The King’s Moment

Chapter 35: Time to fight back


The game continued, and the opponent refused to give in. After unplugging the bottom tower, he even wanted to move forward according to the direction.

That's a little bloated, right

The three squatting in the grass can't stand it anymore. The three of them are currently behind in terms of level and experience. If they want to fight in a team, they may not be the opponents of the three on the opposite side, but it is still easy to defend a defensive tower together. The other party, Nezha, had made a big move before, and he had already seen that they were nearby, but he didn't retreat, and he still wanted to take the tower. This is treating the three of them as air!

"Is it fake?" He Yuzheng said, but Bodhidharma, who had always been aggrieved, was the most annoyed, and immediately jumped out of the grass and rushed towards the second tower on the lower road.

"Be careful!" He Yu shouted subconsciously, and then realized that Bodhidharma was just a passerby, not around, and he couldn't hear him without turning on the voice. So he hurriedly released a falcon one by one to illuminate the front view of Dharma, just in time to illuminate Guiguzi cut up from the pass below.

As expected, attacking towards the second tower was just the opponent's strategy to lure the enemy. The intention was to attract the support of He Yu and the three of them, and then form a team battle in the wild. Bodhidharma, who rushed out in a hurry, was caught by the opponent, and Guiguzi, who released the first and second skills together, grabbed Bodhidharma. Athena's spear roared towards him, and Nezha also brandished his flaming three-pointed spear and Huntian Ling to attack. Bodhidharma, who has not yet reached level 4, has no room to fight back. He Yu and Gao Ge, who were squatting in the grass, each had their skills in their hands, but in the end they all chose to give up. After Genghis Khan threw a beast trap to show his existence, the two hurriedly evacuated towards the middle tower.

"Watching a show?" Bodhidharma, who was lying in the corpse wild area, suddenly became emotional. He typed to question the two, and changed the chat channel to be visible to all, as if to prove to his opponent that it wasn't him who couldn't do it, but his teammates who were too timid.

He Yu would definitely feel wronged if this was the first day of the game. It's not that I don't care about it, it's that I can't control it anymore, and I can't save Bodhidharma if I go up, let alone fight the opposite side, it will only add two corpses.

But with this week's game experience, He Yu has gotten used to the various atmospheres in the game. As the saying goes, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, and there are a thousand thoughts in the hearts of a thousand king players. Everyone thinks that their ideas are correct, and teammates who don't match their ideas are bad, cowardly, or stupid...

This is the case in the bronze game, the silver game, the gold game, and in the king game, although everyone can form some tacit understanding to a certain extent. , When there are differences, the mentality is no different from bronze and silver.

There is no time to argue in the game, even if you can argue right or wrong, it's meaningless, it's all over. At this time, you can only play yourself well first, and then help your teammates find their rhythm. Whether they are emotional or have problems with their thinking, when it comes to competitions, everyone has one thing in common: they want to win.

As long as the game is led to a favorable situation, everyone will still work towards this common goal after all.

So seeing Bodhidharma's complaints, He Yu could say that he was not emotional at all. After avoiding the opponent's encirclement and suppression in the wild area by taking the middle tower, his Genghis Khan followed a safe route and returned to the bottom lane, taking away a wave of troops. Gao Ge's Zhang Fei began to stay close to him at this time, but when Genghis Khan withdrew his troops, he was careful not to go far to share the economy.

After closing the line of soldiers, He Yu released a falcon and flew towards the opposite red zone along the center line.

The opposing team is very comfortable at this time. The jungler gains a huge economy by relying on the opposing jungle and kills, and the economy of his own jungle can be shared by the shooter and the mid laner, and the red and blue UFF are given to these two positions respectively. This falcon flew out and found that the other party, Sun Shangxiang, was taking the red UFF, and the auxiliary Guiguzi was hiding in the grass in the middle.

This is the beginning of the middle lane!

With Guiguzi's first attack, Zhang Liang's strong control, Nezha's thousands of miles of support, Athena's explosive combo, Diaochan in the middle road feels uneasy even hiding under the tower, the opponent seems to be just waiting for a moment of assembly, a kill target After taking advantage of the trend, it is time to push the tower.

This is the waiting line!

The opponent's rhythm has always been well controlled, and the killing has always been extremely purposeful. In particular, every shot of the jungler Athena is gaining huge benefits for her side. The first kill Diao Chan scored a blood and attacked the opponent's red zone, and then killed the shooter so that the red zone fell completely and attacked a wave of towers. Turning around and killing Bodhidharma in the middle kills three birds with one stone: Destroy the opponent's rhythm point, get blue UFF from Bodhidharma, and leave your own blue zone for the mid laner to accelerate development.

Then turn to kill Liu Bang on the road, which ensures the control of the tyrant.

After killing the tyrant, invade the opponent's blue zone. With the level and economic advantages established in advance, the opponent can't do anything. Kill Diaochan in the middle lane and then enter the red zone. road tower. With the rhythm of this road, He Yu and the others can say that all lines have collapsed. Bodhidharma, who was the most uncomfortable, was already emotional and began to blame his teammates. Diao Chan, who had died twice in the middle, did not speak, but after He Yu Genghis Khan's falcon illuminated Guiguzi in the middle, he immediately shrank back tremblingly. The momentum of abandoning the tower.

"The middle road may be a wave of opportunities." He Yu said after seeing the revived Bodhidharma and Zhang Fei had reached the fourth level.

"Let's see if Diao Chan dares to sell it." Gao Ge said.

The heroes of the two moved from the bottom lane to the middle lane tower, but they didn't show up immediately, and they huddled together in the grass behind the Juggernaut Pit.

At this time, the middle lanes of the two sides gradually converge towards the middle, just like the previous wave down the road, this is the front of the storm. He Yu had only one thought in that wave, which was to save his life, but in the current wave, after both Damo and Zhang Fei had their ultimate moves, they finally gave them a chance to fight back. As for the lack of output, it just so happens that the tower comes together. The opponent forcibly attacks the tower, this is their opportunity, as long as Diao Chan is not too cowardly and dares to attract the opponent into the tower to attack.


Gao Ge sent out a signal under the middle tower. Although he and He Yu's heroes were still squatting in the grass beside them, they were just trying to avoid each other's sight. This wave was about to be fought, and Gao Ge sent out the signal to remind his teammates.

Diaochan in the middle road was already retreating blindly, but after seeing Gao Ge's signal, she seemed to understand her intention, and began to stand slightly forward.

At this moment, the pawn line in the middle began to contact, Diao Chan did not leave the tower, and watched helplessly as his minion was killed by the opponent in a leisurely manner, and then the opponent's minion began to move forward, with Zhang Liang covering behind.

It's time to compete in acting skills. Diao Chan was hesitant, not too daring to move forward, she never went to the perimeter of the defense tower, and threw flower balls under the tower. Seeing that the other party didn't make any further moves, he seemed to be a little more courageous, and took two more steps forward.

If the delay is too long, the soldiers will be killed, and the killing will become impossible to pull out the tower and lose its significance. The other party didn't want to do that, Guiguzi finally rushed out from the grass, the familiar formula was that transparent figure, with a different taste, there was more than one transparent figure.

Even Gao Ge's Zhang Fei is already level 4, not to mention the opponent's Guiguzi.

At this time, Guiguzi rushed out, and at the same time activated the second skill "Animism", and at the same time activated the big move "Prophet - Fog Yin". This big move is to make the teammates who are surrounded by Guiguzi's Xuanweizi wrap together, enter the camouflage state together, and increase the movement speed. This time, Guiguzi didn't go to pull people alone this time, but rushed forward with his teammates.

Diao Chan, who was prepared, reacted extremely quickly, and immediately pulled back with a second skill.

But this time, besides Guiguzi's big move, the flash has also finished cooling down, so he simply flashed the flash and teleported towards Diao Chan's position.


Guiguzi's skill time was calculated quite accurately, Xuanweizi just finished gathering at this moment and pulled towards Diaochan, but at this moment, a halo of light bloomed on Diaochan's body.


The second skill of the hero Diao Chan is displacement, so the general summoner skill will not choose to flash, but will bring purification, a skill that removes all negative and control effects on itself and is immune to control for 1.5 seconds, so that his dance will not Interrupted at will by control skills. The purification just now made Guiguzi's animism lose its effect. However, the other people covered by Guiguzi had already invaded the tower at this time, and the roar of Athena's spear had already sounded, but Zhang Liang's big move, "Speaking Spirit - Manipulation", was pinched in his hand and did not release immediately, apparently waiting for the 1.5-second immunity from purification. As time passed, Diao Chan still had no chance of surviving on her own.

"Unfortunately, I know how to play!" Gao Ge sighed secretly. It's a pity that Zhang Liang's ultimate move was not tricked out, but the current situation is acceptable.

"Biography!" Gao Ge called out, starting their counterattack moment.