The King’s Moment

Chapter 101: Two against five


With the game at this level, the barrage in Liuliu's live broadcast has gotten out of control. The issue of "inside writing" that was exposed just now is just one of them, and the more critical one is the current disadvantage of Liuliu's party.

As a game anchor, being cute and cute can be a bonus item, but the core element is whether the game is played well or not. In the current round, the acting careers of the three Liuliu fans on the other side can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, and Liuliu has repeatedly urged not to do this, so Liuliu's barrage is also reprimanding these three.

This pot, except for a few black fans, no one put it on Liu Liu's head. But such teammates created a situation where the opponent was completely working hard, and these two people actually suppressed the five of Liu Liu and the others, which made everyone a little unacceptable.

Some fans who defended Liuliu shifted the responsibility to the three teammates, Taicai. But Zaicai, this is also a five-for-two, how can they be beaten like this

There were a lot of doubts about this issue in the barrage, which made Liu Liu feel upset. But five-on-two was suppressed, and even she, who had rich live broadcast experience and good eloquence, couldn't find any reason.

Only by winning this game, let the victory speak for itself.

"Request assembly!" Liu Liu issued a signal under the crystal. At this time, the two opponents are far ahead in experience, and as long as their people place an order, it is one word, die! There is no way to take the line of soldiers out.

If I knew this, I should have started to hold a group early!

Liu Liu felt annoyed in her heart, but in such a match, who would have thought that it would be like this

Now they can only defend in a group on the high ground, and even if they can kill the opponent, even one person can regain the initiative. This is what Liuliu wanted to do with his assistants before, but he still couldn't catch his opponent. Now it's easy. If the opponent wants to win, they need to break through the high ground to hit the crystal. They just stay here and lead the rabbit. Their lineup's ability to defend the tower is still very strong. After all, the opponent is two uncontrolled crispy skins, and the odds of winning are still great.

"Request assembly!"

"Request assembly!"

Seeing that the newly revived teammates were ready to move and wanted to rush out, Liu Liu kept sending out signals. However, the old master in the team has long been dissatisfied with her and her assistant Zhang Fei, so he is still willing to listen to her greetings. It happened that he was going to walk out from the Highland Tower on his way.

"Initiate an attack!"

He met the situation and decisively sent out a signal, and the falcon flew out. Ake immediately headed towards the direction pointed by the Falcon, but He Yu's own Genghis Khan did not keep up, and instead ran towards the Highland Tower at the other end.

Ake's footsteps visibly paused. The actions of the two of them have always been synchronized, and Genghis Khan's falcon is the direction indicator. But now the falcon flew out, but Genghis Khan went in the opposite direction

Divide the army into two groups

Zhu Jiayin also noticed the three lines of soldiers advancing at the same time. With his own understanding of the game, he instantly understood He Yu's intention this time. No more hesitation at the moment, and continue to move in the direction where the falcon flew out.

He Yu observed everyone's position, found a suitable time, and suddenly showed up.

hit the road!

Everyone saw Genghis Khan appearing at this end, and immediately moved towards this side.

Ah Ke, who was going to the other side, had already seen the old master at this time. The huge economic advantage made her not have to think about whether she could beat the old master, but she did not rush forward.

The old master has a big move. Although it will not pose a fatal threat to A Ke, it can make the old master tie up A Ke and escape. And if the five seconds are tied up, it is very likely that this line of troops will be wasted.

So he had to cheat out his big move!

Zhu Jiayin was thinking about it. She had already forgotten that she was also doing a live broadcast. She would share this kind of thinking and operation details with the audience during the live broadcast on weekdays. Now she is fully committed to the game and completely forgot about it. She took a deep breath, Ah Ke stepped forward, and then saw the old master rushing towards her in a hurry.


A Ke made a quick flash, and quickly retreated, the old master's big move was empty.

The other party's flash is in the cd, Zhu Jiayin is clear about this. But this big move was so obvious, and it was a bit surprising for her to hide so easily. She was concentrating on preparing for the battle, but unexpectedly, her opponent's mentality exploded and he made hasty moves.

The deceleration of ice smiting and red buff made the last suspense disappear, and the old master was killed by Ah Ke. She then pulled the angle of view to go up the road. The four opponents gathered here to defend, and He Yu Genghis Khan would not fight with them when he was alone, and he would move towards the middle again when he turned around.

The other party, Yingzheng, was arrested for the whole game and sacrificed ten heads. How could his mentality be better? Now that he finally has a bunch of teammates around him, he is extremely jealous after seeing Genghis Khan. Relying on the length of his hands, he stood in the high ground wall and opened his big move, chasing Genghis Khan madly. This urgency, just moved a little forward, but was caught by He Yu at a glance.


Genghis Khan's attack range was far inferior to that of Winning Zheng's big move, but this flash stuck to the wall, instantly shortening the distance between the two sides. Genghis Khan followed the big move and added two basic attacks, turned around and left. Over there, Ying Zheng was still rushing back, but the damage figures after the critical strike were already blooming on his head. Genghis Khan, who is crushed by the economy, is so simple in seconds, winning the government: 0 kills and 11 deaths.

"What's going on here!" Liu Liu, who was in the live broadcast, couldn't help but lose her temper. Five-on-two defended a high ground, and in a blink of an eye, two fell down, and it was three-on-two. Turning the angle of view to look at the state of the two opponents, Ake didn't lose any blood at all, but Genghis Khan was swept by Yingzheng a few times, but when he killed Yingzheng in seconds, he was sucked back with the blood-sucking knife .

They quickly cleared the line of troops attacking the highland tower on the top road. Genghis Khan was attacking the high ground in the middle road at this time, and Ake had already broken through the highland tower on the bottom road, and the pawn line began to move towards the crystal. He didn't care about the middle road tower when he met the situation, and Genghis Khan went directly to join Ake. Liu Liufang and the three heroes hurried over. But with the explosive output of Ake and Genghis Khan, Liuliu's Gongsunli dared not go up to it at all, and had to rely on his teammates to create an output environment first.

But she didn't dare to go forward, Ah Ke took the initiative to find her. Seeing a small soldier enter the crystal, Ah Ke started his big move and also got in, and went directly to Gongsunli who was hiding behind.

Liuliu's reaction was fast enough. Gongsun Li's third and first skills moved continuously, and he fled back to the spring in an instant.

The assistant Zhang Fei hurriedly turned around to support, but Ah Ke turned around and walked around him. Bai Qi was the only one left on the frontal battlefield, and the Qing soldier was struggling, and he couldn't take care of himself after being shot by Genghis Khan. In the end, this big move was done to the best of human ability, obeying the destiny, and Ake, who was forced to leave Gongsunli and returned, raised his hand to reap.

Two against five, in a blink of an eye it has become two against two.

The barrage of Zhu Jiayin's live broadcast was full of cheers from 666, but she didn't even bother to raise her head. After killing Bai Qi, Ake ran out of the crystal, and Genghis Khan had turned around and pulled out the middle tower, and brought in some soldiers. The two followed on the left and right, looking like they were about to rush towards the crystal, but when Zhang Fei jumped up, they suddenly separated from the left and right.

Beast bloody!

Seeing that the two had seen through his intentions, Zhang Fei was helpless, but he still activated his big move, roaring the line of soldiers out of the range of the crystal first, and then chasing after them to beat the ground, just hoping to clear this wave of soldiers first.

Genghis Khan and A Ke could not feel any threat at all now, and they output Zhang Fei together.

Open a big shield

The frankness of big meat

All of this seemed to not exist. In front of the strong output of the two Liushenzhuang, Zhang Fei seemed to be a piece of paper, as if it was not as hard as the cannon cart he was desperately trying to stop, and he fell down soon.

Two against two, finally became two against one. All that was left was Gongsunli who didn't even dare to shoot an arrow. The two rushed into the crystal together without waiting for the line of troops. Gongsunli retreated desperately, but Ake was chasing after him. When Genghis Khan had already started to attack the crystal, Ake actually chased directly into the spring.

Shun Hua, Arc Light!

A set of damage easily killed Gongsunli instantly, but Quanshui's 10,000-attack shells also shot at her, but a golden circle suddenly lit up on Ake's body at this moment.


He Yu opened the battle panel and took a look. Sure enough, Ah Ke changed the jungle knife into a Huiyue at some point, and opened it at this time, blocking the cannon from the spring water that was enough to kill her instantly, and then , crystal explosion.