The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 60: To everyone who knows my name


Suddenly, someone privately chatted with Yang An. He was a colleague in the music circle of Hongfeng City and told him that there was a female fan outside the Workers' Stadium who needed help at this time. She was a female fan who came from Hongfeng to Zhongjing. The situation was somewhat urgent.

Yang An slowly walked out with the microphone and sang with emotion: "

Maybe our world is a little different after all,

Our hearts can embrace each other without using both hands

The two raised their other hands that were not holding the microphone, waved them together, and sang in unison: "...

I am too old to sing or walk.

"Let's rock together!"

Huang Xiao shed tears of emotion on the stage. Countless fans shouted Huang Xiao's name loudly, waving the light sticks in their hands vigorously, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Mo Wen smiled enthusiastically at Yang An, pointed to the stage in front of her, and said loudly: "Huang Xiao won't come down for the next song."

Please dance your hands for me again,

"Woooooo... My bag... My bag was stolen... My ticket is gone, Wuwuwu... I want to go in to see Huang Xiao... Wuwuwu..."

Please dance your hands for me again,

Countless fans cried and shouted Huang Xiao's name and Red Wolf's name. Many emotional fans even fainted from crying and were quickly carried away by security guards. Many people burst into tears and their chests were wet with tears.

Within a few minutes, Yang An ran backstage to chat with the guests preparing for the performance and build relationships. Rong Feifei followed behind, wandering around and playing with her mobile phone.

The entire audience shouted Yang An's name for at least ten seconds, and Yang An's blood was boiling all over the stage.

For twenty years, many fans have grown up listening to the songs of the Red Wolf Band. Now they have become parents and mothers, and they continue to listen to the rock music of the Red Wolf Band with their children. They have loved it for so many years. For Huang Xiao and the others, just as the lyrics say, even when the Red Wolf band encounters various difficulties such as splitting, going solo, and being at a low point, the fans will never leave and share weal and woe with them.

maybe one day,

Look at life in a hurry,

Yang An's profile picture appeared on the big screen of the Workers' Stadium, and some sharp-eyed fans recognized it. Anyone who often follows Red Maple TV, likes "Joke", or has watched the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has an impression of Yang An.

Sixty thousand people inside the venue were enjoying a crazy music feast. The fans outside the venue were anxious and unbearable. Fans kept attacking the fence at the entrance, begging the security to let them in. They had never heard this opening song before and they wanted to know too much. What on earth happened!

I will also give you the most sincere smile

I'll know where you are in that corner,

Yang An went even further. He handed out business cards to every famous singer, shook hands, and invited all the singers to participate in his variety show with the most enthusiastic attitude, almost making everyone laugh.

In the darkness the world seemed to have stopped turning,

Forget all your worries,

May our dreams never fail,

Rong Feifei pouted: "You are so beautiful!"

Please dance your hands for me again,

Forget last summer’s bad love.

The last song featured Yang An. When he came to the preparation area, he saw the Queen Mo Wen and the king of rap Lu Xun, and immediately came forward to say hello.

Rong Feifei only regarded this incident as a minor incident, and she quickly became busy. The first concert of the Red Wolf national tour began, and seven or eight guests were invited. Each singer was a senior of Rong Feifei, which was rare for her. When you meet a real person, of course you should humbly ask for advice and take the opportunity to build relationships.

Rong Feifei didn't tell Yang An, but she couldn't leave, so she went to the security office, told the matter, and then personally gave five hundred yuan to the security guard. There was only so much she could do to help, and finally she used Yang An An's account replied to the colleague, telling him that he really couldn't live without her and could only entrust the security guard to send some cash to help. After half an hour, the colleague confirmed that the female fan had received the money and thanked Yang An.

Swing together,

The audience cheered and shouted Yang An's name. Even if some people didn't know him yet, there were always enthusiastic fans introducing each other: "The one who sang "Tell Me" also wrote "Midsummer Light Years". Don’t you know? You don’t know about the host of the most popular hilarious variety show in the country right now, "Joke Talk"? You already know about "Wolf", right? Red Wolf's new song "Wolf" was written by Yang An!"

I know you will heal my pain and relieve pain,

The lyrics scrolled on the large screen in front of the stage and on the horizontal bars at the highest points on both sides. The 60,000 fans in the audience swayed and sang in unison, and the sound resounded through the sky. The poor students outside the Workers' Stadium who could not afford the tickets were reluctant to leave. The fans who were late to enter the venue, the scalpers wandering around, and the passers-by who happened to pass by were all shocked by this song!

Since Rong Feifei likes to play this, Yang An is so happy that she gives her all her space. He also puts up several POSS to take photos with her and asks her to send a new message: "I just finished singing "Swing Together" and I'm really too excited. I love the feeling of being on stage, Teacher Huang, I want to sing along with you in every tour @红wolf黄晓.”

On November 16th, in front of a crowd of 60,000 people at the Workers' Stadium, the Red Wolf Band's national tour in Beijing came to a successful conclusion!

"Yang An!"

After singing the first song, Yang An bowed to everyone and went down. Then it was time for the Red Wolf Band. Their second song was the most classic "Walking on the Rock and Roll Road", leading all the fans in the audience to sing together.


Rong Feifei handed over a dry towel: "You look tired, you're sweating so much."

The girl was in such a difficult situation that she could only take out her mobile phone to contact her friends. However, she was not familiar with the place, had no money and no documents, and did not even know where she would stay tonight. Her friends wanted to send money to her for emergency help, but they could not do anything.

The completely different timbre is also full of wild style. Under the bright lights, Yang An is wearing a metallic leather jacket and holding a microphone, interacting between the electric guitarist and the bassist. He points to the audience, Pointing at Huang Xiao in the center of the stage, he roared heartily.

The large spotlight array became softer, and a soft prelude melody sounded. Huang Xiao changed into a lyrical tone and sang: "

"Wow, it's so cool! He probably wrote the song "Swing Together" too!"

It's better to give in now,

I thought the opening song would be Red Wolf's classic "Walking on the Rock and Roll", but unexpectedly it turned out to be such a passionate new rock song, and the 60,000 Red Wolf fans all got excited.

Gradually, the time approached 11 o'clock, and the concert was coming to an end. Not only the singers were tired, but the fans were also tired. This extremely popular rock concert had almost exhausted everyone's energy.

"Yang An!"

Forget rose gold, forget fur skirts,


"It sounds great! This song is perfect as the opening song! Damn it, my whole body is getting hot!"

Mo Wen and Lu Xun walked out together and sang a piece each. Finally, the rest of the Red Wolf Band also walked onto the stage, followed Huang Xiao, and sang together: "

The crying girl was even more aggrieved. She didn't have any backpack or handbag on her body, only a mobile phone clutched in her hand. This might be the only thing she had left.

It didn't feel better until we entered the lounge and closed the door, but the shock caused by the stadium's excessive sound could still be transmitted, making people jump.

Just when the fans stood up and were about to rock out with Huang Xiao, the second verse suddenly turned into another voice.


In the theater, Huang Xiao was introducing his team. Every time he called out a person, fans would cheer. When he pointed to the last person, the cheers from the audience were second only to the end of the song.

"Thank you for the guest singer, Yang An!"

Yang An drank half a bottle of water in one breath and shouted: "It's great! Feifei, I finally understand why singers have to hold concerts. I saw tens of thousands of fans going crazy for you on the stage. They were infected by your singing and followed me." Getting high with your rhythm, that sense of accomplishment, my God, I love this so much!”

Once again I was drowned in applause,


May we share the glory,

"Yang An!"

Yang An laughed: "Okay, I will write more songs for you in the future, and then in a few years, how about we hold concerts and do a nationwide tour?"

Yesterday’s joy,


Let’s rock together!

Forget the sunscreen, forget paying the tax bill,

Forget those sweet drunken lies.

I will also give you the most sincere smile

Sincere lyrics scrolled across multiple screens, and the sincere singing voice was full of the singer's sincerity. The last song of the concert made countless fans in the Workers' Stadium cry!

"I'm so happy! I just danced from beginning to end, and every pore is so excited!"

During the interlude, Huang Xiao shouted with emotion: "The Red Wolf Band has been in the band for twenty years. Thank you to the fans for never leaving us. Thank you for accompanying us through thick and thin. Thank you for sharing we have been through thick and thin! As long as we can still sing, even if we are old, we will never leave." If you don’t move, we will continue to sing for you forever! Now we must cherish each other for the time being, thank you for coming to the Red Wolf Band’s concert, thank you, I love you, thank you!”

Rong Feifei snorted: "I don't care about that! By the way, I used your mobile phone to send a lot of photos and uploaded them to your space. You won't blame me, right?"


You are so excited in front of me,

The 60,000 spectators at the Workers' Stadium gave the most enthusiastic applause ever, which did not stop for five minutes!

Yang An didn't mind at all. His cell phone was clean, there were no sexy photos, and he didn't make any short movies. It wasn't that he didn't understand fan management, but he didn't have time and often forgot about it, so he rarely took care of it.

After Yang An finished singing, there was a long interlude, and the voice was slightly lower. Huang Xiao shouted loudly on the stage: "Are you satisfied with tonight's opening song? Let me see you all stand up! Lift you up hands! Get ready! Let’s rock together! Let’s rock together…”


"It's so shocking! This is the feeling I want! It feels so good!"

The Red Wolf Band is worthy of being the top old rock band in China. Their stage control is so domineering. When he is in it, the wildness in his body is fully aroused. He has listened to this song countless times, but it has never been like this. I was shocked. The atmosphere at the concert was really exciting!

A girl was squatting on the ground, crying so sadly that no one looked at her twice, and the security guard had no time to take care of her. Normal security work could not be carried out.

The two of them went backstage to rest. They greeted familiar people along the way and said hello in a friendly way. Almost everyone praised the song he just sang. It was so good!

The rhythm returned to normal, the fierce drumbeats broke out, and almost all the audience swayed along. The enthusiasm bursting out of Huang Xiao's body infected everyone. The first song was so exciting that the audience was so satisfied!

Soon, the song ended and the lights dimmed again. Huang Xiao hooked up with Yang An. Yang An signaled OK, and the two nodded and prepared to start singing.

Let's rock together,

I am too old to sing or walk.

Yang An's ears were still ringing, and he didn't hear what she said clearly. He took the towel and wiped the sweat on his face. He was jumping and jumping, and it was a lot of exercise. It was his first time singing on such a big stage. It’s so enjoyable!

maybe one day,

Let us keep love in our hearts,

The song was still not over, and the long solo meant the end of the concert. Huang Xiao walked off the stage, interacted with the fans, and shouted: "Thank you to all the friends who support us, thank you! Zhongjing, thank you! Good night!"

The music in the stadium ended with a burst of crazy guitar solo, and 60,000 people howled together. The sound came out, and the anxious and unaware fans were about to collapse. They really wanted to get in! I really want to know what happened!

During the performance of more than three hours, the Red Wolf Band had to take several breaks and change guests to sing a few songs.

into tomorrow’s melancholy,

We enjoy ourselves,

Let us keep love in our hearts,

Swing together

Everyone on the stage bowed deeply and thanked each other, and reluctantly waved goodbye to the audience.

If one day I get lost in the wind and rain,

But I know you will accompany me in the wind and rain

"Are you happy?" Rong Feifei asked enviously.

Yang An nodded. The last song was also specially prepared by him. Huang Xiao invited the three of them to sing together this time. Each of them had a higher status than him. He and three mentor-level singers sang together. Taiwan, it’s really profitable.