fact, they just called me. I didn't agree or refuse. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I want to rest for a few more days and maybe I can still fish." Go to a better TV station! Dongshan TV is about the same level as Red Maple TV, and it’s not a first-tier domestic TV station. Brother, to be honest, I still don’t like it.”

Yang An could only hum a few lines of both songs. Unexpectedly, Huang Xiao's eyes almost dropped when he heard it: "Is there an arrangement? Wait a minute! Don't bring out your broken mobile phone and return "Music Master" "Well, it's so amateurish! I don't want to listen to your arrangement, don't ruin these two songs! Come on, why are you still sleeping? Follow me and arrange the music."

The grand symphony orchestra played impassioned music, the background drumbeats became more and more intense, and the sound became louder and louder. The curtain was removed, and the light on the stage became clearer and clearer. Suddenly, all sounds stopped.

Huang Xiao laughed and scolded: "You still want to sing two more songs? You're so thoughtful, this is Red Wolf's 20th anniversary concert! Come on, come on, hum a few lines of these two songs, you're just talking without practicing, It’s so alluring, you’re trying to keep me awake, right?”

Rong Feifei picked up Yang An's phone and took a photo of herself, intending to upload it to her own space.

Faced with this situation, a young director of Yang An's level can only be obedient.

From the moment the audience officially entered the venue, the big screen on the stage was playing a promotional video for the Red Wolf band, as well as passionate singing clips by Huang Xiao and others, telling fans that the concert was about to begin.

Yang An took a deep breath and expressed that he was fine and that he was ready.

Huang Xiao sent Yang An and Rong Feifei back to the hotel, and then took Yang An back to the room to chat. He always kept Yang An's matter in mind and asked: "Has the matter of "Joke of Jianghu" been dealt with?"

Yang An is indeed playing. He is currently at the Zhongjing Workers Stadium, waiting to rehearse the show with Huang Xiao and the others.

The opening song of "Swing Together" made the audience of 60,000 people excited!

"You are already going to be a star, and you don't even know how to manage fans! Well, I'll just do it and help you manage it!"

Give me your hands and your waist,

However, when logging into the space software, it defaulted to Yang An's account. Rong Feifei bit her lower lip and logged in directly without changing her account.

Huang Xiao slapped Yang An on the shoulder: "I just appreciate your optimism and the deep confidence radiating from the root of your tail! If you are not in a hurry to do the show, then have fun, you and me on Friday night How about singing on the same stage? Just sing "Wolf"!"

Rong Feifei was so excited that she secretly took a photo of Yang An with her eyes closed and took a deep breath, and quickly uploaded it: "In 5 minutes, I want to sing with Red Wolf!"

Rong Feifei laughed at herself, then raised her phone and took a few pictures of the surroundings. She even zoomed in on the camera to take a picture of Yang An and Huang Xiao gesturing and chatting, and then sent it to Yang An's space, along with Text: "At 7:30 pm on November 16th at Zhongjing Workers Stadium, I will sing on the stage. Thank you Red Wolf Band for giving me this opportunity! I wish Red Wolf a great national tour!"

Rong Feifei was holding Yang An's bag and mobile phone at the side, while Yang An and Huang Xiao listened to the chief director's arrangements, such as the opening moves, the order of appearances, and when it was Yang An's turn to appear. Every step was explained clearly.

Rong Feifei was holding Yang An's bag and mobile phone at the side, while Yang An and Huang Xiao listened to the chief director's arrangements, such as the opening moves, the order of appearances, and when it was Yang An's turn to appear. Every step was explained clearly.

We enjoy ourselves,

Yang An does not deliberately manage his own space. There are only twenty or thirty statuses in total. Most of them were posted two years ago. They are all about college life, his first time working, how happy he is to join the crew, and who he met. Celebrities, etc., are no different from ordinary people. Rong Feifei has seen these contents many times.

Yang Andao: "Singing is fine, but I don't want to sing "Wolf". Can I change the song?"

Yang An shook his head: "There are rumors that I have gone to Dongshan TV. In fact, they just called me. I didn't agree or refuse. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I want to rest for a few more days and maybe I can still fish." Go to a better TV station! Dongshan TV is about the same level as Red Maple TV, and it’s not a first-tier domestic TV station. Brother, to be honest, I still don’t like it.”

Two days ago, on Wednesday afternoon, Yang An and Rong Feifei arrived in Beijing. Huang Xiao asked people to take them to a hotel. In the evening, Yang An had dinner with a group of friends from the music industry in the Red Wolf band, and they didn't break up until early in the morning.

Give me your hands and your waist,

Huang Xiao asked: "Are you really planning to go to Dongshan TV to do a new show? Then you won't move to Dongshan, right?"

Two days ago, on Wednesday afternoon, Yang An and Rong Feifei arrived in Beijing. Huang Xiao asked people to take them to a hotel. In the evening, Yang An had dinner with a group of friends from the music industry in the Red Wolf band, and they didn't break up until early in the morning.

what will happen tomorrow,

Rong Feifei looked up and saw that Yang An and the others were still chatting. She was very worried: "If he knew that I peeked into his mailbox, would he be angry..."

Give me your hands and your waist,

Give me your hands and your waist,

The opening song of "Swing Together" made the audience of 60,000 people excited!

So let it be at this moment,

At this time, Rong Feifei felt a sense of guilt in her heart. She hesitated for a long time, but finally did not open Yang An's space private mailbox. She only saw 24 unread messages outside, which showed that Yang An usually didn't care much.

"Yang An, don't be nervous, follow the plan." Huang Xiao, carrying the piano on his back, gave Yang An a thumbs up and nodded encouragingly.

Behind the big screen that the audience can see is the preparation area, which is temporarily covered by the curtain. All the sound equipment was adjusted in the afternoon. Everyone in the Red Wolf band has already taken their seats, and more music is being mixed. The divisions are all in place, the chief director is issuing dispatching orders on the monitor, and all units and types of work are well prepared.

In the middle of the stage is a row of microphone stands. Later Huang Xiao will stand in the middle, with the bassist, guitarist and Yang An standing next to him.

Yang An said: "I will go back next week to clean up the details, thank those friends who helped me, explain a few things in the company, and that's almost it."

Yang An took a deep breath and expressed that he was fine and that he was ready.

"You are already going to be a star, and you don't even know how to manage fans! Well, I'll just do it and help you manage it!"

Just like that, I don’t know how Huang Xiao convinced the director team. On Friday, they rearranged the two songs, added them to the program list, and forced Yang An to rehearse.

Yang Andao: "A new rock song should suit your concert style. In fact, I have written two songs recently, but I am not greedy. You can just let me sing one of them, haha!"

Yang An was dumbfounded: "Brother, it's almost 1 a.m., why don't you sleep? I'm almost exhausted!"

Mu Jianmin gave a thumbs up: "Mr. Niu is rich and domineering. I'll call and ask when he will come back."

Rong Feifei laughed at herself, then raised her phone and took a few pictures of the surroundings. She even zoomed in on the camera to take a picture of Yang An and Huang Xiao gesturing and chatting, and then sent it to Yang An's space, along with Text: "At 7:30 pm on November 16th at Zhongjing Workers Stadium, I will sing on the stage. Thank you Red Wolf Band for giving me this opportunity! I wish Red Wolf a great national tour!"

Yang An shook his head: "There are rumors that I have gone to Dongshan TV. In fact, they just called me. I didn't agree or refuse. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I want to rest for a few more days and maybe I can still fish." Go to a better TV station! Dongshan TV is about the same level as Red Maple TV, and it’s not a first-tier domestic TV station. Brother, to be honest, I still don’t like it.”

Let’s rock together!

Let's rock together!

From the moment the audience officially entered the venue, the big screen on the stage was playing a promotional video for the Red Wolf band, as well as passionate singing clips by Huang Xiao and others, telling fans that the concert was about to begin.

To hold a concert, you need to hire a professional company to organize it. The stage management, stage lighting, and costume styling must all be excellent without any mistakes.

So let it be at this moment,


Huang Xiao asked: ""Tell Me"?"

Singing to 60,000 fans is probably the happiest thing in a singer's life!

Yang Andao: "Singing is fine, but I don't want to sing "Wolf". Can I change the song?"

Faced with this situation, a young director of Yang An's level can only be obedient.

The opening song of "Swing Together" made the audience of 60,000 people excited!

Huang Xiao sent Yang An and Rong Feifei back to the hotel, and then took Yang An back to the room to chat. He always kept Yang An's matter in mind and asked: "Has the matter of "Joke of Jianghu" been dealt with?"

Rong Feifei picked up Yang An's phone and took a photo of herself, intending to upload it to her own space.

To hold a concert, you need to hire a professional company to organize it. The stage management, stage lighting, and costume styling must all be excellent without any mistakes.

From the moment the audience officially entered the venue, the big screen on the stage was playing a promotional video for the Red Wolf band, as well as passionate singing clips by Huang Xiao and others, telling fans that the concert was about to begin.

Huang Xiao asked: ""Tell Me"?"


Mu Jianmin said: "Mr. Niu, let me first thank you for your help on behalf of Director Yang. When he comes back next week, we will meet for a drink together."

As night fell, the audience began to enter the venue one after another. Yang An and Huang Xiao took the time to eat and put on makeup backstage. The three-hour concert was definitely a test of physical strength.


Mu Jianmin showed his hands to his friend: "He will play for two days before coming back!"

At 7:25, all the lights of the Workers' Stadium were turned off, and the opening credits were shown on the big screen.

Rong Feifei looked at the people chatting enthusiastically and felt envious in her heart. The Workers Stadium is a huge venue with 60,000 people. Only superstar singers are qualified to hold a concert here. It is the first national tour of the Red Wolf Band's 20th anniversary. Right here, just tonight, Huang Xiao actually invited Yang An to sing the opening song together. This is really crazy!

Faced with this situation, a young director of Yang An's level can only be obedient.

From the moment the audience officially entered the venue, the big screen on the stage was playing a promotional video for the Red Wolf band, as well as passionate singing clips by Huang Xiao and others, telling fans that the concert was about to begin.

Mu Jianmin showed his hands to his friend: "He will play for two days before coming back!"

Rong Feifei was holding Yang An's bag and mobile phone at the side, while Yang An and Huang Xiao listened to the chief director's arrangements, such as the opening moves, the order of appearances, and when it was Yang An's turn to appear. Every step was explained clearly.

At 7:20, the lights of the workers' stadium array were turned on, and a brilliant light array shone brightly, with mottled light and shadow, and was dazzling. There were already bursts of cheers outside.


Rong Feifei was holding Yang An's bag and mobile phone at the side, while Yang An and Huang Xiao listened to the chief director's arrangements, such as the opening moves, the order of appearances, and when it was Yang An's turn to appear. Every step was explained clearly.

At 7:25, all the lights of the Workers' Stadium were turned off, and the opening credits were shown on the big screen.

Ignore the unfulfilled promises.

Huang Xiao slapped Yang An on the shoulder: "I just appreciate your optimism and the deep confidence radiating from the root of your tail! If you are not in a hurry to do the show, then have fun, you and me on Friday night How about singing on the same stage? Just sing "Wolf"!"

The friend laughed loudly: "I like people like this, who know how to play, know how to live, and know how to enjoy!"

Huang Xiao sent Yang An and Rong Feifei back to the hotel, and then took Yang An back to the room to chat. He always kept Yang An's matter in mind and asked: "Has the matter of "Joke of Jianghu" been dealt with?"

Behind the big screen that the audience can see is the preparation area, which is temporarily covered by the curtain. All the sound equipment was adjusted in the afternoon. Everyone in the Red Wolf band has already taken their seats, and more music is being mixed. The divisions are all in place, the chief director is issuing dispatching orders on the monitor, and all units and types of work are well prepared.

Forget all the pain,

Huang Xiao slapped Yang An on the shoulder: "I just appreciate your optimism and the deep confidence radiating from the root of your tail! If you are not in a hurry to do the show, then have fun, you and me on Friday night How about singing on the same stage? Just sing "Wolf"!"

At this time, Rong Feifei felt a sense of guilt in her heart. She hesitated for a long time, but finally did not open Yang An's space private mailbox. She only saw 24 unread messages outside, which showed that Yang An usually didn't care much.

However, when logging into the space software, it defaulted to Yang An's account. Rong Feifei bit her lower lip and logged in directly without changing her account.

On Friday afternoon, Mu Jianmin was drinking tea with a few friends. One of his friends' uncle is the leader of the provincial radio and television system. They laughed when they talked about the scolding of Hong Dajun a few days ago.

In the middle of the stage is a row of microphone stands. Later Huang Xiao will stand in the middle, with the bassist, guitarist and Yang An standing next to him.

The friend laughed and said, "Yang An is quite interesting. The show is funny on the one hand, but he can turn a blind eye to so many things that happened to him and go out to relax. He really has a big heart." !”

Huang Xiao asked: "Are you really planning to go to Dongshan TV to do a new show? Then you won't move to Dongshan, right?"

Yang An said: "I will go back next week to clean up the details, thank those friends who helped me, explain a few things in the company, and that's almost it."

At 7:25, all the lights of the Workers' Stadium were turned off, and the opening credits were shown on the big screen.

Huang Xiao asked: ""Tell Me"?"

Singing to 60,000 fans is probably the happiest thing in a singer's life!

Yang Andao: "A new rock song should suit your concert style. In fact, I have written two songs recently, but I am not greedy. You can just let me sing one of them, haha!"


"Yang An, don't be nervous, follow the plan." Huang Xiao, carrying the piano on his back, gave Yang An a thumbs up and nodded encouragingly.

Mu Jianmin said: "Mr. Niu, let me first thank you for your help on behalf of Director Yang. When he comes back next week, we will meet for a drink together."

As he spoke, Mu Jianmin took out his phone and dialed Yang An: "Director Yang, where are you now? When will you come back? Of course we will have a drink to celebrate, and we will reward you based on your merits!"

Let's rock together!

From the moment the audience officially entered the venue, the big screen on the stage was playing a promotional video for the Red Wolf band, as well as passionate singing clips by Huang Xiao and others, telling fans that the concert was about to begin.

Yang An took a deep breath and expressed that he was fine and that he was ready.

Rong Feifei was so excited that she secretly took a photo of Yang An with her eyes closed and took a deep breath, and quickly uploaded it: "In 5 minutes, I want to sing with Red Wolf!"

Mu Jianmin gave a thumbs up: "Mr. Niu is rich and domineering. I'll call and ask when he will come back."

At 7:20, the lights of the workers' stadium array were turned on, and a brilliant light array shone brightly, with mottled light and shadow, and was dazzling. There were already bursts of cheers outside.

Huang Xiao asked: "Are you really planning to go to Dongshan TV to do a new show? Then you won't move to Dongshan, right?"

Huang Xiao screamed and let out the most classic wolf howl of the Red Wolf Band, and all the members of the Red Wolf Band howled together.

Rong Feifei was so excited that she secretly took a photo of Yang An with her eyes closed and took a deep breath, and quickly uploaded it: "In 5 minutes, I want to sing with Red Wolf!"

Yang An said: "I will go back next week to clean up the details, thank those friends who helped me, explain a few things in the company, and that's almost it."

As a singer, who doesn’t want to give concerts

Two days ago, on Wednesday afternoon, Yang An and Rong Feifei arrived in Beijing. Huang Xiao asked people to take them to a hotel. In the evening, Yang An had dinner with a group of friends from the music industry in the Red Wolf band, and they didn't break up until early in the morning.

Mu Jianmin sighed: "Without a big heart, you can't produce such a good program. I heard that Dongshan Satellite TV is going to sign his new program. Does your winery want to be the sponsor? You have helped so much this time." Busy, he owes you a favor and will definitely give in on the price."

Rong Feifei envied Yang An very much. If she wasn't so famous and she was a girl, she would actually want to stand on this stage and sing.

As he spoke, Mu Jianmin took out his phone and dialed Yang An: "Director Yang, where are you now? When will you come back? Of course we will have a drink to celebrate, and we will reward you based on your merits!"

At 7:25, all the lights of the Workers' Stadium were turned off, and the opening credits were shown on the big screen.

Forget all the pain,

We enjoy ourselves,

Give me your hands and your waist,

Yang Andao: "Singing is fine, but I don't want to sing "Wolf". Can I change the song?"

On Friday afternoon, Mu Jianmin was drinking tea with a few friends. One of his friends' uncle is the leader of the provincial radio and television system. They laughed when they talked about the scolding of Hong Dajun a few days ago.

The friend laughed and said, "Yang An is quite interesting. The show is funny on the one hand, but he can turn a blind eye to so many things that happened to him and go out to relax. He really has a big heart." !”

The lights suddenly hit Huang Xiao in the middle of the stage. His right hand moved down fiercely, and the most intense notes came out from the box piano. The drums followed, and the rhythmic sound resounded throughout the Workers' Stadium.

The grand symphony orchestra played impassioned music, the background drumbeats became more and more intense, and the sound became louder and louder. The curtain was removed, and the light on the stage became clearer and clearer. Suddenly, all sounds stopped.

At 7:20, the lights of the workers' stadium array were turned on, and a brilliant light array shone brightly, with mottled light and shadow, and was dazzling. There were already bursts of cheers outside.

Huang Xiaodao: "How could it be possible? With me controlling the venue and singing with you, how could it possibly be messed up! Really not? You should think about it carefully. If you miss this opportunity, you may never have the opportunity to perform in front of 60,000 people in your life." meeting."

Two days ago, on Wednesday afternoon, Yang An and Rong Feifei arrived in Beijing. Huang Xiao asked people to take them to a hotel. In the evening, Yang An had dinner with a group of friends from the music industry in the Red Wolf band, and they didn't break up until early in the morning.


From the moment the audience officially entered the venue, the big screen on the stage was playing a promotional video for the Red Wolf band, as well as passionate singing clips by Huang Xiao and others, telling fans that the concert was about to begin.

Huang Xiaodao: "How could it be possible? With me controlling the venue and singing with you, how could it possibly be messed up! Really not? You should think about it carefully. If you miss this opportunity, you may never have the opportunity to perform in front of 60,000 people in your life." meeting."

Rong Feifei looked up and saw that Yang An and the others were still chatting. She was very worried: "If he knew that I peeked into his mailbox, would he be angry..."

At 7:20, the lights of the workers' stadium array were turned on, and a brilliant light array shone brightly, with mottled light and shadow, and was dazzling. There were already bursts of cheers outside.

Yang An took a deep breath and expressed that he was fine and that he was ready.

Huang Xiao screamed and let out the most classic wolf howl of the Red Wolf Band, and all the members of the Red Wolf Band howled together.

Yang An is indeed playing. He is currently at the Zhongjing Workers Stadium, waiting to rehearse the show with Huang Xiao and the others.

At 7:25, all the lights of the Workers' Stadium were turned off, and the opening credits were shown on the big screen.

The phone was very noisy, and Yang An's voice was intermittent: "I'm in Zhongjing... Mr. Mu, it's very noisy here... Workers' Stadium with 60,000 people... I'll be back in two more days... If you have anything else, wait till I get back on Monday... "

The lights suddenly hit Huang Xiao in the middle of the stage. His right hand moved down fiercely, and the most intense notes came out from the box piano. The drums followed, and the rhythmic sound resounded throughout the Workers' Stadium.

Huang Xiao asked: "Are you really planning to go to Dongshan TV to do a new show? Then you won't move to Dongshan, right?"

Yang An shook his head: "There are rumors that I have gone to Dongshan TV. In fact, they just called me. I didn't agree or refuse. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. I want to rest for a few more days and maybe I can still fish." Go to a better TV station! Dongshan TV is about the same level as Red Maple TV, and it’s not a first-tier domestic TV station. Brother, to be honest, I still don’t like it.”

Just like that, I don’t know how Huang Xiao convinced the director team. On Friday, they rearranged the two songs, added them to the program list, and forced Yang An to rehearse.

The grand symphony orchestra played impassioned music, the background drumbeats became more and more intense, and the sound became louder and louder. The curtain was removed, and the light on the stage became clearer and clearer. Suddenly, all sounds stopped.


Yang An does not deliberately manage his own space. There are only twenty or thirty statuses in total. Most of them were posted two years ago. They are all about college life, his first time working, how happy he is to join the crew, and who he met. Celebrities, etc., are no different from ordinary people. Rong Feifei has seen these contents many times.

The friend said proudly: "Our liquor seller still lacks the money he gave in? As long as his program is good, has wide coverage, and has great influence, I can pay him as much as he said without bargaining. If the radio wave matches, I can even give more!”

Huang Xiao was reluctant: "I can't sleep when I hear a good song, so just follow me!"

Mu Jianmin said: "Mr. Niu, let me first thank you for your help on behalf of Director Yang. When he comes back next week, we will meet for a drink together."

Mu Jianmin showed his hands to his friend: "He will play for two days before coming back!"

Give me your hands and your waist,

Mu Jianmin gave a thumbs up: "Mr. Niu is rich and domineering. I'll call and ask when he will come back."

Mu Jianmin said: "Mr. Niu, let me first thank you for your help on behalf of Director Yang. When he comes back next week, we will meet for a drink together."

Yang An was dumbfounded: "Brother, it's almost 1 a.m., why don't you sleep? I'm almost exhausted!"

The friend laughed loudly: "I like people like this, who know how to play, know how to live, and know how to enjoy!"

Yang Andao: "A new rock song should suit your concert style. In fact, I have written two songs recently, but I am not greedy. You can just let me sing one of them, haha!"

Huang Xiao was reluctant: "I can't sleep when I hear a good song, so just follow me!"

Let's melt into this rhythm.

As a singer, who doesn’t want to give concerts

Rong Feifei looked at the people chatting enthusiastically and felt envious in her heart. The Workers Stadium is a huge venue with 60,000 people. Only superstar singers are qualified to hold a concert here. It is the first national tour of the Red Wolf Band's 20th anniversary. Right here, just tonight, Huang Xiao actually invited Yang An to sing the opening song together. This is really crazy!

Don't worry about yesterday's sad moments,

Mu Jianmin showed his hands to his friend: "He will play for two days before coming back!"

Huang Xiao asked: ""Tell Me"?"

At 7:20, the lights of the workers' stadium array were turned on, and a brilliant light array shone brightly, with mottled light and shadow, and was dazzling. There were already bursts of cheers outside.

From the moment the audience officially entered the venue, the big screen on the stage was playing a promotional video for the Red Wolf band, as well as passionate singing clips by Huang Xiao and others, telling fans that the concert was about to begin.

Ignore the unfulfilled promises.

The friend said proudly: "Our liquor seller still lacks the money he gave in? As long as his program is good, has wide coverage, and has great influence, I can pay him as much as he said without bargaining. If the radio wave matches, I can even give more!”

"You are already going to be a star, and you don't even know how to manage fans! Well, I'll just do it and help you manage it!"

Huang Xiaodao: "How could it be possible? With me controlling the venue and singing with you, how could it possibly be messed up! Really not? You should think about it carefully. If you miss this opportunity, you may never have the opportunity to perform in front of 60,000 people in your life." meeting."

Don't worry about yesterday's sad moments,

Mu Jianmin sighed: "Without a big heart, you can't produce such a good program. I heard that Dongshan Satellite TV is going to sign his new program. Does your winery want to be the sponsor? You have helped so much this time." Busy, he owes you a favor and will definitely give in on the price."

Let's rock together!

Don't worry about yesterday's sad moments,

Just like that, I don’t know how Huang Xiao convinced the director team. On Friday, they rearranged the two songs, added them to the program list, and forced Yang An to rehearse.


Let’s rock together!

The two of them went to the recording studio and worked hard for several hours. Yang An was so sleepy that he even fell asleep in the studio even with the sound-isolating headphones on. After another whole day of working on Thursday, Yang An was conquered by these music and rock lunatics. They are quite old, the youngest Huang Xiao is almost 40 years old, and he is still so energetic!

The grand symphony orchestra played impassioned music, the background drumbeats became more and more intense, and the sound became louder and louder. The curtain was removed, and the light on the stage became clearer and clearer. Suddenly, all sounds stopped.

Faced with this situation, a young director of Yang An's level can only be obedient.

At 7:25, all the lights of the Workers' Stadium were turned off, and the opening credits were shown on the big screen.

So let it be at this moment,

Mu Jianmin said: "Mr. Niu, let me first thank you for your help on behalf of Director Yang. When he comes back next week, we will meet for a drink together."

Mu Jianmin showed his hands to his friend: "He will play for two days before coming back!"

Give me your hands and your waist,

Forget all the pain,

Just like that, I don’t know how Huang Xiao convinced the director team. On Friday, they rearranged the two songs, added them to the program list, and forced Yang An to rehearse.


Give me your hands and your waist,

Mu Jianmin showed his hands to his friend: "He will play for two days before coming back!"

Let’s rock together!

Rong Feifei was holding Yang An's bag and mobile phone at the side, while Yang An and Huang Xiao listened to the chief director's arrangements, such as the opening moves, the order of appearances, and when it was Yang An's turn to appear. Every step was explained clearly.

Give me your hands and your waist,

what will happen tomorrow,

Let's rock together!

At 7:25, all the lights of the Workers' Stadium were turned off, and the opening credits were shown on the big screen.

The friend said proudly: "Our liquor seller still lacks the money he gave in? As long as his program is good, has wide coverage, and has great influence, I can pay him as much as he said without bargaining. If the radio wave matches, I can even give more!”

Mu Jianmin said: "Mr. Niu, let me first thank you for your help on behalf of Director Yang. When he comes back next week, we will meet for a drink together."

The friend laughed loudly: "I like people like this, who know how to play, know how to live, and know how to enjoy!"

who can know,


Let’s rock together!

Rong Feifei picked up Yang An's phone and took a photo of herself, intending to upload it to her own space.

So let it be at this moment,

Mu Jianmin said: "Mr. Niu, let me first thank you for your help on behalf of Director Yang. When he comes back next week, we will meet for a drink together."

Rong Feifei was holding Yang An's bag and mobile phone at the side, while Yang An and Huang Xiao listened to the chief director's arrangements, such as the opening moves, the order of appearances, and when it was Yang An's turn to appear. Every step was explained clearly.

So let it be at this moment,

Singing to 60,000 fans is probably the happiest thing in a singer's life!

We enjoy ourselves,

Let’s rock together!

We enjoy ourselves,

As he spoke, Mu Jianmin took out his phone and dialed Yang An: "Director Yang, where are you now? When will you come back? Of course we will have a drink to celebrate, and we will reward you based on your merits!"

The friend laughed and said, "Yang An is quite interesting. The show is funny on the one hand, but he can turn a blind eye to so many things that happened to him and go out to relax. He really has a big heart." !”

Let’s rock together!

Yang An does not deliberately manage his own space. There are only twenty or thirty statuses in total. Most of them were posted two years ago. They are all about college life, his first time working, how happy he is to join the crew, and who he met. Celebrities, etc., are no different from ordinary people. Rong Feifei has seen these contents many times.

Forget all the pain,

Yang An took a deep breath and expressed that he was fine and that he was ready.

Rong Feifei picked up Yang An's phone and took a photo of herself, intending to upload it to her own space.


So let it be at this moment,

Rong Feifei laughed at herself, then raised her phone and took a few pictures of the surroundings. She even zoomed in on the camera to take a picture of Yang An and Huang Xiao gesturing and chatting, and then sent it to Yang An's space, along with Text: "At 7:30 pm on November 16th at Zhongjing Workers Stadium, I will sing on the stage. Thank you Red Wolf Band for giving me this opportunity! I wish Red Wolf a great national tour!"

The opening song of "Swing Together" made the audience of 60,000 people excited!

At 7:25, all the lights of the Workers' Stadium were turned off, and the opening credits were shown on the big screen.

Mu Jianmin sighed: "Without a big heart, you can't produce such a good program. I heard that Dongshan Satellite TV is going to sign his new program. Does your winery want to be the sponsor? You have helped so much this time." Busy, he owes you a favor and will definitely give in on the price."

So let it be at this moment,

The two of them went to the recording studio and worked hard for several hours. Yang An was so sleepy that he even fell asleep in the studio even with the sound-isolating headphones on. After another whole day of working on Thursday, Yang An was conquered by these music and rock lunatics. They are quite old, the youngest Huang Xiao is almost 40 years old, and he is still so energetic!

Yang Andao: "Singing is fine, but I don't want to sing "Wolf". Can I change the song?"

Yang An said: "I will go back next week to clean up the details, thank those friends who helped me, explain a few things in the company, and that's almost it."

Rong Feifei was so excited that she secretly took a photo of Yang An with her eyes closed and took a deep breath, and quickly uploaded it: "In 5 minutes, I want to sing with Red Wolf!"

Yang An quickly refused: "How can this work! There are 60,000 spectators at the Workers' Stadium. I have never seen such a big scene. What if I mess up?"