The King’s Moment

Chapter 76: keep going


Do you want to keep it

Another multiple-choice question was thrown to Huang Bin, and Huang Bin felt very upset. At this moment, he suddenly missed the previous 422-424 team. The five people said that the team actually played their own way, with no routines, no fixed coordination, and no fixed command. If you win, you will brag about yourself, and if you lose, you will brag about your teammates. How carefree is that? What now? He has to decide whether to defend the tower or not. How do I know whether to defend it or not

Huang Bin almost shouted out his inner voice, but he still held back. After looking around, he finally came up with an idea: "Taiyi goes to support the second tower on the side road, and King Lanling and Su Lie retreat to the second tower on the middle road."

Su Lie alone in the middle tower was obviously unable to defend, so he was decisively abandoned.

In front of the second tower on the side road, Zhong Wuyan of Zhou Mo wiped out the soldiers with two hammers. It was rare for the audience to receive a wave of pawns all alone. Zhong Wuyan, who was easily promoted to the third level, turned around and entered the jungle again.

On the middle road side, the trio easily took down the first tower in the middle road without any defense, and continued to move forward.

King Lanling had reached the battle at this time, squatting under the tower with Su Lie, seeing the other three coming with the line of soldiers, it seemed that he, the two defenders, was absent in his eyes.

"Clear the soldiers first." Huang Bin, who was about to be resurrected, said looking at the situation here.

Are you still killing people

Su Lie and King Lanling looked at the trio on the opposite side, and felt a bit of slander in their hearts, and then they backed up slightly, planning to let the troops in first before clearing. As a result, Liu Chan on the opposite side swaggered into the tower together with the line of soldiers, really completely ignoring the existence of the two of them. Before the two shooters at the back even started to attack, he first waved his mechanism arm and shot towards the tower.

You can't just watch this, can you

Su Lie and King Lanling rushed up together, one used all invincibility to charge towards Liu Chan, and the other threw a shadow dagger. As a result, when Liu Chan moved horizontally, both skills were missed. At least King Lanling was still behind, but Su Lie rushed straight to the range of the shooter.

Li Yuanfang was haunted by spies, and Hou Yi's afterglow of the setting sun greeted him all at once. Behind the two shooters, Jiang Ziya, who had already repaired his condition, followed, and he was given a skill of repentance.

Seeing the situation, Su Lie decided to go all out. He waved his big stick and wanted to at least clear the soldiers, but Liu Chan turned around and rushed towards him. At the same time he punched him flying, the interference was also thrown out. The defense tower The attack stopped, and several people started beating Su Lie.

Jiang Ziya's Confession skill has the effect of greatly reducing the target's movement speed visible to the naked eye, but in places that cannot be judged by the naked eye, it actually has the effect of reducing physical and magic defense.

Su Lie is already inferior in level right now! This is equivalent to hundreds of economics per person on the backward side, and now they have been reduced in defense and focused on fire, and soon fell down weakly, with three beacon towers appearing beside them.

King Lanling is close at hand, but how dare he step on it. Liu Chan backhanded him with a mechanism claw, and he must have to confess here. He also pays great attention to details, and noticed that Liu Chan's second skill has never been handed in, and that is reserved for him.

King Lanling didn't dare to step forward, and the weak Su Lie had no one to step on the lamp, so how long can he last? It will be completely heroic in a short time. Ying Zheng and Marco Polo were on their way to come back to support at this time, and they were also very anxious to see this situation. As a result, Liu Chan walked out of the tower like a stroll in the garden and slipped around.

From controlling the tower, to controlling people, to killing a strong man like Su Lie with two lives under the tower, Liu Chan only suffered one attack from the defensive tower in the end. Just this time, he took the blow with the shield while walking out with the little overlord's shield, which was simply negligible.

"It's beautiful!" He Yu exclaimed.

He and Zhao Jinran didn't need any operations during the whole process, they just let their heroes output without brains. Because almost everything that could be done was done by Liu Chan.

Dash the tower to lure the opponent to attack, move to avoid the attack and let the opponent sell in front of you. Then control the tower, control the people, a series of operations can be described as seamless. The difficulty and brilliance of this are only appreciated by more experienced players. For example, Zhao Jinran, who can only count four kills and five kills, knows nothing about it, and is excited for him to get Su Lie's head. !

In He Yu's eyes, Mo Xian couldn't find anything faulty about what Liu Chan had just done. Even if he brought in a professional player, he probably wouldn't be able to do better.

There was no reaction to He Yu's exclamation and praise. His expression was very focused, and Liu Chan had slipped back just as he left the tower. King Lanling, who had just stepped forward to try to see if he could clear a soldier, retreated in a hurry. Huang Bin, who was rushing over, was so angry that he shouted, "What are you afraid of if there is no interference?"

King Lanling was taken aback when he heard this, and hurried back again, pressing towards Liu Chan. Another shadow dagger was already in his hand, and he wanted to get close behind him and directly control Liu Chan under the tower with two and one skill combos.

Liu Chan seemed to have sensed King Lanling's intentions, and began to back away. But it was already a bit late at this time. The shadow dagger flew out from King Lanling's hand and hit Liu Chan. Although the skill could not hit Liu Chan at this time, the movement speed of the target hit by the shadow dagger would be reduced by 90% for 2 seconds. Lanling It took less than a second for King Ling to catch up.

As a result, just as he was catching up, there was a sudden boom under his feet, and a circle of energy was detonated. King Lanling couldn't control his figure, and immediately slid towards the bottom of the tower.


Jiang Ziya's second skill accurately bounced King Lanling into the attack range of Hou Yi and Li Yuanfang. But without Liu Chan's previous temptation, Jiang Ziya's skill distance would still be a little worse after all. This was something Gao Ge wanted to ask Mo Xian to do, but Mo Xian did it before she could ask. So he noticed Jiang Ziya's position and guessed his intentions, so he created an opportunity? Gao Ge thought to himself, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Mo Xian, and what he saw was still focused.

Attacking enemy heroes within the range of the defense tower, even if there is a line of soldiers, will be regarded as a priority target by the defense tower. This common sense is not only possessed by He Yu, but also by Zhao Jinran. Seeing King Lanling sliding, Gao Ge shouted to kill again, the heroes of both took a step back, stood outside the tower first, and then started shooting at King Lanling. King Lanling turned around and wanted to run, but Liu Chan, who he was trying to accept when he got up, became his obstacle at this time. Fortunately, the shadow dagger mark hit just now has not yet expired. As long as the attack hits Liu Chan, it will stun Liu Chan for a second, and at the same time, King Lanling can replenish a little life.

But in the end it was Liu Chan's claws that swung out first. At the moment of close combat, Mo Xian's reaction and hand speed had the upper hand, knocking King Lanling unconscious before he could attack. Although it was only a second, it was deadly enough for such a crisp-skinned King Lanling. Houyi and Li Yuanfang's attacks continued to catch up, and King Lanling fell to the ground before he could do anything after the dizziness was lifted.

"What are you doing!"

Huang Bin was anxious. His Marco Polo and Yingzheng finally arrived, and Taiyi Daoist, who was clearing up and fell into the tower line on the right, was also shaking to support him. But the two of our own sides were already killed, and the opponent was in a situation of more fights and fewer fights. Although the defense tower is still there, Huang Bin did not forget that Wave 7 brought two disturbances, Liu Chan's was used up just now, and Zhong Wuyan still has one! In addition, Liu Chan's first and second skills naturally have the effect of interfering with the tower for a second, which is enough for a wave of tower jumping.

"Where's Zhong Wuyan?" Zhong Wuyan's figure was no longer in sight, which made Huang Bin even more hesitant to go forward. The pawn line under the second tower is still there. Although the killing took some time, but because of Liu Chan's perfect control of the defensive tower, the pawn line is not seriously damaged, so it is still too late.

Ying Zheng was circling behind the tower, trying to use his superior skills to throw a skill to clear the soldiers, but Mo Xian had already seen his intentions, and Liu Chan blocked his position well. In the end, Ying Zheng had no choice but to throw his skills at Liu Chan's head. Huang Bin's Marco Polo also helplessly fired a string of bullets at Liu Chan. The shield was not broken, Liu Chan turned around and gave the defensive tower another blow, and at the same time he healed himself, the second tower was finally broken.