The King’s Return

Chapter 115: final list


Style Club, training room.

Qi Fei looked at the gray and white screen in front of him, and was very puzzled. In the game just now, he kept pressing Mohen to fight at the beginning, and Mohen started to fight back after being beaten to residual blood. In the end, he was beaten by a set of continuous control Dead, that is to say, the other party obviously has the strength to beat him to death in one go, why did he keep being beaten to lose blood at the beginning

Yuan Xi has a straight temper and can't hide things in his heart. Seeing Qi Fei scratching his head and thinking hard, he couldn't help reminding: "Can't you figure it out yet? He's asking you!"

Qi Fei had a ghostly expression on his face: "Why did he let me?"

Yuan Xi explained: "If he kills you with full health, how shameful you will be? You will be sprayed to death by netizens. He starts the game and let you hit the remaining blood in one breath. At least netizens will think that you two are about the same strength, you can fight He does what he does, and he can do what you do. Even though you lose in the end, you have a chance of winning during the game, right?"

This kind of argument is reasonable, if the opponent kills him immediately at the beginning of the game, he will definitely be called a rookie by the netizens without killing a drop of blood. But Qi Fei still couldn't figure it out: "Why did he save face for me?"

Zhou Xuewei said, "Many great players don't try their best when playing against rookies who are far behind in level. Back then, Maoshen met the charming little prince Qin Mo in an online game and let him do three tricks. In the end, he still Have you ever heard the rumor that you have lost nothing?"

Qi Fei nodded vigorously: "Of course I have heard that the cat god is a great god who is at the same time as the little prince's master. It is normal for masters to give up their apprentices, but why did Mohen let me? I am not his apprentice."

Yuan Xi really wants to tell the truth—because he is indeed your senior! He is our former vice-captain of Feng Se, Qiu Zongping was brought out by him, and you were brought out by Qiu Zongping. Strictly speaking, you are considered a disciple and grandchild. He just showed you a little favor when he saw Feng Se's newcomer. !

But at that time, Qin Mo had promised to keep it secret, so Yuan Xi had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

Qiu Zongping saw Qi Fei's bewildered expression, smiled, and said, "Xiao Qi, don't discuss why he showed mercy to you. In the match with Mohen just now, he killed your entire body." The whole process is a warning to you—don’t be in a hurry to use big moves when you encounter an opponent, don’t be in a hurry to attack, and pay attention to your back when running away, he taught you too much in this game, so go back and learn carefully.”

"Oh, I'll watch the video a few times after the group stage." Qi Fei scratched his head, then turned around and asked Yuan Xi, "Where did he come from?"

"Don't ask, anyway, it's an airborne giant god." Yuan Xi said in a serious tone.

"..." What is a giant? Qi Fei still didn't want to understand who the other party was, but the captain and Yuan Xi were so in awe of this person, it could be seen that the origin of this ink mark was not simple, maybe it was a famous senior god? Since he is a great master that the captain and the others are afraid of, it is normal to abuse a fledgling rookie like him. Qi Fei finally feels better when he thinks about it.

In the next match in Group C, two players, Yang Liuan and Qianli Yanbo, were far inferior to Qi Fei, and were killed by Qin Mo in one go. Qin Mo entered the next round of the quarterfinals as the number one in the group.

After losing to Mohen, Qi Fei won two rounds in a row with the idea of fighting to the death, and finally regained some confidence. As for the fact that Mo Hen showed mercy to his subordinates during the competition, only the first-class experts in the professional circle can see a clue. After qualifying for the quarterfinals, netizens also affirmed his strength, and some even thought that he lost to Mohen in the first game because he was too careless.

But Qi Fei knew very well that it wasn't that he was too careless, but that Mo Hen was too strong, and his level was still far behind that "giant".

Qi Fei, whose fighting spirit was fully aroused, turned around and watched the official live broadcast video several times in a row, from which he learned Mohen's positioning, combo skills, and the subtle operation of penetrating obstacles. Maybe this is what Mohen really wants to do? Let him learn the essence of the long sword style control style of play from the game.

— Yes, control!

The most important thing in the long sword style of play is to control the field, not to attack blindly.

As a branch of the Hanhua Sword Sect, the biggest difference between the long sword style and the short sword style is here. Although both are swordsmen, the short sword style is more inclined to short-distance explosive fast attack in close combat. If the long sword style players also attack blindly, what is the difference with the short sword

The most important thing in the long sword game is not how much damage you dealt, but whether you have achieved the most suitable control at the most suitable time.

This is true in the single player arena, and even more so in team battles.

The melee and fierce attack style is only suitable for rookies, and the key to master duels depends on field control.

Mo Hen took Qi Fei away in one go with his style of silence, deceleration, fixation, silence, continuous deceleration, and cross control, which can be regarded as a good lesson for Qi Fei. It's also because Qi Fei was accompanied by Qiu Zongping and Yuan Xi in the qualifying match before. Yuan Xi, who has a full pet attack, has already disabled his opponent in the back row. Qi Fei only needs to go forward to make up the knife. Rarely take the initiative to control the field to find opportunities for teammates, because Qiu Zongping will do this.

But after the duel with Mohen today, Qi Fei discovered that the field control of the long sword style is so terrible!

In the Mo Jue team, Mo Hen is obviously not the main attacker, he exists as a melee field controller, and the Assassin Qianli Bingfeng is the player with explosive output. In the future when it comes to team battles, if Team Qiu sends him on the field, he can't blindly burst output, but should take the initiative to control the field and help his teammates find opportunities.

After figuring this out, Qi Fei felt that his eyes suddenly became brighter, and he couldn't help chatting with Mohen privately in the game excitedly: "Giant God, thank you for your guidance!"

Qin Mo was very puzzled: "Giant God?"

Qi Fei said: "That's right! Yuan Xi said you are an airborne giant!"

"..." Qin Mo said helplessly, "Don't listen to Yuan Xi's nonsense, I'm not some giant god."

Qi Fei called with a row of adoring expressions: "I attacked too quickly at the beginning and was full of loopholes, and I didn't keep up with your rhythm of controlling the field in the later stage. I really didn't feel wronged at all when I lost today. Anyway, thank you for saving me some face. Let me not be sprayed like a dog by the netizens, hehe, although the netizens say that I have the strength to fight against you, and the loss is due to carelessness, but I know that my level is still far from yours!"

The little guy said "you" one by one, and he felt like he was calling himself old...

Qin Mo had no choice but to interrupt him: "You're welcome, your mentality is very good, keep going."

Qi Fei said: "Thank you Giant God!!"

From the conversation, it can be clearly seen that Mo Hen knows Yuan Xi, that is to say, he probably has some relationship with the Fengse Club. Thinking of this, Qi Fei's attitude becomes more respectful: "I will work hard, the gap between me and you is still It's far away! Now it's just an entertainment-type national arena, I still have time, I hope that after the official start of the professional league next year, I can do a few more tricks in your hands!"

Qi Fei sent a row of flowers and then withdrew them. Qin Mo also felt that this little guy was well educated by Qiu Zongping. If he lost a game, he would at least know how to reflect on himself and find reasons from himself. He obviously watched the video several times, and he has already cleverly found out the key points of the game's loss.

Unlike the boy who left Longyin, he never knew how to reflect on himself, and pushed all his mistakes onto others...

In other words, Xu Sizhe left indignantly at that time, with an expression of "you wait, I will come back for revenge", why has there been no movement until now? Thinking of this, Qin Mo couldn't help but ask: "Xiaohe, show me the list of summoner institutions that have entered the top eight. Is there anyone who is more like Xu Sizhe?"

All the competitions on Saturday are over, and the official website has announced the players who will enter tomorrow's quarter-finals. Hearing this, Shen He immediately opened the webpage, glanced at it, and read: "Those who entered the quarter-finals of the organ stream are ordinary people, broken souls, drunk Jianghe, Bai Guai, organ masters, Zhuge Qingshan, little white cats, and Qingyu case. "

The ordinary person is Qiu Zongping, with the most ordinary name and the most extraordinary strength. The broken soul is Yuan Xi, the drunk Jianghe is Shen He, and the remaining five don't have a name that is particularly similar to Xu Sizhe, and the little white cat can be completely ruled out——Xu Sizhe's disposition is impossible to take such a cute online name as "Little White Cat" , Little White Cat's winning rate is only 85%, so it should be a folk master who has reached the top eight in the audition.

According to the rules of the quarter-finals where groups A and C cross, and groups B and D cross, Shen He is the first in group B to qualify. The one with the lowest winning percentage in the quarterfinals, Qin Mo didn't have the slightest worry about Xiaohe winning him.


At ten o'clock in the morning of the next day, the quarter-finals officially began. The first thing to do was the mechanism game. In the round of Shen He VS Little White Cat, although Little White Cat was summoning pets in an orderly manner at the beginning, but after a few Compared with Shen He, a professional player who formally trained in May, there is still a big gap. Shen He played very hard, and finally won the knockout round in three minutes, and successfully squeezed into the semi-finals.

Half an hour later, the top eight knockout rounds of the organ stream were all over, and the list of the top four final rounds was finally released—Ordinary People, Broken Soul, Qingyu Case, and Drunken Jianghe.

Seeing the list, Xiao Han immediately said, "The Qingyu case is Xu Sizhe."

Qin Mo said, "Are you sure?"

Xiao Han nodded: "Well, from the live broadcast of the game just now, it can be seen that this person's style of play is fierce and violent, which is exactly the style of Xu Sizhe."

Xiao Han's understanding of Xu Sizhe is obviously deeper than Qin Mo's. Hearing this, Qin Mo immediately opened the official video replay area to watch the elimination round of the Qingyu case VS Bai Guai. The way of the car is to instantly kill the remaining blood opponents. This kind of violent and suppressing style of play can indeed see the shadow of the hostile boy. As Qin Mo expected, Xu Sizhe's talent is indeed good. After this period of tempering, his level is obviously much higher than before.

After entering the semi-finals, they will be divided into random groups to play the knockout round. The champion will have a special trophy and a school-customized figure, and the rewards of the other three are similar.

After the quarter-finals of the organ style, the next round was the knockout round of the jade flute genre. Since Pei Yu qualified as the second place in Group C, he happened to meet the No. 1 Changing Lantern in Group A in the knockout round. Changming Lantern is, after all, a highly popular and high-level guru of the Luoying Valley School, and the leader of the Yulou Chunxiao Gang. Pei Yu also had a lot of outstanding performances in the competition, but in the end he was defeated by Xie Changming.

Qin Mo had already expected this result. Pei Yu's group situation in this competition was not very good. In the group stage, there was a Chinese master in Group C. He qualified second in the group, and encountered the "Eternal Light" in the quarterfinals. A folk master with the ability to win the championship, unfortunately he failed to reach the final. However, Pei Yu's mentality is very good, and there is no trace of frustration on his face. After the game, he studied the video very seriously. Qin Mo believes that with his intelligence, he will definitely learn a lot from this group arena. , It is enough to lay a solid foundation for next year's official league.

In addition, Xiao Han, Qin Mo, and Liu Hong qualified as the first in the group, and they met the second place in the other group in the quarter-finals. All three of them won the competition smoothly and entered the semi-finals.

At this point, the rematch stage is all over, and the matchup list of the players who have entered the final round of the semi-finals of each major genre is also released on the official website soon.

——Hanhua Sword Sect, Mohen VS Da Jiangdong Going. It was a coincidence that in the first round of the final, Qin Mo faced Song Changdong, who was personally sent to the Sword Song team by him. Xiao Song is also strong enough. He successfully entered the semi-finals in the long-sword class of the Hanhua Sword School, which is full of masters. Lin Shuangcheng really realized the potential of this young man. My heart is also very comforted.

—Shuanghuan genre, three points of water VS endless. This "Boundless" player from the "Yulou Chunxiao" gang in the Netcom District was obviously trained by "Xiaofengwanyue" and "Eternal Light" to control the field in the front row. The trap control field and their remote rhythm ensemble can also form a fit The captain of the Yulou Chunxiao team has a very high tactical awareness.

—Dagger genre, thousands of miles of ice VS Qingshan is always there. "Qingshan is always there" comes from the Fengse Gang in the first district of Telecom. Qin Mo remembers that there was no assassin among the five Fengse when Yuan Xi led the team at the beginning. This should be brought by Qiu Zongping As a potential player, Qiu Zongping has a good vision, and the newcomers he cultivated will definitely not be too weak.

—Organ genre, Drunken Jianghe VS Sapphire case. Shen He actually faced Xu Sizhe in the final round.

Qin Mo also took a closer look at the list of other schools that entered the final round. Four players from Mo Jue entered the final round, players from known clubs such as Fengse, Huaxia, Guose Tianxiang, and Seven Star Grass, as well as Jiange and Yulou Chunxiao. There are also quite a few folk teams who have reached the finals; the Qingyu team uses umbrella formation, two black umbrella masters have entered the finals, and there is also a powerful front-line mad knife player who entered the final round.

To Qin Mo's surprise, apart from Xu Sizhe's summoner, the Jinghong Gang in the Netcom District also had an assassin of the Iron Claw genre who entered the finals. Xiao Han also met Jinghong's player "Xi Shui Murmur" in the group stage , I remember that the commentator Xiaoyou also mentioned that there would be many local tyrants in this gang. From this point of view, Jinghong should be the team formed by Xu Sizhe himself.

In addition, there is an unfamiliar guild name that has repeatedly appeared in front of Qin Mo's eyes—the Lihuo guild in the third district of Telecom. The "Scorching Sun" long sword masters have reached the finals, and their winning rate is a terrifying 100%. This guild obviously has an extraordinary background, but these players were not selected for the official live broadcast during the group stage, and Qin Mo hadn't had time to watch the recorded video, so he didn't know much about them.


For the next week, Qin Mo took Shen He over to give him key guidance.

In the past few months of training, because Qin Mo has been watching, Shen He has laid a solid foundation, and he has been able to flexibly control the field in the back row during qualifying. It's just that he still doesn't have a clear idea of some tactics for heads-up. Qin Mo specially trains for his weaknesses, and Shen He is very smart and masters them very quickly.

In the final round, the self-selected map mode was opened, and it was a knockout match with two wins out of three.

Qin Mo had a premonition that in order to clear Shen He's shame of killing him in the arena, Xu Sizhe would definitely choose some maps specifically for Shen He, so in terms of maps, he also made Shen He work hard.

A week passed in the blink of an eye, and the first Dubu Jianghu martial arts group arena finally ushered in the most exciting final round of the semi-finals.