The King’s Return

Chapter 107: Run away from home (below)


It was raining heavily outside, Yuan Xi didn't bring an umbrella, and his whole body was drenched. He carried his luggage and walked among the crowd, feeling like a stray dog abandoned by his owner.

When I came to Shanghai alone, I was full of passion and hope, but now I am wandering in the streets in despair, I have no face to return to the team, and I don’t know where to go...

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly, and Yuan Xi picked up the phone as soon as she saw the name on the caller ID: "Hello? A Yao!"

— Lin Yao, his best friend in the Miracle League, and the only one who really cares about him.

After Lin Yao transferred to the Huaxia Club, his situation was not very good due to the abundance of Huaxia masters, probably due to the same illness. Although the two were in different teams, their relationship became closer and closer.

"What's the matter, Xiao Yuan?" Hearing the hoarse voice of the young man on the phone, as if he had been crying, Lin Yao couldn't help being very surprised, "Did someone bully you?"

"Nothing." Yuan Xi sniffed and asked, "How are you doing?"

"It's still the same, staying in the team training every day. Where are you? Why did I hear a lot of rain?"

"Oh, it's raining here in Shanghai." Yuan Xi ran to a shelter from the rain, put down the suitcase, picked up her phone and asked, "Are you training? Isn't the Miracle Alliance on vacation?"

"We are old friends, so I won't hide it from you." Lin Yao always had a warm smile in his voice, "You know the game of Dubu Jianghu, right? Huaxia Club has also settled in, and I'm bored this afternoon. I went to the arena to play ranked, and I met a guy named 'Broken Soul', who played tricks very well, and won five kills in one go, I guess that person is you, right?"

"… "afternoon? He was really excited to lead his players to play in rankings, and he did get pentakills in one game, but he no longer had any memory of who the opponent was.

"Xuewei and Xiaochen are with you, right? I can tell."

"Ah, that's right, the few of us are playing solo queue." Now that the old friend recognized him, Yuan Xi simply admitted it.

"I didn't expect to see you again after changing the project. I just called you and I'm here too. See you next year."

"Oh, good." Yuan Xi was silent for a moment, and then realized, "By the way, what is your name in the game? Add me as a friend, and we can play together in the future."

"Your name is Yuqihua, I have already sent a friend request, but your account is offline, are you outside right now?"

"Well... buy something."

"Then you go, I heard the rain is getting louder, don't get wet."

"Okay." Yuan Xi hung up the phone, finally feeling a little warm in her cold heart.

— No matter how bad he is, he still has friends. Qiu Zongping looks down on him, but he can't look down on himself.

The Oriental Pearl Tower on the opposite side of the square is the place where he and Qiu Zongping came together. Taking the elevator up, you can also see the bustling landscape of Shanghai. Now that it was raining heavily, there were still some tourists from other places holding umbrellas to take pictures in the square. Yuan Xi stood silently in the corner with her head down, thinking about her thoughts, completely ignoring the curious eyes of passers-by.


Qiu Zongping drove the car and searched all the places where Yuan Xi might go, but still found nothing, and finally came to the vicinity of the Pearl Tower with a glimmer of hope. From a distance, he saw a young man shivering in a corner with a muddy suitcase beside him. The guy was drenched, dressed very thinly, his hair was hanging down over his forehead, and his chin was still dripping.

He stood there alone with his head bowed, forming a stark contrast with the bustling tourists around him. Looking at him like that, he felt an indescribably lonely look.

Qiu Zongping quickly found a place to park the car, and ran over quickly with an umbrella.

Yuan Xi heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, and finally stopped in front of him. A pair of leather shoes appeared in his sight, which were covered with water stains; the hems of his trousers were also soaked in water, obviously because he walked too fast, but Above the knees, the trousers are meticulous, and the shirt is tied around the waist by a black belt, showing a neat waist line, a perfect figure with wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, and a...handsome but serious face.

Looking up and seeing this face, Yuan Xi immediately stood up like a cat that has stepped on a sore foot, picked up her luggage, turned around and left.

"Yuan Xi!" Qiu Zongping stretched out his hand to hold his arm, "How old are you, and you still run away from home?"

"..." Yuan Xi's eyes were red, she turned her head and stared fiercely at the other party, gritted her teeth and said, "Qiu Zongping, don't you think you're taking things too far?!"

"Come back with me first." Qiu Zongping put the umbrella on top of his head, and his voice softened, "Let's talk when we go back, don't catch a cold."

"What are you talking about? Yuan Xi is not strong enough. Find an excuse to coax him and let Zhou Xuewei replace him as the captain?" Yuan Xi repeated Qiu Zongping's words, and said with a sneer, "Qiu Zongping, listen! My Yuan Xi is not as smart as you, not as stable as you, not as good as you, and not as popular as you—but, I will never stab someone in the back!"

"..." Seeing his red eyes almost biting, Qiu Zongping suddenly fell silent.

"I have never said a bad word about you in front of anyone! I have a straight temper. I can say whatever I want, and I can do whatever I want. I don't understand your reasoning around! You look down on me. Me, you think I'm bad, you can tell me directly, or even tell me to leave! But, you go to the manager to sue me, this way is really despicable! I thought, although we are not friends, But at least Moshen brought him out of the training camp together, and they have been friends for three years... "

"In the past three years, I have been your partner and your green leaf honestly. If I had known that you looked down on me so much, why would I have to be a bitch and stay in the Fengse team?"

"Qiu Zongping, I didn't expect you to look at me like this... Don't worry, I won't go back to the Fengse club. You look down on me so much. No matter how bad I am, Yuan Xi, I still have a little shame. Don't wait, you don't need to go to such lengths to find a sponsor to act in, just let Zhou Xuewei be the captain!"

It was raining heavily, and streams of water flowed down Yuan Xi's face, and it was unclear whether it was rain or tears.

He looked very sad, Qiu Zongping had never seen him so sad...

He gave Qiu Zongping a hard look, then dragged his suitcase and quickly turned around to leave, looking at his thin back drenched in the rain made people feel distressed.

Qiu Zongping quickly caught up with him and stopped when he saw him entering a hotel.

— Did you really hurt him this time

In fact, the moment Zhou Xuewei said that Yuan Xi might know, Qiu Zongping realized that he had made a big mistake.

His starting point was originally for Yuan Xi's good. There are so many strong teams in the world and the situation is complicated. With Yuan Xi's IQ, if he really becomes the captain, not only the future of the Fengse team is worrying, Yuan Xi himself will also be very difficult. He didn't want to see Yuan Xi face the bombardment of the reporters and the cynicism of the netizens every day, and he didn't want the innocent Yuan Xi to be bullied again and again by those unpredictable captains.

Qiu Zongping knew best what it was like to be the captain.

In the past few years as the captain, he has to stay up until the early morning every day. Other players only need to complete the daily training tasks. Then look for new breakthroughs. And often countless brain cells died, and the tactics that came up with staying up all night for a week, but the game was lost, reporters and fans would swarm to question the captain's decision-making.

The captain needs to bear too much.

Yuan Xi's IQ is not high enough, his personality is simple, and he is impulsive, making him the captain is simply torturing him.

Qiu Zongping originally thought that if Xuewei was appointed as the conductor, all this could be easily solved.

But he forgot that bypassing Yuan Xi himself to find the manager was indeed no different from stabbing Yuan Xi in the back. What's more, Yuan Xi heard it with her own ears...

Qiu Zongping really had no way to refute Yuan Xi's scolding, which made Qiu Zongping feel ashamed.

——Yuan Xi is a bit stupid, but his nature is very kind.

When Qin Mo left the team, he didn't hand over the vice-captain to him as he expected. Yuan Xi never blamed Qin Mo these years, but missed Qin Mo very much, saying "I don't know where Moshen went" from time to time. He didn't inherit Qin Mo's style of play, and had a dispute with Qin Mo because of his different ideas, but he always regarded Qin Mo as an idol in his heart. He is straight-hearted, a little silly, and easy to deceive, but he never thought of hurting others in the past. He just stubbornly wants to prove himself, and wants to lead a team to the unique Jianghu to do a great job and prove that he is no worse than Qiu Zongping .

In fact, what did he do wrong? His biggest mistake was that he didn't recognize his own strength, and was too eager to prove himself.

Compared with Yuan Xi's simplicity and straightforwardness, how much better would it be to intervene and let the manager change the captain

The cold rain hit Qiu Zongping's body, making his heart throbbing with pain.

This time he messed things up, he didn't want to hurt Yuan Xi at all.

Recently, he has always been restless, and the fact that Moshen came back made him feel the strong pressure Fengse was facing, so he didn't think it through for a while.

In his heart, Yuan Xi is a very important person. They walked out of the training camp together and experienced the most difficult years of Team Fengse together. How could he look down on this good friend who talked about the future with him when he was young

Not only did he not look down on Yuan Xi, but he cared about Yuan Xi very much, so he didn't want this silly boy to be wronged in the future.

In the end, it was he who stabbed the opponent severely, which made Qiu Zongping feel extremely uncomfortable.

He kept staring at Yuan Xi's back until Yuan Xi finished check-in at the front desk of the hotel and took the luggage into the elevator, Qiu Zongping didn't look away.

Qiu Zongping took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone and called the manager: "Manager, I'm returning to the team now, and I have something to discuss with you."