The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 86: Never offend a woman!


Yao Ning pursed her lips and smiled: "Have all the players come over to rehearse today?"

Song Xiaomei was amused: "If the other two factions also contact me, should I do the same? Wouldn't it mean that the Chinese comedy industry is basically under my control?"

Among them, there are four crosstalk teams. They are all groups with high status in the world. They can be found in both the north and the south. They are all teams that once had glory but are now struggling. They are old-fashioned but still have their roots. However, they do not include the Northern Crosstalk Three. Big genre people.

Yang An raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Kungfu and the others arrived in the early morning, and a few from the Northeast should also have arrived at this time. Our reception work here is going well, there is no problem."

Song Xiaomei pouted: "Who told them to ignore people in the first place? They didn't come to invite this one, ignored that one, and even hung up on me! You don't know, there are several units on this list today, a month ago I called them to invite them, but they said coldly that they were not interested, had no time, and would not participate. They hung up the phone and were so angry that I didn’t eat for three days and lost two pounds! But today they took the initiative to call me. The enthusiasm in her mouth was about to turn into flattery. If I wasn't afraid of delaying things, I would have thrown their phone and scolded them again. Damn it, a month ago, could you have imagined that today would happen?"

Yang An laughed: "How accurate is this? In the first episode, I stole the spotlight so much that the Internet scolded me. In the second episode, I decided to be the host honestly and talk about cross talk seriously. I’m trying to attract votes based on my true ability. But if the audience doesn’t buy it, I won’t admit it if I’m eliminated!”

Yao Ning said: "How are you preparing for the show? You won't be eliminated in this round, right?"

Yang An sighed: "I didn't know. I wish I were a roundworm in their stomachs. Okay, okay, don't think so much, let's talk about the words again. There will be a competition tomorrow night. I'm so worried. It’s hanging…”

Yao Ning couldn't eat anymore and sighed: "I know that it is your producers' freedom to choose who to fill the seat. Our TV station really shouldn't interfere. But you know, the peach of "Happy Comedian" is too sweet and too tempting. , some people are used to meddling, and they can't change this deep-rooted bad habit for a while. Therefore, the station gave me a recommendation list, and I hope you can consider it."

Li Yue sighed: "It's a pity that the market determines everything. After all, the southern faction has a slightly worse mass base and fewer audiences, so their life is even more difficult. Second place, call at 8:50, Dongshan Changling Acrobatic Troupe, yo, This unit is a bit interesting. They are famous for their comedy and acrobatic performances, and they seem to have won a national opera award. This is a first-class team, haven't you invited them?"

Yang An laughed: "How accurate is this? In the first episode, I stole the spotlight so much that the Internet scolded me. In the second episode, I decided to be the host honestly and talk about cross talk seriously. I’m trying to attract votes based on my true ability. But if the audience doesn’t buy it, I won’t admit it if I’m eliminated!”

Song Xiaomei came in and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang, Qiu Jiatang called, and they are also asking about filling the seat!"

Song Xiaomei stuck out her tongue, smiled sheepishly, then took the list, walked out with her head held high, and went to reply to these units proudly!

Yang An and Li Yue laughed together, and Yang An almost stopped laughing: "Look, it's too much to make our little beauty angry! Countless facts have proved that you can't offend anyone, but you can't offend a woman!"

Yang An touched his chin, thought for a long time, and nodded slowly: "Well, you can try this trick. Give me the list, and I will pay special attention to the teams on the list. Haha, you want to be on my show? When the time comes It depends on which one of you has the loudest voice! I just need a few thugs with loud voices to help me maintain my dignity!"

Song Xiaomei shook her head: "It's from the external relations department of Qiu Jiatang Performing Arts Company. It's the official version. They want us to send them a performance schedule. They will see if they can adjust the actors' time. If it can be arranged well, then Sign up with us.”

The atmosphere became awkward, and Yao Ning said softly: "Yang An, don't refuse so quickly, and don't think that Sister Ning won't help you. My first reaction after getting this recommendation list was also angry, and I wanted to throw it in directly Trash can, but I thought about it carefully, and I have a good idea, so that you can do it according to your own ideas without offending others, and you can choose whoever you want."

Yao Ning said: "I hope you stay on stage. You know, we control some of the votes. If your vote count is not high, I can..."

They both laughed, raised their drinks and took a drink.

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

Yao Ning pursed her lips and smiled: "Have all the players come over to rehearse today?"

Yang An raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Kungfu and the others arrived in the early morning, and a few from the Northeast should also have arrived at this time. Our reception work here is going well, there is no problem."

Yao Ning was rejected mercilessly, and she looked a little embarrassed. After a long time, she said: "Okay, we'll see when the time comes. One more question, are you sure about the replacement comedy candidate for the third period?"

Yang An stopped her: "Stop, Sister Ning, if it's really necessary to use this trick, it means the audience really doesn't like me. I'm not strong enough, so I should step down and give way. We both know in our hearts that doing Counterfeiting of tickets is risky. Can you 100% guarantee that the changed tickets will not be leaked? If it is leaked, will it be our comedian program team who will bear the infamy? So I don’t want to take this risk! What’s more, you There is no harmony within the station. Aren't there some leaders who want to beat me? Why should I expose my flaws and teach others to take advantage of me?"

Song Xiaomei was amused: "If the other two factions also contact me, should I do the same? Wouldn't it mean that the Chinese comedy industry is basically under my control?"

Li Yue said: "Except for the three of them, all the famous crosstalk colleagues across the country have basically given in and are willing to line up!"

Yang An raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Kungfu and the others arrived in the early morning, and a few from the Northeast should also have arrived at this time. Our reception work here is going well, there is no problem."

Yang An laughed: "Look at what makes you happy. It feels great to have the power of life and death over others, doesn't it?"

Yao Ning was rejected mercilessly, and she looked a little embarrassed. After a long time, she said: "Okay, we'll see when the time comes. One more question, are you sure about the replacement comedy candidate for the third period?"

Li Yue said: "Except for the three of them, all the famous crosstalk colleagues across the country have basically given in and are willing to line up!"

Yao Ning couldn't eat anymore and sighed: "I know that it is your producers' freedom to choose who to fill the seat. Our TV station really shouldn't interfere. But you know, the peach of "Happy Comedian" is too sweet and too tempting. , some people are used to meddling, and they can't change this deep-rooted bad habit for a while. Therefore, the station gave me a recommendation list, and I hope you can consider it."

Song Xiaomei was amused: "If the other two factions also contact me, should I do the same? Wouldn't it mean that the Chinese comedy industry is basically under my control?"

Yao Ning couldn't eat anymore and sighed: "I know that it is your producers' freedom to choose who to fill the seat. Our TV station really shouldn't interfere. But you know, the peach of "Happy Comedian" is too sweet and too tempting. , some people are used to meddling, and they can't change this deep-rooted bad habit for a while. Therefore, the station gave me a recommendation list, and I hope you can consider it."

Song Xiaomei came in and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang, Qiu Jiatang called, and they are also asking about filling the seat!"

Yang An nodded and explained: "Of course, the rhythm of the northern style is a little slower, and the work is longer. The baggage needs to be crushed and shaken out. The southern style of cross talk has a fast pace, and the actors can speak and sing well. Two or three sentences are enough to make a baggage. The main thing about pie is that the laughs are different!”

Yang An laughed: "How accurate is this? In the first episode, I stole the spotlight so much that the Internet scolded me. In the second episode, I decided to be the host honestly and talk about cross talk seriously. I’m trying to attract votes based on my true ability. But if the audience doesn’t buy it, I won’t admit it if I’m eliminated!”

Yang An sighed: "I didn't know. I wish I were a roundworm in their stomachs. Okay, okay, don't think so much, let's talk about the words again. There will be a competition tomorrow night. I'm so worried. It’s hanging…”

Yang An put down his chopsticks. He noticed that something was wrong today: "Sister Ning, the first broadcast has a ratings of 1.8%, and it may break 2% at any time. This is a rare gold medal variety show. Does anyone dare to put pressure on you? ? Just tell me who it is."

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

Yao Ning couldn't eat anymore and sighed: "I know that it is your producers' freedom to choose who to fill the seat. Our TV station really shouldn't interfere. But you know, the peach of "Happy Comedian" is too sweet and too tempting. , some people are used to meddling, and they can't change this deep-rooted bad habit for a while. Therefore, the station gave me a recommendation list, and I hope you can consider it."

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

Yao Ning couldn't eat anymore and sighed: "I know that it is your producers' freedom to choose who to fill the seat. Our TV station really shouldn't interfere. But you know, the peach of "Happy Comedian" is too sweet and too tempting. , some people are used to meddling, and they can't change this deep-rooted bad habit for a while. Therefore, the station gave me a recommendation list, and I hope you can consider it."

Song Xiaomei shook her head: "It's from the external relations department of Qiu Jiatang Performing Arts Company. It's the official version. They want us to send them a performance schedule. They will see if they can adjust the actors' time. If it can be arranged well, then Sign up with us.”

Yang An simply took her back to the room and placed the list in front of Li Yue: "Teacher Li, please help introduce these people."

Yang An sighed: "I didn't know. I wish I were a roundworm in their stomachs. Okay, okay, don't think so much, let's talk about the words again. There will be a competition tomorrow night. I'm so worried. It’s hanging…”

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

The phone rang again, and Song Xiaomei went out to answer it. Yang An and Li Yue continued to think about it.

Yang An touched his chin, thought for a long time, and nodded slowly: "Well, you can try this trick. Give me the list, and I will pay special attention to the teams on the list. Haha, you want to be on my show? When the time comes It depends on which one of you has the loudest voice! I just need a few thugs with loud voices to help me maintain my dignity!"

"Hahaha! Beautiful women are so good-looking that criminals cannot control themselves and commit crimes. Can we blame the beautiful women for this? This is not true in the whole world!"

Next, they were introduced one by one, and Yang An finally had a clear idea.

"Hahaha! Beautiful women are so good-looking that criminals cannot control themselves and commit crimes. Can we blame the beautiful women for this? This is not true in the whole world!"

Song Xiaomei said: "They didn't say anything. Oh, they had a business-like tone, as if it didn't matter. They just had the feeling that if we can cooperate, we will cooperate. If we can't, we'll just forget it."

The atmosphere became awkward, and Yao Ning said softly: "Yang An, don't refuse so quickly, and don't think that Sister Ning won't help you. My first reaction after getting this recommendation list was also angry, and I wanted to throw it in directly Trash can, but I thought about it carefully, and I have a good idea, so that you can do it according to your own ideas without offending others, and you can choose whoever you want."

Li Yue chuckled: "Oh, he has such a big wrist!"

Song Xiaomei stuck out her tongue, smiled sheepishly, then took the list, walked out with her head held high, and went to reply to these units proudly!

The phone rang again, and Song Xiaomei went out to answer it. Yang An and Li Yue continued to think about it.

Li Yue said: "Except for the three of them, all the famous crosstalk colleagues across the country have basically given in and are willing to line up!"

After Yang An laughed, he said seriously: "No one can interfere with my program! It's my right to fill in the seats. I don't even need to look at this recommendation list. They must be related people who greeted me. Sister Ning , if you just talk about this today, it will be really boring, can you still let me have a pleasant meal?"

Yang An's eyes lit up: "Qiu Jiatang, one of the three cross talk sects in the north?"

Yang An stopped her: "Stop, Sister Ning, if it's really necessary to use this trick, it means the audience really doesn't like me. I'm not strong enough, so I should step down and give way. We both know in our hearts that doing Counterfeiting of tickets is risky. Can you 100% guarantee that the changed tickets will not be leaked? If it is leaked, will it be our comedian program team who will bear the infamy? So I don’t want to take this risk! What’s more, you There is no harmony within the station. Aren't there some leaders who want to beat me? Why should I expose my flaws and teach others to take advantage of me?"

The atmosphere became awkward, and Yao Ning said softly: "Yang An, don't refuse so quickly, and don't think that Sister Ning won't help you. My first reaction after getting this recommendation list was also angry, and I wanted to throw it in directly Trash can, but I thought about it carefully, and I have a good idea, so that you can do it according to your own ideas without offending others, and you can choose whoever you want."

These nine calls are all units in the folk arts industry, and they are more or less related to comedy. They all actively signed up to fill their seats.

"Hahaha! Beautiful women are so good-looking that criminals cannot control themselves and commit crimes. Can we blame the beautiful women for this? This is not true in the whole world!"

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

Li Yue chuckled: "Oh, he has such a big wrist!"

Yang An raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Kungfu and the others arrived in the early morning, and a few from the Northeast should also have arrived at this time. Our reception work here is going well, there is no problem."

The phone rang again, and Song Xiaomei went out to answer it. Yang An and Li Yue continued to think about it.

Among them, there are four crosstalk teams. They are all groups with high status in the world. They can be found in both the north and the south. They are all teams that once had glory but are now struggling. They are old-fashioned but still have their roots. However, they do not include the Northern Crosstalk Three. Big genre people.

Yang An asked: "What's your idea?"

Li Yue also joked: "This really made people anxious. Xiaomei even cursed! In the end, it fell into your hands. Ouch, I feel anxious for these people!"

Yang An and Li Yue laughed together, and Yang An almost stopped laughing: "Look, it's too much to make our little beauty angry! Countless facts have proved that you can't offend anyone, but you can't offend a woman!"

Song Xiaomei was amused: "If the other two factions also contact me, should I do the same? Wouldn't it mean that the Chinese comedy industry is basically under my control?"

Yao Ning was rejected mercilessly, and she looked a little embarrassed. After a long time, she said: "Okay, we'll see when the time comes. One more question, are you sure about the replacement comedy candidate for the third period?"

Yang An asked: "Did they say who they plan to send? Are the two teachers Qiu Jiuling and Yu Shihong going there in person?"

Yang An simply took her back to the room and placed the list in front of Li Yue: "Teacher Li, please help introduce these people."

Li Yue is a member of the circle, and explained one by one along the list: "8:34, Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe, they are a branch of the Southern Crosstalk, but the situation of the Southern Crosstalk has been worse in recent years, the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe has passed It’s not easy either. Generally speaking, in the cross talk world, their status is first-rate and their strength is second-rate.”

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

Yao Ning smiled: "I agree to let them join the big list, but let them wait endlessly. If anyone is impatient, let them fight on their own and fight first. If you use tricks and scheming, you have to play Be more ruthless, if you can't do this, you can leave this dirty work of intrigue to me, and I will help you deal with them."

In fact, Yang An was still pretending to have some words left unsaid. The list of recommendations given by Yao Ning was the same as those in the nine phone calls. The Lingnan Folk Art Troupe was one of them, which showed that they were indeed proactive and capable, and their connections could extend to Taiwan. Come here.

Yang An's eyes lit up: "Qiu Jiatang, one of the three cross talk sects in the north?"

Li Yue is a member of the circle, and explained one by one along the list: "8:34, Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe, they are a branch of the Southern Crosstalk, but the situation of the Southern Crosstalk has been worse in recent years, the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe has passed It’s not easy either. Generally speaking, in the cross talk world, their status is first-rate and their strength is second-rate.”

Yang An touched his chin, thought for a long time, and nodded slowly: "Well, you can try this trick. Give me the list, and I will pay special attention to the teams on the list. Haha, you want to be on my show? When the time comes It depends on which one of you has the loudest voice! I just need a few thugs with loud voices to help me maintain my dignity!"

Li Yue also joked: "This really made people anxious. Xiaomei even cursed! In the end, it fell into your hands. Ouch, I feel anxious for these people!"

Li Yue also joked: "This really made people anxious. Xiaomei even cursed! In the end, it fell into your hands. Ouch, I feel anxious for these people!"

They both laughed, raised their drinks and took a drink.

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

Among them, there are four crosstalk teams. They are all groups with high status in the world. They can be found in both the north and the south. They are all teams that once had glory but are now struggling. They are old-fashioned but still have their roots. However, they do not include the Northern Crosstalk Three. Big genre people.

Yao Ning's eyes turned into slits from laughter, and she hit him affectionately with the head of her chopsticks: "Aren't you stupid? There are no permanent enemies in this world. Sometimes there will be traitors in the enemy's camp. You just need to give him some help." The sweetness can easily make them turn against you!"

Song Xiaomei handed over a list with the name and phone number of the unit densely written on it: "Brother Yang, nine groups of people called me this morning. They were all asking for information in a roundabout way, and they also wanted to sign up to fill seats. In the morning, you I don't dare to disturb you while we're talking about words, just take a look."

"Hahaha! Beautiful women are so good-looking that criminals cannot control themselves and commit crimes. Can we blame the beautiful women for this? This is not true in the whole world!"

They both laughed, raised their drinks and took a drink.

Yang An said: "It's normal for the three northern sects not to contact me. The big shots don't care about this."

Yang An and Li Yue laughed together, and Yang An almost stopped laughing: "Look, it's too much to make our little beauty angry! Countless facts have proved that you can't offend anyone, but you can't offend a woman!"

Yao Ning smiled: "I agree to let them join the big list, but let them wait endlessly. If anyone is impatient, let them fight on their own and fight first. If you use tricks and scheming, you have to play Be more ruthless, if you can't do this, you can leave this dirty work of intrigue to me, and I will help you deal with them."

Yang An asked: "What's your idea?"

They both laughed, raised their drinks and took a drink.

Li Yue said: "Except for the three of them, all the famous crosstalk colleagues across the country have basically given in and are willing to line up!"

Song Xiaomei shook her head: "It's from the external relations department of Qiu Jiatang Performing Arts Company. It's the official version. They want us to send them a performance schedule. They will see if they can adjust the actors' time. If it can be arranged well, then Sign up with us.”

Yang An simply took her back to the room and placed the list in front of Li Yue: "Teacher Li, please help introduce these people."

Among them, there are four crosstalk teams. They are all groups with high status in the world. They can be found in both the north and the south. They are all teams that once had glory but are now struggling. They are old-fashioned but still have their roots. However, they do not include the Northern Crosstalk Three. Big genre people.

Yang An sighed: "I didn't know. I wish I were a roundworm in their stomachs. Okay, okay, don't think so much, let's talk about the words again. There will be a competition tomorrow night. I'm so worried. It’s hanging…”

Yang An said: "No, acrobatics is not within the scope of my consideration for the time being."

No one expected that the traitor would arrive so quickly, as if he had activated the Wind Step. As soon as Yang An returned with the recommendation list from the station, Song Xiaomei came with her work mobile phone.

Yao Ning pursed her lips and smiled: "Have all the players come over to rehearse today?"

Song Xiaomei pouted: "Who told them to ignore people in the first place? They didn't come to invite this one, ignored that one, and even hung up on me! You don't know, there are several units on this list today, a month ago I called them to invite them, but they said coldly that they were not interested, had no time, and would not participate. They hung up the phone and were so angry that I didn’t eat for three days and lost two pounds! But today they took the initiative to call me. The enthusiasm in her mouth was about to turn into flattery. If I wasn't afraid of delaying things, I would have thrown their phone and scolded them again. Damn it, a month ago, could you have imagined that today would happen?"

Yang An asked: "Did they say who they plan to send? Are the two teachers Qiu Jiuling and Yu Shihong going there in person?"

Song Xiaomei handed over a list with the name and phone number of the unit densely written on it: "Brother Yang, nine groups of people called me this morning. They were all asking for information in a roundabout way, and they also wanted to sign up to fill seats. In the morning, you I don't dare to disturb you while we're talking about words, just take a look."

Among them, there are four crosstalk teams. They are all groups with high status in the world. They can be found in both the north and the south. They are all teams that once had glory but are now struggling. They are old-fashioned but still have their roots. However, they do not include the Northern Crosstalk Three. Big genre people.

Yang An nodded and explained: "Of course, the rhythm of the northern style is a little slower, and the work is longer. The baggage needs to be crushed and shaken out. The southern style of cross talk has a fast pace, and the actors can speak and sing well. Two or three sentences are enough to make a baggage. The main thing about pie is that the laughs are different!”

Yang An simply took her back to the room and placed the list in front of Li Yue: "Teacher Li, please help introduce these people."

Song Xiaomei asked curiously: "Is crosstalk also divided into north and south?"

Yang An said: "No, acrobatics is not within the scope of my consideration for the time being."

Yao Ning said: "How are you preparing for the show? You won't be eliminated in this round, right?"

Song Xiaomei came in and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang, Qiu Jiatang called, and they are also asking about filling the seat!"

Yang An simply took her back to the room and placed the list in front of Li Yue: "Teacher Li, please help introduce these people."

Yang An sighed: "I didn't know. I wish I were a roundworm in their stomachs. Okay, okay, don't think so much, let's talk about the words again. There will be a competition tomorrow night. I'm so worried. It’s hanging…”

Song Xiaomei came in and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang, Qiu Jiatang called, and they are also asking about filling the seat!"

Yao Ning said: "How are you preparing for the show? You won't be eliminated in this round, right?"

Yao Ning smiled: "I agree to let them join the big list, but let them wait endlessly. If anyone is impatient, let them fight on their own and fight first. If you use tricks and scheming, you have to play Be more ruthless, if you can't do this, you can leave this dirty work of intrigue to me, and I will help you deal with them."

The atmosphere became awkward, and Yao Ning said softly: "Yang An, don't refuse so quickly, and don't think that Sister Ning won't help you. My first reaction after getting this recommendation list was also angry, and I wanted to throw it in directly Trash can, but I thought about it carefully, and I have a good idea, so that you can do it according to your own ideas without offending others, and you can choose whoever you want."

Li Yue is a member of the circle, and explained one by one along the list: "8:34, Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe, they are a branch of the Southern Crosstalk, but the situation of the Southern Crosstalk has been worse in recent years, the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe has passed It’s not easy either. Generally speaking, in the cross talk world, their status is first-rate and their strength is second-rate.”

No one expected that the traitor would arrive so quickly, as if he had activated the Wind Step. As soon as Yang An returned with the recommendation list from the station, Song Xiaomei came with her work mobile phone.

Song Xiaomei shook her head: "It's from the external relations department of Qiu Jiatang Performing Arts Company. It's the official version. They want us to send them a performance schedule. They will see if they can adjust the actors' time. If it can be arranged well, then Sign up with us.”

They both laughed, raised their drinks and took a drink.

Yao Ning couldn't eat anymore and sighed: "I know that it is your producers' freedom to choose who to fill the seat. Our TV station really shouldn't interfere. But you know, the peach of "Happy Comedian" is too sweet and too tempting. , some people are used to meddling, and they can't change this deep-rooted bad habit for a while. Therefore, the station gave me a recommendation list, and I hope you can consider it."

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

Song Xiaomei asked curiously: "Is crosstalk also divided into north and south?"

Yao Ning's eyes turned into slits from laughter, and she hit him affectionately with the head of her chopsticks: "Aren't you stupid? There are no permanent enemies in this world. Sometimes there will be traitors in the enemy's camp. You just need to give him some help." The sweetness can easily make them turn against you!"

Yang An touched his chin, thought for a long time, and nodded slowly: "Well, you can try this trick. Give me the list, and I will pay special attention to the teams on the list. Haha, you want to be on my show? When the time comes It depends on which one of you has the loudest voice! I just need a few thugs with loud voices to help me maintain my dignity!"

Yang An nodded and explained: "Of course, the rhythm of the northern style is a little slower, and the work is longer. The baggage needs to be crushed and shaken out. The southern style of cross talk has a fast pace, and the actors can speak and sing well. Two or three sentences are enough to make a baggage. The main thing about pie is that the laughs are different!”

Li Yue is a member of the circle, and explained one by one along the list: "8:34, Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe, they are a branch of the Southern Crosstalk, but the situation of the Southern Crosstalk has been worse in recent years, the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe has passed It’s not easy either. Generally speaking, in the cross talk world, their status is first-rate and their strength is second-rate.”

In fact, Yang An was still pretending to have some words left unsaid. The list of recommendations given by Yao Ning was the same as those in the nine phone calls. The Lingnan Folk Art Troupe was one of them, which showed that they were indeed proactive and capable, and their connections could extend to Taiwan. Come here.

In fact, Yang An was still pretending to have some words left unsaid. The list of recommendations given by Yao Ning was the same as those in the nine phone calls. The Lingnan Folk Art Troupe was one of them, which showed that they were indeed proactive and capable, and their connections could extend to Taiwan. Come here.

Song Xiaomei was amused: "If the other two factions also contact me, should I do the same? Wouldn't it mean that the Chinese comedy industry is basically under my control?"

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

Li Yue is a member of the circle, and explained one by one along the list: "8:34, Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe, they are a branch of the Southern Crosstalk, but the situation of the Southern Crosstalk has been worse in recent years, the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe has passed It’s not easy either. Generally speaking, in the cross talk world, their status is first-rate and their strength is second-rate.”

Li Yue also joked: "This really made people anxious. Xiaomei even cursed! In the end, it fell into your hands. Ouch, I feel anxious for these people!"

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

Li Yue sighed: "It's a pity that the market determines everything. After all, the southern faction has a slightly worse mass base and fewer audiences, so their life is even more difficult. Second place, call at 8:50, Dongshan Changling Acrobatic Troupe, yo, This unit is a bit interesting. They are famous for their comedy and acrobatic performances, and they seem to have won a national opera award. This is a first-class team, haven't you invited them?"

The atmosphere became awkward, and Yao Ning said softly: "Yang An, don't refuse so quickly, and don't think that Sister Ning won't help you. My first reaction after getting this recommendation list was also angry, and I wanted to throw it in directly Trash can, but I thought about it carefully, and I have a good idea, so that you can do it according to your own ideas without offending others, and you can choose whoever you want."

Song Xiaomei came in and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang, Qiu Jiatang called, and they are also asking about filling the seat!"

Song Xiaomei asked curiously: "Is crosstalk also divided into north and south?"

Yao Ning said: "I hope you stay on stage. You know, we control some of the votes. If your vote count is not high, I can..."

Yao Ning said: "I hope you stay on stage. You know, we control some of the votes. If your vote count is not high, I can..."

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

Yang An raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Kungfu and the others arrived in the early morning, and a few from the Northeast should also have arrived at this time. Our reception work here is going well, there is no problem."

Yang An said: "No, acrobatics is not within the scope of my consideration for the time being."

Yang An put down his chopsticks. He noticed that something was wrong today: "Sister Ning, the first broadcast has a ratings of 1.8%, and it may break 2% at any time. This is a rare gold medal variety show. Does anyone dare to put pressure on you? ? Just tell me who it is."

Yang An and Li Yue laughed together, and Yang An almost stopped laughing: "Look, it's too much to make our little beauty angry! Countless facts have proved that you can't offend anyone, but you can't offend a woman!"

Yang An sighed: "I didn't know. I wish I were a roundworm in their stomachs. Okay, okay, don't think so much, let's talk about the words again. There will be a competition tomorrow night. I'm so worried. It’s hanging…”

The atmosphere became awkward, and Yao Ning said softly: "Yang An, don't refuse so quickly, and don't think that Sister Ning won't help you. My first reaction after getting this recommendation list was also angry, and I wanted to throw it in directly Trash can, but I thought about it carefully, and I have a good idea, so that you can do it according to your own ideas without offending others, and you can choose whoever you want."

Yao Ning couldn't eat anymore and sighed: "I know that it is your producers' freedom to choose who to fill the seat. Our TV station really shouldn't interfere. But you know, the peach of "Happy Comedian" is too sweet and too tempting. , some people are used to meddling, and they can't change this deep-rooted bad habit for a while. Therefore, the station gave me a recommendation list, and I hope you can consider it."

Yang An asked: "Did they say who they plan to send? Are the two teachers Qiu Jiuling and Yu Shihong going there in person?"

Next, they were introduced one by one, and Yang An finally had a clear idea.

Yang An laughed: "How accurate is this? In the first episode, I stole the spotlight so much that the Internet scolded me. In the second episode, I decided to be the host honestly and talk about cross talk seriously. I’m trying to attract votes based on my true ability. But if the audience doesn’t buy it, I won’t admit it if I’m eliminated!”

Yang An touched his chin, thought for a long time, and nodded slowly: "Well, you can try this trick. Give me the list, and I will pay special attention to the teams on the list. Haha, you want to be on my show? When the time comes It depends on which one of you has the loudest voice! I just need a few thugs with loud voices to help me maintain my dignity!"

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

Li Yue also joked: "This really made people anxious. Xiaomei even cursed! In the end, it fell into your hands. Ouch, I feel anxious for these people!"

Yang An shook his head: "Succumb? I don't think things are that simple! Let's talk about Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe. I invited him at the beginning, but they refused very firmly, saying that they didn't have time to run around Lanhai Lingnan every week and perform on their own. We are all too busy, there is no schedule or anything. Why is there suddenly a schedule now? Do you have time? Are you willing to fly here and there every week? And you think about it, it is unknown when the fill-in player will be able to take the stage. Maybe three It won’t be your turn at the end of the month. You wasted three months in vain and can’t do anything. How many people can accept this condition? The attitude changed too fast before and after. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!"

Yao Ning pursed her lips and smiled: "Have all the players come over to rehearse today?"

These nine calls are all units in the folk arts industry, and they are more or less related to comedy. They all actively signed up to fill their seats.

Li Yue chuckled: "Oh, he has such a big wrist!"

Yao Ning's eyes turned into slits from laughter, and she hit him affectionately with the head of her chopsticks: "Aren't you stupid? There are no permanent enemies in this world. Sometimes there will be traitors in the enemy's camp. You just need to give him some help." The sweetness can easily make them turn against you!"

Yao Ning was rejected mercilessly, and she looked a little embarrassed. After a long time, she said: "Okay, we'll see when the time comes. One more question, are you sure about the replacement comedy candidate for the third period?"

Among them, there are four crosstalk teams. They are all groups with high status in the world. They can be found in both the north and the south. They are all teams that once had glory but are now struggling. They are old-fashioned but still have their roots. However, they do not include the Northern Crosstalk Three. Big genre people.

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

They both laughed, raised their drinks and took a drink.

Li Yue is a member of the circle, and explained one by one along the list: "8:34, Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe, they are a branch of the Southern Crosstalk, but the situation of the Southern Crosstalk has been worse in recent years, the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe has passed It’s not easy either. Generally speaking, in the cross talk world, their status is first-rate and their strength is second-rate.”

Song Xiaomei came in and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang, Qiu Jiatang called, and they are also asking about filling the seat!"

The phone rang again, and Song Xiaomei went out to answer it. Yang An and Li Yue continued to think about it.

Li Yue sighed: "It's a pity that the market determines everything. After all, the southern faction has a slightly worse mass base and fewer audiences, so their life is even more difficult. Second place, call at 8:50, Dongshan Changling Acrobatic Troupe, yo, This unit is a bit interesting. They are famous for their comedy and acrobatic performances, and they seem to have won a national opera award. This is a first-class team, haven't you invited them?"

These nine calls are all units in the folk arts industry, and they are more or less related to comedy. They all actively signed up to fill their seats.

Yang An raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Kungfu and the others arrived in the early morning, and a few from the Northeast should also have arrived at this time. Our reception work here is going well, there is no problem."

Song Xiaomei handed over a list with the name and phone number of the unit densely written on it: "Brother Yang, nine groups of people called me this morning. They were all asking for information in a roundabout way, and they also wanted to sign up to fill seats. In the morning, you I don't dare to disturb you while we're talking about words, just take a look."

Yang An's eyes lit up: "Qiu Jiatang, one of the three cross talk sects in the north?"

Yao Ning said: "How are you preparing for the show? You won't be eliminated in this round, right?"

Yang An shook his head: "Succumb? I don't think things are that simple! Let's talk about Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe. I invited him at the beginning, but they refused very firmly, saying that they didn't have time to run around Lanhai Lingnan every week and perform on their own. We are all too busy, there is no schedule or anything. Why is there suddenly a schedule now? Do you have time? Are you willing to fly here and there every week? And you think about it, it is unknown when the fill-in player will be able to take the stage. Maybe three It won’t be your turn at the end of the month. You wasted three months in vain and can’t do anything. How many people can accept this condition? The attitude changed too fast before and after. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!"

Yang An said: "It's normal for the three northern sects not to contact me. The big shots don't care about this."

Yang An raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Kungfu and the others arrived in the early morning, and a few from the Northeast should also have arrived at this time. Our reception work here is going well, there is no problem."

Yang An asked: "What's your idea?"

Song Xiaomei was amused: "If the other two factions also contact me, should I do the same? Wouldn't it mean that the Chinese comedy industry is basically under my control?"

Yang An touched his chin, thought for a long time, and nodded slowly: "Well, you can try this trick. Give me the list, and I will pay special attention to the teams on the list. Haha, you want to be on my show? When the time comes It depends on which one of you has the loudest voice! I just need a few thugs with loud voices to help me maintain my dignity!"

Li Yue was a little unsure: "Are you worried that they will show courtesy first and then attack with force? Show courtesy first and then wait to see your reaction?"

Yao Ning pursed her lips and smiled: "Have all the players come over to rehearse today?"

Yao Ning couldn't eat anymore and sighed: "I know that it is your producers' freedom to choose who to fill the seat. Our TV station really shouldn't interfere. But you know, the peach of "Happy Comedian" is too sweet and too tempting. , some people are used to meddling, and they can't change this deep-rooted bad habit for a while. Therefore, the station gave me a recommendation list, and I hope you can consider it."

Li Yue said: "Except for the three of them, all the famous crosstalk colleagues across the country have basically given in and are willing to line up!"

Song Xiaomei asked curiously: "Is crosstalk also divided into north and south?"

Yang An stopped her: "Stop, Sister Ning, if it's really necessary to use this trick, it means the audience really doesn't like me. I'm not strong enough, so I should step down and give way. We both know in our hearts that doing Counterfeiting of tickets is risky. Can you 100% guarantee that the changed tickets will not be leaked? If it is leaked, will it be our comedian program team who will bear the infamy? So I don’t want to take this risk! What’s more, you There is no harmony within the station. Aren't there some leaders who want to beat me? Why should I expose my flaws and teach others to take advantage of me?"

Yang An said: "No, acrobatics is not within the scope of my consideration for the time being."

Yang An asked: "What's your idea?"

Yao Ning smiled: "I agree to let them join the big list, but let them wait endlessly. If anyone is impatient, let them fight on their own and fight first. If you use tricks and scheming, you have to play Be more ruthless, if you can't do this, you can leave this dirty work of intrigue to me, and I will help you deal with them."

Yang An shook his head: "Succumb? I don't think things are that simple! Let's talk about Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe. I invited him at the beginning, but they refused very firmly, saying that they didn't have time to run around Lanhai Lingnan every week and perform on their own. We are all too busy, there is no schedule or anything. Why is there suddenly a schedule now? Do you have time? Are you willing to fly here and there every week? And you think about it, it is unknown when the fill-in player will be able to take the stage. Maybe three It won’t be your turn at the end of the month. You wasted three months in vain and can’t do anything. How many people can accept this condition? The attitude changed too fast before and after. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!"

Song Xiaomei asked curiously: "Is crosstalk also divided into north and south?"

Yao Ning couldn't eat anymore and sighed: "I know that it is your producers' freedom to choose who to fill the seat. Our TV station really shouldn't interfere. But you know, the peach of "Happy Comedian" is too sweet and too tempting. , some people are used to meddling, and they can't change this deep-rooted bad habit for a while. Therefore, the station gave me a recommendation list, and I hope you can consider it."

These nine calls are all units in the folk arts industry, and they are more or less related to comedy. They all actively signed up to fill their seats.

"Hahaha! Beautiful women are so good-looking that criminals cannot control themselves and commit crimes. Can we blame the beautiful women for this? This is not true in the whole world!"

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

In fact, Yang An was still pretending to have some words left unsaid. The list of recommendations given by Yao Ning was the same as those in the nine phone calls. The Lingnan Folk Art Troupe was one of them, which showed that they were indeed proactive and capable, and their connections could extend to Taiwan. Come here.

Li Yue was a little unsure: "Are you worried that they will show courtesy first and then attack with force? Show courtesy first and then wait to see your reaction?"

Song Xiaomei stuck out her tongue, smiled sheepishly, then took the list, walked out with her head held high, and went to reply to these units proudly!

"Hahaha! Beautiful women are so good-looking that criminals cannot control themselves and commit crimes. Can we blame the beautiful women for this? This is not true in the whole world!"

Yang An sighed: "I didn't know. I wish I were a roundworm in their stomachs. Okay, okay, don't think so much, let's talk about the words again. There will be a competition tomorrow night. I'm so worried. It’s hanging…”

Li Yue said: "Except for the three of them, all the famous crosstalk colleagues across the country have basically given in and are willing to line up!"

Yang An laughed: "How accurate is this? In the first episode, I stole the spotlight so much that the Internet scolded me. In the second episode, I decided to be the host honestly and talk about cross talk seriously. I’m trying to attract votes based on my true ability. But if the audience doesn’t buy it, I won’t admit it if I’m eliminated!”

In fact, Yang An was still pretending to have some words left unsaid. The list of recommendations given by Yao Ning was the same as those in the nine phone calls. The Lingnan Folk Art Troupe was one of them, which showed that they were indeed proactive and capable, and their connections could extend to Taiwan. Come here.

No one expected that the traitor would arrive so quickly, as if he had activated the Wind Step. As soon as Yang An returned with the recommendation list from the station, Song Xiaomei came with her work mobile phone.

Yang An said: "No, acrobatics is not within the scope of my consideration for the time being."

Yang An asked: "What's your idea?"

Yang An laughed: "How accurate is this? In the first episode, I stole the spotlight so much that the Internet scolded me. In the second episode, I decided to be the host honestly and talk about cross talk seriously. I’m trying to attract votes based on my true ability. But if the audience doesn’t buy it, I won’t admit it if I’m eliminated!”

From an emotional point of view, Yang An is willing to give the declining cross talk team more opportunities to show their faces, but there are too many monks and too few people on the stage. There are only six pits on the stage. He has occupied the cross talk position himself, and there is no room for other colleagues. He cannot withdraw another one. It's impossible to change the sketch to a cross talk. He can't make fun of the ratings.

Next, they were introduced one by one, and Yang An finally had a clear idea.

Yang An raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Kungfu and the others arrived in the early morning, and a few from the Northeast should also have arrived at this time. Our reception work here is going well, there is no problem."

Yao Ning smiled: "I agree to let them join the big list, but let them wait endlessly. If anyone is impatient, let them fight on their own and fight first. If you use tricks and scheming, you have to play Be more ruthless, if you can't do this, you can leave this dirty work of intrigue to me, and I will help you deal with them."

Yang An shook his head: "Succumb? I don't think things are that simple! Let's talk about Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe. I invited him at the beginning, but they refused very firmly, saying that they didn't have time to run around Lanhai Lingnan every week and perform on their own. We are all too busy, there is no schedule or anything. Why is there suddenly a schedule now? Do you have time? Are you willing to fly here and there every week? And you think about it, it is unknown when the fill-in player will be able to take the stage. Maybe three It won’t be your turn at the end of the month. You wasted three months in vain and can’t do anything. How many people can accept this condition? The attitude changed too fast before and after. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!"

Li Yue sighed: "It's a pity that the market determines everything. After all, the southern faction has a slightly worse mass base and fewer audiences, so their life is even more difficult. Second place, call at 8:50, Dongshan Changling Acrobatic Troupe, yo, This unit is a bit interesting. They are famous for their comedy and acrobatic performances, and they seem to have won a national opera award. This is a first-class team, haven't you invited them?"

But if he is really kicked off the stage by the audience, the Lingnan Opera Troupe is not his best candidate. What he wants to invite most is one of the three northern cross talk groups. Again, the market determines it, and the reputation determines it. , and fans should choose to watch the World Cup finals or the national football team's qualifying matches. He cannot joke about the ratings.

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

No one expected that the traitor would arrive so quickly, as if he had activated the Wind Step. As soon as Yang An returned with the recommendation list from the station, Song Xiaomei came with her work mobile phone.

Song Xiaomei came in and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang, Qiu Jiatang called, and they are also asking about filling the seat!"

Li Yue chuckled: "Oh, he has such a big wrist!"

Yang An laughed: "How accurate is this? In the first episode, I stole the spotlight so much that the Internet scolded me. In the second episode, I decided to be the host honestly and talk about cross talk seriously. I’m trying to attract votes based on my true ability. But if the audience doesn’t buy it, I won’t admit it if I’m eliminated!”

Yang An stopped her: "Stop, Sister Ning, if it's really necessary to use this trick, it means the audience really doesn't like me. I'm not strong enough, so I should step down and give way. We both know in our hearts that doing Counterfeiting of tickets is risky. Can you 100% guarantee that the changed tickets will not be leaked? If it is leaked, will it be our comedian program team who will bear the infamy? So I don’t want to take this risk! What’s more, you There is no harmony within the station. Aren't there some leaders who want to beat me? Why should I expose my flaws and teach others to take advantage of me?"

Song Xiaomei was amused: "If the other two factions also contact me, should I do the same? Wouldn't it mean that the Chinese comedy industry is basically under my control?"

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

Yang An stopped her: "Stop, Sister Ning, if it's really necessary to use this trick, it means the audience really doesn't like me. I'm not strong enough, so I should step down and give way. We both know in our hearts that doing Counterfeiting of tickets is risky. Can you 100% guarantee that the changed tickets will not be leaked? If it is leaked, will it be our comedian program team who will bear the infamy? So I don’t want to take this risk! What’s more, you There is no harmony within the station. Aren't there some leaders who want to beat me? Why should I expose my flaws and teach others to take advantage of me?"

Next, they were introduced one by one, and Yang An finally had a clear idea.

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

Yang An's eyes lit up: "Qiu Jiatang, one of the three cross talk sects in the north?"

Yang An smiled: "They are from a century-old sect, and they were the first people I hired. People with great reputations all have this problem, and they have a big reputation. They don't take action easily. They have many demands, and we can understand it. Okay, Xiaomei, I’ll leave this matter to you. In short, I won’t promise or refuse, just let them wait in line. As for whether they can get in, we’ll wait until I’m eliminated!”

Yang An simply took her back to the room and placed the list in front of Li Yue: "Teacher Li, please help introduce these people."

Li Yue also joked: "This really made people anxious. Xiaomei even cursed! In the end, it fell into your hands. Ouch, I feel anxious for these people!"

Yang An asked: "Did they say who they plan to send? Are the two teachers Qiu Jiuling and Yu Shihong going there in person?"

Li Yue said: "Except for the three of them, all the famous crosstalk colleagues across the country have basically given in and are willing to line up!"

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

Song Xiaomei shook her head: "It's from the external relations department of Qiu Jiatang Performing Arts Company. It's the official version. They want us to send them a performance schedule. They will see if they can adjust the actors' time. If it can be arranged well, then Sign up with us.”

Song Xiaomei came in and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang, Qiu Jiatang called, and they are also asking about filling the seat!"

Yang An raised his hand and looked at his watch: "Kungfu and the others arrived in the early morning, and a few from the Northeast should also have arrived at this time. Our reception work here is going well, there is no problem."

Yang An shook his head: "Succumb? I don't think things are that simple! Let's talk about Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe. I invited him at the beginning, but they refused very firmly, saying that they didn't have time to run around Lanhai Lingnan every week and perform on their own. We are all too busy, there is no schedule or anything. Why is there suddenly a schedule now? Do you have time? Are you willing to fly here and there every week? And you think about it, it is unknown when the fill-in player will be able to take the stage. Maybe three It won’t be your turn at the end of the month. You wasted three months in vain and can’t do anything. How many people can accept this condition? The attitude changed too fast before and after. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!"

Song Xiaomei shook her head: "It's from the external relations department of Qiu Jiatang Performing Arts Company. It's the official version. They want us to send them a performance schedule. They will see if they can adjust the actors' time. If it can be arranged well, then Sign up with us.”

Yang An shook his head: "Succumb? I don't think things are that simple! Let's talk about Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe. I invited him at the beginning, but they refused very firmly, saying that they didn't have time to run around Lanhai Lingnan every week and perform on their own. We are all too busy, there is no schedule or anything. Why is there suddenly a schedule now? Do you have time? Are you willing to fly here and there every week? And you think about it, it is unknown when the fill-in player will be able to take the stage. Maybe three It won’t be your turn at the end of the month. You wasted three months in vain and can’t do anything. How many people can accept this condition? The attitude changed too fast before and after. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!"

Yao Ning's eyes turned into slits from laughter, and she hit him affectionately with the head of her chopsticks: "Aren't you stupid? There are no permanent enemies in this world. Sometimes there will be traitors in the enemy's camp. You just need to give him some help." The sweetness can easily make them turn against you!"

Yang An asked: "Did they say who they plan to send? Are the two teachers Qiu Jiuling and Yu Shihong going there in person?"

Yao Ning said: "I hope you stay on stage. You know, we control some of the votes. If your vote count is not high, I can..."

Yang An and Li Yue laughed together, and Yang An almost stopped laughing: "Look, it's too much to make our little beauty angry! Countless facts have proved that you can't offend anyone, but you can't offend a woman!"

Yang An shook his head: "Succumb? I don't think things are that simple! Let's talk about Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe. I invited him at the beginning, but they refused very firmly, saying that they didn't have time to run around Lanhai Lingnan every week and perform on their own. We are all too busy, there is no schedule or anything. Why is there suddenly a schedule now? Do you have time? Are you willing to fly here and there every week? And you think about it, it is unknown when the fill-in player will be able to take the stage. Maybe three It won’t be your turn at the end of the month. You wasted three months in vain and can’t do anything. How many people can accept this condition? The attitude changed too fast before and after. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!"

Yang An laughed: "Look at what makes you happy. It feels great to have the power of life and death over others, doesn't it?"

Yang An nodded and explained: "Of course, the rhythm of the northern style is a little slower, and the work is longer. The baggage needs to be crushed and shaken out. The southern style of cross talk has a fast pace, and the actors can speak and sing well. Two or three sentences are enough to make a baggage. The main thing about pie is that the laughs are different!”

Yang An said: "No, acrobatics is not within the scope of my consideration for the time being."

Yang An asked: "Did they say who they plan to send? Are the two teachers Qiu Jiuling and Yu Shihong going there in person?"

Yao Ning said: "I hope you stay on stage. You know, we control some of the votes. If your vote count is not high, I can..."

Song Xiaomei said: "They didn't say anything. Oh, they had a business-like tone, as if it didn't matter. They just had the feeling that if we can cooperate, we will cooperate. If we can't, we'll just forget it."

After Yang An laughed, he said seriously: "No one can interfere with my program! It's my right to fill in the seats. I don't even need to look at this recommendation list. They must be related people who greeted me. Sister Ning , if you just talk about this today, it will be really boring, can you still let me have a pleasant meal?"

Yao Ning said: "How are you preparing for the show? You won't be eliminated in this round, right?"

These nine calls are all units in the folk arts industry, and they are more or less related to comedy. They all actively signed up to fill their seats.

Song Xiaomei said: "They didn't say anything. Oh, they had a business-like tone, as if it didn't matter. They just had the feeling that if we can cooperate, we will cooperate. If we can't, we'll just forget it."

Li Yue chuckled: "Oh, he has such a big wrist!"

Song Xiaomei handed over a list with the name and phone number of the unit densely written on it: "Brother Yang, nine groups of people called me this morning. They were all asking for information in a roundabout way, and they also wanted to sign up to fill seats. In the morning, you I don't dare to disturb you while we're talking about words, just take a look."

Yang An laughed: "How accurate is this? In the first episode, I stole the spotlight so much that the Internet scolded me. In the second episode, I decided to be the host honestly and talk about cross talk seriously. I’m trying to attract votes based on my true ability. But if the audience doesn’t buy it, I won’t admit it if I’m eliminated!”

Yang An smiled: "They are from a century-old sect, and they were the first people I hired. People with great reputations all have this problem, and they have a big reputation. They don't take action easily. They have many demands, and we can understand it. Okay, Xiaomei, I’ll leave this matter to you. In short, I won’t promise or refuse, just let them wait in line. As for whether they can get in, we’ll wait until I’m eliminated!”

Song Xiaomei said: "They didn't say anything. Oh, they had a business-like tone, as if it didn't matter. They just had the feeling that if we can cooperate, we will cooperate. If we can't, we'll just forget it."

These nine calls are all units in the folk arts industry, and they are more or less related to comedy. They all actively signed up to fill their seats.

Song Xiaomei asked curiously: "Is crosstalk also divided into north and south?"

Yang An nodded and explained: "Of course, the rhythm of the northern style is a little slower, and the work is longer. The baggage needs to be crushed and shaken out. The southern style of cross talk has a fast pace, and the actors can speak and sing well. Two or three sentences are enough to make a baggage. The main thing about pie is that the laughs are different!”

Yang An laughed: "Look at what makes you happy. It feels great to have the power of life and death over others, doesn't it?"

"Hahaha! Beautiful women are so good-looking that criminals cannot control themselves and commit crimes. Can we blame the beautiful women for this? This is not true in the whole world!"

Song Xiaomei was amused: "If the other two factions also contact me, should I do the same? Wouldn't it mean that the Chinese comedy industry is basically under my control?"

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

Song Xiaomei came in and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang, Qiu Jiatang called, and they are also asking about filling the seat!"

Li Yue is a member of the circle, and explained one by one along the list: "8:34, Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe, they are a branch of the Southern Crosstalk, but the situation of the Southern Crosstalk has been worse in recent years, the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe has passed It’s not easy either. Generally speaking, in the cross talk world, their status is first-rate and their strength is second-rate.”

Song Xiaomei came in and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang, Qiu Jiatang called, and they are also asking about filling the seat!"

Song Xiaomei handed over a list with the name and phone number of the unit densely written on it: "Brother Yang, nine groups of people called me this morning. They were all asking for information in a roundabout way, and they also wanted to sign up to fill seats. In the morning, you I don't dare to disturb you while we're talking about words, just take a look."

Yang An laughed: "Look at what makes you happy. It feels great to have the power of life and death over others, doesn't it?"

Yao Ning was rejected mercilessly, and she looked a little embarrassed. After a long time, she said: "Okay, we'll see when the time comes. One more question, are you sure about the replacement comedy candidate for the third period?"

Yang An and Li Yue laughed together, and Yang An almost stopped laughing: "Look, it's too much to make our little beauty angry! Countless facts have proved that you can't offend anyone, but you can't offend a woman!"

Yang An nodded and explained: "Of course, the rhythm of the northern style is a little slower, and the work is longer. The baggage needs to be crushed and shaken out. The southern style of cross talk has a fast pace, and the actors can speak and sing well. Two or three sentences are enough to make a baggage. The main thing about pie is that the laughs are different!”

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

No one expected that the traitor would arrive so quickly, as if he had activated the Wind Step. As soon as Yang An returned with the recommendation list from the station, Song Xiaomei came with her work mobile phone.

Song Xiaomei pouted: "Who told them to ignore people in the first place? They didn't come to invite this one, ignored that one, and even hung up on me! You don't know, there are several units on this list today, a month ago I called them to invite them, but they said coldly that they were not interested, had no time, and would not participate. They hung up the phone and were so angry that I didn’t eat for three days and lost two pounds! But today they took the initiative to call me. The enthusiasm in her mouth was about to turn into flattery. If I wasn't afraid of delaying things, I would have thrown their phone and scolded them again. Damn it, a month ago, could you have imagined that today would happen?"

Yang An's eyes lit up: "Qiu Jiatang, one of the three cross talk sects in the north?"

Yang An laughed: "How accurate is this? In the first episode, I stole the spotlight so much that the Internet scolded me. In the second episode, I decided to be the host honestly and talk about cross talk seriously. I’m trying to attract votes based on my true ability. But if the audience doesn’t buy it, I won’t admit it if I’m eliminated!”

Li Yue was a little unsure: "Are you worried that they will show courtesy first and then attack with force? Show courtesy first and then wait to see your reaction?"

Yang An and Li Yue laughed together, and Yang An almost stopped laughing: "Look, it's too much to make our little beauty angry! Countless facts have proved that you can't offend anyone, but you can't offend a woman!"

Yang An laughed: "Look at what makes you happy. It feels great to have the power of life and death over others, doesn't it?"

Yao Ning smiled: "I agree to let them join the big list, but let them wait endlessly. If anyone is impatient, let them fight on their own and fight first. If you use tricks and scheming, you have to play Be more ruthless, if you can't do this, you can leave this dirty work of intrigue to me, and I will help you deal with them."

After Yang An laughed, he said seriously: "No one can interfere with my program! It's my right to fill in the seats. I don't even need to look at this recommendation list. They must be related people who greeted me. Sister Ning , if you just talk about this today, it will be really boring, can you still let me have a pleasant meal?"

Yang An asked: "Did they say who they plan to send? Are the two teachers Qiu Jiuling and Yu Shihong going there in person?"

Li Yue also joked: "This really made people anxious. Xiaomei even cursed! In the end, it fell into your hands. Ouch, I feel anxious for these people!"

Yang An's eyes lit up: "Qiu Jiatang, one of the three cross talk sects in the north?"

Yang An shook his head: "Succumb? I don't think things are that simple! Let's talk about Wang Shun from the Lingnan Folk Art Troupe. I invited him at the beginning, but they refused very firmly, saying that they didn't have time to run around Lanhai Lingnan every week and perform on their own. We are all too busy, there is no schedule or anything. Why is there suddenly a schedule now? Do you have time? Are you willing to fly here and there every week? And you think about it, it is unknown when the fill-in player will be able to take the stage. Maybe three It won’t be your turn at the end of the month. You wasted three months in vain and can’t do anything. How many people can accept this condition? The attitude changed too fast before and after. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!"

These nine calls are all units in the folk arts industry, and they are more or less related to comedy. They all actively signed up to fill their seats.

Song Xiaomei came in and said mysteriously: "Brother Yang, Qiu Jiatang called, and they are also asking about filling the seat!"

They both laughed, raised their drinks and took a drink.

Song Xiaomei stuck out her tongue, smiled sheepishly, then took the list, walked out with her head held high, and went to reply to these units proudly!

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

Li Yue was also surprised and said, "Is it the class leader Qiu Jiuling who called?"

Li Yue also joked: "This really made people anxious. Xiaomei even cursed! In the end, it fell into your hands. Ouch, I feel anxious for these people!"

Li Yue sighed: "It's a pity that the market determines everything. After all, the southern faction has a slightly worse mass base and fewer audiences, so their life is even more difficult. Second place, call at 8:50, Dongshan Changling Acrobatic Troupe, yo, This unit is a bit interesting. They are famous for their comedy and acrobatic performances, and they seem to have won a national opera award. This is a first-class team, haven't you invited them?"

Next, they were introduced one by one, and Yang An finally had a clear idea.

Yang An sighed: "I didn't know. I wish I were a roundworm in their stomachs. Okay, okay, don't think so much, let's talk about the words again. There will be a competition tomorrow night. I'm so worried. It’s hanging…”