The King’s Return

Chapter 140: the truth


After Qin Mo went back last night, he lay in bed thinking for a long time, and didn't fall asleep until after three o'clock in the morning.

He knew that sooner or later he would have to face the test of his master, and he could no longer continue to escape. Back then, he was still young, and his psychological endurance was very fragile. He was afraid of being sympathetic and pitiful, and he left the e-sports circle in a hurry without telling the truth. Just disappeared inexplicably, Master must have been very disappointed and chilled back then, right

Thinking about it in another way, if Shen He, the little apprentice he cultivated so hard, suddenly announced his retirement one day without explaining the reason, Qin Mo would probably go crazy with anger.

Ling Xuefeng didn't get internally injured by anger back then, because his mental quality was strong enough.

A few days ago, I saw Xiao Han's message when I logged into the Q account, which made Qin Mo suddenly realize that his decision back then was actually immature. He only cared about his own feelings, but ignored the feelings of those who really cared about him and cared about him—especially It was Master Ling Xuefeng. He left without telling his master, disappeared completely, and where did he leave the master who worked so hard to train him

At this moment, facing Ling Xuefeng's deep gaze, Qin Mo's back felt a familiar coolness. He took a deep breath and mustered up his courage. He took out a document that he had prepared a long time ago from his bag, handed it to Ling Xuefeng, and said in a low voice: "Master, please look at this first."

Ling Xuefeng took the materials, which turned out to be a diagnostic case from the Shanghai People's Hospital.

The words on the medical record were shocking. The time was exactly three years ago during the vacation. Qin Mo was involved in a car accident on the expressway and suffered comminuted fractures in both hands...

Ling Xuefeng quickly scanned the case, his face turned livid, and dropped the case on the table with a "slap", stared at Qin Mo, and asked sharply: "So, your hand speed dropped because of a car accident? "

Qin Mo lowered his head and said softly: "Yes." He paused, collected his emotions, and tried to maintain a calm voice, and then said: "After I was discharged from the hospital and returned to the Fengse team, I couldn't play because my fingers didn't recover. For the competition, after I discussed with Team Yan, I promoted some newcomers from the training camp."

"I basically didn't play in that season, and let Xiaoqiu and Xiaoyuan play in rotation. When the season was about to end, Team Yan let me play two games. It was a farewell game... At that time, my fingers were still not in good condition. , I didn’t get good results in those few rounds, and Fengse didn’t make it to the semi-finals in the end, I feel very sorry. You are abroad, and I don’t have the face to explain to you... After the season, I retired in a hurry.”

Qin Mo's voice sounded calm, but the trembling at the end still betrayed his emotions.

The past was told by him himself, as if he had torn open a wound that had healed with difficulty, exposing the bloody flesh inside.

During that time, it was the darkest time in his life for so many years. He was under great pressure from the outside world, from his teammates, and from himself; he wanted to do his best in everything, but his ability was limited after all. , the few players brought out by the Fengse training camp are still very immature, and it is impossible to become a top-notch god in the league all at once. Qin Mo couldn't sleep well every day and every night.

But he just stubbornly doesn't want others to pity him, and he doesn't want to tell others about these things...

If he had revealed all the truth back then, he could have retired in a glorious manner, and those e-sports websites would report the painful fact of Qin Mo’s injury in a car accident in the Fengse team, and earn some fans’ tears by the way, and then use this topic to hype it up , Give him a few praises such as "training with illness" and "firm-willed".

But Qin Mo didn't want to do that. He didn't want to show his wounds in front of everyone, and then accept the comfort and pity of those strangers.

I don't want Master to feel sorry for him...

Maybe the decision back then was indeed ill-considered, but if time went back, Qin Mo would still make the same decision.

He would rather leave with pride than be a poor wretch in people's mouth.

Ling Xuefeng was silent for a moment, and then began to look through the medical records from the beginning, the only sound in the room was the rustling of his fingers flipping through the paper.

The surrounding air seemed to be drawn away, Qin Mo only felt that it was difficult to breathe, almost out of breath.

Finally, Ling Xuefeng stopped and put the case back on the table.

Qin Mo's spirit tensed up instantly, and just when Qin Mo thought he was about to curse, he suddenly put his hands on top of his head and rubbed it gently.

"You... what should I say about you?" Ling Xuefeng's voice was full of helplessness and a hint of pity, "I have guessed that the reason for your retirement was unusual, but I didn't expect that the reason you went through It's so serious."

The eyes of Qin Mo, who was rubbed on the head, immediately turned red, and tears almost burst out of his eyes.

Ling Xuefeng looked very serious, often scolded him, and often made him sit on the bench to reflect on himself, but Qin Mo knew that this master was the best person in the entire Fengse Club for him.

Master trains him as a successor, so the requirements for him are so strict.

Ling Xuefeng taught him all the skills and experience, expecting him to lead the Fengse team to a great result in the professional league, but in the end, let alone inheriting the mantle of his master, he couldn't even continue playing the game. Tian retired and left, and found the opportunity to come back after three years of silence, but he can no longer play Summoner...

Master must be very disappointed, right

Qin Mo didn't know what to say, but his shoulders trembled slightly, as if he was about to cry.

Ling Xuefeng sighed inwardly, stretched out his hands and rubbed his apprentice's head, and said in a low voice: "I came back to you this time, only to get an answer. You owe me this explanation for three full years."

"I'm sorry, master..." Qin Mo's voice choked up, "I didn't inherit the Fengse team, and I didn't go to the Fengse club after I came back this time, because I can no longer play summoner... I changed to swordsman, but the core of Fengse I have always been a summoner, I don't want to go to the Fengse team to change the tactics that have been passed down for so many years, and I don't want to be a supporting role there... I met Xiao Han in an online game by chance, and his team didn't form well, so we We joined forces to form a new team..."

"I don't blame you for this." Ling Xuefeng interrupted him softly, took his hands away from his head, and said with some helplessness: "Master is most disappointed, not because you didn't take over as Fengse's captain, nor because you left Fengse. Set up your own family, but you refused to tell me when you encountered difficulties. You were under so much pressure back then, why didn't you know to tell Master? What do you think of me as Master?"

"..." Qin Mo lowered his head in shame.

It turned out that this was what made Ling Xuefeng most angry. The apprentice didn't explain the reason, didn't ask him for help, but took care of everything on his own. His head was broken and he was bleeding, but he isolated him as a master...

This kind of behavior will really make Master sad, right

"I'm sorry, Master." Qin Mo was at a loss for words and didn't know how to express his guilt and remorse, so he could only apologize to him repeatedly.

"Forget it, you have already said sorry four times." Ling Xuefeng frowned, "Extend your hand and show me."

Qin Mo was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand stiffly in front of him.

The young man's fingers were fair and slender, as beautiful as a hand model. Three years later, the traces of the car accident were no longer visible. It is extremely difficult to recover from a comminuted fracture. Qin Mo has obviously suffered a lot in hiding for the past three years to recuperate from his injuries. Thinking of this, Ling Xuefeng's whole heart ached.

This silly apprentice! Why not tell him

If Qin Mo had told him all this clearly back then, he would have guaranteed that Qin Mo would not be harassed and would retire with peace of mind, and he would not have to train new players at the club with injuries...

The eighteen-year-old boy straightened his back with pride, and foolishly put all the burdens on his immature shoulders...

Thinking of the ordeals he went through back then, Ling Xuefeng's heart ached so much that it was about to explode. He wished he could smash this idiot's head and see what was inside.

Can pride be eaten? Why can't even the master be trusted

Seeing Qin Mo's cautious expression when he stretched out his hand to show him, Ling Xuefeng was really angry and distressed. After a moment of silence, he asked softly, "How is your hand recovering?"

Qin Mo hurriedly replied: "The doctor said that the finger joints can't maintain high-speed movement for a long time, but it's okay to play games for two or three hours."

Probably because he worked very hard and worked hard during the recovery process. His hands looked like normal people, and there was no sign of deformation in the joints. Ling Xuefeng felt relieved and said: "Your hand was injured before, pay attention to it in future training." Combine work and rest, and the intensity of the game should not be too high. You are only 21 years old now, and you still have decades to live, so don't leave any sequelae for playing the game. Do you hear me?"

Qin Mo immediately promised earnestly: "I will pay attention, Master, don't worry."

A look of distress flashed in Ling Xuefeng's deep eyes, and he stretched out his hand to rub Qin Mo's short hair: "The hair you just cut recently?"

Qin Mo blushed slightly in embarrassment: "Uh... I cut it yesterday."

Ling Xuefeng was speechless, just because the master was coming back, why did he go to cut his hair? Did you get scolded for your messy hair when you were a child

Li Cangyu was right. Qin Mo looked proud, but he was actually sensitive and careful. He was really a heart-wrenching guy.

While the two were talking, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Ling Xuefeng who was interrupted raised her eyebrows displeasedly: "Come in!"

Sure enough, the ones who came in were Xiao Han who couldn't wait, and Li Cangyu who followed him helplessly.

The more Xiao Han thought about it outside, the more worried he became. He always felt that Lingshen was going to scold Xiaomo, maybe he would make Xiaomo cry. Unable to let go, Xiao Han bit the bullet and knocked on the door and came in, only to find that Qin Mo's eyes were frighteningly red, and Ling Xuefeng was sitting beside him with a serious face. Xiao Han immediately stepped forward, hugged Qin Mo's shoulder lightly, and asked, "Are you okay? Why are your eyes so red..."

Qin Mo shook his head and said he was fine.

Xiao Han looked back at Ling Xuefeng and said, "Ling Shen, you are a senior and Xiaomo's master, but you can't always scold Xiaomo. To be honest, it was all my idea to bring him to Longyin. He originally The one who wanted to build a team by himself was the one who pulled him over to cooperate with the Dragon Yin Club, so if you want to scold me, scold me!"

Qin Mo tugged at Xiao Han: "Stop talking..."

Xiao Han stood in front of Qin Mo with a defensive posture, glanced at the medical records on the table, and said, "Xiao Mo, have you told him all about it?"

Qin Mo: "Yes."

Xiao Han looked distressed: "Then he still scolds you?!"

Qin Mo hurriedly explained: "He didn't scold me, Xiao Han, shut up quickly."

Xiao Han realized that he had said something wrong, so he immediately shut up.

Ling Xuefeng narrowed her eyes slightly, then glanced sharply at Xiao Han, and said coldly: "Xiao Han, you seem to have a big opinion on me?"

Xiao Han shivered, and said with a dry smile: "No, no, haha, how dare I have any objections to you! Just let the misunderstanding go, Xiaomo respects you so much in my heart, don't keep scolding him..."

Ling Xuefeng frowned: "How can I talk to my apprentice without your consent?"

Xiao Han wanted to cry but had no tears: "I didn't mean that." He looked at Master for help.

Li Cangyu received the distress signal, coughed, and changed the subject: "Is there no one to eat the fruit? Then I will eat it."

Xiao Han then changed the subject: "Master, please eat more, I'll ask for it if it's not enough. Ling Shen also eats two yuan." He handed the fruit to Ling Xuefeng with a flattering expression.

Ling Xuefeng took a bite of the fruit, and the atmosphere in the room finally became more active.

Li Cangyu ate a few pieces of fruit, picked up the case on the table and glanced at it, then looked at Qin Mo and said, "Xiao Mo, Xiao Han also roughly explained your matter to me, in fact, you really don't need to tell yourself Too much pressure, you refused to say it back then, because you were afraid that others would look down on you and pity you if they found out, right? But you have to know, that is the thinking of 'others'. Your master, you can be regarded as 'others' '?" Li Cangyu patted Qin Mo's hand lightly, "Master should be considered one of my family members, right?"

Qin Mo's eyes were sour, and he nodded: "Well..."

Li Cangyu said softly: "Xiaomo, although your master and you are not related by blood, he has always loved you, protected you, and single-handedly raised you. How can this be compared with outsiders? You should have told us when you were injured. , we can give you advice, you don’t have to bear all this alone. In the past few years, your master has been very worried about you... You didn’t tell him what happened back then, and now you don’t tell him when you come back. It's important, your ignorance of him is what chills him the most."

Qin Mo guiltily raised his head to look at his master, meeting Ling Xuefeng's gaze.

Ling Xuefeng said indifferently: "I won't care about the past, let's not take it as an example."

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded immediately.

"Has the team been formed yet?" Ling Xuefeng asked.

Qin Mo hurriedly said: "Well, I switched to playing Swordsman in the new game, and the lineup of the new team happens to be based on the front row attack and field control that I cooperate with Xiao Han as the core."

Ling Xuefeng nodded: "Xiao Han said that you are the captain, can Liu Chuan agree with you, an airborne person, as the captain?"

Xiao Han seriously explained: "That's right, Mo Jue is actually a team founded by Xiao Mo and I. The two of us each contributed a sum of money, accounting for 51% of Mo Jue's shares. Long Yin is only the major shareholder , will not interfere with the internal affairs of the team, Mo Jue is up to the two of us. Even if Xiaomo and I retire in the future, this team can continue to operate."

"Oh? That's not bad." Xiao Han didn't have time to say this just now, Li Cangyu was very relieved when he heard it, "You guys have a lot of ideas, and playing this game can be regarded as starting a business."

Hearing this explanation, Ling Xuefeng felt a lot of comfort in her heart: "Xiaomo, it's not easy for you to come back, don't take the championship too seriously, just relax and enjoy the game."

The words of concern warmed Qin Mo's heart, and he said, "I understand Master."

Ling Xuefeng looked at Xiao Han: "Besides, Xiao Han, you usually help Xiaomo share some of the work, don't make him work too hard."

Xiao Han immediately assured: "Of course! Lingshen can rest assured."

Only then did Ling Xuefeng nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, let's talk after dinner, Xiao Han, send us back."

On the way back, Ling Xuefeng asked some more about the situation of Qin Mo's team, knowing that Zhu Qingyue and Liu Hong were both in the team, although he didn't praise Qin Mo, his expression relaxed a lot.

Li Cangyu praised happily: "As expected of our two apprentices, this team has a luxurious lineup and a promising future."

Xiao Han and Qin Mo drove away after sending Master to the hotel.

Ling Xuefeng returned to the room, stood at the window and watched the car downstairs gradually go away, a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

Li Cangyu came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Does your heart hurt?"

Ling Xuefeng didn't speak, but the distress in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

Li Cangyu sighed softly: "Don't worry, everyone says that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future. Xiaomo has grown a lot after this catastrophe, and now he has the appearance of a captain. I believe that the Mojue team will definitely be able to win in the future." Dubu Jianghu has opened up a whole new world - didn't they just win the martial arts arena champion? I believe that there will be more champions in the future. Xiaohan and Xiaomo will not let us down."

Ling Xuefeng nodded, and after a while, she gently held Li Cangyu's hand and said with a smile, "I believe it too."

—I believe that the two apprentices have grown up and matured, and are able to take charge of their own affairs, and no longer need the protection of the master.

— Qin Mo, if you really feel guilty, then seize this rare opportunity. Master believes that one day, you will make Master proud of you.

[Volume 4 The Return of the King]