The King’s Return

Chapter 101: Suspect


Style Club, training room.

Yuan Xi, who was stupefied at the corpse on the screen, finally came back to his senses, chatted privately with Feng Xingtian and said, "President, just now you two were wiped out by the two of you five times, did you find anything?"

Fengxing Tianxia is the old president of Fengse Guild. Every time Fengse enters a new area, he will personally lead the team to open up wasteland in the new area for a month or two. After the guild develops smoothly, he will retire and hand over the branch president of the new area to trustworthy people. This person is careful and responsible, and it is because of his presence that the cohesion of the Feng Se Guild and the Fan Club is so strong. Although his level of playing games is not very high, he is a veteran of Ling Xuefeng's era. Now all the veteran players have left the team. This chairman is the oldest one, and Yuan Xi also respects him very much.

Although today's farce was not performed according to Yuan Xi's script, fortunately, Fengxing Tianxia IQ Online recorded the whole process for the five participating managers from different perspectives. Seeing Yuan Xi's question, Feng Xingtianxia immediately typed back: "The battle was too fast just now, so I couldn't see it clearly, but I recorded all of them. There are five videos from different angles. Why don't you come over here, Captain Yuan?" Take a look here?"

Yuan Xi: "Okay, I'll go to the guild area and watch it with you."

After a while, the door of the guild office was pushed open, and a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes walked in with strides.

His appearance is very distinctive, with a typical Chinese character face. The most noticeable thing is his eyebrows. A pair of thick eyebrows look like they were drawn with a brush. This image is very suitable for being the protagonist in martial arts movies. The boss of an unknown sect who kills with one move, said domineeringly "I am the master of XX sect" when he appeared on the stage, and stopped the protagonist from letting him go, but was easily killed by the protagonist in an instant, and died with regret.

However, he was originally quite suitable for the role of passer-by, but because of a pair of bright and big eyes, he appeared a little silly and cute.

He didn't have any sinister intentions at first glance, he was a little reckless, and after entering the guild area, he shouted loudly: "President, I'm here, show me the video!"

This roar almost deafened everyone's ears, which can be described as "sound like a bell".

Feng Xingtianxia rubbed his ears, got up and gave him his seat, and said, "I have five videos here, Captain Yuan, please take a look."

Yuan Xi immediately sat down on the seat, clicked the mouse to play the first video.

The first video was recorded from the main point of view of the swordsman. At that time, the swordsman was led off course by the opponent in the process of chasing "Wish to win the one-hearted man". His vision was messy. In the video, only a blue shadow can be seen dangling in front of his eyes Swaying away, it made people dizzy. Obviously, the opponent took advantage of the blind spot to go around behind and attack the swordsman.

Feng Xingtianxia analyzed from the side: "This person deliberately locked the camera to release his skills, so that Ah Yue could not see his moving route clearly, and then used a set of explosive combos from Xuanbing Palace to kill Ah Yue in seconds."

Yuan Xi nodded in agreement: "Well, he is indeed a master."

After he finished speaking, he played another video, this time it was recorded by Fengxingtianxia. In the screen, there was a female summoner with the ID "White Heads Not Separated". I saw that the other party started to summon four chariots and completed it quite beautifully. The cross siege operation trapped all Feng Se's three long-ranges in the middle, and then he summoned two wooden mechanism snakes to wrap around the healer...

At this moment, Fengxing Tianxia adjusted the angle of view to the swordsman at a high place, and the next operation of the summoner could not be clearly seen in this video.

Yuan Xi played the video recorded from the perspective of healing. From the perspective of healing, it can be seen that after the summoner trapped the healing with a wooden snake, he immediately summoned a wooden mechanism horse. The mechanism horse has a very long cooling time, but The effect of the pet is very significant, it does not have much attack power, but it has a powerful group control ability - fear!

Among all the summonable pets in the Zhuge family mechanism, the mechanism horse is the largest, almost twice the height of the characters in the game. Once the huge wooden mechanism appears, it will cause "fear" to all enemies within the range. Negative effects - unable to move, and unable to use light work and any martial arts skills.

Silence is just that skills cannot be used, and immobility means that you cannot move. The fear effect is equivalent to combining silence and immobilization. The Trojan horse's fear control skill is quite domineering, and can almost instantly destroy the combat effectiveness of the opponent's team, but its shortcomings are also obvious. Other control skills generally last 3 seconds, while fear only 2 seconds, and the cooldown time is long.

Bai Shou Bu Xiang Li's move of fear at the critical moment directly abolished Feng Xing Tian Xia's follow-up long-range sonic attack, which happened to give the chance to turn back and kill the swordsman.

After the swordsman was killed, Baishou stayed inseparable and frequently summoned pets to interfere with the four people's movements...

His pets seem to be spiritual, and he has almost never made any mistakes when referring to whoever hits whom. Moreover, he changes pets very frequently. When one dies, he immediately summons the other. People couldn't find a chance to kill him for a while.

After his teammate "Wish to win a person with one heart" came to the vicinity, he activated the ult move of the eagle in a very timely manner, killing all the blood of the four Fengshi and creating a chance for his teammates to harvest their heads.

The more Yuan Xi looked at it, the more frightened she became. Such an extreme operation of changing favors, and her grasp of the timing...

Definitely a top player in the summoning stream!

Fengxing Tianxia couldn't help but said: "Captain Yuan, I felt that this person's style of play had a strange sense of familiarity at the time, and now watching the video, this familiarity has returned. I always feel that he looks like..." Fengxing Tianxia said At this point, he suddenly stopped. He seemed to think that this kind of speculation was too incredible, so he didn't say it.

Yuan Xi's eyes were fixed on the computer screen, and her voice was hoarse: "Tell me, who do you think you look like?"

Feng Xingtianxia was silent for a long time before he said softly: "Like... like the little prince back then, Qin Mo."

Hearing this name, the veins on the back of Yuan Xi's hand suddenly bulged, and he almost crushed the mouse. He took a deep breath and tried to keep calm, but a trace of blood appeared in his eyes: "Why do you look like Qin Mo?"

Feng Xingtianxia coughed lightly, and said: "When Team Ling was still in style, Qin Mo had always had a good relationship with our guild, and would help us fight bosses in online games when he was free. He is very familiar with it. At that time, he liked to summon all the pets to kill the opponent in a wave. He was still young at that time, and he thought it was cool to play this way. I suffered a big loss... "

Qin Mo frantically summoned pets to play cool in front of the cat god, but he was instantly turned into scum by the opponent, and everyone in the alliance knew that the little prince's broken glass heart affected the game.

Feng Xingtianxia went on to say: "Later, Qin Mo got the guidance of the two summoning gods, Maoshen and Ling Dui, and his style of play changed a lot. You should remember that he summed up a kind of control field with the limit of summoning and changing pets." style of play, I used to operate pets in multiple lines in the game, and I was stuck in the position of the entire team on the opposite side... "

Of course Yuan Xi remembered this. At that time, he was still a rookie in the training camp, and Qin Mo was Feng Se's vice-team, and he was at the peak of his e-sports players. In the arena, Qin Mo alone was worth three controllers. He once controlled multiple pets to kill five people on the opposite side, and won five kills in one go. The charming little prince has become an existence that many teams fear.

However, it didn't take long before Qin Mo's condition suddenly dropped to an unbelievable level. It was also at that time that Qin Mo discovered Yuan Xi from the training camp...

Thinking of the past, Yuan Xi's eyes became even redder, and his heart seemed to be squeezed by two hands, making it difficult for him to breathe, and his fingers holding the mouse were even trembling slightly. Yuan Xi took a deep breath to stabilize his emotions, turned around, stared into Feng Xingtianxia's eyes and asked word by word: "President, are you sure this person looks like Qin Mo?"

Feng Xingtianxia nodded solemnly: "That's right. This kind of extreme pet-changing and field-controlling style of play is difficult for ordinary people to learn. Only players with first-class consciousness, strong overall situation view, and fast hand speed can do it. Although Xiangli's speed is a bit slower, this person's style of play is almost like an apprentice taught by Qin Mo himself."

Although Yuan Xi received Qin Mo's guidance, in fact, he did not fully inherit Qin Mo's style of play. He only learned the basic operation skills of a summoner from Qin Mo. His tactical thinking and field control mode are similar to those of Qin Mo. Qin Mo is different - in the Fengse team, the real successor of Qin Mo is actually someone else.

Thinking of this, Yuan Xi immediately stood up, quickly ran back to the dormitory and opened the door to enter.


Inside the room, a man about Yuan Xi's age was shaving in front of the mirror.

This person's appearance is much more handsome than Yuan Xi's. He has a particularly upright and majestic appearance, coupled with his tall and straight figure, even if he doesn't say anything, he still has an aura of calmness and prestige. All the members of Fengse Club respect him very much, because he is the vice-captain directly recommended by Qin Mo to the manager after retiring, and he is also the third-generation captain of Fengse Miracle Team.

—Qiu Zongping.

— After Ling Xuefeng and Yan Ruiwen, the third-generation captain of Fengse Club who is truly in charge.

When Yuan Xi saw this person, she couldn't help feeling nervous. The two players debuted at the same time, and they were both brought out by Qin Mo himself from the training camp. But standing in front of Qiu Zongping, Yuan Xi always felt that she was It seems that he is a lot shorter. Obviously he was half a year older than him, but in the end his aura completely suppressed him.

In this new game beta test, Yuan Xi took the initiative to apply to the manager to lead the team to lead the team. It is also because Qiu Zongping has been suppressing him in the Miracle team. One day Qiu Zongping, he will never be able to become the number one summoner. Therefore, he wants to take advantage of this opportunity to start again in a new environment. He believes that with his level and years of experience in the game, he will definitely be able to take the top spot among the unrivaled summoning players.

Looking at the guy who suddenly slammed into the door and came in aggressively like a burglary, but stopped in the same place as if there was no electricity after entering the house, Qiu Zongping slightly raised his eyebrows, put down the razor, and slowly wiped his shaved chin with a towel , said lightly: "Looking for me?"

Yuan Xi said shyly, "That... Captain Qiu, have you been busy lately?"

Qiu Zongping: "Speak directly if you have something to say."

Yuan Xi scratched his head, and stammered, "President Feng Xing and I were in the new district of Dubu Jianghu, and found someone who played a bit like Qin and Qin Mo."

Qiu Zongping finally showed a look of surprise on his usually calm face, he quickly walked around Yuan Xi and said, "I'll go and have a look."

This person has always been vigorous and resolute, and before Yuan Xi came back to his senses, he had teleported out the door. Yuan Xi froze for a moment, then immediately turned around and followed his footsteps.


In the guild area, Qiu Zongping's arrival made Fengxing Tianxia stand up and say hello: "Team Qiu."

If it is said that Yuan Xi's IQ is not online and Fengxing Tianxia has been worried about the future of the new team, then the existence of Qiu Zongping is the most powerful reassurance for the Fengse team.

Feng Xingtianxia, as the veteran of the three generations of the Fengse Club, has been with the club for many years. The person he respects most is naturally the first generation captain Ling Xuefeng, and the person he loves most is the little prince Qin Mo who left sadly, and the second generation captain Yan Ruiwen The temper is too gentle. The period when Yan Ruiwen led the team was also the most difficult time. Captain Yan, who was soft on the outside and strong on the inside, successfully survived those two years of difficulties. When he retired, he handed over the captain to Qin Mo's true heir - the strongest in the league at present. The summoner Qiu Zongping.

Feng Xing Tian Xia admired this young junior very much, Xiao Qiu was young, but very stable. Since he took over as the captain, Fengse's performance has indeed improved. Qiu Zongping's management style of the team has inherited Ling Xuefeng's toughness and Qin Mo's carefulness. , and also cultivated many excellent newcomers from the training camp, and prepared for the replacement of the old and the new in advance.

Fengxing Tianxia knew that with this person, the Fengse team would definitely be able to maintain their status as a powerful team.

Qiu Zongping came to the guild area suddenly, apparently it was Yuan Xi who ran to call him rashly.

It stands to reason that Yuan Xi took the initiative to ask Ying to be the captain of the new team, and Qiu Zongping had no reason to help him manage Dubu Jianghu's affairs. But in the past, Yuan Xi had always been the vice-captain. Subconsciously, he still relied a little on Qiu Zongping, the calm captain. If something happened, he would not solve it by himself, so he instinctively ran to Team Qiu for help.

Facing Feng Xingtianxia's knowing gaze, Yuan Xi's face also flushed slightly because of embarrassment, and only then did he realize that he really shouldn't have invited Qiu Zongping over.

Qiu Zongping looked calm, and asked in a low voice: "I heard from Yuan Xi, you saw a summoner like Qin Mo in the new area?"

Feng Xingtianxia immediately showed him the video: "Captain Qiu, sit down and watch, this is the man."

The screen recorded by the VR game is like a blockbuster movie with special effects. Qiu Zongping sat down in his seat and carefully checked the video. displayed before him.

Qiu Zongping read it once, frowned slightly, and then looked back a second time.

Yuan Xi wanted to ask him what conclusion he came to, but seeing his serious expression and focused eyes, Yuan Xi still didn't dare to interrupt him, and swallowed the words.

Qiu Zongping read it a third time, but still didn't say anything.

fourth time...

Needle dropping could be heard in the room, only the sound of Qiu Zongping clicking the mouse quickly echoed clearly in his ears, and everyone stood quietly behind him, not daring to interrupt him at all.

It wasn't until the fifth replay ended that Qiu Zongping stood up and calmly concluded: "The white head is not separated, it is Qin Mo himself."

Everyone: "..."

The mouths of the group of people all opened in shock, and Yuan Xi's mouth opened the widest, almost swallowing a duck egg.