The King’s Return

Chapter 133: Cozy little home


Chu Yan hugged the little apprentice for a while, and finally let go of him contentedly, and asked in a low voice, "Are you sleepy? Take a nap?"

Zhu Qingyue nodded: "En."

Chu Yan took Zhu Qingyue to the sofa, flattened the sofa into a small bed, let Zhu Qingyue lie down, and he also lay down himself, picked up the blanket and covered the two of them, and pulled Zhu Qingyue into his arms , said: "Sleep."

Zhu Qingyue leaned on his strong arm, her heart beat a little fast: "I can't sleep."

Chu Yan looked back at him: "Didn't you always sleep like this before?"

Zhu Qingyue blushed slightly: "You were just my master before, and I didn't know you liked me."

Chu Yan stretched out his index finger, bent it, and gently scratched his nose: "Don't worry, Master won't do bad things while you're sleeping."

This intimate action made Zhu Qingyue's cheeks feel hot, and he immediately closed his eyes.

From the age of fifteen to the Qingmu team, he often huddled and slept with his master. There was a familiar warmth in Chu Yan's embrace. Zhu Qingyue closed his eyes to calm down, and gradually fell asleep.

Looking at the young man sleeping peacefully in his arms, Chu Yan raised the corners of his lips slightly.

If I knew Qingyue was so attached to him, he should have confessed when he retired three years ago...

However, Chu Yan did not regret his original decision. Three years ago, Zhu Qingyue was still young, and his psychological endurance was not as good as it is now. Perhaps speaking at that time would only scare him away. In the past three years, Zhu Qing has matured a lot, which also made Chu Yan more aware of his feelings for him. Now that they can stay together, Chu Yan will definitely cherish this hard-won relationship.

Zhu Qingyue slept very deeply this time, but Chu Yan never fell asleep. He kept looking at the young man lying in his arms tenderly, as if he couldn't get enough of it.

When the alarm clock rang at half past two, Zhu Qingyue opened his eyes and found that Chu Yan was looking at him, and said with a smile, "Are you awake?"

The man's voice was gentle and deep, making Zhu Qingyue think that he was still dreaming in a trance. Seeing his stupefied look, Chu Yan stretched out his hand and gently pinched his apprentice's face: "Aren't you awake yet?"

Zhu Qingyue woke up completely, a little embarrassed: "cough... not used to it."

Chu Yan smiled and said: "It's okay, when we live together in the future, you will wake up in my arms every day."

This ambiguous sentence made Zhu Qingyue very embarrassed. He hurriedly lifted the blanket and got out of bed to put on his shoes. Chu Yan followed suit, folded the blanket aside, and thoughtfully poured Zhu Qingyue a glass of warm water: "Drink some water first, The last video will be shot in the afternoon, and it will be over after shooting.”

Zhu Qingyue drank half a glass of warm water and asked, "Do you want to follow?"

Chu Yan said: "I won't go in the afternoon, lest you see that I'm nervous and affect the progress of the filming instead."

Zhu Qingyue smiled slightly: "Well, then I'll go down by myself."

Chu Yan sent the little apprentice to the door, and gave him a gentle hug: "It's cold outside, be careful not to catch a cold."

Zhu Qingyue nodded: "Understood, I'm not a child..."

As expected, Chu Yan did not come for the afternoon shoot, and Zhu Qingyue quickly finished filming the last video in cooperation with the advertising plan.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and the people from the advertising company were very satisfied with the effect of the short film. After showing it to Manager Meng, Meng Ke also thought it was good, so everyone called it a day. Meng Ke took the staff of the advertising company back to the company , Let Zhu Qingyue go back to the club first. Standing at the door of the company, Zhu Qingyue hesitated for a moment, took out his mobile phone and sent Chu Yan a WeChat message: "Master, I'm done shooting, let's go first [smiling]."

The emoji he used was the Little Crying Bag series drawn by his fans, which was a template for the tearful head. The cute big head looked like a soft bun.

Seeing this familiar expression, the corners of Chu Yan's lips raised slightly involuntarily, and immediately replied: "Wait a minute, I'll take you back."

Zhu Qingyue replied: "No need, I'll just take a taxi myself."

Chu Yan said: "Let the boyfriend behave."

Zhu Qingyue: "..."

This reason is simply irresistible!

Zhu Qingyue had no choice but to wait at the exit of the garage with a blushing face.

Chu Yan moved quickly, and a minute later he drove his black Porsche Cayenne to Zhu Qingyue and stopped. This car should have been newly bought by him in the past two years. Although Zhu Qingyue didn't buy a car, he knew it The car is expensive. It seems that after he retired, he went to help the Zhu family's company, and the salary was not bad. Zhu Qingyue was also very happy for him.

Chu Yan took the initiative to get out of the car, opened the door for Zhu Qingyue, let him sit in the supplementary seat, and thoughtfully attached himself to help him fasten his seat belt, and asked, "Are you going back to the club now?"

Zhu Qingyue said: "There is no rush to go back. The team gave me two days off. I was not included in the team battle lineup for these two days. I will continue training with everyone tomorrow."

Chu Yan smiled slightly: "Then I will take you to a place."

After saying that, he returned to the driver's seat, started the car, and turned the car to another street.

Today is cloudy, the sky is gray, but Zhu Qingyue's mood is very clear. Along the way, the scenery outside the car window slid by quickly, Chu Yan didn't speak, and Zhu Qingyue was also silent, but even so, Zhu Qingyue still felt his heart beating faster, and the temperature inside the car kept rising. "Friend" three words, his face burned badly.

— This person is his most respected master, but starting today, he has become his boyfriend.

Seeing Zhu Qingyue lowering his head and thinking about something, Chu Yan couldn't help asking: "What are you thinking about?"

Zhu Qingyue was silent for a moment, then changed the subject and said, "Well, does Manager Meng like you?"

Chu Yan was taken aback, thinking that the young apprentice had heard all the conversations in the corridor yesterday, so he no longer concealed it: "Well, she was my junior in college, but I didn't go back to school during the years when I played e-sports competitions. , when I went back, she had already graduated, and I didn’t have much communication with her during school. We got to know each other after working in Changsha for three years. Three years ago, your uncle just took over as the CEO of the company, and the foundation was not stable. Meng Ke helped him gain a firm foothold in Qingyang Company, probably after working together for a while, she had a good impression of me."

These three years were also the three years when Chu Yan changed his career after retiring. He worked hard in the company with Zhu Ran and Meng Ke, and Zhu Qingyue did not participate in his life at all.

Thinking of this, Zhu Qingyue suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and asked in a low voice: "Then, has she been pursuing you for the past three years? Does she still like you now?"

"No, I made it clear to her a long time ago. She is a good girl, and I don't want to delay her, so I can make her let go as soon as possible. She has given up on me, and now she has a boyfriend who is dating. It's your little girl. Uncle didn't understand the situation, so he was in a hurry to be my matchmaker." Chu Yan explained patiently.

"How did you tell her?" Zhu Qingyue asked curiously.

"I told her that I already have someone in my heart, and it is impossible for me to fall in love with anyone else except that person." Chu Yan smiled slightly, and looked sideways at Zhu Qingyue, "Do you know who that person is?" Zhu Qingyue's heart skipped a beat, and he really said softly, "It's you."

"..." The three simple words were so lethal that Zhu Qingyue's heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Why didn't I find that Chu Yan was so good at coaxing people before? Master really does not leak anything, right


It was not yet the evening rush hour, and there was no traffic jam in the urban area. Chu Yan soon drove the car to a high-end residential area.

The environment of the community is very good, with green trees and colorful flowers. There is a large artificial lake in the middle. On the lake is a musical fountain that keeps changing patterns. Chu Yan drove the car into the community and entered the underground garage, then took Zhu Qingyue to Building 8, took the elevator together to the 28th floor, took out the key to open the door of Room 2801, and let Zhu Qingyue enter the house to have a look.

Zhu Qingyue walked in and took a look, and immediately froze in place—it turned out to be a brand-new rough house that hadn't been renovated at all, the floor was still cement, and the walls were painted original white by the developer.

Chu Yan said: "This is the house I bought in June this year, because I plan to settle down in Changsha in the future, and it happened that this community opened, so I came to pick a three-bedroom, two-living apartment with a better view."

Zhu Qingyue walked around the house and said, "This house has a good layout."

Chu Yan smiled slightly, gently held Zhu Qingyue's hand, and said softly, "Qingyue, when I bought this house, I was thinking, if one day, you can live here?"

Zhu Qingyue was stunned for a while, not knowing how to answer.

Chu Yan went on to say: "Our bedroom can use your favorite light blue curtains; there are two computers in the study room, we can sit together and surf the Internet; the other room can be decorated according to your preferences and made into a pet room. After you retire, we will raise some cute little animals... I didn't dare to expect this at the time, only in my dreams, I dreamed that you lived with me, just like a family."

Hearing his words, Zhu Qingyue's nose suddenly turned sour, and his eyes couldn't help turning red.

Chu Yan said seriously: "Now, I am so happy that you are willing to be with me, I want to give you this house, decorate it to your favorite appearance, and this will be your home from now on. "

Zhu Qingyue choked up and said, "Don't be so nice to me..."

Chu Yan smiled: "You are my favorite baby, I just want to treat you well."

"..." Zhu Qingyue was almost moved to tears, he was really ashamed to bear Master's kindness to him.

Seeing Qingyue's red eyes, and remembering how he shed tears when he was a child, Chu Yan's heart softened. He gently put his arms around the little apprentice's shoulders, and brought Zhu Qingyue to the balcony. Said: "Looking down from here, it happens to be the fountain and flower bed in the middle of the community. The air is very good. I will take you to see it today, and I will go to the decoration company to talk to the designer later. The decoration style of the house is up to you. Decision. Once the league starts next year, you will be very busy. Before the game starts now, I have more time. I want to decorate the house before the Chinese New Year, let it dry out, and we can move into a new home .”

Zhu Qingyue was taken into consideration in Chu Yan's beautiful plans for the future. This is the way a mature man loves someone.

Zhu Qingyue didn't know what to say. He had lived with others since he was ten years old and had no father or mother. Although his uncle and grandpa were very close to him, it was not his home after all. Later, he followed Chu Yan to the Qingmu team, and lived in the team dormitory between the two of them for six years; after leaving Qingmu, he came to Longyin again, and still lived in the team dormitory...

He didn't expect that one day he could own a home.

This home can be decorated in a style that makes him most comfortable according to his preferences, and there is a Chu Yan who loves, protects, and cherishes him.

This feeling was so satisfying and happy that he almost cried out of happiness.

Zhu Qing took a deep breath, suppressed the hot tears welling up in his eyes, looked back at Chu Yan, and said seriously: "Master, I'm not a child anymore, so I can't live in it for nothing. How about this, since you bought a house, the decoration and All the furniture will be paid for by me.”

Chu Yan smiled and said, "It's okay, the money I've earned in the past few years is enough for us..."

"That's different." Zhu Qingyue interrupted him firmly, "Although you are rich, I am an adult with hands and feet, so I cannot let you support me. Mo Jue's salary is not low, and , I didn’t spend much money when I was in Team Qingmu, and I had a lot of savings. Since it’s our new home, I want to decorate it beautifully and comfortably, and buy the best furniture. You’ve already spent a lot of money on buying a house and a car , I will pay for all the expenses of decoration and furniture, so that I can live in it with peace of mind."

The serious little apprentice is so cute, Chu Yan smiled slightly and said: "Well, you have grown up, and you should also contribute to our family."

Hearing the words "our home", Zhu Qingyue felt boundless joy in his heart.

As expected, Chu Yan is the person who knows him best in the world, knowing that he lacks a sense of security, that's why he gave him a home.

He thought that he probably couldn't do without Chu Yan for the rest of his life.


After leaving the community, Chu Yan took Qingyue to a relatively high-end decoration company nearby, found a designer he knew, and said, "Qingyue is in charge of the decoration of the home, you should communicate with him."

The designer was smart enough not to ask too many questions, and asked Zhu Qingyue to sit down in the office and talk about his requirements.

Zhu Qingyue wants to decorate the house in a modern and simple style. The house does not need to be too fancy and luxurious, as long as it is cozy. The walls should be covered with wallpaper, and the style is mainly beige; he wants to change the balcony, and make a tatami in another area, and then set up a coffee table, so that he can drink tea with the master and watch the night view when he is free; a bathtub must be installed in the master bathroom , because he likes to take a bath; the kitchen needs to be refurbished, and he will not be able to go out to eat every day in the future...

Chu Yan was sitting next to him as a shopkeeper, listening to Zhu Qingyue's earnest communication with the designer, he was really moved.

When he bought this house, he thought that it would be perfect if Qingyue could live in it. Without Qingyue, he wasn't even in the mood to decorate a new home by himself. The rough house had been left there, and he only came once in total when collecting the keys. But now that Qingyue agrees to live with him, Chu Yan's heart is also full of anticipation, hoping that this empty rough house can become a warm little home as soon as possible, and become a safe haven for him and Qingyue in this world.

The little apprentice is really careful. He has noticed many things that Chu Yan didn't expect. He wants to remove some non-load-bearing walls to expand the space. He has great ideas about the decoration of the house and communicates with the designer very seriously. Chu Yan can almost imagine that in the warm little home in the future, Qingyue will wear an apron and cook in the kitchen, or sit on the balcony to read and drink tea, or take a bath in the bathroom...

You can also do some more intimate things while taking a bath, so Chu Yan is very supportive of Zhu Qingyue's idea of installing a bathtub.

The more I think about it, the happier I am, and I wish I could move in after the renovation.

Zhu Qingyue didn't want to be too hasty in the decoration of the new home, so he asked the designer a lot of requirements, and the designer wrote them all down, and said that he would make several plans within three days for Zhu Qingyue to choose. Only then was Zhu Qingyue satisfied, and smiled and said thank you. After the two left the decoration company, Zhu Qingyue said excitedly: "Master, let's go to dinner first, I'll treat you to dinner."

He seemed to be in a good mood, and Chu Yan didn't refuse. He had dinner with him at a nearby restaurant, and then drove him back to the club.

After eating, it happened to meet the evening rush hour, and the car could only move forward slowly in the traffic jam, but Zhu Qingyue didn't feel bored at all. All he could think about was the decoration plan of his new home, and he wanted to hang a pair of glasses in the bedroom for a while. After a while, I thought about what books to buy for the bookcase in the study room, whether the color of the cabinet should be light or dark...

When he was speaking seriously, Chu Yan looked at him tenderly, and responded with an "um" from time to time.

The two chatted like this all the way, until it was almost dark when Chu Yan's car finally drove to the gate of Longyin Club.

Seeing the brightly lit club in front of him, Zhu Qingyue realized that he had talked too much along the way, felt a little embarrassed, coughed, and said, "I'm here, thank you for taking me back."

He was about to take off his seat belt when Chu Yan suddenly possessed him and kissed him gently.

Zhu Qingyue was taken aback by the kiss, and a blush suddenly appeared on his cheeks.

The space in the car was small, and he had no choice but to avoid it, so Chu Yan grabbed the back of his head and kissed him happily.

The long kiss made it difficult for Zhu Qingyue to breathe, but Chu Yan refused to stop, so Zhu Qingyue had no choice but to push him gently: "Well... Master, Master... Don't be like this... Mmm..."

Chu Yan mercifully let him go when he was about to suffocate, and said with a smile against his lips: "Master kisses you like this, do you like it?"

"..." Zhu Qingyue blushed, unbuckled his seat belt and ran away from the car.

Chu Yan lowered the car window and watched him walk into the gate of the club with tender eyes, then closed the car window, started the car and left.


Upstairs, Qin Mo, who was drinking coffee by the window, happened to see this scene, and his hand holding the coffee stiffened slightly.

This Porsche is obviously Chu Yan's car. Just now, through the car window, he seemed to see Chu Yan pressing Qingyue on the passenger seat and kissing him for a long time

Is he dazzled