The King’s Return

Chapter 125: WeChat group


After Chu Yan retired, he went to a company in Changsha. Xiao Han met him in Changsha half a year ago. Thinking about it carefully, the name of that company seems to be "Qingyang Electronic Technology Company". Chu Yan is several years older than Xiao Han, and made his debut a few years earlier than Xiao Han. He is a player in the same batch as Master and the others. However, due to the poor performance of the Qingmu team, Chu Yan is not as popular as the Gemini in the professional league. Master is so tall. However, this person is very thoughtful and has created a strategy with support as the core. He has persisted for many years, and his perseverance is extraordinary. Now that he has retired and moved behind the scenes, his company cooperates with the Dubu Jianghu project, and it can be seen that he is very farsighted.

Just now Liu Sisi mentioned that Qingyang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. cooperated with Dubujianghu official to develop new VR glasses, and seeing Chu Yan here, Xiao Han quickly figured out the reason, and asked, "Why is God Chu coming to the Beijing headquarters this time?" Cooperate with Dubujianghu to develop VR glasses with God's perspective?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "Half-race people are smart—yes, I am the person in charge of this project." His eyes fell on Qin Mo, and he carefully sized up the young man in front of him: "Qin Mo, I never thought you would return."

Qin Mo nodded to him, and said calmly, "I didn't expect to see you here either."

When the twin stars appeared at the same time, Chu Yan was actually surprised in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface, glanced at Liu Sisi, and said, "Director Liu, are you showing them the headquarters?"

Liu Sisi said: "Yes, I just let everyone try out the new glasses, and sure enough some contestants suggested color adjustments."

Chu Yan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said lightly: "This problem has been solved. I came here today to tell you about it. You should be busy first, and we will talk after you are done. See you later, everyone." He waved to everyone He waved his hand, then turned and left, the tall man's back quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Liu Sisi took everyone to continue to visit the headquarters. But Qin Mo was always a little restless, because he felt that Chu Yan and Zhu Qingyue didn't seem to be that simple.

Generally, the relationship between master and apprentice is very good. Even if the master retires, he will keep in touch with the apprentice, unless it is against each other, or like Qin Mo, he feels ashamed and dare not see the master, so he deletes the contact information. It shouldn't be that Zhu Qingyue was afraid to see his master. After all, Zhu Qingyue has been independently supporting the Qingmu team in the past few years when his master retired. He didn't do anything to offend Chu Yan.

But why, every time Chu Yan is mentioned, Qingyue's expression is not right

Why did Chu Yan ask his big apprentice Luo Yuan to set up a brand new Qingyu team, using the umbrella formation with support as the core, but completely indifferent to the little apprentice

Qin Mo couldn't figure it out for a while, and planned to ask Zhu Qingyue after returning to Changsha.


Liu Sisi took everyone to visit the R&D department, followed by going to the top floor, and distributed the prepared gifts to everyone.

The contestants who entered the semi-finals of this competition will get bonuses and merchandise. The bonuses will be directly transferred to the cards provided by everyone, and the merchandise of others will be sent by mail. Specially made martial arts figures. Qin Mo got a white-clothed swordsman holding a long sword, Xiao Han got an assassin holding a dagger, and the others also got their corresponding genres. The shape of the figure is very similar to the character image in the game, so everyone can't put it down . Everyone took a group photo at the front desk with the four words "Unique Jianghu" with their hands in their hands. After dinner, they were taken back to the hotel by special car.

This day's itinerary has benefited everyone a lot, and the high-tech products in the R&D headquarters have also opened everyone's eyes. It was only eight o'clock in the evening when we returned to the hotel, and most of the people would fly back tomorrow, so Lin Shuangcheng suggested: "Why don't you create a WeChat group, so that you can share any news in the future."

This proposal was immediately approved by everyone, so Lin Shuangcheng opened WeChat on his mobile phone and asked everyone to add him as friends, and then he pulled everyone into the group, which was called "Doubu Bagua Group".

Looking at the group names, Qin Mo had a bad feeling...

However, everyone just joined the group and there was no movement, so they went back to their rooms to rest.

Qin Mo returned to the room, poured a glass of water and sat on the sofa to drink slowly, when a message from Lin Shuangcheng suddenly popped up in the group: "Everyone, please change the nickname displayed in the group, it is best to add the net name and real name, otherwise It's hard to recognize too many people." As he spoke, he took the lead in changing his name to Junzi Wushuang Lin Shuangcheng.

Everyone immediately began to change their names. As soon as Qin Mo changed his name to "Mohen Qinmo", Xie Changming, the Changming Light, jumped out and said, "A certain two, please don't use the name of wishing to win a person with one heart and never leaving each other. It's too cruel. !"

Xiaofeng Wanyue Su Cheng: "I agree. Don't show your affection in the group, husbands and wives really can't bear it."

Ordinary Qiu Zongping: "Agree +1"

Gentleman Wushuang Lin Shuangcheng: "Actually, you can show your affection if you want to. How about sending a few big red envelopes of 200 yuan first?"

Xiaofeng Wanyue Su Cheng: "Not bad."

Ordinary Qiu Zongping: "This is fine."

No Umbrella When It Rains Lu Boyu: "Although I don't know what you guys are talking about, I really want to grab a red envelope!!"

Nie Yuzhu deep in the bamboo forest: "What? There is a couple here?"

Jiangshui Three Thousand Miles Chen Jiang: "What's the situation? Does anyone want to give out red envelopes [smile]"

Mohen Qin Mo: "..."

Mohen Qin Mo withdrew from the "Pibu Gossip Group".

Seeing Qin Mo withdrawing from the group in anger, Qiu Zongping, Lin Shuangcheng and others who knew the undercover black history were all gloating. Xie Changming, the instigator, expressed his happiness, holding his mobile phone and said: "Senior brother, I suddenly feel that molesting God Mohen is fun haha! He opened a husband and wife account to come to our gang as an undercover agent, and we caught him, we can laugh at this dark history for a long time!"

Su Cheng patted his junior brother on the shoulder lightly: "Don't be too complacent, be careful that he kills you."

Xie Changming immediately made a gesture of zipping his mouth: "I only say it in this group, not outside, okay?"

Seeing that he was having so much fun, Su Cheng shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "It's up to you. However, I can predict that Mohen will kill you first in the future."

Xie Changming put on a calm expression of "Come and kill me, am I afraid of you", waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, since he quit the group, I will continue to tease Hanshen."

WeChat group—

Changming Lantern Xie Changming: "Han Shen, your wife seems to be angry, go and persuade her to come back."

Nie Yuzhu in the depths of the bamboo forest: "So it's like this, the husband and wife were talking about these two."

The river is three thousand miles away Chen Jiang: "I finally understand what's going on, does Hanshen still give out red envelopes?"

- Qianli Frozen Xiao Han sent a red envelope with an amount of 200 yuan.

Everyone: "...

I'm just joking, Hanshen, you local tyrant are really crazy!

However, the red envelope was followed by a sentence: "The red envelope has been sent, please stop teasing my Xiaomo, he has a thin skin."

Xie Changming was stunned, and said, "You, Jia, Xiao, Mo?!"

Xiao Han sent a smiling expression: "Didn't you say it was my wife? Why, don't you agree?"

Xie Changming: "Shut up! I won't give in to anyone, so I'll give in to you! The God of Cold is so happy, everyone hurry up and grab the red envelopes, why are you still standing there!"

A group of people immediately tapped the screen of their mobile phones with fast hands, almost at the speed of a game, and within 3 seconds, the 3 red envelopes sent by Xiao Han were snatched away.

"Thank you for the red envelope." Qiu Zongping sent a kowtow and thank you for the red envelope.

"Thank you for the red envelope." A group of people immediately copied and pasted it.

Xiao Han said: "You guys have already accepted the red envelope. I'll add Xiaomo back. If anyone mentions this again, Liuyue Feixing, Qiandeng, Ghost Step, Ice Silkworm lore and crit will serve you." Then he sent another mouth With a sealed expression and a bloody dagger, the meaning couldn't be more obvious—who dares to talk too much, kill them.

The emoji of the mixed-race man was so amazing that it made the martial arts players who were not familiar with him feel a little confused.

Shuangyue Captain Chen Jiang was puzzled: "I have always heard that the Hanshen of the Dragon Yin Club is of mixed race, and his Chinese is not very good?"

Nie Yuzhu echoed: "I heard that too."

Chen Jiangdao: "As a result, when we met today, I speak Chinese very fluently, and there are more emoticons than us [sad]"

Nie Yuzhu said: "I don't even have an emoji [sad]"

Xiao Han sent an emoji stroking the dog's head, and then said: "It's because Chinese is not good, sometimes it is more necessary to use emoticons to express emotions [thump the ground and laugh] [haha laugh]."

Everyone: "..."

It's really a god-like emoticon pack, there are several series of laughing emoticons alone

Many people immediately saved Xiao Han's expression pack, planning to use it in the team group in the future.

Xiao Han was returning to the topic: "You know, right? I'll add Xiaomo back, so stop molesting him!"

Xie Changming immediately said wittily: "Don't mention it, don't mention it! Send another red envelope and don't mention it!"

Qianli Frozen Xiao Han sent a red envelope with an amount of 200 yuan.

This time, all the red envelopes were snatched within 1 second, which shows that the hand speed of this group of people is simply inhuman.

A moment later, a message pops up on the screen—

Thousands of Miles Frozen Xiao Han invited Qinmo0119 to join the group chat.

The style of painting in the group immediately changed—

Changming Lantern Xie Changming: "The penetrating skill of Broken Bridge in Luoying Valley is almost the same as that of Hanhua Sword Sect's Shujian Wandering!"

Xiaofeng Wanyue Su Cheng: "The sound wave penetration of the Broken Bridge Club can be released from a long distance. I don't need to move. The Shujian Wandering is because I teleport to the designated location. The gap is still quite large."

Gentleman Wushuang Lin Shuangcheng: "Captain Su is right, but the penetrating penetrating power of the book and sword will be very useful in certain terrains."

Ordinary man Qiu Zongping: "Both hands agree."

Qin Mo didn't expect the group's style of painting to change so much, why did they suddenly start discussing the effects of skills

Xiao Han sent a laughing emoticon: "Okay, you all, go to bed and get up early tomorrow to go to the airport."

Everyone immediately said good night and goodbye tacitly, and went to rest.

Qin Mo always felt that Xiao Han did something behind his back, otherwise how could this gossip group become so serious

But Xiao Han quickly put away the phone, so he didn't pursue it, and turned to take a shower.

Probably because of restlessness, Qin Mo left his underwear and pajamas outside and forgot to bring them in when he was taking a shower. Take off the pajamas, I just put them by the bed."

"Okay!" Xiao Han quickly brought the pajamas over.

Qin Mo opened a crack in the door, stretched out only one hand, and quickly took the pajamas into the bathroom.

Xiao Han stood outside the door, recalling the slender and beautiful fingers that appeared in front of him just now, and his white arms that were slightly pink from the hot water... The frosted glass covered the scene in the bathroom, and only the sound of beeping could be heard. The sound of splashing water, but just imagining Qin Mo taking a bath naked under the shower nozzle, Xiao Han's whole body became hot uncontrollably, and he swallowed hard to suppress the impulse in his body.

Qin Mo quickly came out of the shower, wearing the pajamas and underwear that Xiao Han had just handed him, with a calm expression on his face, but his face was slightly red, and he didn't know whether it was from the heat or embarrassment.

Xiao Han kept his eyes on him, watching him walk to the bed with his head down and sit down to blow his hair. The hem of the nightgown opened a gap inadvertently, revealing his slender and beautiful calves. The scenery is so tempting, Qin Mo has no idea how attractive he is.

Qin Mo was blowing his hair, always feeling that there was a burning gaze staring at him behind him, but when he turned his head, Xiao Han quickly looked away, pretending to look down at his phone. Qin Mo thought that he was thinking too much, so he turned back and continued to blow his hair. The atmosphere in the room was a bit ambiguous, and Qin Mo broke the silence: "Go take a shower, you have to catch a plane tomorrow morning, go to bed early after washing."

Xiao Han let out a "hmm", turned and walked to the bathroom. Only then did Qin Mo breathe a sigh of relief. He always felt that the ambiguous atmosphere of the two of them being alone together was too difficult. If this continued, he was afraid that he would be unable to resist turning around... What are you going to do? Kiss Xiao Han? Or just a hug

Qin Mo has always been a person with relatively reserved feelings, and his liking for Xiao Han is also very simple. The two established a solid emotional foundation when they were young, and have regarded each other as the most precious friends for many years, but the time when Xiao Han scolded the newcomer Longyin for him, the two looked at each other in the warm afternoon sun , he saw full trust and understanding from Xiao Han's eyes.

At that moment, he finally realized that he actually liked Xiao Han.

The change of feelings is sometimes unclear, and it is often a sudden heartbeat.

But what to do next, Qin Mo has no experience at all. After all, he has never been in love, and he is not the kind of character to actively pursue. He wanted to get close to Xiao Han, but he was afraid that Xiao Han would be disgusted, and he was thin-skinned and embarrassed to say those nasty words, so he silently hid this feeling in his heart, thinking that he would have a chance to say it again in the future.

It's just that every time I get alone with Xiao Han, my heart beats faster, which is really out of control, and it also makes Qin Mo a little distressed.

When Xiao Han came back from the shower, Qin Mo had already fallen asleep. He was lying flat on the bed covered with a quilt, revealing a slender, fair neck and a clear face. His eyes were closed, and his long and thick eyelashes were projected by the light. The bottom looks like a row of brushes. Xiao Han smiled slightly, walked to the bed and sat down, and asked in a low voice, "Are you asleep?"

Qin Mo didn't fall asleep, and replied lightly: "I have to get up at six o'clock tomorrow to go to the airport, so dry your hair and go to bed early."

"Yeah." Xiao Han had no choice but to quickly dry his hair, lie down on the bed next door, and turn off the light.

In the darkness, even the sound of each other's breathing could be heard. Xiao Han was silent for a moment, unable to fall asleep, and said, "Xiaomo, after visiting the headquarters today, what do you think of the game of Dodgers?"

Qin Mo didn't feel sleepy either, so he chatted along this topic: "The prospect of this game is very good. The officials are very courageous and far-sighted. After the start of the league next year, as soon as the game is broadcast, the popularity will definitely be higher than it is now." High. Moreover, the operation mode of this game will also make the career of e-sports players longer.”

Xiao Han nodded in agreement: "Indeed, there is no need to rush to retire this time." He paused, and then said, "Seeing Xiao Chu today, I feel that time flies, and Cheng Wei's apprentice is already able to take care of himself. "

The professional league alternates between the old and the new. Back then, the two were still the little princes everyone cared for, but now most of the seniors have retired, and many outstanding players in the professional league are their juniors. Cheng Wei is only one year older than them, and has a lively personality. He loved to play with them back then. In a blink of an eye, Cheng Wei's apprentice, Chu Jianxin, was able to serve as the captain of the new team. Time flies, and three years have already passed. People are not.

Qin Mo couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Everyone used to call me Xiaomo and little prince when they saw me, but now they call me Moshen and senior... It feels like I have suddenly been promoted."

Xiao Han stretched out his hand from the bed next door, and gently held Qin Mo's hand: "It's okay, and I will call you Xiaomo. I am older than you, and I will grow old first."

The room was pitch black, and Qin Mo didn't know how Xiao Han held his hand in the darkness, and how he stretched his arm so long, stretched out from the next bed, and touched his bed to hold his hand

—The technique of blind manipulation is also amazing.

He is very familiar with Xiao Han's hands. His slender and strong fingers still have thin calluses left by his fingertips from typing on the keyboard all the year round. In the darkness, his fingers were held gently by him, but Qin Mo didn't pull away, because this feeling was so warm that Qin Mo couldn't bear to let go.

Qin Mo slightly raised the corners of his lips and said, "Yes, you are half a year older than me, Hanshen."

The corners of Xiao Han's lips also curled up, and he said, "This time, we can play games together for many years, and become the veterans of the world together."

Qin Mo nodded: "Okay."

Xiao Han didn't say anything more, but lightly squeezed Qin Mo's hand tightly under the quilt, interlocking his fingers.

The night was as quiet as water, and the two people in the hotel were holding hands, pretending to be calmly chatting, but their heartbeats were already out of rhythm.