The King’s Return

Chapter 12: Attacked in the wild


At 8:30 in the morning, several teammates of Qin Mo's regular team went online one after another.

Seeing that Mohen and Xiaoyaoxian were there, Jinghua Shuiyue hurriedly sent an invitation to form a team, and said in surprise, "Isn't the appointment at nine o'clock? Are you so early?"

Mohen: "Go to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet, so it's early."

Mirror Flower and Water Moon: "Oh! Then get together and do the task?"

Mohen: "Okay."

The five people quickly logged into the voice system, and Jinghua Shuiyue said excitedly: "Start work! The next stop is Sword God Valley!"

With a hidden smile, he opened the rank list and looked at it, wondering: "When we went offline yesterday, our rank was still on the top three pages, but today we dropped to the tenth page. These lunatics must have stayed up all night last night!"

Feng Qingye said: "The accounts of the Great Guild usually level up all night, and there are professional leveling to help. Are you comparing levels with them? Thinking too much?"

With a hidden knife in his smile, he sneered: "I'm just talking casually."

The five of them came to Sword God Valley while chatting, preparing to start from the 30th level task, but just entered Sword God Valley, a red light suddenly flashed in front of them—

Xiao Yaoxian's blood volume dropped rapidly, and in a blink of an eye the blood bar emptied and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, Mirror Flower, Water Moon, Smile Hidden Knife, and Feng Qingye also died. Qin Mo reacted quickly, and at the moment the red light flashed, he immediately flew to a high place with the martial lightness skill "Pian Ruo Jing Hong", and several straightforward ups and downs, Quickly moving away from the battle circle, this was a thrilling escape.

At this moment, a pop-up message appeared in the lower left corner, which was sent by Qianli Bingfeng: "There is a massacre at the gate of Sword God Valley, be careful when entering the map."

"My teammate has been killed." Qin Mo quickly replied, "Do you know what happened?"

Qianli Bingfeng said: "The map boss is refreshed at nine o'clock, and there must be a guild clearing the field in advance."

Qin Mo immediately understood, and a cold look flashed in his clear eyes.

— If you want to monopolize the boss and kill all his teammates, the appetite of this guild is too great!

Qin Mo lightly flew to a tree not far away, and carefully watched the battle at the entrance of Sword God Valley. A group of players gathered there, with the title of "Sword Song Gang" above their heads. Most of them were dressed in white and held sharp swords. Obviously, most of them belonged to the Hanhua Sword Sect. A dozen of them were all in slaughter mode, and they moved neatly. Someone should be in charge.

Players below level 30 are protected by the system and are not allowed to force PK, and there will be no penalty for death, but players above level 30 are no longer protected by novices, and they can only rely on themselves in the wild. The map of Sword God Valley happens to be a level 30 field area, where you can PK freely. These two teams are guarding the door in massacre mode, which will really catch players who enter the map off guard.

Xiao Yaoxian was killed inexplicably, and asked suspiciously: "What's going on? Is there anyone fighting here?"

Jinghua Shuiyue had experience in internal testing, and quickly understood: "This group of people belong to a gang, and they should block the way at the door to clear the venue."

With a hidden knife in his smile, he suddenly realized: "By the way, Gu Shuhang will be refreshed at nine o'clock in the morning!"

Xiao Yaoxian asked: "Who is Gu Shuhang?"

Feng Qingye explained: "The map boss refreshed by the lake of Sword God Valley, he will drop a cheat book "North Geese Flying South", and he can additionally learn the Jianghu light skill "North Geese Flying South", and fly in the air like a swallow for a period of time Spinning at any position is not limited by the energy value of lightness kung fu, this skill... Mohen you understand."

"Well, it's universal for all professions. It's more difficult to obtain than the "Sword Rain and Fragrance" I got before. It will definitely be priceless in the later stage." Qin Mo said calmly.

"That's right, that's right!" Hiding the knife in the smile couldn't help but get excited, "I saw a master bring this cheat book during the closed beta before, and it's unbelievable in the arena. He flies in the air, and we can't beat him at all!"

"If the treatment is equipped with this lightness skill, it will be very powerful to increase blood while flying." Feng Qingye sighed, "Currently there are only two cheat books on lightness skills, "Northern Geese Flying South" and "The Prodigal Son Turns Back", both of which were dropped in the wild. During the test, the transcribed versions of these two cheat books were sold at a price of 100,000 gold coins."

"Transcribed version?" Xiao Yaoxian asked curiously, "Can you still transcribe the cheat book?"

"Well, the transcribed cheat books can be traded, but they can only be given to close friends whose friendship is above seven stars." Feng Qingye explained.

"Oh!" Xiao Yaoxian said, "Such a precious secret book as you just mentioned, someone should take out the copied version and sell it?"

"Yes." Feng Qingye said, "At most three copies of the original version of the secret book, if you sell it, you will definitely become a rich man."

"The Sword Song Guild has two squads at the gate to intercept the murder. The big troop should go to the lake to guard the boss." Jinghua Shuiyue said.

"Then what should we do?" Xiao Yaoxian asked the crux of the question, "Should we continue to lie dead at the door?"

After the four of them were killed, they were lying on the ground chatting. This question from Xiao Yaoxian brought everyone back to their senses. Jinghua Shuiyue thought for a while and said, "Resurrect nearby, let's continue with the task."

Mohen suddenly said: "Don't resurrect yet, someone will guard the corpse at the resurrection point."

This is the news that Qianli Bingfeng just sent. He used the assassin's stealth skills to go to the resurrection point and found someone squatting there. It seems that today's command is quite professional, and people are arranged to stand guard at the resurrection point to prevent the other party from being revived collectively after they die.

From the descriptions of people like Flowers in the Mirror, Water Moon and Feng Qingye, we can know that the secret books in the Dubu Jianghu are very precious. Part of the cheats are dropped in the dungeon. For example, the "Sword Rain and Fragrance" that Qin Mo got in the Kunlun Mountain Snow Cave dungeon before is a cheat that is a fixed output of the dungeon. As long as you are willing to spend time playing this dungeon, you can always save enough. Cheats fragments can be exchanged for this cheat book.

But there are still many cheats that are not refreshed in the dungeon, but dropped in the rivers and lakes. Among them, the cheats dropped by the wild boss are the most difficult to obtain.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo sent a private message to Qianli Bingfeng: "Are you interested in cheat books and materials?"

Qianli Frozen: "Of course, do you want to cooperate?"

Mohen: "How to distribute the output of Boss?"

Qianli Frozen: "The cheats are mine, and all the high-level materials are yours, how about it?"

Qin Mo also wanted this cheat book at first, but after thinking about it, since the cheat book can be copied, as long as he earns enough money in the game, it is not particularly difficult to buy the cheat book he likes later, and he is not in a hurry. On the other hand, Qin Mo doesn't have much information about rare materials. He only got a piece of purple material cryolite and purple gold sand in the dungeon of Kunlun Snow Cave.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo simply said, "No problem."

Xiao Han admired his straightforwardness very much, and replied: "I heard that the cheat book can be copied, after I get it, I will copy a copy for you?"

Qin Mo said: "No hurry, deal with the boss first, and then talk about it later."


Dragon Yin Club training room.

The four rookies brought by Xiao Han were unprepared when they entered the Sword God Valley, and were beaten to death by the group attack skills of the Sword Song Gang.

The rookies of the 2nd team are still in Mount Qingcheng. When Pei Yu learned that his comrades had been killed, he asked, "Captain, should we go to the Sword God Valley to help?"

"No, with so many professional players acting collectively, it's easy for people to see your origins." The current situation in the new area is complicated, and Xiao Han, the seeded players of the Longyin Club, doesn't want to expose them yet, "Pei Yu, you stay here first. Qingcheng Mountain, wait for the Sword God Valley to be safe before bringing people over. The four people who died in the first team will be resurrected after I hear from you, and continue to do the mission after the resurrection."

Pei Yu let out an "oh" and asked in confusion, "What about you, Captain?"

"I'll leave the team and go to the resurrection point to have a look." Xiao Han immediately withdrew from the team after saying that. At the same time, Qin Mo quickly flew to the nearest resurrection point with Mohen. Sure enough, the members of the Sword Song Guild were being resurrected. Point squat guard, and Qianli Bingfeng is invisible, so he can't see the opponent's position.

"Where's the person?" Qin Mo asked in a message.

"You leave the team first, and you can see it when you team up with me."

Qin Mo quit the team and sent him a team invitation. Sure enough, after the two became teammates, Qin Mo immediately saw a black-clothed assassin standing beside him—it turned out that he was hidden under this tree.

Qianli Frozen: "You left and I right, clear the resurrection point first?"

Mohen: "Okay."

Needless to say, Qin Mo immediately understood the other party's intentions.

The resurrection point happens to be a small hill, so flanking left and right is the best way.

Qin Mo circled up from the left side with his light kungfu, the swordsman could not hide himself, and the people on the hillside quickly spotted him.

"Kill this swordsman!" The leader of the team called Jiange Pipi immediately issued an order on the team channel.

Everyone quickly gathered towards the hillside on the left, and the long-range professions cast their control skills on Mohen, and all the melee swordsmen rushed in front.

But to their surprise, all the control skills released remotely were successfully avoided by Mo Hen in a strange S-shape. Draw two beautiful arc-shaped ranges in front, and then connect with the control skill Sword Yu Setting Sun—a white light flashed, and the people who rushed to the front row were collectively silenced by him, unable to release any skills!

"Heal faster!" Someone shouted in the team channel.

Just as the healing girl was about to press the blood-boosting skill, she suddenly saw three fast-moving black shadows out of the corner of her eye. Before she could react, she was accurately hit by a dagger with a cold light on her back!

——Thousand lights ghost step! Flowing moon and flying stars!

Xiao Han's attack speed was extremely fast, and a set of crit combos killed her in seconds before the treatment could react.

"There's an assassin behind!" The healing girl who was instantly killed turned pale with fright, and immediately typed a reminder on the team channel.

"Damn it, actually engaged in a sneak attack!" Jiange Pipi was furious, and shouted while pressing skills quickly, "Kill them quickly!"

However, before he had time to release his skills, and he didn't even see the whereabouts of the black-clothed assassin clearly, the heads of two people suddenly went dark in the team channel!

— This is simply killing people invisible!

Jiange Pipi's spine suddenly felt a little chilly.

He had a hunch that if the assassins behind him didn't care, something serious would happen, but the group silence of the swordsmen in front made the whole team feel very uncomfortable, and it had to be resolved as soon as possible. Thinking of this, Jiange Pipi gritted his teeth and said, "Speed up the swordsman, kill Mohen first!" As long as Mohen is killed, without the interference of control skills, there is no pressure for everyone to go back and kill the assassin.

His idea was correct, but unfortunately, the swordsman he met today was Qin Mo.

Qin Mo's position can be described as "erratic". The white-clothed swordsman who practiced light martial arts is like a flexible white crane, moving from left to right, from near to far. Everyone wants to focus on him, but they just don't know what to do. Unable to touch the hem of his clothes, he could only use the locking skill to wear off some of his blood, but his own people were silenced by his combos time and time again.

——Sword to the End of the World, Sword Rain and Setting Sun!

It was the Tianyang Second Company of the Hanhua Sword Sect again, the group was silent for 3 seconds, and the melee in the front row was hit again.

The more Jiange Pipi fought, the more irritable he became. Looking at his teammates who were silenced and unable to move, he wished he could climb into the game and strangle that Mohen to death!

What made him even more depressed was that there was an assassin who kept killing in the back row!

Qin Mo's containment in the front row gave Xiao Han an excellent output environment, and Xiao Han's assassin cut into the back row was like a duck to water-the afterimage of "Thousand Lantern Ghost Step" split, and the single-body burst of "Flying Moon and Flying Star" Attack, "Changhong Piercing the Sun" group attack combo, one skill after another was released without hindrance, and the HP of the opponent's entire regiment was instantly suppressed to below half HP!

Seeing this, Qin Mo immediately pressed the group attack of "Sword to the End of the World" to lower the blood volume of the whole regiment again, and quickly lost two crispy skins in seconds with the pursuit skill of "Sword Intent Wushuang"!

The ten-member squad that was originally guarding here was reduced to four melee fighters with residual blood in the blink of an eye.

Jiange Pipi sensed something was wrong, and immediately said: "Withdraw! Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

When Qin Mo realized that they were leaving, he unleashed the big move "Sword Rain and Fragrance" without hesitation, and saw a group of snow-white sword spirits descending from the sky, stabbing the backs of the four fleeing people decisively with their sharp swords, knocking them all unconscious. move!

Xiao Han reacted very quickly, and immediately followed up with the group attack of "Changhong Guanri" for three consecutive strikes, killing all the bloody melee fighters!

—In the blink of an eye, the group of ten was wiped out!

Looking at the large pile of corpses lying on the ground, Jiange Pipi felt his scalp go numb.

Mohen was in the front row to control the melee combat, and Qianli Bingfeng was in the back row to kill the long-range fighters...

The tacit cooperation of these two people instantly disrupted the formation of their ten-man squad and directly wiped them out.

Where did such a powerful master come from? !

Jiange Pipi took a deep breath, and immediately sent a message to the commander of the other regiment: "We were wiped out at the resurrection point, there are two masters who might try to grab the boss, be careful there!"