The King’s Return

Chapter 149: opening ceremony


The opening ceremony of Dubu Jianghu's first professional league is scheduled for January 30th. Xiao Han and Qin Mo don't want to run back and forth, so they will continue to stay in the hotel in Beijing for these two days.

After the two returned home, they studied the competition schedule carefully, and Xiao Han asked, "Xiao Mo, it will be very hard for you to participate in all these events. Otherwise, why don't you participate in the three-person arena?"

Qin Mo frowned: "The three-person arena alliance requires each team to report to two teams at most, Qingyue is a support, Li Muran is a healer, neither of them are good enough to fight in the ring, if I don't make it, our team will be dissatisfied with the two teams. "

"Then sign up for a team." Xiao Han pointed to the points column on the schedule - in the small events of the first half of the year, you can get points if you reach the top 32 in the singles competition, and you need to score 16 in the doubles competition. Only those who are strong will get points, while in the KOF three-player arena, only points will be awarded if they reach the top eight. The smaller the number of registered teams, the higher the requirement for points.

"Only by entering the top eight in the KOF group arena can you get points. Ten teams will definitely send out very strong teams. Instead of splitting up the masters and dividing them into two teams, we should sign up for a team to fight for the championship with all our strength." Xiao Han said seriously Analyzing, "The champion can have 12 points."

Qin Mo thought about it carefully, and felt that Xiao Han's statement was also reasonable. Except for Mo Jue who assisted Zhu Qingyue and healed Li Muran, the rest of the team, Shen He and Liu Hong are very suitable for the ring. Pei Yu's interference effect in team battles is higher than that of single player PK, and He Beiguang is more inclined to the team Protection, if they are forced to divide into two teams and let Xiao Pei and Xiao He go to the ring, they may not be able to beat the full output teams of other teams. If the grouping situation is not good, they may not even make it to the quarterfinals. But according to Xiao Han's statement, gathering powerful individual output players to fight in the ring can ensure that they will enter the semi-finals and even win the championship.

Seeing Qin Mo thinking seriously, Xiao Han smiled and put his arms around his shoulders, and said softly, "Let me lead the team in the three-player arena. I will take Shen He and Liu Hong to fight, and you will be in that month's time." Rest in the team, and analyze the player characteristics and lineup patterns of other teams by the way, and think about ways to deal with it. You are the captain, and your energy is limited. If you participate in all events, the later team games will be very difficult.”

After Xiao Han said so much, Qin Mo knew very well that he was actually worried about the state of his hands.

The league's schedule is very tight, one event after another, Qin Mo's hands were injured before, and it would be very tiring to participate in all the events.

Xiao Han's concern and thoughtfulness made Qin Mo's heart very warm, and there was no need to be brave in front of him. Thinking of this, Qin Mo nodded and said: "Well, I won't participate in the three-person arena, you come to lead the team, During the period from March to April, I stayed at the club to rest and study the tactics of team battles."

Xiao Han said happily: "Don't worry, I will lead the team to the final."

Of course Qin Mo has confidence in Xiao Han, and this project can be completely handed over to Xiao Han. As for the other individual events, Qin Mo thought for a while and said, "I can participate in the small events in the first half of the year, both the individual competition and the double competition."

Xiao Han agreed: "Of course. The individual competition is relatively easy, and the double competition can be played by the two of us as a team."

Qin Mo asked: "Each team can register up to four groups in the double competition. Tell me, should we, Mo Jue, register for four groups?"

Xiao Han said: "It shouldn't be a problem. Xiao He can team up with Mu Ran, Liu Hong can team up with He Beiguang, and Pei Yu can team up with Qing Yue. What do you think?"

Qin Mo happened to have the same idea, and immediately agreed: "Yes, with this arrangement, each group has a certain chance of winning, try to get as many points as possible."

Shen He's cooldown reduction and Li Muran's cooldown storm doctor match perfectly in terms of rhythm; Liu Hong is a violent output, let He Beiguang protect the front row, and Liu Hong can play more stably; Zhu Qingyue is a god-level support, and Xiao Pei's interference ability Strong, the two can slow down the pace and look for opportunities to kill the opponent.


After agreeing on the player arrangement for the whole year, Qin Mo sent a message to Liu Xiang, asking her about the team members.

Liu Xiang replied that he had already booked a flight ticket to Beijing on the 29th, so Qin Mo felt relieved.

On the afternoon of the 29th, the team leader Liu Xiang brought all Mo Jue to the hotel in Beijing to meet the principal and deputy captains. Qin Mo asked the players to gather in his room, and distributed the player handbook and schedule to everyone.

Shen He looked at the dense project schedule, his eyes were dizzy: "So many projects! I can't even remember the rules..."

Pei Yu next to him reminded: "Actually, it's not difficult to remember. There are five events in total, single player, double player, KOF ring, small group of three and big group of five."

He Beiguang was surprised and said: "You can get points if you enter the top 32 in a single match? Although it's only 1 point, but if you lose a round in a team battle in the later stage, 1 point will be deducted. No matter how small a mosquito is, it's meat!"

Liu Hong said with a smile: "Xiao He is right, we still need to accumulate more points in the early stage, and the accumulation of less will make more."

Qin Mo nodded and said calmly: "So, what I mean is that everyone except Qingyue and Muran will participate in the singles competition. If you can get 1 point, it is 1 point. The main thing is to hone your skills and adapt to the competition. environment of."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Zhu Qingyue asked: "How about other projects?"

Qin Mo said: "I would like to apply for four teams in the doubles competition. Shen He Muran is in the group, Ahong Xiaohe is in the group, Qingyue Xiaopei is in the group, Xiao Han and I are in the group. I will not participate in the KOF three-person competition, and Xiao Han will be in the group. In the cold belt team, Liu Hong and Shen He will follow him to play. The remaining three-member and five-member teams will all participate, and the lineup will be adjusted according to the opponents. Regarding this arrangement, you can feel free to raise any opinions.”

Everyone expressed no opinion, Shen He scratched his head and said: "Other teams in the doubles competition may also apply for many groups, so it seems that the competition is very big!"

Since Mo Jue can report four groups, other teams can naturally report at least 2-3 groups. Moreover, there are many masters in the two-player competition, such as Feng Se's double summoner, Frost Moon's double whip, Qingyu's double umbrella, The piano and flute ensemble of Yulou Chunxiao and so on. It is not easy to reach the top 16 among dozens of groups of players. Qin Mo didn't expect that all four teams of Mo Jue would get points, so just do your best.

Qin Mo said: "Don't put too much pressure on everyone. Try to get points for the small events in the first half of the year. It doesn't matter if you can't get them. The key is the team events in the second half of the year. If you lose a game, you will lose points. We will try our best to ensure that The winning percentage of the league in the second half of the year, so that we can have an advantage in the final annual points ranking."

In fact, small events such as the league schedule are more like welfare events. Each individual event has a good bonus, and participating players can get a lot of rewards. The major events in the second half of the year are the key to determining the team's ranking. No matter how high the points are in the first half of the year, the points will be deducted after losing a few team battles in the second half of the year. The overall ranking of the year must depend on the overall strength of the team.

After discussing the project arrangement, Liu Xiang took the team members to a restaurant booked in advance for dinner, and everyone went back to their rooms to rest.


At seven o'clock in the evening, the alliance sent a message to the leaders of the major teams, asking them to go downstairs to collect their tickets.

When Liu Xiang came downstairs, he happened to meet Chu Jianxin, the captain of Huaxia Club's Dynasty team, who was also getting tickets with the team leader.

Seeing Liu Xiang, Chu Jianxin was obviously taken aback: "Is this Miss Xiang?"

Liu Xiang smiled slightly: "Hi Xiaochu."

When Chu Jianxin debuted, Liu Xiang was already a well-known world-class mistress in the industry. He had just retired last season, so he never expected to see such a great mistress in a hotel!

Chu Jianxin was very puzzled: "Sister Xiang is here to travel in Beijing?"

Liu Xiang winked at him: "I'll get the ticket."

Chu Jianxin opened his eyes wide in surprise: "A ticket for the opening ceremony of Dubu Jianghu?!"

Liu Xiang nodded: "En."

Chu Jianxin was in a mess: "Don't you want to participate in the league of the unique world?"

Liu Xiang smiled and said: "No, my current level is not qualified enough to be a player, I'm just a small team leader." Just as she was in line, the league staff asked politely: "Hi, may I ask who are you?" Team leader, please register on the sign-in sheet."

Liu Xiang stepped forward and signed his name on the "Mo Jue Team" column on the sign-in form.

People around: "..."

My God! Team Mo Jue hired such a famous leader

Many team leaders around were shocked, and a young girl from the team leader ran over and said to Liu Xiang with a blushing face, "Sister Xiang, I'm your fan, can you sign me?"

Liu Xiang didn't refuse, and signed her notebook openly.

Chu Jianxin is in a bad mood—whoever saw the team leader’s autograph? This is the first time in the e-sports circle!

He immediately took out his mobile phone and shared the news with his master: "Master, I saw Liu Xiang at the hotel today, and she is actually the leader of Team Mo Jue!"

Cheng Wei sent a row of exclamation marks: "Really?!!!!!!"

Chu Jianxin said: "That's right, the team leader is such a big name, the Mojue team is really rich and willful!"

Cheng Wei sent a row of emojis patting his shoulders: "Don't be afraid, my good apprentice. The team leader is just the team's logistics manager and can't play games. Xiangxiang can't play to increase blood, you should feel lucky hahaha!"

Chu Jianxin: "..."

What the hell kind of thinking is this? ! The fact that the team leaders are all so famous can only prove that there are even bigger players in Team Mojue, right? !

Too lazy to communicate with the nervous and unreliable master, Chu Jianxin had to return to the hotel room with a shocked mood.


In order to prevent some team members from losing everything, Liu Xiang collected all the tickets together.

Before leaving Changsha, she repeatedly confirmed that all the team members should wear their team uniforms. She brought Qin Mo and Xiao Han's team uniforms, knocked on Qin Mo's door and handed them to him.

Qin Mo asked, "When did you book the flight ticket back?"

Liu Xiang said: "The afternoon of the day after tomorrow, it will probably be very late after the opening ceremony tomorrow, everyone should come back and have a good rest."

She is really careful and reliable in her work, Qin Mo nodded and said: "Sister Xiang has worked hard, you go back to sleep early, and we will meet again tomorrow afternoon."

The opening ceremony started on time at 19:00 on the evening of January 30th. In the afternoon, Liu Xiang took everyone to have dinner in advance, then took a car to the opening ceremony venue, and entered the venue through the ticket check in advance from the backstage player channel.

The professional players will enter the arena according to the team later, and they will sit in the waiting room backstage before the opening ceremony.

The seats for the Mo Jue team are arranged in the third row of the lounge, and next door is the Huaxia Dynasty team. Chu Jianxin met Liu Xiang last night, and was very curious about the other team members of Mo Jue. When Liu Xiang led the Mo Jue team members in, he immediately turned his head to look, and then his eyes widened involuntarily.

I go! Is that Zhu Qingyue

He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. The man was wearing the simple black and white team uniform of the Mo Jue team, with a faint smile on his face—isn't it Zhu Qingyue

The Qingmu team disbanded half a year ago. Unexpectedly, Xiao Han and Qin Mo were so powerful that they even pulled this support god to Mo Jue!

Chu Jianxin took the initiative to stand up and say hello: "Great Master Qing, hello!" Sang Jun and Lin Yao of the Dynasty team also stood up: "Great Master Qing, are you coming to the game too?" "Will you give us a way out?" !"

Zhu Qingyue smiled shyly: "Hello."

At this moment, members of the Fengseyunxiao team also walked in under the leadership of Qiu Zongping, and Yuan Xi immediately opened his mouth so wide that he could almost stuff an egg into it.

Qiu Zongping was obviously taken aback, but as the captain, he maintained his demeanor and walked over pretending to be calm: "Sister Xiang, Great Master Qing, I really didn't expect you two to come back."

Zhou Xuewei came over to say hello politely, while Yuan Xi was still on the spot with her mouth wide open and a dull expression on her face.

Qiu Zongping coughed and looked back at him, Yuan Xi came back to his senses, walked over bravely and said: "So, so many great masters..."

Qin Mo, deputy captain of the Miracle Alliance, Xiao Han, captain of Canglan, Zhu Qingyue, captain of Qingmu, Liu Xiang, captain of Red Fox... Are they all gathered in Team Mojue to scare people to death? !

Many of the contestants from Miracle who made their debut late did not know Liu Hong, but immediately after, the team from Wulin walked into the waiting room.

When Chen Jiang and He Yue brothers and sisters saw Liu Hong, they immediately looked at each other in dismay.

Chen Jiang walked over maintaining his demeanor: "Ah Hong, I didn't expect you to go to Mo Jue after leaving the Guose Tianxiang Club?"

He Yue smiled and said, "Sister Hong, have you moved to the unique world?"

Liu Hong said generously: "Yes, it's great to see you in the arena in the future."

He Yue: "..."

What a ghost! Liu Hong has always been a god-level healer recognized by everyone in the Martial Arts Alliance. Mo Jue has such a powerful healer in charge, it is really like a tiger with wings added.

She never thought that Liu Hong would stop playing healing this time, and actually play output. When she saw him in the arena, she would probably be shocked again.

People from the Lihuo team also came in. Nie Yuzhu had a calm personality. When he saw Liu Hong, he just nodded his head as a greeting, but the other players in their team looked a little bright.

Li Junru and An Ling of the Guose Tianxiang team were very calm when they saw Liu Hong, because they had already guessed that the "three o'clock water" in the new area was Liu Hong, but they were still scared when they saw Liu Xiang and Zhu Qingyue There was a big jump, especially An Ling, whose eyes were wide open, and he couldn't believe that Sister Xiang also ran to Mo Jue.

The contestants on Miracle's side were surprised by Liu Hong's appearance when they saw the martial arts alliance's contestants, and soon gossiped about Liu Hong's identity—Liu Xiang's younger sister, the vice-captain of the Wulin Guose team, and simply left three A handsome girl who left the Guose Tianxiang Club with a million liquidated damages.

Similarly, the Wulin side also gossip about the identities of Liu Xiang and Zhu Qingyue. The former is Captain Red Fox's world-class god milk, and now condescends to be the team leader; the latter is Captain Qing Mu, a world-class support...

In other words, Mo Jue's team actually has five masters, even the team leader is a master, is this going against the sky

The Qingyu team came late today and only entered the lounge at 18:50. When Luo Yuan saw Zhu Qingyue, he was taken aback for a moment, and then stared at Zhu Qingyue with a complicated expression and said nothing.

Zhu Qingyue smiled slightly, and said hello: "Brother."

Everyone: "..."

I have a go! Zhu Qingyue actually has a senior brother? Qingyu Captain Luo Yuan is actually a disciple of Chu Yan

No wonder the double umbrella formation is so weird, it turned out to be guided by an expert.

Luo Yuan frowned, as if a little unhappy: "I told you to come to my team, but if you didn't come, you ended up going to Mo Jue?"

Zhu Qingyue was a little embarrassed: "Before I knew you formed a team, I had already signed a contract with Mo Jue, so I can't break the contract and change jobs."

Luo Yuan also expressed his understanding of this, but he was still a little confused: "Does Master know?"

Zhu Qingyue: "...he knows."

Luo Yuan was puzzled: "Then he didn't say anything?"

Zhu Qingyue blushed slightly: "He said let me do what I want, and he will support me."

Luo Yuan was a bit messy. Shouldn't Master strongly oppose Zhu Qingyue's partnership with Gemini, and strongly urge him to join Qingyu team to form the strongest umbrella formation? He actually said he supported Zhu Qingyue? What happened to Master's brain circuit

Seeing Luo Yuan's troubled expression, Qin Mo expressed sympathy in his heart. He probably didn't know that the junior brother in front of him had become the other half of the master, poor guy.

After a while, the Jinghong team led by Xu Sizhe walked into the waiting room. Because no one from the Jinghong team won the championship in the last ring competition, there were nine team captains in the WeChat private group built by Lin Shuangcheng, and Xu Sizhe happened to be absent. During the pre-match meeting two days ago, Xu Sizhe also walked alone and had no contact with anyone. Most of the captains at the scene were not familiar with him. Xu Sizhe's personality is conceited and conceited. Everyone waited for him to come over to say hello, but he didn't take any action. He glanced at the lounge, and he led the team members to turn around and sit down in the arranged seats, with a look of "I'm too lazy to talk to you" expression.

If he doesn't take the initiative to integrate into this circle, it is naturally impossible for the other captain masters to take the initiative to greet a newcomer who has never met before.

Qin Mo felt a little amused, Xu Sizhe made another serious mistake - if you don't fit into this circle, then you will eventually be excluded from this circle.

Regardless of the Wulin Alliance or the Miracle Alliance, although the masters of each team are fighting to the death in the arena, they have a good relationship in private, and there are also small groups for chatting and gossip, and get along very well. Even if the mortal enemies like Longyin Liu Chuan and Seven Star Grass Xiao Sijing back then were plotting against each other and wished they could pin each other to the ground and whip their corpses a hundred times, they could still drink together after the match and never return home drunk.

This kind of emotion can be understood by everyone in the e-sports circle, because everyone is working hard for a common goal, and there is no deep hatred. They are opponents on the court, and they can make friends after the game.

But Xu Sizhe obviously didn't understand, Qin Mo didn't bother to mention him, and continued to look at the big screen without squinting.

The clock has reached 18:59, and the first opening ceremony is about to begin.