The King’s Return

Chapter 11: Discuss again


Qin Mo had a very strange intuition in his heart—this "Thousand Miles of Frozen" was too similar to Xiao Han.

Although he doesn't have any language problems in typing now, and his Chinese seems to be relatively fluent, but the matchup yesterday always reminded Qin Mo of his youth.

He was only seventeen years old at the time, and he was the direct apprentice of Captain Feng Se. Xiao Han was half a year older than him, and was the apprentice of Captain Canglan. Their masters were close friends, and he and Xiao Han also got to know each other well because of this. The masters are usually too busy, and the two young apprentices compete in online games every day. Xiao Han has grown from a rookie to an excellent professional player, and Qin Mo has contributed a lot as his "sparing partner". Qin Mo naturally knows Xiao Han's personal style like the back of his hand.

In yesterday's game, Qianli Bingfeng's flexible positioning and overwhelmingly fast pursuit methods were completely replicas of Xiao Han.

What's more, the phrase "thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting" comes from "Qinyuanchun·Snow", which was taught by Qin Mo to Xiao Han.

If this person is really Xiao Han, then he must bring the club's newcomers to the game to train for next year's professional league. This can also explain why yesterday in the treasure secret realm of Leisure Villa, when the captain lost, the other team members did not have any opinions. Follow quickly to retreat.

In yesterday's fight, he should be able to guess that Mohen is a professional master, but he certainly wouldn't think that Mohen is Qin Mo.

First, Qin Mo has been away from the e-sports circle for three full years, and he did not tell anyone when he came back this time; In the new game, the swordsman is played instead, and the style of play is very different from the past. Even if the master himself is present, he may not be able to recognize him.

Of course, the operator behind the "thousand miles of ice" is Xiao Han. This is just Qin Mo's feeling and speculation, and there is no real evidence.

Regardless of whether this speculation is right or wrong, Qin Mo doesn't want anyone to know his identity for the time being.

The sun is gradually rising, and the scenery of Qingcheng Mountain is beautiful. Looking down from the top of the mountain, the field of vision will be wider than that on the flat ground, and there will also be subtle differences in field of vision between "looking down" and "looking up" in the game, just like the real world.

Qin Mo was carefully calculating the difference in field of view from high to low. At this moment, a system message popped up in front of his eyes—Xiashi [Qianli Frozen] asked to compete with you. Do you agree

Qin Mo asked suspiciously: "Do you want to compete again?"

Qianli Frozen: "I just learned a new skill, let's try it out."

Mohen, "You can go to the gate of the city to drive stakes."

Qianli Frozen: "The wooden stake won't move, and it won't move easily like you."

Mohen: "So? You want to use me as a test case for new skills?"

"Yeah." Qianli Bingfeng's answer was very blunt, "You also learned the new skill at level 30, right? Why don't you try the actual combat effect?"

Looking at the sparring application that popped up in front of him again, Qin Mo hesitated for a moment, and finally pressed "Agree".

—As the other party said, he also just learned a new skill at level 30, just to try out the actual combat effect.

The sparring started, and a 5-second countdown appeared on the screen. After the countdown was over, Qin Mo immediately unleashed a silent combo of swords and swords.

It stands to reason that if this combo continues, all hostile targets within the fan-shaped range in front of them will be silenced by the group for 3 seconds.

But Qianli Bingfeng was not under his control.

In the first match yesterday, he was caught off guard and seamlessly controlled by the opponent. As a professional player, it is impossible for Xiao Han to make the same mistake a second time. Today, he raised his vigilance during the battle. When he saw Mohen's move, he immediately operated Facing the thousands of miles of ice, he quickly retreated, narrowly avoiding the arc-shaped attack range drawn by the ink mark, and also successfully avoiding the silence control.

Qin Mo was not surprised by this. After all, the opponent is a master, and it is not so easy to control him twice with the same routine.

Seeing him retreating, Qin Mo was not in a hurry to pursue him. Instead, he cautiously kept a distance from him, and launched several mid-range group attacks with Sword Tianya in a row, slowly draining the opponent's HP.

Qianli Bingfeng's blood volume was quickly hit to 80%, and Xiao Han finally started to fight back—

The assassin not far away suddenly split into three black shadows, rushing towards Mohen from the left, right and middle directions at the same time!

The positions of the three afterimages seem to be chaotic, but a master can tell that such a position is actually the most difficult to find flaws. The black afterimages that move quickly like ghosts and ghosts are dazzling, making people unable to tell the real from the fake. , let alone the direction of his attack.

Before Qin Mo had time to react, one of the shadows had come quietly behind him—

The sharp dagger pierced Mohen's heart in an instant, and Mohen's blood volume dropped to 70% directly!

Then, the three afterimages around him suddenly disappeared, and not far away, the assassin in black was standing there calmly, as if he had just watched a good show.

Qin Mo: "..."

Split out the afterimage to attack quickly, and then return to the original position in an instant. I have to say that his operation is very handsome, and the effect of this skill is also very shocking.

But Qin Mo will not admit defeat. The newly learned skill "Jian Yi Wushuang" has a very long attack range, and the opponent's position is just within its attack range. Qin Mo did not hesitate to press the skill "Wisdom of Sword", and saw that the sharp sword in his hand suddenly flew out straight and straight towards the black-clothed assassin not far away!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han immediately manipulated Qianli Bingfeng to move left and right to avoid this skill, but to his surprise, the sharp sword kept chasing him and quickly hit his chest!

—It turned out to be a lock skill.

With the sound of the sharp blade piercing the flesh, a cloud of blood burst out of Qianli's frozen chest, and the blood volume dropped by 30%. It can be seen that the damage caused by this locked-in pursuit skill is quite considerable.

After the pursuit was over, the long sword returned to Mohen's hands as if it had a spirituality.

—The long sword flies out to stab the target and then quickly returns to the owner's hand. The effect of this skill looks very beautiful.

Xiao Han stopped Qianli Bingfeng, typed quickly and asked, "Is this a new swordsman level 30 skill?"

Seeing that the opponent had no intention of continuing to fight, Qin Mo also stopped, and replied: "Sword Intent Wushuang, chasing and locking the target, and cannot be dodged."

Xiao Han praised: "This skill is easy to use, and the locked attack can harvest bloody heads in the arena."

"That's right." Qin Mo asked, "What's your skill?"

"Assassin's level 30 skill Qiandeng Ghost Step." Xiao Han replied, "Increase the agility attribute, and split into afterimages to attack the enemy."

"How many afterimages can be split at most?"

"Theoretically, you can continue to divide, but this skill only lasts for 3 seconds, and people with slow hands have no time to divide too much."

"With your speed, how many can you separate?"

"At present, I can control three of them proficiently. The field of view of this game is very limited, and I'm still practicing." Xiao Han said honestly.

"Does the afterimage have to return to its original position after attacking the target?" Qin Mo was a little curious about the setting of this skill.

"You can also choose not to return to the original position, but to teleport to the position where one of the afterimages is." Xiao Han explained seriously, "This skill is very flexible to operate. The afterimage of Qiandeng Ghost Step splits, cooperates with the pursuit of the flying moon and flying stars , can complete long-distance movement in an instant, making up for the short attack distance of assassins."

"It seems that the dagger-style assassins in this game are different from the melee assassins in other games, and are better at fast-moving combat?"

"Yes. The attack distance can be close or far, and there are many displacement skills."

"The operation is also more complicated, right?"

"Well, if you don't react fast enough, you will be stunned by yourself."

The two chatted and began to analyze the data and application skills of various skills, just like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

As soon as the new members of the Dragon Yin Club went online, they saw such a strange scene——

On a sunny morning, in a clearing on the top of Mount Qingcheng, a white-clothed swordsman pointed his sword straight at the opponent's chest, while a black-clothed assassin's dagger hidden behind his back also gleamed with terrifying blood. Both of them were in a state of residual blood, obviously after a fierce battle, but at this moment, their movements stopped, and instead of continuing to fight, they stood there chatting as if there was no one else around.

Mohen: "The judging system of combo skills is very complicated. When there are more skills in the later stage, this system needs to be studied in depth."

Thousand Miles of Frozen: "The public cooling time will affect the combo, and people with slow speed can't hit the combo at all."

Mohen: "Have you figured out any rules?"

Thousand Miles of Frozen: "The system judges that there will be an error range of 0.2 seconds. As long as the next skill is hit within this range, the combo can continue."

Mohen: "It's the same as I calculated."

Seeing that the topics they were talking about were very high-end, the newcomers didn't dare to speak, and could only watch them chatting silently.

After a while, Qin Mo found that several familiar IDs appeared around Qianli Frozen. They were the ones he saw in the treasure dungeon of Leisurely Villa yesterday. Obviously, his teammates had woken up and went online—from four people At the same time, from the online point of view, the speculation that they are in the same club can also be tenable.

Qin Mo tactfully changed the subject: "Your teammate is here."

Xiao Han looked back and found that the newcomers had already sat down obediently in the training room, waiting for his arrangement. I looked down at my watch. At 8:30 in the morning, it was the agreed meeting time last night. To Xiao Han's surprise, he didn't hear the footsteps of the newcomers entering the training room, nor did he notice a group of teammates appearing behind Qianli Bingfeng in the game.

— This is obviously due to being too involved in the chat just now.

It's been a long, long time since he has met someone who can chat with him so speculatively.

In the past few years in the team, as the captain, he has always kept his word, and no one dared to refute his opinion. In addition, he usually seldom talks, and there are very few people who can chat with him.

But today, he actually said so many things to Mohen in the online game.

There are many interesting discoveries in the new game, and he is willing to share them with each other. And the other party also told him a lot of experience about the field of vision, which is exactly what he needs most at present.

—What I want to say is exactly what the other party wants to ask; but what I want to ask is what the other party will say next.

— It's like an old friend I've known for many years.

This strange tacit understanding made Xiao Han feel very comfortable chatting with the other party, and even reminded him of the past when he talked with Qin Mo all night when he was young.

If it weren't for a few teammates who came online, it is very likely that he would chat with Mohen at the top of the mountain all morning.

As the first VR real-view game in China, Dubujianghu has too many unknown things to explore. It is a rare blessing to meet a friend with first-class consciousness to study together.

If it's just playing online games, maybe he and Mohen can slowly study the details of the game while looking at the scenery. It's a pity that the burden on Xiao Han's shoulders is not light. The Longyin Club entered Dubujianghu too late. He must use the fastest speed to study this game thoroughly, and select a group of outstanding newcomers from the training camp to form a team. A brand new team to deal with next year's professional league full of masters.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han sent a private chat message: "I'm going to level up, let's talk later."

Mohen said: "Me too, goodbye."

Xiao Han casually sent a friend request, this time, the other party did not refuse.

Looking at the first name "Mohen" that appeared in the friend list, Xiao Han felt a little happy, sent the other party a smiling expression, and led the team to leave Qingcheng Mountain.