The King’s Return

Chapter 116: Drunken River VS Sapphire Case


At ten o'clock on Saturday, countless netizens entered Dubu Jianghu's official live broadcast room on time to wait for the live broadcast of the final round. Due to the small number of games in the final round, the official decided to broadcast the whole process live. The first game started was the Zhuge family mechanism game, the drunk Jianghe VS Qingyu case.

Shen He had already made preparations in the game room. At ten o'clock sharp, the game finally officially started. After the referee read out the rules of the game, he asked the two to throw the sieve one after another. Whoever had the most points would choose the map first. The case casts 86 points, and the opponent chooses first.

Xu Sizhe immediately submitted the map—Stone Forest.

This picture was used by Qin Mo in the Dragon Yin Club's summoner selection arena. Because Shen He's positioning skills were not as good as Xu Sizhe's at the time, Xu Sizhe used stone pillars to block his position cleverly. A set of bursts killed Shen He and won. In the round, he only won the round against Shen He.

His intention of choosing "Stone Forest" in the final round this time is obvious - to beat Shen He again on the same map!

This method of selecting pictures to ridicule did not affect Shen He's mood. Shen He is no longer the rookie in online games. During this period of time, he trained with Qin Mo in the Longyin Club. Shen He's positioning skills are not what it used to be. Have full confidence to be able to win!


After the preparations were completed, the referee announced the start of the game, and the two teleported to the arena together, waiting for the map reading bar for ten seconds.

In the live broadcast room, the commentator Xiaoyou began to seriously introduce the equipment configuration of the two players to the audience: "Drunk Drinking Jianghe is from the Dianyi Mohen Gang, and the weapon is the 'Linglong Orb'. The cooldown has been reduced by 20%, and the whole body equipment has been increased. The cooldown reduction has reached 30%, and other attributes are also very balanced. It seems that it is a relatively high-end field control cooling flow style among summoners; ', his weapon has a critical hit rate, and the equipment has a lot of critical hit damage, it seems that he is taking the pet burst second person route!"

Ah Nan followed up and said: "The two equipments have their own advantages and disadvantages, but the map of the first game is Stone Forest, and the cooldown flow to quickly summon pets will be subject to some restrictions in such a place with extremely dense obstacles. Come on, the selection of pictures for the Sapphire Case is very targeted."

When it was introduced here in the live broadcast room, the map of the stadium had been successfully loaded.

The stone forest map is composed of countless densely arranged and disorderly stone pillars. Players need to walk between the stone pillars. The birth points of the two are in the lower left corner and upper right corner of the stone forest respectively.

Drunken Jianghe nimbly rushed into the stone forest immediately after the start of the game. The short summoner Xiao Zhengtai was bouncing through the cracks in the stones with a big mechanism box on his back. In the shape of an adult man, with a black jade treasure box on his back, he also quickly dodges into the stone forest. From the perspective of God, it can be seen that the distance between the two contestants is gradually getting closer.

At the moment when both of them reached the middle of the map, Shen He suddenly summoned a mechanism blood cow and placed it behind the stone pillar, while he swaggered around the stone pillar and came to a relatively wide open space in the middle. Sure enough, Xu Sizhe's summoner also happened to come here, and when he saw Zuiyin Jianghe standing in front of him, he frowned, his hand speed exploded, and he summoned a wave of machine rats in succession, before viciously biting at Zuiyin Jianghe!

Drunk Drinking Jianghe quickly moved in place to dodge the trap rats, but there were too many trap rats, and his body was quickly bitten into a three-layer bleeding state. Xu Sizhe was overjoyed, and summoned two trap wood snakes, The left and right sides double-teamed the drunken river in place, and summoned four mechanism chariots at the same time. The chariots that rolled quickly from all directions gathered around the opponent, and only heard a "boom" explosion, and the whole body of the little summoner was shaken. Flooded by the dust, with this set of critical blows, even if Shen He doesn't die, half of his life can be abolished...

However, what shocked Xu Sizhe was that after the chariot blasted, Drunk Jianghe was unscathed, still full of blood!

He quickly figured it out—Shen He must have used the organ Blood Bull to help the master forcibly resist this wave of damage.

Qin Mo, who was watching the battle from behind, also felt that Shen He's style of play was very clever. He deliberately placed the mechanism blood ox behind the stone pillar that Xu Sizhe could not see, and took advantage of this man's mentality of wanting to kill him immediately after seeing him, and cleverly used it. The protective skill of the blood bull that "takes all the damage for the owner" abolished Xu Sizhe's set of explosive combos.

Then, Shen He immediately fought back unceremoniously!

Summon a large wave of machine rats to bite the opponent, and even call two wooden snakes to double-team the sapphire case in place, followed by summoning four machine chariots to surround and bomb from all directions!

— This routine is exactly the same as Xu Sizhe's routine for beating him just now!

Shen He is obviously applying what he has learned, and his ability to imitate is quite irritating.

The stone forest has a complex terrain, and the two of them are located in a wide area in the middle of the map. If the chariots surround them from all sides, the opponent will be unavoidable. He found that Xu Sizhe's fight is very effective, so he imitated it and used it. Two wooden snakes went to entangle and attack, and then four chariots were used to blow up Xu Sizhe. After a set of combos, Xu Sizhe's blood volume was compressed to 65% in one breath.

Since the attack power of Shen He's equipment is not high, the damage caused by this set of combos is only 35%, but the time he uses is very short, and the mana consumption is also low.

Xu Sizhe didn't get the upper hand in the first move, not to mention that he was set up by the other party to fight back. The boy in front of the computer frowned even tighter, and quickly tapped the keyboard with his left hand, and immediately opened a puppet stand-in - a puppet with a mechanism on his back A box, a young man who looked exactly like the deity appeared at the same place, but Qingyu An himself disappeared instantly.

Shen He immediately stopped, because the mana of the Qingyu case dropped, he must have performed the operation of summoning a pet, and he immediately realized that this is a mechanism puppet!

Realizing this, Shen He wanted to leave this battlefield with lightness kung fu, but Xu Sizhe's positioning skills were really good. In just a few seconds, he used lightness kung fu to quickly bypass several stone pillars and came behind Shen He!

- Organ horse!

The trick horse is twice the size of a normal-sized player. Drunk Drinking Jianghe is a normal size, and the trick horse summoned by Xu Sizhe is almost four times bigger than him! Once the huge wooden mechanism appears, it will cause the negative effect of "fear" on all enemies within the range. The drunk river is indeed controlled by fear, unable to move and unable to use skills.

Xu Sizhe took advantage of this opportunity to attack quickly, and even unleashed the big move of the Eagle's Air Strike, reducing the pressure of the drunk Jiang He to 50% in one gulp!

The fear effect finally came to an end, Shen He activated the mechanism puppet without hesitation, leaving a little Zhengtai with a mechanism box on his back, and using the teleportation effect attached to the mechanism puppet, he flew behind Xu Sizhe and hid in the stone forest.

Xu Sizhe had been fooled by Shen He's puppet as a cover before, so naturally Xu Sizhe would not be fooled a second time. After seeing through the other party's mechanism puppet, he immediately turned around and chased after him. The two quickly shuttled through the stone forest, chasing each other. He moved nimbly, and Xu Sizhe couldn't find his position for a while.

Shen He is currently at 50% HP, and Xu Sizhe still has 65% HP. Shen He used an extra mechanism, the Blood Bull, and the mechanism Eagle’s air attack ultimate move and mechanism horse’s fear have not been used yet, and Shen He’s cooling flow is added to the mode of pet cooling. The time will be greatly shortened; although Xu Sizhe's mechanism, the blood bull, is still there, but the lack of two big moves is actually not a big advantage. The next step is to see who can seize the opportunity first.

In the blink of an eye, Shen He came to the place where Yan Zhou was killed in the ring.

The stone pillars in this place are shorter than other places and can be climbed.

Shen He immediately controlled the drunk Jiang He to climb up like a little monkey, standing on a high place and looking around, he saw the location of the Qingyu case at a glance.

The sapphire case is coming here, and it will come to the foot of the stone pillar soon. Shen He was overjoyed, and decisively summoned the organ blood cow under the stone pillar—the cooling down reduction mode, although the attack power was not as good as other summoners, but he The cooldown time of the organ blood cow summoned at the beginning is one-third shorter than others, and now it can be summoned again!

Shen He summoned the organ Blood Bull to block an entrance where the Qingyu case was about to pass.

Seeing this, Xu Sizhe couldn't help sneering—did you think that I would be as stupid as Yan Zhou when you used this trick of "please enter the urn" to kill Yan Zhou? you dream!

The Mechanized Blood Bull has a skill that can absorb all damage for its owner. Xu Sizhe used the Mechanized Mouse and Mechanized Snake to kill Shen He's bloody ox in a few seconds, and then summoned the Bleeding Bull himself to resist the damage. Because he guessed that Shen He would definitely repeat the same trick and set up a chariot formation inside, waiting for him to fall into this trap.

Xu Sizhe walked in confidently with the blood ox. With the protection of the blood ox, let alone four chariots, he would not be afraid even if Shen He dropped bombs on the spot!

After passing through the gap between the two stone pillars, the eyes suddenly opened up. Here is an open space with a radius of about ten meters, surrounded by densely packed stone pillars. It was exactly the same when they fought against Yan Zhou!

Thought you could climb it, but I wouldn't? The corners of Xu Sizhe's lips raised slightly, and he immediately flew onto the stone pillar using the Zhuge family's lightness kung fu.


As soon as he flew into the air, he saw a cute mechanism horse appearing under the stone pillar!

Because Drunk Drinking Jianghe is in the shape of a little Zhengtai, the trap horse he summons is also relatively small. Compared with Xu Sizhe's gigantic trap horse, what he summons is like a ridiculous toy.

But it was the organ horse at this critical moment that directly frightened the summoner Qingyu case and his pet blood cow!

The Qingyu case flew into the air, but was suddenly frightened, unable to continue to use Qinggong, he fell back to the ground with a "slap", and his blood cow was also frightened, unable to release the skills to protect its master!

Without hesitation, Shen He continuously summoned the Mechanism Mouse, Mechanism Eagle, and Mechanism Snake. First, he used the Mechanism Mouse to quickly superimpose the state of weakness, and then used the spread-winged Wooden Eagle to spin rapidly in the air and throw densely packed hidden weapons downward to cause a lot of damage. Finally, Combined strangling with two mechanism wood snakes - After this combo was over, Qingyu Case only had 35% of his HP left, and his Blood Bull was killed before he had time to protect his master.

Xu Sizhe: "..."

I didn't expect this kid to use this trick to trick him!

Xu Sizhe was so angry that he almost threw the keyboard.

When the fear effect ended, Drunken Jianghe standing on the stone pillar had already lost track after a few jumps. Xu Sizhe gritted his teeth and flew up to chase after him. I can't wait to crawl over from the computer and crush that Shen He to death.

Shen He ran away immediately after finishing a set, not because he was afraid of Xu Sizhe, but because Xu Sizhe's Eagle and Snake's cooldown time had already expired, and he wanted to avoid their edge, and wait for his pet's cooldown to end before fighting with them.

Xu Sizhe controlled the summoner to leap quickly on the stone pillar and pursue him closely. After a while, Shen He finally couldn't continue to move in the air, because the stone pillar in front of him was so towering that he couldn't climb it. He could only go down on the ground Walk. Seeing the drunken Jianghe jumping off the stone pillar, the Qingyu case followed closely, and immediately summoned a large number of mechanism mice the moment it landed!

At the same time, Drunken Jianghe also made a similar operation.

Obviously, the two of them wanted to fight for a wave of explosion at the same time!

The pet crit rate and damage of the Sapphire case are very high, coupled with the weakness of the mechanism mouse, the drunk Jianghe originally only had half of the blood left, and the blood volume dropped by 10% after being bitten by the opponent's wooden snake. The siege caused Drunken Jianghe's blood to directly drop to 30%. Coupled with the concealed air strike weapon of the organ eagle, this blood is likely to be taken away by the Qingyu case!

However, the Qingyu case's own blood volume is not much, only 35%.

Drunk Drinking River's pet did not do as much damage as him, but the cooldown time was shorter than him. The cooldown of the trick eagle that was used just now has already been cooled down. Shen He's hands were fast, and a large number of pets were summoned in succession. Rats, snakes, chariots, and eagles all went together. In the Qingyu case, the eagle was summoned to beat Drunken Jianghe's blood to 10%. Empty his blood volume!

—Drunk Jianghe killed the Qingyu case!

Looking at the system prompt on the screen, Xu Sizhe was furious. He chose this map to take advantage of Shen He's position not as good as his to give Shen He some color. Unexpectedly, Shen He's flexible style of play actually tricked him Twice, he was killed instead!

Xu Sizhe was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot, he drank a glass of cold water before pressing the ready button.

In the Dragon Yin training room, Qin Mo patted his apprentice on the shoulder and encouraged him: "You played well, you have ideas."

Shen He scratched his head with a smile: "Sure enough, the mechanism horse can fear the opponent in the air, hehehe, it's still master who is amazing, and I discovered this setting!"

The trap horse can fear enemy targets within 10 meters around. The "surrounding" includes not only the ground but also the air. This is a skill that Qin Mo discovered when he was driving the undercover summoner trumpet to play rank. He taught it to Shen He, but Shen He did not expect Combined with the terrain, it is used so skillfully today.

Qin Mo had known for a long time that Shen He had a strong learning ability and a very agile style of play. This alone could compare to Xu Sizhe, who was obsessed with revenge.

The second game started soon, and it was Drunken Jianghe's turn to choose the map.

Shen He chose the Excalibur Altar. This map was selected from the second level of the dungeon "Sword God Valley Ruins", and corresponding changes were made - a total of twelve air pumice stones, with different sizes, but the pumice stones will not be like the dungeon. split as in the past, but are constantly moving. This is a typical high-difficulty air combat map. Since the ground is covered with barbs, once a player falls to the ground, they will be instantly killed by barbs all over the place.

The two refreshed in the sky, each occupying a piece of pumice. After the start of the match, Xu Sizhe immediately manipulated the Qingyu case aggressively and charged towards the drunken Jianghe. Shen He also responded unceremoniously. The pets in the Sapphire Case dealt a higher amount of damage, and the Rat and Snake Chariots went into battle together. A set of violent critical strikes hit Drunken Jianghe to 55% of his HP in one breath, and Shen He also hit the opponent to about 65% of his HP.

The stone started to move, and Shen He immediately took advantage of this opportunity to jump to a distance, making Xu Sizhe temporarily unable to catch up with him.

Ten seconds later, the stone moved again, and the distance between the two kept getting closer. At this moment, the Qingyu case decisively summoned the mechanism horse—this is to control the opponent with fear!

Shen He had already expected this, and suddenly made a clever operation at the moment when the stone approached—a puppet stand-in!

When the puppet stand-in appeared, the master could teleport ten meters away, so Shen He placed the little Zhengtai Summoner puppet carrying the mechanism box in place, and the drunk Jianghe himself teleported to the side stone. The pumice stone was just moving towards the distance, and this flexible operation avoided the fear of the opponent's trick horse just right.

Xu Sizhe, who had let go of the big move, was even more angry, turned around and chased after him. With the ear-piercing chirping sound in the air, the huge mechanism eagle spread its wings and began to spin the air attack. It was inevitable to drink the river drunk, and its blood volume dropped again. The blood bar was compressed to 35% by the opponent.

But Shen He still didn't panic, because he knew that his chance had come!

—Trick horse, trap rat, trap snake, trap eagle!

Four kinds of pets are summoned continuously at an extremely fast speed!

The organ horse Xianzhao was behind Xu Sizhe, and Xu Sizhe was immediately terrified in place without seeing this operation; the organ mouse summoned at Xu Sizhe's feet, biting continuously to stack the weakness to three layers; The blood volume of the case reached 30% in one breath!

This set of operations is so fast that it is dazzling, and only the slow-motion replay of the director and a master like Qin Mo who is very familiar with the summoning flow can see clearly—taking advantage of the opportunity of the mechanism horse to fear the opponent, Shen He made consecutive moves between lightning and flint. The three attacking pets besieged and killed Xu Sizhe, and instantly brought back the gap in blood volume, which shows that Shen He's explosive power is actually quite terrifying!

Xu Sizhe's Summoner Qingyu case originally had an advantage in blood volume, but he was eager to win and played too hastily. He chased up with the mechanism eagle and was counter-controlled by his opponent. From this, it can be seen that his mentality is still not adjusted. . On the other hand, Shen He has always had a relaxed expression from the beginning to the end. Even when he was crushed and beaten by his opponent and lost a lot of blood, Shen He would stick out his tongue at most and turn around and run away...

The real strength of the two is actually evenly matched. If they both calm down and play hard, the winning rate is 50-50.

It was the mentality gap between Xu Sizhe and Shen He that caused the current situation. Although Xu Sizhe had been actively looking for opportunities to attack Shen He, it seemed that he was fighting fiercely, but in the end he was controlled by Shen He everywhere!

After the fear effect was over, the stone was about to move, Xu Sizhe found that the cooling of the mechanism snake had been recovered, and he was just about to summon the mechanism snake to lock the opponent, only to hear a loud "boom"—

Four mechanism chariots suddenly appeared behind him, and slammed into his back with lightning speed!

The most common way to play the mechanism chariot is "cross siege", which surrounds the opponent from four directions like a cross and then concentrates blasting to deal a lot of damage. But the game does not stipulate that the chariot must be summoned from four directions. In fact, the operation of the mechanism chariot is very free, it depends on how the summoner wants to use it.

This time, Shen He obviously broke the routine, and four chariots were summoned together, heading in the same direction!

not good!

Xu Sizhe was terrified, he wanted to fly lightly but it was too late...

With the sound of "bang" in the ear, the huge momentum of the four chariots directly knocked the sapphire case down the pumice stone!

I saw the Summoner Qingyu case fell from the sky unexpectedly, fell to the ground with a "thud", and was pierced into a hedgehog by the barbs all over the ground!

—Drunk Jianghe killed the Qingyu case!

The moment this message popped up, Xu Sizhe's face turned ashen. He gripped the mouse tightly, completely unbelievable that he would lose two games in a row in that little guy's hands!

Yes, in addition to the large amount of damage caused by the collective explosion, the mechanism chariot also has an effect of hitting people and objects.

When the chariot rolls and hits people, it will knock the target away for a certain distance, and Shen He obviously uses this feature to seize the timing when the pumice is about to move, and summons the chariot in seconds to hit the sapphire case from behind, knocking Xu Sizhe's summoner directly off the pumice , using the terrain to instantly kill him...

Due to the complete silence in the competition room during the final stage, Xu Sizhe couldn't vent his anger no matter how angry he was, so he had to forcefully drop the mouse.


For Team Mo Jue, seeing Shen He winning two games in a row, everyone applauded him happily.

Shen He jumped up from his seat, he laughed and said: "Master, Xu Sizhe must hate me to death, right?"

Qin Mo stretched out his hand, gently rubbed the little monkey's head, and said, "Don't worry, he hates me even more, because he must think that your master taught me all these routines." Unfortunately, Xu Sizhe's talent is not bad. He originally thought that if Xu Sizhe was given a chance, he would reflect on himself, improve his mistakes, earnestly improve his own strength, and then return to the unique world. If he can face up to his shortcomings, he can actually become an excellent one. player. But what makes Qin Mo helpless is that up to now, he still hasn't realized his biggest problem - his mentality is eager for quick success, and his style of play is too hostile. It's really normal for Xu Sizhe to lose to the clever Shen He.

Shen He worriedly said: "Then what if he hates you even more?"

Qin Mo smiled slightly and said, "Then let him hate it. I'm not the Holy Mother, and I have no obligation to deal with those who don't repent."