The King’s Return

Chapter 111: Arena audition


In the blink of an eye, December 1st came, and the competition server officially opened at 10:00 am.

In the audition stage, you only need to go online during the opening time of the game server and complete the ten games of the day. The official has given players full freedom.

Naturally, all the members of Team Mojue went online at ten o'clock and logged into the competition server.

Shen He was the most excited. He waited for a while at the Zhuge Family's mechanism stream, and a prompt popped up on the screen—you have been matched with an opponent, do you want to enter the competition room

Do you still need to ask? Shen He immediately pressed "Yes". After entering the room, he found that the venue for the audition stage was the simplest "Mingzhou City Arena". The two contestants competed on a huge red drum. The red drum was round , with a diameter of more than 50 meters and a height of about 5 meters, you can jump down when you reach the edge, and of course there is a ladder next to it to climb up.

The opponent's ID is "Zhuge Xiaobenben", and the upper left corner shows that both of them have 0 wins and 0 losses.

Shen He took the initiative to type a line on the arena channel: "Hello!"

The opponent was the first opponent he met during the game, and he thought it would be better to say hello to the opponent. As a result, as soon as the greeting was finished, a prompt popped up on the screen—because "Little Zhuge Benben" was disconnected, the game was automatically judged to be "Drunk Drinking Jianghe" as the winner.

Shen He was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, he was directly sent back to the waiting queue by the system.

A moment later, he was matched into a room again. The opponent ID was "I'm not a Summoner", with a record of 0 wins and 0 losses.

Shen He typed: "Hello!"

System prompt: Since the opponent "I'm not a Summoner" is offline, "Drunken River" is automatically judged to win this game.

Shen He: "..."

What is lying to win? This is the real lie to win!

Sitting next to him, Liu Xiang almost died of laughter when he saw this scene, and couldn't help but said, "Xiaohe, your greeting is really poisonous, as soon as you say hello, your opponent will be disconnected."

Li Muran said: "This sentence is a curse for disconnection."

"I don't want to either!" Shen He scratched his head helplessly, pressed ready, and continued to enter the third game. This time he didn't dare to type any more, in case the other party would be disconnected again as soon as he typed. He honestly summoned four machine chariots to surround the opponent, but the opponent directly pressed surrender.

— Can you still play games happily? !

Shen He, who won three rounds in a row, was not happy at all, Li Muran said: "After all, it is an audition."

Liu Xiang also said: "There are all kinds of messy situations during the audition stage, you can finish ten rounds first and then talk about it."

Shen He nodded and continued to enter the competition queue.

In the fourth round, he finally met a slightly normal opponent. Shen He deliberately slowed down the pace. As a result, although the opponent played very seriously, his level was really bad. Shen He won in half a minute.

Just when Shen He won six rounds in a row and silently complained about the low level of the audition, Qin Mo next door suddenly stood up from his seat, took a cup and went out calmly to pour coffee.

Shen He was surprised: "Master, if you leave for more than five minutes and don't respond, you will be kicked offline by the system!"

Qin Mo said calmly: "It's okay, I've finished the fight."

Shen He opened his mouth wide: "Huh? Finished ten rounds so quickly?!"

Qin Mo nodded, left a word "um" and went out to pour coffee. Then, Xiao Han also stood up, followed behind Qin Mo, and said, "I'm done too."

After a few seconds, Liu Hong also stretched his arms and said, "It's over, let's go back to the arena to play ranked."

Everyone: "..."

The newcomers suddenly felt a lot of pressure, and immediately slowed down their movements.

Winning ten games in a row in just six minutes? Moshen, Hanshen, and Sister Hong are not here to play games, but to chop vegetables, right

In the tea room, Qin Mo looked back at Xiao Han and asked, "You want to follow me when I pour coffee?"

Xiao Han shrugged, with an innocent look on his face: "I happen to be thirsty too."

Qin Mo said, "Then do you want to follow me to the toilet?"

Xiao Han thought for a while and said, "That's not necessary, I'm not in a hurry for now."

Qin Mo suppressed a smile and made the coffee, Yi took a sip by the door, looked at Xiao Han's back as he walked over to fetch the hot water, and said flatly, "The audition is really boring, the ten rounds just now were very boring."

Xiao Han said: "There are so many applicants, and the audition will last at least a week, so let's use it as an exercise."

Qin Mo nodded, and asked while drinking coffee, "Do you think Pei Yu, He Beiguang and Shen He are likely to enter the final?"

Xiao Han made the tea, turned his head to meet Qin Mo's gaze, and said seriously: "At present, Xiaohe has made the fastest progress, but the Zhuge family has a lot of masters, and he needs some luck to reach the final."

Qin Mo frowned slightly: "Among the people who came to see me in the game that day, Qiu Zongping was included. His account was only level ten at the time. At first I thought he just came to see me with a small account, but later He said that he would personally lead the team in the Dubu Jianghu, and since that day, Zhao Xingchen’s account has not been logged in again, which means that the Fengse Club has exchanged captains, Xiaochen will return to the Miracle to lead the team, and Qiu Zongping will be in the Dubu Jianghu with Yuan Xi. Form a double summoner combination."

At the time, Xiao Han also thought that Qiu Zongping was using a trumpet to cooperate with Zhao Xingchen and the others to set off fireworks, but he didn't expect that Qiu Zongping's trumpet had been upgraded to the full level, and he had created a full-body gold outfit, and he played with Yuan Xi, Xuewei and the others. The qualifying match was interrupted - it was obvious that the captain of the Wind Color Club had made adjustments.

Fengse's manager is not like Liu Chuan, because he has no experience as an e-sports player, and he doesn't think enough about many things. Before Yuan Xi was asked to lead the team, Yuan Xi must have promised him that he would get good results, plus Yuan Xi Personal strength is really good, so he gave Yuan Xi this opportunity. Now it is the wisest decision to listen to Qiu Zongping's opinion and replace the captain.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han couldn't help but worry and said: "Since Xiao Qiu is also here, the goal you set for Shen He will be more difficult to achieve. If Shen He can't enter the top three, what are you going to do?"

Qin Mo was silent for a moment, and then said: "If he really can't do it, it is also an opportunity for him to grow up, and I will still take him to see the master."

Xiao Han smiled and said, "You just have a soft heart."

Facing his gentle gaze, Qin Mo looked away uncomfortably, lowered his head and took a sip of coffee, and said lightly: "Shen He was rejected by all the clubs before, he needs more encouragement, I let him enter the top three It’s just to give him a goal to strive for, it doesn’t mean that if he can’t get into the top three, I won’t recognize him as an apprentice.”

Xiao Han's gaze became softer, he gently wrapped his arms around Qin Mo's shoulders and said, "Don't worry, the little monkey won't let you down." He paused, and then said, "As for Pei Yu and He Beiguang, I feel There is still hope for Pei Yu to enter the finals, but He Beiguang is a bit dangerous. He happens to be playing the big sword style of Frenzied Swordsman. It is really difficult for He to squeeze in."

Qin Mo said: "I've thought about this a long time ago. He Beiguang only needs to protect the front row during team battles. I don't have much expectation for his single-handed ability. Let him participate this time. It's an experience."

The two chatted in the tea room for a while before turning around and going back to the training room together.

The others have also finished their games. Qin Mo checked their records, and they all won all ten games.

After the first day of competition, half of the people who were too bad were directly eliminated.

In the next few days, everyone did not encounter any particularly difficult opponents. Since the winning rate of the day must exceed 50% to enter the next stage, after summarizing the record of the day every night, the system will send a message to a large number of players who do not meet the requirements to inform them that they will be eliminated.

For example, the number of applicants for the Long Sword Stream of the Hanhua Sword Sect was originally more than 10,000, but more than 5,000 were canceled on the first day, 2,500 were canceled on the second day, and half were eliminated on the third day—the speed of the registration was ruthless.

After a few days like this, thousands of registered players from each genre were gradually eliminated to only a few dozen players.

The level of the people who survived the audition to the later stage is not bad, but it is not difficult for the Mojue team to achieve a 50% winning rate.

Every day we persist, we are one step closer to the rematch.

It was not until the players of each genre were eliminated to only 16 players that the official announcement was made—the rematch officially began.

The rematch is a random grouping. Sixteen players are divided into four groups of ABCD to play round robin. Each group has four players. One point is counted for winning a game, and no points are deducted for losing. Finally, they are sorted by points, and the top two in each group will enter the next round. round. In the second round of the rematch, there will be a cross-knockout match. The first place in Group A will play against the second place in Group C. Groups B and D will cross each other. The winner will enter the national finals.

This group round robin mode is consistent with the rules of many international sports competitions, and it avoids accidents that allow masters to be eliminated early as much as possible.

In the group stage, Qin Mo also felt strong pressure.

The sixteen players who stood out from the national audition were either professional players from major teams or folk masters.

For example, among the sixteen members of the Hanhua Sword Sect Changjianliu entering the semi-finals, there are at least two from the Jiange team, one of which is Song Changdong who was sent by Qin Mo himself; , and the other IDs came from other regions. Although Qin Mo didn't know them, they must be very powerful.

December 12th happened to be the weekend, and under the anticipation of countless people, the rematch finally officially started.

Due to too many round-robin matches in the first stage of the group stage, the official will only select some of them to broadcast live. Dubu Jianghu officially created a dedicated event live broadcast channel on a well-known domestic e-sports live broadcast platform. Since there has been no live broadcast in the audition stage, now it is finally possible to watch the live broadcast in the top 16 group stage. Many players who did not participate are also very excited to run Come join in the fun. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the number of online viewers had quickly exceeded six figures, and when the game officially started at ten o'clock, the number of online audiences was approaching one million.

For the first live broadcast in the morning, the Guqin school of Luoying Valley was selected. The competition between "Xiaofeng Wanyue" from Yulou Chunxiao Gang in Netcom District and "Flowing Water Ruthless", a master in the third district of China Telecom, has many fans on both sides, and the live broadcast platform shouted and cheered. The barrage was swiping all over the screen.

Qin Mo was not scheduled to compete at this time, and happened to watch it on the live broadcast platform. Liushui Wuqing is not weak, but Xiaofeng Canyue is stronger. He suppresses his opponent with continuous sonic group attacks and plays quite fiercely. In the end, Xiaofeng Canyue won the game within three minutes. A group of fans in the barrage are worshiping Xiaofeng. Master Xiao.

Then there was a live broadcast of a Zhuge family bone fan game. While watching the game, Qin Mo observed the players' stats, cheats, equipment configuration, and move patterns.

Bone fan style is a pure melee combat style. When the bone fan is closed, you can use the sharp thorns at the tip of the fan to directly stab the opponent, causing a large amount of single-target damage; The effect is controlled, and at the same time, the fan can be cut horizontally, and the sharp thorns on the fan bone can be used to cut the opponent's throat, causing the "bleeding" effect.

Among all the melee classes, Bone Fan is a pure single violent melee, without any group attack skills, but it is very powerful in stunning the core and killing people in a single shot.

In this round, a player with the ID "Yellow River Flowing into the Sea" won the game. Qin Mo checked his information and found that he was from the Shuangyue Gang in the third district of Telecom.

Immediately afterwards, the e-sports platform broadcast another match in Group A of the Xuanbing Palace Long Whip Stream.

Because Liu Hong is in the team, Qin Mo understands Xuanbing Palace Shuanghuanliu's style of play very well. But long whip players have only seen a few in qualifying matches, and Qin Mo doesn't have a deep understanding of this genre. Now that it's the rematch stage, it's a real master's duel. Of course, Qin Mo should take the opportunity to watch the live broadcast of the game and analyze it carefully.

The style of play of this genre is quite domineering, the attack distance is long, and the use of long whips is also quite flexible. The fan-shaped sweep of the whip can cause a lot of group attack damage. When you want to take single control, you can also wrap a person with the whip and throw the opponent to the designated position. If the core is thrown far away, it will instantly destroy the opponent's formation.

Qin Mo only watched it for half a minute before coming to a conclusion—this match was obviously a duel between top players. The two players' positioning and control of the field were impeccable. The green whip, the weapons of the two are not the same, the long whip is flying all over the sky, the scene is extremely exciting.

Online netizens are also frantically swiping their screens: "Group A of Xuanbing Palace is simply the group of death!!" "The two masters of Shuangyue are all in Group A, and they will fight civil war ahead of time!" That would be embarrassing!" "Little junior sister, come on, kill your senior brother!"

Is it Dian San's Frost Moon Gang again

Seeing this, Qin Mo couldn't help asking: "Ah Hong, do you know these two people, Jiangshui Three Thousand Miles, and what year is it?"

Liu Hong happened to be watching the live broadcast of the game, and when he heard the captain's question, he replied: "I have heard that the two masters of the Xuanbing Palace's Long Whip Flow are both members of the Frost Moon Gang. This pair is often mentioned on the Xuanbing Palace sect forum. Brothers and sisters."

At present, Qin Mo only knows the situation of Telecom District 1 and China Netcom District 1. He doesn't know about the other three districts. Just now, a player from the Dian San Frost Moon Gang won the Bone Fan Liu competition, and his level is quite strong. Now there are two A master of Xuanbing Palace is fighting a civil war, this is definitely not an ordinary online game gang, it is likely to be a civilian team, or a team under a certain club

Are the two of Xuanbing Palace brothers and sisters? Whose apprentice will it be

Qin Mo thought about it carefully, and asked, "Among other competitions, are there any masters who can play the long whip well?"

Xiao Han said: "The style of long-whip flow requires long-distance displacement to control the field. Use the whip to throw people to the desired position. The angle and distance must be mastered. It seems that the Miracle Alliance does not match it?"

Qin Mo is also very familiar with Miracle, so he naturally knows that there is no corresponding occupation in the game Miracle, but since these two people are called brothers and sisters, it means that there must be expert guidance behind them. Thinking of this, Qin Mo looked back at Liu Hong: "Are there any in Wulin?"

Liu Hong lowered his head and thought about it carefully, and suddenly said excitedly: "That's right! Wulin and Dubu Jianghu are games developed by the same production company, and there will be similarities in the design of certain genres. Wulin's Five Poison Schools , there is indeed a strong field control style of 'Poison Whip Flow'!"

Neither Xiao Han nor Qin Mo knew about the situation of the martial arts professional league, but of course Liu Hong knew better.

Qin Mo immediately asked: "Have you thought of the corresponding great god?"

Liu Hong nodded and said: "Back then, there was a master named Su Shilun from the Five Poisons sect. He and Shaolin sect player Xiao Sijing jointly established the Seven Star Grass Club. Xiao Sijing is as famous a player as Liu Chuan from Longyin. You guys You must have heard of it, right?"

Xiao Han said: "Not only have I heard about this great god, but I have also met this great god. He and Liu Chuan are both standing directors of the e-sports league. Once the e-sports league held a meeting in Changsha, Liu Chuan invited this old friend to the Longyin Club as a guest. At that time, he knew that my surname was Xiao, so he asked me where my ancestral home was. Liu Chuan laughed at him and said, "Don't misidentify relatives, Xiao Han is a mixed race, so it must have nothing to do with your old Xiao family." Because of this, I also asked me Where is my father's ancestral home, my father said it was in Nanjing."

Qin Mo: "..."

I still remember that when Xiao Han asked him about his ancestral home, he seriously asked "what does ancestral home mean", so it seems that Xiao Han deliberately pretended not to understand? !

Xiao Han didn't realize that he had slipped the tongue, and continued to chat with Liu Hong: "You mean, the pair of brothers and sisters in Xuanbing Palace today are players of the Seven Star Grass Club?"

"It must be!" Liu Hong nodded firmly, "Su Shilun, the first-generation vice-captain of Seven Star Grass, has taken in an apprentice named Xue Ke, who is the most powerful player in the Long Whip Stream. After Xiao and Su retired, Xue Ke took over as the second-generation captain of the Seven Star Grass, and he brought many apprentices out. If I guessed correctly, the river is three thousand miles away, and when is today, it should be Xue Ke's big apprentice Chen Jiang and young apprentice He Yue. This pair of brothers and sisters play similarly, and they cooperate very tacitly, I have played against them when I was playing in Wulin."

Qin Mo: "..."

I really didn't expect that the game of Dubu Jianghu actually brought together masters from the two major professional leagues, Miracle and Martial Arts!

The Seven Star Grass Club has always been the strong rival of the Longyin Club, and their intention of sending this pair of senior brothers and sisters to the unique arena is obvious - this is to fight for the championship!

This round of civil war in Xuanbing Palace was very fierce and stalemate. The blood volume of both sides was still unable to draw apart. In addition, there were many similarities in the way of fighting between the two. Qin Mo was almost sure that Liu Hong's guess was correct. Among the new generation of Seven Star Grass players, there are quite a few powerful ones. This pair of brothers and sisters were selected by the club and sent to Dubujianghu. It seems that they will be the core lineup of the Frost Moon team. One whip is enough, two whips roll back and forth, the ability to destroy the opponent's formation is quite terrifying, and the "Yellow River Flowing into the Sea" who just won the group stage, the bone fan in his hand is superb, just can use double whips to control Looking for an opportunity to kill the opponent's core with a single point in the front row.

At the live broadcast, the match was played for ten minutes and the winner was finally decided. In the end, the "Three Thousand Miles of River Water" with a green poisonous whip killed the junior sister and won.

After winning the group stage, he typed a few words on the public screen: "Waiting for you in the final."

On the eve of this evening, He Nian posted a smiling face: "Okay, we can't lose in the next game!"

The river is three thousand miles away: "Come on."

There was also a row of "Little Junior Sister Come on" and "Little Junior Sister Kill Others to Meet Senior Brother in the Finals" on the screen. The barrage filled the screen, which shows how popular the two are in the third district of China Telecom.

When the senior brother actually directly typed "waiting for you in the final" on the public screen after winning the competition, it shows that he has full confidence in the strength of the junior sister, and believes that she can make it all the way to the final.

And based on the strength of these two, it is very possible that after the group stage, they will meet in the final.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo said, "Qingyue, can I trouble you with something?"

Zhu Qingyue smiled and said, "Why are you being so polite, just say it."

Qin Mo said: "Later, everyone else in Mo Jue has competition arrangements, so they can't watch the live broadcast. You can download all the videos on the live broadcast platform and save them. We need to carefully study these masters who have entered the semi-finals."

Zhu Qingyue nodded immediately: "Understood."

Xiao Han couldn't help but sighed: "Seven Star Grass is here too, it seems that next year's league will be very difficult!"

Qin Mo said: "It is really troublesome to control the field with two long whips. Since these two are the descendants of Xue Ke, the strength of the Frost Moon team will definitely rank among the top teams."

In addition, Qiu Zongping personally came to lead the team from Fengse, the players sent by clubs such as Huaxia and Guose Tianxiang are not bad, and there are also newly rising folk teams such as Jiange and Yulou Chunxiao... Although the Mo Jue team is luxuriously equipped, But it is not necessarily guaranteed to win next year's championship.

Shen He, who had been listening to everyone's gossip, suddenly interjected: "What are you afraid of! We have Twin Stars, Sister Hong, and Great Master Qing!"

Hearing this, everyone felt a lot of comfort in their hearts.

Although the players sent by other clubs are better than each other, Mo Jue's lineup is not bad.

If Gemini can win the championship this time, then Qin Mo and Xiao Han will have to accept the official invitation to go to the headquarters to collect the prizes. At that time, they will definitely meet the masters of the various sects. It is estimated that players from other teams When we see Gemini teaming up, we will definitely treat Team Mo Jue as the ultimate boss!