The King’s Return

Chapter 18: Five Elements Sword Array


After finishing off the patrol team, everyone went deep into the valley together.

There is only one path in the long and narrow valley. According to Qin Mo's team, Northern Lights walked in the front to be the main T to pull monsters, and the others followed closely to fight monsters. The little monsters here are easy to fight, but the leader monsters will use range-based group attack skills, and the damage is quite high. Fortunately, Qin Mo arranged the team and treatment in advance, and he and Xiao Han dealt with emergencies according to the circumstances. Everyone went all the way There was no danger, and finally arrived at the first pass after ten minutes.

A dilapidated wooden door appeared in front of it, and there was a guide standing in front of the wooden door. Qin Mo stepped forward to talk to him, and opened the challenge of the first level "Five Elements Sword Formation" in the ruins of Sword God Valley.

The wooden door opened slowly, and a pentagonal square appeared in front of everyone. There were few people here, and the stones were covered with moss. Five swords in gold, green, blue, red, and brown stand on the five corners around the square, representing the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. In the middle of the square sits a gray-haired old man with the name "Sword Crazy" on top of his head. The old man's eyes are closed, and white sword energy flows around his body. Obviously, this old man is the boss of this level.

Feng Qingye said: "The Five Elements Sword Formation has not yet been cleared by a team, it seems that it will be very difficult to fight."

Jinghua Shuiyue was a little confused: "I looked at it, and the five swords all have 50,000 HP, and the Boss has 300,000 HP. Should we fight the sword or the Boss first?"

Qin Mo thought for a while, quickly made a few number marks on the field, and said: "This level may be to eliminate five swords at the same time and then fight the boss in the middle. Let's try this strategy first. I am in position 1 The golden sword is responsible for the golden sword; the 2nd position of Qianli Frozen is responsible for the blue sword; the red sword of Jinghuashuiyue and Northern Lights 3rd position; The auxiliary station is at position 6."

The sword fighting team assigned by Qin Mo happens to be a professional player and an online game player, so that the output of each sword can be balanced, and he and Xiao Han are in charge of a single sword, which can also deal with emergencies in the most flexible way . This distribution method was very thoughtful, and Xiao Han couldn't help but admire Qin Mo's carefulness.

Everyone stood up quickly according to the positions assigned by Qin Mo, and officially started the challenge of the first level.

The Five Elements Sword located at the five corners immediately shone brightly, and connected each other to form a five-pointed star formation. Everyone started to attack the sword in front of them, but as soon as they made a move, a sharp sword cry suddenly sounded in their ears, and the Boss in the middle burst into light, and a white chill instantly covered the entire screen—a loud "boom", ten Everyone fell to the ground!


The whole group was immediately caught in an instant, and everyone was at a loss.

Commander Qin Mo typed calmly: "The method of attacking the Five Elements Sword at the same time won't work. Change the method, and the Northern Lights will open the boss."

He Beiguang immediately typed: "Understood!"

As a professional god T, holding the boss is a piece of cake for him. After everyone was revived, they started to challenge again. He Beiguang actively rushed to the boss with a big knife on his shoulder, raised his hand and slashed at the boss's chest. However, the white-haired old man didn't move at all. Instantly fell to the ground.

Northern Lights, who was tied into a hedgehog, died innocently, and the others had no time to run, and were stabbed to death again by the Five Elements Sword flying around.

—It seems that the sword array that wiped out countless guilds is not that simple.

Qin Mo lowered his head and thought carefully. Attack the surrounding swords, and the Boss will go berserk. When attacking the Boss, the surrounding swords will instantly kill people. In other words, the way to crack this sword array is not a simple output. Since neither the sword nor the boss can attack directly, there is only one possibility—the breakthrough of the sword array lies in the colorful lines between the swords.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo immediately said: "Everyone stand outside the sword formation, Qianli Bingfeng will take a look around the sword formation with me, I will take care of the gold and wood, you will take care of the water, fire and soil, and write down the state of your body." Frozen: "Understood."

This sword formation is unusual, Qin Mo asked everyone to watch first, and he and Xiao Han went to explore the solution to the sword formation, so as not to destroy the group again and again.

With the start of the third challenge, the five swords were all lit up with dazzling lights, and colorful lines quickly appeared between the swords. Qin Mo and Xiao Han turned around the sword array at an extremely fast speed with light kung fu. In one lap, Xiao Han's assassin was faster after using light kung fu, so he bypassed the three swords of water, fire, and earth in just 5 seconds, while Qin Mo bypassed the golden sword and the wooden sword.

Three seconds later, Mohen and Qianli Bingfeng in the sword array were killed by the violent boss again.

The two lay on the ground and began exchanging messages.

Qin Mo typed: "My body is the benefit of shining gold, the source of green wood."

Thousands of miles of ice: "My side is the meaning of flowing water, the heart of fire, and the protection of thick soil."

Qin Mo looked at these states, thought for a while, and said, "It should be related to the principle of the five elements' mutual restraint. Let's try again."

Qianli Frozen: "Okay."

Qin Mo added: "It's too late for the typing meeting, everyone turn on the voice and enter the team room."

Since dungeon land reclamation needs to be adjusted at any time, voice command is the most convenient. Anyway, Xiao Han has already recognized him, and Qin Mo is not worried about his identity being exposed.

Everyone turned on the voice system, and as soon as everyone arrived, they heard a cool and pleasant voice: "From the information obtained so far, the Five Elements Sword cannot attack at the same time, and the boss cannot attack directly. The connection between the Five Elements Sword The line is the breakthrough of the first stage of the sword array, I will try to fight with Bingfeng first, if we can succeed, we will start all over again."

When Xiao Han heard this, he was calm on the surface, but very excited in his heart—because he hadn't heard Qin Mo's voice for three full years!

In my memory, Qin Mo was still young, and his voice was soft because he had just passed the period of changing his voice, but now, as Qin Mo matured, his voice has become more and more flavorful. That unique voice is like a stream flowing in the mountains after the spring rain, with a refreshing breath. The more Xiao Han listened to it, the better it sounded, and he really wanted to record it and relive it over and over again.

At this moment, Qin Mo's voice sounded in his ear again: "Bingfeng, you can strike whichever sword I tell you to strike."

"No problem." Xiao Han typed immediately.

The two returned to the sword formation again. After the connection line appeared, Qin Mo went through the theory of the five elements restraining each other in his mind, and then said: "Lead the state of the source of green wood, and attack the earth sword."

Xiao Han immediately stood in front of the wooden sword for a second, allowing himself to appear in the state of "source of green wood", then jumped to the middle of the square, turned around and threw three strings of daggers in the direction of the wooden sword - with this attack , I saw that the connection between the earth sword and the golden sword suddenly disappeared!

Qin Mo's eyes lit up, and he continued, "Fire Heart, attack the golden sword!"

Xiao Han quickly followed suit, and solved another connection within three seconds.

"The meaning of flowing water, attack the fire sword!"

"Protect of Thick Earth, Attack Water Sword!"

"Great gold, attack the wooden sword!"

Every time Qin Mo finished speaking, Xiao Han immediately completed the task. The two of them commanded and acted together. In just fifteen seconds, all the connections between the five swords disappeared!

At this moment, the white-haired old man who was originally sitting in the middle stood up suddenly, and began to read lines in his mouth: "Oh, there is absolutely no mistake in my cultivation method, why do I have to suffer the pain of breaking my meridians! God! "

There was a loud rumbling sound in his ears, and Qin Mo immediately reacted: "Breaking the formation is just a prelude, and now we are officially fighting the boss. Everyone continue to observe, and Bingfeng and I will take a look at the situation of this boss first."

The Boss' lines are a bit long, and it probably tells about his past when he became obsessed with swordsmanship and the bloody battle that happened in the Sword God Valley that year. After finishing speaking, a "weak" state appeared on his body, and Qin Mo put down the combo of "Sword to the End of the World" and "Sword Rain and Setting Sun" towards Jian Chi. The boss did not take the silent control, but his blood volume dropped to 95%.

At this moment, a green connection line appeared again between the wooden sword and the Boss. With the connection, the Boss' blood volume returned to 100%.

Is this increased blood? Qin Mo immediately said: "In the state of receiving the golden sword, hit the wooden sword!"

Xiao Han immediately followed suit, and the connection disappeared as before.

Next, Qin Mo issued an order, Xiao Han took action, and the two continued to test the boss, and soon figured out the role of the five swords—

The green connection of the wooden sword will increase the blood of the boss; the brown connection of the earth sword will increase the rebound of 800% damage to the boss; the blue connection of the water sword will increase the movement speed of the boss, once it is connected to the boss, it will run around; The golden thread of the sword increases the attack power of the boss by 800%, and after being connected, it will cause extremely high damage by calling and chasing people; the red thread of the fire sword has the most terrifying effect. The boss will use a wide-ranging full-screen big move, and the whole group will lose a lot of blood. It is easy to destroy the group .

After this trial, Qin Mo has already figured out how to play the Five Elements Sword Formation.

The white-haired old man in the middle is the ultimate boss, and the other five swords are used to assist him. Once a connection appears, the opposing side must be used to offset the auxiliary effect. For example, if the fire sword is used to assist the boss to generate a red connection, then go to the water sword to get a state of "flowing water" to attack the fire sword.

After being resurrected again, Qin Mo calmly said: "I'll readjust. The Northern Lights will pull the boss in the middle. The two melee fighters, Hidden Sword and Feng Qingye, just fight the boss. The others stand in front of the five swords. I'm golden and frozen. Red, mirror flower water moon blue sword, firework hot brown, partridge sky green. Healers and assistants should keep a distance of 10 meters from the boss." Following Qin Mo's calm voice, everyone adjusted their positions immediately. Qin Mo emphasized again: "Once the boss is connected to the brown sword, 800% of the damage will rebound. The person who fights the boss will stop immediately after listening to my instructions. Don't mess up when other connections appear. I ask you to fight whichever one you want to fight." , Turn back and output the Boss when you don’t need to fight.”

The young man's voice sounded a little cold, but his commanding style was very decisive and straightforward. Even the professional players of the Dragon Yin Club couldn't help admiring him—after three simple trials, he actually figured out how to fight this sword array

Facts have proved that Qin Mo's ability to analyze dungeons is indeed very strong. After clarifying his thoughts, the next boss battle immediately became smooth.

"Boss stop, Partridge Tian is in good shape to hit the wooden sword!"

"Fireworks scalding water sword!"

"Frozen strike golden sword."

His calm voice kept ringing out on the voice channel. With the clear instructions one after another, the connections that appeared in the square were almost eliminated within three seconds, and the blood volume of the boss kept dropping...

Just when the boss' blood volume dropped to 60%, three consecutive lines suddenly appeared on the field, and the whole group began to lose a lot of blood, and everyone was a little panicked!

And Qin Mo remained calm as before: "Everyone avoid the connection, and the healing speed returns to blood! Ice seals for gold, I hit wood, and firework burns for water sword!"

The correct way of attacking each other caused the three thin lines to disappear one after another, and Xiao Yaoxian hurriedly added blood to them, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The newcomers of the Dragon Yin Club couldn't help but wonder - what kind of brains does this person have? How could the reaction be so fast? When the three connecting lines suddenly appeared and the whole group lost a lot of blood, everyone was a little at a loss, but he immediately analyzed the principle of the five elements' mutual restraint, and issued accurate instructions at the first time.

The dungeon was planned to embarrass the players with multiple connections and the blood loss stage of the whole group, but he was able to easily resolve it.

With Qin Mo, the quick-response commander, in charge, the second stage went smoothly. The speed of the three frequently appearing lines was getting faster and faster, and they were all cracked by Qin Mo at the first time. The boss's blood volume has been suppressed to 20%.

At this moment, all the connections disappeared, and the five swords suddenly began to vibrate violently!

Qin Mo immediately said: "Bosses all stop, the speed of the person standing in front of the five swords is output, and when the sword reaches about 5000 blood, the team channel will hit 1!"

According to his deduction, the five auxiliary swords suddenly began to vibrate violently, which was a precursor to enlarging the rescue of the boss. It is very likely that the five swords' linkage would directly cause the group to be wiped out.

Hearing Qin Mo's calm voice, everyone immediately output the five-element sword with explosive hand speed, but due to the different output speeds, the swords in front of Xiao Han and Qin Mo quickly lost blood, and the two professional players, Partridge Sky and Firework Burn, were 5 seconds late , Jinghuashuiyue was the slowest, Qin Mo ran over to help him hit a few times, after a while, the word 1 appeared one after another on the team channel, and the blood volume of the five swords all dropped to about 5000 points.

Qin Mo said: "Frozen, the red and blue are mine, and the other three are yours, and they will drop in seconds from the last three!"

Qianli Frozen: "Understood."

It is not easy to make all the swords empty at the same time, but Qin Mo believes that with the tacit understanding between Xiao Han and him, this can definitely be done.

After the countdown of three seconds, Qin Mo immediately unleashed two combos of Sword Tianya and Jian Yu Setting Sun. The large-scale group attack just covered the two swords; shoot out. Immediately there was a loud "boom" in everyone's ears, and the five swords fell down at the same time—that is to say, the brain waves of the two of them were synchronized at that moment, and the time difference could hardly be distinguished with the naked eye!

With the disappearance of the five small swords, the unprotected boss once again appeared in a "weak" state, and his defense value plummeted. Everyone immediately turned to the boss, and within half a minute, Jian Chi's blood volume was cleared to 0.

—Congratulations to the team of [Mohen] for taking the lead in clearing the [Five Elements Sword Formation] level in the ruins of Sword God Valley!

—Captain [Ink Mark], team members [Thousands of Miles Frozen], [Mirror Flowers and Water Moon], [Hidden Sword in a Smile], [Wind Green Leaf], [Xiao Yaoxian], [Quietly], [Aurora Borealis], [Firework Burning], [ Partridge day]!

— Unlock the second level "Sword Altar" in the ruins of Sword God Valley!

This news immediately made the players in Telecom District 1 excited!

There is a setting in Dubu Jianghu, if the first boss of the dungeon cannot be killed, the second section of the road will not be open, and the mobs will not be able to farm. But once someone on this server unlocks the first level, the channel of the second level will be open to the whole server. Other players who can't beat the first level can enter the channel of the second level to brush mobs and upgrade.

The world channel began to frantically swiping the screen, and many people were thanking this master named "Mohen" for the benefits brought to everyone.

Even Xiao Han couldn't help sending a thumbs up on the team channel: "Amazing."

He doesn't understand the principles of gold defeating wood and water defeating fire. He only knows that Qin Mo understands these things, and he will never be wrong if he listens to Qin Mo.

I haven't seen him for three years, but Qin Mo is still the same as he remembered, with quick reactions, quick thinking, extraordinary intelligence, and dazzling brilliance...

Xiao Han really wanted to use all the idioms of praise he had learned on Qin Mo.

Seeing the swordsman in white standing calmly in the middle of the square, Xiao Han suddenly couldn't look away.